

Sustainable development

What it means to the society?

What is sustainable development?

How it can be achieved?

Sustainable development is an organising principle for human life on a finite planet. It posits a desirable future state for human societies in which living conditions and resource-use meet human needs without undermining the sustainability of natural systems and the environment, so that future generations may also have their needs met.

What is sustainable


What it means to the society?



V /S

Healthy environment is the key for survival of human beings

Damaging the environment means damaging the health of human beings

Human development is key to survival of humanity

Damaging progress of industries means reducing chances of our survival

Industrialists should think of better waste disposal methods

Management of human consumption is necessary

Forming program and policies to supervise disposal activities and management of resources

Construction on agricultural land must be avoided

No construction on agricultural land mean people have to leave their houses

More areas should be taken under national parks and wildlife sanctuary

Population explosion will lead to overcrowding of planet

Common laws must be established for mother earth and mankind.We should take a step forward to save our plant!!!!

Technology has become a means of survival

We Need To Find A Solution

Belief 4

The issues are too big. Local level action is much more important than all this global stuff. It’s not my problem, nothing I do will make a difference. Governments and international agencies will sort it out

Belief 1

Sustainable development is such a vague concept. Its vagueness gives opportunities for people with many different agenda to interpret it to suit their own interests. It seems meaningless in practice

Belief 2

There’s so much we don’t know and are uncertain about anyway in this world, what difference does it make to subscribe to sustainable development?

Belief 3

Human ingenuity and technology is the key to successful development

Belief 5

Sustainable development’s inherent ethical position is anthropocentric. Humans can’t control everything. I can defend a different ethical position

Sustainable development to us means the collaboration of government, stakeholders, communities and individuals to introduce and implement practical and realistic resource use policies, that safe guards not only the livelihoods and survival of humans but that of the environment for the present and future generations.


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