Page 1: Sustainable Change · 2019-11-13 · You know that you were made for amazing things but just aren't sure how to get started. You know you’re a rock star. You’ve been put on this

Sustainable Change Intentionally create habits that will stick.

By Nina Nelson

Page 2: Sustainable Change · 2019-11-13 · You know that you were made for amazing things but just aren't sure how to get started. You know you’re a rock star. You’ve been put on this


Shalom: Hebrew meaning peace, completeness, wholeness, tranquility, harmony.

Do you ever feel … discontent? Unhappy with life? Wish that there was more to life than cooking and cleaning and doing it all over again every single day? Know that you were made for more, but are convinced that you can’t live it out? At least, not while the kids are at home?

That was me. For years. And then I went down the proverbial rabbit hole and my life hasn’t been the same since. I grew tired of conventional wisdom and its way of over-promising and under-delivering. What started as a more intentional approach to my health has spread into every facet of my life.

Being more intentional has:

Enriched my marriage Improved my mothering Healed my body Helped me lose weight Made me content with what I have Helped me come out of my shell Blessed me with an abundance of meaningful relationships Allowed me to discover what I do in every situation (nurture, improve, invent, teach)

A life well-lived starts with being intentional – with what you eat, do with your time, listen to, own. That’s when your life shifts from one of comfortable complacency to the riveting page-turner that you can’t wait to see unfold.

Intentionality is more than minimalism and sustainability and frugality. It’s more than reducing waste or an holistic approach to health. (Though, those are extremely important).

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Because intentionality leads to questioning. Why am I doing this? It is then that you begin to see that there really is a better way to do life. By questioning, searching, you will begin to unravel the mystery of your life and answer the single-most important question “What is my great purpose?”

I’m in the process of discovering this. Through being intentional about everything I do, I’ve found that my calling is separate from my role as wife and mother. That it is my duty to model to my children a life of passion and intention. Because if we are made in God’s image, to be anything less than extraordinary is simply unacceptable.

I’m here to help you approach life more intentionally and get to the root of what really matters.

But wait, who am I?

Hi, I’m Nina.

That’s not my real name; my brother couldn’t pronounce my name (Cristina) when we were little, so I became Nina. (Thank you, Steven, thank you!)

I love writing and learning and am constantly seeking the truth, which often goes against “conventional wisdom”. I follow Jesus, the ultimate non-conformist.

I love creating new herbal remedies and cooking up tasty, nourishing dishes. My love for babies has taken me through doula training, enrollment in midwifery school, to now, where I’ve realized that the best way to help babies is to empower their mamas to confidence and intentional action.

I’ve been married to Ian, the sexiest man I’ve ever seen, for almost a decade. We have been blessed with 4 adorable children (in a five year span). They bring me joy, frustration, heartache and lots of love. It’s a messy job and I’m grateful to do it.

I’ve decided that I’m not going to be a model of mediocrity to my kids. I’m going to live what I believe, rather than merely telling. And, boy, is that easier said than done. But it’s not impossible. It just takes baby steps; putting one foot in front of the other.

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I originally started Shalom Mama as a creative outlet - a way to escape the mundane of everyday life and get my thoughts out there, so to speak. What it has turned into is a way for me to help other people in my situation. People who desire to live more intentional lives but don't necessarily know where to start or need a little extra nudge. That's where

this book comes in.

The suggestions are very simple, but challenging enough to ignite your creative thinking. By following them, expect to

see yourself head down an amazingly rewarding path. I know I am.

Do I really need to change my habits?

If... You feel like you're stuck in a rut You wake up in the morning, knowing that you’ll be doing the same thing today that you did yesterday, that you’ll probably do tomorrow. It’s like Groundhog day and you’re ready to make some changes. You feel like something is missing Maybe you have a great spouse and great kids and really enjoy the role that you’ve chosen. But you just can’t ignore this nagging feeling that something missing. Something that is undeniably you that benefits this world. You know that you were made for amazing things but just aren't sure how to get started. You know you’re a rock star. You’ve been put on this planet to do great things. Memorable moments will be made. Lives will be changed. You’re just not quite sure where to start.

Taking the steps outlined in this book will be the catalyst for the change you're looking for.

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You can do this, one step at a time.

The best time to do something that you really want to do is yesterday. The second best time is now. Congratulations on taking the first step. I'm a big fan of taking things one step at a time. (And a huge fan of lists - just warning you). I tend to get overwhelmed easily and I find that when big tasks are broken into very small steps that I'm much more likely to follow through and get my desired result. These ideas might seem simple to you, but they work. This is exactly what I have done and I am thrilled with where I’m headed. It doesn’t take huge, extraordinary feats of greatness. It takes intentionality and consistent action.

Good. Now it’s time for the first step.

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1. Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

You may not be where you want to be, but I'm willing to bet that there are many things in your life that you are thankful for. It's hard to feel down with an incredibly grateful heart. One of the most effective ways for lifting your mood is gratitude. If you’re in a bad mood because your husband lost $50 of gas money that you really needed, and you just can’t say thank you for him right now, then start small. (It’s a good preparation for the gratitude you’ll need to express when he finds it in a week, in a tightly crumpled ball in his pocket). You’re grateful for air, right? And food? Like bacon, maybe? Oh yeah. What about puppies or miniature ponies. Ah, yes, be grateful for those. And babies, definitely be grateful for wonderful little babies. Give thanks for the small stuff and then you’ll feel that little shift in your heart toward forgiveness. Now you can give thanks for your partner. And those kids. Open up the floodgates of gratefulness. Now, give thanks for the stuff that drives you crazy. Potty training still not going the way you want it to? Give thanks that he will learn to control his bladder eventually, and that he can walk around dropping poo like a baby deer. My sweet little nephew, Sebastian, gave me so much perspective when he came into this world with Spina Bifida. There are so many things that my kids do that I take for granted. I’m so grateful that they can run around the house like a bunch of mad men.

Give thanks for it all and relish in the joy that you feel as a result. Cultivating this habit will prepare you for the day when you have achieved what you are aiming for. There will be even more to be grateful for then. An open and grateful heart invites success.

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Action steps: Begin each day giving thanks for something. Some days, you’ll find your heart bursting with joy. Others, maybe not. Just start the day giving thanks for what you’re grateful for, no matter how small. Keep a gratitude journal. Seeing everything that you’re grateful for on paper will help you see all of the blessings in your life. It will also serve as a valuable pick-me-up on those days that you feel down. Find a small stone to carry in your pocket. Every time you stick your hand in your pocket and feel this, give thanks for something. Feeling that stone will help cement the new habit and put you in a constant state of gratefulness.

2. Take Care of Yourself

Being intentional about your health is a really crucial step in living an awesome life. It’s really hard to pursue your passions if you feel sluggish and fatigued all the time. You need energy to move forward and that does not come by binging on Doritos and laying on the couch staring at the TV. Switching to a diet of nourishing, whole foods takes some time if you’re used to eating everything from a box, but trust me, your body will thank you! You might even lose some weight.

What does that look like?

Lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Protein from nuts, eggs or chemical-free meat that was fed a diet it was created to eat. Healthy fats like coconut oil and butter from grass-fed cows. And if you’re body can handle grains, eat them in moderation.

Eat when you are hungry and stop eating when you feel satisfied.

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If you feel stuffed after every meal, you’re eating too much. Switch to a smaller plate and wait ten minutes before you go for seconds to be sure you’re still hungry. Avoid food that has been pre-packaged. Taking the time to cook food from scratch will improve your health and leave extra money in the food budget. As for fitness, you don’t have to hit the gym for an hour every day. Fifteen to twenty minutes of exercise that targets the major muscle groups will greatly benefit your body. So will Ashtanga or Vinyasa yoga. And don’t forget to get outside and walk. Take your workouts outside whenever you can and be grateful for the awesome miracle that nature is. Just. Get. Active.

Eating well and exercising aren’t the only things your body needs. You also need to rest. Getting plenty of sleep it key to healing your body and keeping your mind fresh. If you have little ones that wake up at night, nap when they nap. If they don’t nap, institute a quiet time where they play quietly near you while you have a quick snooze (yes, it is possible).

Sleep is crucial for creativity.

Take short breaks during the day every two hours or so to help you stay focused and prevent burnout. Yes, the dishes

can wait fifteen minutes while you sit and have a cup of tea.

And while you’re at it, take some time each week by yourself. You’ll be happier and you’re family will definitely appreciate that.

Action steps: If this is a big change for you, you will definitely need to start with some baby steps. Pick one vegetable and add it to your meals a few times this week. Try another one next week.

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And if there’s a food or beverage that you probably shouldn’t be consuming (ahem, soda), try reducing it by one every few days until you’ve weaned yourself. Get active by taking a walk every day and going to Fit Marriage and trying out one of their free how-to videos. Read what

they have to say about HIITs and take a look at Leo’s fitness routine – that you can do anywhere.

If you’re not in a good sleeping pattern, decide what times would be ideal for you to go to bed and wake up. Then go to bed five minutes earlier and get up five minutes earlier using an alarm. Do this until you’ve reached your target. Soon you will wake up by naturally, feeling refreshed. Remember, baby steps. Congratulations! You’re shaking things up and breaking out of the rut. Now, I want you to push yourself a little further and get out of your comfort zone.

3. Build Meaningful Relationships

We are relational creatures. Doing life alone is not something that we were created for. For me, the biggest identifier of a successful person is not the amount of money in their bank account, but the number of meaningful relationships in their life. The most important thing for me this year (2011) is building relationships – in fact, I even dubbed it The Year of

Building Relationships. I’m serious about this one.

Not only have I focused on building relationships with local friends, but I’ve looked online as well. There are so many people that I admire online and I know that if we lived close to each other, we’d be really good friends. So I’ve made it a point to get out of my comfort mediocrity zone and contact those people. I’ve done it through Twitter, Facebook and commenting on their websites. And I am so glad I’ve done that. I’ve even met some of these awesome people in person. And this year, Ian and I are planning a big road trip so that we can meet more. We want to do life with people who get who we are and what we’re about.

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These new relationships are the direct result of me reaching out and letting them know that I was there, gaining a lot from their information. As for local friends, they’re really important, too. It’s cool to Skype with someone, but sometimes you just want to sit back and have a beer with a friend and shoot the breeze while you watch your kids play. I’ve got a secret, though. They

won’t flock toward you until you make the first move. Unless they’re reading this guide ;).

Everyone is busy and sometimes they just need to a nudge, like being asked out for coffee. And then they need to be invited to dinner. Then you might let them know you’re going to the park and would enjoy their company. Building relationships with others is just like building a new habit – one contact probably won’t get you where you want to go. Consistently take action. Building these relationships will be especially helpful when you hit that point where you want to give up and go back to the way it was before. Don’t. Instead, tell your friends. They’re there to build you up and help you stay accountable.

And you know the saying, “It’s not what you know, but who you know”? It’s true. Linking arms with others and helping each other will catapult you both toward success and a life where you live

your passion every day.

Action Step: Who do you admire? Whose writing inspires you or makes you laugh? Surely there’s someone out there that’s made you say, “I bet we would be great friends if we knew each other!” Well, contact them. Send an email or tweet and let them know that you appreciate what they do.

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If they have a blog, leave helpful comments so that they begin to recognize you. Retweet their stuff on twitter. Share it on Facebook. Be helpful – not annoying. Connect with someone today that motivates and inspires you.

Locally, think of people you know that you’d like to get to know better. It could be from church, work or library story time. Approach them and ask if they’d like to join you for coffee. Then, find out more about them. Make it about them, not about you. If you have a hard time with that kind of stuff, check out Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and

Influence People. This is a must read if you ever want to interact with anyone, anywhere.

4. Create Something Every Day

Creativity is a wonderful thing. The more creative you are, the more creative you become. When you intentionally apply your creativity every day, you find that it becomes easier and easier to do. And what good does that do? It opens your brain up to more creative solutions. You begin looking at things and thinking, “Hmmm, I think there is a better way.” Creating on a consistent basis will also help your focus. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to check your email or read a new website without jumping over to Facebook and then another website? When you create something that you really enjoy, be it writing, painting or making something with your hands, you naturally focus on what you are doing because you love it. Creating this habit will help you to focus in other areas of life, too, allowing you to be more productive and less frazzled.

Tapping into my creativity gave me a new appreciation for who I was – created in the image of a highly-imaginative God. I have this amazing ability to create something beautiful, to bring something delightful to the world. That is such an

awesome gift. Even better than creating something lovely is giving it to someone else and enjoying their delight in it.

One evening, I invited my Grandma over for dinner. Wanting to make it something special, I created a name card for her at the place she was sitting at. It had her name, written beautifully (well, I tried anyway) and the meaning of her name underneath it. She was so touched by that simple gesture that she still has it on her fridge and talks about it when we go


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Creativity is important. Not only for you, but others as well.

Action Step: You’re not creative you say? Well, I wasn’t either. Start with a drawing - my favorite is sketching a layout of my tiny dream house. Maybe you have a blog and want to write more regularly – this could be a profitable habit. Or you could paint, crochet, cook, sew, build, design, anything. Take a cooking or pottery class. The possibilities are endless. When you find something you love to do, keep doing it. And then find a way to use your creativity to benefit someone else. Just start today and make a point to create something every day, no matter how small.

5. Simplify Your Life

Clutter is counter-productive. I can’t stress this enough. That’s why it needs to go away. Have you ever tackled a really messy room and then smiled triumphantly at the peaceful, organized space that you created? How do you feel the next day after the kids or your husband has gone through and left their mark? It’s a bit

defeating and discouraging, isn’t it?

You can get rid of those feelings and the constant battle against the mess by minimizing your possessions. Get rid of the stuff that has taken over your life and say hello to a place that takes little time to clean, giving you the freedom to pursue your passion.

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I first did this a couple years ago and got rid of half our stuff. In subsequent minimizing binges, I’ve gotten rid of more and more, feeling lighter every time. For a while, my husband was very skeptical, but after our last move he’s definitely on board with minimizing our possessions.

Everyone has unique reasons for embracing a life of voluntary simplicity. Here are a few of mine:

Easy cleaning

The other night, I walked through my house and looked around. There was a pile of dirty dishes to be cleaned, the kitchen was a mess, and I think the kids had all conspired to see how many of the 1300 square feet they could cover with clothing. It was enough to drive me to hide under my covers.

Instead, I pulled out my iPod, selected a great podcast and pushed play. Rolling up my sleeves, I told the kids it was time to clean up the playroom and then I went to work, room by room. Less than thirty minutes later, I had a dishwasher full of clean dishes, a clean kitchen and a very tidy house. Ahhh. No more chaos.


When I walk into a cluttered space, my muscles tense and I hold my breath. I feel anxious, ready to leave and just can’t relax. My home used to feel like this. I spent as much time out of my house as possible; usually shopping and bringing even more clutter into the space.

Since clearing the clutter, one of my favorite things to do is curl up in my big comfy chair with a book and a cup of tea, enjoying the heat of the woodstove. My home is now free of those things that make me feel the need to escape.

Living more with less

Getting rid of stuff is only part of the equation. Voluntary simplicity leads to questioning. Why do I have all of this stuff? Why do I keep myself and my kids so busy with outside commitments? How does what I eat affect my health? Is everything I’ve been told really truth? I feel like I’ve woken up since I started down this path.

Everything about my life has become simpler, from the amount of possessions I own, to my healthcare, to my faith. My life becomes even more abundant with every burden shed. One step leads to another and I can just so feel God in every bit of it.

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Simplify your life so that you can live. Yeah. That’s it.

Action Steps:

Start with one room. Go into it with a trashcan and two boxes, one labeled give and the other keep. If this is too daunting, start with your desk or a kitchen drawer. Begin sorting items into the boxes. If there are some things that you’re just not sure of, you could put them in a maybe box for 6 months and get rid of them if you haven’t used them. Though, I tend to go by the “if I don’t

love it, I don’t need it,” rule.

Repeat the cycle with other rooms on other days - or devote a whole day to doing this. Then have a yard sale or make a trip to your local thrift store to donate it. The key is to get rid of items that you don’t need. What you’re left with is a clear, organized space that doesn’t need to be cleaned constantly. If you need more help, or want to move on to other areas of your life, I highly suggest two books. Leo Babauta’s book, The Simple Guide to a Minimalist Life, covers clearing everything from your living room to your computer desktop. Dusti Arab’s book, The Minimalist Mom, approaches clearing the clutter from a mom’s perspective. Both are clever and inspiring. Ok, you’re on the right track. You are taking action and moving forward. The steps taken so far have given your brain and body the kick start they needed to work better. You’ve already begun changing your life. Now it’s time to ramp it up.

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6. Begin Seeking Out Your Calling

When I began really seeking out my purpose, I discovered that it was much simpler than I had made it out to be. (Remember though, simple doesn’t equal easy). I found that the questions I was trying to answer were ones I already had. They were hidden in memories, tucked away in events or compliments that I tried to shake off, but were really meaningful. I found them in the talents I had taken for granted and traits that I had learned to disdain. My desires were also a big part of it. There’s an awesome quote that says, “What you most want to do is what you ought to do.” And I believe it. I have always had the desire to take care of others and have always found myself saying, “There has to be a better way.” And I just can’t stop myself from telling people what I learn, or taking that knowledge and creating something new and useful with it. The thing about your calling is that it can manifest itself in many, many ways. It’s discovering who you are, not what job you should have or business you should build. When you have an idea of who you are and what you love to do in every situation, you can apply that to any role you choose. For instance, after much introspection and prayer, I realized that there is an overall theme in my life. I was trying to pinpoint that one thing that I should be doing and saw that there wasn’t just one thing. I’m passionate about many things, and they all converge on the common themes of wellness and going deeper to the root of the problem. And when I approach those things, what I do naturally is nurture, improve, invent and teach. I want to live out my calling through my writing, because it’s something I love to do. As I pursue it, with the intention of using it to nurture, improve, invent and teach, opportunities are presenting themselves to make it profitable. Someday, I see myself doing these things as a midwife as well, a desire that’s been on my heart since I was a little girl. These things make me come alive and that’s what this world really needs.

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Action Steps:

First, write down the desires of your heart. What do you love to do? Even if it’s something that you think is small and insignificant. What have you always wanted to do? What do you always find yourself doing? Do you see a common thread in the things that bring you joy. Next, take some time alone to pray and think through these. Overnight is best. And it’s a good idea to do it on more than one occasion. Intentional introspection and questioning are essential in this process. Seek. Ask. Knock. Repeat. Get It’s Your Call by Gary Barkalow, the master of helping people discover your calling. His book is available online or could be in your local or church library. I went through his Calling course in the Free Agent Academy, and it was the best investment I have ever made. Gary has been blessed with awesome insight into helping people discover what makes them tick.

This part of the process takes a lot of introspection. Intentionally looking into yourself is a big deal and I invite you to take your time doing it. Don’t brush over this step lightly, but don’t get hung up on it either. You can move forward while continually looking inward.

7. Fill Your Mind With Positive,

Uplifting Information

Do you ever feel great after sitting through a news broadcast that lets you know what a sad state this world is in? Neither

do I.

My desire to live an awesome life is a direct result of the positive and inspirational information I choose to put in my

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head. Books. Podcasts. Blogs. Documentaries. All of these have the potential to build you up, inspire you and point you in

the direction you need to go.

Much of my journey started with listening to Dave Ramsey. I desperately wanted to stay at home with my kids and I knew that the only way to do that was reduce our budget and pay off our debt. In the course of listening to his radio show, I heard him mention his buddy Dan Miller a few times. I started listening to him and I was hooked. This guy makes

a (very good) living at doing what he loves to do.

It was from Dan that I learned about Justin Lukasavige, a friend who has opened my world to the stories of several people doing what they love to do and making a difference at the same time. The momentum that my life has gained is directly correlated with what information I have chosen to allow into my brain.

I have a list of resources that I use to encourage and inspire me. These people are living what they teach and spur me to action with their experience and authenticity. Making their advice a part of my life, has resulted in some pretty dramatic

changes for me.

However, I’ve learned to take a minimalist approach to this as well. The web is full of wonderful information. You could spend your days reading and listening and never doing a damn thing to change. We don’t want that. Action needs to be the result of this learning – those people you listen to would be quick to agree. It’s important to find that information that inspires you to action, but it’s equally important to narrow it down to a list that won’t consume all of your time as you go

through it.

Action Step:

Choose a book to read - or listen to. And find a podcast that will inspire you. I highly recommend A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller. This book and the Storyline Conference that Don put on changed my life. Find it and read it. Justin Lukasavige’s Your Story podcast series have been a tremendous source of inspiration for me.

Before you do that, though, go visit The NonConformist Family and sign up for their newsletter to get their free manifesto, Be Awesome People. Josh and his adorable family are making changes and pursuing their dreams. They’re going places and all they did was identify what they want their lives to look like take action. And they’re doing it on about

$2000. If that doesn’t inspire you, I don’t know what will.

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For more suggestions, read the list at the end of this guide.

8. Envision the Life You Want Man becomes what he thinks about most. Are you always thinking about how broke you are or how nothing ever goes your way or that you’ll never get the life you want? Guess what? You won’t if you keep thinking like that. It’s time to change your thinking. Envision what you want. If you could write the story of your life exactly as you would want it, what would you say? You are writing the story. And by reading this and taking action, you’re changing what it says for the better. Ian and I have realized this and I’m glad that we’ve realized it together. For years, we went along in a state of comfortable misery. His job made just enough for us to get by and we couldn’t see any other way for him to use his skills to get something better. It was a constant source of stress and badness. Recently, he realized that it was not a place he needed to be anymore. Actually, it was more like God hit him in the head with a 2x4 and woke him up. He quit his job and we are 100% on the same page about using free agency to create the life we want to live – one of adventure and passion that inspires and helps others.

We know that we are going to make it. We can see it. I can’t tell you the exact path, but I can tell you that it’s going to happen. Because we have faith that it will. There have been many instances of us focusing on what we want and getting it (sometimes miraculously). This instance is no different.

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Sometimes the greatest action that needs to be taken is inward. When you believe that you are capable of making changes and see yourself pursuing a meaningful life that reaches beyond yourself, you have completed the most difficult, most important step.

Action Step:

Get comfy in a chair and close your eyes. Now it’s time to do some dreaming. Picture the life that you want. Are you fit? Do you spend lots of time with family and friends? Are you making a good income? Are you doing something that fulfills you and makes a positive impact on this world? Got it? Ok, now open your eyes and get ready to write. At the top of the page, put the words, “I am so happy and grateful now

that...” and write down what you envisioned.

Use the present tense. “I exercise six days a week.” “I only eat food that is nourishing.” “I make money easily and consistently.” “I make a positive impact on this world by ________.” While you’re writing the list out, imagine that it’s already happened and feel how awesome you’re going to feel when it does. See it in your mind and feel it in your heart.

It will happen.

9. Invest In Yourself You are your greatest asset. Investing in your continued learning and development is a wise move that will yield amazing dividends. This may mean looking into college courses, but I prefer less conventional ways. You can gain an incredible wealth of information just by reading five books on a subject – making you an expert. I also suggest checking out magazines pertinent to what you want to learn. If you can, I highly suggest attending conferences. I attended Don Miller’s Storyline conference, and frankly, had no idea what it was about. I was going because I knew that Dan Miller, Justin Lukasavige and Kevin Miller were going to be

Page 20: Sustainable Change · 2019-11-13 · You know that you were made for amazing things but just aren't sure how to get started. You know you’re a rock star. You’ve been put on this

there. And I REALLY wanted to meet them. So I did. (Yeah, that was a huge step out of my comfort zone, but SO worth it). That was a major turning point in my life.

Membership sites are also incredibly helpful. Ian and I are members at Free Agent Academy, an online community run by Kevin Miller devoted to helping people to pursue their calling and be profitable at the same time. The first course is

Calling, and as I mentioned earlier, that alone is worth the cost of admission.

Not all membership sites cost money. There are many forums out there that will help you learn and grow. A few of my favorites are Mothering and 48Days. These are some really

different topic areas, but I want to grow in every area of my life.

I also invest in myself by seeking out other people who will mentor me as I grow. Two of those people are Josh Gordon and Dusti Arab. Since meeting these people and asking for their help, I have grown far more than I could have by myself. Don’t let price stop you if it’s an obstacle. I’ve been able to barter with both Josh and Dusti, providing them with tremendous value myself.

Connect with people who are doing things the way you want to be doing and learn from them. Read the information that they suggest and pull out what is most meaningful for you. Keep learning. Keep growing.

Action Step:

Create a budget for investing in yourself. It could be small – the price of one book or magazine per month. You could even go with free material from the library if you’re on a tight budget (or a minimalist ;)) but I suggest finding something

Page 21: Sustainable Change · 2019-11-13 · You know that you were made for amazing things but just aren't sure how to get started. You know you’re a rock star. You’ve been put on this

that will cost you something. Putting up some cash will make it more valuable to you, making it more likely that you’ll

follow through. If the budget is small, than I highly suggest saving it up and attending a conference.

There you have it, how to change your life in 9 simple steps. Wow, it’s over already! These were really simple suggestions, but I promise that by doing them you will see positive change in your life. And I would love to hear about it. Please contact me or tweet me on Twitter. Remember, you want to take it one step at a time. I know it’s tempting to just run out there and try to do everything tomorrow. Don’t. That will just set you up for disappointment. Just keep trying and if you have a bad day, do it right tomorrow. It takes time for these new habits to cement themselves into your life.

Rome wasn't built in a day. But eventually, it was finished, and it was magnificent.

Page 22: Sustainable Change · 2019-11-13 · You know that you were made for amazing things but just aren't sure how to get started. You know you’re a rock star. You’ve been put on this


This is a short list of websites that have helped spur me forward – some of these are affiliate links, most are not.

My Blogroll

Art of Nonconformity - Los Manifestos are a must read

Zen Habits

The NonConformist Family

Rowdy Kittens

DIY Natural

Passionate Homemaking

Walk Slowly, Live Wildly

Zero Waste Home

The Nonconsumer Advocate

Favorite Books

The Art of Nonconformity by Chris Guillebeau

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

No More Dreaded Mondays by Dan Miller

Page 23: Sustainable Change · 2019-11-13 · You know that you were made for amazing things but just aren't sure how to get started. You know you’re a rock star. You’ve been put on this

The Minimalist Mom by Dusti Arab

The Simple Guide to a Minimalist Life by Leo Babauta

It’s Your Call by Gary Barkelow

Membership Sites I Enjoy Free Agent Academy

Need a Topic – A great resource for bloggers



Podcasts I Can’t Stop Listening To

48 Days

Coach Radio – I particularly love the Your Story ones

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