
Sustainability Project Proposal: Using Effective Microorganism (EM) Mud Ball to Highlight Water Quality Issues for Conservation

ByWan Ahmad Azimi Bin Wan Azmin815726

Tanjung Sepat is a small coastal town located in the district of Kuala Langat, which is in the south of Selangor state. The majority of economic activity that took place in 1970s was more to fisheries, but has been declined due to the pollution in the water (Cheong et al, 2011). Due to the agricultural runoff into the rivers from pig farms and palm estates, the water quality in the rivers that feed to the Malacca Strait has drastically affected the livelihoods of the fishermen and the local residents that made complaints about the foul smell in the area (Malaysiakini, 2011a & 2011b). To counter this issue, this project proposes to use effective microorganism (EM) mud ball method to study on the following aspects: i) the effectiveness of using this technique; ii) teaching students on water quality testing and monitoring on before, during, and after the throwing of EM mud ball into the river; and iii) using the data to recommend river cleanup with using EM mud ball. The costing of this project will cover on purchasing the following items: i) water quality testing kits; ii) purchase of EM1 to make mud balls; iii) rice bran; iv) Styrofoam boxes to contain the mud balls for 1 week; and v) stationaries. Additional expenditures will be included further in the progress report. The duration of this project will be conducted within the months of January and February 2014, which the water quality testing & monitoring will take place on dry weather. Hence, the data collection on water quality testing may be affected by change in unexpected weather pattern. Hypothetical outcome from this project would focus on the changes in water quality, students applying their knowledge on water via the monitoring tests, reduction in slime and sludge in the river, and bring restored faith to fisheries economy in the area. Lastly, this project deals with the fact that environmental stewardship can prove that education is the greatest tool in conservation and preservation for a sustainable future.

Reference:Cheong, Y. M. G., Har, C. L., Lee, J. X., Lim, S. Y., Lam, C. N., Oh, W. H., Sia, S. Z., Tan, And C. K.. (2011). Name of New Village: Tanjung Sepat, Selangor. Utar New Village Community Project Report. Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. Retrieved 28 November 2013, From Http://Www.Utar.Edu.My/Dssc/File/Tanjung%20sepat,%20selangor.Pdf.

EM Research Organization. (2013). How to make EM Mudballs. Retrieved 28 November, 2013, from

MG EcoTech Group. (2012). EM1. Retrieved 28 November, 2013, from

Malaysiakini. (2011a). Smelling Tanjung Sepat. YouTube. Retrieved 28 November, 2013, from

Malaysiakini. (2011b). Whichever way the wind blows, Tg.Sepat reeks. YouTube. Retrieved 28 November, 2013, from

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