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Page 2: Survey

In my first question of the survey the majority of people liked reading the gossip genre of magazines. However overall the amount of answers for each option were quite close and each of the magazines options got a very similar amount of votes so this question doesn’t help my research very much. Nevertheless 28% of the people that answered my survey chose the music magazine genre.

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The age groups that answered my survey were 16-20 and 30+ this is helpful for my research as the magazine I am going to produce is going to be aimed at 16-24 year olds. Therefore I know that the information that I get from this survey will be from the age group that I am creating the magazine for so it will be helpful for this process.

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In my 3rd question I asked a question which was more specific to one of the magazine genre’s by asking what music genre they like listening to. The 42.3% of people said Indie Rock. However the music genre I have decided to focus on is Rap and Hip Hop I have combined both of these together as they are very close and similar in the music industry so altogether 32.1% of people voted for the music genre I am going to focus on. This will also be helpful for my process.

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I then went to ask why the audience buy a magazine. 53.6% of the people that answered my survey went for entertainment. This information will help me to decide what to include in my magazine. Also 42.9% of the answers were towards the gossip so I will make sure that my magazine includes both of these things as it will help to make my magazine interesting for the age group I am aiming my magazine at.

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The main image with 37.9% and name of magazine with 34.5% are the main things that grab peoples attention to buy a magazine. So therefore I will ensure that I take a large collection of images for my front cover and make sure that the most suitable one that will go with the magazine. Also I am making sure that the name of my magazine will be interesting but easy to remember then the magazine will be able to be well known and get popular.

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By asking how often the audience will buy a magazine this has given me the information and will help me to decide the frequency of the publication.

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Although it is mainly women that have answered my survey I have decided to do my magazine to be aimed at males as the majority of my other answers in my survey have made me decide to do a masculine based magazine. However females may also be interested in buying this magazine but my target audience is males.

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This research shows me that 89.3% of the people that answered my survey are White (British). This tells me that the majority of my results from this survey altogether are from the White (British) ethnicity. However I have 3.6% of Asian (Indian), Asian (Pakistani), Black (British), Mixed (other) and 2 more others. Therefore this also shows me that 11.7% of my magazine research is from mixed ethnicity's.

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In the results for this question it shows me that people read other peoples magazines more than they buy their own.

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The results for this question clearly shows that 65.5% of people want to spend £1-£2.99 on a magazine. Therefore I will aim to make my magazine this reasonably priced.

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