
Supporting the EU Pact on Drug Trafficking: Cocaine & Heroin European Criminal Record Information System I intend to make use of the prerogatives of the Commission to uphold, within our field of competence, our shared values, the rule of law and fundamental rights, while taking due account of the diversity of constitutional and cultural traditions of the 28 Member States President Juncker EU Commission Analyse bulk criminal record data from across the EU to map drug trafficking. Specifically focusing on mapping Heroin and Cocaine trafficking routes within the EU. EU funded project. The EPDT Project Overview Project Objectives The project has three key objectives: 1.Evaluate how criminal records across the EU can be utilised to support an EU Pact on international drug trafficking. 2.Develop an IT Tool that enables analysis of criminal records to continue once the project expires. 3. Identify how existing co-operation mechanisms can be enhanced by to combat international drug trafficking. Work Streams The project has two main work streams: 1.Research and Analysis of criminal records data to identify international drug trafficking trends. 2. Implement an IT capability to efficiently extract offence and conviction data from ACRO systems. Co-beneficiaries EPDT is currently being driven by 4 countries: How does the Project work? Data Analysis Questionnaire Summary of Key Questions: Do you record offence location? Do you record specific offence information? Can you export your criminal record information? Phase 1 Data: ECRIS ECRIS Data for the 5 Common Crime Categories for Drug Convictions: 1.Offences related to drugs or precursors, and other offences against public health. 2.Offences related to illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors not exclusively for own personal consumption. 3.Illicit consumption of drugs and their acquisition, possession, manufacture or production exclusively for own personal consumption. 4.Aiding or inciting others to use narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances illicitly. 5.The manufacture or production of narcotic drugs not exclusively for personal consumption. Notifications Out Data Request Heading Example Notifications sent by (Insert your country) to EU MS for drug offences in 2013: Number of notifications Sent ToECRIS code Title of ECRIS category 6GB Offences related to drugs or precursors, and other offences against public health 2LV PL AT ES TOTAL FR Offences related to illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors not exclusively for own personal consumption 10PL FI GB LV TOTAL FR Illicit consumption of drugs and their acquisition, possession, manufacture or production exclusively for own personal consumption 36GB LV TOTAL LV Manufacture or production of narcotic drugs not exclusively for personal consumption 1GB TOTAL - 3 TOTAL (ALL CATEGORIES) - 109 Analysis UK ECRIS Statistics 65,000 Notifications Out in total 8,000 notification offences (5 Drug Categories) 2,000 notification offences relate to \\\\ Cocaine and Heroin What Next? What do the EPDT Team need? Your Help Member State ECRIS Contacts Cocaine and Heroin Conviction Data Summary The project will analyse and share drug trafficking results with co-beneficiaries. The development of the IT analysis tool will enable co- beneficiaries to conduct their own analysis of criminal record data. Exchange your contact details with the EPDT Team. Provide the EPDT project with ECRIS Data. Funding to assist co-beneficiaries with data extraction. Questions? Heroin Trafficking Route *UN Office on Drugs and Crime World Drug Report 2010

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