Page 1: Supply Chain Experts are in Demand

Supply Chain Experts Are in DemandJuly 2013

Page 2: Supply Chain Experts are in Demand

Copyright 2013 JDA Software Group, Inc. - CONFIDENTIAL

• The Hot New M.B.A.: Supply-Chain Management The Wall Street Journal Online

• If You are in Supply Chain, You Made a Smart Career ChoiceSupply Chain Digest

• Unlocking Supply-Chain TalentSupply Chain Brain Video

Supply Chain Experts Are in Demand


According to several recent articles and videossupply chain experts are in demand.

Page 3: Supply Chain Experts are in Demand

Copyright 2013 JDA Software Group, Inc. - CONFIDENTIAL

• “With global operations becoming more complex, companies in manufacturing, retail and technology - and the consulting firms that service them - are scrambling to hire people with supply chain expertise. But these experts are hard to come by.”

Supply Chain Experts “Hard to Come By”


Page 4: Supply Chain Experts are in Demand

Copyright 2013 JDA Software Group, Inc. - CONFIDENTIAL

• “Supply-chain management has moved from a ‘necessary evil’ to ‘a core competency’ at companies across industries, says Rick Blasgen, president and chief executive of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, an industry group.”

Supply Chain Experts “A Core Competency”


Page 5: Supply Chain Experts are in Demand

Copyright 2013 JDA Software Group, Inc. - CONFIDENTIAL

• “We've said it many times before, but if there is a better career path right now than supply chain, we're not sure what it is, other than maybe fracking engineer.”

• “’…with global operations becoming more complex, companies in manufacturing, retail and technology - and the consulting firms that service them - are scrambling to hire people with supply chain expertise. But these experts are hard to come by.’“

• And this is far from a US-only phenomenon. At MIT's SCALE program in Malaysia, graduates this year had 1.9 job offers on average and their outgoing to incoming salaries increased by 250%.

Supply Chain Experts “Hard to Come By”

Page 6: Supply Chain Experts are in Demand

Copyright 2013 JDA Software Group, Inc. - CONFIDENTIAL

• “…supply chain management has simply risen rapidly in terms of recognition of its role in overall company success. Globalization, virtualization, regulation and other factors are increasing supply chain complexity - resulting in the need for more and better talent.”

Complex Supply Chains “Need for More and Better Talent”


Page 7: Supply Chain Experts are in Demand

Copyright 2013 JDA Software Group, Inc. - CONFIDENTIAL

• “When people talk about the crisis or the supply chain talent shortage, I do think that there is definitely a sense of scarcity and in supply chain programs that are graduating Bachelor degree students and also MBAs and PhDs there’s 100% placement for these students so it’s very competitive for companies that are looking for qualified supply chain graduates.”

Supply Chain Talent“Very Competitive”


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Copyright 2013 JDA Software Group, Inc. - CONFIDENTIAL 8

JDA Cloud Optimize

• JDA Cloud Optimize services enable customers to enhance and transform their supply chains by expanding their internal teams to include JDA expertise and standardized, repeatable processes that yield consistent results.

• Moving beyond simply organizing information, JDA Cloud Optimize teams work hand in hand with customers to generate concrete recommendations and actionable plans ready for execution.

• The results are contextually relevant insights into big data challenges facing every global enterprise today.

• Cloud Optimize recommendations help customers improve business responsiveness by taking full advantage of JDA software solution capabilities.

• Contact us Today! [email protected]

The Supply Chain Experts You Need

Page 9: Supply Chain Experts are in Demand

Copyright 2013 JDA Software Group, Inc. - CONFIDENTIAL

• Korn, Melissa. “The Hot New M.B.A.: Supply-Chain Management.” The Wall Street Journal Online, June 5, 2013. June 27, 2013.

• SCDigest Editorial Staff. “If You are in Supply Chain, You Made a Smart Career Choice.” Supply Chain Digest, June 12, 2013, June 27, 2013.

• Dana Stiffler, “Unlocking Supply-Chain Talent,” Supply Chain Brain video, 12:44, July 8, 2013,[tt_news]=22507



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