
Superfoods TO Rebalance YOUR Hormones

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Regain energy • Go down a few pounds

Kick depression and anxiety • Stop sugar cravings

Reduce hot flashes • Minimize menstrual cramps

Lower adrenal stress • Filter toxins • Combat candida

Improve your digestion • Boost your thyroid function

Combat insomnia • Stop hair loss • Build strength

• Restore balance between levels of

estrogen and progesterone

• Reduce stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline

• Support your thyroid function and production of

thyroid hormones

• Protect against cancers caused by estrogen dominance

(such as breast and thyroid cancer)

• Help improve liver detoxification to filter

harmful hormonal metabolites

Let me share with you the 15 potent foods and nutrients that

can help to:

Learn to use foodto help you:

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Sweet, tart and rich in vitamin C, these “Phoenician apples” have higher

antioxidant levels than red wine, including polyphenols, flavonoids,

alkaloids, ellagitannins and anthocyanins. The phytoestrogenic seeds

mimic the actions of estrogen minus estrogen’s side effects, such as

bloating, weight gain and fluid retention.

Add to Your Diet: Add pomegranate seeds to salads, grain or paleo

porridge or make a freshly squeezed juice.

Naturopaths use the beet and carrot combo to reduce PMS in

women, starting five days before their periods. Beets help detoxify the

antagonistic estrogens (causing the pain and mood swings) and carrots

are known to boost the progesterone levels.

Add to Your Diet: Make a carrot and beet smoothie by adding flax seed,

coconut milk and a splash of lemon juice.


1.Natural source

of estrogen


sustained energy





2.Balances estrogen



3.Packed with









Beets and Carrots

Matcha tea is alkalizing and high in calming L-theanine. It helps

breakdown and eliminate chemicals like DDT, PCB, mercury, cadmium

and lead. It contains vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium

and potent antioxidants called catechins. Postmenopausal women who

drink green tea daily have lower risk of estrogen dominance.

Add to Your Diet: Try this delicious Matcha Latte »

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Flaxseeds form a mucilage gum that reduces gut inflammation, stabilizes

blood sugars and reduces sugar spikes. They are rich in lignans, which

help boost the “good” estrogens and get rid of the “bad estrogens.” This

lowers the risk of estrogenic breast and thyroid cancers, and uterine

fibroids. Plus they’re packed with healthy fatty acids that boost fat loss.

Add to Your Diet: Add 2 tablespoons of flaxseed per day, to smoothies,

soups or salads.

The bitter taste of leafy greens like kale, collard greens or arugula, comes

from their high levels of glucosinolates. These break down into anti-

inflammatory isothiocyanates, which protect against cancer and support

your liver to filter and remove toxins and excess estrogen.

Add to Your Diet: Steam lightly and make into salads or vegetable

dishes. Add to soups at the end to prevent overcooking. Do not eat raw

if you have a thyroid condition.

There are eight B complex vitamins including thiamin, riboflavin, niacin,

pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B6 and B12 and folate. Vitamin B6 is key

in progesterone production. They can’t be stored in the body so need to

be replenished daily to boost metabolism and energy production.

Add to Your Diet: Good sources include whole grains, leafy greens,

meat, liver, fish, nutritional yeast, brewer’s yeast, and eggs (if tolerated).

Food highest in vitamin B is liver.


1.Rebalances “good”

versus “bad” estrogens

1.Support liver detoxification

1.Support hormone



hot flashes

2.Protective against

breast cancer

2.Calm the

nervous system

3.Reduces fibroids and breast lumps



3.Enhance the liver function



Cruciferous Vegetables

B Vitamins

Check out this delicious recipe: Easy French Pate »

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High in sulfur, at the sprouting stage (when 2 or 3 days old), broccoli

contains 50 times more sulforaphane than mature broccoli flowerets.

Sulforaphane helps the liver filter toxins and protects against breast

cancer by targeting and killing cancer stem cells. It also boosts

methylation, a process needed to produce hormones like serotonin.

Add to Your Diet: Add broccoli sprouts to salads, soups or pestos.

Eat raw.

Calcium builds strong bones and is involved in muscle contraction and

relaxation. It works with magnesium to soothe the nervous system.

Studies show it relieves PMS symptoms such as cramping, bloating,

migraines and mood swings.

Add to Your Diet: Dark green leafy vegetables (such as kale, chards,

collard greens, spinach), prunes, broccoli, almonds, Brazil nuts, oranges,

sardines and sesame seeds.

This aromatic spice stabilizes blood sugars and insulin levels. Rich in

anti-inflammatory chemicals, including cinnamaldehyde and epicatechin,

cinnamon supports and strengthens your immune system – reducing risk

of autoimmune conditions. Ceylon cinnamon can interrupt angiogenesis,

stopping the growth of cancer cells.

Add to Your Diet: Add to smoothies, desserts, grain or paleo porridge.




Broccoli Sprouts




breast lumps


deep sleep



2.Support liver detoxification


strong bones


sugar levels

3.Protect against breast cancer

3.Eases and helps

prevent PMS

3.Fights candida


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A tasty, healthy coffee substitute, this bitter root is a strong digestive

stimulant, which also relieves fluid retention. It is a prebiotic - high in

plant-based fibers, such as inulin and oligofructose - which feed good

gut bacteria. As a herbal lipotropic, it flushes fatty deposits from your

liver and stimulates bile production to help your liver detoxify estrogen

metabolites and reduce estrogen dominance.

Add to Your Diet: Steep dandelion root in hot water for 10 minutes and


This feeds good bacteria and makes you feel sated after a meal.

Insoluble fiber helps prevent constipation and is found in vegetables,

nuts and whole grains. Soluble fiber stabilizes blood sugar and insulin,

providing sustained slow release energy.

Add to Your Diet: Add foods like whole grains (gluten-free), heaps of

green leafy vegetables, cucumbers, apples, legumes (such as lentils and

chickpeas), blueberries, peas and psyllium.

This herbal adaptogen balances levels of progesterone and estrogen,

relieving menstrual swings, fluid retention and breast tenderness. Women

who take maca during menopause and peri-menopause report less hot

flashes, night sweats, depression, sleep issues, nervousness and anxiety.

Maca is packed with vitamins C and A and B2, B6, niacin and minerals

including iron, zinc, iodine, calcium, copper, magnesium and potassium.

Add to Your Diet: Mix 1 teaspoon of maca powder with warm almond or

coconut milk. Add a dash of maple syrup and sprinkle of cinnamon to serve.




Dandelion root



1.Improves liver detoxification


harmful estrogens

1.Natural balancer of estrogen and



bowel movement


sugar levels


3.Rich in



good bacteria

3.Helps with hot flashes

Learn to make this Better Than Coffee latte »

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Fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kvass, colonize your gut with

good bacteria helping to heal your gut lining, repair leaky gut and fight

candida. They boost nutrient absorption and production of hormones like

serotonin and melatonin. They also support the estrobolome – a subset

of gut bacteria that helps with the metabolism of estrogens, especially

the dangerous estrogen metabolites responsible for breast, ovarian and

thyroid cancer.

Add to Your Diet: Add sauerkraut, kimchi or dill pickles as a side to your

entrees or toss into salads. Add coconut or almond yogurt or kefir to your

morning porridge. I do not recommend eating dairy yogurt.

People with low thyroid function can benefit from the high iodine levels

in seaweed such as kelp, dulse, wakame, arame, nori and kombu. It’s a

good source of calcium, magnesium, potassium and selenium (which

supports thyroid function). It also forms a protective gel that soothes

gut irritation. Brown seaweeds contain marine carotenoids, which help

trigger fat burning.

Add to Your Diet: Sprinkle kelp powder on soups and stews. Rehydrate

dulse, wakame or arame, and add to salads. Use nori sheets to make a

wrap with avocado, sardines and arugula.

Magnesium helps your body manufacture important hormones like

progesterone, estrogen and testosterone, serotonin and melatonin.

Magnesium deficiency (very common!) is the leading cause of poor sleep.

Magnesium helps with adrenal fatigue and supports the thyroid.

Add to Your Diet: Add foods to your diet that are high in magnesium

such as cacao, pumpkin seeds, spinach, dark chocolate, black beans

and avocado.




Probiotic-rich Foods



1.Heal leaky gut


healthy breasts


and Relaxes

2.Combat candida

2.Food for brain


Hot Flashes

3.Reduce inflammation

3.High in vitamins

and minerals

3.Balances Sugars

and Insulin

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WHY add them: How to add them:

Pomegranates1. Natural source of estrogen

2. Progesterone boosting

3. Packed with phytonutrients

Add pomegranate seeds to salads, grain or paleo porridge

or make a freshly squeezed juice.

Matcha1. Supports sustained energy

2. Balances estrogen

3. Eliminates toxins

Try a delicious Matcha Latte.

Beets and Carrots

1. Liver cleansing

2. Progesterone boosting

3. Nutritionally dense

Make a carrot and beet smoothie by adding flax seed,

coconut milk and a splash of lemon juice.

Flaxseeds1. Rebalances “good” versus “bad” estrogens

2. Minimizes hot flashes

3. Reduces fibroids and breast lumps

Add 2 tablespoons of flaxseed per day, to smoothies, soups

or salads.

Cruciferous Vegetables

1. Support liver detoxification

2. Protective against breast cancer

3. Boosts immunity

Steam lightly and make into salads or vegetable dishes. Add

to soups at the end to prevent overcooking. Do not eat raw

if you have a thyroid condition.

B Vitamins1. Support hormone production

2. Calm the nervous system

3. Enhance the liver function

Add whole grains, leafy greens, meat, liver, fish, nutritional

yeast, brewer’s yeast, and eggs.

Broccoli Sprouts

1. Reduce breast lumps

2. Support liver detoxification

3. Protect against breast cancer

Add broccoli sprouts to salads, soups or pestos.

Eat them raw.

Calcium1. Promotes deep sleep

2. Builds strong bones

3. Eases and helps prevent PMS

Dark green leafy vegetables (such as kale, chards, collard

greens, spinach), prunes, broccoli, almonds, Brazil nuts,

oranges, sardines and sesame seeds

Cinnamon1. Reduces inflammation

2. Stabilizes sugar levels

3. Fights candida overgrowth

Add to smoothies, desserts, grain or paleo porridge

Dandelion Root

1. Improves liver detoxification

2. Stimulates bowel movement

3. Rich in prebiotics

Steep dandelion root in hot water for 10 minutes and drink.

Or, learn to make this Better Than Coffee latte.

11. Fiber1. Eliminates harmful estrogens

2. Balances sugar levels

3. Feeds good bacteria

Add whole grains (gluten-free), heaps of green leafy

vegetables, cucumbers, apples, legumes (such as lentils

and chickpeas), blueberries, peas and psyllium.

Maca1. Natural balancer of estrogen and


2. Energizing

3. Helps with hot flashes

Mix 1 teaspoon of maca powder with warm almond or

coconut milk. Add a dash of maple syrup and sprinkle of

cinnamon to serve.

Probiotic-rich Foods

1. Heal leaky gut

2. Combat candida

3. Reduce inflammation

Add sauerkraut, kimchi or dill pickles as a side to your

entrees or toss into salads. Add coconut or almond yogurt or

kefir to your morning porridge. I do not recommend eating

dairy yogurt.

Seaweed1. Supports healthy breasts

2. Food for brain

3. High in vitamins and minerals

Sprinkle kelp powder on soups and stews. Rehydrate dulse,

wakame or arame, and add to salads. Use nori sheets to

make a wrap with avocado, sardines and arugula.

Magnesium1. Calms and Relaxes

2. Relieves Hot Flashes

3. Balances Sugars and Insulin

Eat cacao, pumpkin seeds, spinach, dark chocolate, black

beans and avocado.

15 Superfoods to Rebalance your Hormones Print-out Reference Sheet

Learn How to Find Hormonal Balance with the Right Nutrition so You Can Regain Your Energy and Be Free From Weight Issues,

Depression, Anxiety and Confusion Around Food.

Who is the workshop for?Anyone suffering from:

Thyroid • Hashimoto’s • Adrenal Fatigue • PMS • InfertilityPeri-/Menopause • PCOS • Endometriosis • Estrogen Dominance

Fibroids • Breast Lumps/Cancer

I’m going to show you:

How to make delicious breakfasts, snacks and quick meals that support your hormones.

Why you are “eating healthy” but still feel tired, sluggish and sick.

How the gut, liver and sugar levels control your hormones.

How food can reverse weight gain, depression and fatigue.

30 healing foods for your thyroid, adrenals, menopause, weight, hair loss, cellulite, PCOS, hot flashes and more.

Don’t miss out on this FREE Workshop! Sign-up here!»

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