Page 1: Summer 2019 Volume 10 Faithfulness in Our Journey · Can we trust our feelings? “….choose you this day whom ye will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”

Faithfulness in Our JourneyBy Cleason Sensenig

“And behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth: and ye know in your hearts and in all your souls, that not one thing failed of all the good things which the LORD your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof.” Joshua 23:14 These words were spoken by a man on his deathbed. A man who had lived a full life, 110 years. He had learned this was the truth and God had not failed him. He had confidence in his destiny. Joshua had been faithful to follow all God’s commands, which had been given him when he took the leadership role from Moses. “The book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” Joshua 1:8

“We can CHOOSE our destiny and ACCEPT the road OR-

we can CHOOSE the road and ACCEPT the destiny.”If we choose the road that looks easy, will it end where we want to go? If we

choose the road that looks right to us will it end where we want to go? Proverbs 14:12 says “ There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” This world is full of people who are walking on the road that seems right to them. Basing that on their own opinion of “right”. How can we know what really is the right way? Can we trust our feelings? “….choose you this day whom ye will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” Joshua 24:15 We cannot trust our feelings, they are fickle! We, like Joshua, must make a choice. We have a guidebook, God’s word. We have the Holy Spirit to prompt us. Joshua did not do what seemed right to him. He did what God asked him to do. If we travel by train, we purchase a ticket, having a destination in mind. But we cannot choose the railway that leads to the chosen destination. We need an element of faith to believe the tracks will hold the weight of the train, that the tressels over the gorges are sturdy enough. The conductor- is he well trained and does he have experience in running trains? IF Christ is the conductor, we can sit back and enjoy the ride. There will be mountain tops with beautiful views, and there will be valleys that are dark, treacherous, and fearful. There will be long tracks and places where we cannot see around the bend. In these times we need to remember who is at the wheel and His promise to never leave us or forsake us. We need to allow our fellow travelers in Christ to surround us, to help and encourage us. This is where our faithfulness to God comes in. To trust him, even though we cannot physically see Him. --When we cannot see God’s hand, we can trust His heart-- Joshua’s challenge to the children of Israel can be our challenge- “Be ye therefore very courageous to keep and to do all that is written in the book of the law of Moses, that ye turn not aside therefrom to the right hand or to the left” Will we keep and do all that is written in the Book? Will we choose the train leading to eternal life? God is faithful and will continue to be faithful forever. Let’s continue to faithfully serve Him, as Joshua did, with all our hearts.

Summer 2019

Aquila Villa is structured to minister to girls from homes that believe and adhere to the 1963 Mennonite Confession of Faith.

We desire to see hurting girls brought into spiritual freedom and life in Jesus Christ. Please pray for this ministry to our Anabaptist community.

Aquila Villa is operating under a Board of Directors, and also has an

advisory committee.

Volume 10

Vision To bring girls who are struggling into fulfillment and purpose in Jesus Christ

Mission To help them deal with and work through life dominating problems To give them loving nurture and discipleship To help them learn and value discipline and purposeful living through a structured home setting To give them vision and understanding of the joy of servanthood

The Staff

Page 2: Summer 2019 Volume 10 Faithfulness in Our Journey · Can we trust our feelings? “….choose you this day whom ye will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”


Tuition Benevolence Fund: Tuition is

intentionally lower than the cost of service to

increase accessibility, but, there are some

seeking help that do not have the means or

support to afford the full tuition. If you desire

to help in this area please earmark your

contribution: “Tuition Benevolence Fund”.

May God bless you for sharing.

Greetings in Jesus Name! Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here

below! As my wife and I journey on in our Christian walk, we realize more and more the goodness of the

Lord upon our lives and home.

Here at Aquila Villa, this spring has been filled with activity. First of all right after the Reach

Conference which I spoke about in our last newsletter my wife and I went overseas on a

mission/vacation trip. We had some very full days preparing for this before we left on April 1st. I am on

our church mission board and so we had many items to take for our mission personnel as well as others

desiring to send things for them. We were in the country of Ghana, West Africa for nearly a month. We

were once missionaries in a town in Ghana called Gushiegu. So besides ministry to our mission

personnel during this trip, we visited our many friends in this town. We had a very blessed trip. Our

board desires for us to consider to take some time off each year for a vacation. So yes some of this time was ministry, but we were very refreshed with our time in the town we had stayed for 3 years. It felt like

coming home.

During this time Sarah Grace Lloyd filled the role of an administrator in our home. Sarah was our first

matron and has been a tremendous blessing to our home. There were board members on call for

assistance if she needed help. We are so blessed with a very supportive board. They bent over backward

while we were gone. They filled and continue to fill a vital role in the ministry. We thank God for them

over and over again. Also, we have staff personnel who are such a blessing too. Mary Esh has been with

us for a whole year as of mid-April and has committed herself to be with us till the end of 2019. Lydia

Fisher came as a matron at the beginning of the year and just recently committed herself to staying with

us till July of 2020. Hannah Smith who is on domestics is filling a one year term of service at this point

and is also a tremendous blessing in our home. We are so thankful for the team around us. Our desire is

to always show them our deep love, care, and appreciation!

We have hosted some events recently, mainly along the lines of a women’s tea, and a supper and lunch

for 2 different groups of women as well. As I've shared before our vision for these events is to give the

girls an opportunity of outlet and service. They receive lots of ministry in a weeks time, and it’s a

blessing to do this together as a family.

A highlight for the spring for all of us was mulching the flower beds. We used 2 pickup trucks to haul

the mulch, while the other were mulching. It was a whole day’s work, but is always very enjoyable!

On the ministry side of things, we are blessed with each of the girl's progress. Each one has an open

heart and desires to learn and understand the ways of the Lord. We feel privileged to minister to the

group of girls we have currently. Of course, there are always trials and struggles we need to help them through, but their open, teachable spirit makes all the difference.

As far as the little home business that occupies them in the afternoon project times, this continues to

be a blessing. The girls very much enjoy their interactive time together as they roll up the papers, putting

them into gelatin capsules, then into bottles, and lastly decorating the bottles. They interact with each

other, listen to music, and also hear a sermon during this time.

Thanks again for all who have and continue to show interest in the ministry God has entrusted to us.

We are very grateful for your continued prayers, love, and support!

Resident Girls

Page 3: Summer 2019 Volume 10 Faithfulness in Our Journey · Can we trust our feelings? “….choose you this day whom ye will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”


Hey there everybody! I wonder how this finds each of you!?! Today is a beautiful summer day and I was enjoying it as I mowed the pasture this forenoon:)

I enjoy my job here tremendously! My co-workers are very good friends and amazing godly influences and that is a blessing! For me, one day is rarely the same as the next! I do a lot of different things including washing dishes, making yogurt, baking bread and granola, watering flowers, helping with the events we host here (which are a lot of fun!), washing the towels, mowing the lawn, weeding, shopping, everyday house cleaning, and sewing, as well as a bunch of little things that just come up!

It has also been a blessing to me to observe how God is working in the lives of the girls here! I love them each very much and am thankful for how God has brought them into my life as genuine friends!

I have really seen my relationship with Christ deepen in the last 5 months since I started working here! Two areas I have especially noticed it have been a more complete trust in the Lord and simply learning to bring God the small things that bother me!

I am really thankful for the opportunity I have to serve here in this way! Pray for me to continue allowing God to work through me! And thank you for your support and interest in the ministry here! Have a very blessed day!

~Hannah Joy


For continued orders for our

home business product.

For girls who have applied and

will be coming into our


For continued financial support

needed for the ministry.

For our board that God would

give them continued



For a successful trip to Africa

for a vacation and being

refreshed by friends.

For deliverance and freedom

that girls are finding in

Christ Jesus.

For continued events that are a

blessing to our home.

For many blessed times

together as a family.


But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come

forth as gold. Job 23:10

Greetings from my nook at Aquila Villa. Truly, God has lead me here. I

have been richly blessed with the Bible study focus in this home. My

spiritual life has been strengthened, and God has given me victory in many

areas of weakness. I have experienced much peace in submitting to his will

for my life. I am thankful that my struggles have drawn me closer to Him.

Other highlights of my stay are working together in the kitchen, eating

around the campfire, and simply enjoying the presence of each other. Mel

and Barbie have done well at making this facility feel like a home.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

May God bless your lives.


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Leroy Smucker, Chairman

Old Order Amish 717.629.3915

Cleason Sensenig, Secretary

Mid-Atlantic Fellowship 717.278.0364

Nathaniel Gingrich

Mid-Atlantic Fellowship 717.572.7150

Daniel Leid

Charity Christian Fellowship


Mark King

Bethel Christian Fellowship



Mel & Barbie Esh, Administrators

717.687.8057 | 717.471.9374

[email protected]

Mary Esh, Matron

Lydia Mae Fisher, Matron

Hannah Smith, Domestics


6 Happy Hoof Lane Ronks, PA 17572-9578

Touched by a loving heart, wakened by kindness, chords that were broken will vibrate once more.

To give anonymously, send and make checks payable to: Aquila Villa, 340 Rose Hill Rd, Ephrata, PA 17522

A tax-deductible receipt will be provided annually or upon request (e-mail needed) when a name and address is provided. God bless you for sharing!

Learn more at

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