Page 1: Summer 2014 newsletter

Community Challenge The Hawthorns tenants will now be

able to host their own garden

parties following the work that was

completed on the 5th June as part

of the B&NES Community

Challenge day.

Huge thank you to the team of staff

from B&NES council who arrived

bright and early on a beautiful day

and spent the morning pruning the

trees and hedges, painting the shed,

erecting a new BBQ and archway,

digging and planting new flower beds

and generally turning The Hawthorns

garden into a little oasis for the tenants, and their

guests, to enjoy.

More photos inside on page 2.

Page 2 Supported Housing

Page 3 Courses

Page 4 Base House

Work Skills


Community Cafe

Page 6 Sports Fun Day

Page 7 Other News

Page 8 Fundraising

Dates for your Diary

Youth Club

Newsletter Summer 2014

Sports Fun Day The weather has really been smiling down on us

over the past few weeks and our Sports Fun

Day was no exception. Sunny, but with a

cooling breeze, the day saw over 150 people of

all ages from SWALLOW and Fosse Way

School come together to enjoy a variety of

different sports and activities. For the full report

and photos turn to page 6.

Community Cafe The SWALLOW Community Cafe is now open

and our hardworking members are looking

forward to welcoming the public. See page 7 for

photos and information about the Cafe and its

opening times.

Page 2: Summer 2014 newsletter

Hawthorns Garden Makeover - Community Challenge photos...

Supported Housing

Race for Life SWALLOW members continue to do amazing things and in

June, Sarah Stanton Hobbs participated in the Race for Life.

Here she is pictured with her medal and Bath Rugby

Foundation Breakthrough mentor, Caryl, at the end of the 5k

race which she completed in under an hour. Well done Sarah!

Summer Newsletter 2014 Page 2

Redfield Road Gardening Club On 8

th June the Redfield Road Gardening Club made the most of the warm weather, and

their lovely garden, by hosting a celebration for Paul, Sandra and Debbie who all have

birthdays around the same time. The Gardening Club invited the Hawthorns tenants and

Base House members to join them and everyone had a wonderful time.

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SWALLOW Ladies Night - Radstock Fire Station

On Wednesday 30th April we went to

Radstock Fire Station. It was really

interesting to see how it all works. Shaun

Plummer talked about what it’s like to work

at the Fire Station. I went on the fire engine

and it was good. Caroline took some

photographs of us learning how to hold the

hose and putting on jackets and boots too.

Afterwards we went for a drink at the

Radstock Hotel and planned the next Ladies’


By Sandra Mullens

Ladies’ & Men’s Nights The Ladies’ and Men’s only nights continue to entertain and inform

with a variety of trips over the past 3 months that have included

visits to Radstock Fire Station and a Steam Engine museum. In

addition participants like Laura have learnt new skills. Laura learnt

how to cross stitch and made a Father’s Day card with her new found talent.


Boogie Nights Don’t forget that this summer there will be another Boogie Nights dance show. If you

would like to join in please contact Judy on 01761 414034 to book your place. Boogie

Nights is held on Thursdays between 7pm and 9pm at West Hill Sports and Social Club.

Summer Newsletter 2014 Page 3

Men’s Night - Steam Engine Museum

Page 4: Summer 2014 newsletter

Horticulture WSES The gorgeous weather has allowed our WSES

Gardening group to really enjoy the outdoors. The

summer hanging baskets have all been planted and

sold raising funds for more seeds and equipment. You

can contribute too when you buy your own gardening

supplies through this website: . On the 5th


the group joined the Community Challenge team at The

Hawthorns and helped plant the new flower beds.

The Craft WSES has had a busy June selling their products at

Sainsbury’s Odd Down and also at the Bath Artisan Market in

Green Park. Customers are delighted with the group’s products

and always comment on the quality of their work. The next craft

stalls that are coming up are:


July Artisan Market, Green Park, Bath


August Nunney Street Fayre

Summer Newsletter 2014 Page 4

Work Skills Enterprise Scheme

Craft - Forget me Not

Base House Base House continues to be enjoyed by

Fosse Way School pupils who use this

service as part of their post 16 experience.

Here they are pictured enjoying some

al fresco dining all together with John.

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Summer Newsletter 2014 Page 5

SWALLOW Community Cafe The SWALLOW Community Cafe has been open since April and has been gaining a

reputation for reasonably priced, good quality, home cooked food and attracting lots

of new customers. In addition the Cafe is giving people with learning disabilities the

opportunity of gaining meaningful work experience. The small team works well together

and has a lot of fun whilst creating a welcoming hub for the local community to use.

The Community Cafe is open on Wednesday and Friday between 11am and 3pm - we

look forward to seeing you there!

'We are getting to know some of

our regular customers now.

They have been very supportive.'


‘It’s absolutely brilliant

working in the Cafe.’

Callum ‘I have found it interesting meeting

and talking to our customers, they

are all friendly and kind.’


Page 6: Summer 2014 newsletter

Summer Newsletter 2014 Page 6

Sports Fun Day On Saturday 14

th June SWALLOW members and Fosse Way School

pupils and their friends and families took part in our Sports Fun Day.

Our guest of honour was Kate Grey, a paralympic swimmer. Bath

Rugby Foundation, Somerset Football Association, Mendip Golf Club

and Wheels for All came to run taster sessions of their sports. In

addition we had an hour of energetic Zumba, some calming Tai Chi

and table tennis available to try. The day was a chance for families

to come together and try something new to encourage more of us to

get into sport and embrace a healthy, active lifestyle.

Over 150 people of all ages came and thanks to the BBQ, hoopla, tombola and cake stall

the day raised over £500 which will be split between SWALLOW and Fosse Way School.

Lucy Cotterell’s feedback form was the first card drawn from our box and so Lucy won

the goody bag that was on offer. Thank you to everyone who came, especially the

organisations that made the event so successful.

Page 7: Summer 2014 newsletter

Sad Death of Mr Brian Roper Sadly we report that a long term benefactor of

SWALLOW, Mr Brian Roper, has sadly died after losing

his battle with cancer. Mr Roper was the founder of

Roper Rhodes bathrooms and over the years he and

his wife, Margaret, have donated more than £6million to

charitable causes within Bath & North East Somerset.

SWALLOW is thankful for the interest and donations

received from Mr and Mrs Roper and send sincere

condolences to Margaret and their family.

Bristol 10k SWALLOW member, Mark Filer, completed another target this

spring by finishing the Bristol 10K race on Sunday 11th May.

Both Mark and Sarah (featured on page 2) are an inspiration to

the rest of us as they have embraced new health and fitness

regimes in order to complete these events. Amazing SWALLOW


Summer Newsletter 2014 Page 7

Other News Health & Wellbeing Award SWALLOW recently joined the Workplace Wellbeing

Charter, which is a nationally developed award scheme

to boost workplace health. At the beginning of May our

efforts were recognised when Dr Bruce Lawrence

(Director of Public Health) and Simon Allan (Councillor)

presented us with our certificate. We are very proud of

our efforts.

Page 8: Summer 2014 newsletter

SWALLOW The Old Engine House Old Pit Road Midsomer Norton BA3 4BQ 01761414034 [email protected] Reg Charity No: 1045893

Summer Newsletter 2014 Page 8

Youth Club The Youth Club has now relocated to the

same site as the SWALLOW Community

Cafe and continues to grow in popularity.

Lily - Youth Leader

Fundraising & Marketing

Marafun and Bath Half Marathon Once again we are on the hunt for runners who can fundraise

for us! We have two events coming up to suit all abilities.

The first is the Marafun in September which is being

organised by the Chelwood Bridge Rotary Club. Not only can

we enter a team of runners we have also been chosen to

benefit from the funds that are raised through the event.

The second is the wonderful Bath Half Marathon which in

2015 will take place on Sunday 2nd March. If you, or anyone

you know, would be interested in participating in these events

whilst raising money for SWALLOW please contact Jess Robinson or Nicky Tew for more

information on 01761 414034 or email [email protected].

New Arrivals Welcome to our new staff and volunteers:

Pamela Beable - ongoing support


Jess Robinson - Fundraising and

Marketing Officer

Farewell to: After nearly three years with SWALLOW,

Sarah Ryrie is leaving to move to

Switzerland - viel gluck, Sarah (good luck!).

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