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This story appears in the September 7, 2015 issue of Forbes.Even for a former gym teacher from Dazey, N.D. (pop. 100, give or take), 69-year-old hotel magnate and billionaire Gary Tharaldson is pretty unpretentious.

Tell the richest man in the state that you’re flying in to visit him at his Fargo headquarters and he’ll offer to fetch you himself, rolling up in his red Cadillac crossover and wearing his everyday work uniform of shorts and a sport shirt. Cruising along one of Fargo’s main drags, he’ll frown at all of the undeveloped land–potential competition for the existing hotels (even though they aren’t his).

“He’s beyond down-to-earth–he’s almost subterranean,” says Bruce White, a successful Marriott franchisee who has known Tharaldson since they both started in the hotel business in the early 1980s.

Tharaldson is a driven, shrewd cost-cutter. In March 2006 he sold a portfolio of 130 hotels in a variety of chains to Goldman Sachs for $1.2 billion. Six months later he sold the Westward Ho Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, which he’d owned for only a few months, to Harrah’s at a profit of $109 million.

“Real estate was going crazy in Las Vegas back then,” he says.

Not long after, it cratered. Those sales capped an empire-building effort that began in 1982 when Tharaldson bought a Super 8 motel in Valley City, N.D. He added other low-end hotels and then moved into “limited service” business-suite hotels (no room service, no restaurants), eventually operating more than 350 across the country.

Almost immediately after his massive windfall–with only a brief time-out to head to the 2006 NCAA men’s basketball final in Indianapolis–Tharaldson, then 60, started on his next act.

“I wondered what I’d do with the money and if it would change me,” he recalls. In his Fargo office, looking over projections for his current enterprises, he says, “I think it didn’t.”

This time out he is placing big bets on natural resources: ethanol, raw land and water. It adds up to an estimated personal fortune of $930 million. The plan is to build his current holdings into an additional $1 billion portfolio over the next five years, while his 18-year-old son from his second marriage, Gary II, the

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one of his seven children he considers most likely to succeed him, gets an education.

When Tharaldson got started in the early ’80s, he was an ambitious working-class guy who’d figured out that the only way to get ahead was to own assets rather than look for a big paycheck. His style has always been to set huge goals and then try to exceed them, once telling an interviewer, “From my youth I always wanted to create something on a big scale. I wasn’t sure what that would be, but I knew whatever it was it was going to be big.”

Every hour your business is open, well-meaning employees sabotage your customer service experience and drive customers away. And they do it without any inkling that they’re doing anything wrong.

The culprit isn’t “entitlement,” tattoos, piercings or creativity with facial hair.

It’s much simpler and more insidious than any of that.

It’s language: the thoughtless use of words and phrases that leave a bad taste in customer mouths.

Which is why, in setting up customer service systems and designing customer experience frameworks for consulting clients, I work so hard to shape the words and turns of phrase that employees deploy in the course of doing business with the customers they serve.

There can be hundreds of interactions between a single customer and the employees who serve her in a service-intensive business (for example, a full-service hotel, a hospital, an outpatient clinic, a restaurant, a financial services institution, a law firm). So many of these language and interaction guidelines I set up for a client business are situation- and industry-specific.

However, some of the most important language guidelines apply across the board, regardless of industry. Here are five of the most persistently problematic from my hall of shame, along with an alternative for each of them that is more effective and less offensive.

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Gary Tharaldson is a billionair and the richest man in the state from the work he

manage.”He just a simple person and always wears simple outfit such as work uniform

and sportshirt.If you came at his place he will go to you and fetch you by himself.He’s

beyond down to earth he almost subterranean”said his friend Bruce White his partner in


He make billions with the hotel bussiness,he sells more than hundreds hotels and make

profit with that.After several years and makes millions he make billions with the next

project.he makes a 1 billion dollars on his holding and bet on it in next 5 years to success

“From my youth I always want to create something on a big scale.I would not sure what

that would be,but i knew whatever it was it gonna be big”said Gary.There will be obstacle

in your business there will be enemies and bad mouth in your business but you will have

to improve and fix that until you obtain success.To obtain success is not easy you have to

work hard until you satisfied with your work said him again.There is many ways to

communicate and interact with customers and we you have to find the best way to make

they feel you are the best for them.Do not do anything bad untill it disatisfied your

customer and it will make them bad mouthing about your business and pass it into

another person and make your business going down.When your business is going world

wide make sure you have all language in your business and not only one or two that will

ease everyone and you will make profit for that.

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In the conclusion,be a simple and working hard person to achieve something nice in

your life.Take note what people like and dislike to be success in your business,fix your

weaknesses and build your own strength.when you have all of that you will obtain what

you have dreamed before you will get what you want and be success in yur life and can

live easily with your own efforts.

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