Page 1: sugar can be daunting – where is I G H Sugar LL E...- Pour into 3 silicone mini muffin moulds (silicone works best or place a strip of baking paper across a regular muffin mould - click here to join today!

CHOC MINT CREAMSPrep Time: 100 minsOne for the mint lovers, without the nasties! For the coconut cream, Ayam or Trident brands work well. Use the thick layer of cream that settles at the top of the tin.

Ingredients (Makes 1 serve)l 1 tablespoon chilled coconut cream (20 grams)l 1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract (1.25 mls)l 1/4 teaspoon maple syrup (1.25 mls)l 1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract (0.625 mls)l 5 squares dark chocolate (70%) (25 grams)

Method: - Combine all ingredients except chocolate, and mix well.- Pour into 3 silicone mini muffin moulds (silicone works best or place a strip of baking paper across a regular muffin mould for easy removal).- Place moulds into the freezer until cream has set (approximately 1 and ½ hours).- Melt chocolate.- When chocolate has started to cool slightly, gently remove frozen mint mixture from moulds.- Quickly dip frozen mint mixture in chocolate, coating the bottom. Place onto a lined tray or plate, chocolate dipped side facing down. Spoon remaining melted chocolate over the mint creams, covering the top and sides. Return to the fridge for chocolate to set, approximately 30 minutes.- Enjoy as soon as chocolate has set. 1 serve is 3 mint creams.- Make a larger batch of these and store leftovers in the freezer or in an airtight container in the fridge.

How much sugar is ok?l Try to stick to 6 teaspoons or less of added sugar per day. l 4g is around 1 teaspoon of sugar so if a packaged food says it has 20g of sugar per 100g then this is

20% sugar and approximately 5 teaspoons per 100g.l Remember that there are natural sugars in many foods but it’s the added ones you should be looking out for.

If a recipe has 20g sugar in it but is made with fresh fruit, vegetables, proteins and dairy then the sugar is ok. l Don’t worry yourself silly counting every teaspoon of sugar you eat but be conscious of the added sugars in

your day e.g. if you have a glass of fruit juice you have possibly consumed most of your daily added sugar allowance for the day, so stick to natural, non processed foods, fruits and vegetables for the rest of the day.

28 D




Sugar Detox

Thinking about a detox from sugar can be daunting – where is it hiding? Can you still enjoy sweet treats? How will you deal with the 3pm slump without your sugar hit?

The 28 Day Sugar Detox Challenge isn’t about being extreme and totally removing a food category from your lifestyle, it’s about arming you with the facts about sugar so you can make the right decisions and make healthy eating part of your everyday life.


Nutrition Per Serve: Energy:733kj /175cals Protein:2g Fibre: 1g Fat:11g Carbohydrates:18g Saturated Fat:8g Sugar:15g

Page 2: sugar can be daunting – where is I G H Sugar LL E...- Pour into 3 silicone mini muffin moulds (silicone works best or place a strip of baking paper across a regular muffin mould - click here to join today!

If you are interested in having more energy, sleeping better, improving your general health, and losing weight (especially from the stomach area), reducing your sugar intake can have a dramatic impact.Don’t worry, we’re not suggesting you start obsessively counting grams of sugar. We sim-ply suggest becoming more educated on where sugar might be lurking and then finding healthy and tasty alternatives. It’s added sugar, most notably found in processed foods, or added in cooking that we want to help you reduce.The key is to reduce your consumption of processed foods and up your real wholefood intake. You can get your sugar fix from naturally sweet foods, such as fruit, honey, vegeta-bles and dairy products.Life is full of birthday parties, catch ups with friends for coffee and cake, events where you have to bring a plate, and a thousand other temptations everywhere you turn. Don’t be daunted! The Sugar Detox 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is not about cutting out all sugar - it’s more about reducing it where you can but still enjoying it when you choose to, mindfully and in the best way to support your weight loss goals.

Mandy Dos Santos Nutritionist

BSc.FSc.Nut and Grad.Dip.H.Nut.

Cheree Sheldon NutritionistAd.Dip.Nut.Med

1Stop adding sugar to your foods and drinks. If you need to sweeten your tea or coffee then use

stevia or similar as this will not affect your blood sugars.

2Give up soft drinks. But do not replace them with artificially sweetened versions. Instead choose

sparkling mineral water and flavour with lemon or lime wedges or slices of fruit.

3Choose wholegrain breakfast cereals that do not have added sugars. Make your own muesli, choose

oats, quinoa flakes, or eggs rather than bowls full of colour and sugar!

4Instead of a pastry or cake for snack time, select something fresh and savoury like hummus with carrot

sticks. If you must have something sweet, make your

own healthier versions, freeze in small portions and take them with you.

5Use the low sugar recipes from the 28 Day Sugar Detox Challenge to make healthy, homemade

versions of processed, pre-packaged foods that are often loaded with sugars e.g. breakfast cereals, lunch box snacks, afternoon tea.

6 Set yourself a limit everyday and stick to it. If you normally add 3 teaspoons of sugar to your tea,

reduce it to 2 for a week, then reduce it to one, then 1/2, until you can enjoy your tea naturally.

7Tell your family, friends and colleagues what you are planning and get them on board. Make changes

with your family, and with a buddy at work, so you can support each other.

8Eat fresh, unprocessed food as often as possible. If you can eat foods as close as possible to their

natural state you will avoid un-necessary sugars, flavours and preservatives.

Ways to reduce sugar


28 D




Sugar Detox

Watch out for added sugars. If any of the first three listed

ingredients are sugar, it is a food best avoided. A good guide

is to aim for less than 10g per 100g. Always avoid any

products containing artificial sweeteners such as aspartame.

Page 3: sugar can be daunting – where is I G H Sugar LL E...- Pour into 3 silicone mini muffin moulds (silicone works best or place a strip of baking paper across a regular muffin mould

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The low down on the sweet stuff:l Processed foods are often loaded with hidden sugars so

that manufacturers can sell as much of their product as possible. They add flavours, enhancers and sugars to make things taste better.

l Don’t believe what’s written on the front of food packaging without reading the nutritional label on the back e.g. “low fat” may also mean “added sugar” to make the product taste better.

l Processed foods that have lots of sugar in them include tomato sauce, BBQ sauce, muesli bars, biscuits, breakfast cereals, some chips, yoghurt, even olives!

l Learn to read the ingredients list – sugar won’t always be written as obviously as “sugar” anything ending in “OSE” is a sugar e.g. glucose, fructose, maltose etc.

l It’s all about balance – you can still enjoy sweet foods, treats, fruit etc. Just be mindful about which foods you eat each day that may have sugar in them and see if you can reduce your intake of these.

l Sugars that have a lower GI e.g. coconut sugar, maple syrup, honey & stevia are better options as they provide a slower energy release into the bloodstream instead of a big spike followed by a crash.

Unlike most other plans on the market all our meal plans are fully customisable. PLUS you have access to over 1000 recipes that are both family and budget friendly. ALL THIS FOR JUST OVER $1 A DAY!

28 D




Sugar Detox

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