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Conversione dei tempi verbali





1) Present Simplei.e. Di solito faccio colazione alle 7.

I usually have breakfast at 7.

2) Present continuousi.e. Cosa fai? Guardo la TV.

What are you doing? I’m watching TV.

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Conversione dei tempi verbali





3) Future with will

i.e. Lo chiamo domani.

I’ll call him tomorrow.

4) Future with going toi.e. Dove vai in vacanza?

Where are you going to go on holiday?

5) Future progressive (will be + ing form)i.e. Lo vedo domani alla festa.

I will be seeing him at the party tomorrow.

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Conversione dei tempi verbali





6) Present Perfect simple or continuousi.e. Lo conosco da 5 anni.

I’ve known him for 5 years.

Studio l’inglese da quando avevo 6 anni.

I’ve been studying English since I was 6.

7) Modal verb (can, must, should ought to, would like etc)

i.e. Non so se posso venire al cinema.

I don’t know if I can come to the cinema.

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Conversione dei tempi verbali




1) Past simplei.e. Ieri stavo male.

I was ill yesterday.

2) Past continuousi.e. Pioveva mentre andavamo al cinema.

It was raining while we were going to the cinema.

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3) Used to/would + infinitivei.e. Suonavo il pianoforte quando ero bambina.

I used to play the piano when I was a girl.

I nostri nonni andavano all’estero in cerca di

fortuna. Our grandparents would go abroad in

search of a better life.

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Passato prossimo


1) Past simplei.e. Ho visto Marco ieri.

I saw Mark yesterday.

2) Present perfect simplei.e. Non ho ancora finito di cenare.

I haven’t finished dining yet.

3) Present perfect continuousi.e. Ho lavorato qui per 10 anni.

I’ve been working here for 10 years.

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Conversione dei tempi verbali





1) Past simple

i.e. Andai da mia nonna per le vacanze di Natale.

I went to my grandmother’s for the Christmas holidays.

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English1) Past perfect simple or continuous

i.e. Avevo già chiamato un taxi quando sono arrivati.I had already called a taxi when they arrived.

Avevamo già aspettato un’ora quando l’infermiera ci fece entrare.We had already been waiting for an hour when the nurse called us in.

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1) Future with willi.e. Forse andrò alla festa.

Maybe I’ll go to the party.

Domani pioverà.

It’ll rain tomorrow.

2) Present continuousi.e. Partirò per Londra domattina.

I’m leaving for London tomorrow morning.

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3) Be going toi.e. Li incontremo a Londra.

We are going to meet them in London.

4) Future continuousi.e. Domenica prossima studierò tutto il giorno.

Next Sunday I’ll be studying all day.

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English5) Present simple (in subordinate

clauses)i.e. Lo andrò a prendere quando mi chiamerà.

I’ll pick him up when he calls.

6) with must, may/perhaps, probably + present

i.e. Avrà 20 anni. She must be 20.Avranno ragione. Perhaps they are right.

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English1) Future perfect simplei.e. Fra un mese saranno trascorsi due anni da

quando ha avuto l’incidenteIn a month’s time it’ll have been two years since he had the accident.

2) Future perfect continuousi.e. Fra 10 minuti lo avranno aspettato per due ore In 10 min they will have been waiting for him for

2 hours.

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nel passato



English1) Past continuousi.e. Non è potuto venire perché sarebbe partito

presto l’indomani mattina.He couldn’t come because he was leaving early in the morning.

2) was/were going toi.e. Disse che non si sarebbe fermato a lungo.

He said he wasn’t going to stay long.

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nel passato




3) Would (invece di will/shall)i.e. Ero certo che avrebbe vinto la gara.

I was sure she would win the race.

4) Would have + past participlei.e. Mi promise che mi avrebbe invitata.

He promised me he would have invited me.

5) was/were to i.e. Il convegno si sarebbe svolto l’indomani.

The conference was to take place the following day..

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English1) Would + infinitive (without to)

i.e. Ha detto che verrebbe con noi se stesse bene.He said he would come with us if he were feeling well.

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English1) Would have + past participle

i.e. Dubito che avrebbe cambiato idea.I doubt that he would have changed his mind.

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Zero type


If + present / present

i.e. Se scaldi l’acqua a 100 gradi bolle.Water boils if you heat it at 100 degrees.

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1st type


If + present / future will/ imperative/ modal vb

i.e. Se non piove, andremmo al parco.If it doesn’t rain, we will go to the park.

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Conversione dei tempi verbali




2nd type


If + past simple / would/could/should + infinitive (senza to)

i.e. Se tu studiassi di più, superesti l’esame.If you studied more, you would pass the exam.

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Conversione dei tempi verbali




3rd type


If + past perfect / would/could/should have + past participle

i.e. Se tu avessi studiato di più, avresti superato l’esame.If you had studied more, you would have passed the exam.

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English1) Con l’indicativo corrispondente

i.e. Credo che egli sia in casa.I think he’s at home.

2) would/should /could in if clauses

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English3) in impersonal clauses:It is difficult, it is necessary, it is

important/ better …for s.o. + to infinitive

i.e. E’ importante che lui faccia questo prima di domani.

It is important for him to do this before tomorrow.

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English4) With want, verbs of comand and

permission: to + infinitive

i.e. Voglio che egli venga.I want him to come.

Non permise che uscissimo.He didn’t allow us to go out.

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English5) With hope, fear, think etc.: will +

infinitive (senza to) for presentshould/would/might + infinitive for imperfetto

i.e. Spero che venga con noi.I hope he comes with us.

Speravo che pagasse lui.I hoped he would pay.

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English6) With ask, demand, insist, request,

recommend, propose suggest etc:should + infinitive (senza to)

i.e. Insistetti che ritornasse a casa.I insisted that he should return home.

Suggerì che ci rivolgessimo a lui per aiuto.She suggested that we should apply to him for help.

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English6) With words that express opinion, feeling,

emotion (important, essential, vital, necessary, strange, shocked, surprised, shame, pity etc):should have + past participle

i.e. E’ un peccato che l’abbiano mandato a casa.It’s a pity they should have sent him home.

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English7) With I don’t understand/know why,

there’s no reason why, I can’t see whyshould have + past participle

i.e. Non capisco perché si sia comportato cosìI don’t see why he should have acted that way

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Translating subordinate clauses: Finali/purpose clauses

Italianperché, affinché, onde

+ congiuntivo

i.e. Gli ho dato i soldi perché mi comprasse il giornale.

Lavorai tutta l’estate affinché potessi guadagnare i soldi per il corso di karate.

Englishso(that), in order to, so+ modal or indicative

i.e. I gave him the money so (that) he could buy me the paper.

I worked all summer in order to earn enough money for the karate course.

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Translating subordinate clauses: Finali/purpose clauses

Italiana, di, per, allo scopo di, alfine di + infinito

i.e. Sono tornato indietro a riprendere i miei libri.

Abbassò gli occhi per non doverlo vedere

Ha tentato di convincerlo.

Englishto + infinitive; in order to+ infinitive; so as to + infinitive

i.e. I went back to get my books.

She lowered her eyes so as not to have to look at him.

He tried to convince him.

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Translating subordinate clauses: Finali/purpose clauses


pur di + infinito

i.e. Farei qualunque cosa pur di farmelo amico.

English(in order) to + infinitive

i.e. I’d do anything (in order) to befriend him.


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Translating subordinate clauses: Causali/reason clauses

Italianperché, poiché, giacché,siccome, in quanto, datoche, visto che, dalmomento che + indicativoo condizionale

i.e. Poiché sono ammalato, non vado a scuola.Giacché insiti, te lo dirò.Lo cerco da tre giorni perché vorrei parlargli.

Englishbecause, as, since, (just) in case +


i.e. As I am ill, I’m not going to school.Since you insist, I’ll tell you.I’ve been looking for him for 3 days because I’d like to talk to him.


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Translating subordinate clauses: Causali/reason clauses

Italianper, di , a + infinito

i.e. E’ stato punito per aver detto una bugia.

E’ contento di abitare qui.

Fu assolto per non aver commesso il reato.

Ho fatto bene a ascoltarti.

Englishfor + gerund; to + infinitive

i.e. He was punished for telling a lie.

He’s happy to live here.

He was acquitted for not having committed the crime.

It’s a good thing I listened to you.

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Translating subordinate clauses: Causali/reason clauses


i.e. Dovendo studiare per l’esame, non andai alla festa.

L’imputato fu assolto essendo le prove insufficienti.

Englishbecause, since + indicative; for + noun (Complemento di fine) i.e. Since I had to study for the exam,

I didn’t go to the party.

The defendant was acquitted for lack of evidence.

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Translating subordinate clauses: Causali/reason clauses

ItalianParticipio passato

i.e. Attirata dai ribassi, entrò nel negozio.

EnglishPast participle i.e. Attracted by the sales,

she entered the shop.

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Translating subordinate clauses: consecutive/result clauses

Italiancosì..che, tale..che, tanto..che,al punto..che, a tal punto ..che,in modo..che, sicché, talché,+ indicativo o congiuntivo

i.e. Ero così stanco che non riuscivo a studiare.

Farò in modo che tu possa partire immediatamente.

Aveva problemi a uscire con l’auto sicché dovetti spostare la mia per farla uscire.

Le sue lettere sono tali che non meritano risposta.

Englishso…that, so much/many..that, such..that,and so, and + indicative i.e. I was so tired that I couldn’t study. I will arrange things so that you can leave

at once.She was having great difficulty getting

her car out, and so I had to move mine to let her out.

Letters like his don’t deserve to be answered.

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Translating subordinate clauses: concessive/concessive clauses

Italianbenché, sebbene, per quanto,nonostante che, quantunque,malgrado che + congiuntivoanche se + indicativo

i.e. Sebbene nevicasse, c’era molto traffico.

Nonstante amasse quella casa,preferì venderla.

Avevo fame anche se avevo appenaMangiato.

Englishalthough, though, even if, even though, inspite of the fact that, whilst, while,whereas, except that + indicative i.e. Although it was snowing, there was a

lot of traffic. Even though she loved that house, she

preferred selling it.

I was hungry in spite of the fact that I had just eaten

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Translating subordinate clauses: concessive/concessive clauses

Italianpur + gerundio

i.e. Pur amandola non la capiva.

Pur avendo lavorato molto, non ho passato l’esame.

Englishalthough, even if, even though, + indicative;While, whilst, despite, although

+ gerund i.e. Although he loved her, he didn’t

understand her.

Despite having worked hard, I didn’t pass the exam

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Translating subordinate clauses: comparative/comparative clauses

Italianpiù…che/meno..di quello/peggio.. di quanto/così…come/ tale..quale/come/quanto/ di quanto +Indic. o cong. o condiz

i.e. Ebbe più regali di quanti ne aspettasse.

Sentì meno dolore di quanto non avesse temuto.

L’esame non fu così difficile come gli avevano detto.

Englishmore (adj +er)…than/ less..than/ worse…than/as…as/ just as(like) i.e. He received more gifts than

he expected.He felt less pain than he had

feared.The exam was not as difficult as

they had told him.

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Translating subordinate clauses: comparative/comparative clauses

Italianpiuttosto che/piuttosto

di + inf.

i.e. Avrebbe preferito morire piuttosto che perdere l’onore.

Vorrei andare al mare piuttosto di stare a casa.

EnglishRather… than instead of + gerund i.e. He would have preferred to

die rather than lose his honour.

I’d like to go to the sea instead of staying at home.

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Translating subordinate clauses: modali/ clauses of manner

ItalianCome, come se, nel modoche, quasi che, comunque+ ind. (o cong)

i.e. Fai come ti pare.

Scrivi la lettera nel modo che ritieni opportuno.

Lo tratta come se fosse suo figlio.

EnglishAs, as if, as though, like, justas, much as, the way, the way,in the way + ind. i.e. Do as you wish.Write the letter the way you

think most convenient.She treats him as though he was

her own son.

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Translating subordinate clauses: modali/ clauses of manner


i.e. Studiando notte e giorno è riuscito a prendere il diploma.

Puntandogli contro la pistola lo ha spaventato.

EnglishBy + gerund; by means of +

gerund i.e. By studying day and night

he was able to get his diploma.

He frightened him by pointing the rifle at him.

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Translating subordinate clauses: soggettive

ItalianChe + cong o ind.

i.e. Conviene che ve ne andiate.

Si dice che è stato lui.Si spera che l’incontro dia

buoni risultati.

English(that) + ind. i.e. It’s convenient that you

leave.Rumour has it that he did it.We hope the meeting leads to

good results.

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Translating subordinate clauses: soggettive

Italiandi + inf. o solo inf..

i.e. E’ giusto rispettare gli animali.

E’ ora di partire.

Bisogna fare il pieno di benzina,

EnglishTo + infinitive i.e. It’s right to respect animals.

It’s time to leave.

We have to fill up the tank. /It’s necessary to fill up the tank.

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Translating subordinate clauses: oggettive/reported clauses

Italianche + ind.

i.e. So che vai spesso a sciare.

Carlo mi ha assicurato che non era presente.

Ha raccontato alla polizia che aveva visto il ladro.

English(that) + ind. i.e. I know you often go skiing.Carl assured me that he wasn’t

there.He told the police that he had

seen the thief.

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Translating subordinate clauses: oggettive/reported clauses

Italianche + cong.

i.e. Credo che Pietro sia a casa.

Non penso sia ammalata.Non voglio che tu esca

con lui.Qualcuno siggerì che ci

dividessimo in gruppi.

English(that) + ind./ modal or

subjunctive i.e. I think Pete is at home.I don’t think she’s ill.I don’t want you to date him.Somebody suggested that we

break up into groups.

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Translating subordinate clauses: oggettive/reported clauses

Italianche + cond.

i.e. Ti assicuro che le scriverei se sapessi l’indirizzo.

Credo che non sarei stato in grado di farcela senza il tuo aiuto.

English(that) + would + inf. /would

have + past participle i.e. I assure you that I’d write

to her if I knwe her address.

I don’t think I would have made it without your help

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Translating subordinate clauses: oggettive/reported clauses

Italiandi + inf. o solo inf.

i.e. Penso ancora di aver deciso per il meglio.

Ha chiesto al suo amico di rimanere.

Tua sorella desidera andare al mare.

Ascoltammo cadere la pioggia.

English(that) + ind. /to + inf. i.e. I still think I made the right

decision.She asked her friend to stay.Your sister wants to go to the

sea.We listened to the rain falling.

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Translating subordinate clauses: relative clauses

ItalianChe, il quale, cui, chi +

ind. o cong

i.e. Non conosco la signora che vive li.

Questi sono gli amici con cui sono andato in Grecia.

Premierò chi lo merita.

EnglishWho, which, whom, that,

whose + ind. i.e. I don’t know the woman

who lives there.These are the friends with

whom I went to Greece.I will gratify those who deserve


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Translating subordinate clauses: interrogative indirette

ItalianChi, che, che cosa, quale,

quanto, come, quando, dove, perché, se + ind. o cong

i.e Mi ha chiesto quale film ho visto.

EnglishWho, which, what, howmuch/many, how, when,where,why, if, whether + ind. i.e. He asked me which film I


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Translating subordinate clauses: interrogative indirette

Italianchi, che, che cosa, quale,

quanto, come, quando, dove, perché, se + inf.

i.e Non sapeva dove andare.

Non so se credergli.

Englishwho, which, what, howmuch/many, how, when,where,why, if, whether + ind.

or to + inf. i.e. He didn’t know where to


I don’t know whether I should believe him.

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