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Bau Nyale


.Kaliantan Beach,



To date PT Uniserv supplies lime for production process atPTNNT. However, due to several reasons, this local limesupplier is experiencing production decline at a timePTNNT's lime requirement progressively increases. To meetthe demand, the company purchases lime from Surabayawith much higher costs.

Lime Supply OptimizationSaves 1 Million Dollar Annually

Suara Batu Hijau magazine is published by PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara for internal distribu-tion within the company and for other Newmont groups.PPPPPAAAAATRONTRONTRONTRONTRON: : : : : Martiono Hadianto ADADADADADVISERSVISERSVISERSVISERSVISERS: : : : : All Senior Managers, Managers and Superinten-dents CHIEF EDITCHIEF EDITCHIEF EDITCHIEF EDITCHIEF EDITOROROROROR: Rubi Waprasa Purnomo EDITEDITEDITEDITEDITORIALORIALORIALORIALORIAL TEAMTEAMTEAMTEAMTEAM: : : : : Andika Wijaya, RuslanAhmad, Komang Ardana, Muhammad Nazri, Lalu Yuslis, Lalu Budi KaryadiDESIGN & PRODUCTIONDESIGN & PRODUCTIONDESIGN & PRODUCTIONDESIGN & PRODUCTIONDESIGN & PRODUCTION: Agus Apriyanto DISTRIBUTIONDISTRIBUTIONDISTRIBUTIONDISTRIBUTIONDISTRIBUTION PR and Department Secretary.

EDITEDITEDITEDITEDITORIAL ADDRESSORIAL ADDRESSORIAL ADDRESSORIAL ADDRESSORIAL ADDRESS: : : : : Gedung Admin I Benete, Sumbawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia LETTER ADDRESSLETTER ADDRESSLETTER ADDRESSLETTER ADDRESSLETTER ADDRESS PO Box1022 Mataram 83126 PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE PHONE (62-372) 635318 ext 46260 Fax:(62-372) 635319 ext: 46243 EEEEE-MAIL-MAIL-MAIL-MAIL-MAIL id Suara Batu Hi jau accepts any s tor ies, ar t ic les, photos and car toons f rom employees.Suara Batu Hi jau accepts any s tor ies, ar t ic les, photos and car toons f rom employees.Suara Batu Hi jau accepts any s tor ies, ar t ic les, photos and car toons f rom employees.Suara Batu Hi jau accepts any s tor ies, ar t ic les, photos and car toons f rom employees.Suara Batu Hi jau accepts any s tor ies, ar t ic les, photos and car toons f rom employees.Edi tors have the r ight to edi t ar t ic les contr ibuted.Edi tors have the r ight to edi t ar t ic les contr ibuted.Edi tors have the r ight to edi t ar t ic les contr ibuted.Edi tors have the r ight to edi t ar t ic les contr ibuted.Edi tors have the r ight to edi t ar t ic les contr ibuted.

Reaching the Hope from Coconut Fiber


Successful Reclamation Reduces Tax



PTNNT Extends its Operation Period to 2038


Omar Jabara:Admires Safety Implementation at PTNNT



ISSUE 31 20132013201320132013TABLE OF CONTENTS


Bau NyaleThousands of people crowd Tropical, Kaliantan beaches


Health is a priceless gift from God. Everything is unpleasantwhen you are unhealthy. All of your fortune seems useless.Resting feels uncomfortable let alone working. Thereforeyou have to stay healthy. Exercise is one of the methods tokeep your body fit and healthy.

Balanced Life Center:Make Employees Healthy to Increase Productivity PROFILE

Frans Sianturi

PERHAPIGood Mines are Managed by Mining Professionals

Thousands of Sekongkang people ofWest Sumbawa and its surroundingcrowded the Tropical beach firstthing in the morning (2-3/3). The oldand young, male and female, went tothe beach at the dawn.Most of them came with a scoop net,a bucket and a stick. Some of thembrought flashlight, a plastic bag or

even bare handed. They shared the same target, seeking andcatching Nyale (kind of sea worm).

Batu HijauS U A R A

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To date PT Uniserv supplies limefor production process at PTNNT.However, due to several reasons,

this local lime supplier is experiencingproduction decline at a time PTNNT's limerequirement progressively increases. Tomeet the demand, the company purchaseslime from Surabaya with much highercosts. To overcome this unfavorablesituation, PTNNT through Lime SupplyOptimization Project takes a substantialaction to help PT Uniserv increase itsproduction capacity to meet the require-ments.

The business case of this project,according to the project manager, FransSianturi, is the very high increase of limeusage due to the bad quality of thestockpile ores. "Usually we used around180 tons of lime per day, but since July

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2012 the requirements have skyrocketed tomore than 300 tons or an increase of 90%,which could not be fulfilled by localsuppliers," he revealed.

The maximum production rate that hasever been done by KILN Uniserv was 230tons per day; as a consequence, PTNNTmust purchase additional lime fromSurabaya of approx. 90 tons per day. "Thefluctuating need of lime requirements isinfluenced by the type of rocks sent fromthe mine and the type of water used toprocess that rock," said Frans.

Andrew Rumpel, PTNNT's PrincipalAdvisor Business Excellence, viewed Fransand his colleagues from other relateddepartments have successfully improvedUniserv's production capacity up to 320tons per day and designed a process-related study with the support of the

Batu HijauS U A R A

Lime Supply Optimization

Saves 1 Million Dollar Annually

PT Uniserv's Lime factory at Benete.

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Process team, SCM, and Uniserv.Frans and his colleagues are also

considered to have performed strict auditon the pit and process area to verify thelime quality to ensure the lime undergoescomplete process.

"Using local lime, PTNNT saves US$36 perton when compared to using non-locallime. During years of stockpile process,this project can save an amount of USD1million annually," he explained.

While this project has not obtainedGlobal Validity, it is expected that it couldcontribute USD500,000 for 2013 targetwhich was set at USD 14.3 million to theNew Business Excellence Value Creation.

"This is Frans' third project and I wouldthank him for all his time and effort he hasdone as a part of the Business ExcellenceValue Creation," said Andrew.

Batu HijauS U A R A

This project isconsidered able to

save in the amount ofone million dollar


Frans Sianturi and team members discuss necessary actions to be taken to increase PT Uniserv's production.

Frans Sianturi, Sr. Supv. System andreporting (project manager).

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Health is a priceless gift from God. Everything is unpleasant when you areunhealthy. All of your fortune seems useless. Resting feels uncomfortable letalone working. Therefore you have to stay healthy. Exercise is one of the

methods to keep your body fit and healthy.PTNNT is aware of the importance of employees' health for company's successful

operation. Various health and fitness facilities have been established at the employ-ee housing area at Townsite. These facilities range from soccer field, sports hall forbasketball, badminton, futsal, etc., tennis court, and swimming pool.

The most recent and advanced is Balanced Life health and fitness center, locatedat T2 camp. The inauguration of the facility operation was marked with ribboncutting and balloon release by PTNNT's GMO Trent Tempel on Monday (1/28). Anumber of senior managers and managers were present to witness the inaugurationceremony of this fitness center, which is located at the ex-BNI office close to KatalaCooperative building.

"In order to create a healthier and more productive manpower, the companyprovides a health and fitness center on site with more comfortable atmosphere. TheBalanced Life Center allows busy employees and their dependents to exercise moreeasily and comfortable," said Mohamad Chairudin, F&S Manager.

Balanced Life team is responsible for developing activities to promote employees'and Townsite residents' health/wellness by means of education and programs thatencourage changes to a better life style in line with recommendations.

A guidelines released by American College of Sport Medicine clearly states that tostay healthy, all adults require physical aerobic at a medium intensity (e.g. jogging)

Balanced Life CenterMake Employees Healthy to Increase Productivity

PTNNT GMO Trent Tempel releases balloons marking the operation of Balanced Life Center (1/28).

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for at least 30 minutes five days a week, or in a high intensity (e.g running) for atleast 20 minutes three days a week. In addition, every adult shall perform activitiesthat can keep or improve muscle capability for at least two days in a week. For thosewho want to lose weight or improve fitness, they should perform exercise more thanthe minimum recommendation.

MembershipBalanced Life Center may be used by all employees and Batu HIjau residents

including children who are 12 years of age or above. Access to the center may beobtained after participating in an orientation on the available facilities. It opensdaily from 05:00-22:00 and for mothers exclusively at 13:00 - 14:00 from Monday toFriday.

Enthusiastically welcomeThe presence of the center in the middle of employees' camp has been enthusiasti-

cally welcome. Tens of employees including those who live at Benete, Maluk and itssurrounding, PTNNT's business partners, dependents visit the facility every day totake a look at and test various provided equipment. Sukreni, for example, along withher fellow employees came to the Center to give a shot on the new, fancy equipmentavailable at this facility. "At first I thought this facility is only wasting money. But itturns out that it is very useful to maintain our health and to stay fit. I will come in aregular basis and start to exercise intensively," she said.

Some also employees who preferred to come outside the schedule to avoid thecrowd. "I and my friend came every 4 o'clock in the morning. During that period oftime there were only a few visitors, so the situation is quieter," said Thomas, aMultimedia crew from Concentrator office.

In addition to the new equipment, the Center provides a plasma TV in front of everyequipment and glass wall so each users can view every movement they make as wellas to create a cozier atmosphere. Moreover, it has safe lockers, bathroom, andappropriate changing room.

"Basically, it is a loss if we do not utilize this fancy and free facility," stressedThomas.

At first I thought thisfacility is only wastingmoney. But it turns outthat it is very useful to

maintain our health andto stay fit.

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Employees and dependentseagerly test the equipment

available at Balanced Life Center.

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Efforts to Improve Employees' Health

Employees' success in working asshown in achievement of targetswith excellent performance is not

solely a result of skills and competency.Another factor that is no less important isa balance in managing personal qualityof life and work demands.

This kind of balance now becomes oneof the PTNNT's focuses. For this purpose,banners and posters that read 'TheBalanced Life' were posted at severalstrategic locations, such as bus stop,commissary, mess hall, gym.

To know more on how and whatBalanced Life is, the followings areexcerpts of an interview with PeterFerrigno, PTNNT Senior Manager Opera-tions Support.

Question (Q): Can you tell us about TheBalanced Life program?

Answer (A): Actually The Balanced LifeHealth and Wellness program has beensomething that we've been working on formore than 18 months now. When westarted to looking at all of the generalhealth as well as services provided bySOS Clinic. As a company, we want tomake sure that we're putting the healthand wellness and wellbeing of ouremployees as a primary focal point alongwith all of the other things that we do asa company in terms of training anddevelopment. PTNNT also has tried toensure it has comprehensive programs tomeet the employee's need.

In PTNNT point of view, this program isthe best and specific method to assistemployee to cope with health problemsand wellness perspective. Basically, whatthe employees' medical condition andhow that may effect on and improve theirhealth by means of tools and educationprovided by PTNNT is the employees'personal responsibility. So, everything isup to the employees to utilize the provid-

ed facility, and everything has beenfurnished in one place i.e. the sportsarena (The Balanced Life Gym) whichopened on last February.

Q: In your opinion, why this program isneeded?

A: As we all now, one of the things thatwe are now at PTNNT is that we have theworkforce now that is aging. Because ofthe fact that had a very low turnover inthe company, we've seen the age of ourworkforce basically increase over the lastten years by ten years. And as we know,with age comes other health problems,you know, high blood pressure, cholester-ol and those sorts of things.

Therefore, it was deemed necessary byPTNNT to adopt a program to overcomeemployee's health problem. That wassomething that was discussed with thesenior management of Newmont both inDenver and Asia Pacific and talking aboutoccupational health and support of ouremployees and their families that livehere in Sumbawa. That was prettyobvious that we needed a facility thatpeople can use to be able to not onlyworkout in but have people that areknowledgeable and staff that are trainedto be able to deal with folks that havedifferent heath conditions and train them.

To provide them with specific differentcourses, personal health programs,which in the future must be able to givechanges on employee through the facilityprovided by the company.

In middle of February, we have BaliHealth who is partnering with us and withSOS in occupational health groups tocome in and be that key component tothat program.

Q: Talking about health cannot beseparated from nutrition. How does PTNNTarrange it to support employees' health?

A: One thing that has been done by

Peter Ferrigno, Sr. Manager Operations Support PTNNT.

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PTNNT over the years is to take care of themeals which give positive or negativeimpact on us as a human being as well asa worker. Up to now, we are working withPBU to, you know, try to put nutritionalinformation up there so that people thatwhether they are on diet or are interestedin knowing what's healthy food versusless healthy food can get that informationthat are available to them and that is whyin the mess hall we've usually seensomebody's card system that provides asimple stuff like methodology whetheryou have red, yellow and green labelsthat have the basic health facts of thefoods they are eating contain inside ofthose cards. It is something that wecontinue to work out and roll out.

The same treatment is also given topacked meals which delivered directly tothe workers. In the upcoming months, themenu for packed meals shall be varied.Not only the food is still hot and warmduring the delivery but the nutrition willalso be improved.

Q: So far what you have done to TheBalanced Life that makes it attractive to theemployees and how you evaluate it?

A: To make it interesting, we will hold

several contests and competitions relatedto employees' health and fitness. Thisway we are sure such events will bringpleasure for them, so the will be interest-ed in going to the gym even just to lookaround.

By these activities hopefully we cangive more benefit to the employees fromhealth and entertainment perspectives.For evaluation, we provide opportunitiesfor employees to give feedbacks on whatthey like and what they do not like relatedto this program so we could makechanges.

From 2012 survey, many employees havegiven suggestions and positive informa-tion associated with health and wellness.The survey results indicate what they need.We will collect all positive information inorder to improve this program. Thisprogram is suited to the requirements andbeneficial for the health of employees andtheir families is the most critical matter.Moreover, it is impossible for PTNNT tomake a program and to position people torun it without bringing significant benefitfor the company. However, we willevaluate the effectiveness of this programin a regular basis.

The Balanced Life Facility.

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Batu HijauS U A R A

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Simple Ways to ReduceBad Cholesterol6

There are good and bad cholesterols. What happens if your badcholesterol is high? Surely, you

have to be alarmed since heart andarterial diseases will threaten your life.

Sometimes, you think you have madeyour best to reduce the cholesterol but itcomes to no avail. Some of you might havetried anti-cholesterol medicine as a way tocontrol your extra high cholesterol, butwhat about your diet pattern? Have youchanged it into healthier one? It isbecause without correct diet pattern, thecholesterol will remain high although youtake such medicine.

Did you know that you can reduce yourbad cholesterol in your body by 10-20percent only by changing the diet patternso that your food is of low cholesterol?

Then, how do you find out the food thatcan reduce your cholesterol? Let's see

these simple tips below:1. Eat more low cholesterol foods, such

as soybean, red bean, tofu, tempe, freshfruit, wheat, vegetable and vegetablejuice.

2. Prepare oatmeal for your breakfastsince studies show that oatmeal is verygood for reducing your cholesterol.

3. Change your common egg with that oflow cholesterol, such egg is availableat supermarkets or markets.

4. Try to change your habit in having fattyfoods, such as cream sauced fettuccini,coconut sauced food, fries, entrailsinto various less oil sauted vegetables.

5. Vary your dietary by eating celery,basil and coriander.

6. Stop using margarine or less healthycooking oil and change it to oil that isgood for your cholesterol, such ascoconut oil. (Source: WebMD).

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US Ambassador to Indonesia ScotMarciel praises PTNNT during hisvisit to Batu Hijau (20/2).

Scot said he was satisfied with thecompany's environmental performanceand community development programsthrough empowerment and job opportu-nities.

"Newmont has hired over 9000 em-ployees and they have brought signifi-cant economic impacts. Their operationhighly appreciates the environmentalbalance," said the ambassador during apress conference at Admin I Benete.

Scot said the US government still hasa very good relationship with theGovernment of Indonesia. "Newmont

US Ambassador Praises Newmontinvestment in Indonesia is a part of thebilateral collaboration between the twocountries to tighten the diplomaticties," said he.

Meanwhile Blake Rhodes, CountryManager Indonesia and PTNNT PresidentCommissioner, said as a foreign compa-ny, Newmont is committed to buildingcollaborative relationship and complieswith the Government of Indonesiaregulations.

Such commitment is shown openly byNewmont on the government's decisionto divest seven percent of its shares in2010. "Despite of it has experiencedextensions, the shareholders continue towait the Government decision," said he.

Dennis Ferrigno, Sr. Manager OperationSupport explanation about operational

PTNNT at Batu Hijau.

Blake Rhode gives explanation to ScotMarciel about ore processing during his

visit to Concentrator.

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Thousands of Sekongkang people ofWest Sumbawa and its surroundingcrowded the Tropical beach first

thing in the morning (2-3/3). The old andyoung, male and female, went to the beachat the dawn. Most of them came with ascoop net, a bucket and a stick. Some ofthem brought flashlight, a plastic bag oreven bare handed. They shared the sametarget, seeking and catching Nyale (kind ofsea worm).

Similar events were also seen atKaliantan Beach, Jerowaru of EastLombok and Seger Beach Kuta of CentralLombok.

At Kaliantan, the East Lombok localgovernment hosted a culture festival forthree days (1-3/3) performing traditionalarts. The top event was attended by theGovernor DR. HM. Zainul Majdi accompa-nied by the Regent and Vice Regent of EastLombok, Director of Culture and Tradi-tion, Tourism and Creative EconomyMinistry Gendro Nurhadi.

Bau Nyale

Tropical and Kaliantan BeachesThousands of people crowd

The flood of people attending thefestival lured the locals to sell variousgoods from toys to traditional foods.

Bau Nyale fest has become an annualevent in NTB. In Lombok, it is concentrat-ed in Kaliantan Beach of East Lombok andKuta Beach of Central Lombok while inSumbawa in Tropical Beach of WestSumbawa.

Bau Nyale is often associated with amyth in each area. In Lombok, it isassociated with heroic story of Mandali-ka Princess who jumped into the sea toavoid blood-shedding fight among theprinces proposing her, while in WestSumbawa Nyale was considered manifes-tation of Prophet Muhammad's turban. InFlores, Bau Nyale is part of Pasolaceremony, an on horse spear throwingtradition welcoming the planting season.

Bau Nyale fest has become a tourismagenda for the surrounding community,tourists, and the government. They arepleased to spend the night on the beach a

Bau Nyale Fest at Kaliantan Beach, East Lombok.

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day before the fest starts. Variousentertainments are performed to enliventhe once-in-a-year fest.

Some studies find Nyale contain highprotein. Despite it can be eaten raw,people prefer to cooking it as the side-dish. It is usually served as pepes(roasted in banana leave wrapping) orcooked in coconut sauce.

"We prepare the seasoning at homebefore leaving to the beach. We cook itdirectly and sell any excessive," said Mrs.Nana of Sekongkang Bawah. After the festends, the price can reach Rp15,000 abowl at Tropical Beach

"We can sell it Rp20,000 a bowl in themarket," said Mr. Acan a fisherman of

Labu Lalar that intentionally came to thebeach by boat with his friends. Mr. Acanappeared to arrive one day before the festat Tropical Beach.

Various sources said Nyale is onlyfound in coral beach. It emerges to thesurface during the mating season. Theworm's presence indicates a clean beachand sea since it is a kind of animal thatis sensitive to temperature change due topollution and global warming.

Social Responsibility Manager H.Syarafuddin Jarot attended the event withsome Sekongkang local figures. "We haveto support this event to develop thetourism sector and community's econo-my," said Jarot.

Bau Nyale at Tropical Beach, Sekongkang WestSumbawa and Kaliantan Beach, East Lombok.

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Reaching thehope from

Coconut Fiber

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013

The hardship of life is not only facedby people of lower level in big cities,people in remote villages, such

Maluk, West Sumbawa also experience theimpact of skyrocketing prices of basicneeds. This forces housewives to helptheir husband earn more income for theirfamily.

Maryam, a mother of two, makes netfrom coconut fiber (coconet) to add herfamily income. Earnings of her husband, aroustabout, cannot be relied on to satisfytheir life needs.

"Fortunately PTNNT provides a job tomake coconet, it is enough to support myfamily's economy," she said.

Coconet production is a collaborationproject between PTNNT's Environmentand Social Responsibility Departments.The project is assigned to two localcompanies in Maluk i.e. PT Ridho Bersa-ma and CV Taliwang Mitra. The twocompanies hire tens of workers and someof them are housewives. The coconetproduction is aimed at fulfilling PTNNTreclamation's needs in 2013. H Basuki, SrSpecialist Capacity Building & ProjectDevelopment External Relations, said in2013 the Environment Department needs185,000 meter square coconet. "Current-ly, the Environment Department has

CSR Batu HijauS U A R A

72,000 meter squares in stock. The restwill be provided through CommunityDevelopment project," said he.

Previously, 15 coconet workers weretrained by skilled persons from Lombok."The raw material is still supplied by EastLombok," said Basuki. Maryam and otherhousewives are grateful for this jobopportunity. "We earn Rp2000 per meterand we can make 30 meter a day," saidMaryam affirmed by her co-workers. "Youknow, we have to take a break at noonand do our household tasks as a house-wife. If we do not prepare the meals ourhusband and children will have nothingto eat."

Fitrahjaya Kurniawan, Sr. Spec. Recla-mation, Ops/Environmental Reclamationsaid the coconet is used because of itsnature that can absorb water and blendwith the soil. "In addition to preventinglandslide, the coconet is also the placewhere the seeds attach during thehydroseeding process," said he.

Fitrah said that earlier the supply ofcoconet was provided by supplier fromout of the region. However, this year,collaborating with Comdev program, theprocurement is made through localsuppliers. "Of course the price is muchcheaper," said Fitrah.

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Successful Reclamation, Reduces Tax

Asignificant impact of miningactivities is the change in landscape. PTNNT is aware of such

impact and therefore it is obliged to carryout reclamation to repair and manage thedisturbed land in order that it can functionas designated.

Ahmad Salim, PTNNT Gensupv. Govern-ment Relations, said three institutionshold the authority to monitor the reclama-tion, i.e. EMR Ministry, MoE and Forestry.

The monitoring is carried out a mini-mum of once a year and evaluation isonce in five years. The monitoring data isused to improve the plant condition and inthe third year, it is required to determinewhether the revegetation is successful ornot and the status of periodic Non-taxState Revenue payment. "For the timebeing, the evaluation data in the fifth yearis used as reference for pinjam pakai

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permit extension," said he.With regard to reclamation assessment,

Ahmad disclosed that in 2012 plantverification was made to 40.79 ha of landwith census method by observing the plantone by one that it took a long time tocomplete. "Of 400 ha land proposed, only40.79 ha was assessed by Forest AreaRehabilitation (BPKH) Regional VIIIDenpasar team," said Ahmad.

BPKH considers the reclamation to 40.79ha of land is successful. This meansPTNNT has met the government require-ments. Following this achievement, theDirectorate General of Forestry Planningapproved that the area of 40.79 ha is nolonger subject to PNBP-PKH payment.

"Financially, PTNNT is granted withdeduction of PNBP-PKH payment obliga-tion by Rp293 million or about 2.7% of400 ha of proposed area," said he.

Beautiful scenery around the Processing Plant.

Tongoloka reclamation area, Batu Hijau mine.

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Geodesy Faculty of UNPAD students listen to explanation on PTNNT mining

operation at Admin 1, Benete (26/2).

Prophet Muhammad birthday observance by Buin Batu School big family at

Townsite (14/2).

Process Super League, soccer friendly games between sections at PTNNT Process

Department (28/2).

LENS Batu HijauS U A R A

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013

Fishery Survey findings presentation by Benete fisherman at the Visitor

Center, Admin I Benete (4/2).Faozan Maulad, Gensupv Soc. Resp. PTNNT, hands over motorbike

donation to Lalu Syafei, head of NTB Education and Youth Office (4/2).

Bazaar during K3 Month at parking lot T2, Townsite (12/2).

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Good mining business can bemanifested if it is managed byprofessional, skilled, high

integrity, and ethical manpower inaccordance with good mining rules."Therefore we support PERHAPI thatappoints PTNNT as the venue for compe-tency test XVIII this year," said PTNNTGeneral Manager Social Responsibilityand Govrels Rachmat Makkasau.

According to Rachmat, PTNNT highlyappreciates the efforts to carry out goodmining practices and takes PTNNT formodel mining company in Indonesia.

"Therefore PTNNT strongly supports thecompetency test XVII of the professionalcertification for mining professionals byLSP PERHAPI (Indonesia Mining Profes-sional Association) at Batu Hijau, 28February - 3 March 2013," said he.

For Rachmat, the appointment of PTNNTas the host is a form of appreciation aftersuccessful competency test XIII 2012 atBatu Hijau since mining professionals

PERHAPIGood Mines are Managedby Mining Professionals

from mining companies in Indonesia willgather here. "This event is aligned withour commitment to demonstratingPTNNT's leadership in the stewardship ofthe environment, occupational safety andsocial responsibility," said he.

Meanwhile, Rajulisman, the chairmanof committee of competency test XVII,explained that the test is held three tofour times a year by PERHAPI ProfessionCertification Agency in collaboration withmining companies in Indonesia.

"A number of 35 people have regis-tered to join the test, comprising 20PTNNT employees and 15 from othermining companies in Indonesia," saidRajulisman. Having passed this test,mining professionals' expertise will berecognized and their competitiveness inmining world will highly increase. Theparticipants include delegates from PTAneka Tambang Tbk., PT NusantaraThermal Coal, PT Adaro Indonesia, PTVale Indonesia, PT Arutmit Indonesia, PTBerau Coal, Pt Truba Indocoal Mining, PTInternational Nickel Indonesia, PT HaritaGroup, PT Bukit Asam Persero and PTFreeport Indonesia.

The assessors consist of 20 certifiedmining professionals from PTNNT andnon-PTNNT. Other than PTNNT, Compe-tency Test Venues include PusdiklatMinerba ESDM, PT Bukit Asam (PTBA), PTKaltim Prima Coal (KPC) and PT TIMAH.In 2012 PTNNT received BNSP AWARD(Profession Certification NationalBoard) for the category of companieswith competency based manpowerdevelopment that meet BNSP standards.This award went to PTNNT since thecompany consistently support variousactivities and trainings as well ascompetency test venue.

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PTNNT Extends its Operation Period

Following several assessments andevaluation on future mining plan,PTNNT extends its operation life to

the end of 2038. The presentation wasgiven by General Manager SocialResponsibility & Govrels RachmatMakkasau during the familiarization ofPTNNT mining plan of 2013 attended byheads of villages, sub-district heads,Environmental Agency of West Sumba-wa, EMR NTB and West Sumbawa at theKrakatau Room, Townsite (14/2).

Based on AMDAL 1996, PTNNT's minelife will end in 2019. In 2001 a revisionwas made but it did not change the lifeof mine. It only changed the minesurface area, pit depth, waste rockdumping and ore stockpile.

The life of mine was extended to 2031in the revision of Environmental Man-

PTNNT General Manager Social Responsibility &Govrels Rachmat Makkasau during the presentation oflife of mine change plan in Krakatau Room, Townsite.

agement Plan 2010."For mining plan of 2013, again PTNNT

extends the life of mine to 2038," hesaid.

Rachmat asserted that the reasonPTNNT extends the contract (life of mine)is to maintain the amount of oresprocessed with safer mining geometry,minimize mining operation failure(potential slope failure) including post-mining and bring more significant socialand economy impacts to the region.

Meanwhile, Parliyanto Dharmawan,Manager Environmental Affairs, in hispresentation disclosed some impacts ofthe mine plan change. Technically, thepit diameter will expand from 2677meter to 2728 meter. The pit area willexpand from 550 Ha to 594 Ha, with newclearing of 17.3 ha forest area.


to 2038

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The pit sump expands from - 420 meterbelow the sea level (bsl) to -435 meterbsl. The total new forest area clearingrequired is 182.8 Ha.

"Notwithstanding, the processingcapacity remains 58.4 million tonnes peryear as described in the AMDAL docu-ments and there is no change to theamount of tailings," he said.

With the seven year extension of the lifeof mine, Parliyanto said there will benon-technical change impacts particular-ly indirect benefits to the economy andsupport services. In addition, the commu-nity development programs and othersocial programs will continue and staterevenues from taxes and royalties willincrease.

During the question and answersession, Tongo village Head MuhammadZabir said he strongly agreed andsupported the extension of the life ofmine. "The important thing is the compa-ny can provide contribution to thevillages and the community that moresignificant changes can be seen," said he.

Meanwhile Burhanuddin, the head of

Environmental Agency (BLH) of WestSumbawa, called on PTNNT to be insynergy in environmental monitoring. Hesaid all this time the monitoring carriedout with BLH is initiated by PTNNT. "Thisis due to the lack of reference required tocarry out monitoring," said he.

Burhanuddin therefore expects PTNNTto provide some references, such as RKL/RPL documents to BLH West Sumbawa asper the company's obligations providedin AMDAL for BLH reference in the moni-toring.

Hirawansyah, the head of EMR of WestSumbawa, admitted he was impressed bythe successful reclamation PTNNT made.According to him, the reclamation in BatuHijau can be taken as example for similarimplementation in West Sumbawa. Healso emphasized the importance offamiliarization on job opportunities inPTNNT or contractors as its businesspartners.

"Why is it important? Because, it is away to change community's mindset thatPTNNT is not only the source of income,"said he.

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Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013

K3 Batu HijauS U A R A

For employees working at Batu Hijau, SAFETY is the word talked aboutanytime. Every day they are requested to focus on the safety during theirjob. Since it is spoken so many times, one sometimes regards it as an

ordinary thing or may even ignore it. However, an outsider or a Newmont employ-ee from other sites may find it differently. They may be very impressed with oursafety concern.

Omar Jabara, Director of Newmont Global Communications, was impressedwhen he visited PTNNT and Elang exploration area several weeks ago (4/3). "Iwas surprised and pleased with the safety concerns shown at PTNNT," Omarsaid.

Omar was impressed when he arrived at Batu Hijau and continued his flight tothe Elang exploration area by helicopter. Prior to departing, he had to watchsafety video first, which he thought was normal. "It was normal since I am newand will fly to a new location," Omar said.

However, the normalcy turned into admiration when he returned. After arriving,the officer asked him to watch the safety video again. In fact, it was only 1 hourago. "I asked him, 'Do I have to watch it again?' The officer said, 'Yes.' It was veryimpressive and remarkable. I am really impressed with Safety implementation atPTNNT," Omar said. During the Elang exploration visit, the technical explorationteam told him about the exploration stage currently underway. Other thantechnical issues, Omar also had the opportunity to visit several villages aroundthe exploration sites. In Ledang, Lenangguar and Lemurung villages, he wasbriefed on several projects and community development programs, such as theconstruction of clean water infrastructure, multipurpose buildings and Bangkokchicken farming.

"Although it was a short visit to the exploration area, I could see thatNewmont was on the right track, "said Omar who got a warm welcome from the

employees and had a lunch at a simple food stall at Lenangguar village enjoyingSepat, a special Sumbawa dish.

Omar JabaraAdmires Safety Implementation at PTNNT

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Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013


Net Income Drops,but Asset Increases

Despite the net income (SHU) drop suffered by Katala Employee Cooperative in2012 from Rp951 million (in 2011) to Rp763 million (in 2012), the cooperative'soverall assets show an increase.

According to Gunawan, the drop is caused by urgent obligations, such as value addedtax (PPn) paid to the government. Meantime, Cooperative's increased assets are causedby the increase of its member each year from 2,773 members in 2011 to 2.815 membersin 2012 (0.4% increase).

"Member increase becomes cooperative's potential capital for business developmentduring 2013 to increase its SHU," he said before thousands of cooperative's membersduring the Annual Membership Meeting (RAT) held on Wednesday (30/1) at the Multipur-pose Hall, Townsite. A number of government officials, such as from West Nusa Tengga-ra (NTB) Cooperatives Office and West Sumbawa Regency (KSB) Industry, Trades,Cooperatives & UMKM Office were also present in the program.

Gunawan added that apart from the approval given by its members, cooperative'sfinancial report of 2012 has also been audited by independent auditors (KAP KBAAJakarta), which states that Katala Cooperative has conducted proper bookkeeping andprovided qualified financial statements.

Cooperative Supervisor H. Agus Panca believes that the cooperative's net incomedecrease in 2012 is caused by increased development and promotion costs, as well asinterest expenses of the members.

"In 2013 work program, the cooperative will increase the basic contribution paymentfrom Rp200,000 to Rp300,000 and obligatory saving from Rp75,000 to Rp125,000,"added Ruliana the cooperative manager.

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The opinion that Batu Hijau mine isthe world's most beautiful mine isechoed by Frans Sianturi, Sr Supv

System & Reporting Osu/SCM BusinessProcess. Frans admitted that Batu Hijaumine environment is very beautiful,comfortable and easily accessible eitherby land, sea or air transportation. "This isthe most beautiful mine I've ever seenindeed," said the former employee of agold mine in Papua.

Frans, who graduated from UI in 1995and worked for Freeport a year later,joined PT Fluor Daniel, a PTNNT contrac-tor in construction, in 1998, albeit withlower salary.

"I love this region since I first came toLombok in 1994. At that time I and myNature-lover friends were climbingRinjani mountain. Therefore, when therewas an offer to work at Batu Hijau,Sumbawa I accepted it instantly," saidFrans.

Similar to Freeport, at Fluor Daniel, thefather of three born in Sibolga (NorthSumatra) on 20 October 1972 had a taskof managing export-import items neededby the company. His intelligence, perse-verance and ability to communicate withothers made him famous and favored bycoworkers and work partners.

When Fluor Daniel contract came to anend in 1999, Frans was hired by PTNNT, acopper-gold mining company he longeyed. "Since I first came, I indeed wantedto work at Newmont," said Frans wholoves music and challenging tasks.

A year later, Frans who has Bachelor ofCivil Engineering title worked with ITDepartment to set up Ellipse System for a


Frans with his favorite car and musical instrument.

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013


Interested in Working at

transportation and export-import module."I tried to apply my experience whenworking at Freeport with some modifica-tions consistent with international tradestandards in compliance with Indonesiangovernment regulations, "he said.

The innovation Frans and the IT teammade improved the efficiency and effec-tiveness of the company's performance.Frans was rewarded with a two-dayvacation in Bali with accommodation atthe best hotel. His position also wasupgraded two levels. ""I did not expect toreceive such a reward. I just tried to domy best," said Frans.

In fact, Frans's innovation did not stopthere. He invented a number of newmethods in various fields of activity; thenewest being Lime Supply Optimizationproject, which saves up to one milliondollars per year.

A team he led with members fromvarious departments succeeded inassisting PT Uniserv, a local lime compa-ny in Benete, to increase its production tomeet PTNNT requirements.

"The business case from the project is

a Paradisiacal Mine

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Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013

Every problem is a challenge forme to find solutions. Remain

optimistic and enjoyable are thekey of my success. Do not easilygive up. There will always be a

solution for every problem

high increase of lime consumption due tobad mine ore stockpile. Usually theamount of lime used was approximately180 tons per day, but since July 2012 ithas increased to about over 300 tons perday or an increase of some 90 percent,"said Frans.

Frans and team succeeded in increas-ing Uniserv's production capacity to 320tons per day following` a strict audit onthe pit and processing area to verify the

limestone quality for perfect process."Every problem is a challenge for me to

find solutions. Remain optimistic andenjoyable being the key of my success. Donot easily give up. There will always be asolution for every problem, "said thisproperty business lover.

Several breakthroughs initiated byFrank have become part of the BusinessExcellence Value Creation program,currently applied by the company.

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Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013

Baitul Maal Wattamwil (BMT) ofBatu Hijau Muslim Foundation(YMBH) on Wednesday (20/2) held

the 3rd Annual Membership Meeting (RAT)at Miftahul Jannah mosque, Townsite. Themeeting, attended by hundreds of mem-bers from the area around the mine andTownsite, was said to be a meeting of theMujahids by H Faozan Maulad, BMT andYMBH Supervisory official.

"We, who gathered here, actually are theMujahids, i.e., the one who are fighting aholy war against usury and trying hard toimplement and enforce economy inaccordance with the Sharia," he said.

According to Faozan, who is the GensupvCapacity Building of Ext.Rels, ComDev,usury now has entered all aspects of ourdaily life. Economic transactions are notbased on the agreement between bothparties involved in the transaction but onthe unilateral determination based on theinterest system. The lender has a higherpower over the borrower due to differentposition and interest. "In fact, Allah SWTjustifies trade and forbids usury," he saidquoting a hadith.

Therefore, he believes that being a BMTmember is part of work to avoid usury."God willing, our efforts to enforce gooddeeds and forbid wrong doings areincluded in the jihad work that will berewarded by Allah SWT," said Faozan.

Iin Sain Abdullah, the BMT chairperson,

BMT Annual Membership Meeting:

Meeting of the Mujahidsduring the Accountability Report statementexplains that in contrast to the Conven-tional bank practice, BMT managementbased on the profit sharing principle(mudharabah), sincerity and free fromusury practices.

BMT is aimed at providing solution forthe community's socio-economic problemsbased on Islamic Sharia principles thateconomic justice and welfare can beshared to all people, especially the BMTmembers.

To achieve this goal, BMT collects fundfrom the depositors and conducts busi-ness through several programs such asINSANI (Investasi Syariah Non-Ribawi/Non-usury Sharia Investment) saving, aprofit sharing deposit in form of: SIMUDHA(Simpanan Mudharabah/Profit SharingSaving), TAFAQUR (Tabungan FasilitasQurban/Sacrificial Animal FacilitySaving), SAHARA (Simpanan Hari Raya/Feast Day Saving) and TAZKIAH (TabunganZakat-Infaq- Shodaqoh/Alms-Donation-Charity Deposit). BMT also has BERKAHDeposit (Berjangka Mudharabah/TimeProfit Sharing), an investment with acompetitive profit sharing ratio at certainamount and period of time, and financing/loan from other parties (when necessary).

The collected funds are distributedthrough several programs, such as fundingbased on profit sharing principles andcollective agreement for various types of

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Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013

halal businesses, such as householdindustry, trade, services, agriculture, etc.

(Mudharabah). Profit sharing fundingfor business partner who owns productivehalal businesses and is intended forbusiness capital addition (musyarakah).

"In mudharabah funding, there is noinvestment/fund sharing from partners, allfunds come from BMT. While in musyara-kah, BMT invests/fund shares on thepartners' business," Iin said.

BMT aslo provides finance within tradeprinciples with agreed profit/margin(murabahah). Payment can be made ininstallments as per the agreement. It isallocated for those who need goods assets(household utensils, electronics, etc.) anddo not want to/cannot pay off all at once(gradual payment/installment).

BMT also provides Loan System (Alqard/Qordul Hasan) i.e., emergency fundprovision for the BMT or YMBH memberswithin the specified and agreed period oftime.

MembershipEmployees' interest in joining BMT is

high. In 2009, it had only 88 members.This year it increased to 712 people, 78 ofthem quit for various reasons (see table).Similarly, members' savings also in-creased from Rp162.4 million in 2009 toRp1.9 billion this year. Financing fundalso increased from only Rp171.88 millionin 2009 to Rp3.46 billion by the end of2012. It significantly increased profitsharing from Rp15.9 million in 2009 toRp279.45 million at 2012 financialclosing.

"We allocate the profit for internal(members) and external capital (inves-tors). Internal capital is distributed to themembers in the form of mudharabahsavings of 17.5 percent and 61.5 percentto buy souvenirs. Five percent of the profitis allocated for BMT capital gain, 5percent is allocated for community careand 10 percent for management incen-tives," Iin said.

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Hum r:

Kirim jawaban Anda dengan nama, nomor badge dan departemen, kepadaRedaksi Suara Batu Hijau, Corporate Communcations Dept., Admin 1, Benete,atau melalui email ke [email protected] sebelum 30 April 2013.Jawaban yang benar dengan data pengirim yang lengkap akan diundi untukmenentukan pemenang yang beruntung.

Knowledge Corner

Karyawan yang luguSeorang bos memanggil karyawannya yang lugu dan jujur.Bos: Lina, ke sini sebentar. Kamu itu jujur dan lugu, masak disuruhbeli telur ayam lima kilo sampai lima kali balik ke supermarketbelinya sekilo-sekilo. Coba belinya sekalian lima kilo kan udahberes.Lina: Oke Bos, lain kali saya akan lebih baik lagi.Suatu hari si Bos sakit demam, Bos menyuruh Lina memanggilseorang Dokter, Lina pun bergegas pergi dan datang dengan empatorang sekaligus. Bos jadi bingung dan bertanya;Bos: Lina, aku cuma suruh panggil seorang Dokter. Siapa yang tigaini?Lina: Tenang Bos, yang pertama adalah Apoteker untuk buat resepdari Dokter, yang kedua Guru Mengaji buat menuntun Bos dan yangketiga tukang gali kubur jika Bos tidak sembuh sakitnya.Boss :....!!!

Pemenang Quiz SBH No. 53 dan Quiz Safety no 21:

Khairuddin Yusuf-NB4030, Heriyanto-NB3137, Iyan Sopyan-NB3849, LaluMuhammad Amin-NB3200. Selamat kepada yang namanya tertera di atas,hadiah dapat diambil di kantor redaksi SBH, admin I Benete.

About Prospector

What are Vital Behaviors in Safety?

Quiz Safety No. 22

Meke SerepEmotion abounds at Liang Bedis (12)source

The next day the whole group followed Brang Kreto, Brang Kemang Menir, Brang Punik, and BrangSakal river. After five days on trip they arrived in a dense forest. They came into the forest to reachtheir final destination, Liang Bedis. At Liang Bedis, the Chief Commander reported to the Princess. "Your Highness the Royal Princess, this is the place, as ordered by the King, where you shouldstay forever. We do expect Your Royal Highness to be patient to face this ordeal. We, the wholeentourage, always pray for Your Royal Highness's safety in this place, the Patih said on behalf of theentourage. "Thank you, Chief Commander, the Ministers, the officers, and the Palace Guards, and all othergroup members, who have been willing to take efforts and pains taking me to this place. Now youcan go back to the Palace and I pray that you all arrive safely to the royal palace," Lala Baka saidsadly. All members of the group were moved to hear the speech of Lala Baka, the Royal Princess,who was loved by the people. All group members cried on the Royal Princess's fate. Before they left,Lala Baka again said to the Chief Commander and the Ministers. ""Uncle Commander and Ministers,say my respect and apology to the King and also to my beloved queen mother. My respect is also formy grandfather and all the people of the Tana Samawa kingdom. Who knows this is the last word ofmy farewell," Lala Baka said. She then shortly took a deep breath before asking the ChiefCommander and the Ministers who were in the tent to exit. "Please leave me alone in the tent,because I want to take a rest," she asked. The Chief Commander and the Ministers in the tent immediately went out. They understood thatthe Princess was tired. They let her rest to avoid fatigue. Inside the tent, Lala Baka remembered theBlue Gem Ring given by her grandfather. Lala Baka tried to test the ring's power, whether it is truethat it has magic power to find solution on any problem. Lala Baka took her hand up, looking at the

blue gem ring and said:

"O my grandfather, will you please catch me a deer for us to consume during this trip," said LalaBaka requesting the blue gem ring. Amazingly, a giant genie puffed out and was ready to do whatthe Princess's request. After listening to the Princess request, the genie went out to the forest

without being seen by any others unless the Princess Lala Baka.

Cerita Sumbawa

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013

Batu HijauS U A R A

To follow up Newmont Global initiatives, the Corporate CommunicationsDepartment and IT Department officially launch PTNNT Prospector as PTNNT internalsite to replace GoldNet Batu Hijau.

Prospector is a web-based internal site from PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT)as a medium to share production, occupational safety and achievement informationfrom each department at PTNNT.



9 10 11 1312


20 21




37 38 39 40


41 42 43

34 35 36


25 26



27 28 29 30

17 18 19



7 8

5 643

Mendatar:1. Susut karena tergosok3. PKB (Bahasa Inggris)5. volume7. Gus ….(mantan presiden RI)8. jumpa9. Anda (bahasa Sumbawa)11. tua (bahasa Inggris)13. lari (bahasa Inggris)14. Gelar kebangsawanan Inggris15. unggul; besar16. air laut naik kedarat menyebabkan banjir17. udang yang sudah dikeringkan18. sungai terpanjang di dunia20. Badan Narkotika Nasional22. ingin23. aku; diri pribadi24. kehidupan; organisme yang hidup25. perkumpulan27. udara (bahasa Inggris)28. suara rendah laki-laki.30. berumur31. alat untuk menumbuk padi32. sebelum33. alat transportasi darat berukuran besar34. tulang pelindung jantung, paru-paru dll.35. tanpa37. tidak senang melihat orang senang39. tinta (bahasa Inggris)

Menurun:1. Dasar2. Sekolah Dasar3. Singkatan nama penyerang Real Madrid4. garis tengah5. dia6. negara di Teluk10. sebab (bahasa Arab)11. batuan bijih12. penceramah agama Islam13. Ingin sekali bertemu16. sesuatu yang akan dikerjakan19. lampu kecil bertutup kaca21. baru atau yang diperbarui22. Memorandum of Understanding24. bahan makanan pokok26. batu permata28. penjara29. tempat merawat tubuh33. bahan bangunan36. nyata (bahasa Inggris)37. jika (bahasa Inggris)38. Information Technologi39. insinyur40. keluarga berencana

41. Asean Football Federation42. zat aditif pada tembakau43. satuan ukuran jumlah (bahan pakaian, tembakau dsb)

Ani: Reni, bisakah kamu mengubah pisang ini menjadi nanas?Reni: Gimana bisa pisang jadi nanas?Ani: Liat ne... Ani pun unjuk gigi, Ani merebus pisang lalu memberiadiknya yang berumur dua tahun, si adik pun berkata kepadakakak nya, “Nanas kak, nanas kak...”Reni: ???

Mengubah Pisang jadi Nanas

(to be continued).

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Batu HijauS U A R A

Suara Batu Hijau Issue 31/2013

IQ is Not Enough

Emotion Control, the Key to Achievements


Many people think that a personwith high IQ (IntelligenceQuotient) will have a bright

future, because they think that thosehigh IQ people will easily get a job.However, it is often contrary to the fact.In fact, high IQ is not enough to supportthe success of someone's life.

Emotional Quotient (EQ) or EmotionalIntelligence plays a very important rolefor someone to apply his/her knowledge(IQ). With good EQ, a person can effec-tively work in team, understand and givecorrect responses on his/her or other'sfeeling and will be able to motivateothers and him/herself.

Sri Wahyuningsih, a PsychologicalConsultant and HR Manager of PTTrakindo Utama, explained the aboveduring training on personal developmentto hundreds of PTNNT, Contractor andSub-Contractor's female employees atthe Community Hall Townsite, Tuesday(29/1). "A high IQ without the increase ofability to find good solutions for anyproblem will not increase one's prosper-ity," she said.

She said that the emotional intelli-gence is an ability to understand one'sand other's emotion and the ability tomanage it. The ability is regarded as thekey component in an intelligent behav-

ior. Therefore, getting other's supporthighly depends on one's ability tomanage their emotion.

EQ has good impacts on personalrelationship and ability to controlstress. It means, good EQ will provide abigger room for IQ to optimally grow. EQwill consciously manage the emotionwhich will increase general emotion andintellectual. A person with stableemotion will easily focus and tend tohave a logical thought, is able tomotivate themselves to focus on anyconstructive activity and maintain goodrelationship with the surroundingenvironment.

Therefore, according to Sri, we have tolearn how to manage our emotion,because it will control our thought andbehavior which impact on our achieve-ments and our relationship with othersand the surrounding environment. "Ouremotion is like horse we ride; it willsupport us when we can control it, but itwill lead us in danger if it controls us,"she said.

Viviana, the Coordinator ActivityOperational Support, said the activitywas very important for employees' self-development, especially female employ-ee because it will impact on the im-proved achievements at the work place.

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CSR Batu HijauS U A R A

Mass Circumcision Should beRegularly Conducted

Every Muslim man should becircumcised. Unfortunately not allpeople are able to afford it.

Therefore, mass circumcision programoften held by private organization and thecommunity comes as the solution.

PTNNT and several sub-contractors incooperation with the village administra-tive of Tongo, Sekongkang held a masscircumcision for poor family on Tuesday(5/2). The social activity was held in the

Multipurpose Building for 23 children,where three of them were from AiKangkung and two from Tatar.

H Syarafuddin Jarot, PTNNT SocialResponsibility Manager, H Wagimin HS,Social Responsibility, Planning andDevelopment Manager, and Sirojuddin, thesubdistrict head of Sekongkang, and theirstaffs, involved at an event held simulta-neously with Prophet Muhammad birthday ceremony. The head of Tongo Commu-nity Health Center (Puskesmas) and somecommunity and religious leaders partici-pated

H. Darmansyah, a community leader inTongo, requested that the mass circumci-sion program be conducted periodically,once every two or three years. It was alsoechoed by Zulkarnaen, the chairperson ofthe committee.

H Syarafuddin Jarot welcomed the idea."God willing, with continued cooperationbetween the company, community and allrelated parties, we can do anything,including mass circumcision," he said.

Despite feeling miserable and crying,tens of those circumcised boys were happyafter receiving gifts from the committee.

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Suara Batu Hijau Edisi 31/2013


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