Page 1: · stuff. Bitmap: A digital image that uses a grid of picture elements (pixels). Every pixel uses a number of bits to determine its color. A 1 bit bitmap only contains
Page 2: · stuff. Bitmap: A digital image that uses a grid of picture elements (pixels). Every pixel uses a number of bits to determine its color. A 1 bit bitmap only contains


3D computer graphics/3D bilgisayar grafikleri: 3D computer graphics or three-dimensional computer graphics (in contrast to 2D computer graphics), are graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric data (often Cartesian) that is stored in the computer for the purposes of performing calcu-lations and rendering 2D images. Such images may be stored for viewing later or displayed in real-time.3D modeler/3D modelleyici: The 3D modellers use digital software (Maya, Max, Blender)[26] to create characters and environments. They create objects such as buildings, weapons, vehicles and characters. Any 3D component of a game is done by a 3D modeller. Acrobat: A product developed by Adobe systems to create PDF (Portable Document Format) files. Acrobat is an independent means of creating, viewing, and printing documents.Advertorial/Reklam: An advertisement that is designed to look like editorial, usually with smaller headli-nes and photos and text set in columns.AGFA: Abbreviation for Aktiengesellschaft fur Anilinfabrikation – the Belgian/German company that ma-nufactures prepress software and equipment like platesetters as well as consumables like film or printing plates.AI: Abbreviation for Adobe Illustrator – Popular drawing program for Macintosh and PC. The name also refers to the corresponding file format.Air/Hava: Large white areas in a design layout. Adobe AIR is a technology that allows the use of web stan-dards like Adobe Flash, HTML or Ajax to create applications that run on Macs, Windows or Linux systems.Airbrush/Pistole : A propellant using compressed air that to spray a liquid, such as paint, and ink. Often used in used in illustration and photo retouching.Algorithm/Algoritma: A sequence of exact instructions that defines a method to solve a particular prob-lem. For example, algorithms are used to create a digital halftone screen.Aliasing/Örtüşme: The appearance of jagged steps (jaggies) along object edges in computer-generated images or type. The stair casing effect is caused by sharp tonal contrasts between pixels. This effect can be very apparent in low-resolution images. The picture to the left shows an example of aliasing.Alignment/Hizalama: The lining up of elements to achieve balance, order, and a more logical layout. The-re are also four common types of typographical alignment – center, left, right, and justified, each with their own time and place for application.Alpha Channel/Alfa Kanalı: The process of incorporating an image with a background to create the ap-pearance of partial transparency. Alpha channels are used to create masks that allow you to confine or protect parts of an image you want to apply color, opacity, or make other changes.Analog Proof (Prepress Proof): A proof that uses ink jet, toner, dyes, overlays, photographic, film, or other methods to give a an idea of what the finished product should look like.Analog scanner/Analog Tarayıcı: A computer or other device that manipulates analog data as variable voltages. Some scanners utilize hard-wired electronic circuit to do analog color correction and tone repro-duction, other scanners utilize digital data to do similar functions. Nowadays all scanners are digital.Analogous/Benzer: A color scheme built out of three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.Anchor Point/Merkez Noktası: Anchor points allow the user to manipulate a path’s shape or direction by clicking the point and moving it in a direction. They appear along the beginning of a path, at every curve, and at the end of a path. You can also add or subtract anchor points on a path.

Page 3: · stuff. Bitmap: A digital image that uses a grid of picture elements (pixels). Every pixel uses a number of bits to determine its color. A 1 bit bitmap only contains


Animated GIF/Hareketli GIF: A small animation based on continuous GIF images, giving the impression of movement or action.Animation/Animasyon: Generating movement by displaying a series of images using frames.ANSI: Abbreviation for American National Standards Institute, (pronounced an-see): A non-governmental organization to propose, modify, approve and publish data processing standards in the USA.Antigua: An eleventh-century Italian script typeface.Appendix/Ek: The additional information provided at the end of a book or article.Arabesque/Oryental: An art element used for ornamentation or decorative effect.Archival storage/ Arşiv depolama: The maintenance of a permanent record of images, on a medium such as photographic film, magnetic tape or optical disc. Archival storage is retained until intentionally destroyed, remove or altered.Area mask/Alan Maskesi: An outline mask that isolates a specific area of an image either by shape, color or tone value.Arms/Kollar: Those elements of letters that branch out from the stem of a letter, such as ‘K’ and ‘Y’.Arrowhead: A symbol shaped like an arrowhead that is used in illustration to direct a leader line.Art director/Sanat Yönetmeni: The person who is responsible for overseeing the creative process. Art directors can also manage the production process.Art paper/Sanat Kağıdı: A paper evenly coated with a fine clay compound, which creates a hard smooth surface on one or both sides.Artwork/Sanatsal Çalışma: Any materials or images that are prepared for graphic reproduction.Ascender: The part of a lowercase letter that extends above the x-height. Some common examples of this are ‘b’, ‘d’, ‘f’, etc.Aspect ratio/ En boy oranı: The ratio of the height to the width of an object like an image, a logo or a page.Asymmetrical/Asimetrik: This is when graphics and/or text are not identical on both sides of a central line.Attachment/Eklenti: A data file that is included in an e-mail. There are a lot of e-mail systems that will refuse to forward such attachments if their size exceeds a certain value, typically 2 MB. This keeps a lot of users from using e-mail to exchange prepress files.Back up/yedek: An extra copy of computer work that is kept on separate disks , tape or CDs for safety’s sake in case anything happens to the original dataBackground/Arka plan: That portion of a photograph or line art drawing that appears furthest from the eye; the surface upon which the main image is superimposed.Backlight/Ters Işık: The illumination of a subject or object (e.g. a picture or poster) from behind.Bad Break/Kötü ara: Refers to widows or orphans in text copy; any break that causes awkward reading.Balance/Denge: In design, balance refers to how elements and shapes create a sense of stability on the canvas. One way to create balance is by making sure your elements line up.Bandwidth/Bant Genişliği: The capacity of a data connection expressed by the amount of data that can be conducted by it per second

Page 4: · stuff. Bitmap: A digital image that uses a grid of picture elements (pixels). Every pixel uses a number of bits to determine its color. A 1 bit bitmap only contains


Banner: The primary headline of a periodical, which appears on the cover of a magazine or the first page of a newsletter. It usually spanning the entire width of the page and contains the name of the publication and serial information (date, volume, number,..).Bar: The horizontal or vertical line drawn through a grapheme (unit of writing, such as a letter). Sometimes added to distinguish one grapheme from another.Barcode/ Barkod: A pattern of vertical lines of varying thickness that identify a product, conforming to the Universal Product Code (UPC).Bas relief/ bas rahatlama: In art, an image that is pressed or engraved into the surface of the work. The opposite effect is called intaglio.Base/ Taban: Metal below the shoulder of a piece of type; the metal or wood block used for mounting letterpress printing plates to make them type highBaseline/ Temel: In typesetting, an imaginary line on which the bottom of letters rest.The descenders, such as the tail on y and g, fall below the baselineBauhaus: German design school which influenced many type designers and graphic artists.Bevel/ Konik: A tool in design software for drawing angles or modifying the surface of your work to a certain inclination.Bezier Curve/ Bezier Eğrisi: A parametric curve that represents a vector path in computer graphics. They are frequently drawn using a pen tool and by placing anchor points which can be controlled to form sha-pes or lines.Bibliography/Biyografi: A list of publications providing reference material on a particular subject, usually included in the endmatter of a book.Billboard/Pano: Large format outdoor advertising, usually placed in high traffic areas for maximum expo-sure of their message.Bit: Abbreviation for BInary digiT – the smallest unit of information used in computers. A bit is either a 1 (or ‘on’) or a 0 (meaning ‘off’). Since ‘on’ and ‘off’ are of little significance to us mere humans, computers bundle a series of 8 bits into a byte which can contain actual characters or color information or other meaningfull stuff.Bitmap: A digital image that uses a grid of picture elements (pixels). Every pixel uses a number of bits to determine its color. A 1 bit bitmap only contains black-and-white pixels, a 24 bit bitmap is a picture that can contain up to 16 million different colors.Blackletter: Class of typefaces that are very ornate and complex. They are sometimes refered to as Old English, Text, or Gothic. It is the style of text used by scribes throughout Latin Christendom during the Middle Ages. In Germany they were used until World War II.Blanket/ Battaniye: Reinforced sheet of rubber used on one of the rollers of an offset press to transfer the to-be-printed data from the plate onto the paper.Bleed/ Sızdırma: When a graphic object extends through another in an unwanted manner. It is then trim-med so there is no chance for a white line on the edges.Blend/Karışımı: Smooth transition from one colour to another or from one tint to another.

Page 5: · stuff. Bitmap: A digital image that uses a grid of picture elements (pixels). Every pixel uses a number of bits to determine its color. A 1 bit bitmap only contains


Blinding: In offset printing blinding is the problem of printing plates losing their ink receptivity. This is typically caused by an excessively acidic fountain solution that damages or eats away the image areas of the plate. In editorial workflows blinding refers to the process of making sure that a reviewer does not see who the author of an article or book is. This can be important to guarantee objective reviewing of scientific publications.Block: In computers, a group of characters, digits or words that can be handled as a unit.Board/Tahta: Paper of more than 200 gsm.BOD: Abbreviation for Books On Demand – a printing technology and business process in which a single book or a small set of books are only printed when they are actually needed, either because they are orde-red (single-copy printing) or to maintain a small stock (‘top-up’ printing).Body Copy/ Gövde Kopyası: The main part of text in your design or publication – the written website content, the book contents, even this type you’re reading right now, it’s all body copy.Body Type/ Gövde Türü: The typeface used in the main text of a printed matter.Border/Bordür: The decorative design or edge of a surface, line, or area that forms it’s outer boundary.Character/Karakter: Any letter, number, space or mark that is used in any textContrast/Kontrast: The difference in color found between the light and dark parts of an image.Copy/Kopya: Manuscript text from a word processor or typewriter, artwork, photos, and drawings to be used in a publication. Usually copy only refers to the text and not to all source materials.Cover/Kapak: A term describing a general type of papers used for the covers of books, pamphlets etc.Crop/Krop: A tool that removes portions of an image. It is usually used in digital photography.Default/Sıfırlamak: A standard computer setting designated by the system designer or by the user. The setting is permanent unless specifically changed by the operator. For example, word processing software will, by default, use a 12 point type unless the user changes the type size setting.Degrade: A colored halftone tint that gradually changes in strength and hue from one from one edge to the other. It may vary in hue in both directions depending on which process color tint value changes. A vignette is only one color that varies only in strength (brightness or lightness); one color appears to fade away. Degradés are sometimes called graded tints; and are incorrectly called graduation.Density/Yoğunluk: The visual darkness of a material caused by its capability to absorb or reflect the li-ght illuminating the material. Density is measured with a densitometer. Coloured materials are measured through their complementary filters. Density differences are sometimes called grey levels. As density inc-reases the amount or reflected or transmitted light is reduced. The amount of light absorbed is inversely proportional to the amount of light from or transmitted through the sample.Desktop/Masaüstü: Refers to the size of a computer or a peripheral. A desktop device is small enough to use on a desk or a table as part as desktop publishing system.Download/İndirmek: Sending information to another computer. For example, downloaded fonts are sent from a computer to a laser printer or high-resolution imagesetter.Filter/Filtre: A filter is a pre-created effect that can be applied to images to acquire a certain look.Fish eye/Balık Gözü: A spot or imperfection in printing caused by dirt or hardened specks of ink. The problem is most visible in areas of heavy ink coverage. A fish eye is also called a bulls eye or a hickey.

Page 6: · stuff. Bitmap: A digital image that uses a grid of picture elements (pixels). Every pixel uses a number of bits to determine its color. A 1 bit bitmap only contains


Folder/Dosya: In publishing a folder is a printed sheet that has been folded. Examples are time tables or tourist brochures.Font/Yazı Karakteri: A complete combination of characters created in a specific type, style, and size. The set of characters in a font entails the letter set, the number set, and all of the special characters and marks you get when pressing the shift key or other command keys on your keyboard.Frames/Kare: Refers to animation. A frame is a single graphic in a distribution of graphic images. The speed of an animation is judged by frames per second.Frequency/Frekans: The number of times something happens over a given time or space, such as dots per inch, lines per inch or millimeters, and cycles per second.Game designer/Oyun Tasarımcısı: A game designer (or inventor) is the person who invents a game’s concept, its central mechanisms, and its rules. Often, the game designer also invents the game’s title and, if the game isn’t abstract, its theme. Sometimes these activities are done by the game publisher, not the designer, or may be dictated by a licensed property (such as when designing a game based on a film).Graphics/Grafik: Visual presentations that feature printed messages that are clear and appealing.Icon/İkon: In a graphical operating system, such as the Macintosh operating system or Windows, a small picture that represents an application, file and or parts of the operating system such as a font and utility.Illustration/İllüstrasyon: An illustration is a decoration, interpretation or visual explanation of a text, con-cept or process,[1] designed for integration in published media, such as posters, flyers, magazines, books, teaching materials, animations, video games and films.Import/İthal: Bringing data from one file to another. For example, a graphic in EPS or TIFF format can be imported in a QuarkXPress file.Insert/Detay: Text that has been added to a body of text. A special advertisement, map or foldout of one or more pages, preprinted for insertion in a publication. A printed signature which has another signature wrapped around it.Italic/Yatay Yazı: A type style in which characters slope to the right. Italic is an effective alternative to us-ing boldface for emphasis.JPEG (Joint Photographic Electronic Group): A common process for compressing digital images.Keyframe/Anahtar Nokta: Any frame in which a specific aspect of an item (its size, location, color, etc.) is specifically defined.Landscape/Manzara: Describes a horizontal orientation of a page format, as opposed to portrait, which is a vertical orientation.Layers/Katmanlar: A tool within graphic software that permits the user to gather, organize, and re-edit their artwork.Layout/Düzen: A drawing, sketch or plan of a piece, page or advertisement showing all elements in posi-tion, a ‘blueprint’.Margins/Marj: The space around the edge of a page. By increasing or decreasing the size of your page’s margins you can create a more calming or a more tense design respectively. The example below has larger, more open margins.Montage/Kurgu: A single image made up of photographs or drawings.

Page 7: · stuff. Bitmap: A digital image that uses a grid of picture elements (pixels). Every pixel uses a number of bits to determine its color. A 1 bit bitmap only contains


Mosaic/Mozaik: It is the art of putting together or assembling of small pieces of paper, tiles, marble, sto-nes, etc. They are often found in cathedrals, churches, temples as a spiritual significance of interior design.Small pieces, normally roughly quadratic, of stone or glass of different colors, known as tesserae, (diminu-tive tessellae), are used to create a pattern or picture.Negative/Negatif: A photographic image (usually on a film base) with tonal values (image Old Style/Eski Stil: A style of type characterized by slight contrast between light and heavy strokes and slanting serif.Page Size/Sayfa Boyutu: A setting that allows the user to define the size of the page they are creating their artwork on.Page/Sayfa: One side of a leaf of paper.Picture framing/Çerçeve: In printing, picture framing refers to a large build up of ink outside the paper area on the plates or blankets.Pixel/Piksel: Abbreviation for Picture Element, the smallest discrete element of an image or picture on a computer screen; the smallest image-forming unit of a video display; a single element of a raster image.Plate/Düzlem: A piece of paper, metal, plastic, or rubber carrying an image to be duplicated using a prin-ting press.Real time/Gerçek zaman: Responding to digital signals as they are received. For example, an image pro-cessing device is said to work in real time when it instantly responds to changes in the high-resolution file during an operator’s manipulations, rather than processing the changes at a later time.Reset/Sıfırlamak: To return a computer or other device to its default state and settings.Resolution/Çözünülürlük: Minimum controllable motion interval a device can produce; smallest achie-vable change of detectable motion. In imagesetting, resolution refers to the number of discrete dots an imagesetter can record within a fixed area. Typically, imagesetters can record between 1200 and 2540 dots per inch.Reverse/Tersten: The negative of an image, or the process of creating a negative of an image. The even-numbered left-hand page of a bound publication such as a book or magazine. It can also be referred to as the verso. The page on the right-hand side is called the front or recto.Scale/Büyüklük: A design or program is said to scale if it is relevantly efficient and reasonable when aplied to larger situations.Shadow/Gölge: The darkest part of an image, usually with the density at or near maximum density.Shape/Şekil: An attribute of an image that gives it the three-dimensional appearance. For example, the cyan separation gives an apple its three-dimensional appearance by printing a minimum amount of cyan in the front and an increasing amount of cyan around the side of the apple.Sharpen/Keskin: To make halftone printing dots smaller. Using negative separations, sharpening is ac-complished with dot etching. Over exposure will also sharpen the negative films. When positive working plates are made using positive transparencies, sharpening happens automatically and the size of the prin-ting dots are reduced by 5%. This sharpening is called negative dot gain.

Page 8: · stuff. Bitmap: A digital image that uses a grid of picture elements (pixels). Every pixel uses a number of bits to determine its color. A 1 bit bitmap only contains


Sharpness/Keskinlik: The term that describes the appearance of the image edges in a picture, photog-raph, video display, proof or anywhere images are seen. As the image edges are sharpened, more detail will be visible. Unsharpened image edges are fuzzy and appear ‘out of focus’. The clearer cut the image edge, the sharper and ‘in focus’ the image is. Edge sharpness can be increased with unsharp masking.Shortcut/Kısa Yol: A pointer file that actually represents another file. This word is only used on Windows systems. On Macs, the same pointer file is referred to as an ‘alias’.Signature/İmza: Printed sheet (or its flat) that consists of a number of pages of a book, placed so that they will fold and bind together as a section of a book. The bigger the press is that is used to print a job, the more pages the signature contains. The printed sheet after folding.Small Caps/Küçük Harf: Capital letters that are about the same height as the tvpeface’s x-height. Some software programs automatically create their own small caps, but true small caps are often only found in expert typefaces.Software/Yazılım: 3D computer graphics software produces computer-generated imagery (CGI) through 3D modeling and 3D rendering or produces 3D models for analytic, scientific and industrial purposes.Stock Photo/Arşiv Fotoğraf: A professionally shot photograph available online for licensing. Stock pho-tos are usually used in lieu of hiring a photographer, or if a designer cannot access the images they need from their own inventory of photographs.Stock/Arşiv: A term for unprinted paper or other material to be printed.Storyboard/Skeç: A storyboard is a graphic organizer in the form of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture, animationTemplate/Şablon: A temporary background image or shape on the computer monitor into which text and artwork are inserted. A template can also be a file that contains a style sheet and master or base pages which contain recurring images or placeholders for text or images. Such a template is useful for publicati-ons in which pages share a common design.Text/Yazı: The main body of copy in a book or on a page opposed to headings. A high-quality printing paper.Texture/Doku: When it comes to design, texture can refer to the actual tactile surface of a design, or the visual tactility of your design. By layering textured images and graphics over your design, you can often create a visual appearance of tactility that mirrors actual texture.Thumbnail: A small low-resolution version of an image or page.TIFF (Tagged Image File Format): A graphic file format used for storing images . TIFF is a commonly used file format for high color depth images.Tolerance/Tolerans: Tolerance is the range of pixels a tool in graphic software functions in. Or the range of shade or color pixels a Magic Wand selects, etc.Tone/Ton: Tone refers to a hue that has been mixed with white or black to express more character in a color. Tone can also be used as an effective tool for communication. Aside from looking good, tone can help communicate certain emotions in your design. For example, pastel colors are lighter colors that signal ideas of playfulness and fun, ideal for a birthday party invitation. Whereas darker colors tend to signal more serious and structured messaging.

Page 9: · stuff. Bitmap: A digital image that uses a grid of picture elements (pixels). Every pixel uses a number of bits to determine its color. A 1 bit bitmap only contains


Tracking/Takip: Tracking concerns the space between letters. When we track bodies of text, we are ad-justing space between every letter in a word in order to change the density or appearance of a large block of type (i.e. body copy). Tracking shouldn’t be confused with kerning, which concerns the adjustment of space between individual pairs of letters.Transparency/Opaklık: The photographic color positive film that represents a color image such as Ko-dachrome, Fujichrome or Agfachrome. Also called by the slang terms: tranny and chrome. Standard sizes are 35mm, 2” x 2”, 4” x 5”, 5” x 7”, and 8” x 10”. Transparencies are the preferred original for color scanning because the film offers Type/Yazı: Letters of the alphabet and all the other characters used to create words, sentences, paragrap-hs, etc.Typeface/Yazı Biçimi: A typeface consists of a series of fonts and a full range of characters such as, Typography/Tipografi: The art of arranging type—which includes letters, numbers, and symbols—so that it is pleasing to the eye. This includes not only the font that is used but how it is arranged on the page: letter by letter, size, line spacing, etc. Varnish/Vernik: This is a liquid coating applied to a surface for protection and for a glossy effect.Vector/Vektör: A line between two points of a drawingWeight/Boy: The range of a stroke’s width. Also knows as semi-bold, light, and bold. Some typeface fa-milies have many weights like ultra-bold and extra-light. Associated to the heaviness of the stroke for a specific font, such as Light, Regular, Book, Demi, Heavy, Black, and Extra Bold.Width/En: Refers to whether the basic typeface has been lengthened or compressed horizontally. The typical variations are Condensed, Normal, or Extended.Word Processing Program/ Kelime İşleme Programı: A software application package that assists in cre-ating, editing, and printing

Page 10: · stuff. Bitmap: A digital image that uses a grid of picture elements (pixels). Every pixel uses a number of bits to determine its color. A 1 bit bitmap only contains

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