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Jewel GamsbyChapter 19B: Stirrings of Imperialism

(page 549) Why did the U.S. start to expand in the 1890s (several reasons)?The experience of subjugating the Indian tribes had established a precedent for exerting colonial control over dependent peoples. The concept of the closing of the frontier produced fears that natural resources would soon dwindle and that alternative sources must be found abroad. What was the total value of exports in 1870? 1890? 1900?About $392 million in 1870; $857 in 1890; and $1.4 billion in 1900 What did John Fisk predict in Harpers Magazine?That the English speaking peoples would eventually control every land that was not already the seat of an established civilization What did Princeton political scientist John Burgess say in defense of imperialism?He gave a stamp of scholarly approval to imperialism; the Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic nations possessed the highest political talents. It was their duty, therefore, to uplift less fortunate peoples, even to force superior institutions on them if necessary. What was the thesis of Alfred Thayer Mahan?Countries with sea power were the great nations of history: the greatness of the United States bounded by two oceans, would rest on its naval strength. Why did Americans find Hawaii attractive? What practice was initiated by William Hooper?Hawaiian islands were an important way station for American ships in China trade. William Hooper became the first of many Americans to buy land and establish a sugar plantation on the islands. What impact did the arrival of Euro-Americans have on Hawaii?American disease reduced the population; Missionaries worked to undermine native religion. Other white settlers introduced liquor, firearms, and a commercial economy, all of which eroded the traditional character of Hawaiian society. What did the U.S. gain through treaty in 1887?The US was permitted to open a naval base at Pearl Harbor What did Americans in Hawaii do in 1893? Why did they decide to take control at that time?Hawaii needed to become a part of the United States, in 1893 they staged a revolution and called on the United States for protection. What was yellow journalism? From where did the term come?Referred to a sensationalist style of reporting and writing, and a self conscious effort to reach a mass market that spread quickly through urban America and changed the character of newspapers forever. How did Joseph Pulitzer and his World change the newspaper business?He enhanced sensationalism. World expanded coverage of sports, fashion, literature, and theater. It pioneered large, glaring, overheated headlines. Who became Pulitzers biggest competitor? Describe the competition between the two papers.The New York Journal , they were two great yellow journals that soon drove both to new levels of sensationalism. Their success drove newspapers in other cities around the nation to copy their techniques. What part did newspapers play in inspiring anti-Spanish feelings among Americans?Spanish atrocities toward the Cuban rebels, fanning popular anger toward Spain. What happened in Cuba in 1895 and why were Americans so interested (although the same thing had happened in 1868)?The Cuban Revolt, The American Press popularized the event and told the public about the Savage Spanish methods. What was the Maine? What really happened? What was the result?An American battleship that blew up in Havana harbor with a loss of more than 260 people. War hysteria swept the country, and Congress unanimously appropriated $50 million for military preparations. Why was the Spanish-American conflict called the splendid little war?Opinion that most Americans had because it was short with little casualties. How many died in battle in the Spanish-American War? How many from other causes?Only 460 Americans were killed in battle, 5,200 perished from disease Why were racial conflicts common during the war? Why were African American soldiers indignant over what they saw while fighting in Cuba?As the black soldiers traveled through the South toward the training camps, they chafed at the rigid segregation to which they were subjected and occasionally resisted the restrictions openly. What did Commodore George Dewey achieve in the Philippines?He completely destroyed the aging Spanish fleet, known as the first hero of the war. What part did Roosevelt and the Rough Riders play in the fighting in Cuba?They had desperate fury to ensure that his regiment made it to the front before the fighting ended. What type of government did the United States establish in Puerto Rico? What was the Jones Act?Formal colonial government; declared Puerto Rico to be United States territory and made all Puerto Ricans American citizens Which groups opposed annexation of the Philippines? Why? Who were some of the leading anti-imperialists?The United States Senate, Andrew Carnegie, Mark Twain, Samuel Gompers, Senator John Sherman. Thought it was immoral, a repudiation of Americas commitment to human freedom. Which arguments were made in favor of annexing the Philippines? Who were the Filipinos, and other uncivilized people, compared to?Saw the acquisition of empire a way to reinvigorate the nation and keep alive what they considered the healthy, restorative influence of the war. Compared to Native Americans.

What did the presidential election of 1900 seem to indicate?The republicans were the beneficiaries of growing prosperity. What was established by the Platt Amendment?Platt Amendment pressured Cuba into incorporating its terms into its constitution. It barred Cuba from making treaties with other nations. It gave the US the right to intervene in Cuba to preserve independence, life, and property; and required Cuba to permit American naval stations on its territory. How did American investors come to dominate the Cuban economy?They bought up plantations, factories, railroads, and refineries. Absentee American ownership of many of the islands most important resources. What intervention was made by the U.S. in Cuba in 1906 and again in 1912?Revolts that at times prompted US military intervention American troops occupied island from 1906 to 1909 after one such rebellion; they returned again in 1912, to suppress a revolt by black plantation workers. How many Americans were involved in the war in the Philippines against Filipino insurgents? How many deaths and how did it compare with the war against Spain? How many Filipinos died?It involved 200,000 Americans and resulted in 4300 American deaths, nearly ten times the number who had died in combat in the Spanish American War. It is estimated that 50,000 Filipinos died in battle. Who was Emilio Aguinaldo?Claimed to head the legitimate government of the nation. What did Arthur MacArthur say about the Filipinos?I have been reluctantly compelled to believe that the Filipino masses are loyal to Aguinaldo and the government which he heads What tactics were used by the U.S. military in the Philippines? Brutal tactics, captured POWs were executed or forced into concentration camps. Americans destroyed villages, farms, crops, and livestock. What was the death to wounded ratio among Filipinos during the insurrection? What does that tell you?Over 15 Filipinos were killed for every one wounded. The American soldiers were very harsh and violent. What improvements did the U.S. make in the Philippines? When did the Philippines get independence?Goal was to prepare Philippines for independence. Built roads, schools, bridges, and sewers; institutes major administrative and financial reforms ; and established a public health system. July 4, 1946. What was happening in China by 1900 and how did it cause concern in the United States?China was pressured for concessions which gave them effective control over various regions of China. Many Americans feared it would cut them out of of China Trade. What were the Open Door notes?Stated each nation with a sphere of influence in China was to respect the rights and privileges of other nations in its sphere; Chinese officials were to continue to collect tariff duties in all spheres; and nations were not to discriminate against other nations in levying port dues and railroad rate within their own spheres. What was the Boxer Rebellion and what part did the U.S. play?A bloody revolt against foreigners in China. The US sent an international expeditionary force into China to rescue the diplomats. What were some reforms made in the military following the war with Spain?They sparked the creation of a system of officer training schools including the Army Staff College. A general staff was established to act as a military advisers to the secretary of war.

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