
Student Completion InitiativeOpen Course Library


Lessons Learned from Previous Town Hall meetings

Please hold your questions and text messages until I finish a few intro slides Many of your questions may be answered

When we get to Q&A, raise your hand Mic is best Chat is good too


Important to know that… “Open Course Library” project is one of four

projects within the larger Gates “Student Completion Initiative” grant.

Other 3 parts are: iBest

Contact Tina Bloomer (SBCTC) Student Achievement Initiative

see SBCTC web site Developmental Math

Contact Bill Moore (SBCTC)


First…. Many faculty wanted to be involved, far

earlier in the grant writing process … for this project.

I hear you – and will make a conscious, sustained effort to be very inclusive moving forward… (e.g., faculty are on SB6295 & lecture capture RFP)

Faculty will be on selection committees The real shaping of this project will be in its

implementation … which is faculty driven.4

What is this Project about?

Is about “What is best for Students” Textbook affordability is a national issue

Is about faculty having access to and wielding a global buffet of high quality, current, pedagogically sound educational content… to create and share world class learning materials.


What is this Project about?

This project is about designing 81 high enrollment, gatekeeper and pre-college courses for face-to-face, hybrid and/or online delivery, to improve course completion rates, lower textbook costs for students, provide new resources for faculty to use in their courses, and for our college system to fully engage the global open educational resources discussion.


Timeline Oct-Nov Work with system groups to develop grant / Meet with faculty groups

November 18-19 Instruction Commission meeting, review grant criteria and process

December 2-3 SBCTC meeting, review grant criteria and process

December 10 WACTC meeting, review grant criteria and process

January 4, 2010 Release grant to colleges

January 11-22 Bidder’s Conferences

February 17 Grant Deadline

February 22-24 Evaluation committees meet, make funding recommendations

  March 17-18 SBCTC meeting, grants awarded

Spring 2010 Selected colleges and faculty begin projects


Which Courses?

These 80 courses (#81 will be a new course) constitute 411,133 annual enrollments (2008-2009) across the 34 colleges.

Multiply that many enrollments by a $127 textbook and estimate our students are spending over $52.2M / year on textbooks for these 80 courses.


Is this about Mandated Curriculum?

No. This project is not about forcing anyone to use the courses or instructional materials.

This project is not about creating "canned courses."

The courses will be digital and modular so faculty can slice and dice them, remix / modify them, take the pieces they want to use - or ignore them.


Is this part of Common Course #?

No. Most of the 81 courses are common course

numbered courses, though they were not selected for that reason.

The courses were selected because they are the highest enrolled courses... we also tried to keep series of courses together -

e.g., Calculus I, II, III.


Who will Own the Courses?

The courses will be collectively owned by the college system.

Part of the grant is to put open creative commons licenses on all 81 courses and share them with the world.


Is this about expanding eLearning?


The courses will be digital .. so faculty can use them in whole or in part (or not at all) in any learning space. … though the finished digital courses could

certainly be offered as web-enhanced, hybrid and/or online courses.


Am I forced to participate in this project?


This is a competitive grant … and completely optional.

.... And I hope many of you apply!


How can I be part of this project?

Grant application available in January “Selection Criteria” is on the wiki.


Budget? For Faculty:

$15,000 – partial release time for 3 quarters Q1: design ($5K) Q2: design ($5K) Q3: teach the course Q4: design ($5K)

For “Support Teams” $15,000 / person



Let’s talk… and look at the wiki

• Please raise your hand• Mic is best• Chat is good too

Blogs: Twitter: cgreen

Dr. Cable GreeneLearning [email protected]

(360) 704-4334

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