Page 1: Storyboard Final Idea

Storyboard Idea 2 – Searching for Heaven (The Drums)

William Bradbury 11R

Page 2: Storyboard Final Idea

Scene 1 – 0:00 to 0:06

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


‘Singer’ lying in a field/park alone.

No swings, just grass and trees. (Have to find a park first)

Long shot, with wide camera. Camera on the floor. Panning slightly left to right.

Fade in from black.

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Scene 2 – 0:07 to 0:12

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


‘Singer’ is running.

Ground, rocky path.

Held facing towards the ground so only see legs shoes and ground.

Slightly slow-motion.

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Scene 3 – 0:13 to 0:21

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


Clouds rolling in the day time.

Clouds. Fisheye shot from the ground facing the sky.

Fisheye effect plus some colouring perhaps. Fast-forward effect.

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Scene 4 – 0:21 to 0:27

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


Singer’s eyes open and blink as if he doesn’t know where he is.

None. Extreme close-up.


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Scene 5 – 0:28 to 0:38

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


Singer sitting at a table with a cup of gazing blankly out of a window.

Table, mug. Front on, medium shot.


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Scene 6 – 0:39 to 0:45

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


‘I cant meet you tonight’. (singer is still at the table) camera begins to zoom in.

In the park. Front-on medium shot that starts to zoom in.


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Scene 7 – 0:45 to 0:47

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


Eyes fluttering, nothing else showing.

Very little or no make-up.

Extreme close-up.

Black and white.

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Scene 8 – 0:48 to 0:55

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


‘I cant meet you tonight’. (just singer’s lips showing)

None. Extreme close-up.


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Scene 9 – 0:56 to 1:11

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


‘I’ve found the difference between what I wanted it to be and what it will always’. Singer gets up at this point.(singer sitting at a table with a cup of ‘tea’)

Table. Front-on, medium shot.


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Scene 10 – 1:12 to 1:20

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


Shot of messy desk, closest object to which are the headphones, camera then focuses on headphones.

Desk, clusters of various things one may find on a desk.

Pan from left to right, from one corner of the desk.

Switch focus from background to headphones.

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Scene 11 – 1:21 to 1:25

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


Singer is sitting with his back against the wall and turns his head to look up in the distance.

Wall. Diagonal angle, close shot only torso at head shown.

Black and white.

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Scene 12 – 1:25 to 1:30

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


Shot of dusty ground and shoes running.

Dusty ground. Will have to be held while jogging and pointed downwards the whole time.

Slow-motion effect.

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Scene 13 – 1:31 to 1:38

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


Singer chuckles and puts a cigar/cigarette in his mouth and lights it (faked). As previous scene with his back against the wall.

Same wall. Same shot. Black and white.

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Scene 14 – 1:38 to 1:44

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


Singer walks into the room with the desk from previous scene.

Same room as before.

Over-the-shoulder effect at the start but doesn’t follow the singer.


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Scene 15 – 1:39 to 1:51

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


Singer is starting at items on the desk and decides to pick up the headphones and takes a jacket with him as he leaves

Same room as before.

Camera is now looking up at the singer (medium shot)


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Scene 16 – 1:51 to 2:02

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


Shot of dusty ground and shoes running.

Dusty ground. Will have to be held while jogging and pointed downwards the whole time.

Slow-motion effect.

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Scene 16 – 2:03 to 2:16

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


Clouds rolling in the sky, a lot more slowly than the last time.

Clouds Same as other scenes of clouds.

Crossfades to from last scene, same as other scenes of clouds but without the fast-forward.

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Scene 17 – 2:17 to 2:35

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


Singer is now lying back on the grass and sings ‘can we dream again’ before closing his eyes and smiling.

Same park. Close-up. None.

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Scene 18 – 2:35 to 2:49

Action: Mise en scene Camera-work:


Same shot as the very beginning of the music video.

Same as before.

Same as before Fade to black, perhaps ripple effect?

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