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  • 8/11/2019 Stone Mattress




    the outset Verna had not intended to kill anyone. What she had in mind was a vaation!"ure and sim"le. Take a #reather! do some inner aountin$! shed worn skin. The Arti

    suits her% there&s somethin$ inherently almin$ in the vast ool swee"s o' ie and rok

    and sea and sky! undistur#ed #y ities and hi$hways and trees and the other distrations

    that lutter u" the landsa"e to the south.

    Amon$ the lutter she inludes other "eo"le! and #y other "eo"le she means men. (he&s

    had enou$h o' men 'or a while. (he&s made an inner memo to renoune 'lirtations and

    any onse)uenes that mi$ht result 'rom them. (he doesn&t need the ash! not anymore.

    (he&s not e*trava$ant or $reedy! she tells hersel'% all she ever wanted was to #e "roteted

    #y layer u"on layer o' kind! so't! insulatin$ money! so that no#ody and nothin$ ould $et

    lose enou$h to harm her. (urely she has at last ahieved this modest $oal.

    But old ha#its die hard! and it&s not lon$ #e'ore she&s astin$ an a""raisin$ eye over her

    'leee+lad 'ellow+travellers ditherin$ with their wheely #a$s in the lo##y o' the 'irst+

    ni$ht air"ort hotel. ,assin$ over the women! she ear+ta$s the male mem#ers o' the 'lok.

    (ome have 'emales attahed to them! and she eliminates these on "rini"le% why work

    harder than you need to- ,ryin$ a s"ouse loose an #e arduous! as she disovered via her

    'irst hus#and% disarded wives stik like #urrs.

    t&s the solitaries who interest her! the lurkers at the 'rin$es. (ome o' these are too old 'or

    her "ur"oses/ she avoids eye ontat with them. The ones who herish the #elie' that

    there&s li'e in the old do$ yet% these are her $ame. 0ot that she&ll do anythin$ a#out it! she

    tells hersel'! #ut there&s nothin$ wron$ with a little warmu" "ratie! i' only to

    demonstrate to hersel' that she an still knok one o'' i' she wishes to.

    1or that evenin$&s meet+and+$reet she hooses her ream+olored "ullover! "erhin$ the

    Ma$neti 0orthward nameta$ 2ust sli$htly too low on her le't #reast. Thanks to A)uai3e

    and ore stren$th trainin$! she&s still in e*ellent sha"e 'or her a$e! or indeed 'or any a$e!

    at least when 'ully lothed and #uttressed with are'ully 'itted underwirin$. (he wouldn&t

    want to hane a dek hair in a #ikini4su"er'iial "ukerin$ has set in! des"ite her #est

    e''orts4whih is one reason 'or seletin$ the Arti over! say! the 5ari##ean. 6er 'ae is
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    what it is! and ertainly the #est that money an #uy at this sta$e% with a little #ron3er and

    "ale eyeshadow and masara and $limmer "owder and low li$htin$! she an 'inesse ten


    7Thou$h muh is taken! muh remains!8 she murmurs to her ima$e in the mirror. 6erthird hus#and had #een a serial )uotation 'reak with a s"eial "enhant 'or Tennyson.

    75ome into the $arden! Maud!8 he&d #een in the ha#it o' sayin$ 2ust #e'ore #edtime. t

    had driven her mad at the time.

    (he adds a da# o' olo$ne4an understated sent! 'loral! nostal$i4then she #lots it o''!

    leavin$ a mere whi''. t&s a mistake to overdo it% thou$h elderly noses aren&t as keen as

    they may one have #een! it&s #est to allow 'or aller$ies/ a snee3in$ man is not an

    attentive man.

    (he makes her entrane sli$htly late! smilin$ a detahed #ut heer'ul smile4it doesn&t do

    'or an unaom"anied woman to a""ear too ea$er4ae"ts a $lass o' the "assa#le white

    wine they&re dolin$ out! and dri'ts amon$ the assem#led ni##lers and si""ers. The men

    will #e retired "ro'essionals% dotors! lawyers! en$ineers! stok#rokers! interested in

    Arti e*"loration! "olar #ears! arheolo$y! #irds! nuit ra'ts! "erha"s even Vikin$s or

    "lant li'e or $eolo$y. Ma$neti 0orthward attrats serious "unters! with an earnest #unh

    o' e*"erts laid on to herd them around and leture to them. (he&s investi$ated the two

    other out'its that tour the re$ion! #ut neither a""eals. One 'eatures e*essive hikin$ andattrats the under+'i'ties4not her tar$et market4and the other $oes in 'or sin$son$s and

    dressin$ u" in silly out'its! so she&s stuk with Ma$neti 0orthward! whih o''ers the

    om'ort o' 'amiliarity. (he travelled with this om"any one #e'ore! a'ter the death o' her

    third hus#and! 'ive years a$o! so she knows "retty muh what to e*"et.

    There&s a lot o' s"ortswear in the room! muh #ei$e amon$ the men! many "laid shirts!

    vests with multi"le "okets. (he notes the nameta$s% a 1red! a Dan! a Rik! a 0orm! a

    Bo#. Another Bo#! then another% there are a lot o' Bo#s on this tri". (everal a""ear to #e

    'lyin$ solo. Bo#% a name one o' heavy si$ni'iane to her! thou$h surely she&s rid hersel'

    o' that load o' lu$$a$e #y now. (he selets one o' the thinner #ut still su#stantial Bo#s!

    $lides lose to him! raises her eyelids! and lowers them a$ain. 6e "eers down at her hest.

    7Verna!8 he says. 7That&s a lovely name.8

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    7Old+'ashioned!8 she says. 71rom the 9atin word 'or :s"rin$.& When everythin$ s"rin$s to

    li'e a$ain.8 That line! so 'illed with "romises o' "halli renewal! had #een e''etive in

    hel"in$ to seure her seond hus#and. To her third hus#and she&d said that her mother

    had #een in'luened #y the ei$hteenth+entury (ottish "oet ;ames Thomson and his

    vernal #ree3es! whih was a "re"osterous #ut en2oya#le lie% she had! in 'at! #een named

    a'ter a lum"y! #un+'aed dead aunt. As 'or her mother! she&d #een a strit ,res#yterian

    with a mouth like a vise $ri"! who des"ised "oetry and was unlikely to have #een

    in'luened #y anythin$ so'ter than a $ranite wall.

    Durin$ the "reliminary sta$es o' nettin$ her 'ourth hus#and! whom she&d 'la$$ed as a

    kink addit! Verna had $one even 'urther. (he&d told him she&d #een named 'or 7The Rite

    o' ("rin$!8 a hi$hly se*ual #allet that ended with torture and human sari'ie. 6e&d

    lau$hed! #ut he&d also wri$$led% a sure si$n o' the hook $oin$ in.

    0ow she says! 7And you&re . . . Bo#.8 t&s taken her years to "er'et the small #reathy

    intake! a erti'ied knee+melter.

    7Yes!8 Bo# says. 7Bo# Goreham!8 he adds! with a di''idene he surely intends to #e

    harmin$. Verna smiles widely to dis$uise her shok. (he 'inds hersel' 'lushin$ with a

    om#ination o' ra$e and an almost rekless mirth. (he looks him 'ull in the 'ae% yes!

    underneath the thinnin$ hair and the wrinkles and the o#viously whitened and "ossi#ly

    im"lanted teeth! it&s the same Bo#4the Bo# o' 'i'ty+odd years #e'ore. Mr. 6eartthro#!Mr. (enior 1oot#all (tar! Mr. Astoundin$ 5ath! 'rom the rih! 5adilla+drivin$ end o'

    town where the minin$+om"any #i$ shots lived. Mr. (hit! with his loomin$ #ully&s

    "osture and his lo"sided 2oker&s smile.

    6ow ama3in$ to everyone! #ak then4not only everyone in shool #ut everyone! 'or in

    that arm"it o' a town they&d known to a millimetre who drank and who didn&t and who

    was no #etter than she should #e and how muh han$e you ke"t in your #ak "oket4

    how ama3in$ that $olden+#oy Bo# had sin$led out insi$ni'iant Verna 'or the (now

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    Or who wasin love. When it ame to love! wasn&t #elievin$ the same as the real thin$-

    (uh #elie's drain your stren$th and loud your vision. (he&s never allowed hersel' to #e

    skewered in that ti$er tra" a$ain.

    What had they daned to that ni$ht- 7Rok Around the 5lok.8 76earts Made o' (tone.87The Great ,retender.8 Bo# had steered Verna around the ed$es o' the $ym! holdin$ her

    s)uashed u" a$ainst his arnation #uttonhole! 'or the unskilled! awkward Verna o' those

    days had never #een to a dane #e'ore and was no math 'or Bo#&s strenuous and

    'lam#oyant moves. 1or meek Verna! li'e was hurh and studies and household hores

    and her weekend 2o# lerkin$ in the dru$store! with her $rim+'aed mother re$ulatin$

    every move. 0o dates/ those wouldn&t have #een allowed! not that she&d #een asked on

    any. But her mother had "ermitted her to $o to the well+su"ervised hi$h+shool dane

    with Bo# Goreham! 'or wasn&t he a shinin$ li$ht 'rom a res"eta#le 'amily- (he&d evenallowed hersel' a touh o' smu$ $loatin$! silent thou$h it had #een. 6oldin$ her head u"

    a'ter the deam"ment o' Verna&s 'ather had #een a 'ull+time 2o#! and had $iven her a very

    sti'' nek. 1rom this distane Verna ould understand it.

    (o out the door went Verna! starry+eyed with hero worshi"! wo##lin$ on her 'irst hi$h

    heels. (he was ourteously inserted into Bo#&s shiny red onverti#le with the treaherous

    Mikey o' rye already lurkin$ in the $love om"artment! where she sat #olt u"ri$ht!

    almost atatoni with shyness! smellin$ o' ,rell sham"oo and ;er$ens lotion! wra""ed in

    her mother&s moth#ally out+o'+date ra##it stole and an ie+#lue tulle+skirted dress that

    looked as hea" as it was.

    5hea". 5hea" and dis"osa#le. =se and toss. That was what Bo# had thou$ht a#out her!

    'rom the very 'irst.

    0ow Bo# $rins a little. 6e looks "leased with himsel'% may#e he thinks Verna is #lushin$

    with desire. But he doesn&t reo$ni3e her> 6e really doesn&t> 6ow many 'ukin$ Vernas

    an he have met in his li'e-

    Get a $ri"! she tells hersel'. (he&s not invulnera#le a'ter all! it a""ears. (he&s shakin$ with

    an$er! or is it morti'iation- To over hersel' she takes a $ul" o' her wine! and

    immediately hokes on it. Bo# s"rin$s into ation! $ivin$ her a 'ew #risk #ut aressin$

    thum"s on the #ak.

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    7E*use me!8 she mana$es to $as". The ris"! old sent o' arnations envelo"s her. (he

    needs to $et away 'rom him/ all o' a sudden she 'eels )uite sik. (he hurries to the ladies&

    room! whih is 'ortunately em"ty! and throws u" her white wine and her ream+heese+

    and+olive ana"? into a u#ile toilet. (he wonders i' it&s too late to anel the tri". But

    why should she run 'rom Bo# a$ain-

    Bak then she&d had no hoie. By the end o' that week! the story was all over town. Bo#

    had s"read it himsel'! in a 'arial version that was very di''erent 'rom what Verna hersel'

    remem#ered. (lutty! drunken! willin$ Verna! what a 2oke. (he&d #een 'ollowed home

    'rom shool #y $rou"s o' leerin$ #oys! hootin$ and allin$ out to her%Easy out! Can I

    have a ride-Candys dandy but liquor&s quicker! Those were some o' the milder slo$ans.

    (he&d #een shunned #y $irls! 'ear'ul that the dis$rae4the ludirous! hilarious smuttiness

    o' it all4would ru# o'' on them.

    Then there was her mother. t hadn&t taken lon$ 'or the sandal to hit hurh irles. What

    little her mother had to say throu$h her lam" o' a mouth was to the "oint% Verna had

    made her own #ed! and now she would have to lie in it. 0o! she ould not wallow in sel'+

    "ity4she would 2ust have to 'ae the musi! not that she would ever live it down!

    #eause one 'alse ste" and you 'ell! that&s how li'e was. When it was evident that the

    worst had ha""ened! she #ou$ht Verna a #us tiket and shi""ed her o'' to a hurh+run

    6ome 'or =nwed Mothers on the outskirts o' Toronto.

    There Verna s"ent the days "eelin$ "otatoes and sru##in$ 'loors and sourin$ toilets

    alon$ with her 'ellow+delin)uents. They wore $ray maternity dresses and $ray wool

    stokin$s and lunky #rown shoes! all "aid 'or #y $enerous donations! they were

    in'ormed. n addition to their sourin$ and "eelin$ hores! they were treated to #outs o'

    "rayer and sel'+ri$hteous hetorin$. What had ha""ened to them was 2ustly deserved! the

    s"eehes went! #eause o' their de"raved #ehavior! #ut it was never too late to redeem

    themselves throu$h hard work and sel'+restraint. They were autioned a$ainst alohol!

    to#ao! and $um hewin$! and were told that they should onsider it a mirale o' God i'any deent man ever wanted to marry them.

    Verna&s la#or was lon$ and di''iult. The #a#y was taken away 'rom her immediately so

    that she would not $et attahed to it. There was an in'etion! with om"liations and

    sarrin$! #ut it was all 'or the #est! she overheard one #risk nurse tellin$ another! #eause

    those sorts o' $irls made un'it mothers anyway. One she ould walk! Verna was $iven

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    'ive dollars and a #us tiket and instruted to return to the $uardianshi" o' her mother!

    #eause she was still a minor.

    But she ould not 'ae that4that or the town in $eneral4so she headed 'or downtown

    Toronto. What was she thinkin$- 0o atual thou$hts! only 'eelin$s% mourn'ulness! woe!and! 'inally! a s"ark o' de'iant an$er. ' she was as trashy and worthless as everyone

    seemed to think! she mi$ht as well at that way! and! in #etween rounds o' waitressin$

    and hotel+room leanin$! she did.

    t was only #y $reat $ood luk that she stum#led u"on an older married man who took an

    interest in her. (he traded three years o' noontime se* with him 'or the "rie o' her

    eduation. A 'air e*han$e! to her mind4she #ore him no ill will. (he learned a lot 'rom

    him! how to walk in hi$h heels #ein$ the least o' it4and "ulled hersel' u" and out. 9ittle

    #y little she 2ettisoned the rushed ima$e o' Bo# that she still arried like a dried 'lower

    4inredi#ly>4ne*t to her heart.

    (he "ats her 'ae #ak into "lae and re"airs her masara! whih has #led down her

    heeks des"ite its water"roo' laims. 5oura$e! she tells hersel'. (he will not #e hased

    away! not this time. (he&ll tou$h it out/ she&s more than a math 'or 'ive Bo#s now. And

    she has the advanta$e! #eause Bo# doesn&t have a lue who she is. Does she really look

    that di''erent- Yes! she does. (he looks #etter. There&s her silver+#lond hair! and the

    various alterations! o' ourse. But the real di''erene is in the attitude4the on'ident wayshe arries hersel'. t would #e hard 'or Bo# to see throu$h that 'a@ade to the shy! mousy+

    haired! snivellin$ idiot she&d #een at 'ourteen.

    A'ter addin$ a last 'ilm o' "owder! she re2oins the $rou" and lines u" at the #u''et 'or

    roast #ee' and salmon. (he won&t eat muh o' it! #ut then she never does! not in "u#li% a

    "i$$y! $o##lin$ woman is not a reature o' mysterious allure. (he re'rains 'rom sannin$

    the rowd to "in"oint Bo#&s "osition4he mi$ht wave to her! and she needs time to think

    4and selets a ta#le at the 'ar end o' the room. But "resto! Bo# is slidin$ in #eside her

    without so muh as a may++2oin+you. 6e assumes he&s already "issed on this 'ire hydrant!

    she thinks. ("ray+"ainted this wall. 5ut the head o'' this tro"hy and $ot his "iture taken

    with his 'oot on the #ody. As he did one #e'ore! not that he reali3es it. (he smiles.

    6e&s soliitous. s Verna all ri$ht- Oh! yes! she re"lies. t&s 2ust that somethin$ went down

    the wron$ way. Bo# launhes strai$ht into the "reliminaries. What does Verna do-

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    Retired! she says! thou$h she had a rewardin$ areer as a "hysiothera"ist! s"eiali3in$ in

    the reha#ilitation o' heart and stroke vitims. 7That must have #een interestin$!8 Bo#

    says. Oh! yes! Verna says. (o 'ul'illin$ to hel" "eo"le.

    t had #een more than interestin$. Wealthy men reoverin$ 'rom li'e+threatenin$ e"isodeshad reo$ni3ed the worth o' an attrative youn$er woman with de't hands! an

    enoura$in$ manner! and an intuitive knowled$e o' when to say nothin$. Or! as her third

    hus#and "ut it in his eatsian mode! heard melodies are sweet! #ut those unheard are

    sweeter. There was somethin$ a#out the intimay o' the relationshi"4so "hysial4that

    led to other intimaies! thou$h Verna had always sto""ed short o' se*% it was a reli$ious

    thin$! she&d said. ' no marria$e "ro"osal was 'orthomin$! she would e*triate hersel'!

    itin$ her duty to "atients who needed her more. That had 'ored the issue twie.

    (he&d hosen her ae"tanes with an eye to the medial ondition involved! and one

    married she&d done her #est to "rovide value 'or money. Eah hus#and had de"arted not

    only ha""y #ut $rate'ul! i' a little sooner than mi$ht have #een e*"eted. But eah had

    died o' natural auses4a lethal reurrene o' the heart attak or stroke that had hit him in

    the 'irst "lae. All she&d done was $ive them tait "ermission to satis'y every 'or#idden

    desire% to eat artery+lo$$in$ 'oods! to drink as muh as they liked! to return to their $ol'

    $ames too soon. (he&d re'rained 'rom ommentin$ on the 'at that! stritly s"eakin$! they

    were #ein$ too 3ealously mediated. (he&d wondered a#out the dosa$es! she&d say later!

    #ut who was she to set her own o"inion u" a$ainst a dotor&s-

    And i' a man ha""ened to 'or$et that he&d already taken his "ills 'or that evenin$ and

    'ound them neatly laid out in their usual "lae and took them a$ain! wasn&t that to #e

    e*"eted- Blood thinners ould #e so ha3ardous! in e*ess. You ould #leed into your

    own #rain.

    Then there was se*% the terminator! the ou" de $re. Verna hersel' had no interest in se*

    as suh! #ut she knew what was likely to work. 7You only live one!8 she&d #een in the

    ha#it o' sayin$! li'tin$ a ham"a$ne $lass durin$ a andlelit su""er and then settin$ out

    the Via$ra! a revolutionary #reakthrou$h #ut so trou#lin$ to the #lood "ressure. t was

    essential to all the "aramedis in "rom"tly! thou$h not too "rom"tly. 76e was like this

    when woke u"8 was an ae"ta#le thin$ to say. (o was 7 heard a stran$e sound in the

    #athroom! and then when went to look . . .8

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    (he has no re$rets. (he did those men a 'avor% surely #etter a swi't e*it than a lin$erin$


    With two o' the hus#ands! there&d #een di''iulties with the $rownu" hildren over the

    will. Verna had $raiously said that she understood how they must 'eel! then she&d "aidthem o''! more than was stritly 'air onsiderin$ the e''ort she&d "ut in. 6er sense o'

    2ustie has remained ,res#yterian% she doesn&t want muh more than her due! #ut she

    doesn&t want muh less! either. (he likes #alaned aounts.

    Bo# leans in toward her! slidin$ his arm alon$ the #ak o' her hair. s her hus#and alon$

    'or the ruise- he asks! loser to her ear than he should #e! #reathin$ in. 0o! she says! she

    is reently widowed4here she looks down at the ta#le! ho"in$ to onvey muted $rie'4

    and this is a sort o' healin$ voya$e. Bo# says he&s very sorry to hear it! #ut what a

    oinidene! 'or his own wi'e "assed away 2ust si* months a$o. t had #een a #low4

    they&d #een really lookin$ 'orward to the $olden years to$ether. (he&d #een his olle$e

    sweetheart4it was love at 'irst si$ht. Does Verna #elieve in love at 'irst si$ht- Yes! Verna

    says! she does.

    Bo# on'ides 'urther% they&d waited until a'ter his law de$ree to $et married and then

    they&d had three kids! and now there are 'ive $randkids4he&s so "roud o' them all. ' he

    shows me any #a#y "itures! Verna thinks! &ll hit him.

    7t does leave an em"ty s"ae! doesn&t it-8 Bo# says. 7A sort o' #lank.8 Verna admits that

    it does. Would Verna are to 2oin Bo# in a #ottle o' wine-

    You ra" artist! Verna thinks. (o you went on to $et married and have hildren and a

    normal li'e! 2ust as i' nothin$ ever ha""ened. Whereas 'or me . . . (he 'eels )ueasy.

    7&d love to!8 she says. 7But let&s wait until we&re on the shi". That would #e more

    leisurely.8 (he $ives him the eyelids a$ain. 70ow &m o'' to my #eauty slee".8 (he

    smiles! wa'ts u"ward.

    7Oh! surely you don&t need that!8 Bo# says $allantly. The asshole atually "ulls out her

    hair 'or her. 6e hadn&t shown suh 'ine manners #ak then. 0asty! #rutish! and short! as

    her third hus#and had said! )uotin$ 6o##es on the su#2et o' natural man. 0owadays a

    $irl would know to all the "olie. 0owadays Bo# would $o to 2ail no matter what lies he

    mi$ht tell! #eause Verna was undera$e. But there had #een no true words 'or the at

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    then% ra"e was what ourred when some mania 2um"ed on you out o' a #ush! not when

    your 'ormal+dane date drove you to a side road in the man$y twie+ut 'orest

    surroundin$ a tin+"ot minin$ town and told you to drink u" like a $ood $irl and then took

    you a"art! layer #y torn layer. To make it worse! Bo#&s #est 'riend! en! had turned u" in

    his own ar to hel" out. The two o' them had #een lau$hin$. They&d ke"t her "anty $irdle

    as a souvenir.

    A'terward! Bo# had "ushed her out o' the ar hal'way #ak! surly #eause she was

    ryin$. 7(hut u" or walk home!8 he&d said. (he has a "iture o' hersel' lim"in$ alon$ the

    iy roadside with her #are 'eet stuk in her dyed+to+math ie+#lue heels! di33y and raw

    and shiverin$ and4a 'urther ridiulous humiliation4hiu""in$. What had onerned

    her most at that moment was her nylons4where were her nylons- (he&d #ou$ht them

    with her own dru$store money. (he must have #een in shok.

    Did she remem#er orretly- 6ad Bo# stuk her "anty $irdle u"side down on his head

    and daned a#out in the snow with the $arter ta#s 'lo""in$ around like 2esters& #ells-

    ,anty $irdle! she thinks. 6ow "rehistori. t! and all the lon$+$one arheolo$y that went

    with it. 0ow a $irl would #e on the "ill or have an a#ortion without a #akward $lane.

    6ow ,aleolithi to still 'eel wounded #y any o' it.

    t was en4not Bo#4who&d ome #ak 'or her! told her #rus)uely to $et in! driven her

    home. 6e! at least! had had the $rae to #e shame'aed. 7Don&t say anythin$!8 he&d

    muttered. And she hadn&t! #ut her silene had done her no $ood.

    Why should she #e the only one to have su''ered 'or that ni$ht- (he&d #een stu"id!

    $ranted! #ut Bo# had #een viious. And he&d $one sot+'ree! without onse)uenes or

    remorse! whereas her entire li'e had #een distorted. The Verna o' the day #e'ore had died!

    and a di''erent Verna had solidi'ied in her "lae% stunted! twisted! man$led. t was Bo#

    who&d tau$ht her that only the stron$ an win! that weakness should #e merilessly

    e*"loited. t was Bo# who&d turned her into4why not say the word-4a murderer.

    The ne*t mornin$! durin$ the hartered 'li$ht north to where the shi" is 'loatin$ on the

    Beau'ort (ea! she onsiders her hoies. (he ould "lay Bo# like a 'ish ri$ht u" to the

    'inal moment! then leave him old with his "ants around his ankles% a satis'ation! #ut a

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    minor one. (he ould avoid him throu$hout the tri" and leave the e)uation where it&s

    #een 'or the "ast 'i'ty+some years% unresolved.

    Or she ould kill him.

    (he ontem"lates this third o"tion with theoretial alm. ;ust say! 'or instane! i' she were

    to murder Bo#! how mi$ht she do it durin$ the ruise without $ettin$ au$ht- 6er meds+

    and+se* 'ormula would #e 'ar too slow and mi$ht not work anyway! sine Bo# did not

    a""ear to su''er 'rom any ailments. ,ushin$ him o'' the shi" is not a via#le o"tion. Bo# is

    too #i$! the railin$s are too hi$h! and she knows 'rom her "revious tri" that there will

    always #e "eo"le on dek! en2oyin$ the #reathtakin$ views and takin$ "itures. A or"se

    in a a#in would attrat "olie and set o'' a searh 'or D0A and 'a#ri hairs and so 'orth!

    as on television. 0o! she would have to arran$e the death durin$ one o' the onshore visits.

    But how- Where- (he onsults the itinerary and the ma" o' the "ro"osed route. An nuit

    settlement will not do% do$s will #ark! hildren will 'ollow. As 'or the other sto"s! the

    land they&ll #e visitin$ is #are o' onealin$ 'eatures. (ta'' with $uns will aom"any

    them to "rotet a$ainst "olar #ears. May#e an aident with one o' the $uns- 1or that

    she&d need s"lit+seond timin$.

    Whatever the method! she&d have to do it early in the voya$e! #e'ore he had time to make

    any new 'riends4"eo"le who mi$ht notie he was missin$. Also! the "ossi#ility that Bo#

    will suddenly reo$ni3e her is ever "resent. And i' that ha""ens it will #e $ame over.Meanwhile! it would #e #est not to #e seen with him too muh. Enou$h to kee" his

    interest u"! #ut not enou$h to start rumors o'! 'or instane! a #uddin$ romane. On a

    ruise! word o' mouth s"reads like the 'lu.

    One on #oard the shi"4it&s the Resolute ! 'amiliar to Verna 'rom her last voya$e4the

    "assen$ers line u" to de"osit their "ass"orts at Ree"tion. Then they assem#le in the

    'orward loun$e 'or a talk on "roedure $iven #y three o' the disoura$in$ly a"a#le sta''

    mem#ers. Every time they $o ashore! the 'irst one says with a severe Vikin$ 'rown! they

    must turn their ta$s on the ta$ #oard 'rom $reen to red. When they ome #ak to the shi"!

    they must turn their ta$s #ak to $reen. They must always wear li'e 2akets 'or the Codia

    tri"s to shore/ the li'e 2akets are the new! thin kind that in'late one in water. They must

    de"osit their li'e 2akets on the shore when landin$! in the white anvas #a$s "rovided!

    and "ut them #ak on when de"artin$. ' there are any ta$s unturned or any li'e 2akets

    le't in the #a$s! the sta'' will know that someone is still ashore. They do not want to #e

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    le't #ehind! do they- And now a 'ew housekee"in$ details. They will 'ind laundry #a$s in

    their a#ins. Bar #ills will #e har$ed to their aounts! and ti"s will #e settled at the end.

    The shi" runs on an o"en+door "oliy! to 'ailitate the work o' the leanin$ sta''! #ut o'

    ourse they an lok their rooms i' they wish. There is a lost+and+'ound at Ree"tion. All

    lear- Good.

    The seond s"eaker is the arheolo$ist! who! to Verna! looks a#out twelve. They will #e

    visitin$ sites o' many kinds! she says! inludin$ nde"endene ! Dorset! and Thule! #ut

    they must never! never take anythin$. 0o arti'ats! and es"eially no #ones. Those #ones

    mi$ht #e human! and they must #e very are'ul not to distur# them. But even animal

    #ones are an im"ortant soure o' sare alium 'or ravens and lemmin$s and 'o*es and!

    well! the entire 'ood hain! #eause the Arti reyles everythin$. All lear- Good.

    0ow! says the third s"eaker! a 'ashiona#ly #ald individual who looks like a "ersonal

    trainer! a word a#out the $uns. Guns are essential! #eause "olar #ears are 'earless. But

    the sta'' will always 'ire into the air 'irst! to sare the #ear away. (hootin$ a #ear is a last

    resort! #ut #ears an #e dan$erous! and the sa'ety o' "assen$ers is the 'irst "riority. There

    is no need to 'ear the $uns% the #ullets will #e taken out durin$ the Codia tri"s to and

    'rom shore! and it will not #e "ossi#le 'or anyone to $et shot. All lear- Good.

    5learly a $un aident won&t do! Verna thinks. 0o "assen$er is $oin$ to $et near those


    A'ter lunh! there&s a leture on walruses. There are rumors o' ro$ue walruses that "rey

    on seals! "unturin$ them with their tusks! then sukin$ out the 'at with their "ower'ul

    mouths. The women on either side o' Verna are knittin$. One o' them says!

    79i"osution.8 The other lau$hs.

    One the talks are over! Verna $oes out on dek. The sky is lear! with a 'li$ht o'

    lentiular louds hoverin$ in it like s"aeshi"s/ the air is warm/ the sea is a)ua. There&s a

    lassi ie#er$ on the "ort side! with a enter so #lue it looks dyed! and ahead o' them is amira$e4a 'ata mor$ana! towerin$ like an ie astle on the hori3on! om"letely real

    e*e"t 'or the 'aint shimmerin$ at its ed$es. (ailors have #een lured to their deaths #y

    those/ they&ve drawn mountains on ma"s where no mountains were.

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    Out on dek a'ter o''ee! she surveys the a""roahin$ land throu$h her #inoulars. t&s

    autumn here% the leaves on the miniature trees that snake alon$ the $round like vines are

    red and oran$e and yellow and "ur"le! with rok sur$in$ out o' them in waves and 'olds.

    There&s a rid$e! a hi$her rid$e! then a hi$her one. t&s on the seond rid$e that the #est

    stromatolites are to #e 'ound! the $eolo$ist has told them.

    Will someone who has sli""ed #ehind the third rid$e #e visi#le 'rom the seond one-

    Verna doesn&t think so.

    0ow they&re all stu''ed into their water"roo' "ants and their ru##er #oots/ now they&re

    #ein$ 3i""ed and #ukled into their li'e 2akets like outsi3ed kinder$arten kids/ now

    they&re turnin$ their ta$s 'rom $reen to red/ now they&re ed$in$ down the $an$way and

    #ein$ whisked into the #lak in'lata#le Codias. Bo# has made it into Verna&s Codia. 6e

    li'ts his amera! sna"s her "iture.

    Verna&s heart is #eatin$ more ra"idly. ' he reo$ni3es me s"ontaneously! won&t kill him!

    she thinks. ' tell him who am and he reo$ni3es me and then a"olo$i3es! still won&t

    kill him. That&s two more esa"e hanes than he $ave her. t will mean 'or$oin$ the

    advanta$e o' sur"rise! a move that ould #e ha3ardous4Bo# is muh #i$$er than she is

    4#ut she wishes to #e more than 'air.

    They&ve landed and have shed their li'e 2akets and ru##er 'ootwear and are lain$ u"

    their hikin$ #oots. Verna strolls loser to Bo#! notes that he hasn&t #othered with the

    ru##er #oots. 6e&s wearin$ a red #ase#all a"/ as she wathes! he turns it #akward.

    0ow they&re all satterin$. (ome stay #y the shore/ some move u" to the 'irst rid$e. The

    $eolo$ist is standin$ there with his hammer! a twitterin$ luster already $athered around

    him. 6e&s in 'ull leture mode% they will "lease not take any o' the stromatolites! #ut the

    shi" has a sam"lin$ "ermit! so i' anyone 'inds a "artiularly hoie 'ra$ment! es"eially a

    ross setion! hek with him 'irst and they an "ut it on the rok ta#le he&ll set u" on

    #oard! where everyone an see it. 6ere are some e*am"les! 'or those who may not wantto takle the seond rid$e. . . .

    6eads $o down/ ameras ome out. ,er'et! Verna thinks. The more distration the #etter.

    (he 'eels without lookin$ that Bo# is lose #y. 0ow they&re at the seond rid$e! whih

    some are lim#in$ more easily than others. 6ere are the #est stromatolites! a whole 'ield

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    o' them. There are un#roken ones! like #u##les or #oils! small ones! ones as #i$ as hal' a

    soer #all. (ome have lost their to"s! like e$$s in the "roess o' hathin$. (till others

    have #een $round down! so that all that&s le't o' them is a series o' raised onentri

    o#lon$s! like a innamon #un or the $rowth rin$s on a tree.

    And here&s one shattered into 'our! like a Duth heese slied into wed$es. Verna "iks u"

    one o' the )uarters! e*amines the layers! eah year #lak! $ray! #lak! $ray! #lak! and at

    the #ottom the 'eatureless ore. The "iee is heavy! and shar" at the ed$es. Verna li'ts it

    into her #ak"ak.

    6ere omes Bo# as i' on ue! lum#erin$ slowly as a 3om#ie u" the hill toward her. 6e&s

    taken o'' his outer 2aket! tuked it under his #ak"ak stra"s. 6e&s out o' #reath. (he has

    a moment o' om"untion% he&s over the hill/ 'railty is $ainin$ on him. (houldn&t she let

    #y$ones #e #y$ones- Boys will #e #oys. Aren&t they all 2ust hormone "u""ets at that a$e-

    Why should any human #ein$ #e 2ud$ed #y somethin$ that was done in another time! so

    lon$ a$o it mi$ht #e enturies-

    A raven 'lies overhead! irles around. 5an it tell- s it waitin$- (he looks down throu$h

    its eyes! sees an old woman4#eause! 'ae it! she is an old woman now4on the ver$e o'

    murderin$ an even older man #eause o' an an$er already 'adin$ into the distane o'

    used+u" time. t&s "altry. t&s viious. t&s normal. t&s what ha""ens in li'e.

    7Great day!8 Bo# says. 7t&s $ood to have a hane to streth your le$s.8

    7sn&t it-8 Verna says. (he moves toward the 'ar side o' the seond rid$e. 7May#e there&s

    somethin$ #etter over there. But weren&t we told not to $o that 'ar- Out o' si$ht-8

    Bo# $ives a rules+are+'or+"easants lau$h. 7We&re "ayin$ 'or this!8 he says. 6e atually

    takes the lead! not u" the third rid$e #ut around #ehind it. Out o' si$ht is where he wants

    to #e.

    The $un #earer on the seond rid$e is yellin$ at some "eo"le strayin$ o'' to the le't. 6e

    has his #ak turned. A 'ew more ste"s and Verna $lanes over her shoulder% she an&t see

    anyone! whih means that no one an see her. They s)uelh over a "ath o' #o$$y

    $round. (he takes her thin $loves out o' her "oket! sli"s them on. 0ow they&re at the 'ar

    side o' the third rid$e! at the slo"in$ #ase.

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    75ome over here!8 Bo# says! "attin$ the rok. 6is #ak"ak is #eside him. 7 #rou$ht us

    a 'ew drinks.8 All around him is a tattered $au3e o' #lak lihen.

    7Terri'i!8 Verna says. (he sits down! un3i"s her #ak"ak. 79ook!8 she says. 7 'ound a

    "er'et s"eimen.8 (he turns! "ositionin$ the stromatolite #etween them! su""ortin$ itwith #oth hands. (he takes a #reath. 7 think we&ve known eah other #e'ore!8 she says.

    7&m Verna ,rithard. 1rom hi$h shool.8

    Bo# doesn&t miss a #eat. 7 thou$ht there was somethin$ 'amiliar a#out you!8 he says.

    6e&s atually smirkin$.

    (he remem#ers that smirk. (he has a vivid "iture o' Bo# a"erin$ trium"hantly in the

    snow! sni$$erin$ like a ten+year+old. 6ersel' wreked and rum"led.

    (he knows #etter than to swin$ widely. (he #rin$s the stromatolite u" hard! a short shar"

    2a# ri$ht underneath Bo#&s lower 2aw. There&s a runh! the only sound. 6is head sna"s

    #ak. 0ow he&s s"rawled on the rok. (he holds the stromatolite over his 'orehead! lets it

    dro". A$ain. One a$ain. There. That seems to have done it.

    Bo# looks ridiulous! with his eyes o"en and 'i*ed and his 'orehead mashed in and #lood

    runnin$ down #oth sides o' his 'ae. 7You&re a mess!8 she says. 6e looks lau$ha#le! so

    she lau$hs. As she sus"eted! the 'ront teeth are im"lants.

    (he takes a moment to steady her #reathin$. Then she retrieves the stromatolite! #ein$

    are'ul not to let any o' the #lood touh her or even her $loves! and slides it into a "ool o'

    #o$ water. Bo#&s #ase#all a" has 'allen o''/ she stu''s it into her "ak! alon$ with his

    2aket. (he em"ties out his #ak"ak% nothin$ in there #ut the amera! a "air o' woollen

    mitts! a sar'! and si* miniature #ottles o' (oth4how "athetially ho"e'ul o' him. (he

    rolls the "ak u"! stu''s it inside her own! adds the amera! whih she&ll toss into the sea

    later. Then she dries the stromatolite o'' on the sar'! hekin$ to make sure there&s no

    visi#le #lood! and stows it in her "ak. (he leaves Bo# to the ravens and the lemmin$s

    and the rest o' the 'ood hain. Then she hikes #ak around the #ase o' the third rid$e!

    ad2ustin$ her 2aket. Anyone lookin$ will assume she&s 2ust #een havin$ a "ee. ,eo"le do

    sneak o'' like that! on shore visits. But no one is lookin$.

    (he 'inds the youn$ $eolo$ist4he&s still on the seond rid$e! alon$ with his oterie o'

    admirers4and "rodues the stromatolite.

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    7May take it #ak to the shi"-8 she asks sweetly. 71or the rok ta#le-8

    71antasti sam"le>8 he says.

    Travellers are makin$ their way shoreward! #ak to the Codias. When she reahes the

    #a$s with the li'e 2akets! Verna 'um#les with her shoelaes until all eyes are elsewhere

    and she an ram an e*tra li'e 2aket into her #ak"ak. The "ak is a lot #ulkier than it

    was when she le't the shi"! #ut it would #e odd i' anyone notied that.

    One u" the $an$way! she diddles around with her "ak until everyone else has moved

    "ast the ta$ #oard! then 'li"s Bo#&s ta$ 'rom red to $reen. And her own ta$! too! o' ourse.

    On the way to her a#in she waits till the orridor is lear! then sli"s throu$h Bo#&s

    unloked door. The room key is on the dresser/ she leaves it there. (he han$s u" the li'e

    2aket and Bo#&s water"roo' and #ase#all a"! runs some water in the sink! messes u" a

    towel. Then she $oes to her own a#in alon$ the still+em"ty orridor! takes o'' her $loves!

    washes them! and han$s them u" to dry. (he&s #roken a nail! worse luk! #ut she an

    re"air that. (he heks her 'ae% a touh o' sun#urn! #ut nothin$ serious. 1or dinner! she

    dresses in "ink and makes an e''ort to 'lirt with Bo# the (eond! who $amely returns her

    serves #ut is surely too dere"it to #e a serious "ros"et. ;ust as well4her adrenaline

    level is "lummetin$. ' there are northern li$hts! they&ve #een told! there will #e an

    announement! #ut Verna doesn&t intend to $et u" 'or them.

    (o 'ar she&s in the lear. All she has to do now is maintain the mira$e o' Bo#! 'aith'ully

    turnin$ his ta$ 'rom $reen to red! 'rom red to $reen. 6e&ll move o#2ets around in his

    a#in! wear di''erent items 'rom his #ei$e+and+"laid wardro#e! slee" in his #ed! take

    showers! leavin$ the towels on the 'loor. 6e will reeive a 'irst+name+only invitation to

    have dinner at a sta'' ta#le! whih will then )uietly a""ear under the door o' one o' the

    other Bo#s! and no one will s"ot the su#stitution. 6e will #rush his teeth. 6e will ad2ust

    his alarm lok. 6e will send in laundry! without! however! 'illin$ out the sli"% that would

    #e too risky. The leanin$ sta'' won&t are4a lot o' older "eo"le 'or$et to 'ill out theirlaundry sli"s.

    Meanwhile! the stromatolite will sit on the $eolo$ial sam"les ta#le and will #e "iked u"

    and e*amined and disussed! a)uirin$ many 'in$er"rints. At the end o' the tri" it will #e

    2ettisoned. The Resolute will travel 'or 'ourteen days/ it will sto" 'or shore visits

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    ei$hteen times. t will sail "ast ie a"s and sheer li''s! and mountains o' $old and

    o""er and e#ony #lak and silver $ray/ it will $lide throu$h "ak ie/ it will anhor o''

    lon$! im"laa#le #eahes and e*"lore '2ords $ou$ed #y $laiers over millions o' years. n

    the midst o' suh ri$orous and demandin$ s"lendor! who will remem#er Bo#-

    There will #e a moment o' truth at the end o' the voya$e! when Bo# will not a""ear to

    "ay his #ill and "ik u" his "ass"ort/ nor will he "ak his #a$s. There will #e a 'lurry o'

    onern! 'ollowed #y a sta'' meetin$4#ehind losed doors! so as not to alarm the

    "assen$ers. =ltimately! there will #e a news item% Bo#! tra$ially! must have 'allen o'' the

    shi" on the last ni$ht o' the voya$e while leanin$ over to $et a #etter amera an$le on the

    northern li$hts. 0o other e*"lanation is "ossi#le.

    Meanwhile! the "assen$ers will have sattered to the winds! Verna amon$ them. '! that

    is! she "ulls it o''. Will she or won&t she- (he ou$ht to are more a#out that4she ou$ht

    to 'ind it an e*itin$ hallen$e4#ut ri$ht now she 2ust 'eels tired and somewhat em"ty.

    Thou$h at "eae! thou$h sa'e. 5alm o' mind all "assion s"ent! as her third hus#and used

    to say so annoyin$ly a'ter his Via$ra sessions. Those Vitorians always ou"led se* with

    death. Who was that "oet anyway- eats- Tennyson- 6er memory isn&t what it was. But

    the details will ome #ak to her later.

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