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If You…

• Are open, committed and ready to make BIG changes to grow your business

• Want a adopt a more holistic and less stressful approach

• Love the idea of focusing on you and your business and receiving a step by step success plan

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I can help you build a sustainable and thriving business, by guiding you through an easy to follow and implement

approach, that will be a natural expression of you, your purpose and passion!

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Who do you work with?

I work with female business owners who… • Are motivated, committed and passionate

about life and business!

• Know that working with a mentor will accelerate their growth faster than trying to do it on their own

• Are not afraid to take the necessary actions and will often stretch out of their comfort zone

• Want to experience a healthy balance between work and life with a focus on well being

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What results can I expect?

• A clear step by step plan, that maps out how to grow your business and increase your revenue

• Authentic methods to attract clients who are an ideal match

• Irresistible packages and programmes that create value and are a joy to deliver

• Greater confidence and clarity to take bigger and bolder actions

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How can I guarantee that I will get results?

• Set the intention and be focused throughout the programme on your vision and goals

• Take action and follow through on recommendations

• Be prepared to shift old ways of thinking, habits and beliefs that no longer serve you

• Be open to moving to a whole new level of success

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What my clients say..

‘I feel like I’m taking control of my life, and have the ability to make anything I want come to fruition’

‘Before coaching with Susan I felt very dissatisfied with my life and my work in particular. I had been running my business part-time for 2 years and on top of that was working in a job that I felt disconnected with; it was as though my life had reached that ‘groundhog’ day point... and I was exhausted! Alongside all of this, my relationship of 8 years had ended, and I was really disheartened by life and had lost a lot of confidence. Since working with Susan, my confidence has increased, and I’ve now had the courage to make a big decision and leave my job to concentrate 100% on my business. I feel like I’m taking control of my life and have the ability to make anything I want come to fruition. I noticed powerful results after just a couple of sessions with her. For the first time, I can now envision a happier and more successful life for myself, with the freedom to create this in the way that I choose. Although I’ve had to put the work in myself, it’s been invaluable to have Susan’s encouragement, advice and support as I go along this journey. I am very grateful for that. I feel so excited about the next phase of my life and want to continue working with Susan, as I have realised that it will imperative for me to have a strong support network, including Susan as my coach. Thank you Susan!’ Emma Bibby,

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What my clients say ‘I am positive and excited about the future.’

Susan is a trusted business coach and mentor. Someone I will always be grateful to have met. She does what she says she is going to do and more. Her dedication to helping others is phenomenal. She is so helpful, positive, constructive and empowering. She is always professional in her approach and an expert in her field. Having decided to take a leap of faith towards creating a business that will allow me to give back to others I left my well paid work to start an exciting new venture. I felt very excited about how I was creating the lifestyle of my choice. But, very quickly fear began to creep in. Success somehow seemed out of my reach. It was easy and tempting to go back into my comfort zone and play safe, ticking along even though deep down I knew that I was capable of so much more. Working with Susan has been inspirational and a great help. Her unconditional support has saved me so much time and taken the guess work out. I am delighted with the excellent guidance and support Susan has provided me. I am confident that the knowledge and support I’ve received from her will enable me to move my business forward. I am positive and excited about the future. I will highly recommend Susan to anyone serious about creating a business they love. Finally, Susan, I am so grateful for all your support and for giving so much of yourself and time so that others may reach their dreams. Thank you! Joyce Okakah,

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What my clients say….. ‘My business savvy and confidence has greatly increased’

Before coaching with Susan my business was going well but it was definitely running me rather than the other way round, I was working all the time and not putting myself first or allowing myself the necessary time and space that is vital for entrepreneurs to both re-generate and come up with the new ideas to grow business to the next exciting level, I was doing well but I was ‘stuck in a rut’, I also had several unhelpful beliefs and patterns that I was running that were keeping me at certain ‘level’ in my business and whilst loving my work I had become frustrated at not being able to move to the next level or even knowing how to do this. Since working with her, my business, energy levels and income are now greatly improved. I have had the time and tools to put all the ideas into practice that, before working with Susan, were simply things on my to do list that never got attended to, often for years! I noticed powerful results after just 2 sessions with her. One of the most valuable things Susan taught and enabled me to do was how to value myself in my business at every moment and within every decision. My business savvy and confidence has greatly increased. Susan is supportive, wise, inspiring, holds you gently yet firmly accountable and I can honestly say business coaching with Susan is one of the best things I have ever done. My only regret is not finding her sooner! I am in the very exciting process of taking my business to a whole new level, quite rapidly too, I would not have been able to do this without Susan’s insights, support and invaluable knowledge and wisdom, it feels nothing short of fantastic! Zoe Clews – Hypnotist.

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The Step into Success Programme Overview

This 6 month programme is ideal for you if you want to design a more holistic approach to business by… • Clarifying your big BOLD vision and purpose

• Designing signature programmes and services that get you noticed

• Creating additional and sustainable revenue streams to grow your income

• Adopting a spiritual approach to business problems

• Developing your marketing skills so that you more naturally attract clients

• Managing your mindset for personal and financial success

• Creating an abundant, healthy and stylish lifestyle

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Step into Success Programme

1. Clarify Your Personal Vision and Purpose

If you have been in business for a while, or if you have not long started out you might be wondering what to do next to grow your business. I will help you figure out what’s no longer working, reconnect you to your vision, purpose and passion and step by step map out a plan to move your business forward with ease.

2. Break Through Entrepreneurial Fear

Before implementing strategies to grow your business it’s important to unearth and tackle any current or potential obstacles that might be getting in the way of achieving success. Through working together we will uncover any negative internal dialogue and prepare the way to overcome obstacles to success.

3. Magnetise Your Client Attraction Plan

At this stage you will be feeling much more confident about yourself and your business, with greater clarity, focus and intention. With the right mindset of natural abundance and prosperity, together with the client attraction tools which I teach, you will become a magnet for people and opportunities.


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Step into Success

4. Design Signature Programmes and Services The most successful people in business know that creating unique products and services will get them noticed . I will share with you a simple process to help you create and launch your own stylish programmes and generate additional revenue streams 5. Manage your Mindset for Financial Success Having a positive relationship with money is key to your long term success. During our time together I’ll discover a blue print for managing your money mindset so that you attract and retain more financial abundance. 6. Master your Marketing and Enhance your Social Media Presence As you know there are hundreds of consultants, coaches, well-being experts, and stylists out there, so it’s not only what you do but how others know what you do that will set you apart. Becoming expert at marketing and social media means that you’re the first person others think of when they want your services. 7. Create an Abundant, Healthy and Stylish Lifestyle One of the big secrets of successful entrepreneurs is that they have developed a lifestyle which supports them and their business. They have learned the importance of taking time out to renew and refresh so that they maintain boundless energy and enthusiasm for what they do. At each step of the coaching programme I will help you to maintain balance in your life so that your well being and self care is at the top of the list

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The Step into Success Programme

The 6 month elite programme The 6 month foundation programme

4 monthly 30 minute phone/skype coaching

calls plus 60 minute planning session

2 monthly 30 minute phone/skype coaching calls plus

60 minute planning session

One half day, in person, strategy session

with Susan (3 hours)

Personalised Client Attraction Strategy

Mastering Client Attraction Guide

Customised marketing and business plan Manifest your Vision: Business planning workbook

Review and editing of marketing materials

and Signature Programmes

Review of marketing materials and signature


Complimentary tickets to Real Coaching

Solutions’ events

Unlimited email coaching and resource


Once per week email coaching and resource support

Telephone support between sessions

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How you will benefit…

Expert guidance and advice on how to create a profitable business from someone who can show you what works and what doesn’t!

Proven systems to help you attract more clients

Action plans for marketing and client attraction that will guide you now and into the future

A shift in your mindset about marketing, selling and charging what you’re worth.

Access to invaluable resources and information saving you precious time and energy

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About me…

Prior to setting up my own business, I held, from an early age, senior positions working with high level, demanding executives throughout the world. It was challenging, exciting and often hard work. Eventually, however, feeling tired and exhausted with all the commuting and travelling I took the plunge and set up my own business. Using the extensive experience and large network of contacts I had gained, I quickly went on to win large corporate contracts and to share my knowledge and skills with other female business owners (this is where my passion lies).

Today many of my business coaching clients are working with ideal clients, transforming their businesses and making a real difference in the lives of others.

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How to get started…

Now that you have read through this guide I want you to really connect with your dream for your business and ask yourself what it would feel like to have this level of support and resource in your life to make this a reality.

Write out exactly how different your business would be when you have achieved your vision and goals. What will your life look like and how different will it be from where you are today?

To find out more please sign up for a complimentary Business Acceleration Coaching Session

Or email: [email protected]

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