Page 1: St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan.pdf · St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan ... are comfortable including Catholic values and morals in lesson plans. ... With the opening

St. Vincent de Paul School

Strategic Plan

“Discover the Difference…

as we view the world through the eyes of faith”

May 2014

6001 N. University Street

Peoria, Illinois 61614

(309) 691-5012

[email protected]

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Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1

Mission ............................................................................................................................................ 2

Vision ............................................................................................................................................... 2

SWOT Analysis................................................................................................................................. 2

Catholic Identity .............................................................................................................................. 7

Academic Excellence ....................................................................................................................... 9

Enrollment Management .............................................................................................................. 13

Marketing ...................................................................................................................................... 16

Development................................................................................................................................. 17

Facilities......................................................................................................................................... 20

Finances ........................................................................................................................................ 25

Page 4: St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan.pdf · St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan ... are comfortable including Catholic values and morals in lesson plans. ... With the opening



St. Vincent de Paul Parish held its first Mass on July 1, 1962. In September of 1962, St. Vincent

de Paul School opened with grades first through fourth. The Dominican Sisters from

Springfield, Illinois taught at the school in the early years with Sister Eugenia serving as the

school’s first principal. During the next four years one grade level was added per year with two

classes per grade and enrolled over 700 students. Kindergarten was added in the 1981-82

school year. The Dominican Sisters continued to serve at SVdP for 23 years until they departed

in 1985 due to a lack of personnel. Additional expansions were completed in 1998/1999 and in

2008 with the addition of a new music room, gymnasium with a stage, locker room and

concession area. Today, St. Vincent de Paul School has an enrollment of 440 students for

preschool through 8th grade.

St. Vincent de Paul School celebrated being selected as a Blue Ribbon School in 2009. This

could not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of our parish

administration, faculty, students and parents. Throughout our history, St. Vincent de Paul

School has prided itself on teaching the Roman Catholic Faith and providing its students with a

quality education centered on Gospel values. By instilling the values of Jesus Christ and the

Roman Catholic Church, St. Vincent de Paul School is dedicated to outstanding achievement

that establishes students as effective leaders with a positive and moral impact on the


The following stakeholders have guided the strategic planning process at St. Vincent de Paul

School as members of the steering committee:

Fr. Pallardy

Jane Tompkins

Alona Dawson

Chris Schifeling

Sarah Hogan

Luke Polillo

Lorraine Abraham

Lisa Buck

Lon Lyons

Jeff Martin

Shelly Joseph

Keith Plavec

The following pages outline the St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan developed by the

steering committee. We believe that a successful strategic plan requires broad input from

within and even outside of the school community. We therefore invite you to share your

reactions and suggestions regarding the strategies we have identified in the plan so that we can

further refine and improve our school in the months and years ahead.

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St. Vincent de Paul School staff in partnership with parents and parish families work

together to instill the values of Jesus Christ and the Roman Catholic Church. Through a

challenging education curriculum we generate outstanding academic achievement and

expect students to be confident leaders with a strong positive and moral impact on the


To accomplish this mission, we provide a spirit of cooperation shared by each of the three

major groups of our school family – school faculty, staff, parents, and students. The school

recognizes the need for each group to accept the responsibility of openness to one another –

sharing ideas and growing together – in mutual respect and encouragement – thus building a

valuable academic experience within a total faith community.


St. Vincent de Paul School offers an educational program of academic excellence within

a Christ-centered community. The school exists to provide its students with a strong

foundation of academic and life skills that are developed and nurtured within a faith-

filled environment.

St. Vincent de Paul School respects the uniqueness of each child and the diversity of

talents within its school family. The school devises curriculum to meet the needs of

each child – challenging each student to his or her full potential.

St. Vincent de Paul School strives to develop the many dimensions of a child. In the area

of spiritual growth, the school, working with the parents, provides each student with the

opportunity to grow in their faith and thereby develop a sound moral basis for life. In

the area of academics, the school, working with the parent, provides each student with

the opportunity to develop a sound basis for life. The extension of Gospel values

permeates the total curriculum. This integration of faith is an important factor in

developing programs to meet the needs of the students intellectually, physically,

socially, and emotionally.

SWOT Analysis

Catholic Identity:

Catholic Identity is a strong component of the St. Vincent de Paul Community. Catholic morals

and values are emphasized through daily practice, within the curriculum, leadership and service

offerings, focus on Religious life, Masses, and celebrations of sacraments, saints and Holy Days.

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Examples include:

• Weekly all-school Masses

• Strong religion curriculum based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church

• Every morning being lead in prayer by students through the use of the intercom system

• All-school monthly rosary, grade level confessions, and stations of the cross

• Weekly visits from our pastor and associate pastor in the classrooms

We believe this Catholic Identity is the foundation of our success. The teachers on staff are

instrumental in modeling the teachings of the Catholic Church even if they are not Catholics and

are comfortable including Catholic values and morals in lesson plans. The physical appearance

of the school also portrays our Catholic Identity through icons, statues, crucifixes, and other

Catholic imagery.


Our academic standards in Math are currently being aligned to the Common Core Standards

(English in the 2014-2015 school year). We utilize ITBS and MAPS testing as our standardized

testing tools. These provide information that is used to identify students who may require

resource or Title I services along with aiding teachers in creating differential strategies to

address the specific needs of specific students. Our students score high on MAPS testing and

ITBS composite testing scores for our Third, Fifth and Seventh Grade Students is over the 60th

percentile nationally. This current school year, five of the top ten students at Notre Dame High

School attended St. Vincent de Paul School.

We have implemented Response to Intervention Program (RTI) time in our schedule for

students in Kindergarten through Fourth Grade and are currently training faculty on the use of

AIMSWEB as a progress monitoring tool. Example RTI Programs include:

• Academy of Reading and Math that supports the spectrum of students from high

achievers for enrichment to those who need more support. This program is also

available for students during the month of June.

• Resource Teacher

• Differential Instruction

• 504 Learning Plans

In addition, we offer the following programs to enrich academic excellence:

• Spanish for K through Eighth Grade

• Technology for K through Eighth Grade

• Art for K through Eighth Grade

• Music for K through Sixth Grade

• Musical Production for Fifth through Eighth Grade

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We believe that we are very conscious and supportive of those students who need resourced or

support but are weak in addressing high achievers and would like to see an implementation of

more enrichment opportunities and challenging curriculum for those students.


Our enrollment is at 440 (including 54 preschool students). Since the Middle School was

formed we have seen an increase in enrollment at that level and would like to begin an active

marketing plan to bring more new parish families and those Catholic families who chose public

education to our school. The families we have are loyal and they continue to send their younger

siblings to the school. Class sizes are small (20 or less in grades K through Fourth; 35 or less in

grades Fifth through Eighth).

With the opening of St. Jude School, we have seen a number of students leaving our school and

enrolling at St. Jude. Many of our parish families live near St. Jude Parish and with the opening

of a new school find this to be a closer and better option for them. We anticipate that as

additional grades are added at St. Jude School, we will continue to lose families and students

until finally stabilizing our enrollment. We have also lost students due to families moving to

surrounding communities (Dunlap, Washington, etc.) or out of the Peoria area.

Due to the lack of an organized marketing plan, there is nothing in place, except word of

mouth, that would draw students to our school. We have identified a need to pursue Catholic

families that send their children to public schools or other private schools or are new to the

Peoria area. This will be accomplished by:

• Developing a marketing plan

• Updating our school website

• Promoting our values and academics


At this point there is no “official” marketing plan in place for St. Vincent de Paul School. We

have parents (Women’s Guild and Men’s Club) and parish members who are actively promoting

the school but again, no “official” marketing plan. We are in the process of contacting

Marketing Firms to assist the School/Parish with developing a marketing plan. Some points that

we believe beneficial to recognize in a marketing plan include:

• Recognized as a Blue Ribbon School in 2010. We are the only Catholic school in Peoria

to be given this award. We are also one of two in the City of Peoria to receive this


• Instituting STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art and Mathematics)

within its curriculum. We will be the only Catholic school partnering with NCEA STREAM

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initiative and The National Center of STEM Elementary Education. We will also have

teachers that are certified in STEM.

• Offer an excellent Pre-Kindergarten Program for three and four year olds. We feel that

our Pre-K Program is one of the best in the City and is a great opportunity to recruit


• Offer the opportunity to participate in a musical production for fifth through eighth



The main fundraising for the school is completed by the Women’s Guild and Men’s Club or our

Parish. In past years, the following fundraisers have been used:

• Annual Dinner/Auction (“Blue Ribbon Ball”)

• Annual Golf Outing

• Chili Supper

• Fish Fry

• Back to School Night

• Script

• Scholastic Book Fair

In addition the school completes direct fundraising through magazine sales. Historically, the

Eighth Grade Class raises funds for a legacy gift through Market Day Sales.

There is a need to explore other fundraising options and to work with the Women’s Guild and

Men’s Club to better align fundraising activities with specific school needs. Another fundraising

area that needs to be implemented is reaching out to our alumni.


St. Vincent de Paul Parish has a great campus. We offer classrooms of adequate size with

plenty of storage that are recently painted, air-conditioned and in good condition. We have

two gymnasiums with the Livingston gymnasium (not air-conditioned) that includes a stage

area, and retractable bleachers. The Parish Hall is also attached to the school.

The Livingston gymnasium and Parish Hall are great resources for our Parish and School by

allowing us to hold on-site fundraising efforts, parish/school functions, musical productions and

sporting events.

Our school/parish has employed a maintenance company that does a great job keeping our

school clean and property maintained. We share a parking lot with the church that is in poor

condition and is in need of major repairs. Technology advancements and facility security will be

focus areas in the future.

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St. Vincent de Paul Parish has seen a declining number of families in its Parish. The decline is

mostly due to significant turnover in our Priests over the last 10 years and the opening of a new

school at St. Jude. The downturn in the U.S. economy has also resulted in many families to lose

their jobs or take lower paying jobs. The families may struggle to afford sending their children

to a Catholic School. As a result, we have lost students which results in a loss of income not

only to the school but to our Parish.

School finances are handled through a financial director located in the Parish office. In the past,

the principal was not part of the budgeting process for the fiscal year. This year, there has been

better coordination between the parish office, school and finance committee. We have very

generous parents who support the school through our Women’s Guild and Men’s Club.

As with most Catholic schools, the money collected through tuition does not cover the per pupil

cost to educate our students so the Parish must subsidize education. Our goal is to have the

first child’s tuition cost approximately 80% of the actual cost per student. We are working

towards increasing the percent that a family pays for subsequent children attending St. Vincent

de Paul School. We have been monitoring what other schools are doing with their tuition and

have found that schools are not raising the percentage families pay for subsequent children.

Tuition at our school is in line with other Catholic Schools and is nearly half of other Private

Schools in the Peoria area.

We participate in eRate and other programs that enable us to receive discounts on gas/electric,

office supplies, and technology. With the loss of students over the past few years, we have also

reduced our teaching staff. While we can reduce some costs by eliminating teaching positions,

the cost to operate the building remains the same.

Additional funds will be needed in order to update facilities, improve our website, update

technology, add programs such as STREAM and attract new families to our school and parish.

We feel this can be accomplished by:

• Developing a marketing plan

• Implementing STREAM

• Promoting existing Pre-Kindergarten Program and Educational Offerings

• Developing a fundraising plan

• Informing our Parish of the importance of our school

• Informing our Parish of the financial needs of our school

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Catholic Identity

Goal #1: By the Fall of 2015, St. Vincent de Paul School will increase student exposure to and awareness of religious life as measured by student

attendance to school sponsored events.

Action Steps Timeframe Person(s) or Group



Completion Date


Cost Funding Source

Form a Catholic Identity team. August 2014 Coordinator of

Religious Education August 2014 N/A N/A

Contact PEARL (Peoria Association of Religious Life) to

gather input from Religious Communities in Diocese of




Catholic Identity

Team September 2014 N/A N/A

Contact Dominican Sisters of Springfield, IL (sisters that

originally staffed SVdP) to discuss charism and ways to

celebrate charism in school.



Catholic Identity

Team October 2014 N/A N/A

Brainstorm and develop an annual school event to expose

students to religious life.



Catholic Identity

Team November 2014 N/A N/A

Plan event date and activities. February


Catholic Identity

Team February 2014 N/A N/A

Identify grade level activities to extend event into

classroom instruction. March 2015

Catholic Identity

Team March 2014 N/A N/A

Add event to school religious devotions and activities

calendar. May 2015

Catholic Identity

Team May 2014 N/A N/A

Host event with religious sisters and brothers from the

communities in our diocese and Dominican Sisters of


Fall 2015 Catholic Identity

Team Fall 2015 N/A N/A

Include this event annually, adjusting the content and

activities of the event each year. Annually

Catholic Identity

Team On-Going N/A N/A

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Goal #2: From 2015-2019, the Saint Vincent de Paul Faculty will grow in faith knowledge proficiency, as measured by the NCEA-IFG.

Action Steps Timeframe Person(s) or Group



Completion Date


d Cost



Complete pre-assessment of faculty’s knowledge of the six

dimensions of adult faith formation using the NCEA –

Information for Growth Survey to Support Adult Faith Formation

August 2014 Coordinator of Religious

Education/ Faculty August 2014 $200.00



Complete pre-assessment of faculty’s religious attitudes,

perceptions, and topical interests. (NCEA - IFG) August 2014

Coordinator of Religious

Education/ Faculty August 2014 N/A N/A

Review and analyze IFG results. Identify deficient areas. November

2014 Catholic Identity Team November 2014 N/A N/A

Communicate areas for improvement to faculty and pastor. December

2014 Catholic Identity Team December 2014 N/A N/A

Add catechetical formation time to school improvement days. February 2015 School Principal/CRE February 2015 N/A N/A

Plan and present catechesis for faculty. August 2015 Priests/Outside

Speakers/CRE March 2014 N/A N/A

Continue to address areas of weakness annually with direct

catechesis and non-gathered catechesis.

Fall 2016-Fall



Speakers/CRE Fall 2018 N/A N/A

Complete pre-assessment of faculty’s knowledge of the six

dimensions of adult faith formation using the NCEA –

Information for Growth Survey to Support Adult Faith Formation

August 2019 Coordinator of Religious

Education/ Faculty August 2019 $200.00



Complete pre-assessment of faculty’s religious attitudes,

perceptions, and topical interests. (NCEA - IFG) August 2019

Coordinator of Religious

Education/ Faculty August 2019 N/A N/A

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Academic Excellence

Goal #1: Improve student achievement by implementing curriculum in the 2015-2016 school year based on STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion,

Engineering, Art and Mathematics) education. (A measurement tool will be created in February 2015 after teachers have completed necessary

professional development to understand STEM initiatives and curriculum implications)

Action Steps Timeframe

Person(s) or Group



Completion Date Estimated Cost Funding Source

Research STEM curriculum. December 2013 –

February 2014 Principal February 2014 N/A N/A

Contact National Center for STEM

Elementary Education February 2014 Principal February 2014 N/A N/A

Contact National Center for STEM

Elementary Education to schedule an

introductory Workshop for faculty

April 2014 Principal April 2014 N/A N/A

Inform parents of the implementation of

STREAM (flyer)

“St. Vincent de Paul is STREAMing”

May 1,2 014



Mrs. Buck May 1, 2014 N/A N/A

National Center for STEM Elementary

Education Workshop for faculty June 2 and 3, 2014 Principal June 2 and 3, 2014


PD $2,000.00

Travel $2,000.00

Faculty $6,240.00

Title Money


Dayton, OH. June 22-24, 2014


Teachers (10) June 24, 2014


Symp. $3,300.00

Travel/Gas $800.00

Hotel $630.00

Diocese of


Magazine Sales

Women’s Guild



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Goal #1: Improve student achievement by implementing curriculum in the 2015-2016 school year based on STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion,

Engineering, Art and Mathematics) education. (A measurement tool will be created in February 2015 after teachers have completed necessary

professional development to understand STEM initiatives and curriculum implications) (Continued)

Action Steps Timeframe

Person(s) or Group


Projected Completion

Date Estimated Cost Funding Source

Secure a full-time Art teacher

for K-8 Art program June 2014


Principal August 2014

Increase in pay from

part-time to full-time School

Work with Religious Coordinator

to ensure alignment of Religion


August 2014





December 2014 N/A N/A

Create schedule for parish

priests to visit school on a

regular basis

August 2014




October 2014 N/A N/A

Begin the Lego League August 2014 Brook Plavec December 2014 $1,000.00

Corporate Donation

Women’s Guild

Professional Development:

Teachers will be writing

curriculum to align to STREAM

August, 2014 – May


Every 2nd Wednesday of

the month in PLCs



NCEA webinars

May 2015 N/A N/A

Present more specific

information to parents on the

STREAM initiative

August 28, 2014

Back-to-School Night

Principal August 28, 2014 N/A N/A

Create a schedule to address

the needs of the program November 2014


Teachers February 2015 N/A N/A

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Goal #1: Improve student achievement by implementing curriculum in the 2015-2016 school year based on STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion,

Engineering, Art and Mathematics) education. (A measurement tool will be created in February 2015 after teachers have completed necessary

professional development to understand STEM initiatives and curriculum implications) (Continued)

Action Steps Timeframe

Person(s) or Group


Projected Completion

Date Estimated Cost Funding Source

Create the tool that will be used

to measure student

achievement after

implementing STREAM initiative

February 2015

Every 4th Wednesday of

the month in PLCs


Teachers May 2015 N/A N/A

Write Student Achievement

Goal(s) that will be measured

through STREAM initiative

May 2015 Principal

Teachers May 2015 N/A N/A

Professional Development:

STEM certification for teachers June 2015



The National Center

for STEM



June 2015

3 credits ($1,437.00 X 12

= $17,244.00)


$10,000.00 PD

Title M

Implement STREAM initiative August 2015 Principal

Teachers August 2015 N/A N/A

Professional Development:

aligning curriculum to STEM


August 2015



NCEA webinars

October 2015 N/A N/A

PLCs: Reviewing STEM


October 2015

Every 2nd Wednesday of

the month in PLCs



Outside Presenter

May 2016 N/A N/A

Review GOALS to assess the

STREAM initiative May 2016


Teachers May 2016 N/A N/A

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Goal #1: Improve student achievement by implementing curriculum in the 2015-2016 school year based on STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion,

Engineering, Art and Mathematics) education. (A measurement tool will be created in February 2015 after teachers have completed necessary

professional development to understand STEM initiatives and curriculum implications) (Continued)

Action Steps Timeframe

Person(s) or Group


Projected Completion

Date Estimated Cost Funding Source

Professional Development:

Representatives from the

National Center of STEM

Elementary Education

June 1 – 3, 2016



June 1 - 3, 2016


PD $2,000.00

Travel $2,000.00

Faculty $6,240.00

Title Money

Review Program in order to

address any deficiencies,

concerns, or changes needed

January 2017 Principal

Teachers January 2017 N/A N/A

Review GOALS to assess the

STREAM initiative May 2017


Teachers May 2017 N/A N/A

Review Program in order to

address any deficiencies,

concerns, or changes needed

May 2017 Principal

Teachers May 2017 N/A N/A

Implement any changes

necessary for the program August 2018


Teachers May 2019 N/A N/A

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Enrollment Management (Student Recruitment & Retention)

Goal #1: By 2019, SVdP Pre-K through 8th grade enrollment will increase by 20 students (5/year) that SVdP can service and/or resource as measured

by yearly enrollment numbers (beginning Fall 2014) reported by administration.

Action Steps Timeframe

Person(s) or




Completion Date Estimated Cost



Advertise our school and registration (yard signs,

sign on Northmoor, postcard invitations to any

inquiries, SVdP Pre-K, and parish RE students)

current year

(2014) Office Staff May 2014 $300



Develop an inquiry procedure/checklist (to include

tours, welcome signs, info packet, follow-up thank

you, follow-up phone call etc.)

June 2014 to

August 2014

Office Staff

Teachers August 2014 $300



Begin tracking students who leave St. Vincent de

Paul for retention purposes August 2014 Office Staff On-going N/A N/A

Determine which parish families are in Religious

Education program and where they send their

children to school

August 2014 Parish Office

School Office May 2015 N/A N/A

Target and encourage Religious Education families

to send their children to SVdP June 2015

Parish Office

School Office


May 2019 N/A N/A

Update and improve SVdP school brochure and


May 2014 to

May 2005

Parish Office

School Office


Brochure – Aug. 2014

Website – May 2015

Renweb “School Site”

$2,000 – Design

$1,340 – Implementation

$200 monthly fee





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Goal #1: By 2019, SVdP Pre-K through 8th grade enrollment will increase by 20 students (5/year) that SVdP can service and/or resource as measured

by yearly enrollment numbers (beginning Fall 2014) reported by administration. (Continued)

Action Steps Timeframe

Person(s) or Group



Completion Date Estimated Cost Funding Source

Consistent welcoming tours, (welcoming

committee) have corresponding inquiry grade

teacher and family contact inquiring student/family

12 months

Office Staff



August 2015 N/A N/A

Partner with real estate agencies, day care and

younger children play group facilities to help

advertise SVdP

July 2014 Office Staff

Parents On-going $0 to $250



Women’s Guild

Review the retention data of students leaving SVdP August 2015 Office Staff On-going N/A N/A

Perform parent surveys (to find

strengths/weaknesses) and exit surveys (reason for

leaving SVdP)

August 2014 Office Staff On-going N/A N/A

Review the retention data of students leaving SVdP August 2015 Office Staff On-going N/A N/A

Add a retention goal based on students that we

have lost. March 2017 Office Staff August 2017 N/A N/A

Update marquee signs to electronic 4 Years

Office Staff



May 2018 $3,000 to $5,000


8th Grade

Legacy Gifts

Review welcoming procedure, brochure, and

website to see if any changes/additions are needed Yearly in May

Office Staff



May 2019 N/A N/A

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Goal #1: By 2019, SVdP Pre-K through 8th grade enrollment will increase by 20 students (5/year) that SVdP can service and/or resource as measured

by yearly enrollment numbers (beginning Fall 2014) reported by administration. (Continued)

Action Steps Timeframe

Person(s) or Group



Completion Date Estimated Cost Funding Source

Implement any necessary updates/changes Yearly in August

Office Staff



August 2019 $250 School/Parish

Investigate fundraising opportunities to raise

additional funds for financial aid 2014 to 2019


Education Comm.

Finance Committee

2019 Unknown




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Goal #1: Create, devise and maintain a Marketing Plan for the St. Vincent de Paul 2014-2019 school year

Action Steps


Person(s) or Group



Completion Date



Funding Source

Interview Marketing Firms May 2014 -

July 2014


Education Comm. July 2014 N/A N/A

Retain Marketing Firm July 2014 Principal/Father

Education Comm. July 2014 $5,000



Development of Marketing Plan August 2014 –

October 2014


Education Comm. October 2014 N/A N/A

Production of Pamphlets/Brochures and other

marketing materials

November 2014

– January 2015


Printing Company January 2015 $1,000



Retain Technology Firm to assist with updating

school website

August 2014-

May 2015 3rd Party May 2015 $4,000



Utilize periodicals such as the Catholic Post,

Journal Star, and news channels to update public

on events/happenings at the school

March 2014-July

2019 Office Staff On-going N/A N/A

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Goal #1: Implement a School Fundraising Plan that will raise $150,000 annually starting in 2014

Action Steps Timeframe

Person(s) or Group



Completion Date Estimated Cost



Review the needs of the school March 2014 Committee July 2014 N/A N/A

Review the Tuition for both Catholic and

non-Catholic students and adjust for the

for the 2014-2015 school year

February 1, 2014 Finance committee member,

Fr. Pallardy, Jane Tompkins

March 1, 2014


Meet with current leaders of the Women’s

Guild and Men’s Club to identify their

current strategies with fundraising

March 2014 Committee October 2014 N/A N/A

Review budgets of Women’s Guild and

Men’s Club March 2014

Women’s Guild Member,

Men’s Club Member,

Finance committee Chair, Fr.

Pallardy, Jane Tompkins

October 2014 N/A N/A

Form a committee that will address

current fundraising and future fundraising


April 2014

Women’s Guild Member,

Men’s Club Member,

Finance committee Chair, Fr.

Pallardy, Jane Tompkins

October 2014 N/A N/A

Begin formulating an Alumni data base June 2014 Lori Donlan

Jennifer Flaherty October 2014 N/A N/A

Update and maintain Alumni data base October 2014 Lori Donlan Ongoing N/A N/A

Review and implement fundraising events

to meet the needs of the school October 2014

Women’s Guild Member,

Men’s Club Member,

Finance committee Chair, Fr.

Pallardy, Jane Tompkins

Ongoing N/A N/A

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Goal #1: Implement a School Fundraising Plan that will raise $150,000 annually starting in 2014 (Continued)

Action Steps Timeframe

Person(s) or Group



Completion Date Estimated Cost



Create a position for Development

Director October 2014

Finance committee Chair, Fr.

Pallardy, Jane Tompkins January 2015 N/A


Review tuition for Catholic, non-Catholic

students for the 2015-2016 school year February 2015

Finance committee Chair, Fr.

Pallardy, Jane Tompkins February 2015 N/A N/A

Hire or create an in-house position for

Development Director June 2015

Finance committee Chair, Fr.

Pallardy, Jane Tompkins July 2015

Create a Development Plan that will

enable the school to become more self-

sufficient financially

August 2015

Development Director,

Finance committee Chair, Fr.

Pallardy, Jane Tompkins

November 2015 N/A N/A

Meet with Women’s Guild and Men’s

Club Presidents to form plan September 2015

Development Director,

Women’s Guild, Men’s Club

Presidents, Finance

committee Chair, Fr. Pallardy,

Jane Tompkins

October 2015 N/A N/A

Discuss new fundraising events to meet

the needs of the school October 2015

Development Director,

Women’s Guild, Men’s Club

Presidents, Finance

committee Chair, Fr. Pallardy,

Jane Tompkins

December 2015 N/A N/A

Schedule new fundraising events for the

2016-2017 school year January 2016

Development Director,

Women’s Guild, Men’s Club

Presidents, Finance

committee Chair, Fr. Pallardy,

Jane Tompkins

February 2016 N/A N/A

Page 22: St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan.pdf · St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan ... are comfortable including Catholic values and morals in lesson plans. ... With the opening


Goal #1: Implement a School Fundraising Plan that will raise $150,000 annually starting in 2014 (Continued)

Action Steps Timeframe

Person(s) or Group



Completion Date Estimated Cost



Review tuition for Catholic, non-Catholic

students for the 2016-2017 school year February 2016

Finance committee Chair, Fr.

Pallardy, Jane Tompkins February 2016 N/A N/A

Implement new fundraising events June 2016

Development Director,

Women’s Guild, Men’s Club

Presidents, Finance

committee Chair, Fr. Pallardy,

Jane Tompkins

June 2017 N/A N/A

Evaluate fundraising efforts to see if they

are meeting the needs of the school.

Update fundraising efforts.

June 2017

Development Director,

Women’s Guild, Men’s Club

Presidents, Finance

Committee Chair, Fr. Pallardy,

Jane Tompkins

August 2017 N/A N/A

Evaluate fundraising efforts to see if they

are meeting the needs of the school.

Update fundraising efforts.

June 2018

Development Director,

Women’s Guild, Men’s Club

Presidents, Finance

committee Chair, Fr. Pallardy,

Jane Tompkins

August 2018 N/A N/A

Determine whether the school is self-

sufficient financially:

If Not: what further strategies need to be

evaluated and changed?

If So: what were the successful events that

need to be continued?

June 2019

Development Director,

Finance committee Chair, Fr.

Pallardy, Jane Tompkins

August 2019 N/A N/A

Page 23: St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan.pdf · St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan ... are comfortable including Catholic values and morals in lesson plans. ... With the opening



Goal #1: Address the unsecured entrance to the cafeteria during warm days

Action Steps Timeframe

Person(s) or Group



Completion Date Estimated Cost



Inspect cafeteria and entrances and ventilation Feb. 2014 Facilities Committee Feb. 2014 $0 N/A

Obtain cost estimates to properly ventilate and

secure door March 2014

Buildings and Grounds,

Jeff & John March 2014 $0 N/A

Choose best option March 2014 Buildings and Grounds March or April B&G

Meeting $0 N/A

Implement Spring 2014 Chosen Contractor Start of School 14-

15 $500 to $3000 Donation

Goal #2: Implement a facility "wear item" replacement plan

Action Steps Timeframe

Person(s) or Group



Completion Date Estimated Cost



PHD (maintenance company for the school)

presents written plan March 2014 PHD March $0 N/A

Buildings and Grounds Reviews Plan March/April


Buildings and Grounds


March or April B&G

Meeting $0 N/A

PHD updates wear items according to plan Spring 2014

Buildings and Grounds



Start of School 14-

15 N/A




Page 24: St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan.pdf · St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan ... are comfortable including Catholic values and morals in lesson plans. ... With the opening


Goal #3: Replace and/or upgrade existing software and hardware

Action Steps Timeframe

Person(s) or Group



Completion Date Estimated Cost



Replace computers running Windows XP – In April

2014, Windows XP will reach end of life and will no

longer be supported by Microsoft. This will open

the network to malware attacks and create

software compatibility issues. Currently there are

89 computers running Windows XP that need to

be replaced.

2014 - 2018


Education Commission

Finance Committee

Women’s Guild

2018 $70,000




Aging computers - Many of the school computers

are reaching 10 years in age and have become

literally unusable due to software compatibility

and speed.

2014 – 2018


Education Commission

Finance Committee

Women’s Guild

2018 $48,000




Increase wireless capacity – With the addition of

tablets, notebooks and other wireless devices; two

additional wireless access points are necessary to

handle the increased traffic.

2014 Principal 2014 $2,100




Page 25: St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan.pdf · St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan ... are comfortable including Catholic values and morals in lesson plans. ... With the opening


Goal #3: Replace and/or upgrade existing software and hardware (Continued)

Action Steps Timeframe

Person(s) or Group



Completion Date Estimated Cost



Safety and security – The following applications

provide safety and security for the staff and

students and their data at multiple levels. Most of

the following applications are currently in place

and require an annual maintenance renewal.

Cloud-based data backups – Data backups are run

each night automatically and stored off site. This

system was implemented in July 2013, due to the

failure of the current backup system and its cost to

replace. This is maintained through a monthly fee.

Anti-virus - Client/server anti-virus controlled by

security server; renewed annually.

Firewall, Web Filter – Cisco appliance that

performs firewall functions and internet content

filtering as well as anti-malware protection at the

network gateway; renewed annually.

Symantec Ghost –Imaging software; renewed


2014 - 2015 Principal 2015 $13,280/year




Page 26: St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan.pdf · St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan ... are comfortable including Catholic values and morals in lesson plans. ... With the opening


Goal #3: Replace and/or upgrade existing software and hardware (Continued)

Action Steps Timeframe

Person(s) or Group



Completion Date Estimated Cost



Implement MacBooks for 8th grade students and

middle school teachers – to prepare students for

entry into Notre Dame, curriculum based on

MacBook computers will be implemented for 8th

grade students. MacBooks will be rolled out to

middle school teachers first for research and

curriculum development; students will receive

MacBooks the following school year. Curriculum

will be computer based saving on physical

textbook costs.



Education Commission

Finance Committee

Women’s Guild

2015 $60,000




Replace Laptop Cart & Purchase a Second Cart –

Our current 30 unit laptop cart which is used

throughout the school is 7 years old and currently

runs Windows XP, which in April of 2014 will no

longer be supported by Microsoft. The cart is used

regularly by the K – 8 teachers and on many

occasions requested by more than one teacher for

the same time period. For this reason, we believe

that the purchase of a second laptop cart would

be of benefit to the school…one for use in the

Middle School and one for use in the Primary


2014 – 2017


Education Commission

Finance Committee

Women’s Guild

2017 $72,000




Page 27: St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan.pdf · St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan ... are comfortable including Catholic values and morals in lesson plans. ... With the opening


Goal #4: Repair the field fence, expand fencing and improve security to the back of the school

Action Steps Timeframe

Person(s) or Group



Completion Date Estimated Cost



Obtain cost estimates to upgrade the field fence

and expand it to the back of the school Spring 2014

Buildings and Grounds

Representatives End of May 2014 $0 N/A

Obtain cost estimates for camera systems to cover

at least the back entrances of the school.

Expandable so that more areas of the school can

be monitored in the future.

Spring 2014 Buildings and Grounds

Representatives End of May 2014 $0 N/A

Review and approve with Buildings and Grounds

Buildings and Grounds


Start of School 14 -

15 $0 N/A

Work with Finance Committee to determine

funding options

Buildings and Grounds

Representatives Nov. 2014 $0 N/A

Finalize funding plan

Finance Committee Dec. 2014 $0 N/A

Implement funding plan

New Committee TBD $0 N/A

Implement Fence and Camera System

Buildings and Grounds TBD $10,000 to

$20,000 TBD

Page 28: St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan.pdf · St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan ... are comfortable including Catholic values and morals in lesson plans. ... With the opening



Goal #1: By 2019, SVdP Pre-K through 8th grade enrollment will increase by 20 students (5/year) that SVdP can service and/or resource as

measured by yearly enrollment numbers (beginning Fall 2014) reported by administration.

Action Steps


Person(s) or Group





Estimated Cost

Funding Source

Retain Marketing Firm to assist with

developing a marketing plan

June 2014 –

October 2014


Education Comm. October 2014 $5,000



Retain Printing Company to publish marketing


October 2014 –

January 2015


Education Comm. January 2015 $1,000



Retain Technology Firm to assist with updating

school website

August 2014 –

May 2015


Education Comm. May 2015 $4,000




Create Development Director Position



Finance Committee

Education Comm.

2014/2015 N/A N/A

Implement STREAM Curriculum

2014 – 2017


Education Comm. 2017 $60,000




Coordination with Women’s Guild and Men’s

Club on School Needs and Funding Needs 2014 – 2019


Education Comm. On-Going N/A N/A

Page 29: St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan.pdf · St. Vincent de Paul School Strategic Plan ... are comfortable including Catholic values and morals in lesson plans. ... With the opening


Goal #2: Maintain tuition for first child at 80% of actual cost and increase percent of actual cost for subsequent children to 50% by 2019.

Action Steps


Person(s) or Group



Completion Date

Estimated Cost



Educate families on the true cost of providing

a Catholic Education On-going


Education Commission

Finance Committee

On-going N/A N/A

Coordination with other Catholic Schools and

Diocese on Tuition and Fees On-going


Education Commission

Finance Committee

On-going N/A N/A

Implement raising tuition rates for second,

third, etc. child to fund enrollment, marketing,

curriculum, facility and technology goals

2014 to 2019


Education Commission

Finance Committee

2019 N/A N/A

Goal #3: Increase funds to Endowment Fund by $25,000 to $50,000 annually

Action Steps


Person(s) or Group



Completion Date

Estimated Cost



Educate parish on the need for student

financial aid On-going


Education Commission

Finance Committee

On-going N/A N/A

Determine percentage of annual fundraising

that will be placed in Endowment Fund On-going


Education Commission

Finance Committee

On-going N/A Parish


Educate parish on the importance of planned

giving and bequests. On-going


Finance Committee On-going N/A N/A

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