
St. Pius X Catholic Church June 4, 2017

PASTOR Fr. Pat O’Brien

PAROCHIAL VICAR Fr. Cesar Betancourt


DEACONS Deacon Gene Townsend

Deacon Dan McShane Deacon Pat Cunningham

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Jerelynn Meek, Parish Secretary

Rebekah Haase, Administra ve Assistant

Ashley Mar nez Accoun ng

Debbie Landry, Facili es Manager

YOUTH MINISTRY Stephanie Kristek, Director

[email protected]

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mary Micklitz, Director

[email protected]


RCIA Call the Church Office

Marriage & Funerals Jerelynn Meek, ext. 200 [email protected]

Bap sms Rebekah Haase, ext. 209

[email protected]

ST. PIUS X SCHOOL (P) 210-824-6431 (F) 210-824-7454

Fr. Pat O’Brien, Pastor Jane Zarate, Principal

Cathy Brown, Assistant Principal

Regular Mass Times Sunday 8:00 AM (ASL); 10:15 AM; 12:00 PM (Español); 1:30 PM (*MEF); 5:00 PM Monday 6:30 PM (with Benedic on) Tuesday - Friday 8:15 AM Saturday 8:00 AM (*MEF); 5:00 PM (Vigil)

Holy Days of 6:30 PM (Vigil); 6:30 AM; 8:15 AM; 12:10 PM; Obliga on 6:00 PM; 7:30 PM (*MEF)

Word & Communion 6:30 AM (Monday - Friday)

Reconcilia on 8:45-9:45 AM & 4:00-4:45 PM on Saturdays

Adora on Chapel Open daily un l Midnight; Closed during Mass

(*Mass In The Extraordinary Form)

3303 Urban Crest Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78209 Office Hours are Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

(P) 210-824-0139 (F) 210-829-5125 [email protected]

The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit


PRAYER TO ST. PIUS X Glorious Pope of the Eucharist, Saint Pius X, you sought "to restore all things in Christ.” Obtain for me a true love of Jesus so that I may live only for Him. Help me to acquire a lively fervor and a sincere will to strive for sanctity of life, and that I may avail myself of the riches of the Holy Eucharist in sacrifice and sacrament. By your love for Mary, mother and queen of all, inflame my heart with tender devotion to her. Blessed model of the priesthood, obtain for us holy, dedicated priests, and increase vocations to the religious life. Dispel confusion and hatred and anxiety, and incline our hearts to peace and concord so that all nations will place themselves under the sweet reign of Christ. Amen. Saint Pius X, pray for us.

Dear St. Pius X Community,

This will be a busy weekend. I have the first three Masses then off to Ireland. By the me the last Mass finishes our group will be airborne from Chicago to Dublin and arriving at 7:30 AM. Hopefully I’ll keep busy enough to not be able to go to sleep un l at least 8 pm. I ignored the stay awake advice once, never again. You all will be in my prayers.

It is interes ng, as we head more toward being a steward-ship parish, the stories people are sharing. One lady tells me that they were pay check to pay check month a er month. They decided to the and spent hours looking for places to cut to get the 2.5% they had decided to give to the Church. They only found 1.5%. As they gave they started to see more and more blessings and money in their lives. They were up to 5% in a year and a er a few years were giving a total of 10% to many different chari es and finding it really wasn’t the sacrifice they thought, that the return gi s in their faith and everyday life were amazing.

In a life me of hearing stories of giving, I have never heard a bad story. At my first Church as a priest I heard a story that I must admit I thought was embellished at best. This couple was basically homeless and living on peoples floors and in garages. They went to Mass daily at first because it was climate controlled, later because they felt they needed to. The couple telling the story were driving his and her Mercedes. They talked about hearing a stewardship talk and a story like above and started to give 10% of everything and obviously their lives changed.

I think one of the biggest misnomers for Catholic thing is that we are asking for 10%. The 10% comes from scripture and we are not asking for that much. For each Parish, the Church says 2.5% and other Church needs 2.5% and the other 5% to chari es of you and your families choice. There are going to be many opportuni es to test this in coming weeks and months, but most importantly, I wanted you to start thinking about what it is to the and if God is calling you to a deeper sense of trust and deeper sense of commit-ment to your Church!

Pray for us in Ireland and have a blessed week! In Him, Fr. Pat

On Saturday, June 17, 2017 Jose Santos, a Parishioner of St. Pius X, will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacon at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church located at 9883 Marbach Road. The Ordina on Mass will begin at 10:00 AM. On Saturday and Sunday (June 17/18) he will be preaching at all the Masses. On Sunday evening, June 18, we invite you to join us at 6:00 PM in the Family Center for a Celebra on Recep on for him. A light dinner will be served. The event is being hosted by the Fellowship Commi ee with the assistance of members of the many organiza ons of St. Pius X.


Cathy Boyd, Joyce Dobrowolski, Monica Hairell, Be y Helmer, Gabriel Cantu-Hilbig, Peg Linn, Jane Mason, Lanny McIver, and Hortencia Santos.

MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS Sunday, June 4 8:00 AM † Timothy Kraus/Pridgen Family

† Mabel Garberick/Albert Garza Family For the Good of the Parish

1:30 PM For the Good of the Parish 5:00 PM For the Good of the Parish

Monday, June 5 (With Benedic on) † Vincenza Bobrowolski/Rick & Eileen Pape

† Joe Melancon/Daniel & Rachael Yanez Tuesday, June 6 8:15 AM Parish Staff/Pridgen Family Wednesday, June7 8:15 AM † Roger & Carolina Lozano/Daughter † Paul Pavlovsky/Micklitz Family Thursday, June 8 8:15 AM † Rosemary Rogers/Family & Friends Special Inten on/Susan Paparelli Friday, June 9 8:15 AM † Jim Knaak/Ornes Family Saturday, June 10 8:00 AM For the Good of the Parish 5:00 PM † Michael A. Idarra/Daniel & Rachel Yanez

The Sanctuary Lamp in the Church will burn this week for:

For the Good of the Parish The Sanctuary Lamp in the Chapel will burn this week for:

For the Good of the Parish


Prayer requests are placed in the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass for 2 weeks and are then published in the bulle n for 4 weeks.

To add a loved one, please contact the church office at (210) 824-0139.


Lector 5:00 PM P. Piper 8:00 AM P. Moreno 10:15 AM K. Peterson 12:00 PM N. Lara 5:00 PM M. Lasswell

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 5:00 PM L. Zisman, J. O’Boyle, M. Natalino, B. Tarwater, C. Gabrillo, M. Piechnik, C. Burkhardt, G. Natalino, R. Tarwater, D. De Leon, R. Gabrillo 8:00 AM M. Jowdy, E. Roberts, L. Almarez, R. Navarro, J. Meyer, L. Mancillas, S. Aldridge, J. Navarro, X. Moreno, N. Garrido, R. Angri 10:15 AM C. Guerra, D. La France, S. La France, B. Young, R. Gonzales, D. Guerra, J. Mathis, S. Saldana, D. Barcellona, A. Conrad, J. Haas 12:00 PM L. Diaz, G. Gabriel, D. Rossell, C. Navarro, E. Palmieri, P. Moreno 5:00 PM S. Gaona, P. Gree ens, E. Gu errez, A. Rodriguez, M. Schneider, E. Gaona, E. Hughes, E. Klein, K. Brodie

Altar Servers 5:00 PM A. Lara, D. Lara, R. Tamez, R. Tamez 8:00 AM M. Chacko, P. Chacko, M. Helmer, W. Helmer 10:15 AM A. Elledge, N. Mueller, T. Mueller, Z. Mueller, 12:00 PM A. Lara, D. Lara, C. Plaza, J. Plaza 5:00 PM T. McGehee, J. Micklitz, C. Medina, L. Mosser

Ushers 5:00 PM K. Richards, X. Romero, A. J. Seifert, E.J. Eiteljorge 8:00 AM D. Meyer, A. Pena, T. Finto, B. Flores 10:15 AM P. Chavez, E. Ellis, 12:00 PM X. Moreno, L. Castro-Ramirez 5:00 PM M. Luna, B. O o, T. Juergens, R. Mancilla

Greeters 5:00 PM S. Nordman, N. Suarez 8:00 AM B. Finto, M. Kleinworth 10:15 AM J. Mathis, J. Mathis 12:00 PM P. Moreno, J. Evans 5:00 PM C. Burner, J. Vaello

WEEKLY READINGS Monday, June 5 - Tb 1:3; 2:1a-8; Ps 112:1b-2, 3b-6; Mk 12:1-12 Tuesday, June 6 - Tb 2:9-14; Ps 112:1-2, 7-9; Mk 12:13-17 Wednesday, June 7 - Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a; Ps 25:2-5ab, 6, 7bc-9; Mk 12:18-27 Thursday, June 8 - Tb 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 12:28-34 Friday, June 9 - Tb 11:5-17; Ps 146:1b-2, 6c-10; Mk 12:35-37 Saturday, June 10 - Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20; Tb 13:2, 6efgh, 7, 8; Mk 12:38-44 Sunday, June 11 - Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9; Dn 3:52-55; 2 Cor 13:11-13; Jn 3:16-18

Sunday, June 4 - Pentecost Sunday

Saturday, June 10 - Ember Saturday of the Pentecost Octave

Sunday, June 11 - Trinity Sunday


SUNDAY, JUNE 4 SCRIPTURES First Reading - Filled with the Holy Spirit, the apostles begin to speak in tongues (Acts 2:1-11). Psalm - Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth (Psalm 104). Second Reading - In one Spirit we are bap zed into one body and given to drink of one Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13). Gospel - Jesus Christ appears to the disciples and sends them on their mission with the power to forgive or retain sins through the Holy Spirit (John 20:19-23).

MAY 16 - 21 WEEKLY OFFERING Collected - $ 12,530.03

Online Giving - $ 3,995.00

Needed to Make Budget - $22,985.00

212 envelopes used out of 1,717 registered families. Due to our print deadline our stewardship figures were delayed by one week..


Direct all requests for reserva ons, repairs and informa on to [email protected] or (210) 824-0139, ext. 223

June 5

Tuesday, June 6

June 7

We are no exception to rising expenses. Please consider Online giving. It is a great way to simplify giving. Set it up and forget; that is what the

Pastor did. Sign up for Online Giving at Your support is greatly appreciated!


In Memory Of: Our deceased family members

Given By: McBride & Fraser Families

To reserve altar flowers, please contact: Becky Tarwater, phone: (210) 654-8834, email: [email protected] or Joyce Chramosta, phone: (210) 656-4800, email : [email protected].


Ask nothing of God, then, but this gift of divine Love, that is, the Holy Spirit.

—Walter Hilton

ACTS Retreats – Mike Natalino [email protected] 210-529-1795 Alhambra – Luis Mar nez [email protected] 210-380-3316

Altar Servers – Church Office [email protected] 210-824-0139

Arboreans – Rick Pape [email protected] 210-655-9135

Boy Scouts – Andy Loeffler [email protected] 210-375-6920

Shannon Loeffler swleoffler50@a .net 210-487-0461

Catholic Daughters – Cecilia Johnson [email protected] 210-771-0325 CYO Sports – John Montes [email protected] 210-452-1271 Eucharis c Apostles of Divine Mercy – Susie Aldridge [email protected] 210-364-8769

Extraordinary Ministers – Margaret Piechnik [email protected] 210-497-0170

Adult Faith Forma on – Church Office [email protected] 210-824-0139

Fellowship – Becky Tarwater [email protected] 210-508-8064 Finance – Ashley Mar nez/Fr. Pat (temporary) amar [email protected] 210-824-0139

Greeters – Church Office [email protected] 210-824-0139 Guadalupanos – Pilar Moreno [email protected] 210-687-4411

Knights of Columbus – Brian O o brian.o [email protected] 210-260-6069

Lectors – Patricia Gree ens [email protected] 210-826-0896

Legion of Mary – Dallas Montemayor [email protected] 210-865-7177

Msgr. Brosnan Rosary Guild – Nancy Garrido [email protected] 210-599-2040

Music Ministry – Chris Buckley [email protected] 210-872-9124

Prison Ministry – Clair McCormick [email protected] 210-834-1270

Reflec ons – Kathy Ornes [email protected] 210-391-8489

Silver Streaks – Caroline Hoelscher [email protected] 210-822-5185

Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Karehn Sankovich [email protected] 210-824-2758

St. Pius X School – Jane Zarate, Principal [email protected] 210-824-6431

Stephen Ministry – Cindy Libera [email protected] 210-912-2979

Ushers – Church Office [email protected] 210-824-0139

Voca ons – Linda Diaz [email protected] 210-416-2680

Welcome – Kimberly Casillas [email protected] 210-274-0594

Women of Grace – Eileen Pape [email protected] 210-655-9135

Women of St. Pius X – Angie Smith [email protected] 210-685-9135



ST. PIUS X YOUTH Life Teen & EDGE are off for the summer. Con nue to watch this sec on for special events

and for the start up date in the fall. If you have ques ons regarding these two programs for our youth, please contact

Stephanie Kristek at [email protected] or call (210) 824-0139 ext. 206.

San Antonio Right to Life is holding a musical fundraiser on Sunday, June 25, at 2:30 PM at the Josephine Theatre. It is an all song and dance revue featuring hit songs from the 50's, 60's and 70's by a wide selec on of ar sts. This event provides funding for the various things SARTL contributes to throughout the year, such as a recent dona on for a mobile ultrasound van to be used by several pregnancy care centers. Come enjoy a couple of hours of deligh ul entertainment and support a great cause at the same me. Should you not be able to a end but want to donate ckets for nuns or priests, those are always most welcome. Call Kay Delaney at (210) 342-5334 for more informa on or reserva ons.

Stephen Ministry is YOUR ministry. It is an important way we at St. Pius X care for one another. If you are going through a difficult me, consider having a Stephen Minister. If you know someone else who is facing difficul es, suggest that he or she request Stephen Ministry. Make use of it. Stephen Ministry belongs to you! Contact Cindy Libera at (210) 912-2979 for more informa on.

As summer approaches, it is me to start thinking about

summer plans. One of our parishioners has highly recommended Deer Creek Camp located an hour away in Medina, Texas. Deer Creek is a Christ-Centered Adventure Camp that teaches Chris an values and principles through adventure programming and faith-based discipleship! Your kids can par cipate in swimming, kayaking, high ropes courses, games, sports and downright fun all while being surrounded by the love of Christ in their amazing camp counselors! Deer Creek also has two weeks focused on children growing up in the Catholic faith (Catholic Adventure weeks June 4th-9th and June 18th-23rd). Don’t miss out on the opportunity to give your kids a summer they won’t forget! For further informa on and all available summer dates, go to or call (830) 589-7123.

Prison Ministry News. Robert McCormick is a co-director of the upcoming Kolbe Catholic Prison Retreat at the John B. Connally Unit in Kenedy, Texas. The retreat is being held June 22-24. Robert is looking for men who have been on an ACTS retreat who would like to join this team and help with the retreat. The St. Pius X Prison Ministry will be helping with food and is looking for dona ons of cookies and snacks for the retreat. If you would like to help or need more informa on, please contact Robert or Clair by emailing [email protected].

Senior Health and Financial Wellness Fair Friday, June 9, 2017 from 9 AM - 2 PM

St. Margaret Mary Church 1314 Fair Avenue, San Antonio TX 78223

For more informa on call: (210) 615-9355

Expert panelists in health and financial wellness will be discuss-ing topics such as money management, social programs and understanding Medicare op ons. There will also be exhibitors, an interac ve fitness demo and door prizes. A con nental breakfast and lunch will be provided.

SPX Fes val Commi ee Our Fes val date has been set for October 8, 2017. It will be here before we know it. We need your help. The next Fes val Commi ee Mee ng will be held on Wednesday, June 21, at 6:00 PM in Room 207 of the Family Center. Please mark the date on your calendar to a end and help us to make this the best Parish Fes val yet!

LOOKING FOR ORIGINAL SPX PARISHIONERS! Did you become a St. Pius X parishioner between 1957 and 1967? If so, we would like for you to be a special part of our 60th Anniversary Celebra on for the parish. If you fall into this elite category, please contact Becky Tarwater at [email protected] or call (210) 508-8064.

2017-18 Admissions for Regina Caeli Academy Training the Mind to Form the Soul.

Looking for an amazing homeschool resource center devoted to classical educa on and the Catholic faith? Regina Caeli meets at 303 W. Ramsey 78216 serving

Prek-3 - 12th grade students who a end Socra c and hands-on classrooms two days per week and are home schooled the remaining days. For informa on, contact Kate Danze at [email protected] or call (361) 298-0796.

Is your Marriage Struggling? There is hope. There is help… Retrouvaille is a highly successful program to help couples heal and renew their marriages. Since 1977, tens of thousands of couples in troubled marriages restored their love for one another with this program. The next course in San Antonio begins June 9, 2017. For more informa on or to register, go to or please call (210) 848-3278.

Time to plan for the Parish Fes val! Sunday, October 8, 2017

One of the biggest money-makers of the fes val is the raffle. In lieu of a car, the fes val commi ee has chosen to have 10 to 15 prizes this year to give more people a chance to win. Tickets will be sold for $5 each.

In order to defray costs and to earn as much money as possible to benefit the church, we are asking for dona ons of prizes for the raffle with a value of at least $100. Prizes can be in the form of cash, gi cards (Visa, HEB, other), or new merchandise (TV, laptop computer, jewelry, other). These dona ons may also be used for the silent or live auc ons.

We are also looking for a sponsor for our 1st prize of at least $10,000. Please no fy the fes val commi ee of your dona ons by June 6. You can contact Marie De Leon at (210) 360-9476 with dona ons or ques ons.

Thank you for your support of our St. Pius X Catholic Community!

Spring Cleaning Time!

SPX Parish Rummage Sale, Saturday, June 24

9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Bring your gently used household items

to the Family Center between 3:00 PM and 6:30 PM

on Monday, June 19 through Friday, June 23.

Note: We will only be able to accept furniture on Friday, June 23.

Your generosity is appreciated!

Please donate only items that are in good condi on.

• No large appliances • No encyclopedias or casse e and VHS tapes • No dirty, torn or broken items • No undergarments • No large electronics (computer, printer, old box TV, etc.) • No ma resses or bed pillows

For ques ons, or if you need to make arrangements to drop off items at a different me, please contact Fran Dannemiller at (210) 656-0887.

All proceeds benefit St. Pius X Catholic Church. Hosted by Women of St. Pius X.

This event will replace the Parish Fes val Trash & Treasures Booth.

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