Page 1: ST. PIUS V CATHOLIC CHURCH October 11, 2015 · St. Pius V Catholic Church ... – 713-473-9484 –Oficina de Formación de Fe (catecismo) Mary Kay Wallace (x 317 ... Padre Joe & Carta

Mr. Martin Garza, School Principal

Mary Kay Wallace, DRE

Felicitas Palacios, Coordinator of Faith Formation (Spanish)

Chris Rubio, Director of Parish Social Ministry

Alice Layton, Business Manager


Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 824 Main St., Pasadena, Tx 77506—Phone 713-473-9484—Fax—713-473-2731—

Masses for Sunday: Saturday Vigil—5:30pm in English—7pm in Español;

Sunday 8 & 10:00am in English; 12:00 mediodia, 1:30 & 7pm en Español

Weekday Liturgy: Monday — Saturday 8am in English; Tuesday, Wednesday & 1st Friday, 7pm en Español

Holy Day Liturgy: Vigil 7pm in English; Feast 8am & 12noon in English; 7:00pm en Español

Sacrament of Penance: Wednesday 5:30 to 6:30pm; Saturday-3:30 to 5pm

Parish Office Hours: 9am to 5pm

School Office Hours: 8am to 3pm (713-472-5172)

Adoration: Friday from 8:30am until 10pm in the PLC Chapel

Pastoral Staff: Rev. Joseph Doran, Pastor

Rev. Ricardo Lazo, Parochial Vicar

Deacon Heath Hampton

Deacon Celestino Perez

Deacon Dan Seiler

In case of an emergency needing a priest, please call 713-397-7451 (bi-lingual) or 832-651-7329 (English only).

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Join the St. Pius V Youth Group” — The St. Pius V Youth Group will be hosting a movie and game night

social on Friday, October 16th. All high school students aged 14-18 are invited to attend. We will be in the

St.Pius V cafeteria from 7-9 p.m. If you have any questions please contact the Youth Group Leader, Christian

Sanchez, 832-335-1940.

Homebound—Do you know any parishioners who are

homebound who would like to be visited, receive

communion or speak with a priest? If so, please notify the

church office at 713-473-9484 and leave their Name,

address and phone number & we will be in touch.

Returning Catholics: If you have been wondering if you might be able to return to communion and fully participate in the life of Christ and his Church, we invite you to contact Deacon Dan Seiler. Please call the church at 713-473-9484 and leave your name and phone number and he will return your call.

From the Office of Parish Social Ministry... Matthew 25 September Update

The Office of Parish Social Ministry wishes to thank the Parish, Office of Faith Formation, SINE, and St. Christopher’s

Catholic School, Frances Risinger, Gayle Theriot, and James and Terry Hickman for the wonderful donations of food and

monetary support. Because of your love for the poor and support to the food pantry 729 Individuals/206 Households re-

ceived food support. Five families who were facing an eviction were able to keep their homes, and two other households

were able to avoid a possible electricity disconnect.

Thanksgiving / Christmas Support

As we approach the Holiday Season, we are already looking to provide a Thanksgiving/Christmas Dinner to some families

in our community, who might otherwise go without food. It is for this reason that we are asking the families of the parish to

sponsor a family with a $20.00 gift card to Kroger/HEB/Randall’s. You can either drop off the gift card(s) in the collection

basket in an envelope addressed to the Office of Parish Social Ministry or bring them to the Parish Social Ministry Office in

the PLC.

Food Requests:

Dry Cereal, Peanut Butter, Jelly (Grape, Strawberry), Tuna Fish, Canned Fruit

Help Wanted: A Nurse Practitioner, Food Pantry Core Members.

Please call the Office of Parish Social Ministry (713) 473-9484 and ask to speak to Chris Rubio.

Page 2: ST. PIUS V CATHOLIC CHURCH October 11, 2015 · St. Pius V Catholic Church ... – 713-473-9484 –Oficina de Formación de Fe (catecismo) Mary Kay Wallace (x 317 ... Padre Joe & Carta

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Pius V Catholic Church, Pasadena, Tx October 11, 2015

Faith Formation (FF) Office (CCE) – 713-473-9484 –Oficina de Formación de Fe (catecismo)

Mary Kay Wallace (x 317) –[email protected]; Felícitas Palacios(x 304) –

[email protected];

Martin Rodriguez (x 318) – [email protected]

First Sign Up or “Opt Out” Week for Sacred and Safe! This program trains children to see themselves as

precious individuals with God-given dignity, and to be cautious of certain behaviors usually seen in predators.

PARENTS, age-appropriate lessons are scheduled for regular class on 10/26-29. We need your signature “Yes”

or “No” to know if your child may attend. Sign-up pages will be available during your child’s class time

10/11-15 and 10/18-22 in front of Rooms 7-8 (Science Lab), where you can also review the lesson plans.

¡Primer Semana – Inscribe Su Hijo/a, o Elige “No” para Sagrado y Seguro! El programa entrena a los

niños a verse ellos mismos como individuos preciosos con la dignidad ortograda por Dios, y a ser cautelosos

a ciertos comportamientos que se dan cuenta normalment de depredadores. PADRES de familia, estas

lecciones (de acuerdo al edad de los niños) seran presentadas en las clases regulares de 10/26-29/15.

Necesitamos su firma acerca de la asistencia de su hijo/a a esta lección. Podran registrarse “Si” o “No” en

frente del salon 7/8 (el laboratorio de Ciencias) durante el tiempo de la clase de sus hijos 10/11-15 y 10/18

-22, y ver los planes de lecciones en el mismo lugar.

DEADLINES for Confirmation III Students: Parent/Guardian Consent Form to the Parish Office, 10/9/14 –

past due; Retreat Fee, 10/11 – today; Baptism & 1st Communion Certificates, Sponsor Cards, Wed. 10/21 & Sun.

10/25 to your catechist; Letter to Fr. Joe & Saint Letter, Wed. 10/28, & Sun. 11/1 to your catechist. — Mass of

Confirmation: Mon. 11/30, 7 pm.

Estudiantes de Nivel III de Confirmación – FECHAS LÍMITES: Forma de Consentimiento, 10/9, a la

Oficina parroquial – fecha pasada; Cuota del Retiro, a la Oficina de la Formación de Fe, 10/11 – HOY;

Certificados de Bautizo & 1a Comunión, Cartas de Padrinos, Miér. 10/21 & Dom. 10/25 a su catequista; Carta al

Padre Joe & Carta del Santo, Miér. 10/28 Dom. 11/1 a su catequista. — Misa de Confirmación: Lunes

11/30, 7 pm.

Many thanks to all who assisted in preparing for the Rosary Rally of Sat. 10/10! Thanks also to all who

witnessed to our faith by praying the Rosary in public, honoring our Lady of Fatima and interceding for our

country’s needs and the protection of human life at all stages.

¡Muchas grácias a todos que prepararon al Gran Rosario el Sab. 10/10! Gracias también a todos que

dieron testimonio de nuestra fe en recitando el Rosario en publico, para honrar a la Senora de Fatima y para

interceder por nuestro país y por la protección de toda vida humana.

Todavia BUSCANDO parroquianos que sirvan o cuidan a los enfermos, o personas – especialmente los

jóvenes – que estudian para ejercer estas profesiones – ¿Se interese Ud. para servir a Dios al compartir su fe

con personas con discapacidad? Ellos necesitan también prepararse por los sacramentos. Favor de comunicarse

con Mary Kay en la Oficina de Formación de Fe (números arriba).

Still SEEKING health care professionals or folks – especially young adults – training for such

professions – Have you consideredserving God by teaching persons with disabilities? Contact Mary

Kay in the Faith Formation Office for more information.

The Office continues to work towards placing students on the waiting list into Faith Formation (CCE)


La Oficina sigue trabajando para colocar a los estudiantes en lista de espera en una clase de

Formación de Fe (CCE).

Page 3: ST. PIUS V CATHOLIC CHURCH October 11, 2015 · St. Pius V Catholic Church ... – 713-473-9484 –Oficina de Formación de Fe (catecismo) Mary Kay Wallace (x 317 ... Padre Joe & Carta

St. Pius V Catholic Church October 11, 2015

Find the Missal (Ordinary of the Mass) at 150 in Oramos Cantando/We Pray in Song

First Reading Wis 7:7-11 I prayed, and prudence was given me; I pleaded, and the spirit of wisdom came to me. I preferred her to scepter and throne, and deemed riches nothing in comparison with her, nor did I liken any priceless gem to her; because all gold, in view of her, is a little sand, and before her, silver is to be accounted mire. Beyond health and comeliness I loved her, and I chose to have her rather than the light, because the splendor of her never yields to sleep. Yet all good things together came to me in her company, and countless riches at her hands. Responsorial Psalm Ps 90 R. Fill us with your love, O Lord, and we will sing for joy! Second Reading Heb 4:12-13 Brothers and sisters: Indeed the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart. No creature is concealed from him, but everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must render an account. Gospel Mk 10:17-30 As Jesus was setting out on a journey, a man ran up, knelt down before him, and asked him, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus answered him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone. You know the commandments: You shall not kill; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness; you shall not defraud; honor your father and your mother." He replied and said to him, "Teacher, all of these I have observed from my youth." Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him, "You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me." At that statement his face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions. Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!" The disciples were amazed at his words. So Jesus again said to them in reply, "Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." They were exceedingly astonished and said among themselves, "Then who can be saved?" Jesus looked at them and said, "For human beings it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God." Peter began to say to him, "We have given up everything and followed you." Jesus said, "Amen, I say to you, there is no one who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands for my sake and for the sake of the gospel who will not receive a hundred times more now in this present age: houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and eternal life in the age to come."

El Misal (Ordinario de la Misa) esta en Oramos Cantando/We

Pray in Song a Partir de 150

Primera lectura Sab 7, 7-11 Supliqué y se me concedió la prudencia; invoqué y vino sobre mí el espíritu de sabiduría. La preferí a los cetros y a los tronos, y en comparación con ella tuve en nada la riqueza. No se puede comparar con la piedra más preciosa, porque todo el oro, junto a ella, es un poco de arena y la plata es como lodo en su presencia. La tuve en más que la salud y la belleza; la preferí a la luz, porque su resplandor nunca se apaga. Todos los bienes me vinieron con ella; sus manos me trajeron riquezas incontables. Salmo Responsorial Salmo 89 R. Sácianos de tu misericordia., Señor, y toda nuestra vida será alegría. Segunda lectura Heb 4, 12-13 Hermanos: La palabra de Dios es viva, eficaz y más penetrante que una espada de dos filos. Llega hasta lo más íntimo del alma, hasta la médula de los huesos y descubre los pensamientos e intenciones del corazón. Toda creatura es transparente para ella. Todo queda al desnudo y al descubierto ante los ojos de aquel a quien debemos rendir cuentas. Evangelio Mc 10, 17-30 En aquel tiempo, cuando salía Jesús al camino, se le acercó corriendo un hombre, se arrodilló ante él y le preguntó: “Maestro bueno, ¿qué debo hacer para alcanzar la vida eterna?” Jesús le contestó: “¿Por qué me llamas bueno? Nadie es bueno sino sólo Dios. Ya sabes los mandamientos: No matarás, no cometerás adulterio, no robarás, no levantarás falso testimonio, no cometerás fraudes, honrarás a tu padre y a tu madre”. Entonces él le contestó: “Maestro, todo eso lo he cumplido desde muy joven”. Jesús lo miró con amor y le dijo: “Sólo una cosa te falta: Ve y vende lo que tienes, da el dinero a los pobres y así tendrás un tesoro en los cielos. Después, ven y sígueme”. Pero al oír estas palabras, el hombre se entristeció y se fue apesadumbrado, porque tenía muchos bienes. Jesús, mirando a su alrededor, dijo entonces a sus discípulos: “¡Qué difícil les va a ser a los ricos entrar en el Reino de Dios!” Los discípulos quedaron sorprendidos ante estas palabras; pero Jesús insistió: “Hijitos, ¡qué difícil es para los que confían en las riquezas, entrar en el Reino de Dios! Más fácil le es a un camello pasar por el ojo de una aguja, que a un rico entrar en el Reino de Dios”. Ellos se asombraron todavía más y comentaban entre sí: “Entonces, ¿quién puede salvarse?” Jesús, mirándolos fijamente, les dijo: “Es imposible para los hombres, mas no para Dios. Para Dios todo es posible”. Entonces Pedro le dijo a Jesús: “Señor, ya ves que nosotros lo hemos dejado todo para seguirte”. Jesús le respondió: “Yo les aseguro: Nadie que haya dejado casa, o hermanos o hermanas, o padre o madre, o hijos o tierras, por mí y por el Evangelio, dejará de recibir, en esta vida, el ciento por uno en casas, hermanos, hermanas, madres, hijos y tierras, junto con persecuciones, y en el otro mundo, la vida eterna”.

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page 4: ST. PIUS V CATHOLIC CHURCH October 11, 2015 · St. Pius V Catholic Church ... – 713-473-9484 –Oficina de Formación de Fe (catecismo) Mary Kay Wallace (x 317 ... Padre Joe & Carta

Mass Intentions, Schedule for this Week Saturday, October 10—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — All Souls in Purgatory 5:30 p.m. — Elydia L Nunez † (corrected) 7:00 p.m. — Carmen Gutierrez † (corrected) Sunday, October 11—28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00a.m. — Frank Konieczny † 10:00a.m.— For the People of the Parish 12:00p.m.— Rolando Castillo † 1:30p.m.— Rafaela Ureñas † 7:00p.m.— Presider’s intentions Monday, October 12—Weekday

8:00 a.m. — Joe, Jesse, Alfonso & Alberto Martinez † Tuesday, October 13—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Presider’s intentions 7:00 p.m. — Presider’s intentions Wednesday, October 14—Weekday

8:00 a.m. — Manual Cavazos † 7:00 p.m. — Lilly y Jesus Gudino—Anniversary Thursday, October 15—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Presider’s intentions Friday, October 16—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — Joe Vasquez † Saturday, October 17—Weekday 8:00 a.m. — All Souls in Purgatory 5:30 p.m. — Fredrick Earl Smith † 7:00 p.m. — Presider’s intentions

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Pius V Catholic Church October 11, 2015

Faith Commitment Contribution Weekly Contributions for church Support For weekend—Oct 4, 2015

Mass time Collection

Total $ 12,334.00 $ 4,770.00 Grand total $ 12,334.00

Budgeted 1st Collection: $12,000.00

Upcoming 2nd Collections: October11—Parish Social Ministry October18—Propagation of Faith October 25—Property Fund November 1—Parish Social Ministry November 8—Property Fund November 15—DSF

$ 1,941.00

$ 1,261.00

$ 2,040.00

$ 2,520.00

$ 1,889.00

$ 1,443,00

$ 1,240.00








$ 286.00

$ 859.00

$ 560.00

$ 872.00

$ 788.00

$ 585.00

$ 829.00

Pray for Peace ~ & Remember in your Prayers — Recuerda en sus oraciones

Victor Capuchino, Alfred Bustamante, Shirley Guilliams, Stella Stewart, M L Syma, David Flores, Raquel Mendoza, Christine

McKenzie, Maria de la Paz Anaya, Maria Esperanza Anaya, Jon Fineo, Donald Turner, Robert Broughton, Al Harrison, Nancy McElroy,

Mary Livadas, Barbara Livadas-Fript, Dina Contreras, Aldo Montemayor, Camilla Labue, The Mendez family, Mary Edge, Angel Joe

Rodriguez, Noemi Sanchez, Marlene Armstrong, Maggie Hernandez, Adriana Salazar, Graciela Salazar, Jose Alvarado, Donald Broach,

Bonifacia Salas, Kirsten Garcia, Alexys Martinez, Martin Rodriguez, Chris Rubio, Al Clausen, Jr., Norma Jean Trevino, Henry Harrison,

Basilio Cabrales, Guadalupe Esquival, Basilio Cabrales,

The names that are no longer here have been placed in the book of names needing prayers behind the Tabernacle.

Women’s Club 2015-2016 Calendar

TODAY—Sunday, Oct 11—–—— Fall Bake Sale. Money to be used for parish projects.

*Thursday, Oct 29—–— Bus trip: Visit HBU Bible Museum & 2 other museums ($5),

ll-you-can-eat lunch in HBU cafeteria ($6.55 ) + $3 bus.

Thursday, Nov 12 —–—Meeting in PLC Chapel @ 10:00 AM.

*Thusday, Nov 17 —–— Bus trip: Tour the Dr. Kirk Lewis Career and Technical High School on Beltway 8. Lunch nearby. Leave

SPV @ 8:45 AM. $3 + lunch.

*There are usually openings on our bus trips if anyone wishes to join us. Call Irma Morales @ 713-944-4624.

Prayer blankets available. Call Grace@ 713-645-2987.

The 2015 Wedding Anniversary Jubilee Masses honoring couples celebrating their Golden (50th) or silver

(25th) Anniversaries of marriage in the Catholic Church will be held on: Golden-50 Years of Marriage-Sunday,

December 20, 2015 and Silver-25 years of Marriage- Sunday, November 29, 2015, at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred

Heart at 3 pm. Whether or not a couple attends the ceremony, they are eligible to receive a special recognition.

Couples wishing to participate are asked to register on line by visiting Please fill out

all the information requested and make sure that the name of each couple is typed exactly as they wish them to appear on

their recognition.

Deadline for registrations varied, we encourage you to read all the information attentively. Registration will not be

processed if the information about the Catholic Wedding cannot be verified and/or if the fee of $25 dollars per couple is

not received, financial help is available. Each couple will be able to bring a maximum of 6 family members or friends to

the Mass.

Page 5: ST. PIUS V CATHOLIC CHURCH October 11, 2015 · St. Pius V Catholic Church ... – 713-473-9484 –Oficina de Formación de Fe (catecismo) Mary Kay Wallace (x 317 ... Padre Joe & Carta

St. Pius V Catholic Church October 11, 2015

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear friends,

We continue our focus on Christian Stewardship in this month of October. Last Sunday, we were called to make Christ’s

love known to those who are at a distance, in the missions of the Somascan Fathers and we responded in a wonderful way

with our contributions and with our prayers.

This week we look closer to home. We are called to respond in the same way to the needs of our neighbors. The Social

Ministry of St. Pius V is a source of comfort and help for those who are desperate for a sign of God’s love for them

through the generosity of their brothers and sisters in Christ. Each month, with your support, our social ministers feed

hundreds of people through our pantry and provide referrals and assistance to those who would otherwise have no place

else to turn. Our second collection this Sunday is for the support of that Ministry.

The Gospel today calls us, as Jesus called the young man, to generosity and care for the poor as the first step in following

him and Jesus assures us that God will not be outdone in generosity. Whatever we do for His sake and the good of our

brothers and sisters will find its reward in His love.

May we value the Wisdom of God above all things and may the word of God be for us like a two-edged sword, separating

us from all that would prevent us in following Jesus.

Fr. Joe

Queridos amigos,

En este mes de octubre, continuamos nuestro enfoque en la Corresponsabilidad Cristiana. El domingo pasado, estuvimos

llamados para hacer presente el amor de Cristo a los que están lejos, en las misiones de los Padres Somascos y

respondimos de una manera maravillosa con nuestras contribuciones y oraciones.

Esta semana dirigimos nuestra mirada a los que están cerca de nosotros. Estamos llamados a responder de la misma

manera a las necesidades de nuestros vecinos. El Ministerio Social de San Pío V es una fuente del consuelo y de la ayuda

para aquellos que anhelan un signo del amor de Dios por ellos a través de la generosidad de sus hermanos y hermanas en

Cristo. Cada mes, con su apoyo, nuestros ministros alimentan cientos de personas a través de nuestra despensa y

proporcionan las referencias y la asistencia a las personas que de otra manera no tienen ninguna esperanza. Nuestra

segunda colecta de este domingo es para el apoyo de este Ministerio.

El evangelio de hoy nos llama, como Jesús llamó al hombre rico, a la generosidad y al cuidado de los pobres, como el

primer paso en seguirlo y Jesús nos asegura que Dios no se quedará atrás con respecto a la generosidad. Lo que hacemos

por amor a Dios y por el bienestar de nuestros hermanos y hermanas va a encontrar su recompensa en Dios.

Que valoremos la Sabiduría de Dios sobre todas las cosas y que la Palabra de Dios sea para nosotros como una espada de

dos filos para separarnos de todo lo cual nos impediría en el seguimiento de Jesús.

Padre Joe

"If God can work through

me, he can work through

anyone. – St. Francis of Assisi

Page 6: ST. PIUS V CATHOLIC CHURCH October 11, 2015 · St. Pius V Catholic Church ... – 713-473-9484 –Oficina de Formación de Fe (catecismo) Mary Kay Wallace (x 317 ... Padre Joe & Carta

Scripture Study in English—meets on THURSDAY EVENINGS at 7pm in the Parish Life Center Living room...Join us any time.


Knights of Columbus Catfish Dinner—On Friday, October 16th we will once again be serving a Catfish Dinner with all the trimmings at the Knights of Columbus hall at 3418 Preston, from 4pm to 7pm. Dine in or take out. The cost is $9 per plate. And desserts available for $1.

VIRTUS—on Saturday, October 17th, we will hold

another Protecting God’s Children (3 hrs) in English.

So if you are a new volunteer in any ministry, go online

to and register for the class. Be

sure to make note of your user name and password.

Question of the Week Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Theme: Making God a priority in your life.

Breaking Open the Word:

“ It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." Mark 10:25

Step One: Listen to the Word: What words or phrases in today’s Scriptures catch your attention? What speaks to your heart?

Step Two: Look into Your Life

Question for Children: How difficult would it be for you to give something you treasure to someone else who needed it more than

you do?

Question for Youth: What is your most important possession? How hard would it be for you to give it up?

Question for Adults: How hard is it for you to part with things you treasure? Do your possessions ever stand in the way of having

deeper communion with God?

Preguntas de la Semana 28vo domingo del tiempo ordinario

Tema: Hacer que Dios sea una prioridad en nuestra vida

Entender la Palabra: Es mas facil para un camello pasar por el ojo de una aguja que para un rico entrar en el Reino de Dios Marcos


Paso uno: Escuchar la Palabra

Al escucharla, ¿qué palabras o frases te llaman la atención? ¿Qué parte de la lectura apela a tu corazón?

Paso dos: Evaluar tu vida

Pregunta para los niños: ¿Qué tan difícil sería para ti dar algo que atesoras a alguien que lo necesita más que tú?

Pregunta para los jóvenes: ¿Cuál es tu posesión más importante? ¿Qué tan difícil te resultaría renunciar ella? Pregunta para los adultos: ¿Qué tan difícil es para usted desprenderse de los objetos que atesora? ¿Sus posesiones se interponen

alguna vez en su camino hacia una profunda comunión con Dios?

St. Pius V Catholic Church October 11, 2015

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Beautiful new English Gregorian Chant for today’s Liturgy. Timeless Latin classics Chant unites our voice

and soul in the prayer of the new English Liturgy. St.

Basil’s School of Gregorian Chant invites you to a Fall Short Course in Gregorian Chant. Join beginners and

experienced, on four Saturday mornings and afternoons

starting Octber 31 through November 21, in the beautiful

Chapel of St. Basil at the University of St. Thomas,

Houston, Texas.. For program, registration and tuition visit

our website: Cntct Lowell A. Davis:

281 –855 –2358.

White Mass for all in the medical profession—

Saturday, Vigil Mass, at the Co-Cathedral of the

Sacred Heart, downtown, Bishop Sheltz—celebrant

and homilist.

Fire Fighters Mass: 11am Sunday, October 27th. For

all in the fire fighter agencies—Fr. Lawrence


St. Agnes Academy invites all interested prospective

students and their families to attend our annual Open House

on Wednesday, October 21 at 7pm. St. Agnes Academy is

an all-girls Catholic college preparatory high school located

at 9000 Bellaire Blvd. in Southwest Houston. For more

information, visit

St. Hyacinth’s presents—The Ravenwood

Masquerade Murder—our 2nd Annual Murder Mystery

Dinner, Saturday, October 24th at 6:30pm in Guyot Hall.

Limited tickets available—come in costume or just come!

Tickets on sale now. Pre-well $20 ea / $30 couple. Call St.

Hyacinth for more information.

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