
St. Pius V Catholic Church 3310 S. grand blvd. St. Louis, MO 63118


Masses: Sunday, 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM (Church) Communion Service: Saturday, 4:30 PM

Confessions: Saturday, 4:00 pm Last Sunday of the month, after Masses



READING Acts 2:1-12 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment, because each one heard their own language being spoken. Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans? Then how is it that each of us hears them in our native language? Parthians, Medes and Elamites; residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya near Cyrene; visitors from Rome (both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs—we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!” Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?”

BRIEF REFLECTION On this final Sunday of the Church Year, we honor Jesus with the title of “Christ the King.” This is another way of professing the primitive Christian creed “Jesus is Lord.” This is a simple sentence, yet many of the first Christians died for uttering it, in opposition to the claims of the Roman emperor.

The Apostle reminds us that no one can say “Jesus is Lord” except by the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 12:3). Only the Holy Spirit, the Gift of God, gives us the faith and hope and love to make this bold statement.

The reading above takes us back to the feast of Pentecost, the fiftieth day of Easter. This great feast, “the birthday of the Church,” celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit to people of all nations. It is a celebration both of diversity and of unity. Our parish is home to people from many countries, and we cherish this diversity, the richness of so many gifts. The Spirit calls us to recognize that, though we are many, we are one Body in Christ. Even if different groups celebrate Mass in their own language, in different places and at different times, we are all united as one, for we partake of the one Christ, offered upon the altar. - Fr Paul

EVANGELII NUNTIANDI On Evangelization in the Modern World, Pope Paul VI, 1975 PARAGRAPH 15 The Church is an evangelizer, but she begins by being evangelized herself. She is the community of believers, the community of hope lived and communicated, the community of brotherly love, and she needs to listen unceasingly to what she must believe, to her reasons for hoping, to the new commandment of love. She is the People of God immersed in the world, and often tempted by idols, and she always needs to hear the proclamation of the "mighty works of God" which converted her to the Lord; she always needs to be called together afresh by Him and reunited. In brief, this means that she has a constant need of being evangelized, if she wishes to retain freshness, vigor and strength in order to proclaim the Gospel. The Second Vatican Council recalled and the 1974 Synod vigorously took up again this theme of the Church which is evangelized by constant conversion and renewal, in order to evangelize the world with credibility.

QUESTIONS FOR PERSONAL REFLECTION Have you invited the Holy Spirit into your life and your ministry? Are you responsive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit?

How does God want to use you to speak to the world? To those who are on the margins of society?

What idols are you tempted by in daily life? How do I personally need to “be evangelized”? How does our church need to continue to “be evangelized”?




MASS OFFERINGS This week, offerings were given for the

following intentions:

Sun Nov 21 8 am Parish Family 10 am Debbie Perotta † Mon Nov 22 8 am Teresa Johnson † Tue Nov 23 8 am Florence Beckwar † Wed Nov 24 8 am Robert W Liike † Thu Nov 25 9 am Marie McCruden † Fri Nov 26 8 am Jim Holohan †

Sun Nov 28 8 am Parish Family 10 am Fr. James West †

Lector Schedule

Nov. 21 8 am Steve Ohmer 10 am Vince Estrada Sr. Barb Geers

Nov. 25 9 am Pat Hinton

Nov. 28 8 am Margaret Judge 10 am Pat Hinton Maria Cing En Niang Zomi

Sr. Cathy Vetter


4th Sr. Helene Rueffer 10th Sr. Joyce Schramm 12th Teresa Nguyen

15th Shaker Sadasivam

16th Maura Jekel 19th Justin Stein, Sr. 22nd Larry Waeltermann 28th Jane McAllister

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and GOD’S BLESSINGS: Thank you for your example of faithfulness!

November 22 Terry & Cheryl Blake (48)

If you would like to see your birthday and/or anniversary in the bulletin, please call the Rectory at 772-1525

or email [email protected].


If you are in need of a special prayer and would like your

name on our Prayer list, you may contact the parish office.

Please remember that in order to honor individual privacy, only the person or an immediate family member can make a request.

Happy Aboflan Valerie Cissell Joe Fontana Lili Huelman Carol King

Christopher McKeown Thomas Roche

Jim S Susan Sanner


3RD SUNDAY Children's Ministry 4TH SUNDAY Parish Council

NOVEMBER Mass on Thanksgiving Day

Thursday, November 25 9:00 AM - Church

Celebrate Thanksgiving with a cleaning gift to the food pantry

I am one of the volunteers at the food pantry that is privileged to welcome neighbors when they come to our food pantry. We offer them a box and a bag of food that includes staples as well as fresh produce, milk, eggs and a meat choice. The best days for me are those when we can also offer a choice of cleaning or laundry products. These are items that cannot be purchased with food stamps (SNAP) and are greatly appreciated by the families. I am often humbled by their gratitude for these mundane gifts.

It has been the custom at St. Pius to bring food offerings to Mass on Thanksgiving Day, as a way of sharing our bounty with others. This year, we invite you to bring a few bottles of dishwashing liquid or laundry detergent rather than cans of food. Please bring these next Sunday or on Thanksgiving Day and place them in the food barrels in the rear of church.

We are grateful that our food pantry supporters' generosity allows us to provide meals to 125 families to assure a special meal on Thanksgiving. Your gifts of laundry detergent or dishwashing liquid extends your generosity and will provide non-food necessities that our neighbors with limited resources often cannot afford. Thank you for your concern.

Ruth Ehresman


Clergy Fr. Paul J. Niemann, Pastor (Ext. 207) [email protected] Fr. Stephen En Suan Lian Deacon Patrick McCruden

Parish Nurse Diane Huck, RN (Ext. 206) [email protected]

Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor Jessi Livengood (772-1525 Ext. 200), [email protected] Parish Office Hours: Mon, Tue & Thurs 8:30-–4pm Wed 12:00-4:pm Bulletin Deadline: Monday at Noon

Parish Council Stan Jackson, Chair; Jenn Croke, Vice-chair; S. Gen Cassani, Secretary; Aaron Frei; Jenn Gravert; Cheri Knaup; Eduardo Sequeira; Ben Smyth

St. Frances Cabrini Academy Caroline Koetting, Principal 3022 Oregon Ave, St. Louis, MO 63118 Phone: 776-0883 — FAX: 776-4912

South City Parish School of Religion Deacon George Watson, CRE. Phone: 773-3070 [email protected]

Baptism of Children Please call the parish office for more information. Anointing of the Sick The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is available upon request, especially before surgery or hospitalization. Marriage St. Pius V Church is available for weddings of parishioners only. Engaged couples should contact the Pastor as soon as possible after engagement and at least six months prior to the wedding.

Online Giving is available through our parish website at or by visiting

Click on "Ways to Give" at the top of the screen and then click "Online"

in the orange box.

If you have any questions regarding Online Giving for your parish contributions, please

feel free to contact the parish office.

ST. PIUS V SVDP FOOD PANTRY FUND RAISER One year ago we asked for your donations and prayerful support of our many neighbors in need here at the St. Pius V St. Vincent de Paul Society Food Pantry, and what a year it has been. Sadly, the need has grown as families struggle to maintain secure housing during unstable employment and the effects of the pandemic. As you can imagine, those who struggle to keep their housing also worry about feeding their children and other loved ones.

We again ask your help to raise $15,000 to get us through the coming holidays and into the new year. We routinely serve 110-130 families each week, easily a four-fold increase in the number of families served prior to the pandemic. We provide much needed fresh fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, eggs, milk, frozen meat, canned and boxed goods, and personal care and household items. We are proud to provide our neighbors with a healthy, substantial amount of food and non-food items, but we need your help to continue this important work.

What will your donation purchase? A donation of $30 covers the items pictured, an example of what each household receives. $50 provides milk for 50 families, $75 provides 50 families with household items for a month, and $100 covers canned and boxed items for 12 families. NO GIFT IS TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE! We are grateful for whatever you can offer, and pledge to be good stewards of your gifts.

Please give by going to or visit our website and click on "Ways to give". You may choose the Quick Give option, or donate through an existing account. Be sure you choose the ‘St. Vincent de Paul - Food Pantry’ option from the dropdown menu. You may also mail a check to St. Pius Food Pantry at 3310 S. Grand Ave. St. Louis, MO 63118. Many thanks for your generous response to those in need!!

Parish Prayer Time

Join us in the Chapel for a parish prayer time every Wednesday from 5 - 6 PM. Masks and

social distancing are required. You are welcome to stay for a few minutes or the entire hour.

The rosary, in simple format, will be prayed at the beginning of the hour. The remaining time

will be for individual prayer.

The Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the Chapel, so this is also a time

for Eucharistic Adoration.


A church that showed no solidarity would be a contradiction in terms. The Church is the place in which God’s lasting solidarity with humankind comes about. In the communion of the Church, God’s love is supposed to have its human continuation and finally reach all humankind. The Church is the place where God wants to gather all people: “Behold, the dwelling of God is with the human race” (Rev. 21:3). The Church is the “sign and instrument of a very closely knit union with God and of the unity of the whole human race” (Lumen Gentium 1). Through the Church, which follows the example of her Lord and shows solidarity with the helpless, the victims of injustice, and the poor of her times, God tries to reach the people of all nations and cultures and to help them. […] The Church is therefore in solidarity with all who want to give God’s salvation a visible face in the world. (DOCAT, 2016, p. 37)

“Love the poor. And never turn your back on the poor. For, in turning your back on the poor, you turn away from Christ. He made himself the hungry, miserable, homeless, so that you and I might have the opportunity to love him.” –St. Teresa of Calcutta

Pope Francis’ Monthly Prayer Intention For November

People who suffer from depression

We pray that people who suffer from depression or burn-out will find support and a light that

opens them up to life.

View the Pope's video message by visiting

November Family Faith Corner

Read Together: Gospel from Mark 12:41-44 Jesus teaches crowds of people about what generosity is. He shows how rich people gave a lot of money, but a poor woman gave only two coins. She was generous "...for they have all contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had."

Discussion Discuss what it means to be generous. How can I be generous today? We are blessed with many examples of saints and souls who show us how to be generous. Pick a saint (or soon to be saint) and talk about how you can be more like Jesus in following their examples.

November is Black Catholic History Month. Consider learning more about one of the following figures: • St. Martin de Porres • Sr. Thea Bowman • Fr Augustus Tolton • Sr Antona Ebo

Children's Liturgy of the Word Good news! All school age children are welcome to join in a special Children's Liturgy of the Word occurring twice a month during the 10:00 AM mass. (November 21, December 5, 19, January 9, 23...) We ask that you assist your child with putting on a name tag when you enter the church if you want them to participate. If you are interested in volunteering to lead or assist, please contact Mary Loux at [email protected].

Anti-racism & Equity Committee The Anti-racism & Equity Committee meets

Sunday, November 21 at 11:30 in Singler Hall. Everyone is invited to attend.

We meet the third Sunday of every month.

“LIFT EVERY VOICE”, a Four Week Discussion Forum on Rev. Martin Luther King Jr’s

“Letter from a Birmingham Jail.” The St. Louis Archdiocesan Office of Racial Harmony

Director Joyce Jones invites St. Pius V parishioners to: “LIFT EVERY VOICE,” a four-week discussion forum on the Rev.

Martin Luther King Jr’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.”. The forum will take place over 4 sessions on January 10th,

17th, 24th and 31st. Each 90-minute Zoom session will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will include excerpts from the letter and a brief reflection. Small group breakout sessions will provide

participants the opportunity to share thoughts on discussion questions and reflect on the application of Rev. Dr. King’s words to our lives today as people of faith. His words from nearly 60 years ago find great relevance to today’s faithful, and both challenge and inspire us to consider our role in

bending the “long arc” of the moral universe toward justice.

Zoom meeting dates: Mondays January 10, 17, 24 & 31 7:00pm – 8:30pm.

Registration is easy, email Joyce Jones at [email protected]. She will send you information

about how to prepare for the sessions.


Adults in Household ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Birthdate (MM/DD/YY) ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Cell Phone # _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

Email __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

Help us update your family's parish information

Has your address changed? Did you get rid of your landline? Have kids grown up and moved out?

Please take a look at the 2021 directory and see if your information is correct.

Changes can be made by filling out the form below. You can drop this form in the basket in church, mail to the Parish Office, or Email the information to [email protected].

Family Name ________________________ Primary Phone # ________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Children 21 years and under (Living at home)

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Birthdate (MM/DD/YY)

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

I would like to register at St. Pius V.


Revenue Total

Offertory & Gi s $23,484

Misc. Revenue $203 Rental Income $1,500 Restricted Gi s $1,918 Arch. Grant $5,832 Fund Raising $0

$32,937 Expense Personnel $12,522 Supplies $3,350 Fees & Services $583

Cleaning/Repair & Maintenance $2,703

Cabrini Academy $4,720

Insurance & Support Svc $9,811 $33,689

Net Income ($752)

Pre-arranged funeral plans

Pre-arranged funeral plans are common in our society. Burial or cremation, choice of funeral home, visitation setting are often selected long before a person dies. Making these arrangements early saves the family added responsibility and stress in a difficult time.

Planning the Funeral Mass ahead can be equally as helpful to the loved ones. This can include: selecting Scripture readings and liturgical music that are important to you or reflective of your life and faith; writing intercessory prayers; naming those you want to be part of the Mass as lectors, gift bearers, etc. Planning one’s own Funeral Mass might seem strange and difficult, but it can be a deeply rewarding spiritual experience.

A copy of the plan can be given to the parish office to be kept on file until needed. For resources and/or assistance with advanced funeral planning, contact Diane Huck, Parish Nurse.

Awaiting Joy: A Quiet Advent Retreat:

Advent is a season leading to “Glad tidings of great joy”, but how do we attend to joy when life feels uncertain and heavy? Kathleen Geraty Davis will lead this retreat on ways to transform the sorrows to joy. Friday and Saturday, December 3-4. Overnight $150 (includes 3 meals), Commuter $90 (includes 2 meals). For more information and to register, visit the website at Registrations due by Wednesday, November 24.

Parish Nurse Notes Diane Huck, RN, MSN

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Gathering Song:

8 AM: Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven - Music Issue # 549

10 AM: Worthy is the Lamb - Music Issue # 576

First Reading: Daniel 7:13-14 As the visions during the night continued, I saw one like a Son of Man coming, on the clouds of heaven; when he reached the Ancient One and was presented before him, the one like a Son of Man received dominion, glory, and kingship; all peoples, nations, and languages serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that shall not be taken away, his kingship shall not be destroyed. Responsorial Psalm 8 AM: The Lord is king; He is robed in majesty. Ps. 93

10 AM: Let Us Go Rejoicing - Music Issue # 809 Second Reading: Revelation 1:5-8 Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, who has made us into a kingdom, priests for his God and Father, to him be glory and power forever and ever. Amen. Behold, he is coming amid the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him. All the peoples

of the earth will lament him. Yes. Amen. “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “the one who is and who was and who is to come, the almighty.” Alleluia, alleluia Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is to come! Mark 11:9,10 Gospel: John 18:33b-37 Pilate said to Jesus, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus answered, “Do you say this on your own or have others told you about me?” Pilate answered, “I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests handed you over to me. What have you done?” Jesus answered, “My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here.” So Pilate said to him, “Then you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say I am a king. For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”

Presentation of gifts:

10 AM: Hymn to Christ the King - Music Issue # 713

Communion Song:

8 AM: Hymn to Christ the King - Music Issue # 713

10 AM: Jesus the Lord - Music Issue # 406 Communion Meditation: How Excellent O Lord, how excellent, how excellent, how excellent. How excellent is they name. (3 times)

There is none like you, none like you, none like you. How excellent is they names. (2 times)

Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess How excellent is thy name. (3 times) Closing Hymn:

8 AM: Alleluia, sing to Jesus - Music Issue # 719

10 AM: Join in the Dance - Music Issue # 567


Dismissal for Children's Liturgy of the Word: You are God's work of art, created in Christ Jesus. You are a child of God, created in Christ Jesus.

We are offering a new reflection resource for Advent this year.

Sacred Space - Advent invites readers to develop a closer relationship with God during this special season.

The Gospel reading of the day is included as well as a weekly topic, enhanced by six steps of prayer and reflection.

The book Sacred Space--Advent is available in church this weekend.

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