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It’s the last week of our taking over Rectors Ramblings before he returns to his rightful

place, and this week Alan Young is sharing with us his first impressions of the journey he

is undertaking to become a Lay Reader.

Over to you Alan…..

The pathway to becoming a Lay Reader in the Diocese of Chichester starts with two

years’ theological training at St Augustine’s College, which is based in West Malling,

Kent.The campus is shared with a community of Anglican Benedictine Nuns, which

creates some interesting synergies.

Our Induction Day there included a short talk by the Abbess: she told us that a student

had once told her quite bluntly, “You know, your whole lifestyle and ethos makes no

sense whatever in the modern world, but I’m very glad you’re here because it has a

profoundly peaceful and calming effect on the atmosphere all around this place!”

The Sisters have a Website at

One of the pages spoke to me very powerfully, as it cited a Bible story that I have loved

since I was a child, and which had come back to me the other day as I was reflecting

about the course.

In her Reflection for the Anniversary of the Dedication of the Abbey Church - 20th June

2021, the Abbess writes:

Our offices for this feast draw on texts from throughout the Bible that tell of people who

are seeking God, wanting to know where he can be found … We also meet people like

Jacob who was surprised by his encounters with God when it was not what he was

seeking at all. At Lauds we will hear of his dream of a ladder set on the earth, reaching to

heaven with the angels of God ascending and descending on it. When he awoke he said:

“Surely the Lord is in this place – and I did not know it!” And he was afraid, and said,

“How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the

gate of heaven.” (from Gen 28:16-17)

Many thanks and best wishes


St Mary’s Newick Newsletter

26th September 2021

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Our Prayer for Growth

God of Mission Who alone brings

growth to your Church,

Send your Holy Spirit to give

Vision to our planning,

Wisdom to our actions, and power to our witness.

Help our church to grow in numbers,

In spiritual commitment to you,

And in service to our local community,

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Diary Dates

Alpha Course Thursday 30th September St Peter’s Chailey, 7:00 p.m. (runs for 10 weeks)

Harvest Festival Sunday 3rd October

Choral Evensong Sunday 3rd October 6:00 p.m.

Audrey’s Prayer Group Monday 4th October 2:00 p.m. St Mary’s Church

Worship 2


Sunday of the

month 10

th October 6:00 p.m.

Garden Day Saturday 16th October

Thanksgiving Service Sunday 24th October

Ladies’ Supper Friday 29th October

Men’s Supper Friday 26th November

Confirmation Service Sunday 28th November

Please remember those on our prayer list.

Rosemary Begbie, Rosemary Blake, Beryl Campion-Smith, Harri Gande,

Geoffrey Harrison, John Hart, Joy Hay, Mike Hawkes, Spike MacGuire,

Christina McCann, John Morrison, Adrian, Andrea & Amber Pariss,

Gemma Peacock, Christine Ripley, Kevin Slipper,

Cheryl Stewart, Martin Tardiff, Marcus Thrower, Dave Tolhurst,

Danielle Tora, Toni Warrilow, Sean Watson, Mick Weeding,

Jenny Weller, Allen Whitmore, Jo Woods, Nasima Wright

If you would like to receive prayers or know someone who would, please contact Rev Paul Mundy on 01825 723186 or [email protected]

Followed by Harvest Lunch

in the Barn Centre - All are welcome

Donations or salads /pudding gratefully received,

sign-up sheet in church.

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The Infernal Tower (a pun for movie buffs)

I seem to have spent a disproportionate amount of time sorting out the

tower, considering it isn’t the part of the Church we actually use for

worship. It wasn’t so many years ago that the exterior stonework was

expertly restored - but now it was the turn of the interior. Back in spring

this year, we had new LED lighting installed in the tower and the

memorial window cleaned. However the bright lighting revealed that

the west-facing triple lancet stained glass window had problems. Some

of the ferramenta (iron bars) were rusted at

the ends and bursting out of the stonework.

The glass probably wasn’t about to fall out,

but there was a job that needed doing

before this winter.

Permission Granted

I’m pleased to say the PCC agreed the work

should go ahead subject to obtaining suitable

quotes. It also needed an application to the

diocese known as a ‘faculty’ in order to gain

permission to carry out the work. Three

stonemasons and a stained glass specialist

quoted for the work, all with different opinions about what was actually

required. An interesting learning curve for me, but I’m glad I put forward

for approval, the winning quotes as all the chosen professionals did

excellent and sympathetic repairs at an affordable cost to the Church.

Scaffold and Stonework

Six months later and timed for when our Rector would be on a very well

deserved break, the work could finally begin. Once the tower was cleared

the scaffolding was erected very carefully to avoid contact with the

window glass.

Stonemason Simon

Montebello got on with

repairing the external

chancel window hood

moulding the state of which

was noted in the last

quinquennial inspection

report, while the scaffolding

was being put up.

He then went on to clean up

the tower window rusted

bar ends and treat them with

anti-rust compound before

setting them in a special lime

mortar mix and making

other mortar repairs, first

fitting stainless steel

armatures for the mortar to grip on. The tower door header had

a crack in it having sunk over time. Simon used stainless steel

rods to strengthen it and mortar all the joints. He also carried

out other mortar repairs in the tower and the priests’ vestry to make best use of his time and skill.

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Stained Glass

I wanted a stained glass expert to come in and clean the lancet

windows and paint the iron bars because I felt it must have

got grubby over time. Martina Gavan is extremely careful in

her cleaning technique, just breathing on the glass and rubbing

off any deposits rather that adding fluids which could dislodge

the ancient paint, because stained glass is actually painted glass

and it can come loose with a lack of care. She also found

several minor cracks or chips of glass missing. These have been

filled using special conservation grade silicone mastic which

doesn’t turn yellow with age.

Saint with A Dirty Face

Martina commented that the glass wasn’t too dirty - that was until she moved

on to the right hand side which needed much more attention for some reason.

The main figures in the triple lancet window are - St Anna - (according to

apocryphal Christian and Islamic tradition, Saint Anne or Anna was the mother

of Mary and the maternal grandmother of Jesus), then Our Lord Jesus Christ in

the centre panel and finally St Phoebe to the right - (she was a first-century

Christian Grecian woman mentioned by the Apostle Paul in his Epistle to the

Romans, verses 16:1-2. A notable woman in the church of Cenchreae, she was

trusted by Paul to deliver his letter to the Romans) - Martina found that

Phoebe had a very dirty face and needed careful cleaning to make her shine

brightly again.

Not for Arachnophobes

While all this work was going on, the tower

interior was thoroughly de-cobwebbed and

dusted, the woodwork including the doors and

pipes were wiped down with natural Chinese

Tung oil which makes everything look clean and

refreshed. Lastly once the scaffolding was taken

down, Wizard Cleaning came in and washed the

tiled floor down thoroughly. Unfortunately it

won’t stay clean

for long as the

Captain of Bells

wanted a non-slip floor for the bell ringers, not a shiny polished floor which

could lead to disaster!

The opportunity was also taken to repaint the ironwork on the exterior

doors and give three of them plenty of coats of oil to protect the oak from

degrading due to weathering.

All this work was carried out safely while still allowing private prayer in the

Church and a women’s fellowship service when work was stopped for a

day. Bell ringing had to cease although Julian sneaked in a lone ‘five minute’

bell on the middle Sunday.

Anthony Bailey 21.9.202

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Please come & join us at our

Thanksgiving Service

In memory of loved ones

Sunday 24th October

4:00 p.m.

St. Mary’s Newick

Followed by tea & cake

We would love to see you there

RSVP: 07703 695042

Email: [email protected]

This is my usual request at this time of year, the October

Thanksgiving service on the 24th is followed by tea and

cakes, I would be so grateful for the contribution of cakes.

We missed being able to hold this service last year and

have lost many precious people this year. It is, threfore,

likely to be well attended. We have been running this

service for countless years and the time spent sharing tea

and cake is a really important part of the afternoon. it

gives people the opportunity to share memories and feel

that St. Mary’s truly does appreciate how hard

bereavement is and that we really care.

Many thanks. Patsy

Covid-19 Vaccination

For the latest information on the

vaccination programme click

September 16th 2021 Newsletter


You would be most welcome

Informal Prayer Meeting

Monday 4th October

Meet at 2:00 p.m.

St Mary’s Church

For further information contact

Audrey on 01825 722773

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A word from the Treasurer.

Many thanks to all our generous regular givers who have kept us afloat through these difficult covid


Our first half financial results were buoyed by some very generous donations, and we should show a

small surplus of income over expenditure for the year.

Our youth work is going from strength to strength and is fully funded by the outstanding generosity of

donors to our Christmas Appeal last year. Again, many thanks to all who kindly supported that appeal.

At St Mary’s we face a major challenge in building our congregation for the future. We are heavily

dependent on donors of mature years. I hope our youth work will help us build our numbers as time

goes on.

The Church of England as a whole is heavily dependent on legacies in wills. As I have mentioned before

it is the generous Lacey bequest, received this year, which has enabled us to take a substantial step

forward with our monthly magazine next year. That will be of major service to our village, the local

contractors who rely on our magazine advertisements for custom, and will provide us with a major

outreach opportunity as we seek to build St Mary’s for the future.

If you have a will, I hope you will consider adding St Mary’s as a beneficiary if you haven’t done so

already. Rev Paul Mundy and I will be happy to discuss ways and means with you should you wish to

do so. Legacies are a wonderful way to have one’s good will for St Mary’s live on and help secure and

build the future of our wonderful Church here in Newick.

Friday 26th November. - 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Our speaker will be Peter Escort.

Peter was a long-time, well-liked and much respected GP in Newick.

He is still a regular at Newick Men’s lunches where he is an

engaging, amusing and interesting companion.

He will talk to us on his memories of his long and varied medical career.

Tickets £6.00 - Payment can be made on the night but tickets

need to booked in advance.

To book contact Chris Hume on

01825 724378 or [email protected]

Friday 29th October in the Barn Centre

7:30 for 8:00 p.m.

Cooked by Paul & team

Speaker Gerry Howitt CEO of Beachy Head Chaplaincy team.

Donations towards the work of the Chaplaincy gratefully received.

Tickets £7.00 from Jo Wood 722846 or [email protected]

Or Rosemary Walters on 723066 or [email protected]

There will also be a sign-up sheet in church.

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In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your

good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

The Owls team are excited to announce that we are currently planning an

inter-parish LIGHT PARTY on Halloween

for local children at St Mary’s Newick

We are intending to do crafts at 3:00.p.m. games in Church, a mini super

child-friendly service at 4:00 p.m. (hopefully with a band!)

and then a pasta tea in the Barn Centre at 4:30pm.

We therefore need help with:

Setting up at 1:30 p.m.

Register at 3:00 p.m.

Crafts 3 ;00 p.m-3:30 p.m. (and clearing up)

Games 3:30-4:00 p.m.

Worship + music in Church 4:00 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Cooking and serving of pasta tea 4:30-5:00 p.m.

Dismissal of children at 5:00 p.m.

Clearing up 5:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.

If you could help with any of these things,

please email Ali on [email protected]

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Owls Club September-December 2021

(Barn Centre, Newick Church)

Owls Club is back! Yippee! We meet on the 3rd

Sunday of every month in the Barn Centre, just up

from Newick Church.

Sign-up via Calendly each month for


Parents drop children at the Barn Centre and then

attend the service in Church. The children are taken

back into the Church at the end.

The sign-up link is: Here

Owls Club (Newick Barn Centre at 9:55 until 11:00)

What are we thinking about in each session?

We are continuing to follow the Messy Church sessions each month this year

with craft / game / story.

Sunday 19th September ● Trust is believing - Blind Bartimaeus (Mark


Sunday 17th October ● Alone and Scared - Elijah on the run (1

Kings 17)

Sunday 21st November ● Sew Miraculous - Tabitha (Acts


Sunday 19th December ● The Birth of Jesus - Luke 2




Questions?: Email Ali on [email protected]

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As a Church, we support FSW, the Family support charity helping children and

families in Sussex.

Our particular support is giving food – cans, pasta etc. to the Uckfield branch of FSW

to distribute through their food bank. The current Covid pandemic is causing a sharp

increase in the demands on the foodbank – there is real suffering, hurt and hardship

out there.

Ron and June Perou collect donations which can be left in the yellow box in the

church porch they then deliver them to the food bank. Alternatively you can deliver

them to Ron and June at 12 Newick Drive If you have a chance to pick up an extra

item at the supermarket or are able to add an additional item to your online delivery

please be assured that they will be very gratefully received.

A lot of small donations make a big difference

Specific Items Needed Locally

Pasta Sauce

Sponge Puddings


Rice Pudding (Tinned)



Chocolate Spread - (Not Peanut


Long Life Juice - Orange/apple

Hygiene Products

Toiletries – deodorant, toilet paper,

shower gel, shaving gel, shampoo, soap,

toothbrushes, tooth paste, hand wipes

Household items – laundry liquid

detergent, laundry powder, washing up


Feminine products – sanitary towels and


Baby supplies – nappies, wipes and food

General Items




Tinned tomatoes

Lentils, beans and pulses

Tinned meat

Tinned vegetables/fruit



Do you have time to become a member of our Pastoral Support Team?

Would you enjoy regularly visiting a person living alone, help with group activities, just

chatting with people can make the world of difference to somebodies day!

The team meets regularly for mutual support and all are required to apply for a DBS check,

this is organized by Caroline Smith our safeguarding officer.

‘Loving your neighbour’ is a major part of our Church’s presence in Newick.

If you would like more information or to volunteer please contact Patsy

on 01825 722590 or [email protected]

P.S if cake making is something you enjoy that is very valuable skill - always needed.

We also need people to occasionally collect folk by car or activities; this will require

notification to your insurance company as well as the DBS check.

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With thanks to Rebecca Hume for this weeks photographs.

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As Malt Loaf appears to be in the news (thanks to the Great British Bake Off) I thought this would be a

good recipe for this week. Malt extract is available in health food shops but I got mine from Waitrose in

Haywards Heath.


150g Chopped Dates

150g Sultanas

150ml Hot Tea

190g Malt Extract

1/2 tsp salt

70g Dark brown sugar

2 eggs

1 tsp mixed spice

50g butter or margarine at room temperature

250g Self raising flour

Makes 2 x 1Ib loaves

Preheat the oven to 120 degrees fan.

Grease and line 2 x 1Ib loaf tins.

So easy – place the dates and sultanas in a small bowl and pour over the hot tea. Leave to steep until

cool then add the malt extract, salt, sugar, mixed spice, butter and eggs – in fact everything except the


Use a stick blender to blitz everything together to a runny batter or wizz it up in a food processor.

Fold in the sieved flour and mix well then divide the mixture between the two tins.

Bake for 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes until the cakes are firm and springy to the touch.

Take from the oven – place on cooling trays and leave to go cold in the tins.

For the best malt loaf – transfer to a tin for 2-3 days to ripen.

Served sliced with butter.

Our Choral Evensong is back!

Our much loved and beautiful monthly evensong service will recommence on the first

Sunday in October, October 3rd at 6:00 p.m. at St Mary’s.

Jonathon Fenton-Vince and the Choir will lead the music, we can all join in the hymns

and the ever-popular Geoff Clinton will lead the service and preach.

What’s not to like??

Do join us for this wonderful service as we pick up our regular First-Sunday-in-the-

Month Evensong tradition after a painful 18 month Covid interruption.

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Sunday 5th September

14th Sunday after Trinity

BCP Holy Communion*

8:00 a.m.

Holy Communion Livestream*


Mark 7:24-37

Preacher: Rev Paul Mundy

10:00 a.m.

Sunday 12th September

15th Sunday after Trinity

BCP Holy Communion*

Preacher: Fr Martin Morgan

8:00 a.m.

Service of the Word Livestream*

James 3:1-12

Mark 8:27-38

Preacher: Ian Reekie

10:00 a.m.

NEW Worship 2 Service

Informal songs of worship

Mandy Stockwell

6:00 p.m.

Sunday 19th September

16th Sunday After Trinity

BCP Holy Communion at St Peter’s Chailey*

(No 8:00 a.m. Service at St Mary’s, but please join us at St

Peter’s Chailey)

8:00 a.m.

Morning Worship with OWLS Club

James 3:13-4.3,7-8a

Mark 9:30-37

Preacher: Jeremy Burdett

10:00 a.m.

Sunday 26th


17th Sunday after Trinity

BCP Holy Communion* 8:00 a.m.

Holy Communion

James 5:13-20

Mark 9:38-50

Preacher: Rev Paul Mundy

10:00 a.m.

Thursday 30th September

Alpha Course

Week One

Alpha Course

St Peter’s Chailey

To sign up email: [email protected]

7:00 p.m.

Sunday 3rd October

Harvest Sunday

BCP Holy Communion*

Preacher: Ian Reekie

8:00 a.m.

Harvest Festival Service

1 Timothy 6:6-10

Matthew 6:25-33

Preacher: Rev Paul Mundy

Followed by Harvest Lunch in the Barn Centre - All

are welcome

10:00 a.m.

* Denotes standard Year B Lectionary readings.

All communion services are said and will be taken in one kind.

*Also live-streamed on and can be seen at www.

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* Denotes standard Year B Lectionary readings.

All communion services are said and will be taken in one kind.

*Also live-streamed on and can be seen at www.

Sunday 3rd October

17th Sunday after Trinity

Harvest Sunday

BCP Holy Communion* 8:00 a.m.

Holy Communion Livestream*

Joel 2:21-27

Matthew 6:25-33

Preacher: Rev’d Paul Mundy

Followed by Harvest Lunch in the Barn Centre – All

are Welcome

10:00 a.m.


Preacher: Geoff Manville

6:00 p.m.

Sunday 10th October

18th Sunday after Trinity

BCP Holy Communion*

Preacher: Fr Martin Morgan

8:00 a.m.

Morning Worship Livestream*

Hebrews 4:12-16

Mark 10: 17-31

Preacher: Jeremy Burdett

10:00 a.m.

Worship 2

A time of worship songs and reflective prayer

6:00 p.m.

Sunday 17th October

19th Sunday After Trinity

BCP Holy Communion 8:00 a.m.

Morning Worship with OWLS Club

Hebrews 5:1-10

Mark 10:35-45

Preacher: Rev’d Paul Mundy

10:00 a.m.

Sunday 24th


Last Sunday after Trinity

BCP Holy Communion* 8:00 a.m.

Holy Communion

Isaiah 55:1-11

John 5:36b-47

Preacher: Ian Reekie

10:00 a.m.

Memorial Service 4:00 p.m.

Sunday 31st October

4th before Advent

All Saints Day

BCP Holy Communion* 8:00 a.m.

Holy Communion

Revelation 21:1-6

John 11:32-44

Preacher: Fr Martin Morgan

10:00 a.m.

Alpha Course

Every Thursday

Alpha Course

St Peter’s Chailey

To sign up email:

[email protected]

7:00 p.m.

Page 16: St Mary’s Newick Newsletter 26th September 2021


New Edition Out Now

For the Autumn Edition click Here

Please take a look at

Notices & Newsletters Click here

Church Service Information Click here

The PCC Click here

Events Click here

Owls Club Click here

Owls Picture Gallery Click here

Donations Click here

Newick -Automated External Defibrillators Click here

Faith in Sussex Magazine Click here

If you have been out and about and would like to share a photograph please send it to me at [email protected]

If you would like to add anything to the newsletter or any details on the newsletter to be updated or amended please email [email protected]

Newick Memory

Moments Café

Meetings started again on the 18th May in the Village Hall.

Membership is limited though so please ring 01273 494300 to

check availability.

Lady Vernon Trust

“Lady Vernon Trust” For information about grants for

educational purposes for young people up to the age of 25


Please contact Linda Farmer 01825 722061 or email

[email protected]

Newick Trust

Relieving Poverty in Newick. For financial support in times of


Contact Geoff 01825 722512

Newick Good Neighbours

Following the support given through the pandemic via Newick

Community Response, there is now a permanent group of

volunteers set up via Newick Good Neighbours, who will be

there to continue to support those in the community who need

help with shopping, prescription collections and so on.

If you need a little help please

contact [email protected]


What3words is a geocode system for the communication of

locations with a resolution of three metres. What3words

encodes geographic coordinates into three dictionary words;

the encoding is permanently fixed.

For example, St Mary’s Church Newick is located with


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