Page 1: ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS PARISH 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY … · 2015-09-30 · bread of life st. john of the cross parish 18th sunday in ordinary time sunday, august 5, 2012 5005 s. wolf

Bread of Life



5005 S. WOLF ROAD WESTERN SPRINGS 60558 708-246-4404


Page 2: ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS PARISH 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY … · 2015-09-30 · bread of life st. john of the cross parish 18th sunday in ordinary time sunday, august 5, 2012 5005 s. wolf

Welcome to St. John of the Cross Parish!

Rev. David P. Dowdle, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Joseph McDonnell, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Filbert Ngwila, Associate Pastor [email protected] Deacon Tom & Mary Kay McGorey, Senior Deacon Deacon Joe & Mary Pepitone, Senior Deacon Deacon John & Mary Ellen Schopp, Deacon

Bill Bright, Outreach [email protected] Janet Caschetta, Youth Catechesis [email protected] Jim Clauer, Worship [email protected] Kathleen Gorman, School Principal [email protected] Katie Hayes, Crossroads High School Ministry [email protected] Jessica Koch, Music [email protected] MJ Martin, Operations [email protected]

Join us at Mass: Weekends: Saturday 5:00 p.m., Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 5:00 p.m. (No 12:15 p.m. Mass during the summer months.) Weekdays: Saturday 8:00 a.m., Monday-Wednesday 6:30 a.m., 7:45 a.m., Thursday-Friday 7:45 a.m. Baptism Preparation: Parents and parents-to-be meet with a trained baptism couple on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Call the Parish Center to register. Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays at noon during the summer and 1:30 p.m. during the school year. During the 9:00 and 10:45 a.m. Mass, the parish offers free babysitting in the Garden Room of the rectory. Parish Office: The Parish Center is located just south of church. Our front doors face Wolf Road. The office is open 7 days a week. Specific hours are listed on our website. After hours, if there is an emergency or an immediate need for a priest, call the main office number and follow the voice prompt. A priest will respond as quickly as possible. Parish Center 5005 South Wolf Road Parish School 708-246-4454 708 51st Street 708-246-4404 YC Office 708-246-6760 708 51st Street New Parishioners are invited to register at the Parish Center office. We have a Welcome Gift Bag containing our directory and other introductory parish information waiting for you. Stop in our office soon so we can become acquainted. Visit our parish website ( to learn about the many ministries and activities at our parish. We invite you to become involved and take advantage of the many spiritual, social, and outreach opportunities. We are at your service as you live out your baptismal commitment. Contact us with any questions.

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Page 3: ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS PARISH 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY … · 2015-09-30 · bread of life st. john of the cross parish 18th sunday in ordinary time sunday, august 5, 2012 5005 s. wolf

Reflections on the Gospel Living the Gospel John 6:24-35

The gospel narrates a series of questions and answers between Jesus and the crowd. What is the content of the discussion? The crowd pursues Jesus, looking for concrete signs to satisfy their immediate needs. They have already been fed bread and are looking for more. However, Jesus challenges them to look at the deeper meaning to which the signs point, to look beyond their immediate needs. How does Jesus do this? He calls them to see the signs as a revelation of himself as the “more” for which they look, the “more” that truly satisfies, the “more” they have already been given. He is “the bread of life.” Jesus’ call to the crowd to see the “more” ends in their asking him to “give us this bread always.” Do they realize that for which they ask? Rather than seeking earthly bread, the crowd is challenged to seek “the bread of life,” which is to say, to seek Jesus himself. The only bread that is lasting, the only bread that truly satisfies, is Jesus himself. We naturally seek whatever satisfies our needs. One challenge for daily gospel living is that we come to recognize that we need Jesus. We will not seek him if we don’t feel we need him. We can be so intent on pursuing our obvious needs for food, shelter, rest, family, companionship, etc. that we can fail to look beyond these needs to the One who sustains us in all our daily pursuits. We seek Jesus in and through prayer. We also seek him in the goodness of others, in seeing someone in need and responding, in doing our part to make where we live a better place. We seek Jesus to be at home with him. And when we find him we discover we have everything we need. Closing Prayer: May we continually lead others to a deeper relationship with Jesus who satisfies all hungers. May we be satisfied in the Bread of Life given us and share that Life with all we meet. Our Father . . . For Reflection: · What I need from Jesus is . . . What he gives me is . . . · To believe that Jesus is “the bread of life” means to me . . .

© Living Liturgy 2012

18th Sunday in Ord. Time

Exod 16:2-4,12-15 Ps 78:3-4, 23-24, 25, 54 Eph 4:17, 20-24 John 6:24-35

Monday Transfigura on

Dan 7:9-10, 13-14 Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9 2 Pet 1:16-19 Mark 9:2-10


Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22 Ps 102:16-18, 19-21, 29 and 22-23 Ma 14:22-36 or 15:1-2, 10-14


Jer 31:1-7 Jer 31:10, 11-12ab, 13 Ma 15:21-28

Thursday Jer 31:31-34 Ps 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19 Ma 16:13-23

Friday St. Lawrence

2 Cor 9:6-10 Ps 112:1-2, 5-6,7-8, 9 John 12:24-26


Hab 1:12–2:4 Ps 9:8-9, 10-11, 12-13 Ma 17:14-20

19th Sunday in Ord. Time

1 Kgs 19:4-8 Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 Eph 4:30–5:2 John 6:41-51

Readings for the Week

Year of Sunday Mass Question of the Week

August 5, 2012 Jesus says, “I am the bread of life.” And he adds that those who come to him will never hunger. Encountering the living Christ, the bread of life, means that we find the fulfillment of everything we could ever want or need.

If, in the Mass, I were truly to meet him who is that fulfillment, how would that encounter reshape and reprioritize my life? In other words, if I believed and truly knew that I already had everything in him, what difference would it make?

Open to me the gates of holiness: I will enter and give thanks. Repentance is not a one-time event. It is a continual process as we grow in holiness and seek to imitate Christ. A great aid to this conversion process is the daily examination of conscience and the regular practice of confession. These two things will make us much better prepared to receive all the graces that God wants to give us. Go to our parish website to learn more 3

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Why Marriage Matters

Does it matter if couples get and stay married? In Why Marriage Matters: 30 Conclusions from the Social Sciences 3rd edition a diverse group of leading family scholars summarizes the findings on the difference that marriage makes. Go to our parish website to read the entire list.

Marriage increases the likelihood that fathers and mothers have good relationships with their children.

Children are most likely to enjoy family stability when they are born into a married family.

Children are less likely to thrive in complex households.

Marriage is associated with better health and lower rates of injury, illness, and disability for both men and women.

Growing up outside an intact marriage increases the likelihood that children will themselves divorce or become unwed parents.

Married mothers have lower rates of depression than do single or cohabiting mothers.

Marriage, and a normative commitment to marriage, foster high-quality relationships between adults, as well as between parents and children.

Boys raised in non-intact families are more likely to engage to delinquent and criminal behavior.

Divorce and unmarried childbearing increase poverty for both children and mothers, and cohabitation is less likely to alleviate poverty than is marriage.

Parental divorce reduces the likelihood that children will graduate from college and achieve high-status jobs.

Marriage is associated with reduced rates of alcohol and substance abuse for both adults and teens.

A child who is not living with his or her own two married parents is at greater risk of child abuse. Go to our parish website to learn more 4

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The Catholic community believes marriage happens with the help of the Lord and is a relationship that parallels the love of Christ for his people. It is a lifelong commitment to one other person and a dwelling place of God's spirit. Christian marriage is a demanding vocation that needs the support and encouragement of the entire community. Research is finding that marriage education and enrichment are important for every marriage to stay healthy. Sustaining a marriage over a lifetime means cultivating and blending gifts of nature

and grace. The effort, considered both from the viewpoint of a couple and from the viewpoint of those who minister to them, involves four inter-related areas in which growth must continually occur. These are: Maturity (personal and social growth patterns), Vision (of marriage itself and for marriages specifically), Skills (learned behaviors), and Community (supportive social and religious context). (A Renewed Pastoral Effort to Sustain Marriages for a Lifetime,

Happy and lasting marriages require building “multiple marriages” throughout common life-changing

experiences, by adjusting to new situations and renewing commitment. (The Lifecycle Stages of a Marriage, Sr. Barbara Markey, ND,

Transitional times of adjustment include the first years of marriage, becoming parents, having adolescent children, life after children move out, retirement, and aging. (Ibid.) The three most common reasons given for divorce are “lack of commitment,” “too much conflict and arguing,” and “infidelity.” (With This Ring...A National Survey on Marriage in America, 2005, National Fatherhood Initiative, On the contrary, the most common reasons couples give for long-term marital success are commitment and companionship. They speak of hard work and dedication, both to each other and to the idea of marriage itself. (The Top Ten Myths of Marriage, Popenoe & Whitehead, Couples who know what to expect during common transitional periods in a marriage are less likely to be blindsided when changes occur. Couples can acquire proactive resources to prepare for relationship shifts. (The Lifecycle Stages..., Markey) Qualities that a couple can acquire and/or strengthen in order to save or improve their marriage include: positive communication styles, realistic expectations, common attitudes concerning important issues and beliefs, and a high degree of personal commitment. (What Factors are Associated with Divorce &/ or Marital Unhappiness?, Scott Stanley, factors.html) Complementing personal commitment is the need for a “normative commitment to marriage.” This entails support for marital childbearing, openness to children, and a belief that marriage is for life. Such commitment results in high levels of intimacy and marital happiness. (Seeking a Soulmate: A Social Scientific View of the Relationship between Commitment & Authentic Intimacy, Brad Wilcox, Couples who stay married and happy have the same levels and types of disagreements as those who divorce. The difference stems from how they handle disagreements. “It’s about behaviors – or best practices.” (The Emerging Field of Marriage Education, Diane Sollee, Coalition for Marriage, Family & Couples Education, We are called to enter into God’s grace through a “training in holiness” which includes prayer, the Eucharist, and Reconciliation (Novo Millennio Ineunte #30-41). Our faith proclaims that Christian marriage is a specific “training ground” for holiness and encourages couples to incorporate the findings of social science, specifically regarding the manifold practices that can increase marital joy and permanence, enabling them to enter more fully into loving communion with each other, society, and God. Sources: USCCB and Archdiocese of Chicago Office of Family Ministries. For more go to our parish website.

Sustaining Marriage Over a Lifetime... Go to our parish website to learn more 5

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Fr. Richard Rohr The Art of Letting Go It is good to remember that a part of you has always loved God. There is a part of you that has always said yes. There is a part of you that is Love itself, and that is what we must fall into. It is already there. Once you move your identity to that level of deep inner contentment, you will realize you are drawing upon a Life that is much larger than your own and from a deeper abundance. Once you learn this, why would you ever again settle for scarcity in your life? “I’m not enough! This is not enough! I do not have enough!” I am afraid this is the way culture trains you to think. It is a kind of learned helplessness. The Gospel message is just the opposite—inherent power. Thomas Merton said the way we have structured our lives, we spend our whole life climbing up the ladder of supposed success, and when we get to the top of the ladder we realize it is leaning against the wrong wall—and there is nothing at the top. To get back to the place of inherent abundance, you have to let go of all of the false agendas, unreal goals, and passing self-images. It is all about letting go. The spiritual life is more about unlearning than learning, because the deepest you already knows (1 John 2:21).

Adapted from The Art of Letting Go (CD)

Prayer: May I learn to let go. Go to our parish website to learn more 6

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“Get on with it.” We hear that all the time. We even say it to ourselves. We do something and then move on quickly. That’s our pace and pretty much the tenor of most of our lives. And how we live does not easily match what we do at Mass. At Mass we stop and linger — at the beginning to reflect on our need for mercy, after the readings and homily to consider the Word we have just heard, and after Holy Communion to grasp more surely the mystery

now within us. We linger in these moments to deepen our sense of the holy and living one whom we are meeting. We keep returning to the same ritual at Mass. It really doesn’t change that much week after week. Even the years of worship repeat the same cycles of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Ordinary Time. Is it just going in circles? No, something else is at work. The cycles deepen the mystery’s hold on us and our hold on the mystery. Unlike most of our life, at Mass we go not wide but deep. We stay, we linger, we come to know more.

Archdiocese of Chicago Strategic Pastoral Plan

YEAR OF SUNDAY MASS / YEAR OF FAITH LOUIS J. CAMELI ©2012 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publica ons.

Visit our website at


www.stjohnofthecross Go to our parish website to learn more 7

For News & Resources Visit:

Archdiocese of Chicago website:

USCCB: US Catholic Council of Bishops website:

Celebrate your Wedding Anniversary with Us! Beginning in September….. Each month couples celebrating their wedding anniversary that month are invited to share a photo of themselves, a copy of their wedding invitation or marriage ceremony program with our parish. These will be posted together in the main kiosk in the church narthex. Mementos can be dropped off at the parish center or given to one of the priests after Mass. All items will be returned at the end of the month. Married and engaged couples will be remembered in prayer regularly at Mass.

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Parish News

www.stjohnofthecross Go to our parish website to learn more! 8

Children’s Choir Start up Dates!! Did you know that St. John of the Cross has two choirs available to all children in the parish? Cherub Choir serves children in grades 1-3 and practices on Wednesdays from 3:45 – 4:30 p.m. in the church. The start date is Sept. 12th with registration and a brief meeting at 4:20. Youth Choir serves students in grades 4-8, and practices on Thursdays from 3:45 – 4:30 in the church. The start date is Sept. 13th with registration and a brief meeting at 4:20. Mark your calendars as you schedule your kids for fall activities! Questions? Contact Ann Bourjaily-Maney at (708)246-4171 or [email protected]

This Week at SJC Monday, August 6 10:30 p.m. 11th Step Christian Meditation 2:30 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration 2:30 p.m. Spiritual Journaling Tuesday, August 7 7:00 p.m. Rosary Wednesday, August 8 1:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry 2:00 p.m. Christian Meditation 7:30 p.m. Christian Meditation Thursday, August 9 Saturday, August 11 7:00 a.m. Christian Meditation

SJC Employment Opportunities

Contemporary Ensemble St. John of the Cross Parish is seeking an Accompanist to play for the Contemporary Ensemble at the Saturday 5 p.m. Mass and weekly Thursday evening rehearsals, mid-September through May. For more details, visit the website: Interested candidates may send a resume and cover letter to Jessica Koch, Director of Music Ministries: [email protected].

A Note from Fr. Darrio… Dear Friends, Since arriving at St. Cyprian Parish, I have been extremely busy. Please do not be concerned if a check hasn’t been cashed or a thank you note hasn’t been written yet. You have not been forgotten. I am just starting to open my cards from the wonderful SJC farewell on June 24th. It might take me a little while to answer. You will be hearing from me soon. Blessings,

Fr. Darrio

BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS Our weekly bulletin communicates the news and events at SJC Parish and Archdiocesan news. We also include information on select community events. Deadline: Submit articles by 10:00 a.m. on Monday prior to the publication date. Holiday issues have earlier deadlines. Submit questions or articles to [email protected].

SJC Shawl Ministry The lovely summer weather does not diminish our need for shawls. We will gather at the Parish Center at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, August 8. We have patterns, yarn and assistance if needed. Please join us to knit, pick-up or drop off shawls or learn about the ministry. Questions: Please call Sheila Gallagher at 708-246- 7836.

I will rain down bread from heaven for you. (Exodus 16:2-4, 12-15)

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www.stjohnofthecross Go to our parish website to learn more! 9

Calendar July 28- Aug. 4 OLPH work tour trip Aug. 7 Habitat & OLPH Reunion 6:30 p.m. Aug. 14 Frosh/Soph Retreat team mtg 10 a.m. Aug. 17 Adult Leader Training 9 a.m. or 6 p.m.

WANTED: YOU, adults!

Adult roles vary and can be short-term or long-term, behind-the scenes or leading in front of a group, alone or with a friend or spouse. We are open to the young adult & the young at heart adult who has wisdom & experience to share.

Our Freshmen Experience Team & our Freshmen Home Group Leaders need a few

more adults to join the team! Descriptions of various adult roles can be found at: Send questions or concerns to Katie Hayes, 708-246-4404 ext. 140 or [email protected]

Please pray for the 4th & K11 teams & our participants who

depart for a weekend of faith & fellowship this Thursday Aug. 9!



for our Adult Leader Kick-off Event!

In the Parish Center, choose your

session: 9 a.m. or 6 p.m.

It’s sure to be a great opportunity to meet others, connect with your faith

and the mission of our ministry!

Speaker Rich Curran will lead the time together and allow all of us to be our best as we serve our youth!

Our service group as they departed for our

Sharing Parish in Kentucky, OLPH !

They return this weekend & will share quotes & more photos on our website & in

future bulletins.

As of print time, they’ve enjoyed working at the

Friendship Center & hiking at Cumberland


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Pictured from le to right are Tom Williams, Missy Major, Sr. Margaret Halligan, and Shawn Sweeney a er delivering food to Sr. Margaret from St. John of the Cross on July 30, 2012. Sr. Margaret C. S. J. (85 years young) is the Director at the St. Barbara's Pastoral Center located on 47th St. in Brookfield. Sr. Thomas C.S.J. (92 years young), not pictured, and Sr. Margaret have been assis ng people for most of their lives as Sisters of St. Joseph. Thanks to St. John of the Cross for providing the food and in assis ng the good Sisters of St. Joseph!!!

INVITES YOU TO A WORKSHOP ON Legal Services and Power of Attorney

for Healthcare, Property and Living Will Declarations Presented by The Center for Disability & Elder Law

Tuesday, August 7, 2012, 12:00 p.m La Grange Village Hall, 53 S. La Grange Road, La Grange

What is a Power of Attorney? What is a Living Will? Please join us to learn about changes to the Power of Attorney law. This program is offered free of

charge, but registration is required. Please call: 708-354-1323 to register.

In a second session on Wednesday, August 22, seniors will have the opportunity to draft these documents with attorneys who will provide their services pro bono.

The Center for Disability & Elder Law is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the legal

rights of low-income senior citizens and persons with disabilities in Cook County since 1984. CDEL offers assistance with several types of civil legal matters, representing hundreds of clients each year, and providing additional services to hundreds more. CDEL partners with volunteer attorneys, paralegals, and law students throughout the Chicago legal community to provide clients with access to high quality legal services they cannot otherwise afford.

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www.stjohnofthecross Go to our parish website to learn more! 11

Outreach Youth Catechesis

August 12 9:00 a.m.—9:00 p.m.

Come and meet the new pastor, Fr. Chuy

Tons of Fun!

Delicious Food,

Pricing Very Reasonable

Need a Ride? Call Bill Bright, 708-246-4404

Help! We need someone…

not just anyone!

We need YOU!

Your baptismal call is to SHARE YOUR FAITH!

This year, grow in grace and love through sharing your faith with the children of

St. John of the Cross. All Adults - Help!!

High School Teens - Help!! All are Welcome, you don’t need to have children in our program to share your faith! Just a LOVE for Christ!

The ministry of catechesis is a beautiful opportunity for you to

get involved and change the life of a child.

Call the YC Office to discover the graces that Our Lord is calling you to.

AUGUST Office Hours Mondays 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Tues thru Thurs 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Youth Catechesis

Office [email protected]


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A Lesson in Contingency

If only! How often we feel those bitter words of regret: If only! If only I had noticed earlier! If only I had been more attentive! If only I could see that person again, even for five minutes! If only I hadn't been there just then! If only the storm hadn't happened just as I was on the highway! If only I hadn't had that extra drink! If only I had left the party ten minutes earlier! If only! We all live with certain regrets and the bitter knowledge that if only we had been more attentive or patient or courageous or loving at a given moment our lives would now be very different. If only we could have certain moments of our lives back, to do over differently. I had such one such moment recently. It wasn't one that in the grand scheme of things was very huge, but it did in its own small way contain all the dynamics of the bitter regret that we feel when we say: If only! What happened? I had my briefcase (containing passport, Green-Card, laptop, 2 years of personal diaries and planned agendas, and numerous other personal papers and photos) stolen from me as I was buying a subway ticket in the London Underground. I'm an experienced traveler and tend to be paranoid in terms of keeping vigilance on my luggage but, as anyone who has ever lost a purse or a briefcase (or, infinitely more tragic, a child) in a public place knows, it only takes a few seconds of inattention for disaster to strike. In my case, it happened this way: I had just got off a train after speaking at a conference and, shepherding three pieces of luggage, made my way down an escalator to the Underground. I was trying to purchase a ticket for the subway and the self-service machine was not being particularly cooperative and that little distraction, for a period of perhaps one minute, was all it took: I briefly forgot about my luggage. When I looked down to pick it up, my briefcase was gone. It took an instant to realize what had happened and as I ran to get a security guard my heart sank in the sick recognition that it was too late, I would never see the contents of that briefcase again. As I sat with the police, making a report of the incident, I kept involuntarily repeating to myself: If only! If only I hadn't lost my concentration! If only I had kept my passport and green-card on my person! If only I could rewind the last ten minutes of my life! If only! We've all been there, in ways big and small! What's the lesson? What might I - or anyone else - learn from moments like these? First of all, we need to learn to keep things in

perspective. Sometimes a moment of carelessness has huge, irrevocable consequences, as in the loss of a child or a serious accident that causes a death; but for me it meant only the loss of some personal effects, some money, and the loss of the better part of two days (spent in Embassies recouping my passport and Green-card). It was an irritating inconvenience which in the grand scheme of things is, in essence, a mosquito-bite. When I come to die, I doubt this incident will be remembered. But that isn't easy to see at the time. In the moment it's easy to lose perspective. Second, incidents like this are meant to teach patience. Haste makes waste! It also makes for momentary carelessness and accidents. This happened to me because I was in a hurry. I had wanted to buy my ticket at the customer-counter, but there was a line-up and, although I had no pressing agenda, I was too impatient to wait in the line-up. I was trying to save five minutes and that impatience ended up costing me, among other things, the better part of two days of lining up at Embassies and Immigration offices. Hopefully the lesson will be learned. Finally, incidents like this are meant to teach us to recognize and forgive contingency. Philosophically, contingency means that, unlike God who is self-sufficient and perfect, we live with limit and imperfection. For us, every one of us, there will be moments of inattention, carelessness, accidents, stupid impatience, and moral lapses. The philosopher, Leibnitz, famously stated that we don't live in the best of all possible universes. Thus, there will always be lost purses, stolen briefcases, broken heirlooms, and, much worse, tragic accidents that result in lost children and lost lives. Sometimes too there will be moments of moral carelessness that we will also bitterly regret. We aren't God. We're contingent. So the next time someone accidently drops and breaks your priceless vase, don't respond with that chastising frown that says: How can you be so clumsy! What an awful thing you've done! Instead, make old Leibnitz proud, give off a knowing smile that says: Now there's contingency for you! Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, theologian, teacher, and award-winning author, is President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. He can be contacted through his website

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Eternal Rest Grant unto These, O Lord Thomas Braun

Tom Brown, brother of Anne Donnersberger Fr. Ed Maxa

Jack McDonnell, brother of Fr. Joe McDonnell Helen Muszynski, aunt of Linda Banich

Fr. Joe Ruiz Bruce Soifert

Lord Hear Our Prayer

Pray for our Sick

Angie Babicz Mary Bartucci Garth Christie Ashley Davis

Mary Sue Donahue

George Florian David Harrington

Karen Hult Ruth Ilg

Tom Jass Emily Johanns Adriane Kane Jacob Kenny Betty Knott

Cathy Laskey Greg LaValle Yvonne Lowry

Meredith Mangold

Thomas Martin Olga Matusik Moon Meehan Mack Nelson

Tommy Niemeyer Elmina Ngwila

Nancy Olin Greg Palaschak

Andrew Park Matthew Pecis

Bob Petkus Raymond Principe

Theresa Ripoli Rosemary Rissler

Nick Saldana Rita Shelhouse Bob Sturenfeldt Norma Sumpay

Olga Szpara

Baptisms Luca John,

son of John and Laura Collins (DiNardo) Musachio

Mass Intentions Monday, August 6, The Transfiguration 6:30 Our Beloved Dead 7:45 Bill Broderick; Charles Sullivan Tuesday, August 7, Ss. Sixtus & Cajetan 6:30 Rose Carbone 7:45 Joe Feeney; Anna M. Faron Wednesday, August 8, St. Dominic 6:30 Patricia Wilson 7:45 Eugene Garvy; Peter Glen Thursday, August 9, St. Theresa Benedicta 7:45 Charles Brody; Margaret Prost Friday, August 10, St. Lawrence 7:45 John Gallagher; Peter T. Glen Saturday, August 11, St. Clare 8:00 Gloria O’shall; Lino Lupetini 5:00 Donald O’Flaherty; Frederick Landbeck Sunday, August 12, Nineteenth Sunday Ordinary 7:30 SJC Parishioners & Kolbe House Parishioners 9:00 Mildred & Joseph Baltikas; Lino Lupetini 10:45 Deceased Members of the Tamer/Grecco Family; Bonnie Porter 5:00 Barbara Mullarkey; Eugene Garvy Italics—Living

God of love, ever caring, ever strong,

stand by us in our time of need. Watch over who is sick,

Look after him/her in every danger, and grant him/her your healing and peace. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Wedding Banns Zach Quinn & Jenna Reisch Michael Castillo & Parish Hill

St. John of the Cross would be honored if you would consider remembering

the parish in your estate planning. Thank you.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Volunteers are needed for Children's Liturgy of the Word at Saturday evening and Sunday Mass. Preparation materials and training are provided. Please help us to continue to offer this wonderful ministry. The commitment is only once a month but the reward is great! Please call Megan O'Brien at 708-784-0732.

Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life. —John 6:27

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• Reconstruction• Root Canals • Extractions, Oral Emergency

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INTERIOR / EXTERIOR Fine painting of walls, ceilings & woodwork

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Complete painting/staining of exteriorsInstallation of chair & crown moldings,

baseboard & shoe moldings

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COMPASSIONATE HOME CARE• Meals • Personal Care • Companionship• Light Housekeeping • Laundry • Errands

630.323.7231 www.MaryAndMikeCare.comMichael & Mary Doepke, RN • ParishionersState Licensed

JesusA to Z

Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS

A colorful Catholic ABC bookfor kids and families! Includesa glossary of questions to help

adults pass on their Catholic faith.007199 9 x 12 Hardcover

$16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00!




009239 St John of the Cross Church (B)



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MARY ANN COVONEAttorney At Law • Parishioner

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Call Hoekstra Today! (630) 968-0896

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Rob’s on the JobHandyman Service

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Insured Bonded

Blessed Art ThouMMootthheerr,, LLaaddyy,, MMyyssttiicc,, QQuueeeenn

Art by Brother Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFSPrayers by Father Richard N. Fragomeni

Hardcover book $$3399..9955800-566-6150World Library Publicationsthe music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co.,


DINNERS TO GO PARTY PLATTERS / CATERING7145 S. Kingery Hwy., Willowbrook

(SE Corner Plainfield & Rt. 83 Next to Michael’s)


Drs. Battistoni + Beam Ltd.Practice specializing in orthodontics

708-352-4500922 S. La Grange Rd.La Grange, IL 60525

Dr. Thomas S. FlachDr. Clodagh T. Ryan

Family Practice• Pediatrics • Women’s Health• Adult Medicine • Geriatrics

Most Insurance PPO, HMO, Medicare512 Hillgrove Ave. 708.246.4376Western Springs Parishioner


Depression - Anxiety - StressFamily - Separation - Divorce

Sub Abuse - Medicare - EspañolOakbrook Terr. 630.691.1114 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170

323-4610Restoration & Collision Work515 Blackhawk Dr., Westmont

Al Machacek, Owner

Maloney & Company, Ltd.Certified Public Accountants & Consultants

Specializing in Personalized Accounting, Tax and Consulting ServicesFor Individuals and Family Owned Businesses

7650 S. County Line Road, Burr Ridge, IL 60527Dan Maloney, Parishioner Email: [email protected] (630) 887-0500

Kitchens • Bathrooms • AdditionsDan MaddenParishioner 246.8898708

Gregg Communications Systems, Inc.Telephone Equip. Voiceover IP (VoIP)

38 Years in BusinessMary Dine 630-571-7000

Independent Senior Living in Downtown LaGrange










FREE CONSULTATIONSFX Parishioner 708.937.9400

Full Service Women, Men & ChildrenFirst Time Client Only - Offering

$5.00 Off Men & Children Cuts$10.00 Off Women Cuts

$15.00 Off Chemical Services

James ApostalPaolo Romano

Susie KareyLauren Ottley

708-784-0777Call for Convenient Appointments

and Walk-Ins Welcome923 Burlington Ave., Western Springs


4471 Lawn Ave., Ste. 200 Western Springs(708) 246-6006

www.VersaciDental.comEMIL J. COGLIANESE, JR.


7508 SOUTH COUNTY LINE RD.BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 630-654-8484

Law Office ofKevin J. Moore, P.C.

Parishioner• Business Law• Civil Litigation

708.246.15954365 Lawn Ave., Ste 7


PC MDPC & MAC Sales & Service

Networking • WIFI • Internet(630) 789-3971 Tom

[email protected] www.pcmd.comWE STILL MAKE HOUSE CALLS!

FAMILY DENTISTRYKevin E. Collins, DDS, PC475 W. 55th St., La Grange

Office 354-5575After Hours Emergency – 354-2281

John F. O’Connell III, D.D.S.

Restorative and Implant

General Dentistry

930 N. York Rd., Suite 120

Hinsdale, IL 60521

(630) 455-1666


REPAIRAll Major Kitchen

And LaundryAppliances Repaired


Forever Hardscapes, Inc.• Patios • Driveway

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LIZA’S TOUCHFull Service Hair Salon

Anniversary Sale

Inside Hair Salon Suites6972 S. Wolf Rd.Indian Head Park 708.783.1910

Spring Sale at Liza’sPerms, Color or Hilites

$45.95 and up.





$500 to $5,000• Cars • Vans • SUV’s • Trucks

$50 DONATEDto Parish at Closing


Page 15: ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS PARISH 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY … · 2015-09-30 · bread of life st. john of the cross parish 18th sunday in ordinary time sunday, august 5, 2012 5005 s. wolf


On York • ½ Block North of Ogden Ave.

3821 S. York Road, Oak Brook • 630-325-6550

ZAWASKI & ZAWASKIReal Estate Appraisers & Consultants, Ltd.------------------------------------

3848 Lawn AvenueWestern Springs, IL 60558

Office: (708) 784-1445 • FAX (708) 784-1446



1025 W. 55th Street708-352-6500

DOWNERS GROVE301-75th Street630-964-6500

Val VlaznyAttorney At Law

• Trusts • Wills • TaxesParishioner 630-357-8668


708-352-00085440 S. LaGrange Rd.,


4365 Lawn AveWestern Springs

General Contractors • Construction ManagersDistinctive Residences • Renovations • Additions

Remodeling for Handicap AccessibilitySeniors • Disabled Veterans • Safety InspectionsCraig J. Workman, Parishioner • 630.421.3400


Practice Limited to EndodonticTherapy and Dental Implants

(708) 579-0488Keith Sommers, DDS, Parishioner

• 475 W. 55th Street, Suite 208, LaGrange• 3116 Oak Park Ave., Berwyn

• 7234 W. North Ave., Elmwood

Massage Therapy and Spiritual Direction• Deep Tissue • Pregnancy• Swedish • Energy WorkSr. M. Clancy, SSND

IN PRACTICE SINCE 1990LaGrange ParkHomer Glen

Gift Certificates Available



Quality and VarietyWedding & Party Cakes

825 Burlington Ave.Western Springs 246-2894

Air Conditioned Restaurant & Carry Out-Seating for 200-Delivery ServiceCALL 354-4500 YOUR ORDER WILL BE READY 5525 LA GRANGE RD.




009239 St John of the Cross Church (A)

ALLAN E. POWERPlumbing & Heating

Plumbing Repairs, Sewer RoddingBathroom Remodeling Lic #058-132085352-1670 804 Arlington, La Gr.

• Communions• Graduations• Birthdays• Picnics

• Backyard Fun • ConcessionsJackie or Patti

Our Lady of the Woods Parishioners800.383.DINO (3466)

Carol L.KlimaMartin

Attorney At Law, Parishioner• Real Estate • Trusts • Probate Licensed in Illinois & Florida

(708) 246-7570

VViillllaaggee HARDWARE“Help is just around the corner”835 Burlington • Western Springs • 708-246-0892

MON. THU. 8 AM-8 PM; TUE. WED. FRI. 8 AM-7 PM SAT. 8 AM-5:30 PM; SUN. 9 AM-3 PM


A branch of Hinsdale Bank & Trust Company®

1000 Hillgrove Ave., Western Springs, IL 60558 708-246-7100 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170

We Are Casual Dining$5.00 OFF your total bill when

you spend $25.00 or more.MUST BRING IN THE COUPON TO BE VALID AND

CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER.• Small Banquets • Gift Certificates Available800 Hillgrove Ave., Ste 100

Western Springs

• On-Site Adult Care Facility• Homemaker Services

• Senior Social Activities• Personal Care

(At Home or At Our Facility)Alexandra Sulik, RN MSN NP

Complete PsychologicalEvaluation & Treatment

Individual - Marital - FamilyLorraine D. D’Asta, Ph.D.

and AssociatesHINSDALE 655-9040

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• 3 Chefs • BartendersSet Up • From Appetizers to Desserts

Formal Dining 2 to 400 people12 Yrs. Experience

630-341-3337Barbara Gilleece Hired for Private Parties


Parishioner 708.482.32135201 S. Willow Springs Rd.

Suite 430 LaGrange

CLEANING SERVICESHomes, Condos, Offices

Honest, Family Owned BusinessExcellent References, Low Prices

312-296-8042 (New Number)






Since 1990


Dwight A. Frey, DDS, PC

630.323.4060Complimentary Exam and Consultation

28 W. Chicago Avenue •


Mon.-Fri. 8-6 - Sat. 8-5:30Sundays (Seasonal) 10-4


A Family You Can Rely On...Today and Tomorrow.

10501 W. Cermak Road, Westchester


Peter Conboy

Jean Conboy Hanson

Matthew Conboy


Best Work • Best RateSatisfaction Guaranteed AsWe Do All Our Own Work

Lic# 055-026066Parishioner Discount708-652-1444


Family Owned & Operated Since 1947ALL MAJOR BRANDS



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ACT-SAT TEST PREP(The Route to a Higher Score)

Individual SessionsFlexible Scheduling

Local Availability [email protected]

BILL BRENNAN, Agent• Auto • Home • Life • Health

• Long Term Care • Bank643 S. LaGrange Road, LaGrange [email protected]

• Siding • Soffit • Fascia• Gutters • Roofing


Ask For Parishioner



708.417.8441Lic.# J16531 - Bonded - Insured

Owned & Operated ByFRANK TRAMONTANA, Parishioner

of Western Springs

Page 16: ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS PARISH 18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY … · 2015-09-30 · bread of life st. john of the cross parish 18th sunday in ordinary time sunday, august 5, 2012 5005 s. wolf

White ribbons have flooded local townships in remembrance of Kelli Joy O’Laughlin, but we know the ribbons won’t last forever. So to keep Kelli’s memory alive “Flowers for Kelli” was created with a mission to flood communities with the white crocus flower. The crocus flower is a species of perennials that bloom once every year. Once planted the crocus will bloom every spring, right around Kelli Joy O’Laughlin’s birthday. So while a ribbon may not last forever, these flowers will bloom for years to come. Our goal is to sell “100,000” crocus bulbs. All profits from the sale will go to the Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Memorial Fund. Pick Up Date: September 29-30. Email will be sent to confirm pick-up date. Pick-up location: Within the LTHS community. (Specific Location TBD) For questions or concerns email: [email protected]. To order please visit: or use the order form below.

Name:________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________________ State:_______ Zip:________ Home Phone:______________________ Cell Phone: ____________________ Email Address:_________________________________________________________ # of Crocus Bulb Bundles (20 per bundle) @ $20: __________ = $________________ Payment By: Please send orders and payments to: Flowers for Kelli P.O. Box 369 Western Springs, IL 60558

Online orders can be placed at: “”

Cheque Money Order Cash

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