Page 1: St. Eugene Parish THE VOICEMay 06, 2018  · ST. EUGENE ADULT CHOIR Please meet Lydia, our Director of Music, at the organ in church. Practice is every Sunday, at 10:45 am. We will

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 6, 2018

THE VOICE St. Eugene Parish

Chicago, IL 60656

Rectory 7958 W. Foster 773/775-6659

Fax 773/775-2832 [email protected]

School 7930 W. Foster 773/763-2235

Fax 773/763-2775


Spiritual Center Verbum Dei Sisters

7920 W. Foster 773/467-0295

[email protected]

SUNDAY MASSES: (5:30 PM Saturday), 7:00, 9:30, 11:30 AM, 4:30 PM WEEKDAYS: 6:30, 9:00 AM (8:30 AM Saturday) CONFESSIONS: Saturdays from 4:00—5:00 PM in the Reconciliation Room. BAPTISMS: 1st & 3rd Sun-days at 1:00 PM. Baptismal Preparation Class the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM in the rectory. Please telephone the rectory to register. WEDDINGS: Arrangements must be made 6 months in advance with one of the Priests. Weddings are cele-brated for registered parish-ioners of St. Eugene Parish. PARISHIONERS: When moving in or out of St. Eugene Parish, please notify the rectory. YOUR WILL: Remember the church in your bequests. CHURCH ETIQUETTE: The priest should be the last in, and first out of church.



Justin Markiewicz Nicole Mohr

Jake Nowak

Daniella Olson

Sophia Pamula

Samantha Ready

Guliana Rizzo Tessa Rog

Matthew Sclafani

Patrick Shea Quinn Shea Ilaria Spada

Sophia Stewart

Alexander Wnek

Olivia Alvarez

Angelina Bairani Frances Barcas

Evan Campbell

Vivienne Canetta Michael Costa

Alexander Czubek

Nora Elliott

Gina Fini

Sofia Garcia Mathew Guerrero

Mollie Huss

Jack Kelly

Cayden Lacsamana

Isabella Lara Gianluca Laricchia Matteo Laricchia

Page 2: St. Eugene Parish THE VOICEMay 06, 2018  · ST. EUGENE ADULT CHOIR Please meet Lydia, our Director of Music, at the organ in church. Practice is every Sunday, at 10:45 am. We will

Welcome, visitors and guests, to St. Eugene Church and Parish. Please sign our guest register in the rear vestibule and

let our ushers know if you need a taxi or need to use a phone.

Page Two St. Eugene Parish Sixth Sunday of Easter


9:00 - 11:30 am & 12:30 - 8:00 pm (closed for lunch: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm)

SATURDAY & SUNDAY: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Bulletin copy MUST be in the rectory office NO LATER THAN 12:00 NOON EACH MONDAY. Copy material received past the deadline will not be published in The Voice until the following weekend—NO EXCEPTIONS.

We Share in The Mission of Christ

I would like to begin this week’s article by congratulating our First Communicants. On Saturday, May

5, 2018 our students received Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time. They have begun a lifelong relationship with Our Lord, and I pray that they receive the Blessed Sacrament every week. Let us all pray that the parents of our First Communicants remain faithful to their mission to be teachers of the faith.

Next week is Mother’s Day, and we will have an article from Cardinal Cupich in place of my article. Next week also happens to be Ascension Sunday. This is an important feast day. Before Jesus was taken up into heaven, he left his disciples a final commandment. “All power in heaven and earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 18-20)

That is the mission handed down to the disciples. As Christians, we, too, share in the mission. Each of us must figure out for ourselves what God is calling us to do. The Spirit provides the strength and inspiration, but we do the physical, hands-on ministry. The Holy Spirit uses our hands, feet, and voices to accomplish the mission.

Our First Communicants are on a mission to be faithful followers of Christ. They are very young and need help to become members of the Body of Christ. Let us pray for each other, and especially for our First Communicants as they begin a deeper relationship with Jesus. Yours in Christ,

Page 3: St. Eugene Parish THE VOICEMay 06, 2018  · ST. EUGENE ADULT CHOIR Please meet Lydia, our Director of Music, at the organ in church. Practice is every Sunday, at 10:45 am. We will

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REGULAR OFFICE HOURS. M-F 9 am - 8 pm, SAT – SUN 9 am - 1 pm

SUNDAY 6 9:30 am Altar & Rosary Society Mass Rosary starts at 9:05 am: CH MONDAY 7 ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT, 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM 3:15 pm Cub Scouts: SH.MR TUESDAY 8 12:00 pm Knights of Columbus: SH.MR 3:00 pm St. Eugene School: SH.CTR+MR 6:30 pm PAFA: SCH.Lounge WEDNESDAY 9 7:00 pm Ribbon Mass: CH Reception following: SCH.RH 7:00 pm Social Concerns Ministry: SH.MR

April 30, 2018


Visit our giving page by going to our web site (

THURSDAY 10 3:00 pm Girl Scouts: SH.MR FRIDAY 11 10:00 am May Crowning: CH SATURDAY 12 10:00 am AA: SCH.RH Flower Sale after 5:30 pm Mass: CH SUNDAY 13 Happy Mother’s Day! Flower Sale after all morning Masses: CH FACILITY CODES CH Church CV Convent REC.LL Rectory Lower Level SCH.110 School Room 110 SCH.RH Ryan Hall SH.CTR Shaunessy Center SH.CTR+MR Shaunessy Center & Meeting Room SH.MR Shaunessy Center Meeting Room



ROSARY BEGINS AT 9:05 AM Regular Sunday Offering $ 11,133

Electronic Giving April 23 to April 29

$655 from 40 families

$ 655

Total $ 11,788

Sunday Budget 2017-18 $ 16,000

Over / (short) $ 4,212

Sharing Parish $ 25 LOVE ONE ANOTHER In the Gospel for the Sixth Sunday of Easter we are met with an extraordinary challenge: Jesus commands us to "love one another as I love you" (John 15:12). The letter from John echoes this command. Of course, we are to love those in our family, those we work with, those we like. But the scriptures make clear that we are also to love those we never notice, those we purposely avoid, and even those we are tempted to despise. In this Sunday's selection from the Acts of the Apostles Peter shows us how far God's love extends, and how far our love should extend in response. Peter realizes that God no longer "shows partiality" to the Jews, sharing divine love exclusively with them. Christ has revealed that God's love extends to all people, and so should ours. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

Page 4: St. Eugene Parish THE VOICEMay 06, 2018  · ST. EUGENE ADULT CHOIR Please meet Lydia, our Director of Music, at the organ in church. Practice is every Sunday, at 10:45 am. We will

Page Four St. Eugene Parish Sixth Sunday of Easter


BLESSED SACRAMENT Mondays in church

12:00 NOON - 8:00 pm with Benediction at 7:45 pm

“It is from the Eucharist that all of us receive

the grace and strength for daily living, to live real Christian lives,

in the joy of knowing that God loves us,

that Christ died for us, and that the Holy Spirit lives in us.”

Pope John Paul II 1979 - Spoken in Ireland during his first visit there.



We are all members of the Body of Christ. If one member suffers, all members suffer.

(1 COR: 12:26) Please pray for our brothers and sisters who suffer persecution in many countries throughout the world because of their Christian faith.

Prayer with Scripture

We invite you to an encounter of prayer where you can stop from the hurry of the moment and listen to God through God’s Word, in silence, meditation, ad-oration and contemplation. In this short but intense time, we listen to a talk that introduces us into the understanding of the Word of God, which later, we reflect on and meditate in an attitude of faith, discov-ering what God is trying to reveal to us. The prayer is accompanied by the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with songs to help the faithful enter more into prayer.

Every Tuesday in Spanish - 7:00 pm Every Wednesday in English - 7:00 pm

Every Thursday in Polish - 7:30 pm St. Eugene Convent

7920 W. Foster, Chicago IL 60656 For more information please contact the

convent at:773-467-0295

NEW EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS There is a need for Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers for the Sunday 7:00 am Mass. Some of these lectors and Eucharistic Ministers cover the 9:30 am monthly Altar & Rosary Society and/or the Family School Mass. Please consider becoming a Lector or Eucharistic Minister to help your parish. You must be a parishioner of the parish and have made your confirmation. There would be one class for you to attend before being mandated. If you are interested, please call the rectory and leave your name and phone number. Someone from the rectory will return your call.


Please meet Lydia, our Director of Music,

at the organ in church. Practice is every Sunday, at 10:45 am.

We will sing at the 11:30 am Mass. Everyone is welcome to sing with us.!!!

Crowned with blossoms Bring flowers of the fairest, Bring flowers of the rarest,

From garden and woodland And hillside and vale;

Our full hearts are swelling, Our glad voices telling

The praise of the loveliest Rose of the vale.

O Mary! we crown thee with blossoms today, Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May,

O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today, Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May.

SOCIAL CONCERNS MINISTRY Wednesday, May 9 - 7:00 pm Shaunessy Center Meeting Room This is our regular monthly meeting. We ask all members to be present. We are always looking for new members - wouldn’t you like to join us?

Page 5: St. Eugene Parish THE VOICEMay 06, 2018  · ST. EUGENE ADULT CHOIR Please meet Lydia, our Director of Music, at the organ in church. Practice is every Sunday, at 10:45 am. We will

May 6, 2018 St. Eugene Parish Page Five

SOCIAL CONCERNS MINISTRY If you are in need of assistance,

call the rectory. A member of the SOCIAL CONCERNS MINISTRY

(formerly St. Vincent de Paul) will get back to you.


If you would like to make a monetary donation,

please make your check payable to St. Eugene’s / SCM.



Flowers will be sold after 5:30 pm Mass on next weekend Saturday, May 12th, and after the morning Masses on Sunday May 13th.

Choose the perfect bouquet: Garden Hydrangea Bouquets $30 Roses & Daisies Bouquets $15 Mixed Floral Bouquets $10 Carnations Bouquet $10

Proceeds will be used to help young women facing a crisis pregnancy situation and in need of assistance.

Please support this life-saving work of the Women’s Centers of Greater Chicagoland.

BLESSING OF EXPECTANT MOTHERS Next Sunday, and on the second Sunday of each month, St. Eugene Parish offers a blessing for expectant mothers, fathers and their unborn children following the 9:30 a.m. Mass. The blessing is given to strengthen mothers and fathers during the time of waiting, and to pray for the health and safe delivery of their child. This blessing may be received monthly throughout the pregnancy.

CRISIS PREGNANCY HELPLINE The Crisis Pregnancy Helpline is

sponsored by the Women’s Center. They provide counseling, food, clothing, baby furniture, referral

services, etc. to those experiencing a difficult pregnancy. 1-800-400-4205



Page 6: St. Eugene Parish THE VOICEMay 06, 2018  · ST. EUGENE ADULT CHOIR Please meet Lydia, our Director of Music, at the organ in church. Practice is every Sunday, at 10:45 am. We will

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PLEASE PRAY For the Sick: Linda Adamczyk, Annabella Amato, Pat Apida, Bob Apida, Jon Arnswald, Karen Azalone, Vincenzo Bucaro, Rosalie Barone, Julie Bronski, Margaret Brinlee-Brucken, Franca Chiappetta, Cathy Chiaramonte, Agnes Collins, Jim Conlon Jr., Jim Conlon Sr., Lorraine Czerwinski, Joan De Stefano, Judy Di Cicilia, Dominick Di Re, Marge Dyson, Vicki Fealey, Don Feist, Virginia Florkiewicz, Mark Forrest, Rosa Gaggano, Bob Gasiorek, Carol Gasiorek, Robert W. Gelfond, Frances Gofron, Marie Grigolo, June Grovak, Erika Arquilla Hlavacek, Michelle & Shaun Hamilton, Tim Heider, Tricia Jackson, Eileen Jacques, Adolfo Arias Jaramillo, John Keating, Alex Koeune, Cindy Koeune, Henry Koeune, Katherine Koeune, Olga Kykta, Allie Lim, Rose Mary Maratto, Rosemary Marinello, Phyllis Mc Garrh, Rich Moellering, Jr., Michael C. Muscarello, Virginia Muscarello, Fern Niewinski, Norma Quilici, Charlotte Rice, Diane Rizzuto, Rita Rogers, Stella Rombotis, John Ruberti, Teresa Ruberti, Frances Salvato, Leo Samborski, Theresa Samborski, Marjorie Santangello, Jerry Schippers, Joanne Schippers, Pat Schippers, Patrick Schippers, Bernadett Sedlacek, Emily Steckiewicz, Gina Vassalo, Ed Veth, Beverly Wijas, Rose Marie Wijas, Sally Zumer, and for those who are homebound, in hospitals, nursing homes and under hospice care. Newly added to our sick list: Joseph Santangello For the Deceased: Richard Moellering, Sr., Kathleen Mulgannon


POPE FRANCIS TWEET FOR THE WEEK Today, at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Divine Love, as we recite the Rosary,

we pray especially for peace in Syria and throughout the world. I invite you to pray

the Rosary for peace during the entire month of May.





SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 2018

11:30 AM MASS




The Cash Raffle Winners are: 1st Place Patricia Scotkovsky 2nd Place Kuttab Family 3rd Place Wallace Family and Cathy Brown

Page 7: St. Eugene Parish THE VOICEMay 06, 2018  · ST. EUGENE ADULT CHOIR Please meet Lydia, our Director of Music, at the organ in church. Practice is every Sunday, at 10:45 am. We will

May 6, 2018 St. Eugene Parish Page Seven

At the time of a family member’s death, if you would like memorials to be made to

St. Eugene Parish, please instruct the Funeral Home to use the following in the death notice: “In lieu of flowers, a memorial may be made to

St. Eugene Parish, Foster Avenue, Chicago.”

Envelopes can be provided by the Funeral Home.

Parish Staff Rev. George Koeune, Pastor Ms. Catherine Scotkovsky, Principal Rev. James J. O’Brien, Pastor Emeritus Mrs. Janet Kusinski, Assistant Principal Rev. Greg Wojcik , Associate Pastor Mrs. Barbara Meier, Bulletin Editor Rev. John G. Hetland, Associate Pastor Mrs. Joanna Bischof, Mrs. Pat Conlon, Rev. Philip J. Grib, S.J., Resident Mrs. Kathleen Kon & Deacon Chick O’Leary, Business Manager Mrs. Terri Swiderski, Receptionists Ms. Lydia Hilado, Director of Music Mr. Vincent Hilado, Assist. Director of Music Please TURN OFF any electronic devices before entering the church for Mass or any other Liturgical service.

Please do NOT park in front of church to ensure emergency vehicle access. There are ample parking spaces provided on the north side,

to the rear of the church and the Shaunessy Center parking lot.

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION In ancient Rome, the beautiful month of May was dedicated to the goddess Flora, the patroness of flowers and new life. May 1 was considered the beginning of abundant growth, and a day for public festivals aimed at expelling winter. Even after Christianity took hold, the customs of the pagan feast lingered behind. Long ago, there was a thirty-day devotion to Mary, sometimes called "Lady Month," which began on August 15. By the eighteenth century, the custom of assigning devotions to months of the year was developing. June, for example, was the month of the Sacred Heart, and October was for the Holy Rosary. Beginning with the Jesuit Order in Rome and spreading throughout the world, May has been celebrated as the month of Mary, the Blessed Mother, for more than two hundred years. That was a welcome remedy to some enduring pagan practices, such as maypole dancing and the crowning of the May Queen. Some historians say that in ancient times the May Queen was actually a human sacrifice. Devoting May to Mary is undoubtedly a better thing to do. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Catholic Chicago Radio WNDZ 750-AM

Monday - Friday, 8 am to 9 am Tune to Catholic Chicago Radio to hear about the

people, issues and faith-based events that make the Archdiocese of Chicago a vibrant faith community.


Ministers of Care bring the Eucharist to those who are sick, homebound, or elderly. If you would like to arrange a visit, please contact the rectory by calling: 773-775-6659.

Being His friend Sometimes we run into scripture that confuses us. Take for instance Jesus’ words: You are my friends if you do what I command you. Wait! Doesn’t scripture teach us that Christ loves us even when we fail to obey Him? Certainly, but this seemingly harsh scripture points us to outsider’s views of Christians. As we have often heard: they will know we are Christians by our love. We will be seen as “friends” of Christ by the world when we are obedi-ent, good servants to Him. Standing up for justice, caring for the homeless, supporting Christian minis-tries, providing learning and recreational places for the poor, comforting the sick, and making certain that children are treated with love, respect, and dig-nity … all these actions prove that we are Christ's friends because we have done what Christ has asked of us. What proof of your friendship have you offered the world this week?

Page 8: St. Eugene Parish THE VOICEMay 06, 2018  · ST. EUGENE ADULT CHOIR Please meet Lydia, our Director of Music, at the organ in church. Practice is every Sunday, at 10:45 am. We will

Page Eight St. Eugene Parish Sixth Sunday of Easter

PLEASE NOTE: The designated multi-intentional Mass times will be

the 9:00 morning Mass on Wednesday, and the 11:30 morning Mass on Sunday.

Multi-intentional Masses will have no more than 30 names.

A REMINDER To make sure a Mass Intention is included in the bulletin, it must be made 2 weeks in advance. To make sure a Mass Intention is read at Mass, it must be made at least 1 week in advance of the date requested.

+ MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK + Saturday, May 5 - Vigil: 6th Sunday of Easter 5:30 Egan & McGuire Fams. Sunday, May 6 - 6th Sunday of Easter 7:00 Daniel Riney 9:30 John Ahern 11:30 Aurora & Patrizia Barone, Margaret Chlopek, Zofia & Bronislaw Chmielewski, John Cisek, Vincenzo DiIorio, Int. of Maya & MacKenzie Golebowski, Hinze & Moriarty Fams., John Kula, Ludwik & Agnes Komperda, LaPietra Fam. & Fri., Dec’d Mbrs. Lonero Fam., John & Theresa Luke, Leo Navickis, Jan Piechowicz, Angela & Vincenzo Recchia 4:30 People of the Parish Monday - Friday: 6:30 am & 9:00 am

Saturday: 8:30 am Monday, May 7 6:30 William Brinlee, Sr. 9:00 Lawrence & Mary Csuk Tuesday, May 8 6:30 Purgatorial Society 9:00 Eraldo Simonetti Wednesday, May 9 6:30 John C. Rog 9:00 Frank Caira, Lincoln & Wright Fams., Teresa Pedulla & Teresa Cavallo, Tom Rountree, Fr. Fred Tomzik 7:00 Ribbon Mass Thursday, May 10 - St. Damien de Veuster 6:30 Conrado Sarmiento 9:00 Ada & Verlin Emanuel Friday, May 11 6:30 Michele Dammicco 9:00 Elizabeth Janowski 10:00 May Crowning Saturday, May 12 - SS. Nereus & Achilleus, St. Pancras 8:30 Jim Barron Saturday, May 12 - Vigil: The Ascension of the Lord 5:30 Michael Kwilas Sunday, May 13 - The Ascension of the Lord 7:00 Living & Dec’d Mbrs. Manczko & Bova Fams. 9:30 Mary Jane Dombrowski 11:30 Linda Adamo & Louise Porretta, Giacoma Alaimo, Bambina Cozzone, Antonia, Rosa & Domenica DiCristofano, Int. for Joann Arquiza, Amalia & Gennaro Barone, Aurora & Patrizia Barone, Amalia & Gennaro Barone, Leonard Cataldo, Rosaria Centineo, Catherine & Antonia Chiovari, Zofia & Bronislaw Chmielewski, Dabros & Wytrwal Fams., Int. of Sarah DeCarlo & Fam., Mary Jane & Josephine Dombrowski, Frank & Carmela Esposito, Anna Feist, Carmela Giannelli, Ching Igle Gonzales, Frank Jablonski, Jadwiga Kulis & Carmen Hanson, LaPietra Fam. & Fri., Girolama Leone, Irene McGreevy,

Maddelena & Domenico Mignano, Lorraine Mikulski, Yolanta Morales & Rita Simioni, Consiglia Panzeca, Anna Parente, Rosa & Domenico Petruso, Peg Roppolo, Domenico Selvaggio, Edward & Victoria Wnek 4:30 People of the Parish +MINISTERS OF THE LITURGY +

*Lector **Eucharistic Minister ***Server Saturday, May 12 - 8:30 am *** Team 13 Saturday, May 12 - 5:30 pm * D. Laterza ** C. Bobka, R. Fiorante, N. Francisco, D. Divello, Y. Sarmiento *** Team 14 Mon., 5/14 - 9:00 am Sunday, May 13 - 7:00 am * J. Imburgia ** A. Bischof, T. Curtin, L. Feist, C. Paulini, R. Perez *** Team 1 Tue., 5/15 - 9:00 am Sunday, May 13 - 9:30 am * T. Swiderski ** C. Hill, C. Hill, J. Nardi, B. Ndiwe, T. Swiderski *** Team 2 Wed., 5/16 - 9:00 am Sunday, May 13 - 11:30 am * L. Vasich ** J. Cardella, P. Conlon, M. Russo, J. Santiago, R. Trovela *** Team 3 Thu., 5/17 - 9:00 am Sunday, May 13 - 4:30 pm * J. Kusinski ** M. Guerrieri, T. Gunia, J. Horn, M. Kenny, B. O’Neill *** Team 4 Fri., 5/18 - 9:00 am

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May 6, 2018 St. Eugene Parish Page Nine

Open Houses Tuesday, May 15th - 6pm to 7pm

Wednesday, June 13th - 6pm to 7pm

Page 10: St. Eugene Parish THE VOICEMay 06, 2018  · ST. EUGENE ADULT CHOIR Please meet Lydia, our Director of Music, at the organ in church. Practice is every Sunday, at 10:45 am. We will

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ANOINTING OF THE SICK On Saturday, May 19th, we will celebrate the communal Anointing of the Sick at a special Mass beginning at 1:00 pm. This anointing takes place during the Mass to emphasize the fact that it is the whole CHURCH that is praying for her members who are sick. It is the whole CHURCH that asks the Father to send His Spirit to strengthen and encourage those who are suffering from sickness of any kind. The actual anointing will take place after the homily of the Mass, when the priests will go to each person to be anointed, first laying their hands on the person’s head (asking the Holy Spirit to come down upon those who are sick, and to strengthen them); and then anointing them on the forehead and on the hands, saying “Through this holy anointing, may the Lord in His love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit.” Response: Amen. “May the Lord who frees you from sin, save you and raise you up.” Response: Amen.

WHO CAN BE ANOINTED? 1. Those who are now seriously ill. 2. Those who are temporarily ill or convalescing. 3. Those who are chronically ill (heart condition, asthma, arthritis, etc.) 4. Those who are emotionally and mentally ill. 5. Those who are 65 years and over. 6. Those who are preparing for surgery in the near future. 7. Sick children who have reached the age of reason.

Refreshments will be served after Mass.

Donations of homemade or store-bought baked goods would be greatly appreciated. Please bring your donations to the church vestibule before Mass.

Thanking you in advance!

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Parishioner Contact Update To help us keep our records current, please print the information below and drop the form in the collection basket or at the rectory. Thank you. Last Name _________________________ First Name __________________ M/M, Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss

Last Name _________________________ First Name __________________ M/M, Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss

Address ________________________________________ City __________________ Zip code ________

Email address: _____________________________ Email address: ______________________________

Phone # (Home) _______________________ Cell # ___________________ Cell # __________________


Joyful Again!

(A Widowed Ministry)

Retreat/Workshop For Widowed Men & Women

Looking for a way to navigate Their way through life’s changes And hoping to find joy in living

Once more. Dates/locations June 23 & 24

St. Julie’s - Tinley Park July 21 & 22

Holy Family - Inverness August 11 & 12

Mary Queen - Elmhurst Ph: Joyful Again Widowed Ministry

1-708-345-7211 Email:

IMPORTANT Register early, space limited.

FRIENDLY VISTORS NEEDED Be a friend to a lonely senior.

The Seniors Assistance Center is looking for outgoing, caring and compassionate volunteers to visit with a senior citizen in the communities of Norridge, Harwood Heights and unincorporated Norwood Park Township. This service provides companionship to the older adults in our community who are lonely, isolated, homebound, or in need of assistance to leave their homes. One of the most important aspects of the program is the real friendship that can develop between a senior and a friendly visitor. Some simple and fun things to do when visiting with your senior - having coffee/tea and conversation; reading aloud; playing a favorite game; sharing memories; doing crafts together; planning occasional outings such as short walks or shopping when possible. For further information about how you can become a friend to a senior, call Anne or Carole at: 708/456-7979.

Our Lady of Good Counsel The image now known as

Our Lady of Good Counsel is said to have been transported miraculously from Albania to the

town of Genazzano, Italy, in 1467,

where it has since remained in the church dedicated to her under that title. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.

Page 12: St. Eugene Parish THE VOICEMay 06, 2018  · ST. EUGENE ADULT CHOIR Please meet Lydia, our Director of Music, at the organ in church. Practice is every Sunday, at 10:45 am. We will

Page Twelve St. Eugene Parish Sixth Sunday of Easter

Sixth Sunday of Easter

It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you

and appointed you to go and bear fruit. -- John 15:16

Page 13: St. Eugene Parish THE VOICEMay 06, 2018  · ST. EUGENE ADULT CHOIR Please meet Lydia, our Director of Music, at the organ in church. Practice is every Sunday, at 10:45 am. We will

May 6, 2018 St. Eugene Parish Page Thirteen

Page 14: St. Eugene Parish THE VOICEMay 06, 2018  · ST. EUGENE ADULT CHOIR Please meet Lydia, our Director of Music, at the organ in church. Practice is every Sunday, at 10:45 am. We will

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We ask all of our parishioners, if you have a loved one serving in the military,

to please contact the rectory office to give us the name of the soldier, so the

whole parish can pray for your loved one. A book in the church vestibule is

available for inscribing the names of all military personnel. This book will be part of the offertory

procession from now until the war is over.

A PRAYER L , . P . B . W J L S . A

We pray for our loved ones

who are serving in any branch of the Armed Forces during this time of conflict.


Our mission as Catholics united in faith at St. Eugene Parish is to help bring God to people and people to God. Through evangelization, education and being of service to each other, we strive to make our parish community a holistic community in body, mind and spirit. It is our goal to develop, support, encourage and empower one another in our parish ministries, so that each person can reach their human and Christian po-tential. We are enthused about the future of St. Eugene and the whole Catholic Church and we pledge our participation in that future. We seek dialogue and open communication with all parishioners in fulfilling the needs of our parish. While recognizing the cultural diversities in our community, we will strive to bring all people together in Christ under a common bond of faith, hope and love.














If you would like to add a name to the list, please call the rectory. Also, please call the rectory when your loved one returns home.

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