Page 1: St Andrews newsletter A4 APRIL 2020...2020/04/04  · by the Ballina community from which they came and to which, sadly, many were never to return. Of the 60,000 Australian servicemen


April 2020Keeping St Andrews residents, family and fr iends connected and up to date.

From the GMDear Residents and Relatives of St Andrews,

One can certainly say that the world has changed due to the pandemic. It started as an epidemic in China Huwang region in December and spread very quickly throughout many countries in the world. Initially it was called the Novel Coronavirus then changed to CoVID-19 and more recently has been given a scientific name of SARS CoV-2. No matter what the name, it has changed the way society interacts. Just the implementation of social distancing, no more hand shakes, isolation (“iso” is the shortened version used in social media) and sneeze in the sleave etc. has created a distance between people.

St Andrews has implemented strategies that will enable face to face social interactions with families, albeit at a distance within your room. Management believe the family interactions are so important that we decided to not rush to lock down, apart from specific units in the facility. Therefore, I need everyone to comply with the distancing and visiting rules so that we reduce the risk of going into lock down.

Recently St Andrews has undergone a small but significant change in organisational structure after Donna Foley (Director of Care Services) resigned. We have created two positions called Residential Service Manager (RSM) to replace the traditional Director Care and Deputy Director of Care. The two RSMs are Leisa Foley (RN) and Katrina Jackson (RN). Essentially we have split the

building into two 60 bed facilities and an RSM is assigned to each 60 bed area. This will provide senior leadership in each of those areas to support the RNs and carers in the delivery of care. Leisa and Katrina will also be Senior Executive members and will work in harmony to improve the overall processes and quality of care.St Andrews Home Care business unit is an integral part of the St Andrews organisation, along with Independent Living and Aboriginal Respite Care. Home Care has made significant improvements to their operations and are contributing to the financial sustainability of the organisation. Well done to Rebecca Utting (Director of Home Care) and all the staff.

The website is undergoing some more changes and we will be introducing more quizzes, videos and in the near future a donations page. Donations are an important part of operating an organisation into the future. Management and Board realise the need to expand the community based and operated aged care services. This will be one part of a diverse strategy.

Thank you for confidence in the staff and the Board of Directors who daily deliver care and support to you. We are humbled by your trust and belief in St Andrews staff.


Bruce Tua� yGeneral Manager


Follow us [email protected]

Page 2: St Andrews newsletter A4 APRIL 2020...2020/04/04  · by the Ballina community from which they came and to which, sadly, many were never to return. Of the 60,000 Australian servicemen




Q. Tell us a bit about yourself I was born and raised in Lismore, with a 20 year stint in Sydney, before moving back to the Far North Coast. I’ve been married for 35 years and have 3 beautiful children (Im not biased…). I have fond memories of camping holidays with family and friends and have been visiting the same holiday spot for 20 years

Q. Tell us about your interests, hobbies or passionsShopping! I love a good bargain and am always on the hunt for beautiful shoes. I am social and love to catch up with my friends at the beach in Lennox

Q. With all the travel bans in place, where can’t you wait to get back to? The United Kingdom; I’ve only been once and I have been dreaming about going back ever since! I love the history and the landscape

Q. What do you bring to St Andrews? I think everyone already knows, but I love a good dress up. I am always thinking of fun ways to keep everyone laughing. I have a wealth of experience and knowledge in the Aged Care Sector and have worked for several Aged Care Providers in varying management positions. I am dedicated and committed to St Andrews and share the desire to improve the enjoyment and quality of life of the residents of St Andrews

Q. What has social distancing taught you? That I love a good hug!

Q. Tell us a bit about yourself I am a mum of 4 children. I was born in Victoria and relocated to the northern rivers in 2014. I have worked in the aged care sector since 2004. I have been employed in various clinical and senior management roles in a number of Aged Care facilities prior to commencing my employment with St Andrews in 2018

Q. What do you bring to your new role at St Andrews?Passion for the elderly and 16yrs of aged care experience

Q. What are you doing now that life as we know it has changed?Home schooling, growing a new vegetable garden and a new hobby restoring old furniture

Leisa FoleyDianella/Boronia Residential Services Manager

Katrina JacksonHouses Residential Services Manager

Page 3: St Andrews newsletter A4 APRIL 2020...2020/04/04  · by the Ballina community from which they came and to which, sadly, many were never to return. Of the 60,000 Australian servicemen


With Anzac Day 2020 approaching, this year will be very different in some respects - no march, no mass commemoration ceremonies, no mates gathering at pubs, no two-up! Covid-19 however, will not impact our traditional remembrance of the courage, endurance and sacrifice of all those who have served our country in both war and peacetime.

In this time of isolation, lockdowns, social distancing and uncertainty, it is more important than ever to focus on our local community and the contribution of those individuals who have shaped our community and the lives we live. This Anzac Day, like all that have gone before, servicemen and women from the local area will be remembered and commemorated by the Ballina community from which they came and to which, sadly, many were never to return.

Of the 60,000 Australian servicemen and women who fell in The Great War (1915-1918), it is sometimes difficult to comprehend that only two of these fallen individuals were actually returned to Australian soil (Major General William Bridges who fell at Gallipoli, and the body of the unknown soldier who lies at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra).

To this day, the vast majority lay in foreign fields. Some with marked graves, some with only an inscription on a memorial wall. The families of these fallen had no opportunity to attend a funeral, or even a graveside to mourn. Memorials and monuments were erected in nearly every town and city in Australia as a place

to focus grief and to remember those who never returned.

There is a small piece of Ballina located in the Anzac Memorial (Hyde Park Sydney) that acknowledges the connection to home soil and commemorates the sacrifice of those from our local area. The Hall of Service contains soil from 1701 locations across NSW that were listed as the home address of soldiers of the Great War. It is a very powerful display that puts into perspective the extent of the contribution of small communities, and the ongoing effects of the loss of a generation of young men and women that is still felt today.

On Anzac Day 2020, commemorate in your own chosen way - stand in your driveway at 6am, light a candle, wear a poppy, pause for a moment. Above all, stay safe.

Lest we forget.

Michael TrenearMaintenance Supervisor

Page 4: St Andrews newsletter A4 APRIL 2020...2020/04/04  · by the Ballina community from which they came and to which, sadly, many were never to return. Of the 60,000 Australian servicemen


Anzac Day at St Andrews A very different Anzac Day for all Australians and New Zealanders, and one to remember here at St Andrews. A small group of staff and residents gathered at the front entrance at dawn to remember the service and sacrifice of those that fought for our country.

The lead up to Anzac Day involved baking Anzac biscuits , creating rosemary wreaths, and making silhouette soldier art.

Residents were so happy with their work that we created an Anzac display.

Page 5: St Andrews newsletter A4 APRIL 2020...2020/04/04  · by the Ballina community from which they came and to which, sadly, many were never to return. Of the 60,000 Australian servicemen


Morning Melodi�

We were out in fine form with Sound Synergy Drumming again and boy did the residents have fun. With modified tools and instruments to suit all abilities, we had everyone adding their own contribution and no matter how small, loud or soft it was the result was incredible.

Sound Synergy Drumming

St Patricks Day


Keeping Up With the Residents of St Andrews

How times have changed over the last few months. From Dean Doyle concerts, Sound Synergy Drumming and St Patricks Day celebrations to Social Distancing Bingo, we are still finding ways to stay busy and enjoy our day.

Our Morning Melodies with Dean Doyle are much loved by our residents, and this time we were very lucky to be joined by volunteer Robyne. Residents love the morning out and about and the music is always great to boogie to!

St Patrick’s day is always a great excuse to dress up. Residents and staff had a great time celebrating St Patricks day with a luncheon and other fun activities.

Page 6: St Andrews newsletter A4 APRIL 2020...2020/04/04  · by the Ballina community from which they came and to which, sadly, many were never to return. Of the 60,000 Australian servicemen


Bunnings Activities Officer, Annie, continues to provide interactive and creative craft activities for the residents to get involved in. Our most recent session, and last for the moment, involved tie dye tote bags.

Like most people who have found themselves with more time on their hands, we’ve hit the garden! The River House garden was overgrown and the raised garden beds were perfect for a new veggie garden. Residents got to work and did such a great job that Daryl our Gardener gained 3 new assistants. Residents also were busy building bird boxes and hung them in the trees in the courtyard. Next thing on our project list is bird seed feeders and a bird bath.

Bunnings Art Class

River House Garden Project

Easter F� tiviti� Social distancing Easter Bingo anyone..? We found fun ways to celebrate Easter this year, with craft projects, Bunny Bingo and a broadcasted Easter Service.

Page 7: St Andrews newsletter A4 APRIL 2020...2020/04/04  · by the Ballina community from which they came and to which, sadly, many were never to return. Of the 60,000 Australian servicemen


Beach and Lake House Fun

Exercises with Kellie

Movie Matinees

Video Calling If you are interested in keeping in contact with your loved one via Facetime or Skype during this time please let us know. We have access to 3 iPads and have staff available to assist in video calls. We have created a roster to ensure everyone is able to stay in touch at their preferred time. So far the response has been amazing and our residents love using the technology. Although our home is still open for visitors, we know some of you may be isolating for your own

health and safety and we want to make sure you can still keep in contact with your loved one. If you are interested, please contact Krista with your email address and phone number associated with your Apple device for Facetime or your Skype address. Please also state your preferred day and time and how often you would like to participate in video calls. We will try our best to accommodate your preferred time.

Below are the available times for this service; Dianella – Monday to Friday; 9am-3pm Houses – Monday to Friday; 10am-3.30pm Boronia – Monday to Sunday; 8am-4.30pm

For more information, or assistance setting up a device, please call Krista on 66205881 or email [email protected]

It’s never too late to get fit! The human body responds to exercise, no matter what age, and there are many health benefits. Our Allied Health Assistant, Kellie, is always finding ways for everyone to stay fit and healthy. We have exercise classes 5 days a week in four separate areas of the home a day. Come and join in the fun!

Our Chapel makes the perfect Cinema now that services have been put on hold. Residents enjoy our twice weekly screenings of the latest flicks or popular classics. This week we watched ‘The Bucket List’, a film about self discovery, appreciation and friendship. Residents loved the meaning behind the storyline. Below are the things residents took away from the movie; • Make your bucket list now! Its never too late to start • Take action • Find the joy in your life • Bring joy to other peoples lives • Be adventurous!

Page 8: St Andrews newsletter A4 APRIL 2020...2020/04/04  · by the Ballina community from which they came and to which, sadly, many were never to return. Of the 60,000 Australian servicemen


April Falls Month

Every April NSW Falls Prevention Network endorses APRILS FALLS MONTH.

“Stay Safe. Communicate. The key to safety is communication. Communicate every shift, every risk, every change, every time. This year the focus for

April Falls is: Stay Safe. Communicate.”

At St Andrews we have adopted the concept. Orange is the colour that is used in relation to falls within healthcare. During April we have encouraged staff to wear orange and information flyers has be hang up throughout the facility. Education is a key aspect of falls presentation. I encourage everyone to read the information sheets. Some of the topics we have provided information on are...

• Correct footwear – this is extremely important – proper fitting shoes or non slip socks

• Using the call bell for assistance – we are here to help!

• Uncluttered rooms with good lighting – we all need room to move around safely and be able to see any obstacles

• Using your walking aids – having your aids in reach

• Having your glasses on if needed

• Sensor mats - used for the safety of you – mats to be in the correct position and turned on to work.

The advice from peak medical bodies includes:

P r ecau t i o n a ry M e a s u r es


55We thank you in advance for your

understanding in this matter.

Regularly wash hands with soap

Use alcohol based hand sanitiser when washing not available

Avoid shaking hands

Avoid touching your face (when in public places)

Stay home if you have fl u-like symptoms and if you feel unwell

COVID-19 impact on Hospitality services

As everyone is aware, COVID-19 has impacted upon our everyday living. In the kitchen we are in short supply of certain food items, including; pureed foods, baked beans, tinned spaghetti, prunes and bread. We are trying our best to find alternatives to suit your needs and preferences. For example, purchasing prunes in large quantities and cooking down for those residents on portion control. We are also struggling to keep up with the large quantities of yoghurt and have therefore purchased a yogurt maker. Certain cereals have been of short supply and as a result we have had to make alternate arrangements. We apologise for any inconvenience but we are trying our best and working as a team to find solutions for you.


Volunteer with us! We are always looking for kind, enthusiastic and selfless individuals to join our volunteering team. As little as an hour a fortnight can make the greatest difference in the lives of our residents. Contact the Volunteer Coordinator on [email protected] for more information.

Page 9: St Andrews newsletter A4 APRIL 2020...2020/04/04  · by the Ballina community from which they came and to which, sadly, many were never to return. Of the 60,000 Australian servicemen


Art Therapy with Erin

Men’s Group with Rick

Euchre with Trevor

Page 10: St Andrews newsletter A4 APRIL 2020...2020/04/04  · by the Ballina community from which they came and to which, sadly, many were never to return. Of the 60,000 Australian servicemen


Page 11: St Andrews newsletter A4 APRIL 2020...2020/04/04  · by the Ballina community from which they came and to which, sadly, many were never to return. Of the 60,000 Australian servicemen

We value your feedback!St Andrews is committed to providing high quality care and services meeting your needs. Do you know how to make a comment or give feedback? Fill out a Feedback Form located in all common areas, or ask our friendly staff to source one for you. Pop the form in the Suggestion Box located in the Waiting Room and you will hear from us. If you do not feel comfortable raising your concerns with us first, you can contact the Aged Care

Quality and Safety Commission.

Phone: 1800 951 822 | Web:

Write to us: Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, GPO Box 9819, In Your Capital City

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