  • 8/2/2019 SS & SL Rookie Info 12



    CSPS Inter-Mountain Zone, Silver Star, SovereignLakes - Volunteer Patrol 2012 Information Sheet

    1. Pass policy for volunteer Ski Patrollers:Silver Star: 1st year Pass for volunteer patroller

    2nd year Pass for volunteer and spouse3rd year Family pass

    Sovereign Lake:Sovereign management has decided to provide a pass for the patroller and pick up theexpenses incurred in becoming a Sovereign Lake patroller. This will include the cost of manuals and firstaid items.

    2. Minimum Age 19

    3. CSPS membership:All members of the CSPS Silver Star Volunteer Ski Patrol must be a member in goodstanding of the Canadian Ski Patrol System. There is an annual membership fee of $170, with this all yourfirst aid and on-hill training is paid. In addition, all patrollers will then be covered by the CSPS liability

    insurance policy.4. Alpine and Boarding Ability & On-Snow Training:

    Silver Star:A volunteer ski patroller must successfully complete an alpine skiing or boarding and toboggan

    handling evaluation annually. You will be graded as Satisfactory, Satisfactory with a Restriction orUnsatisfactory. With a Satisfactory rating you are eligible to patrol the whole mountain; a Restriction meansthe patroller will patrol the front side only. Further, this classification means your skiing or boarding skillsneed to be improved. Toboggan handling on all terrain is taught and evaluated. Every new patroller mustcomplete the 32 hour On-Snow Training Course, in addition there is a half day avalanche awarenesscourse taught to all as part of the On-Snow program.Sovereign Lake: There is a Nordic training program for all Nordic patrolling at Sovereign Lakes. Thisrecertification must be completed every three (3) years.

    5. Patrol schedule:Silver Star:Each patroller is expected to patrol a minimum of 13 scheduled patrol days per season, oneday of lift evacuation training and orientation, and one day of toboggan handling practice and certification.Scheduling will be based on an A B week rotation. You will pick a day and then you are scheduled todo that day every second week. You will have to schedule an additional 2 or 3 days throughout the season

    one of which must be a night shift at either Christmas, Spring Break or during Presidents Week. Scheduledshifts will be the patrollers responsibility. If a shift is going to be missed it will be the patrollersresponsibility to find a replacement. CSPS operates on a three strikes and you are out rule, or threemissed shifts, where no coverage is present, and you will be asked to surrender your pass and leave thepatrol.Sovereign Lake:At Sovereign Lake we will be providing weekend coverage only. The schedule will bebased on patrollers doing either every second Saturday or Sunday throughout the season. This schedulewill commence once training has been completed. As stated above shift changes will be the responsibilityof the individual patroller not Sovereign Lake staff.

    6. First aid certifications:We use the CSPS Advanced First Aid program; part of the CSPS Patrollers Training Program. All mustcomplete this course which is provided with your cost of registration. Those who have no current first aidcertification will complete this 60-hour CSPS course. Those with a valid equivalent first aid certification (i.e.

    OFA 3, OEC, etc.) may, if you choose, challenge the CSPS certification through our re-certification process.7. Patrol Equipment:Silver Star: provides a rack of jackets and some pants for the volunteers. However, you must provide yourown black pants. The patrol uniform in Inter-Mountain Zone is a red & black jacket and black pants. Youwill be required to provide your own first aid vest that is also red or red and black and clearly marked with awhite cross. Each patroller is expected to purchase or provide a pocket mask, super scissors, and a set ofairways. Silver Star will provide your initial first aid supplies. A returning patroller is expected to return witha fully equipped pack as was the case when initially supplied.Sovereign Lake provides packs, jackets, first aid supplies, and manuals.

  • 8/2/2019 SS & SL Rookie Info 12


    Note: Fees, excluding the cost of packs, are due and payable on the registration night or by thefirst day of either the Rookie Course First Aid Course, Spring On- Snow Course or

    recertification weekend.


    New Patroller Costs:Silver Star:

    . New Patroller Fees: Alpine Pack Options:CSPS Annual Dues: $170 1. First aid vest $85 to 170CSPS Manual $ 32 (second hand equipment is usuallyPacket Mask and Airways $ 50 available)

    Total $232 (plus vest if required)

    Sovereign Lake:New Patroller Fees:

    CSPS Annual Dues $170

    Note: If you are going to, or have taken, the Spring On-Snow Course you will be required to pay$75 of your $170 registration fees. This will register you with CSPS and activate yourliability insurance. Your annual dues will be reduced to $75 in the fall of your first year.

    8.Qualifying Process:

    Get back to the Vernon Recruiting Coordinator.

    Quick interview meeting to explain the program, our expectations and answer your questions.

    Attend and successfully complete the patroller training courses which includes:o 60 hours of First Aid Course

    o AED & CPR training

    o Lift Evacuation Training

    o Mountain procedures and Mountain orientationo 32 hours On-Snow Training

    Attendance at our course is mandatory - you are expected to be on time and have 100%attendance.

    If already holding a current certification attend the recertification weekend

    9. Dates to be aware of:

    More dates as they become available

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