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The Colonies, December 16, 2015

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Section One

Roanoke and Jamestown

The New England Colonies

The Middle Colonies

The Southern Colonies

Colonial Economy

Colonial Government

Culture and Society

Rivalry in North America

Chapters 3 & 4

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Roanoke and Jamestown

All of the European powers began to become interested in the success of Spain in America

Queen Elizabeth sent scouts over to America to find a good place for a colony, They discovered an Island called Roanoke Island

A group of people were sent over to Roanoke Island, a little while after people arrived. The leader, John White, returned to England for supplies

When he returned he found that the Colony and everyone in it had disappeared, without a trace.

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Jamestown and Roanoke (cont.)For a long time England was scared to send anyone over to America

because of the failure at Roanoke

The Virginia Co. was founded to help fund the trips to America

The Jamestown Colony was founded. Life in Jamestown was very difficult

Jamestown was kept alive because of John Smith, John Smith forced the people to work before they could eat

John Smith formed ties with the Local Native American Tribes, they formed a food trade

Quickly the colony began to grow

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The New England ColoniesWhen King Henry Broke away from the Catholic church many people

were not very happy, they kept following Catholic beliefs and were persecuted.

Quickly Separatists realized that by moving to America they could worship without worry of persecution

The First group to do this were the Pilgrims, the Pilgrims also formed a plan of Government called the Mayflower Compact

Native Americans Helped the Pilgrims get on their feet

In 1629 a group of Puritans formed the Massachusetts Bay Co. they got a royal charter to form a colony north of where the Pilgrims had settled in Plymouth

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New England Colonies (cont.)Connecticut and Rhode Island settled around Connecticut River

The Soil around the river was much easier to farm in than the rocky soil around Boston

1639 Connecticut formed the Fundamental orders of Connecticut, this was the first written constitution of America

It was similar to the Mayflower Compact

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The Middle ColoniesBy 1660 America had two distinct groups of colonies, these were

divided by new Netherlands, a group of Dutch colonies

Brittain saw how well the Dutch were doing on their land, in 1664 England sent a fleet of ships to attach New Amsterdam, the Governor surrendered without a fight

The colony was given to the Duke of York, who named the colony New York

in 1680 the Quakers formed Pennsylvania

William Penn founded the colony on Quaker Beliefs he saw the colony as a “Holy Experiment”

Penn designed Philidelphia himself

By 1683 3,000 people had arrived in Pennsylvania

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The Southern ColoniesPeople began to come to the Colonies as Indentured servants, they

would work for 7 years to pay off the travel to America

George Calvert Founded Maryland as a safe place for Catholics to live

Workers were needed in the Southern Colonies, as Plantations began to become more popular

1640 the Virginia Governor pledged not to go any farther onto Native lands

Virginia also experienced some conflict

1676 Nathaniel Bacon lead attacks on Native Americans

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The Southern Colonies (cont.)Carolina was founded by the king, King Charles II, Carolina did not

develop correctly as it split into North and South Carolina

Rice and Indigo kept the Carolinas alive, both of these crops required hard labor, the slave trade went up

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Colonial EconomyLife in the colonies was widely based on Agriculture, as this was the

main source of income

In New England there was rocky soil and large scale farming was very difficult, Farmers Practiced Subsistence farming, this is where only what is required is grown

The Middle Colonies had better soil and a more Mild Climate, this made it a great place to grow crops on a larger scale than what could be done in New England

The Southern Colonies were gifted with Fertile Soil and a warm Climate

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Colonial Economy (cont.)The warm Climate made the Southern Colonies a great place for Cash

Crops such as Rice or Tobacco

Tobacco growing made many colonies very rich very quickly

As reliance of tobacco growing grew more Slaves were needed to help harvest the Tobacco, this increased the African Slave Trade

Slave life began with a hard Journey on a Ship from Africa to America. Once they got to America they had little rights and were sold, at the beginning of the slave trade they could eventually buy their freedom but by the end they had lost that right

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Colonial GovernmentWhen the English came to America they brought ideas that had been

developing in England for hundreds of years

The colonists knew that they needed a certain rights that couldn’t be taken from them these were called Protected Rights

The English Parliament made the first English bill of rights in 1689

This Bill had many Protected rights including, no cruel and Unusual Punishment

The townspeople began to hold public Meetings and talk about town issues

These meetings developed into local Governments

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Colonial Government (cont.)The Government's eventually began to make important local

decisions at these town meetings

Around this time England began to buy lots of things from the Colonies

They bought cash crops such as rice and Tobacco

Many acts were put in to try and limit the sales of items in the Colonies

The Colonists did not like these acts and did not

follow them

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Culture and SocietyBy the mid 1770’s there were 2.2 million people living in the American


Colonial Women married early and had large families

Many people would die of Epidemics that would kill entire communities

American Settlers began to feel like “Americans” and no longer Immigrants and Colonist

Men were the formal heads of the household. They would manage the farm and finances while the women would run the estate

Many Colonists valued Education, parents would teach their children to read and write

In the 1740’s there was a strong Religious Revival

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Culture and Society (cont.)This great Awakening lead people to want greater religious freedom

The Great awakening lead to unite the North and the South to a common idea and belief

Peter Zenger published a newspaper article about a New York Governor, He was claiming that the Governor had committed a crime, the leading trial lead to the freedom of speech

Civic Virtue is the belief that democratic beliefs form a truly free society

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Rivalry in North AmericaBy the 1700’s multiple European countries had began to form colonies

in America after seeing the success of Britain

In the mid 1700’s the British had interest in the Ohio River Valley, so did the French

This formed a conflict, the Native Americans formed sides with the French

The French found early success in the War, but this success did not last very long

In the end France lost the war because Soldiers Surprised them at a fort, they lost so badly that all the French left America

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Section TwoChapters 5 & 6

No Taxation Without Representation

Uniting The Colonists

A Call to Arms

Declaring Independance

The War For Independance

The War Continues

Battlegrounds Shift and The Final Years

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No Taxation Without RepresentationAfter the French and Indian war Britain had control of most America

Britain was in Great Debt due to the war and needed money to pay off Troops, they found that they could easily raise taxes and enforce them stronger in America, these taxes got so high that the people went to Smuggling

The Sugar Act lowered the Tax on Sugar hoping that this would lead to Colonists actually paying it and not Smuggling

The Americans wanted Reps. in Parliament, they also believed that only the local Assemblies could tax them

There were many following acts, the colonists opposed almost all of them

The Townshend acts taxed all goods that came into the colonies

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Uniting the ColonistsBritish officials began to get nervous feeling that they had the

beginning of a rebellion on their hands

In 1770 the soldiers attacked the American people after they were taunted and thought they heard gunfire

The bad news was spread throughout the colonies by propaganda

They also began to Boycott the East India Tea, This made the British very angry as the tea was a big moneymaker for them

Despite the Issues East India tea kept sending tea, so the colonists dressed up as Natives and Threw all the tea overboard

The Intolerable acts were meant as a punishment for Boston, They banned town meetings and they starved the colonists, these acts did not work at all and only strengthened the relations between the colonies

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A Call to Armsin September of 1774 55 delegates came together in Philadelphia

They came to talk about how to oppose british control, leaders from 12 of the 13 colonies attended, only Georgia did not send a rep.

The Attendees discussed complaints against the British, they decided to begin to form militias each member was required to provide his own weapon

The British ruling power began to see that they had a war on their hands, they send many troops to America

The British army men discovered that there was a Weapon stockpile in Lexington, they marched to the pile, some watch guards saw that they British army was coming and to hide the guns

Almost no guns were found and few were confiscated

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A call to Arms (cont.)After the many fights the more and more people started to join the

Militias, over 400 people joined Benedict Arnold to seize Fort Ticonderoga

The Militias grew and grew and grew until eventually the Boston Militia numbered 20,000 men

Colonists began to decide on which side to join, the Rebel Colonists or the Royal British Army

The people knew that they needed to choose the side that they thought would win, if the side that they supported lost, they could be killed

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Declaring IndependanceIn 1774 the Congress met again and created the Declaration of


They created this document to tell the reasons why they are trying to become independant

Multiple people Signed this document and it was carried around the colonies and read at the major places

After Creating the document the colonies found that British

troops were planning to invade, they prevented this from happening

The DOI has 4 major Parts, the Preamble List of rights, complaints

and finally making it declare America as another Country

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The War for IndependanceIn the beginning it was thought that the war would be won quickly, no

one could suspect how long and how devastating the war would be

In the beginning there the British seem to have a greater advantage, the British army was much larger and trained more

Some Americans even remained loyal to the British and did not want to fight at all

The Patriots did have a few advantages though, they could get supplies faster because they were fighting on their home front

Local Militias were the only ones that fought the Congress didn’t create armies

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The War for Independance (cont.)Americans were much more determined that the British, they wanted

to win, and that gave them a reason to fight

They were so low on soldiers that they ignored the ban on African Americans fighting, and allowed them to join the Militias

While the british were camped in New York Washington realized that while they camped he could sneak up on them and make a dent into their defenses

This gave the Americans morale and kept fighting through the winter, even on christmas day, when the attack took place

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The War ContinuesBen Franklin went to france in 1776 to try to convince France to help

the Americans in the Fight for Independence in America

With his people skills Franklin gained Allies with the French, The french even secretly gave money to America but did not join the war

In America things were going okay for the Americans, the war was already lasting longer than they expected it to last

Snow had Damaged the path that Washington could use to transport goods

Many men died in the war, from sickness, wounds, and some even deserted, or left the fight without permission

The patriots has supporters around the world and many gave their unique talents

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The War Continues (cont.)People from all over Europe had joined the patriots. People from

Poland, France, and Even British moved to support the Patriots

Soldiers had a very very bad life on the front lines

The United States had very little money and had lots of trouble paying for the war

Paper money quickly lost value as the congress printed millions upon millions of dollars hoping to help

Some people began to question Slavery

Loyalists were Shunned and many fled to England

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Battlegrounds Shift and The Final YearsMost Natives sided with the British while some sided with the Patriots

The War some took place on the Sea with large scale Ships Vs. Ship battles taking place frequently

The Americans had a very weak navy

They only had 2 ships and many were taken by the British

Finding crews for the ships was not difficult as Whalers knew how to operate ships and knew they could make lots of money

Americans used a strong strategy of Hit-and-run that easily caught the british off guard and did not give them time to fight back

While Britain carried out multiple attacks the Americans were planning to Attack at Yorktown

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Battlegrounds Shift and The Final Years (cont.)Washington followed reports that there was fighting in the south and

took his troops there

In Yorktown 14,000 soldiers stood against cornwallis and his army

Many months passed between the end of the war and the signing of the treaty

The treaty recognized America as its own country

In november of 1783 the war really ended, all the troops went home, even Washington

The most important part of the Revolution was that it was a Peoples revolution, the first of its kind

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Section 3Chapters 7&8

The Articles of the Confederation

Forging a new Constitution

A new plan for Government

Principles of the Constitution

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The Articles of the ConfederationThe articles of Confederation were the state's first attempt at creating

a Govt.

Americans were very determined not to have a Government that had too much power, the federal Government was given almost no power to do anything

The states set up a Government divided into two parts

● This type is called Bicameral, this divides that work again

● In 1776 the Articles of Confederation were written

● The Government had very little power and there was not an Executive, so no person had too much power

● This was due to the fear of a Tyrannical Government

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The Articles Of Confederation (cont.)The Articles of confederation did not make a way for new states to be


Under the treaty of Paris the Americans gave up power to The Ohio River Valley

Many Americans were eager to settle in this area

In the Ordinance of 1785 allowed the government to add states to America, in 1787 the northwest territory was added

1800 Congress added the Land act, making it easier to move to the northwest territory

In 1781 there was a collapse in America and the Finances

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Forging a new ConstitutionPeople became convinced that there was a very bad problem with the


After the Revolution America went through a Depression, where they didn’t have any money to pay the Soldiers back

11 states outlawed slavery in America

Shays Rebellion eventually lead to having America abandon the AOC

In 1786 Hamilton calls for a convention in Philadelphia, Washington did not agree that there was need for a change until he found out about Shays Rebellion

The Convention was very hot and uncomfortable, as it was one of the hottest summers in Philadelphia

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Forging a New Constitution (cont.)Many ideas were brought forward about how to solve the AOC issue

The Virginia plan called for a strong National Government

The NJ plan had each state having one vote in on house

The 3/5th compromise was that a Slave counted as ⅗ of a person when calculating population for votes

The Delegates decided not to make a Bill or rights, as they just wanted to go home

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A new Plan for GovernmentThe Constitution is strongly influenced by the Magna Carta

Government is an Agreement between the Government and the people

The Constitution left some important powers to the states

Three Branches, Legislative, Executive, and Judicial

These Branches keep track of each other and make sure one branch does not have too much power

On December 7th, 1787 the Constitution was Ratified, or approved Delaware was the first to Approve the new plan

Many states followed in suit to ratify it, Virginia requiring that a Bill of rights was put in

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Principles of The ConstitutionSeven key Principles Popular Sovereignty, A republican form of

Government, Limited Government, Federalism, Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, and Individual Rights

Each one of these Key Principles influences how the Government must be run and how it can interact with the People

Many of the Principles make sure to keep the power in the people's hands and Make sure that the Government doesn't become too powerful

Many of these also Protect from a bad Government, where one person has too much power

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