Download - Squeeze

  • Squeeze: Divide the Ss into two teams with their desks facing each other. The

    Ss closest to the teacher must keep their eyes open, the other Ss close their

    eyes. The Ss on each team must all hold hands except for the two on the ends.

    The two farthest away from the teacher will be reaching for a small object, like a

    koosh ball or bean bag. The teacher flips a coin for the Ss whose eyes are

    open. When it lands on heads the Ss must squeeze the hand of the next

    person, and then the next person and so on. When it reaches the student on the

    end s/he must quickly reach for the object. The team who picks up the object

    first wins a point. Then the line rotates, the Ss with their eyes open move to the

    next seat. The Ss who reached for the object come to the front. (Submitted by

    Lynette Jackson)

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