Page 1: spm today L07 11 04 18:Layout 1 21-04-2011 9:46 Pagina 3 · Saipem believes that the EPC/EPCI contractual form is the most efficient process as long as the contractor has an industrial

SAIPEMTODAYONE WORD, ONE WORLDSkills, Assets, Innovation, People, Environment, Market

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Saipem has a strong bias towards oiland gas related activities in remoteareas and deepwater. It is a leaderin the supply of engineering,procurement, project managementand construction services withdistinctive capabilities in the designand execution of large-scale offshoreand onshore projects.

Saipem is organised into two BusinessUnits: Engineering & Construction andDrilling. The Company enjoys asuperior competitive position in thesupply of EPC/EPCI services to the oilindustry both onshore and offshore;with a particular focus on the toughestand most technologically challengingprojects - activities in remote areas,deepwater, gas, “difficult oil”.Its drilling services continue to bedistinctive, operating in many of theoil and gas industry’s ‘hotspots’,frequently in synergy with its onshoreand offshore activities.Saipem is a global contractor, withstrong local presence in strategic andemerging areas such as West Africa,North Africa, FSU, Central Asia, MiddleEast, and South East Asia. Saipem is atruly international company. Alongwith its strong European content, themajor part of its human resource basecomes from developing Countries.Saipem employs over 40,000 peoplefrom more than 120 nationalities withsizeable operational service bases inIndia, Croatia, Romania and Indonesia.Its clients and its people - in particulartheir health and safety - are theprimary focus of all Saipem’s activities.Saipem has a distinctive Health &Safety Environment and QualityManagement System.

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The growing importance of national oilcompanies, which prefer large EPC/EPCIcontracting strategies, contributed toestablishing a new contracting modelwhere a single contractor assumes theoverall responsibility to perform all thedifferent phases of the project: normallyreferred to as EPC - Engineering /Procurement / Construction - projectin the onshore business and EPCI -Engineering / Procurement /Construction / Installation - projectin the offshore business. While theselarge EPC/EPCI contracts are moreefficient, allowing technicalimprovements and increases in localcontent, they are also more risky.

Saipem believes that the EPC/EPCIcontractual form is the most efficientprocess as long as the contractorhas an industrial model that allows it to perform or control, in-house, the most critical project activities:Engineering, Construction andInstallation. Maximising local contentis also an essential part of the modelin most world areas. Saipem hastherefore a strong EPC/EPCI industrialmodel, which allows the Company toestablish itself as a world leader in theoil & gas contracting services sector, both onshore and offshore.





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VSubsea Construction




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Following the acquisition of severalengineering companies over the lastyears, most prominently ofSnamprogetti, Bouygues Offshore andSofresid, Saipem has become one ofthe world’s largest engineering andconstruction companies, servingprimarily the oil & gas, refining andpetrochemical markets onshore andoffshore, as well as a number ofdiversified industrial ones, such asenvironment, infrastructure, marineterminals, etc.Saipem offers a complete range ofproject definition and executionservices, particularly for the “mega-projects” required by the markettoday: from feasibility and front end

studies to design, engineering,procurement, construction andinstallation. Saipem also excels in thesupply of high quality Front EndEngineering, the first most crucial stepin modern project execution, as wellas of continuing project supporttechnical services, such as theassistance throughout projectevolution. Following the recentacquisitions, the integration ofSaipem’s many engineering andproject management centres in severalcontinents has now been completed.Saipem now adopts a consistentdesign methodology and projectexecution philosophy across all itsoperating centres worldwide.

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Saipem project locations span theglobe, from far Eastern Russia to theAmericas, in very remote locations,often inaccessible, with harshenvironmental conditions and verychallenging logistics. Through a vastgrid of offices, engineering centres,fabrication yards, logistic bases and astrong, technologically advanced

and highly-versatile offshoreinstallation fleet, Saipem is amongthe most reliable internationalcontractors able to coverall aspects of the complex anddemanding engineering andconstruction project activity, bothoffshore and onshore.Saipem has always been the leader

in maximizing local content, namelythe amount of project workperformed close to project sites, mostoften in new emerging economies.

This applies to executingengineering locally, as well as tomaximizing procured supplies andsubcontracts from local vendors.

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People, Skills, Equipment.

Saipem S.p.A.Via Martiri di Cefalonia, 67 - 20097 San Donato Milanese, Milan - ItalyTel. +39.02.520.1 - Fax +39.02.520.44415 - A subsidiary of Eni S.p.A.



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