Page 1: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Page 2: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Annoyed or Overjoyed

Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if

given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-

up. They also point out how awful webs feel on their faces and in

their hair. Some adults are afraid they might get a painful nip by a

poisonous spider. Boys and girls don’t seem to mind spiders so

much. They usually enjoy learning about them. They know

noiseless spiders are interesting arachnids. They’ve learned some

spiders are as big as a dinner plate and others as small as a pencil

point. Kids know that out of the 30,000 plus known species only 30

are poisonous to humans. (Just two live in North America) They

understand spiders have eight jointed legs and two body parts and

are not insects. In fact, spiders are an insect’s worst nightmare.

Without spiders, pests such as flies and cockroaches would simply

overrun Earth. Everyone can be overjoyed that spiders do their job

and keep the insect population under control!

Page 3: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Spiders! Content Journal

On the lines below, brainstorm about the different kinds of insects you know. Insects




















Page 4: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Spiders! Content Journal (cont.)

What do you think an insect is? _____________________________________________________________________










What good and bad things do insects do?











Page 5: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Spiders! Content Journal (cont.) Draw your favorite insects on this page. Label them.

Page 6: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out

5 Concept Maps

Page 7: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Nouns in the Subject

The main word in the subject is often a noun. The subject of each sentence below is underlined. Write the noun in the subject. Example: The spider crawls slowly across the hot sand. spider_______________

1. The yellow crab spider scuttles sideways like a crab. ________________ 2. The pink crab spider changes its color to match the flower on which it rests. ________________

3. The little crab spider eats bees twice its size. ________________

4. Steven Kutcher plays with pet spiders. ________________

5. Moviemakers need spiders for movies. ________________

6. An arachnologist studies spiders. ________________

7. The entomologist helps control insect pests. ________________

8. The abdomen contains a spider’s important organs. ________________

9. Spiders’ fangs inject poison. ________________

10. Spinnerets are used to spin silk. ________________

11. The cephalothorax includes the head and the thorax. ________________

12. The black widow’s venom is harmful to humans. ________________

13. My cousin is terrified of spiders. ________________

14. An orb spider spins intricate webs. ________________

15. Many people think scorpions aren’t in the same class as spiders. ________________

16. This small, white crab spider waits in ambush. ________________

Page 8: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Vocabulary Words

Page 9: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Vocabulary Words

Page 10: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Vocabulary Words

Page 11: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Vocabulary Words

Page 12: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Vocabulary Words

Page 13: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Vocabulary Words

Page 14: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Spiders! Content Journal (pages 4–6)

The page numbers in parentheses tell you where to look for the answer in Spiders! by

the Editors of TIME For Kids. (page 5) What color are spiders?




(page 6) What are some creeping things in the arachnid class called? _____________________________________________________________________



(pages 6, 8) What are the main parts of a spider’s body?




Page 15: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Spiders! Content Journal (pages 9–13)

The page numbers in parentheses tell you where to look for the answer in Spiders! by

the Editors of TIME For Kids. (page 9) What are the main parts of an insect’s body? _____________________________________________________________________


(page 10) Where do spiders live? _____________________________________________________________________


(page 13) How can spiders help people? _____________________________________________________________________


What do you think is the most interesting thing you read today in Spiders? Why?



Why do you think God spent so much time designing creatures most people either run from or don’t notice? _____________________________________________________________________


Page 16: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Page 17: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Spiders! Content Journal (What Is an Insect?)

Use the information from your Venn diagram. Write one paragraph below stating the definition of an insect. Explain why spiders are not insects. ________________________________________________________________________________
















Page 18: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Spiders! Content Journal (Pages 15–17)

The page numbers in parentheses tell you where to look for the answer in Spiders! by the Editors of TIME For Kids.

(page 15) How many eggs do some spiders lay? _____________________________________________________________________


(page 15) Why does a spider wrap her eggs in a sac?



What has God provided to keep you safe while you are growing up?



(page 16) What is a baby spider called? _____________________________________________________________________

(page 16) What type of “transportation” does a spider use? _____________________________________________________________________

Page 19: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Spiders! Content Journal (Pages 19–21)

The page numbers in parentheses tell you where to look for the answer in Spiders! by the Editors of TIME For Kids.

(page 19) Why does a spider have to molt? _____________________________________________________________________



(page 20) Is the male or female spider often larger?



(page 21) What is the largest spider? What spider is the size of your pencil point?





Page 20: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Jungle Journey This list has incorrect plural nouns. Write the list correctly.

1. tape boxs

2. make lunchs

3. remember bread for sandwichs

4. buy bunchs of grapes

5. get homework for all classs

6. buy camping dishs

7. bake two batchs of cookies

8. buy waterproof matchs

9. get magnifying glasss

10. buy cake mixs

11. don’t forget bug boxs

Page 21: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Two-Column Notes

Key Words Supporting Details

p. 22 silk thread several kinds

p. 24 silk is strong silk is stretchy

p. 25 silk is used in many ways

Page 22: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


The Orb Spider Web~18a

The door to the attic creaks open. You tip-toe inside. Suddenly, a sticky veil covers

you! You scream!

Good thing you’re not an insect. If you were, you would be caught in a trap. The

trap is a spider web.

Spider webs come in many shapes and sizes. Some are flat like sheets; some look

like hammocks or funnels. One even looks like an umbrella!

About 180 kinds of spiders in the United States and Canada build a round web. This

web is called an orb web. It looks like a bicycle wheel with spokes. The largest orb

webs are about three feet across.

Most orb webs are made at night. Only a female spider can make a web. She

makes the web from silk and her own body glue. The silk comes from holes on the end

of her body. These holes are called spinnerets.

First, the spider climbs a forked branch or a tall weed. She lifts her back end and

releases one silk thread. A breeze comes along. It carries the thread away. The thread

sticks to the first thing it touches. She has made a bridge. The spider now walks back

and forth on her bridge. She adds more threads. Her bridge must be strong.

Next she hangs from the center of one longer bridge thread. She drops, leaving a

silk line behind her. She glues this line to a lower branch. The web now looks like a “Y.”

The bridge connects the top of the “Y.” The middle of the “Y” is the web center. From

here, the spider glues more silk lines to the branch and the bridge. These threads look

like wheel spokes. Most webs have about 39 radius threads.

Page 23: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


The Orb Spider Web (cont.) ~ 18b

She returns to the center. She makes a silk spiral around the center. She glues the

spiral to each radius. This spiral is only temporary. When she reaches the outside, she

goes in reverse. She eats the first spiral, and she leaves a new spiral behind her. The

new spiral is sticky. Most spirals have about 35 circles!

The spider takes about half an hour to build her web. She may use almost 20 yards

of silk. When the web is done, she will hide off to one side. Or she may rest in the

middle of the web. When a bug touches her web, she will rush out. Some spiders

bite the bug with their poison fangs. Others wrap the bug in silk. They can then eat the

bug later.

Why doesn’t the spider stick to her own web? Her legs are covered with oil.

Some spiders build a new web every day. Others repair their webs. Some just redo

the spiral when it is no longer sticky.

The spider is smart. She eats her old silk. Her body recycles it to make new silk.

Page 24: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Spiders! Content Journal (pages 38–45)

The page numbers in parentheses tell you where to look for the answer in Spiders! by the Editors of TIME For Kids.

(page 39) On the lines below, tell why spiders are an important part of nature. Who are their enemies? Who might be their worst enemies? Why? _____________________________________________________________________




(pages 40–45) On the lines below, list the four spiders you read about. What do they do to keep from getting eaten? _____________________________________________________________________






Satan is our enemy. What can we do to keep from getting “devoured” by Satan?





Page 25: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out

23 Spiders! Content Journal (page 46)

Why does Steven Kutcher’s hat say “Bugs Are My Business?” _____________________________________________________________________





Why is Mr. Kutcher not scared of tarantulas anymore? _____________________________________________________________________





How do you feel about arachnids now? Why? _____________________________________________________________________





Page 26: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out

24 Sequence ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The spider’s scientific name is arachnid. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Arachnids have eight legs, a cephalothorax, an abdomen, and usually eight eyes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These eyes give arachnids excellent vision to spot their prey. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A spider’s prey can be caught in different ways, depending on the habits of each spider. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For instance, the trap-door spider waits for its prey to walk above it as it sits in its tunnel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

After a while, it can feel a vibration. Quickly the hinged door opens and it grabs the victim. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A web-weaver spider has a different approach than the trap-door spider. It will sit quietly waiting for a visitor. Its web is sticky and will trap an insect. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The web-weaver then rushes to the prey and quickly wraps the visitor in sticky silk. The morsel can be saved until later for a “fast-food” dinner. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Spiders are fascinating creatures to study regardless of how they catch their dinners! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Page 27: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


A Spider and a King

English and Scottish children grow up hearing a story about a spider and a king.

Even those of us who live across the Atlantic Ocean from the Isles have probably

heard the words from the end of this story.

It is said to have happened 700 years ago, when the king of Scotland was Robert

the Bruce. The king of England had led a mighty army into Scotland to drive out Robert

the Bruce and make Scotland part of England.

Six times Robert the Bruce led his brave little army into battle. Six times he was

beaten. The Scottish army scattered, and the king was forced to hide in the woods and

lonely mountains.

One rainy day, a very discouraged Robert the Bruce lay in hiding, listening to the

rainfall. He was tired and felt sick at heart, ready to give up. As he lay thinking, he

noticed a spider over his head, getting ready to cast her bridge line across to the other

wall. He watched her work tirelessly. Six times she tried to reach the other wall. Six

times she fell short.

“Poor little spider!” said Robert the Bruce. “You understand what it’s like to fail over

and over again.”

But the spider didn’t give up! She tried a seventh time. Robert the Bruce watched as

she swung herself out on her dragline. Would she fail again? No! This time the silk

thread carried her safely to the other wall.

“Yes!” cried Bruce. “I will try again, too!”

Inspired, he got up to rally his men and tell them his new plans. A seventh battle

was fought, and this time the invading king of England was forced to retreat back to his

own country.

The victory of Scotland is traced to a spider that kept trying again and again to spin

her web and inspired a king to try, try again.

Has anyone ever said to you, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, and try again?”

Tell about a time when someone encouraged you not to give up by saying, “If at first

you don’t succeed, try, try, and try again.

Page 28: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out

29 Spider Body

Label the following body parts.

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Page 30: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out


Daily Oral Language—Week 1

1. only god could create the awesome spider

2. i was still reading the book spiders at 9 00 o’clock last night

3. mr bruce has a pink crab spider that he found in his garden

4. spiders make their homes indoors outdoors above ground or below ground

5. he will let us visit his flower garden at 1 00 p m friday to look for little arachnids

6. all spiders have a cephalothorax an abdoment spinnerets and eight legs

7. mister bruce told us the spiders cephalothorax is equal to our head and chest

8. spiders’ secrets is an interesting book that mister bruce loaned me

9. only our creator could have designed so many kinds and sizes of spiders

10. when i saw the big goliath tarantula, my eyes grew large i knew i did not want one

of those for a pet

Page 31: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out

33 Daily Oral Language—Week 2

1. arachnids were made by jesus on the sixth day of creation

2. johns pet spiders name is wolfie

3. the crab spiders trick is to blend in with the color of the flower it sits on

4. do you think you would see the tiny moss spider on your desk

5. it really amazed jodi and ben that some spiders can lay 3,000 eggs at a time

6. the spiderlings were hatched in july and have molted five times

7. it is good that the spiderlings mothers is not asked to buy new clothes for their

growing children

8. a ballooning spider caught a ride on the wind to the island of karatau

9. kevin found that spider silk is stronger than steel

10. ladybugs are often used by farmers instead of insect spray they do a great job

without harming our land or water

Page 32: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out

34 Daily Oral Language—Week 3

1. are some spider webs strong enough to catch birds mrs jones asked

2. mr burton says the word “spider” comes from the old English word “spinnan,”

which means “to spin”

3. did you know strands of silk are pulled into a single thread from a spiders

spinnerets ms tonack asked

4. in october we found out male funnel-webs are the only male spider with

venomous bites dangerous to humans

5. big bug fun is heaths favorite book for readers workshop this month

6. many spider gobble their webs up when they are no longer usable

7. a spiders silk is almost as strong as steel it is twice as elastic as nylon

8. spider can make orb hammock scaffold triangle and lace-sheet webs

9. what insect should you take on a camping trip

10. tent caterpillars camp out all day in big silky nests at night they leave the tents and

go out to eat leaves

Page 33: spiders content journal€¦ · Many people do not like spiders and would never touch them if given a choice. Grown-ups may feel annoyed about cobweb clean-up. They also point out

35 Daily Oral Language—Week 4

1. i is glad there is black widow antivenom for a black widow spider bite

2. she and i saw a fisher spider tiptoe across the creek it did not get wet

3. emilys book show a spider that pretends to be a bird-dropping by day at night it

pretends to be a moth

4. wow jesus created amazing spiders and insects

5. eden and maddie watched a spider video on monday they saw a crab spider

change its coloring to match surrounding flower

6. not all spiders have eight eyes the ogre-faced spider has two huge eyes that are

100 times more sensitive to light than human eyes

7. friday november 20, is the last day to bring insects to our zoo

8. scientists who study spiders are called arachnologists some of them work with

extremely dangerous spiders

9. ms hill and i want to know what insects could live in a castle

10. monarch butterflies gather by the millions in california and mexico

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