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Preparing ourselves in facing final examination

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, today on this occasion I would like to deliver a message about how to prepare ourselves in facing examination.

Final examination is an examination that usually organized by the government in order to see the students’ knowledge level. As we know the final examination is used as the standards to pass from the school or not. In order to graduate from the school, you have to pass the final examination with the score that have been determined by the government.

Today, I would like to share some ways to prepare ourselves, so we can be ready in facing the final examination that will be held soon. First tips is we have to be diligent and serious in studying the lessons which will be tested in the final examination. The second tips is we have to abandon our daily activities which aren’t really important, and we can use the time to study and the next tips is we have to prepare our mental so we won’t be nervous when facing the final examination, we shouldn’t be scared of final examination and we have to be confident in ourselves. The other tips is we should ask the help from the God to pass from the Final examination, believe it or not, the role of God is also important to help us in facing the final examination. Without God, we are nothing. Usually before the final examination starts, there are leaked questions that are spread among the students. I suggest you to not a hundred percent believed in those leaked questions, you may believe It, but don’t you hang your fate on those leaked questions.

so that’s all the tips that I can share with you, I hope we all can pass the Final examination and have the satisfied score. Thank you for your time and for your attention.

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