Page 1: SPANISH III AP/SPANISH IV AP · college education is freely provided universally. This is how it works. Governments around the world invest more money in providing better education,

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Page 2: SPANISH III AP/SPANISH IV AP · college education is freely provided universally. This is how it works. Governments around the world invest more money in providing better education,

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Page 3: SPANISH III AP/SPANISH IV AP · college education is freely provided universally. This is how it works. Governments around the world invest more money in providing better education,
Page 4: SPANISH III AP/SPANISH IV AP · college education is freely provided universally. This is how it works. Governments around the world invest more money in providing better education,
Page 5: SPANISH III AP/SPANISH IV AP · college education is freely provided universally. This is how it works. Governments around the world invest more money in providing better education,

Page 6: SPANISH III AP/SPANISH IV AP · college education is freely provided universally. This is how it works. Governments around the world invest more money in providing better education,

A. Composición: “El sueño americano” → Muchas familias

inmigrantes hacen sus sueños realidad en los EE.UU. Vas a escribir

un ensayo de por lo menos 200 palabras sobre este tema.

1. Investiga en Internet la experiencia de una de las personas

exitosas (successful) de raíz hispana que aparecen a continuación o

de cualquier otro inmigrante hispano que te interese.

- Julian Castro - José Hernández

- Alfredo Quiñones Hinojosa - Jorge Ramos

- Sonia Sotomayor - Celia Cruz

- Hilda Solís - John Orozco

- Junot Díaz - Yolanda Voss

2. Escribe un ensayo en el que incluyas:

- Su país de orígen

- Cuándo, adónde y por qué inmigró (o inmigraron sus padres)

- El campo (field) en que ha triunfado

- El papel de la educación en su éxito

3. Incorpora las siguientes expresiones en tu ensayo:

- aun cuando even when

- desde que since

- en cuanto as soon as

- a pesar de que in spite of

- al contrario on the contrary

Page 7: SPANISH III AP/SPANISH IV AP · college education is freely provided universally. This is how it works. Governments around the world invest more money in providing better education,

A. AP Spanish Language and Culture Practice → Escribe tu nombre, fecha, periodo. También escribe el # de la selección y la página donde se encuentra en tu paquete. Selección # 4/Pgs. 219 y 220 Escribe la definición de las siguientes palabras antes de iniciar la lectura. Protagonista Fonda

Page 8: SPANISH III AP/SPANISH IV AP · college education is freely provided universally. This is how it works. Governments around the world invest more money in providing better education,

Ramada Recinto Cueca Choripán Pisco Presupuesto Aguinaldo Gratificación Cuaresma Carnaval Compatriota Feriado Anonimidad Cobertizo Ahora, inicia la lectura. Cuando termines de leerla, inicia la lectura de las preguntas y selección de tus respuestas. Escribe la letra de la respuesta seleccionada.

Page 9: SPANISH III AP/SPANISH IV AP · college education is freely provided universally. This is how it works. Governments around the world invest more money in providing better education,

Selección # 5/Pgs. 221 y 222 Escribe la definición de las siguientes palabras antes de iniciar la lectura. Archivo Compensación Perspectiva Ahora, inicia la lectura. Cuando termines de leerla, inicia la lectura de las preguntas y selección de tus respuestas. Escribe la letra de la respuesta seleccionada.

Cracking the AP Spanish Language & Culture Exam

The Princeton Review

Page 10: SPANISH III AP/SPANISH IV AP · college education is freely provided universally. This is how it works. Governments around the world invest more money in providing better education,

A. Essay: The Power of Free College Education → Tradúcelo.

March 23, 2016 By JoonYoungC, HCMC, MI

Even with GPAs higher than 4, entering into a college may be virtually impossible for some unfortunate students. Financial restraints hold many talented scholars from around the world back from receiving education. The question is, “Should college education be free or not?”. You may already know that many countries around the world already have made the right choice and are providing free college education. On the other hand, most of the other countries have not made the right choice, yet. Free college education should definitely be a choice made for all countries around the world because it provides equal opportunities for everyone and helps with the development of the

country. Some may disagree since free education would mean less income for the college itself, which would make it harder to maintain the ‘top-class’ education, but there still are some colleges and universities around the world that provide ‘top-class’ education with extremely cheap tuition fees.

To start us off, free college education means equal opportunities given to everyone. Given equal opportunities and chances is a matter of basic humans rights and that it should be provided for

everyone. When I was in 4th grade, I wanted to join a soccer team so I practiced soccer quite often. However, the chance was never given to me, because I was considered short compared to many of the other kids. Until today, I still think that it wasn’t fair for the sports teams to exclude me just because of my physical appearance. Have you ever had a similar thing happen, where

Page 11: SPANISH III AP/SPANISH IV AP · college education is freely provided universally. This is how it works. Governments around the world invest more money in providing better education,

you weren’t given equal opportunities and chances because of you are the way you were born? Some people may be born under unfortunate circumstances, but that definitely shouldn’t mean that they should live their life as an unfortunate. According to Forbes, more than 57 percent of the students around the world did not go to their first choice colleges and surprisingly, 62 percent out of the 57 percent of the students were not able to go to the college they wanted to because they weren’t able to afford it. Why should money get in the way and darken people’s bright future?

After all, countless talents are just hidden, and unnoticed around the world since countless people are not able to receive college education just because of financial restraints. In order for the countries to grow and prosper in the future, college education should be provided free. Who knows? Maybe the next generation of a farmer’s family could turn into the billionaire family, after being able to receive free college education, that supports during the country's economy. In addition, if the talents are spotted and are educated, the world as a whole will step further ahead and

develop more and faster than ever in many different areas. For a country to thrive, having many intellectual citizens is much more effective than just having a singular intellectual leader with no doubt.

You may be wondering, ‘How is the quality of education going to keep up if the colleges themselves have not much income?’. There is a national university in Seoul, Korea named Seoul National University. The university is well-known to be the best university in Korea. As reported by top universities, Seoul

National University is believed to be the top 50 universities of the world. Numerous Korean students, and even students from other nations around the world compete against other students in order to be accepted for this university. Why? Even with tuition fee being unbelievably cheap, the university provides the students with top-class education. As you have probably noticed by looking

Page 12: SPANISH III AP/SPANISH IV AP · college education is freely provided universally. This is how it works. Governments around the world invest more money in providing better education,

at the name of the university, Seoul National University is funded and supported by the government. We should have more universities like that not only in Korea, but around the world so that people won’t give up their hopes and dreams. Korea may be a developed country, but it’s not the most developed. If Korea was able to do it, the United States, United Kingdom, and many other countries more developed than Korea can also do it.

To sum up, financial problems and backgrounds shouldn’t decide the quality of the education provided to us. Although some countries provide cheap, or even free college education, not all countries are doing this and this should be changed so that college education is freely provided universally. This is how it works. Governments around the world invest more money in providing better education, which will make the world develop quicker and better than ever, which will then enable us to provide even better education, … and so on. The solution seems quite simple, but why isn’t this happening universally?

Page 13: SPANISH III AP/SPANISH IV AP · college education is freely provided universally. This is how it works. Governments around the world invest more money in providing better education,

A. Presentación oral: Comparación cultural/Pg. 420 → Vas a dar una presentación oral a tu clase sobre un tema cultural. En tu presentación, compara tu propia comunidad con una región del mundo hispanohablante que te sea familiar. Debes demostrar tu comprensión de aspectos culturales del mundo hispanohablante y organizar tu presentación de manera clara. Tema de la presentación: ¿Cómo han afectado los personajes históricos a la identidad nacional de tu país? Compara tus observaciones acerca de las comunidades en las que has vivido con tus observaciones de una región del mundo hispanohablante que te sea familiar. En tu presentación, puedes referirte a lo que has estudiado, vivido, observado, etc. ¿Qué es la identidad nacional? La Identidad Nacional es el conjunto de elementos que identifican a una nación y que sus habitantes toman como suyos. Es un elemento que une a todas las personas que integran una nación o un pueblo. Son las costumbres propias del lugar, y el sentimiento que produce el sentirse parte de ese conjunto de elementos que le identifican como perteneciente a determinado país.

Page 14: SPANISH III AP/SPANISH IV AP · college education is freely provided universally. This is how it works. Governments around the world invest more money in providing better education,

Sin duda alguna, la Identidad Nacional de un país es muy rica y una muestra de ello lo representa la gran variedad de costumbres y tradiciones que se han mantenido a través del tiempo.

Page 15: SPANISH III AP/SPANISH IV AP · college education is freely provided universally. This is how it works. Governments around the world invest more money in providing better education,

Pero sin embargo, a pesar de toda esa riqueza y belleza cultural que se tiene en un país, también es víctima del fenómeno de la Transculturización. Esto ocurre cuando los habitantes de un país se dejan llevar por las costumbres ajenas al país y tratan de imitarlas, olvidandose de quiénes son en verdad y de dónde vienen, de sus raíces, de su cultura. Por otro lado, los personajes que con su vida, con su saber y con su obrar, hicieron un país mejor. Al igual que lo símbolos patrios como la bandera nacional, el escudo, el himno nacional y los símbolos nacionales como el ave nacional, la flor nacional, y el árbol nacional.

Ser ciudadano de un país es un honor y un compromiso. La patria se ha ido formando poco a poco; desde los primeros habitantes, los indígenas autóctonos, hasta hoy se han tenido que superar muchas etapas: conquista, colonia, independencia …País libre; pero siempre, luchando por las

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democracia y por conquistar un sitial en el abanico de las naciones del mundo. Y la patria no se ha hecho sola; la han hecho entre muchas personas: héroes, sabios, literatos, políticos, economistas, deportistas, hombres dedicados a Dios, a través del servicio a los demás. Recordemos a esos personajes que, con su vida, con su saber y con su obrar, hicieron un mejor país.

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