Download - Spanish Games

Page 1: Spanish Games


David y Alex

Page 2: Spanish Games


• This game is similar to that of the saints. Players throw all the plates in the air, and those that fall on their backs, were the ones earned. Another way of playing the game is drawing a circle on the ground and placing a sheet in the center, the plates falling out of the sheet are the plates earned.

Page 3: Spanish Games


• We will use five falsehoods, which may be brightly painted. Each side of the taba is given a name: holes, belly or gut, smooth and mutton. All the game rounds should follow this order. The process is always the same. Four jacks are thrown in the air and dropped on the ground.The fifth will go throwing up and dropping. While the taba is in the air the player will put those on the ground in the showing their names (guts, then holes…etc) and so on to get through all the faces in all

Page 4: Spanish Games

Piedra, papel, tijeras

• Guessing what the other

player will signal with his

hand, we will signal

stone,papero or scissors

with our hand, hoping to

win the other player. The,

score is as follows: the

stone wins the scissors;

the scissors wins the

paper; the paper wins the


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