


The contractor shall perform the repair of the asphalt in the Employees Parking Lot . The price listed below shall include labor, materials, transportation and any additional fee included on this service. The Government will pay the Contractor the fixed price for standard services that have been satisfactorily performed. 1.1 VALUE ADDED TAX. Value Added Tax (VAT) is not included in the CLIN rates. Instead, it will be priced as a separate Line Item in the contract and on Invoices. The amount of VAT to be charged is 12%. Local law dictates the portion of the contract price that is subject to VAT; this percentage is multiplied only against that portion. It is reflected for each performance period. Full VAT amount is charged on all aspects of the contract. 1.2 BASE PERIOD Standard Services. The firm fixed price for the period of the contract is: SUB-TOTAL COST ……………….= $ __________________ + 12% VAT……...………………….= $ __________________ TOTAL COST……...……………….= $ __________________

2.- EXISTING CONDITIONS ON SITE There are holes, soil ground needs to be removed and recompacted. After a heavy rain there are spot with water on the ground. These problem must be eliminated by providing a % of slope to the ground , by addressing the water to the canal near to the area. 3.- SCOPE OF WORK ( PROJECT # 16 – PR7145534 )

The scope of work considered for this job is the following: Specifications. : The Work shall be governed by the US Consulate Guayaquil. International Codes, which includes the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA), International Building Code, International Mechanical Code, International Plumbing Code, and International Electric Code (NEC), also are applicable. Should there be a discrepancy between the US Consulate Specifications and the applicable Building Code,

the more stringent of the two shall govern. The Contractor is responsible for compliance with all Building Codes; Work not in compliance with the Codes shall be deemed to be unacceptable.

Asphalt work

The asphalt work will concern the Parking Lot Asphalt Parking where some areas are with holes. In the other hand, the soil is settling around the Parking lot ; and to readjust the slope on the parking lot surface so as to slope to the outer perimeter towards the drains.


The Contractor shall assess all points that are affected by holes and repair all areas. The Contractor will fix all holes by using proper tools and equipment. The Contractor shall ensure that the surface to be paved is cleaned with compressed air and any dusts shall not be present for the adhesion of primer and tack coat. Contractor must check the slope of the existing surface. The slope must be adjusted and corrected ,in such a way that, the rainwater drainage should be done by gravity effects and the rainwater must be drained to the existing canal at the parking lot.

Asphalt All asphalt materials shall be preliminary approved by the COR before any application. The Contractor shall submit in advance all aggregates and asphalt analysis as per ASTM or AASHTO standards for testing. The test designations listed below are those that are currently specified for use at least in this Project: ASTM C-29 Test for Unit Weight of Aggregate ASTM C-88 Test for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate ASTM C-117 Test for Materials Finer than No. 200 Sieve in Mineral Aggregates ASTM C-127 Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate ASTM C-128 Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate ASTM C-131 Test for Resistance to Abrasion of Small Size Coarse Aggregate by Use of Los Angeles Abrasion Machine Test for Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate ASTM D-75 Sampling Stone, Slag, Gravel, Sand and Stone Block for Use as Highway Materials ASTM D-140 Sampling Bituminous Materials ASTM D-242 Specification for Mineral Filler for Bituminous Paving Mixtures ASTM D-4125 Standard Test Method for Asphalt Content of Bituminous Mixtures by Nuclear Method ASTM D-4791 Flat and Elongated Particles ASTM D-5821 Percent Fracture AASHTO M-29 Fine Aggregate for Bituminous Paving Mix AASHTO M-43 Standard Size of Coarse Aggregate for Highway Construction

AASHTO M-156 Requirements for Mixing Plants for Hot-Mixed, Hot-Laid Bituminous Paving Mixtures. AASHTO M-208 Specification for Cationic Emulsified Asphalt AASHTO M-226 Viscosity Graded Asphalt Cement – Table Three (3) AASHTO M-320 Standard Specifications for Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder AASHTO T-30 Test for Mechanical Analysis of Extracted Aggregate AASHTO T-43 Test for Specific Gravity of Bituminous Materials AASHTO T-85 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate AASHTO T-102 Spot Test of Asphaltic Materials AASHTO T-164 Test for Quantitative Extraction of Bitumen AASHTO T-195 Test for Coated Particles for Bituminous Mixtures AASHTO T-168 Sampling Bituminous Paving Mixtures AASHTO T-304 Uncompacted Void Content of Fine Aggregate (Fine Aggregate Angularity) AASHTO T-308 Determining the Asphalt Content of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) by Ignition Method AASHTO T-209 Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and Density of Bituminous Paving Mixtures AASHTO T-166 Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Saturated Surface Dry Specimens AASHTO T-275 Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Paraffin-Coated Specimens Prime Coat Quality of Primer should be cationic emulsion as per ASTM 2397 and AASHTO M-208 – Standard Specification for Cationic Emulsified Asphalt. Immediately before applying the prime coat, the full width of the surface shall be cleaned with compressed air.

iii) The bituminous material for the prime coat shall be applied by means of bitumen spray tankers.

ii) This shall be applied in a single layer at the rate of 0.7 – 1.5 liters /sq.m and at a temperature not exceeding 70 deg C. This surface shall be cured for 24 hours. iii) The over spread area shall be cured more than 24 hours/ until excess prime coat is evaporated.

a. Binder course

Quality of Binder should be Bituminous Concrete as per ASTM D6373 and AASHTO M-320 Standard Specifications for Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder.

iii) Immediately before paving the binder course material, the surface of the prime coat shall be cleaned with compressed air and shall be ensured that the surface is dry.

ii) The hot asphalt mix shall be brought from the mixing plant by 6 wheel trucks or trailers. Upon arrival at site, the asphalt mix shall be dumped into the asphalt paver. iii) The asphalt paver shall lay the material to the required thickness and level. iv) The mix shall be compacted as soon as possible after spreading the material. Tandem rollers shall follow the laying operation to carry out breakdown rolling up to temperature of 110- 120° C. Pneumatic tired rollers and tandem rollers shall follow the breakdown rolling and sufficient passes shall be made to achieve the required compaction. Rolling shall start from the sides and proceed toward the center. Each trip of the roller shall overlap the pervious trip by at least 30 cm. Roller wheel shall be kept moistened. The roller shall be capable of reversing without backlash and shall be free from worn parts. Heavy rollers shall be used to complete all rolling including elimination of waves caused by the lighter rollers. Full compaction shall be obtained before the asphalt temperature reaches 100° C. Compaction shall be in accordance with specification of relevant standard. v) The construction joints shall be prepared by cutting the layer vertically down by means of asphalt saw cutting machine or with jack hammer. The joint shall be cleaned well by compressed air and tack coat material shall be applied on the vertical and horizontal surface for better bonding. Extremely good care shall be taken when asphalt is laid at construction joints. vi) The areas inaccessible for heavy rollers shall be compacted with plate compactors or hand tampers. After reaching the base course top level, suitable fill material (dune sand) shall be dumped to the top level of base course on the sides of road shoulders. It shall be leveled, shaped (1:6 ratios) and compacted to 90% maximum dry density.

b. Tack coat

Provide emulsified asphalt conforming to ASTM D 2397 and AASHTO M-208 – Standard Specification for Cationic Emulsified Asphalt. Dilute the emulsified asphalt with equal parts of water. The base asphalt used to manufacture the emulsion shall show a negative spot when tested in accordance with AASHTO T 102.

iii) The material shall be applied at the rate of 0.3 to 0.6 lit/ sq.m at the temperature

not exceeding 54 °C above the binder and at where there is a joint with existing asphalt surface.

ii) The surface shall be cured for the period as per manufacturer’s recommendations until a tacky surface is visible.

c. Surface course Surface Course Bituminous Concrete design mixtures shall respond to all ASTM and AASHTO standard specifications for Hot Mix Asphalt stipulated above. The Contractor shall submit, with the design mixtures, the sufficient passes to reach the optimum compaction of the asphalt.

iii) The hot asphalt mix shall be spread over the cured surface of tack coat by automatic asphalt paver to the required profile and thickness.

ii) The mix shall be compacted as soon as possible after spreading the material. Tandem roller shall follow the laying operation to carry out breakdown rolling up to a temperature of 110- 120° C. Self propelled rollers and Tandem rollers shall follow the breakdown rolling and sufficient passes shall be made to achieve the required compaction. Rolling shall start from the sides and proceed toward the center. Each trip of the roller shall overlap the previous trip by at least 30 cm. Roller wheels shall be kept moistened. The roller shall be capable of reversing without backlash and shall be free from worn parts. Heavy tandem roller shall be used to complete all rolling including elimination of waves caused by the lighter rollers. Full compaction shall be obtained before the asphalt temperature reaches 80° C. Compaction shall be in accordance with specification of relevant standard. Along curbing, structures, and all places not accessible to the roller, the mixture shall be thoroughly compacted by tampers. Such tampers shall not weigh less than twenty-five (25) pounds and shall have a tamping face of not more than fifty (50) square inches. iii) No vehicular traffic loads shall be permitted on the newly paved area until adequate stability has been attained and the material has cooled sufficiently to prevent distortion or loss of fines. A minimum period of 12 hours shall be considered after the completion of the rolling.

d. Heavy Duty Asphalt Pavement Layers All pavement thickness referred to in these specifications are compacted thickness. The Contractor shall place sufficient bituminous concrete mix to insure the specified thickness of pavement occurs after compaction.

Under this Contract, the Contractor must do the following job :

Excavation including eviction of not appropriate existing material from the work area. Filling and compaction of that area with breeding material. Ground Leveling considering the % slope allows the rain water to be evacuated by gravity to the

existing Canal next to the area. Finishing with appropriate Base Material, (Type and Class based on Contractor’s calculation)

Placing of Asphalt primer. Placing of layer of asphaltic concrete, thickness of the asphalt layer is 3 inches ( 3”) , compacted

with roller/drummer, sealed with roller with rubber tires. The asphalt must be mixed in an asphalt plant

Final cleaning and evicting of debris.

Excavacion , incluyendo desalojo de material no apropiado , del area a asfaltar. Relleno y compactacion de esta area con material de mejoramiento Nivelacion de terreno, considerando que la pendiente sea de tal manera que el agua corra por

gravedad al canal existente, junto al area a asfaltar. Acabado con base (Tipo y Clase de base de acuerdo a calculos de Contratista). Imprimacion asfaltica ( riego de imprimacion) Colocada de hormigon-carpeta asfaltica, espesor de 3 pulgadas ( 3”) , colocada con finisher,

compactada con rodillo tipo tambor y sellada con rodillo de neumaticos, el hormigon asfaltico debe de ser mezclado en planta.

Limpieza final y desalojo. Contractor will also be responsible of any damage of premises resulting of this job, and restoration

of the damages will be expected to occur within the 20 calendar days of the period given to complete the job.

After the Note to Proceed is given , the project must be finished and completed within of thirty (30)

working days. Once job is finished, contractor will inform the U.S. Consulate to inspect and approve the work


Closeout 1. At completion of work, the Contractor shall clean any impacted areas to a condition equal to original condition. Contractor must cleaning the areas in premises where work was performed, removal of all materials, left overs, debris and garbage from premises every day by the end of the day. All shipping materials and construction debris are to be disposed of in a legal manner outside of the Compound.

4.- SAFETY – ACCIDENT PREVENTION A. General. The Contractor shall provide and maintain work environments and procedures that will: (1) safeguard the public and Government personnel, property, materials, supplies, and equipment exposed to contractor operations and activities; (2) avoid interruptions of Government operations and delays in project completion dates; and (3) control costs in the performance of this contract.

For these purposes, the Contractor shall: (a) Provide appropriate safety barricades, signs and signal lights; Contractor must use all pre-cautionary measures to protect pedestrians and cars by installing all kind of safety signals as yellow warning tapes around the areas where the job is being performed, barricades blocking the traffic, plywoods where the pedestrians have to walk off the sidewalk and the ground is irregular. (b) Comply with the standards issued by any local government authority having jurisdiction over occupational health and safety issues; and (c) Take any additional measures the Contracting Officer determines to be reasonably necessary for this purpose. B. Records. The Contractor shall maintain an accurate record of exposure data on all accidents incident to work performed under this contract resulting in: (1) death, (2) traumatic injury, (3) occupational disease, or (4) damage to or theft or loss of property, materials, supplies, or equipment. The Contractor shall report this data as directed by the Contracting Officer. C. Subcontracts. The Contractor shall be responsible for its subcontractors’ compliance with this clause. Contractor shall be responsible for the conduct and workmanship of Subcontractors engaged in the Project, and for Subcontractors compliance with the terms of this Statement of Work. The Contractor is responsible for the behavior and workmanship of Subcontractors while on Consulate property. D. Written Program. Before starting the work, the Contractor shall: (1) Submit a written proposal for implementing this clause; and (2) Meet with the Contracting Officer to discuss and develop a mutual understanding of the overall safety program. E. The Contracting Officer shall notify the Contractor of any non-compliance with these requirements and the corrective actions required. The Contractor shall immediately take corrective action after receiving the notice. If the Contractor fails or refuses to promptly take corrective action, the Contracting Officer may issue an order suspending all or part of the work until satisfactory corrective action has been taken. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any equitable adjustment of the contract price or extension of the performance schedule for any suspension of work issued under this clause. 5.- CONSTRUCTION PERSONNEL A. Removal of Personnel The Contractor shall:

(1) maintain discipline at the site and at all times; (2) take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unlawful, riotous or disorderly conduct by or amongst those employed at the site; and (3) take all reasonable precautions for the preservation of peace and protection of persons and property in the neighborhood of the project against unlawful, riotous, or disorderly conduct. The Contracting Officer may require in writing that the Contractor remove from the work any employee that the Contracting Officer determines: (1) incompetent, (2) careless, (3) insubordinate or (4) otherwise objectionable, or (5) Whose continued employment on the project is deemed by the Contracting Officer to be contrary to the Government's interests. B. Construction Personnel Security After award of the contract, the Contractor has three (3) calendar days to submit to the Contracting Officer a list of workers and supervisors assigned to this project for the Government to conduct all necessary security checks. It is anticipated that security checks will take 5 days to perform. For each individual the list shall include: Full Name Place and Date of Birth Current Address Identification number Failure to provide any of the above information may be considered grounds for rejections and/or resubmittal of the application. Once the Government has completed the security screening and approved the applicants a badge will be provided to the individual for access to the site. This badge may be revoked at any time due to the falsification of data, or misconduct on site. These passes must be displayed visibly by all Contractor personnel working on site. The Contractor shall inform its employees to be used under this contract that they may be subject to search by the Government when entering or leaving work. The Contractor shall return all passes upon conclusion of the contract. 6.- MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT

A. General. The Contractor shall provide all necessary supplies and mechanical equipment in

good condition necessary to perform the work. No materials or mechanical equipment will be furnished by the Government. Contractor will be in charge of transportation of materials and labor force to and from the working spaces.

The Contractor shall provide all necessary painting supplies and equipment, including brushes, rollers, buckets, mixers, space heaters, drop cloths, scrapers, sanding gear, electric sprayers,

ladders, scaffolds, extension cords in good shape and texture sprayers if necessary to perform the work. The Government will not supply any materials. The Contractor shall also provide all necessary Personal Protective Equipment –PPE- for his employees, including without limitation, safety glasses, gloves, dust mask, respirator, overalls, shirts with the logo of the Contracting company, hard hats and other PPE required to perform this task in a safe manner to all personnel present where the job is performed. Flow of fresh air for workers will also be guaranteed by the Contractor.

B. Selection and Approval of Materials 1. Standard of quality. All materials and equipment incorporated into the work shall be new and for the purpose intended, unless otherwise specified, and all workmanship shall be of good quality and performed in a skillful manner as determined by the Contracting Officer. 2. Selection by Contractor. Where the contract permits the Contractor to select products, materials or equipment to be incorporated into the work, or where specific approval is otherwise required by the contract, the Contractor shall give the Contracting Officer, for approval: (a) the names of the manufacturer; (b) model number; (c) source of procurement of each such product, material or equipment; and (d) other pertinent information concerning the: (i) nature, (ii) appearance, (iii) dimensions, (iv) performance, (v) capacity, and (vi) rating, unless otherwise required by the Contracting Officer. 2. The Contractor shall provide this information in a timely manner to permit the Government to

evaluate the information against the requirements of the contract. The Contractor shall provide a submittal register three (3) days after contract award showing when shop drawings, samples, or submittals shall be made. The Contractor shall submit samples for approval at the Contractor's expense, with all shipping charges prepaid, when directed to do so by the Contracting Officer or COR. Installation or use of any products, materials or equipment without the required approval shall be at the risk of rejection.

The contractor shall also provide the Facility Manager with a list of all equipment, listing the manufacturer, model, serial number of all equipment to be used on this project at least seven (7) days prior to the commencement of any work. Any vehicles utilized by the contractor are also considered equipment. The contractor must provide make, year, model number and license plate number. All vehicles will be inspected prior to entering and prior to leaving the premises. The contractor must notify the Facility

Manager in writing at least 24 hours in advance of the pending removal of any contractor owned equipment. The Contractor shall also provide all necessary Personal Protective Equipment –PPE- for his employees, including without limitation, safety glasses, gloves, dust mask, respirator, overalls, shirts with the logo of the Contracting company, hard hats and other PPE required to perform this task in a safe manner to all personnel present where the job is performed. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for risk assessments, managing health, and safety issues associated with this project. Based on hazard assessments, Contractor shall provide or afford each affected employee personal protective equipment (PPE) that will protect the employee from hazards. At a minimum PPE shall consist of eye protection, hard hats, closed toe shoes and respiratory protection with filters. If the workers arrive on-site with sandals or athletic shoes, the Contractor is expected to provide rubber boots to them or send them home. All construction workers and management personnel must wear hard hats at all times on the construction sites. Other PPE such as gloves, dust masks, air respirators and boots are also recommended. These items must be provided at the Contractor’s expense. Workers may use discretion if they feel unsafe in using the equipment in a hostile environment. Any worker at an elevated location above 4 meters, with the exception of a portable ladder, must be provided and utilize a safety harness. The contractor must document in the bid for work how the hazard controls will be implemented and maintained during the project. The Contractor shall prepare and implement an Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) prior to the start of work. The Contactor must have a competent person on-site for inspection of equipment, training workers in the safe use of equipment and the recognition of hazards related to their use, supervision, and identifying and correcting unsafe work practices for high hazard work.

C. Custody of Materials

The Contractor shall be responsible for the custody of all materials received for incorporation into the project, including Government furnished materials, upon delivery to the Contractor or to any person for whom it is responsible, including subcontractors. The Contractor shall deliver all such items to the site as soon as practicable. If required by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall clearly mark in a manner directed by the Contracting Officer all items of which the Contractor has custody but which have not been delivered or secured at the site, clearly indicating the use of such items for this U.S. Government project.


The objective of scheduled routine-services is to assure continuous, safe, and satisfactory operation of the Compound. The Contractor shall submit to the COR a schedule and description of all tasks which the Contractor plans to provide. The schedule for works during the week is the following : Monday to Friday : 8H:00 to 16H:45

Unless otherwise agreed with COR or the Facility Manager, the Work shall be executed during normal Consulate work hours. Night, weekend or holiday work shall not be permitted except as arranged in advance with Facilities Management and COR. Consulate holiday schedule is available from Facilities Management or COR. If any aspect of this work is deemed by the Facility Manager to be interruptive of normal embassy operations, the contractor shall be required to perform that portion of the work at night, on Saturdays and Sundays. A provision for this should be included in the response to the request for quotation. Working at night, on Saturdays and Sundays will not be considered a change order or a change in field conditions, but rather a standard provision of the contract.


A design must be sent to US Consulate General before this work is awarded. US Consulate may or may not ask for changes or corrections in submitted offer before contract is awarded. In case a new offer is requested, it should be submitted within two working days after the corrections are asked.

9.- SITE VISIT AND QUOTATION SUBMITTAL A site visit will be held on April 04, 2018, from 09H:00 to 09H:30 at the Consulate Compound located at Av Rodriguez Bonin and Calle Santa Ana. Prospective offerors / quoters should contact Jorge Armijos by e-mail at [email protected] for additional information. Quotes indicating price, materials, with measures and material samples/catalogues must be received before April 13/ 2018 . Quotes presented after this period will not be considered in the competition. Questions may be sent by mail to [email protected] during the first five (5) days after the site visit. Answers will be submitted in writing only to vendors who were present in the site visit. 10.- HOURS OF PERFORMANCE

The chosen vendor will transport all materials and personnel on his own , this means, he will transport the materials and personnel to the Consulate Compound located at the intersection of Jose Rodriguez Bonin Avenue and Santa Ana Street, Sector San Eduardo, Guayaquil. Available times for working are the followings, during the week

11.-DELIVERABLES The Contractor shall delivery the following items under this contract: Description Quantity Delivery Date Deliver to

Insurance 1 5 days after Award Contracting Officer Safety Plan 1 5 days after Award COR List of Personnel with ID# 1 5 days after Award COR Construction Schedule 1 identified in each task order COR Payment Request/Invoice 1 completion of each task order COR 12.- GOVERNMENT ACCEPTANCE AND QUALITY ASSURANCE AND SURVEILLANCE PLAN (QASP)

The Consulate requires at least 12 months warranty after date of installation. This plan is designed to provide an effective surveillance method to promote effective contractor performance. The QASP provides a method for the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) to monitor contractor performance, advise the contractor of unsatisfactory performance, and notify the Contracting Officer of continued unsatisfactory performance. The contractor, not the Government, is responsible for management and quality control to meet the terms of the contract. The role of the Government is to conduct quality assurance to ensure that contract standards are achieved.

Performance Objective PWS Para Performance Threshold Services. Performs all construction and installation services set forth in the performance work statement (PWS). Management. Services performed are routinely checked and measured for quality.

1 thru 7 4

All required services are performed and no more than one (1) customer complaint is received. Daily random inspections are performed with no more than one (1) unsatisfactory rating per inspection.

12.1 SURVEILLANCE. The COR will receive and document all complaints from Government personnel regarding the services provided. If appropriate, the COR will send the complaints to the Contractor for corrective action. 12.2 STANDARD. The performance standard is that the Government receives no more than one (1) customer complaint and/or no more than one (1) unsatisfactory rating. The COR shall notify the Contracting Officer of the complaints so that the Contracting Officer may take appropriate action to enforce the inspection clause (FAR 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions-Commercial Items), if any of the services exceed the standard. 12.3 PROCEDURES.

(a) If any Government personnel observe unacceptable services, either incomplete work or required services not being performed they should immediately contact the COR.

(b) The COR will complete appropriate documentation to record the complaint and/or unsatisfactory rating.

(c) If the COR determines the complaint and/or unsatisfactory rating is invalid, the COR will

advise the complainant. The COR will retain the annotated copy of the written complaint for his/her files. (d) If the COR determines the complaint and/or unsatisfactory rating is valid, the COR will

inform the Contractor and give the Contractor additional time to correct the defect, if additional time is available. The COR shall determine how much time is reasonable.

(e) The COR shall, as a minimum, orally notify the Contractor of any valid complaints and/or

unsatisfactory rating. (f) If the Contractor disagrees with the complaint and/or unsatisfactory rating after

investigation of the site and challenges the validity of the complaint, the Contractor will notify the COR. The COR will review the matter to determine the validity of the complaint and/or unsatisfactory rating.

(g) The COR will consider complaints and/or unsatisfactory rating as resolved unless notified

otherwise by the complainant. (h) Repeat customer complaints and/or unsatisfactory rating are not permitted for any

services. If a repeat customer complaint is received for the same deficiency during the service period, the COR will contact the Contracting Officer for appropriate action under the Inspection clause. 13.-INVOICES AND PAYMENT

Individual invoices shall be submitted electronically for each order, accompanied by the task order and inventory list, following provided instructions.

To constitute a proper invoice, the invoice shall include all the items required by FAR 32.905(e).

The contractor shall show Value Added Tax (VAT) as a separate item on invoices submitted for payment.


(a) The Contracting Officer may designate in writing one or more Government employees, by name or position title, to take action for the Contracting Officer under this contract. Each designee shall be identified as a Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR). Such designation(s) shall specify the scope and limitations of the authority so delegated; provided, that the designee shall not change the terms or conditions of the contract, unless the COR is a warranted Contracting Officer and this authority is delegated in the designation.

(b) The COR for this contract is the Facilities Engineer or the Maintenance Supervisor in his absence.


This job will be awarded after competition between interested vendors, and the lowest priced, technically acceptable offer will be selected. Quote should include past performance references with names, phones of contracting person, pictures of installed work or any other information that could demonstrate quality of the services requested. Samples of all materials to be used in the job should be submitted with the quote to U.S. Consulate’s offices. 16.- CONTRACTOR DELAYS : The contractor must provide a chronogram (construction schedule) of work with the project proposal. The construction schedule must include a detailed timeline of the proposed project in the form of days. Delay on part of the contractor will result in a daily penalty of $250 - $500 per day of delay. Delays on part of the Consulate, COR, Contracting Officer, or for any reason by the U.S. Government will not be considered a contractor delay and therefor will not result in any penalty. If a stop notice is given to the contractor, the contractor will have seven calendar days to commence work once any notice to proceed (NTP) is given after the initial NTP. Any and all damages caused by the contractor will be recouped prior to the final payment to the contractor.



UTILITIES : The Government can not ensure that utilities will be available at all properties at all times. The Contractor shall have an alternate source of power (portable generator) available if needed to ensure that paint will be applied following the manufacturer's specifications. The Contractor shall have its own alternate source of water available for the job and for clean up, in case there is a water restriction in the service supplied by the city.

MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT: The Contractor shall not incur any costs beyond those described in this SOW unless directed otherwise in writing by the Contracting Officer. Any work performed by the Contractor beyond this SOW without written direction from the Contracting Officer will be at the Contractor’s own risk and at no cost to the Consulate.

STOP WORK : At any time during the Project, the Contracting Officer reserves the right to Stop Work for protection of employees or visitors, security, or any other reason at his/her discretion. SUBMITTALS : The contractor is responsible to submit the following documents for COR Review and approval. The Facility Manager review, however, does not relieve of the contractor’s responsibility for the engineering work as to provide a complete working system:

a. Installer Qualifications:

All work under this Scope of work shall be performed by Construction Contractor having experiences on asphalt works. The Contractor shall have the following qualifications: 1. Qualifications for installation firm and installation supervisor 2. A list of the relevant projects. Do not list projects that proposed staff was not involved, even if your firm was. 3. Qualifications/Experience of the firm 4. References

b. Materials The Contractor shall provide product data and material safety data sheet for each type of manufactured material with the design mixtures for the cationic emulsion, binder course and hot mix asphalt as per ASTM standards.

c. Proposed design and construction schedule The Contractor shall submit a project design and construction bar chart schedule with their technical proposal. The bar chart schedule developed by the Contractor shall reflect their recommended project phases, phase activities and activity durations. A written narrative shall also be included with the technical proposal explaining the schedule submitted and the reasons why and how it can be completed in the time frame proposed by the Contractor. This schedule and narrative will be reviewed by the Technical Evaluation Committee as part of the evaluation process and will be assigned a score with clarity and comprehensiveness of the submission.

d. Hazard control measures plan The contractor must document in the bid for work how the hazard controls will be implemented and maintained during the project.


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