Page 1: Southern Stereotypes[1]

Southern stereotypes

Always based off some truth

Page 2: Southern Stereotypes[1]

These southerners believe the south will rise again. I believe the south thinks they are different from everybody (civil war) else. The civil war


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Southerners are thought of to eat strange things. Alligator on a stick is definitely strange. When there is not much to eat people start getting


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The south is known for being very superstitious of magic and witches. The Salem witch trials are one of the biggest examples of superstitions

in the south.

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Incest was common in the south. Incest causes deformities because the D.N.A. from the parents is so similar there is no variety. In T.K.A.M. scout says how

aunt Alexandria is related to the Cunninghams somehow.

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Another stereotype from the south is that southerners have no teeth. This is where the term toothless Joe is derived.

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K.K.K. originated in the south. A stereotype from the south would be that most people from the south are racist. There is racism everywhere no matter where you go. Not that I find any of these stereotypes valid, this one, I believe, is less valid.

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Rednecks is a slur given to southerners. It’s not something nice to say and is taken as offensive as the n-word is taken.

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Southern states are known to be red states. Red states are states that are mostly republican. Maybe the red states has something to do with

the word rednecks.

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This picture is a dish from the south called gumbo. It is definitely traditional and most people from the south eat it.

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Another stereotype is that southerners live in trailers. This might be true but it is not a matter of preference. The people who live here are forced

into this type of unfortunate living environment.

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Southerners are also known for being very polite and pleasant. Not all stereotypes are bad. I would love my race to have a stereotype like


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