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Jayson WieczorekPeriod 7

Southernization1. Some interactions that were happening in the Indian Ocean Basin were the cultivation and trade of cotton, expansion in search of bullion, and the trade of spices from India into the Mediterranean. India’s textile industry was rapidly growing and quickly spread into Egypt. In the 2nd century CE, textiles had spread to the Mediterranean and East Africa, and by the 5th century, into Southeast Asia. Siberia had long been the main source of India’s bullion, but with increasing nomadic disturbances, India needed to find a new source. This led them to expand into Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and East Africa. Spices were sparsely traded during the first few centuries CE, but the trade took off during and after the Crusades, which introduced spices as spoils of war to the Europeans.

2. The commodities being transported in the India Ocean were cotton, from India to Africa and Southeast Asia, Spices, from India to the Mediterranean, Silk, from East Asia to India and Europe, and gold bullion, from East Africa to India.

3. Some global significances of Southernization are that it led to increased trade in the Indian Ocean, which allowed new goods to be exported/imported, Ideas spread rapidly from place to place, some examples are the base 10 mathematics used in India, political structures, and religion, and Southernization was an example of what would happen during Westernization. It paved the way for Westernization and gave empires a feel as to how distant expansion might affect their society.

4. The statement means that without Europe exploring into more tropical regions, such as East and Southeast Asia, many of the goods and ideas that they acquired could not have been transferred into the West. The Indian Ocean opened up a whole new spectrum of what the Europeans could attain, as far as goods and ideas, and caused them to bring the ideas back to Europe and integrate them into their societies. These ideas and products helped make Northwestern Europe a major power in the world.

5. World-changing Chinese inventions were a repercussion of Southernization because it allowed China to access to new ideas, namely Indian, and helped further their own innovations. China adopted some of the mathematical techniques employed by the Indians, as well as new products like cotton and Champa rice. The bubonic plagued being transmitted from China to the Middle East, Africa, and Europe was caused by the extensive trade networks along the Silk Road and the Indian Ocean. People were constantly in contact with others from different regions and this constant interaction provided a haven for the bubonic plague to spread as rapidly and vastly as it did. The expansion of Islam was a repercussion of Southernization because the Muslims imported cotton and other crops from India and East Asia. These new products allowed the Muslims to develop extensive agricultural systems which allowed them to stabilize their political and economic structures. The African slave trade also provided connections for Islam to grow off of and expand. Muslims are also credited with finding new sources of gold bullion. Portuguese exploration was a result of Southernization because most of the Portuguese techniques for sailing were developed by the Muslims. They could not have acquired this knowledge without the expansion of Islam which in turn, could not have happened without Southernization. The lateen sail was developed by the Muslims and so was the table that indicated the declination of the sun

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at noon based on longitude. Both of these technologies were extensively used by the Portuguese during their sailing voyages.

6. I think the author was motivated to use the term “Southernization” to describe the exchanges in world history because she wanted to inform people of the first impetus that allowed for all of these technologies and ideas to spread. Many times people do not realize that the expansion into Southeast Asia was the key reason for the rise of Islam or the increased trade between India and China and Europe and Africa.

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