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a quarterly magazine that celebrates your soul {soul life} spring2015

{in this issue A Time of Growth


Creating Space

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Beautiful Souls,

Greetings of the best kind…pure joy! This time of year is full of eternal hope, bright awakenings and sweet moments of magic. Springtime…such exhilarating moments of wonder and possibility. Everywhere you look there is something blooming, something new you haven’t seen, and it sparks something within you, something you can’t quite explain. That’s the energy of life! Let it out dear one and give yourself permission to expand.

As with every issue, our hearts are delighted to connect with you once again. In the following pages may you hear a whisper, open to an insight, and feel your soul nourished with love. We’ve got lots to talk about – spring, inner and outer growth,

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{ contentsA Time of Growth ..................................................................................... 3Crystal Spotlight ...................................................................................... 6This is the Season I Love .......................................................................... 7Soul Walks ............................................................................................... 9Loving-Kindness .................................................................................... 10Soul Reads ............................................................................................. 12Creating Space ....................................................................................... 14Soul Food ............................................................................................... 18Soul Kids: Learning Through the Eyes of Children ................................... 22Soul Words ............................................................................................. 24Soul Art .................................................................................................. 25

{loving kindness, heart listening, beautiful images, vibrant colors and sweet reflections.

Whether you’re a mom or dad, single or married, in a relationship or in transition, a 9-5er or an entrepreneur, know that we’ve created this magazine for you. We all have a soul and learning to live our lives with more intuition, guidance and willingness allows our soul to lead us. We are all in this together so enjoy the journey and let your light shine. We invite you to join us in play on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+. We’ll keep the conversation going until we reach the season.

From our hearts to yours!Dani, Joey and Lora

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You might think this article is about new plants growing and how the bright beautiful season of spring is upon us, but it’s not. Instead, this is about a time of growth that is within. It’s about the experience of asking yourself questions that have the potential to shake your very foundation. This article is about my journey of growth and how the Universe orchestrated it.

A Time of Growth

Do you believe in a Divine Plan?{ {

by Dani Palacio

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When asked about me most people would say something about my courage to leap into a new experience and my unwavering trust in the Universe. I walked away from a very successful career as an international marketing manager. I picked up and moved to Peru and sold or gave away everything I owned in the process. I fearlessly listened to the whispers and sometimes the screams of my soul.

I made a commitment years ago to allow my soul to lead, to not get in the way of the Divine Plan, and to do my best to be a faithful servant of the Divine’s Will. I did this when I believed I had to do something to save the world. I had to be that activist who helped people, loved unconditionally and be available to others at the expense of myself. (That’s what we call a martyr syndrome!)

The core truth of that commitment stayed with me. Only now, however, I understand that I don’t have to sacrifice myself to save the world. The world is perfect just as it is. I incarnated to live my life and to be in the experience of in-joy-meant and to live in pleasure so I can express my passion and it goes one deeper…to live in passion! (That actually saves the world more!) So I am still committed to living from my soul and allowing the Divine Plan to unfold with a willingness that enables me to live a joyful journey.

So now that we have all that said, this “time for growth” was a bit unexpected. See I thought I did know the Divine Plan and that I was taking meaningful action to “make it happen!” What a cosmic joke! Like I could make it happen in the first place. Now don’t get me wrong, I didn’t surrender and give up. Here’s the story…

When I visited Scotland in the autumn of 2014, I discovered that passion was not in my life. I woke up in the Highlands. I met myself in a way that inspired me and my internal flame burst into a raging fire. Passion engulfed me and I knew that I must figure out a way to live in Scotland. And it seemed like the Divine Plan agreed that I got the message and that indeed I am meant to live in Scotland. Ideas of what I could do came rushing in, people showed up and shared my vision, and things were so magical and synchronistic that I almost couldn’t believe it, but I did!!

I returned to the United States, enjoyed the holidays with my family, the New Year came and I put my resume out to contract agencies – BAM!! I got an interview, got the job, found a place to live and it all happened within a 3-week timeframe. My desires were being fulfilled and I am now working and saving money getting ready to return to the beautiful Scottish Highlands and soul family come this August. And then…

My new manager and I were talking and the job I’m doing is actually approved for a permanent hire. And she asks me the question, “do you think your plans might change as it would be a tragedy if they did and we didn’t get to hire you.” Something inside me knew this was going to happen and something inside of me told me I wasn’t going to like the answer. My plan was no longer the Divine Plan. After four days of deep processing, looking at my beliefs, checking in with my Guides, asking friends to check in for me and then finally just sitting still and entering my heart space, I realized that I was deeply attached to my wonderful plan to go to Scotland.

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You see, my desire and the Divine Plan actually do match. Scotland is the intended destination but the “how I get there” is different. I thought if I worked, saved money that I could figure this out and get some kind of visa to stay there. I was going over in August to figure it out and staying until the end of the year – plenty of time! But the Divine Plan wanted me to apply for the job, stay in the corporate America cubicle land. You might ask why, I know I did!

Working in a large corporation opens up opportunities for an international transfer to Scotland! (It might take a few years but there are opportunities if I am an employee) I don’t have to figure this out. It’s not me who is going to “make this happen.” I forgot that I am eternally and unconditionally loved and supported. The Universe knows my desire, my passion and is creating the path to fulfill it. And not only that, but also doing it in a way that is full of ease, abundance and joy – WOW!!!

Do you believe in a Divine Plan? I always have and this experience had me questioning what it really is and how it really works. It was my time for growth. And I did…I grew up. I finally got on every level what it means to have made the commitment to stay willing and allow the Soul to lead. I got it in a way that has me arms wide open, heart fully exposed and my head back laughing!!

Who knows if I’ll get the job. It doesn’t really matter. I am living my life and there is a goal that inspires me. That kind of passion is priceless. All is well and life is good. My soul is leading the way and my heart is open!

I forgot that I am eternally and

unconditionally loved and supported.{ {

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I am alive...loving life...breathing deep...waking up...feeling...yearning

I touch life...watching it grow...seeing it shape...flying high...tasting...smelling

I know life...going far...reaching out...opening up...needing...sharing...holding life...hearing life

I am Lora Keddie

Crystal Spotlight: CITRINECitrine is one of the most beautiful crystals. It comes in many colors but all of them have a hint of yellow/gold. It energizes on every level of life – body, mind and soul. It powerfully works with and cleanses the third chakra, our Solar Plexus. The third chakra is the “joy center” and it’s the place of identity. It’s connected to the sun – the I AM. It is one of the only crystals that does not hold negative energy. Rather, it transmutes it to positive. It attracts wealth and success while assisting you in opening your intuition. It raises one's mood and encourages happiness and laughter. In this time of growth and birthing, may Citrine be a friend to encourage your growth!

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I love the seasons - each for their individual personalities and gifts. It's now spring and my email and phone have been abuzz with friends and family sharing their sudden inspirations, their new ideas and plans. They are right on the mark with my garden shooting up its first new growth. All winter my plant friends have been working deep below the soil, spreading and expanding their roots. Now they, too, are sprouting. They are rejuvenated and giving birth to this year’s buds, flowers, leaves, fruits, and berries.

This is a season of new life and awakenings.

Both the spring equinox and Easter are named after the Great Mother Goddess, Ostara. The Saxon goddess of fertility, she was also known as Eostre and Eastur. Her name was derived from the

ancient word for spring, "eastre". Her companion, Attis, was said to be born of a virgin and was resurrected around the spring equinox. Does this sound like another spiritual figure we celebrate during this season? Ostara played her hand not just in resurrections, but also transformations. It’s said that she found a dying bird and in order to bring it back to life she transformed it into a hare. Yet, the hare still laid eggs and he would gift these eggs to Ostara every spring.


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This is a season too of birth and of second chances.

These conversations with friends remind me how much we are affected by the seasons. You don't have to live in the country or wilds to feel its effects. I have found that the more I sync my life and habits to the season’s rhythms, the happier and healthier my life has become. It is why I love spring so much. Spring is rich with the magic of life; it’s the season's power. This season's gift to you is to help you bring forth, emerge and give life to something new. My favorite way to use and honor this gift is between the spring equinox, March 20th and Beltane, May 1st. On a small piece of paper, write something that you want to bring forth into life. Then outside, plant this piece of paper with a new plant or seeds. As you nurture the plant, see how it emerges; watch it grow, and see what flowers, fruits and gifts it and this simple-but-powerful ceremony

bear by summer.

I've also noticed that among my conversations what is also emerging is fear of these new adventures, new desires and new thoughts. This, too, is natural. A baby's scream - not giggle - is how it takes its first breath. You might just need to scream... seriously. Some "Easter Eggs" might be harder to crack than others. I promise if you ignore the life that wants to emerge now, fear won't be your only problem. My life became miserable when I ignored that which wanted to grow out from me.

As the season of darkness ends and a new season of life begins, I truly hope each of you has found, in your dormancy and deepness, a spark wanting to emerge from inside of you.

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An exploration of bloomsPhotography & inspiration by Lora Keddie

Soul Walks are a time to really “see” into nature, to walk consciously, breathing awareness into your being and allowing your soul to speak to you. So often, we move through our days missing those soft, subtle moments, those whispering questions that our soul wants to ponder. Soul Walks don't have to be far. They can be down your street and even through your backyard. This issue's Soul Walk was shared by Lora Keddie from her time in her garden. We challenge you to grab a camera and enter into a meditative walk where you breathe into

the moments and listen with your soul wide-open. We invite you to send us your images and soul questions to [email protected].

{soul walks}What

needs to blossom for your fruit to


What strength

can be found in delicate beauty?

How much detail do we miss by not looking closer?

What beauty has to be seen

from below?

What blossoms of

life have I missed?

What is "pollenating"

my own flowers?

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I place my right foot on the path and I say to myself, “May I be happy.” I set my left foot down and I say, “May I be healthy.” With the next footfall I say, “May I have peace.” Anoth-er step, “May I live with ease.” I keep this up for a few more steps until the world comes crashing in and I start making lists of the things I need to do, and whether or not my daughter-in-law is angry at me for speaking my mind.

Attempting to be mindful is exhausting!

Again, I slow down and I place my right foot on the path and I say, “Look! Somebody did not pick up their dog’s poop, there are signs posted all over, what is wrong with people?”

Once more, I take a breath…this time I’ll meditate for a friend. I set my right foot on the path and I say to myself, “May you be happy.” Another step, “May you be healthy.” Another, “May you have peace, may you live with ease.” I wonder why it is so much easier for me to stay focused on others than it is on myself.

I’ve been practicing Metta meditation for many years, the last two in a formal group with a teacher. Metta is the Pāli word for loving-kindness. Pāli is the language of the scriptures of Theravada Buddhism, which were written in Sri Lanka during the 1st cen-tury BC.

One night two years ago, when I was in a particularly deep and dark place emotional-ly, I went online to find a group that I could join and start on the path to quiet the voices in my head. I knew it would be a process;

it wasn’t going to happen overnight. I had read a lot of books on Buddhism and longed for the chance to meet like-minded people just trying to navigate life without causing too much damage to themselves or others. I found a group and sent out a request for details at 1:00 am; by morning I had received a reply. I wonder sometimes how many late night inquiries come in to groups like this. How many people like me are reaching out in their own dark night of the soul?

I started going to Metta meditation because I had a major case of “monkey mind.” I could not get the voices to be quiet; they would wake me up at three in the morning and keep me up the rest of the night rehashing things from my past or predicting my future. I would have to get out of bed and tiptoe off to my office and write it all out, every gory detail. I began to call one of the voices "my critic," it sounded just like my mother. Not surprising--my mother and I have never had a good relationship. She always considered me an oddity, and wondered why I was so volatile and hard to define. But it never stopped her from giving her opinion on any-thing I did-- getting married at 18, the way I raised my three sons, what I wore, my work and especially my tattoos.

The first night I went to the Metta group, my niece agreed to go along. We arrived at the yoga studio and there was a huge crowd, probably twenty-five people. The instructor was soft-spoken and friendly and showed us where everything was; zafus, zabutons, yoga mats, blocks and blankets, anything we needed to be comfortable in order to take the “one seat”.

Loving-Kindnessby Susan Lockett

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Everyone settled, the lights were dimmed and he began his instructions about how to meditate on loving-kindness, sending loving-kindness to myself, a friend, a neutral person and finally to a difficult person. I had just left a terrible job so I had a couple of people picked out right away for the difficult person; I wasn’t ready to send any of them loving-kindness yet, I just wanted to count the ways I had been wronged. Obviously, it’s going to take some time before I reach enlightenment.

Finally, the voices have begun to quiet. I tell people they are all still in here, they’ve just learned to take turns and be more polite. Oh, "the critic," she is still in here, too, and she likes to comment, particularly when I’m trying to create a piece of art or write a story. But, I try to send her loving-kindness and compassion, because I have had time to consider where she comes from; she is a frightened child that didn’t get all the oppor-tunities I did.

About our guest writer: Susan LockettEmpath, beekeeper, fiber artist, budding writer, lifelong learner and meditator.

I still go every Sunday night and sit with a group of friends and meditate on sending loving-kindness out into the world. Some nights I end up making grocery lists and other nights I work out a conversation I need to have with a friend, but most nights, thank-fully, I am able to keep others in my heart and wish them to be happy, healthy and to have peace. I read a lot of sacred texts from all religions, books on Buddhism and I medi-tate daily. Now, when my panic attacks begin about the future or the regrets of the past start chasing their tails, I stop and send my-self loving-kindness, take a deep breath and take stock of my physical being, an inventory of all my blessings and I remember that there is a roof over my head, food in the refrigera-tor and a family that loves me.

What else do I need?

Attempting to be mindful is exhausting.{ {

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Unplugging the PatriarchyWritten by Lucia René

REVIEWED BY JENNIFER STRAIT -- Have you ever considered what your Hero / Heroine's Journey is? Or wonder what you 'signed up to do' while being here? What if you didn't like it? Would you do it anyway? Thankfully, Lucia René said YES to her assignment, and I think it's pretty awesome that she did.

Unplugging the Patriarchy, by Lucia René, is a book that will stretch your thinking, challenge your understanding, and stimulate your imagination about what you think The Patriarchy really is. If there's any chance you're into energetic conspiracy theories, you will LOVE Lucia's journey as she fulfills an ancient commitment her soul made to the Lineage. Or as she puts it, her 'spiritual marching orders'... Grab your book-underline-marking tools of choice and go get Unplugging the Patriarchy.

I've always considered myself a confident, outspoken feminist and have, on occasion, relished in passionate conversations regarding the oppression of women, the dismissal of their inherent value and importance to a balanced world. I have a daughter, which fires up my passion for a world in balance even more. I needed to read this book. And open my eyes.

I don't think this book is just for women…men who have felt trapped, diminished, and controlled by the patriarchal system will also find this book fascinating. You will learn the history of our current financial, political, monetary, military, religious, and educational controls and you'll either want to argue or let it sink in.

For me, I'm always up for a good conspiracy theory. Secret societies? Count me in. Take down evil empires? Sign me up. Fight for the freedom of our souls? Bring it. Lucia's journey gives you the opportunity to up your spiritual game and shows the importance of having Soul Family, Cosmic Guides, and Patient Partners.

And while you're reading, consider this question: Are you (your Soul) doing what you COMMITTED to do while you're here on the planet, or are you doing what you WANT to do? Lucia chose the path of commitment, and for that, I'm inspired and encouraged.

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About our guest writer: Jennifer StraitJennifer is one of our resident Sage Hottie Wise-Women at Soul Talk! Her calling and commitment is to bring humor, wisdom, and spiritual irreverence to her coaching clients, workshops, and Madame Coco (The Shaman in Chanel) performances. She's always up for joining a spiritual cause as long as it comes with an amazing (and flattering) ensemble. The sparklier the better. You can contact her through or [email protected].

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My love for photography was awakened while traveling overseas to more than 40 countries. It was the people

that caught my attention -- behind each face there was a soul with a story waiting to be told. Using my

camera I could share their story as well as using it as a therapeutic tool to create healing and life.

Now, Joey Paynter Photography is here to capture moments of your life for you or a loved one. My style

is artistic, natural and real with an emphasis on connection and life. My goal is that every picture I take becomes a work of art that tells a story reflecting who

you are and is beautifully unique to you.Specializing in natural light photography for

engagements, families, children, seniors, portraits, concerts, and private events.

Soul art made by hand with heart. Original photography by Jennifer Selig enhanced by words and quotations from psychology and spirituality on mediums

like canvas and wood. Find her on Etsy:

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How many times have you thought to yourself, “I just don’t have the energy? I’m too tired, too blocked, too exhausted, and too overwhelmed to do any…one…thing.” I know I have. In these moments, I’ve stretched myself to the limit and now my body is asking me to rest, to slow down, to pause, and to let go of all the demands that my outer world has placed on me.

Depending on the day unfortunately, I might ignore this plea to slow down because somehow I’ve convinced myself that this just can’t wait. Other days I might pull together a small rebuttal and tell my body, “I don’t think you understand, if I don’t keep moving, there’s going to be so much more I’ll have to face tomorrow.” However, what I’m really afraid of is that if I don’t get this next thing done then somehow I’ve failed and I’ve let someone else down. Sometimes that someone is mySelf. But wait… why does this and not my own body’s plea for rest concern me so much? It doesn’t make sense. The vessel that holds my self is letting me know that there’s only so much more it can take and instead of listening, I act as if her words hold little meaning. I wonder where, when, and how these wires got so crossed?

Creating SpaceBy Joey Paynter

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Where have I allowed the

clutter to gather?{ {

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Now let’s reflect. At the end of the day, I can choose to judge myself, or I can take a moment and become curious. After all, I must remember my response holds the key to what I value. It becomes rather apparent in these situations that it’s not my body or my self that I value. I’d say, it’s almost as if the image of who I think I’m supposed to be and who others need me to be is more important than who I am. So, my life ends up becoming a performance. I become a puppet to the demands I’ve allowed the world to place on me. And I can’t help but wonder, is it really worth sacrificing my own well-being just so that I might convince another that I have it all together? Am I really that afraid of what my vulnerability means about me? Is the performance worth more than my soul? Surely not. Yet, I still don’t listen.

Of course, I’d prefer to blame it on time. I mean if I could just balance my time better then maybe I could get more things done and then maybe I wouldn’t feel so tired all the time. Wrong. This isn’t a time issue; it’s a space issue. What I mean by space is, if I'm not allowing myself the space to breathe, or the space to fail, or the space to mess up and miss a deadline, or even the space to just be, then all I’m really doing is filling my space with clutter. The clutter then becomes the very thing that I begin to value. Not because I want to, but because I’ve trained myself that way. So the question becomes, how do I begin to clear out all this distracting clutter?

We all know spring is that time of year where we clear out the dust and usher in the new. We call it spring-cleaning, that yearly act of cleaning a house from top to bottom in the first warm days of the year. If we want, we can even trace the origins of this ritual back to the Iranian Norouz, the Persian New Year, which falls on the first day of spring. It’s said that Iranians

continue the practice of "khooneh tekouni" which literally means, "shaking the house" just before the New Year. The Jewish culture cleanses the home in preparation of Passover and the Greek’s call "Clean Week" the week before lent, where they clean their homes thoroughly. What is all this cleaning really about then?

As I’m sure you can gather, cleaning the home is a symbolic act of clearing the space for what’s to come. In many ways cleaning is about priming, it’s setting the stage and getting ready for what wants to be born. It’s a time to attune to your space and not just the space that is outside you, but also the one within you. So while you’re in the midst of doing your spring-cleaning this year, I ask you to consider what needs clearing out inside your other home? You know, the one you’ve lived in daily and will continue to do so for the remainder of your life. The same home, you call your body, the one that holds your self and weathers the wear and tear of all your thoughts and feelings. Yep, the one that wants your attention and let’s you know when it’s time to rest and when it needs to move.

So take a moment and ask yourself a few questions. What space in me needs some cleaning or clearing out? Where do I need to create more space for myself? Where have I allowed the clutter to gather? What is no longer serving me? What space do I need to reclaim? What would I like to fill inside my space? So the next time you find yourself saying, “I just don’t have the energy” why don’t you become curious about what you are choosing to fill your inner space with, because I have a feeling when you clear the space, you’ll also find your energy.

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[email protected] |

Lora Keddiespirit talker

There’s this amazing team we each have, that wants us to live fuller, happier and healthier lives. I’m just here to help you hear them.

for individuals: Spirit Guidance Readings and Divination,

Power Animal Retrieval, Extraction, Soul Release, Soul Retrieval

for homes & businesses: Clearing, Saging & Blessing

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Cream of Broccoli SoupSource: Butter & Bacon, Heathar

Ingredients:1 medium head of broccoli (Chopped)1/2 can full-fat coconut milk (look for organic brands in BPA-free cans)1.5 pints organic chicken stock3 heaped tablespoons grass-fed butterCeltic sea salt (to taste)

Directions: Melt butter in a stainless steel or cast iron skillet.

Chop broccoli to your liking and add to the skillet with sea salt. Cover, stirring frequently. Let cook 5-8 minutes or until broccoli is soft and not crunchy. Add more butter as necessary. Once the broccoli is fully cooked, transfer to blender or food processor. Add coconut milk and stock. Blend. Taste test and add sea salt as desired. When the soup has reached a consistency that you like, transfer to a soup pot and warm before serving. Feel free to add more stock or coconut milk as desired.

{ soul food }

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Blended Reset Button SmoothieLacy Young, Health Coach,

Ingredients:1 cup almond milk1 handful of spinach5 romaine leaves1 small cucumber1 banana (frozen)3 dates1 tsp maca powder (optional)2 tsp camu camu powder (optional)

Directions: Blend spinach, cucumber, romaine + almond milk

til smooth. Add dates + avocado blend til smooth. Then add everything else. I like to put leaves in first + frozen items (banana in this case) in last to make sure the smoothie comes out nice and frosty! Enjoy! Serves 2 (gluten free, dairy free, vegan)

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Green Goddess Kale SlawLeann Vogel, Healthful

Dressing Ingredients½ medium ripe avocado, pitted½ cup unsweetened non-dairy milk (I use homemade almond milk)2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice2 tablespoons coconut nectar or 2 medjool dates1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil1 teaspoon Dijon mustardSea salt and black pepper, to taste

Directions: In a large bowl, combine the kale, broccoli, scallions,

and carrot. Reserve the pumpkin seeds and sprouts for garnish. Now, make the dressing by scooping the avocado flesh into a blender or food processor. Add the milk, lemon juice, coconut nectar (or medjool dates), vinegar, olive oil, and mustard. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss to coat thoroughly. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Garnish plates of the salad with the sprouts and pumpkin seeds.

Salad Ingredients:5 cups chopped kale2 cups finely chopped broccoli florets¾ cup thinly sliced scallions1 medium carrot, peeled and shredded¼ cup pumpkin seedsHandful of sprouts (alfalfa, broccoli, etc.)

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I love learning. I’ve spent a lot of my life studying and learning about cultures, alternative ways of healing and ways of living a sacred life. Learn more about me at:

Dani Palacio

Reiki Master & Teacher | Empowerment Coach | Communications Consultant

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{ soul kids }

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About our guest writer: Kerry SwensonKerry Swenson is an early childhood, special needs, and parent educator and advocate. She has more than ten years experience helping children grow in peaceful, healthy and spiritual ways. Kerry lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and three highly intuitive and empathic daughters.

Learning Through the Eyes of Childrenby Kerry Swenson

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“The greatest lessons in life, if we would but stoop and humble ourselves, we would learn not from the grown-up learned men, but from the so-called ignorant children.” -Mohandas K. Gandhi

Children have an energy and excitement for life. They have a natural instinct to study the world around them. Children love to explore new places and ask inquisitive questions to help them understand the world and the way it works. They have the most important qualities needed for learning: a desire to know and the energy to do so! As parents we often think that it is our job to teach and our child’s job to learn. However, if we let them, children can make us enthusiastic about learning about life. Here are some ways that I have found help foster positive learning for children and their parents:

*The best way for parents to become motivated to learn is to simply spend time with your children. I am literally learning from my children every day. I learn when I am in the check-out line at the grocery store, normally out of time and patience, with three children in tow. Then I look at my two-year-old daughter Sadie who has a giant smile on her face. She is absolutely thrilled and squealing with excitement to be in the check-out line so that she can play with all of the colorful packages of goodies on the shelves (all at her eye level, of course). Sadie has an energy of sheer joy and she has fun no matter where we go. The doctor’s office, dentist, soccer practice, ballet, to the grocery store, she is my constant learning-to-lighten-up-and-have-fun. More everyday learning occurs on a walk with my daughter Lily, she was finding and collecting different rocks along the way. Lily was then telling me the rocks’ classifications and whether they were igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary, all of which she had learned in her first grade class. This totally inspired me to think about the amazing history of each one of the rocks and how they had gotten here to this place in this moment in time. My curiosity is never-ending and I want to learn more!

*Listen to your children. There is a difference between hearing and listening. Hearing doesn’t require much attention and you can be distracted by external events or internal thoughts. But truly listening to your child means that you are fully engaged. Spend at least 15 minutes daily listening to and engaged with your child. Not teaching, not telling them what to do, no instruction, no questions, no cooking, and no cell phone. Just let your child guide you. For example, playing a game, playing dress-up or just talking. It

sounds so simple to take at least 15 minutes a day but this can be challenging with work, school, daycare, sports and all the other daily activities. By listening to your child you are taking time out of your day to appreciate them. If you make this effort and listen to your child, you will not only learn so much more about who they are as a person, but it will increase your bond. Children need us to listen to them in order for them to grow.

*Strive for a compassionate home environment. Compassionate homes seem to nourish personal growth and development of all who live there. When you have an understanding home, a child feels safe and confident and they are more likely to share their thoughts, feelings, concerns, and dreams with you. When your child is open with you, you have an opportunity to let your child share their thoughts without being criticized or judged. My daughter Grace, who is in her fearsome fours, can get upset quickly and often acts out impulsively with her older sister Lily. Almost daily, there is physical aggression and time-outs involved. I have been working with her to use her words when she is upset rather than being physical. One day Grace began to scream at the top of her lungs. This startled the whole family. As I ran over to Grace I could see that there was nothing physically wrong with her, no injuries. Grace was screaming out of frustration. Her sister Lily had taken a toy from her. So rather than hit her, she began to scream. I got the screaming to stop but then the yelling started. Grace was verbalizing that she was upset that Lily had taken her toy. I could have raised my voice and yelled at her to stop yelling. But I had compassion for Grace and the situation. In that moment I gave her encouragement and praise. Grace may have been screaming her head off, which is not appropriate in our house, but she hadn’t hit her sister! Grace realized that I recognized her verbal vs. physical choice to express her frustration and that I can be understanding of where she is coming from. She was also proud of herself for using her words (even if they were really loud ones) instead of hitting.

Learning is lifelong. Soon you will realize that there are people all around you to learn from, including your children. All you have to do is keep your eyes, ears and mind open. We as parents never stop growing because there is always something new to learn, especially from our children!

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con·ver·gence: to move toward one point and join together

: to come together and have one interest, purpose, or goal

ease: absence of difficulty or effort.

: make (something unpleasant, painful, or intense) less serious or severe

: move carefully, gradually, or gently

space: a place where you can create

: an opening

: a blank canvas waiting to be filled

: a necessary silence

: what exists in between two things

: a place to play

Often a word pops into our heads (hearts) that summarizes what we are going through, what we need to work on, or what we are noticing evolving in front of us. These words have significance when we look at them deeply and apply them in the here and now, and can have deep soul understandings. Here are a few words that have bubbled up for us this season.

{ soul words }

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{ soul art }We are all artists. Each of us, gifted with a unique expression of soul. It’s not necessary to call yourself an artist, we just want to see and experience your soul through any medium you wish to use. Whether it’s through the stroke of your paintbrush or an image frozen-in-time from the lens of your camera is up to you. Each piece is a celebration of soul and our hope is that as you look into each image you will feel inspired, connected, and ushered into your own beautiful creativity. If you would like to share your expression of soul with the rest of our community, please email us at [email protected].


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about Dani PalacioOver the years that I have been blessed to call planet Earth my home, I have come to learn many things. The most important of these lessons is to love myself just as I am. I am not broken. I am not wounded. I am whole! I am a child of the most Divine loving, everlasting Source energy ever known. And so are YOU!! My inner fire compels me to live life knowing that I am more than this human body. I am SOUL, living through the human experience. In this truth, I offer myself in ways that delight my heart and allow me to shine brightly. I am dedicated to sharing my creative passions with you and would be honored to assist you in finding your joy, a greater expression of your authentic heart or to simply be a mirror so you might know yourself in a new way!

I’m a Master Certified Life Coach, a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master and Teacher as well as an eternal student of all things Divine. My 20-plus years of experience and explorations have enabled me to gather wisdom from many cultures, practices and teachings. My intention is to meet you heart to heart and trust the guidance that best enables us to walk together in the journey of our co-created experience.

I’d be honored if you’d visit my website: to learn more about me and what I’m currently offering. You can reach me at: [email protected] or on

about Joey PaynterI’m an artist and a wounded healer. I’m constantly entering into the unknown edges of the shadow world with the intention to help others see their beauty, especially if it’s been hidden in the ashes. I’m a photographer, a teacher, a healer, a speaker, and a storyteller. I believe stories hold the magic of our souls.

My diverse background in psychological studies and my ever-growing passion for empowering the human soul has led me around the world to work with others in giving a voice to their story. I attained a B.S. in Psychology and Religion from James Madison University, a Masters in Clinical Psychology from Vanguard University, and am currently in the process of attaining my Ph.D in Depth Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute. I’ve also completed a two-year SoulArts apprenticeship program under a practicing Shaman, which has helped me attune to the spirit world. I’ve worked with individuals and groups for over 15 years and I specialize in relational struggles, depression, anxiety, and (re)discovering one’s dreams. I’ve traveled extensively to over 40 countries as a counselor, healer, lecturer, and photojournalist, You can view my work at and and please feel free to drop me a note anytime.

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about Lora KeddieI am gardener, a writer, a business owner, a farmer's wife, Empath and a Spirit Talker. There, I’ve said it. It has taken me years to admit it, understand and accept it. Now in doing so, I’ve opened my life to this amazing world. For years, I tried to block, hide and get rid of my abilities, thinking that I just might be insane. With love and support, I’ve learned to hear spirit and to travel through worlds that many of us have yet to experience. I study Shamanism, which is a practice of direct relevation through listening to your own intuition, soul and your loving spirit guides. With the aid of sirits I can help heal and open souls. I've been lovingly nicknamed "Pandora Lora," since working with me you’ll often find yourself opening to something more: the more that is out there and the more that is available in you. I help to open the “box” that’s been closed in you, a box that you will find does not want to be closed again.

All that being said, there is very much I’m still learning. I believe I always will be learning and feel that sharing my experiences through this journey just might help the next person who is waking up to this wild and wonderful life. Whatever it is that you are trying to open up to, please feel free to contact me. If I can’t help, I may be able to direct you to someone who helped me.

{we'd love to hear from you}

Please send us your ideas, feedback or write to just say hi! Also follow us on social media as we post new content, questions,

inspirations and activities for living a soul life!


If you are interested in advertising in an upcoming issue of Soul Life please email us

at [email protected]

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