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“Name your dreams–then claim them!”

Materialize your deepest desire by instantly transforming your energy pattern using the sounds of Sonic Access

Dear Friend,

Your ears conduct an amazing symphony of bio-machinery – your body!

In fact, your ears govern every sound and resonate with every muscle, every organ, and every cell of your body, just as a conductor directs the musicians, rhythms, and tempo of a symphony.

Some sounds and rhythms send your cells into disharmony just like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Other sounds – such as the laughter of a child or the swell of an ocean wave breaking on the beach – miraculously send you soaring into euphoric bliss.

Sound dramatically impacts your physical, emotional, and mental well-being – on a deep, unconscious basis.

While you cannot control every sound in your environment, you can absolutely access sound’s amazing power to transform every area of your life. And it’s easier than you think… with Paul Scheele’s new Sonic Access.

Just listen and generate genuine and long-lasting change

For a year Paul Scheele worked with scientists, sound engineers, composers, musicians, and the most well-respected and powerful energy workers in the world so you can access your internal power generator and unleash your highest potential. And all you have to do is put on some headphones and listen.

With Sonic Access you’ll find it easier than ever to create the life of your choosing. A life far more bountiful than you experience now. You’ll name your dreams – then you’ll claim them!

You might be happy with getting a new job or a raise…or losing a few extra pounds…gaining greater confidence…better sex…higher wisdom…whatever you choose. Sonic Access will help you, but...

Now fromPaul Scheele!The Next Generation

of Paraliminals

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2 prepared for awesome, mind-blowing changes that make the impossible possible! Be prepared for something beyond the ordinary as you truly connect with your highest self.

Go deeper into your mind and reach higher goals with the next generation of Paraliminals

The highly effective and widely popular Paraliminals have been used by hundreds of thousands of people, for almost 30 years, to unleash change in their lives. Paraliminals use neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, and preconscious processing with state-of-the-art Holosync audio technology to help you automatically enter an ideal brain state for relaxation and learning. They can help you change any behavior or achieve any goal you like.

The four Sonic Access Paraliminal Meditations – Success, Health, Relationships, and Spiritual Growth – take you to an even deeper state. The embedded frequencies and other high-technology processes help shift your brain waves. You’ll go deeper so you can reach even higher and achieve even more! Sonic Access will engage all levels of your consciousness and help you get:

• Access your whole mind and use every level of your consciousness.

• A direct line to your higher intelligence.

• The spark for massive creativity, passion, and clarity.

• The most ingenious way to connect your goals with universal energy.

You will not only enjoy more abundance, you will manifest it by using powerful sound frequencies and beautifully pleasing music. It’s music not only for your ears but – literally – for your heart, mind, and soul, as you’ll soon see...

Make what you want happen through the power of sound

Sonic Access offers you an amazing portal to greater success, richer relationships, balanced health, and spiritual growth. The four Paraliminal Meditations bring together words, music, tones, and sound energy

Every spiritual tradition has used sound, voice, and music to enhance emotional and mental health, balance the body’s energy centers or chakras, and heal disease. The ancient Greeks used the flute and lyre to treat illnesses such as gout and sciatica. In the Bible, David played his harp to lift King Saul’s depression.

From the multiphonic toning of Tibetan monks to the chanting of Gregorian priests, sound has freed

spirits, opened hearts, and lifted consciousness to higher levels.

The benefits of sound gained attention in the modern West soon after WWII when veterans in homes and hospitals responded so positively to visiting musicians. Today 5,000 music therapists work in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and hospices. And since the “Mozart Effect” and its positive impact on college student test performance was first reported in

1993, scientific research into music and sound has virtually exploded. For instance:

• The Journal of Advanced Nursing reported that listening to music one hour a day for one week reduced chronic pain by up to 21 percent and depression by up to 25 percent in people with a range of conditions including rheumatoid arthritis.

Continued to the right

The science behind the potency and influence of sound

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vibrations to help stabilize your intentions, support you energetically, build your internal connections, and attract to you all the resources you need to move your thoughts into positive actions and results.

In the first meditation, Sonic Access for Success, you’ll journey deep within to accelerate the realization of abundance in your life – in whatever way you choose. You can:

• Access your genius – often hidden – mind to manifest dreams beyond your wildest imagination.

• Break through self-limiting beliefs to double, triple, or quadruple your income.

• Reclaim self-confidence and gain the admiration of your peers.

• Create the ideal career and the lifestyle you want.

• Think big…attract the home of your dreams, travel round the world, ____________________ ________________________ (you fill in the blank).

“The Sonic Access Paraliminal Meditation was great! I really like it. The words are beautiful and uplifting. I felt beyond and deeper than an hour of other meditations. Afterward, I felt a wonderful energy around me, and every cell felt happy and joyful. This lasted for many hours and into the next day…. I like the idea of bringing together Spring Forest Qigong, Diamond Feng Shui, and the ancient tones in Sonic Access.” – Jo Ann Trimbur

Listen to Sonic Access for Health to empower your body’s natural healing ability through the ancient power of sound. This meditation will help you:

• Direct healing energy to any level of your body, from the surface of your skin to the genetic and atomic levels of your very existence.

• Align your body’s energy centers to their optimal state for increased strength, circulation, flexibility, and stamina.

• Use your intention with unique sound frequencies to help your body heal.

• Calm your nervous system, adjust your metabolism, and reduce daily stress and pain.

• Reestablish the wholeness and perfection of your body.

• Premature babies exposed to music increased their suckling rate 2.5 times, allowing them to increase their weight and leave the hospital two weeks earlier than other premature babies, in research conducted by one of the country’s foremost music therapists, Jayne M. Standley of Florida State University.

• Brazilian researchers found that listening to music helped patients with glaucoma perform more reliably on peripheral vision sight tests.

• Mozart’s music was found to reduce the electrical activity associated with seizures in people with epilepsy.

• A leading New York oncologist uses Tibetan singing bowls and Hindu Sanskrit chanting to help critically ill cancer patients fight their diseases. In his book, “The Healing Power of Sound,” Dr. Mitchell Gaynor discusses the remarkable results gained by integrating music, vocalization, and meditation in patient care.

The Learning Strategies Sonic Access synthesizes the same energetic patterns of music, sound, and voice that are found to stimulate the cerebral cortex of our brain, calm the nervous system, and affect metabolism. The “universal” language of music has even been shown to cause our brains to secrete the same chemical responsible for the feeling we know as “love.”



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“After I listened to the Sonic Access for Health CD, I shopped for groceries and I didn’t buy anything off my diet at all. Sometimes I have a treat or two, but when I shopped I had no urge to ‘rebel.’ I also noticed that the small amount of soreness in my knees from running–not even enough to treat but enough to occasionally notice–disappeared…. I expect my life to become much easier with the throttle on a higher setting.” – Judith White

The Sonic Access for Relationships meditation puts you in a flow of energy to create the relationships you desire. Use this Paraliminal Meditation to:

• Dissolve emotional and spiritual blocks to free yourself from fear, anger, and resentment.

• Deepen your understanding of yourself and others.

• Use the Law of Attraction to find your soul mate.

• Unleash biochemical messengers to enhance your emotional and psychological outlook on life.

• Increase your overall happiness.

• Bring your intimate personal relationships, as well as your professional relationships, to their ultimate level.

Gain access to the universal quantum field with Sonic Access for Spiritual Growth. This meditation can help you:

• Perceive the world beyond your five senses.

• Access the quantum field and connect to the essence of creation.

• Increase the strength of your connection to God.

• Intuitively know the next best step to fulfill your destiny.

• Enjoy meaningful coincidences and serendipity.

• Remove any chaos from your life and usher in serenity.

Continued on Page 5

Our understanding of how our body functions is continually changing and growing. In fact, today scientists and quantum physicists are changing the very notion of the genetic code itself. Research in Russia by Dr. Peter Gariaev and others suggests that DNA not only holds the secret to our genetic code, but it serves as a “quantum mechanical biowave computer.”

As you may know, scientists recently unraveled the human

“genome,” the 2 percent of DNA that determines all of our body’s genetic functions. The remaining 98 percent of DNA has often been referred to as “pseudogenes” or “junk” DNA, serving no known purpose.

However, according to the paradigm-shifting theory of “Wave Genetics,” the remaining 98 percent of DNA serves as “supercode,” operating at a “wave level” that provides the instructions

for how we operate as living organisms. I know this sounds complicated, but bear with me.

Dr. Gariaev’s research suggests that DNA are actually resonate structures that possess the same linguistic patterns of language and exhibit electromagnetic behavior that responds to light and radio waves or “vibrational frequencies.” As incredible as it may sound, healing wave information sent to diseased rats

Sound impacts your body’s genetic code

Continued to the right



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“The Spiritual Growth Meditation is wonderful! It really does bring you into a better connection with your broader self (other-than-conscious mind, higher self, all that is–whatever you want to call it). Before I received the Sonic Access for Spiritual Growth CD I had imagined myself pretty well connected and well on my path of spiritual enlightenment/development. Yes, it blew my socks off. It was the right one for me. Thank you.” – Sandy Hicks

Sonic Access empowers you from the inside out in ways that may be new to you

The Sonic Access course includes five CDs: the four Paraliminal Meditations and an introductory program. In How to use Sonic Access, you’ll learn how sound has been used as a healing force throughout time, in every civilization and every culture. You’ll learn how you can access the same remarkable healing frequencies to bring your body and mind into a state of harmony and health and to create absolutely everything you need and desire. It’s a bold claim, but just wait until you hear it for yourself.

You will know how to combine sound energy and earth energy with your own personal intentions to realize your dreams. You’ll access the earth energy principles revealed in Diamond Feng Shui and connect your body and mind with the energy flowing in the quantum field.

Marie Diamond, creator of the Learning Strategies course Diamond Feng Shui, is an internationally recognized Feng Shui Master, personal coach, and business consultant. Her revolutionary system is designed to help you bring layer after layer of good Feng Shui into every aspect of your life, and many of her foundational principles are included here in your Sonic Access.

led to the regeneration of their endocrine glands!

The audio template of Sonic Access delivers powerful vibrational frequencies to your body and mind to align with the resonate structures of your energetic system. These sounds stimulate sympathetic vibration in the molecules, cells, glands, and organs inside the body, which all have their own vibrational frequency.

This phenomenon in physics is called “sympathetic resonance.”

Just as a string of a violin will begin to resonate when the same string is plucked on another violin nearby, the sound frequencies in Sonic Access will align the energetic patterns of your body and mind so you automatically begin to respond and create the change you desire in every aspect of your life.

This sophisticated neuro-audio technology that Paul Scheele has made so incredibly easy for you to use will help you:

• Tap into your body’s complex energy field.

• Create new neural connections between your right and left brain hemispheres to significantly improve your learning capabilities.

• Readily access universal, or Qi, energy to enhance your meditative experience and heal your body.

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In your Sonic Access course manual and introductory CD, you’ll learn:

• How to take advantage of how energy responds to you personally based on your gender and birthdate.

• How sound affects your thinking, perception, and memory – as well as every organ in your body.

• How selected frequencies activate the energetic levels of your energy or chakra centers.

• How precise musical tones and rhythms help automatically slow your breathing and heart rate and bring your brain waves into an ideal state.

• How to clarify your intentions to achieve your greatest success and well-being.

• How Holosync audio frequencies, provided by Centerpointe Research Institute, resonate with your brain to help you access your higher intelligence.

• How to listen to your meditations to get the most benefit from the sound frequencies embedded within.

“I received the Sonic Access CDs. I loved them!!! What an excellent concept. I think it really pulls together all of the practices. It was good to have the instructional CD. I listened to it several times and got new information each time. Sonic Access is powerful. This is great new material!!!” – Nina Johnson

Enter the “emptiness” with Master Chunyi Lin where healing happens automatically

On all of the Paraliminal Meditations, Spring Forest Qigong Master Chunyi Lin helps you integrate the benefits of Sonic Access into your body and mind.

Chunyi is an internationally certified Qigong Master, teacher, healer, and the developer of Spring Forest Qigong. Over 100,000 people have studied and used his form of Qigong to harness the power of universal energy to help heal themselves and others.

On the Sonic Access meditations, Chunyi chants the ancient formula of sounds found in Buddha’s Heart Sutra. Regarded as the summation of Buddha’s wisdom, the Heart Sutra perfectly expresses the insight attained by nonattachment, the “doctrine of emptiness.” The ancient formula of sounds provides a tremendous benefit that goes beyond your conscious mind’s ability to perceive it.

Of the many Buddhist chants, Chunyi has selected the Heart Sutra to help you enter the universal emptiness and discover a state of pure bliss.

It works with virtually no effort on your part

Sonic Access is as easy as it is effective. All you have to do is relax, close your eyes, and listen. There are no complicated exercises or assignments.

You’ll be asked to think of a goal for each session to get even more benefit. Then you’ll just sit back and listen to a Sonic Access meditation – for Success, Health, Relationships, or Spiritual Growth.

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Paul Scheele will guide you inward, where you’ll connect with the essence of creation. You will encounter the deep longing of your destiny and see how it can express itself in your life. You’ll actually feel the sonic experience in your mind and body. There’s never been anything like it, and until you hear it for yourself, you cannot imagine what it is like.

The bonus you’ve been asking for!

Those who love the Paraliminals have asked for a recording of the music without the words. This makes both great background and meditation music, and you get this with Sonic Access.

Each Sonic Access CD includes a bonus 28-minute music track especially designed for you to use anywhere. You may listen to it immediately following the meditation or at any time by itself. According to Chunyi Lin, it takes 28 minutes for the universal energy, or Qi, to make a complete cycle through the physical body, which is why each is 28 minutes long.

Crafted by master composer Paul Hoffman and a team of talented musicians and singers, these tracks will enhance the inner work of your meditations and trigger phenomenal change. The cutting-edge Holosync audio tones fortify the tracks, which blend beautiful music with the sounds of nature, tones, and Chunyi’s chanting. The music will truly lift your spirit and send you soaring.

Jump-start your day with Bonus #2Create powerful moments in your day with Success Songs. This CD is regularly $25.00, but it’s

yours FREE with your Sonic Access course. The exhilarating music and inspiring messages of Paul Hoffman’s Success Songs gives you a dynamic wake-up call to propel you into action. These songs will help you stay mission-focused on the life you choose to create with Sonic Access.

How the bleep does this work?

While the science behind Sonic Access seems complex, Paul Scheele distilled it into a technology that you can easily use. You don’t have to understand the whole field of quantum physics or the intricacies of your body and mind to obtain the results we promise.

All you have to do to instantly transform your energy patterns and materialize your deepest desires is set your intentions and then sit back, relax, and listen to the powerful Sonic Access sessions.

This program will complement any other program you are using now. It works beautifully with everything we publish, and it will help you reach your goals and objectives quicker and easier. And that’s why we created it.

Sonic Access features transformational music of composer Paul Hoffman, left, and the Paraliminal technology of Paul Scheele.

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Now’s the time to take actionFree yourself from limiting beliefs, and continue creating the life you always wanted. So what are

you waiting for?

Name your dreams – then claim them!

Order Sonic Access today risk-free to access your higher power at absolutely any and every moment of your life. I love the recordings, and I know you will, too.

For your personal best,

Pete Bissonette President, Learning Strategies

P.S. Even after just one listening, you’ll feel the power of Sonic Access – the next generation of the amazing Paraliminals. You’ll immediately begin your transformation toward greater success, richer relationships, balanced health, and spiritual growth!

Sonic Access truly is the most mind-blowing personal transformation program we’ve ever seen. In one extraordinary program we’ve brought together Paul Scheele’s unique Paraliminal technology, the cutting-edge audio frequencies of Holosync, the energy principles of Diamond Feng Shui, and the healing sounds of Spring Forest Qigong, all wrapped up in the most beautiful and transformative music you will ever experience.

We’re so excited about Sonic Access that we’d like you to experience this unique technology as soon as you possibly can. As always, if you’re not 100% satisfied, send it back for a refund of the product price within 30 days – absolutely guaranteed. Call toll-free 1-866-292-1861 or order online and mention Customer Code E910B-1 right now – you’ll be glad you did!

Call the Better Business Bureau (1-800-646-6222) for a Reliability Report when concerned about a company with which you may do business.“Paraliminal” is a registered trademark of Learning Strategies Corporation. © 2010 L-SA-Dreams-510“Diamond Feng Shui “ and the Diamond Feng Shui Diamond are trademarks of Marie Vyncke-Diamond.“Spring Forest Qigong” is a registered trademark of Chunyi Lin.“Holosync” is a registered trademark of Centerpointe Research Institute.


Learning Strategies CorporationHelping you enjoy success after success in your life

2000 Plymouth RoadMinnetonka, Minnesota 55305-2335 USA

Call Toll-Free 1-866-292-1861 1-952-767-9800 • Fax 1-952-475-2373

[email protected]/SonicAccess

Be sure to mention your Customer Code E910B-1

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Read this only if you decide not to

buy nowDon’t let the word “meditation” fool you

It is really a code word for going deeper into your genius mind. The dictionary defines meditating as “To think or reflect, especially in a calm and deliberate manner” ... which is exactly what you do with Sonic Access.

On the first track of each Paraliminal Meditation CD, you can choose to let your mind wander, as with a regular Paraliminal session, or you can mindfully follow along with Paul Scheele as you might with a guided meditation. You can be sitting or lying down.

The second track has the music from the first track, but without Paul’s voice. You can use it in one of several ways:

• You can enter a state of being where the mind dissolves and is free of all thoughts.

• You can focus your mind on a single object such as a religious statue, a crystal, your breathing, or your purpose for your Sonic Access listening.

• You can use it for problem-solving, inspiration, and mental rehearsal.

• You can open to the divine, invoking the guidance of your higher power.

• Or you can simply play it as soothing background music.

...all to help you experience your true potential on this wonderful journey called Life.

Sonic Access immediately transforms your brain state

Electroencephalograph (EEG) studies show that the brain waves of a Sonic Access listener instantly and immediately change. Here you see how beta spikes drastically diminish as access to alpha waves significantly increase as soon as the listener hears the specially created audio template of Sonic Access. A brain wave pattern rich in alpha waves creates the preferred state for personal growth and long-lasting change.

Alpha waves significantly increase immediately.


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Hello and Greetings!

In the 29 years since I co-founded Learning Strategies, our 34 Paraliminal CDs and library of over 25 personal learning courses have helped hundreds of thousands of people make astonishing improvements in their lives. We pride ourselves on helping people get great at living life.

My audio course, “Sonic Access,” bridges science and spirit.

There are no exercises to do. Nothing to practice. No homework.

Just listen to the soothing, meditative sessions, and you’ll tap into all levels and layers of your being--right down to your DNA.

It helps improve your success, health and well-being, personal and business relationships, and spirituality.

This program accesses--through the power of sound--the remarkable inner mind.

Read Pete’s enclosed letter. If you’re as intrigued as he was when I first told him about the powerful concepts in this program--how I ingeniously brought in Spring Forest Qigong, Diamond Feng Shui, and Holosync--order from us right away.

You can order “Sonic Access” now by calling toll-free 1-866-292-1861 or order online and mention Customer Code E910B-1.

Let me know what you think.


Paul R. Scheele Co-Founder

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BY PRIVATE INVITATION ONLYThe favor of your reply is requested.

Dear Friend,

This letter has fallen into your hands for a reason. If you, like me, have a desire to expand your potential as a human being, and if you want to create a life beyond anything you ever thought possible, then my enclosed letter and invitation will be of interest to you. If you don’t have this desire, I apologize for taking your time.

When you read in more detail about the extraordinary sound frequency technology that Paul Scheele has created to help you quickly transform your life, you’ll see why you simply must have it right away. I have set aside this breakthrough mind development audio program–titled Sonic Access–and I’d like to send it to you RISK-FREE for 30 days. Please listen to it as often as you wish. Then, if you don’t want to keep it, just send it back for a prompt refund. There will be no questions asked.

I can’t release the program to you until I get your OK so please return the back of this letter to me.

_ YES, I accept your RISK-FREE offer to listen to Sonic Access, which includes four NEXT GENERATION Paraliminal Meditations – Success, Health, Relationships, and Spiritual Growth, a fascinating introductory CD, and a manual, all designed to help create significant and lasting change in every area of my life.

___ I have enclosed $78 (Regularly $128. A $50 savings!) plus shipping: $7 USA, $12 Canada, or $15 other international countries. Call us for expedited shipping costs. MN and WI residents add sales tax for product and shipping (5% for WI, 7.275% for Hennepin County, MN, 7.125% for Anoka, Dakota, Ramsey, and Washington Counties, or 6.875% for remaining MN counties). International clients are responsible for all duties and taxes.

___ Since I am ordering within 14 days, please also send my FREE Bonus CD: Paul Hoffman’s Success Songs (a $25.00 retail value), empowering music to inspire the passionate journey of life.


Pete Bissonette

©2010 Learning Strategies Corporation

All prices in US dollars • US funds only Check* Money Order* VISA MasterCard Discover American Express* Payment plans available for credit card payment only.

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How to Order Today Be sure to mention your Customer Code E910B-1

Order by PHONE: Call toll-free 1-866-292-1861 in the USA or Canada, or 1-952-767-9800 from anywhere else.

Order by FAX: 1-952-475-2373

Order by MAIL: Learning Strategies Corporation 2000 Plymouth Road Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305-2335 USA

Order by EMAIL: [email protected]

Order by WEB:

Call toll-free 1-866-292-1861Be sure to mention your Customer Code E910B-1


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