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Journal of Computational Physics 216 (2006) 247–263

Solidification of a binary alloy: Finite-element,single-domain simulation and new benchmark solutions

Michael Le Bars *, M. Grae Worster

Institute of Theoretical Geophysics, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Wilberforce Road, Cambridge,

CB3 0WA, United Kingdom

Received 7 September 2005; accepted 1 December 2005Available online 19 January 2006


A finite-element simulation of binary alloy solidification based on a single-domain formulation is presented and tested.Resolution of phase change is first checked by comparison with the analytical results of Worster [M.G. Worster, Solidi-fication of an alloy from a cooled boundary, J. Fluid Mech. 167 (1986) 481–501] for purely diffusive solidification. Fluiddynamical processes without phase change are then tested by comparison with previous numerical studies of thermal con-vection in a pure fluid [G. de Vahl Davis, Natural convection of air in a square cavity: a bench mark numerical solution,Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 3 (1983) 249–264; D.A. Mayne, A.S. Usmani, M. Crapper, h-adaptive finite element solutionof high Rayleigh number thermally driven cavity problem, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Heat Fluid Flow 10 (2000) 598–615; D.C.Wan, B.S.V. Patnaik, G.W. Wei, A new benchmark quality solution for the buoyancy driven cavity by discrete singularconvolution, Numer. Heat Transf. 40 (2001) 199–228], in a porous medium with a constant porosity [G. Lauriat, V. Pra-sad, Non-darcian effects on natural convection in a vertical porous enclosure, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 32 (1989) 2135–2148; P. Nithiarasu, K.N. Seetharamu, T. Sundararajan, Natural convective heat transfer in an enclosure filled with fluidsaturated variable porosity medium, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 40 (1997) 3955–3967] and in a mixed liquid–porous mediumwith a spatially variable porosity [P. Nithiarasu, K.N. Seetharamu, T. Sundararajan, Natural convective heat transfer in anenclosure filled with fluid saturated variable porosity medium, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 40 (1997) 3955–3967; N. Zabaras,D. Samanta, A stabilized volume-averaging finite element method for flow in porous media and binary alloy solidificationprocesses, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng. 60 (2004) 1103–1138]. Finally, new benchmark solutions for simultaneous flowthrough both fluid and porous domains and for convective solidification processes are presented, based on the similaritysolutions in corner-flow geometries recently obtained by Le Bars and Worster [M. Le Bars, M.G. Worster, Interfacial con-ditions between a pure fluid and a porous medium: implications for binary alloy solidification, J. Fluid Mech. (in press)].Good agreement is found for all tests, hence validating our physical and numerical methods. More generally, the compu-tations presented here could now be considered as standard and reliable analytical benchmarks for numerical simulations,specifically and independently testing the different processes underlying binary alloy solidification.� 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Solidification of binary alloy; Benchmark solutions; Finite-element; Single-domain simulation

0021-9991/$ - see front matter � 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


* Corresponding author. Present address: IRPHE, CNRS, UMR 6594, Technopole de Chateau-Gombert, 49, rue Joliot Curie – B.P.146, 13384 Marseille Cedex 13, France.

E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Le Bars).

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1. Introduction

The solidification of multi-component melts occurs in a wide range of industrial processes and natural phe-nomena, from the casting of high-performance turbine blades to the growth of the inner core of the Earth. Itresults in the formation of a solid with a different composition and in the rejection of a liquid that must betransported away from the interface. This transport is enhanced near protrusions of the front, which thereforegrow more rapidly and cause the interface to be unstable: a layer of mixed phase then develops, called a mushylayer. In the mushy layer, the solid forms a porous matrix that continuously evolves because of internal solid-ification and local dissolution. The flow through this multiphase system is a particularly fascinating and chal-lenging subject for fluid dynamicists, since it involves complex thermal and compositional convective processesin the context of evolving free boundaries (see reviews [9,10] for example).

Solidification processes have been the focus of many investigations. Laboratory experiments have been per-formed using particular materials, such as aqueous solutions of ammonium chloride [11–13], metallic alloys[14,15], NaCl–water solutions [16] and alcohol–water solutions [9]. From the theoretical point of view, gov-erning equations for the solidifying system have been derived using mixture theory (e.g. [17]), volume-averag-ing method (e.g. [18]), or by considerations of local thermodynamic balances [19,20]. These theoretical studieshave sought to identify the key dimensionless parameters controlling solidification. Several numerical inves-tigations have also been performed, which can be divided into two groups. Some models use a single formu-lation for the three different regions (single-domain approach, see for instance [21,22]): the system is thenresolved on a single mesoscopic scale for the three domains. In other models, the mush, the liquid and the solidare described by independent sets of equations and are resolved separately on their relevant scales (i.e., multi-ple-domain approach, e.g. [23,24]). The major difficulties then consist in the formulation of accurate internalboundary conditions and in following the evolution of the interfaces through time. Until now, the single-domain method has been mostly utilised to determine the various characteristic fields (especially the macro-segregation pattern) at a mesoscopic scale in industrial settings (e.g. [25]), whereas the multiple-domainmethod has been utilised to study the dynamics of interactions between the different regions in idealised the-oretical cases (see for instance the steady-state study [26]). There is yet much to be gained from a systematicand precise study of the full time-dependent convective state in general configurations.

With this in mind, we have developed a single-domain formulation of binary alloy solidification accessibleto fine-scale two-dimensional resolution by advanced numerical techniques. Such a formulation eliminates theneed for explicit consideration of interface motions and for internal coupling boundary conditions. Hence, werealistically address the interactions between the three different domains and their temporal evolution. In par-ticular, the permeability structure and the topology of the mushy layer are not known in advance: they arecalculated simultaneously with solving the coupled equations of mass, momentum, energy and species trans-port, and the system is entirely free to evolve.

In a first paper, our physical single-domain model has been validated by comparisons with results from themultiple-domain formulation in some analytically tractable cases [8]. The present paper has two objectives: wefirst want to describe and test our numerical simulation; but more generally, we also aim at defining reliablebenchmark solutions for numerical models of solidification, based on analytical rather than numerical results.In particular, we want to check specifically the complex thermodynamical processes of binary alloy phasechange as well as the intricate motions taking place simultaneously through the fluid melt and the porousmush.

This article is organised as follow. The physical model of binary alloy solidification based on the volume-averaging techniques is briefly outlined in Section 2. Section 3 then describes our numerical approach, devel-oped from finite-element formulations of fluid dynamics problems. The last part of the paper is devoted tovarious tests of the controllability of our model and its resolution. Section 4 first focuses on a purely diffusivesolidification problem, as studied analytically by Worster [1]. In Section 5, we then study classical convectiveprocesses without phase change in a pure liquid [2–4], in a fixed porous medium [5,6] and in a mixed porous–liquid domain [6,7]. Finally in Section 6, we present new benchmark solutions for flows through mixed fluid–porous domains and for convective solidification: corner flows in a fluid overlying a porous layer with imposedporosity profiles as well as the complete solidification of a binary alloy in a corner flow are computed and com-pared with similarity solutions recently published [8].

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2. Physical model

We consider a binary alloy in a two-dimensional rectangular domain as shown in Fig. 1 (height h and widthw). Initially, the fluid is stagnant at a given temperature Ti and a given concentration Ci. At time t = 0, one ofthe four sides (for instance, in the following, the left side) is suddenly cooled at an imposed temperature Timp

below the eutectic temperature Te, whereas the opposite side is maintained at the initial temperature Ti and thetwo other sides remain insulated. A solid phase and a mushy layer then grows from the cold boundary, andconvective motions driven by both thermal and solutal buoyancy can occur. Supposing the outer boundariesto be fully rigid and impermeable, velocities and solute flux remain equal to zero on the four sides.

2.1. The volume-averaging method

The transport phenomena in this multiphase solid–liquid system (i.e., transport of mass, momentum, energy,species) can be described in detail by transport equations at the microscopic level characterising the evolution ofeach phase separately, as well as their interactions. In practice however, and especially from a numerical pointof view, this microscopic description is generally not tractable, because of the morphological complexities of thesolid–liquid interface and because of the superposition of transport phenomena at various scales. A practicalway to examine such problems is thus to work at an intermediate scale, large enough to smooth the morpho-logical complexities, but small enough to capture the global transport properties (i.e., typically several timesthe pore size of the porous mushy layer). At this mesoscopic scale, transport equations come from thevolume-averaging of the microscopic equations over a given control volume. This approach can be comparedwith the Large-Eddy-Simulation techniques in turbulence (e.g. [27,28]), in which the motions down to the gridscale are directly computed and motions for the smaller scales are parameterised. Concepts and theorems thatare used by the volume-averaging approach are well known and can be found elsewhere (e.g. [18,29]).

2.2. Transport equations

The solidifying binary alloy is fully characterised by five independent volume-averaged variables: theenthalpy H; the species concentration C; the two-dimensional Darcy velocity vector u; and the liquid fraction�. Other useful variables can be derived from these primary unknowns, i.e., the temperature T, the liquidenthalpy Hl and the liquid and solid concentrations Cl and Cs. In the following, we denote the viscosity ofthe liquid by g, the density by qk, the thermal conductivity by kk, the heat capacity per unit volume by cp,k

Fig. 1. Geometry, boundary conditions, and the 81 · 81 biased grid used in most computations.

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and the species diffusivity by Dk, where subscript k = l for the liquid and k = s for the solid. To keep the prob-lem simple, we suppose that the solid and the liquid have the same density, that the Boussinesq approximationis valid, and that species diffusion in the solid is zero. Besides, we suppose that the permeability is given by theCarman–Kozeny function [30]

Pð�Þ ¼ P0


ð1� �Þ2; ð1Þ

where P0 is a reference permeability. We then define the dimensionless temperature and concentration by

h ¼ T � T e

T i � T e

; C ¼ C � Ce

Ci � Ce

; ð2Þ

where Ce is the eutectic concentration. We also introduce the characteristic scales for energy cp,l(Ti � Te),length h, time h2/jl, velocity jl/h and pressure qj2

l =h2, where jl is the thermal diffusivity jl = kl/cp,l.In this context, the dimensionless mesoscopic transport equations can be derived from their microscopic

counterpart using the volume-averaging method (see for instance [18,7,8]). The transport of mass is describedby

r � u ¼ 0. ð3Þ

The transport of enthalpy is described by

oHotþ u � rH l ¼ r � ½�þ ð1� �Þk�rh; ð4Þ

where k = ks/kl. Enthalpies and temperature are related through thermodynamical considerations by:

H ¼ H 0s þ �Lþ ½�þ ð1� �Þcp� hþ T e

T i � T e

� �; ð5Þ

H l ¼ H 0s þ Lþ hþ T e

T i � T e

; ð6Þ

where L is the latent heat, H 0s the reference enthalpy and cp = cp,s/cp,l. The transport of species is described by

oCotþ u � rCl ¼


Ler � �rCl; ð7Þ

where Le = jl/Dl is the Lewis number. Assuming that the Lever rule applies,

C ¼ �Cl þ ð1� �ÞCs. ð8Þ

Finally, the transport of momentum is described by


otuþ ðu � rÞ u

�¼ ��rp þ Prr2uþ �PrðRaTh� RaCClÞey �

PrDað1� �Þ2

�2u; ð9Þ

where p is the liquid pressure. The Prandtl number, the thermal and compositional Rayleigh numbers and theDarcy number are, respectively, defined by

Pr ¼ gqljl

; RaT ¼aqlgðT i � T eÞh3

jlg; RaC ¼

bqlgðCi � CeÞh3

jlg; Da ¼ P0

h2; ð10Þ

where a and b are the thermal and solutal expansion coefficients.

2.3. Closure relationships

To close the system, we use the simplified phase diagram presented in Fig. 2. In dimensionless form, for anygiven concentration C, the liquidus and solidus temperatures are

hliquidusðCÞ ¼ hm þ m C þ Ce

Ci � Ce

� �; ð11Þ

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Fig. 2. Simplified phase diagram of a binary alloy. E is the eutectic point.

M. Le Bars, M.G. Worster / Journal of Computational Physics 216 (2006) 247–263 251

hsolidusðCÞ ¼ max 0; hm þmpc

C þ Ce

Ci � Ce

� �� �; ð12Þ

where m is the dimensionless liquidus slope, pc the partition coefficient and hm the dimensionless solidificationtemperature of the pure component. In terms of enthalpy (used here as a primary variable), we can calculatethe minimum enthalpy of a pure fluid at the concentration C

H liquidusðCÞ ¼ H 0s þ Lþ hliquidusðCÞ þ

T e

T i � T e

; ð13Þ

the maximum enthalpy of a pure solid at the concentration C

H solidusðCÞ ¼ H 0s þ cp hsolidusðCÞ þ

T e

T i � T e

� �ð14Þ

and the enthalpy of a mixed solid–liquid system just above the eutectic, i.e., when h = 0, Cl = 0 andCs = (pc � 1)Ce/(Ci � Ce),

H eutecticðCÞ ¼ H 0s þ �eLþ �e þ ð1� �eÞcp

� � T e

T i � T e

; ð15Þ

where the eutectic liquid fraction �e is given by (8) as a function of C.Then, for any given (H,C), 4 cases are possible. If H > Hliquidus(C), the material is liquid and � = 1. If

H < Hsolidus(C), the material is solid and � = 0. If Hsolidus(C) 6 H < Heutectic(C), the material is at the eutectic:Cl = 0, h = 0, and � is given by (5). If Heutectic(C) 6 H 6 Hliquidus(C), the system is in a mixed liquid–solidphase strictly above the eutectic: the solid and liquid concentration are given by the linear solidus and liquidusrelationships (11) and (12), and � is the solution in ]0;1] of the second-order equation obtained from (5) and(8).

3. Numerical approach

3.1. Discretisation in space: finite-element formulation

We performed the discretisation in space of the governing equations using a finite-element method in a rect-angular grid slightly biased towards the walls (see for instance Fig. 1). Interpolating functions Uc are linear inboth directions inside each cell c. In order to stabilise the advection–diffusion equations, we introduce aStreamline Upwind Petrov–Galerkin (SUPG) term [31]: our test functions are thus of the form

Uc þ su � rUc. ð16Þ

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The SUPG stabilising parameter s is calculated inside each cell by

s ¼ hc

2jucj½cothðPeÞ � 1=Pe�; Pe ¼ jucjhc

2f; ð17Þ

where uc is the mean velocity in the cell, hc the size of the cell in the direction of uc, f the dimensionless diffusioncoefficient, respectively, equal to 1, �c/Le and �cPr for the transport of energy, species and momentum, andwhere �c is the mean liquid fraction in the cell.

3.2. Discretisation in time and solution strategy

Our initial state at t = 0 corresponds to a pure fluid at temperature h = 1 everywhere except – for instance –on the left side, where a pure solid at temperature himp appears instantaneously. Hence, in terms of primaryvariables, initial conditions are u = 0, C = 1, � = 1 except �x = 0 = 0, H ¼ H 0

s þ Lþ ½1þ T e=ðT i � T eÞ� exceptHx¼0 ¼ H 0

s þ cp½himp þ T e=ðT i � T eÞ�. We then compute the hydrostatic pressure p.Knowing all fields at time tn, we successively compute the various fields at time tn + 1 = tn + Dt using the

following strategy and time discretisation. First, Hn + 1 and Cn + 1 are computed implicitly from (4) and (7),using the approximations for the liquid enthalpy and the liquid concentration [32,7]

H nþ1l ¼ Hn

l þ anðHnþ1 � HnÞ; where an ¼ dH l


� �n

; ð18Þ

Cnþ1l ¼ Cn

l þ ðCnþ1 � CnÞ. ð19Þ

Then �n + 1 is computed from (Cn + 1,Hn + 1) using the phase diagram closure relationships described in Section2.3. We also compute the secondary fields hn + 1, Hnþ1

l and Cnþ1l . Finally, the Darcy–Brinkman equation is

solved using the fractional step method [33,34]. We write the velocity and pressure fields in the form

unþ1 ¼ u� þ Du; pnþ1 ¼ p� þ Dp ð20Þ

and split the Darcy–Brinkman equation (9) in two approximated parts:

u� � un

Dtþ ðun � rÞ u�

�nþ1¼ ��nþ1rp� þ Prr2u� þ �nþ1PrðRaThnþ1 � RaCCnþ1

l Þey �PrDað1� �nþ1Þ2

ð�nþ1Þ2u�; ð21Þ


Dt¼ ��nþ1rDp. ð22Þ

From (3), the divergence of (22) gives the Poisson equation

r � u�Dt¼ r � �nþ1rDp. ð23Þ

We then solve the Darcy–Brinkman equation in successive cycles of 3 steps. We first write p* = pn. We thencompute the fictitious velocity field u* from (21), with the boundary conditions u* = 0 on the walls. We thencompute the correction in pressure from (23), with the boundary conditions Dp(0,0) = 0 and $Dp Æ n = 0 onthe sides. We finally replace p* by p* + Dp in (21) and repeat until convergence, i.e., until changes in u* be-tween two successive cycles are sufficiently small

maxju� � u��jmaxðju�jÞ

� �< Tol; ð24Þ

where u** is the velocity field determined at the previous cycle and Tol is a fixed value, chosen in agreementwith the expected precision of the code (this will be discussed in the following).

No simplification regarding the variations of � is introduced in the resolution of the energy and speciestransport equations. However, for simplicity and to avoid extra-sensitivity on � in the resolution of theDarcy–Brinkman equation, the mean value �m of � inside each cell is used when solving (21) (see also [7]).Besides, to avoid singularity, �m is bounded by a small value �min when it goes to 0: the Darcy term in (21)then ensures that u*! 0, as expected in the solid. As a test, instead of computing Hn + 1, Cn + 1, �n + 1 and

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un + 1 directly, we compute intermediate fields H ; C; �; and u and repeat the whole scheme until convergenceis obtained between all fields. This process, which increases the necessary computation time, does not signif-icantly affect the results, provided the time-step is not too large. So we did not adopt it generally.

It is worth noticing here that our code uses a first-order approach in time, linear interpolation functionsin space and approximations for the liquid concentration and enthalpy (see (18) and (19)). Hence, we cannotexpect a huge accuracy. With the standard 81 · 81 grid, a typical precision around one percent seems rea-sonable. This will be confirmed in the following by the comparisons between our numerical results and theanalytical results available in some interesting cases (see Sections 4 and 6). Accordingly, in the followingcomputations, the numerical parameters Tol and �min are taken equal to 1% and all results are given withthree significative figures. Computations performed with a smaller value 0.1% do not show significantdifferences.

To control the ability of our physical and numerical approaches to simulate fluid flows as well as thermo-dynamical processes of solidification correctly, series of tests have been performed and are presented in thefollowing.

4. Diffusive solidification

Our first validation test focuses on thermodynamic processes of phase change. To do so, we eliminate allmotions in the tank by setting RaT = RaC = 0, and we study purely diffusive solidification, for which analyticalsolutions have been determined using a multiple-domain approach [1].

In the general configuration described previously, we first verify that in the absence of fluid motions, novariables depend on depth y, but only on time t and width x. We then adapt our code to the configurationof Worster [1]. Since analytical results are obtained in a semi-infinite domain, we impose a very large aspectratio w/h = 200 and choose a 242 · 4 grid, largely refined towards the cold wall. Besides, the imposed bound-ary temperature Timp in [1] remains above the eutectic. In order to induce the formation of a pure solid in oursimulation with a partition coefficient pc = 0, we slightly change the boundary conditions. We suppose that asolid crystal (� = 0) instantaneously forms on the left wall x = 0 at t = 0. According to the phase diagram, itssolid concentration is Cs = 0 in dimensional form. Hence, in terms of primary dimensionless variables (H,C),initial conditions on the left side are

H imp ¼ H 0s þ cp himp þ

T e

T i � T e

� �; Cimp ¼


Ci � Ce

. ð25Þ

Since we neglect diffusion in the solid, we impose the concentration (and the enthalpy) to remain equal to thisvalue at the boundary.

According to Worster [1], dimensionless positions of the solid/mush interface and the mush/liquid interfacein an infinite domain are, respectively,

aðtÞ ¼ 2ka



r; bðtÞ ¼ 2kb



r; ð26Þ

where ka, b are constants depending on the physical parameters of the system and on the boundary condi-tions. Using our numerical simulation, we determine the temporal evolution of the solid/mush interface (i.e.,contour � = 0) and the mush/liquid interface (i.e., contour � = 1) and normalise them by 2


p. An exam-

ple is presented in Fig. 3. Because of the discretisation in space, the curve exhibits a sawtooth shape, withsharp increases corresponding to the displacement of the interface from one grid point to the next one andcontinuous decrease corresponding to the interface remaining at the same grid point while time increases.Within the uncertainty introduced by this phenomenon (i.e., 4.5% in this case), one can notice that themush–liquid and the mush–solid interface positions converge towards constant values, to which they remainequal until the effects of the finite domain are felt. Values of these constants ka, b are presented in Fig. 4 as afunction of Tliquidus(Ci) � Timp, in comparison with [1]. Analytical and numerical results agree well withinthe precision of the numerics, hence validating both our physical and numerical approaches of thermody-namical processes.

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0 500 1000 15001






0 500 1000 15000








e po















Fig. 3. Temporal evolution of the interface positions in diffusive solidification, normalised by the analytical law of Worster [1] for animposed temperature Timp = �18.6 �C (i.e., Tliquidus(Ci) � Timp = 13 �C): (a) mush–liquid interface and (b) mush–solid interface. Bothratios converge towards constants ka, b. The sawtooth shapes come from the discretisation in space: each sharp increase corresponds to atime at which the interface jumps from one grid point to the next one, whereas the continuous decreases between two jumps correspond tofixed interface position during time increase. These particular shapes imply an uncertainty of ±4.5% on the determined values of theconstants. For this computation, ql = qs = 1000 kg m�3, cp,l = cp,s = 4.186 · 106 J m�3 K�1, kl = ks = 0.5442 W m�1 K�1, pc = 0, Ci = 0.14,Ce = 0.80, Ti = 15 K, Te = �32 K, Tm = 0 K, L = 3.3488 · 108 J m�3, D = 10�9 m2 s�1.

0 5 10 150








sλ a,


Fig. 4. Dimensionless constants ka, b as a function of the temperature difference between the liquidus temperature at the initialconcentration and the imposed temperature. A good agreement is found between analytical results of Worster [1] (continuous lines) andour numerical results (stars for the mush/liquid interface and squares for the mush/solid interface). Physical parameters are identical toFig. 3. The size of the symbols includes the error bars due to the discretisation in space shown in Fig. 3.

254 M. Le Bars, M.G. Worster / Journal of Computational Physics 216 (2006) 247–263

For large driving temperature differences, the analytical values for the mush–liquid interface are closer tothe lower bound of the numerical values (determined just before the interface jumps to the next grid point).This agrees with the fact that the contour � = 1 overestimates the location of the interface (i.e., the interface is

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somewhere between the first point where � = 1 and the one just before). We similarly explain why the resultsfor the mush–solid interface always seem to underestimate the analytical results. Nevertheless, since we uselinear approximations inside each cell, we decided for coherence to take the mean value of the contours� = 1 and � = 0 as numerical results. One can also notice that for Tliquidus(Ci) � Timp 6 1.99, the analyticalstudy predicts a liquid–solid interface without mush. The numerical results still exhibit the relevant behaviour,but since our code is not designed for dealing with such a sharp change in the liquid fraction, quantitativeresults do not agree as well as for Tliquidus(Ci) � Timp > 1.99.

To the best of our knowledge, the results presented here correspond to the first direct comparison betweenanalytical and computational solutions of diffusive solidification. We thus suggest that these computationsshould now be considered as standard and simple benchmarks of the controllability and resolution of binaryalloy simulations.

5. Convection tests

We now focus on fluid flows without phase change and provide some classical tests regarding convectiveprocesses in a fluid, in a porous domain with constant porosity and in a mixed non-reacting porous–liquiddomain.

5.1. Thermal convection in a pure fluid

We consider a pure fluid in a square cavity, the imposed temperature on the left side being above the liq-uidus temperature (himp = 2). Thermal convective patterns then develop in the tank, while the bulk concentra-tion and the liquid fraction remain equal to 1. Computations are pursued until a steady-state is reached, i.e.,until



21 · 2141 · 4161 · 6181 · 81101 · 1

maxðjhnþ1 � hnjÞ < 10�3. ð27Þ

We then measure the maximum vertical velocity at the mid-height, the maximum horizontal velocity at themid-width and the maximum, minimum and average values over the left and right sides of the Nusselt numberNu (i.e., the dimensionless heat flux), defined by

Nu ¼ ohox

. ð28Þ

We verify that the heat fluxes at the two sides are equal in steady-state.First, several computations were performed at fixed Rayleigh and Prandtl numbers Ra = 106, Pr = 0.71 in

order to test and assess grid independence of the solution scheme (see Table 1). The 81 · 81 biased grid shownin Fig. 1 is found to be adequate for all the simulations within the precision of the code, also keeping the com-putation times within acceptable duration from minutes to hours. This grid is thus systematically used in thefollowing computations.

A parametric study has also been performed by systematically changing the Rayleigh number. Results arepresented in Table 2 for a Prandtl number Pr = 0.71, in comparison with previous studies. Good agreement isfound over a very large parameter range 103

6 Ra 6 108. The maximum variation of our results compared tothe mean values over all simulations is about 3.2%, and our computations always remain within the typical

1um vertical velocity at the mid-height, maximum horizontal velocity at the mid-width and maximum, minimum and averaget numbers computed with different grids for the thermal convection in a pure fluid (Ra = 106, Pr = 0.71)

max(vy = 0.5) max(ux = 0.5) max(Nu) min(Nu) av.(Nu)

223 63.4 21.2 0.903 8.84222 65.2 17.9 0.958 8.87221 65.0 17.5 0.968 8.83220 64.7 17.5 0.972 8.82

01 220 64.7 17.6 0.973 8.83

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Table 2Comparison of the maximum vertical velocity at the mid-height, of the maximum horizontal velocity at the mid-width and of themaximum, minimum and average Nusselt numbers as a function of the Rayleigh number for the thermal convection in a pure fluid(Pr = 0.71)

RaT max(vy = 0.5) max(ux = 0.5) max(Nu) min(Nu) av.(Nu)

103 This study 3.70 3.65 1.51 0.691 1.12[2] 3.679 3.634 1.50 0.692 1.12[3] 3.6962 3.6493 1.5062 0.6913 –[4] 3.686 3.489 1.501 0.691 1.117

104 This study 19.6 16.2 3.53 0.585 2.24[2] 19.51 16.2 3.53 0.586 2.243[3] 19.6177 16.1798 3.5305 0.5850 –[4] 19.79 16.122 3.579 0.577 2.254

105 This study 68.7 34.8 7.72 0.726 4.52[2] 68.22 34.81 7.71 0.729 4.52[3] 68.6920 34.7741 7.7084 0.7282 –[4] 70.63 33.39 7.945 0.698 4.598

106 This study 220 64.7 17.5 0.972 8.82[2] 216.75 65.33 17.92 0.989 8.8[3] 220.8331 64.6912 17.5308 0.9845 –[4] 227.11 65.40 17.86 0.9132 8.976

107 This study 702 148 39.5 1.34 16.5[3] 703.2536 145.2666 41.0247 1.3799 –[4] 714.48 143.56 38.6 1.298 16.656

108 This study 2190 305 88.0 1.84 30.2[3] 2223.4424 283.689 91.2095 2.044 –[4] 2259.08 296.71 91.16 1.766 31.486

256 M. Le Bars, M.G. Worster / Journal of Computational Physics 216 (2006) 247–263

standard deviations of previous ones. This validates our numerical resolution of the (pure fluid) Navier–Stokesand temperature equations.

5.2. Thermal convection in a fixed porous medium

We now consider the same situation but in a fixed porous medium with a constant porosity �0. We supposethat the thermal conductivity and the heat capacity of the solid and the fluid are equal (i.e., k = 1 and cp = 1).For comparison with previous studies, we define here a modified Darcy number

Da ¼ Da�3


ð1� �0Þ2. ð29Þ

Computations are pursued until a steady-state is reached, and the average value over the left and right sides ofthe Nusselt number (equal in steady-state) is measured. We performed three series of calculations. First, fol-lowing [6], the advective terms (u Æ $)u/�0 of the Darcy–Brinkman equation (9) are neglected and variations ofporosity are removed (i.e., we take �0 = 1 with a finite value of Da). The average value of Nu is then indepen-dent of the Prandtl number, and only depends on the Rayleigh and modified Darcy numbers. Results are pre-sented in Table 3, and agree within a few percent with previous studies. This validates our numerical treatmentof the linear drag term in the Darcy–Brinkman equation.

We then performed computations taking the advective and porosity terms into account, with a Prandtlnumber Pr = 1 and a liquid fraction equal either to 0.4 or to 0.9. As shown in Table 4, the effects of advectiveterms and �0 in our model are qualitatively the same as in [6]: in comparison with Table 3, lower heat flux isgenerally found when inertial effects are included and when �0 decreases, the variations being larger at largeRayleigh and Darcy numbers. However, quantitative results rather disagree: we predict a larger sensitivity,especially at relatively large Darcy number (see results for Da ¼ 10�2 in Table 4). This comes from the factthat Nithiarasu et al. [6] also include in their computation a non-linear drag term

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Table 4Comparison of the average Nusselt number as a function of the Rayleigh number, the Darcy number and the porosity for the thermalconvection in a fixed porous medium with advective and porosity effects (k = 1, cp = 1 and Pr = 1)

Da RaT This study, �0 = 0.4 [6], �0 = 0.4 This study, �0 = 0.9 [6], �0 = 0.9

10�6 107 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08108 3.07 2.99 3.08 3.01109 12.9 12.0 13.15 12.2

10�2 103 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.02104 1.41 1.69 1.67 1.70105 3.17 3.80 4.09 4.195 · 105 5.24 6.20 6.89 7.06

Corresponding values for both studies without advective and porosity effects can be found in Table 3. One should notice that Nithiarasuet al. [6] include in their computations an additional non-linear drag term, neglected in solidification simulations.

Table 3Comparison of the average Nusselt number as a function of the Rayleigh and Darcy numbers for the thermal convection in a fixed porousmedium without advective and porosity effects (k = 1, cp = 1 and results are independent of Pr)

Da RaT This study [5] [6]

10�6 107 1.08 1.07 1.08108 3.08 3.06 3.004109 13.2 13.22 12.255 · 109 30.9 31.50 –

10�4 105 1.07 1.06 –106 2.85 2.84 –107 10.3 10.34 –5 · 107 20.1 20.85 –

10�2 103 1.02 1.02 1.023104 1.71 1.70 1.708105 4.26 4.26 4.265 · 105 7.26 7.10 7.25

M. Le Bars, M.G. Worster / Journal of Computational Physics 216 (2006) 247–263 257

� 1:75ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi150p

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiu2 þ v2


su; ð30Þ

which is not used here. This term should be compared with the linear drag term �0ðPr=DaÞu. In the context ofmotions in a fixed porous medium, the non-linear drag term is important either at large modified Darcy num-ber Da and/or at small imposed liquid fraction �0 and/or at large velocity (i.e., large Rayleigh number). Thisagrees with the results presented in Table 4. Nevertheless, using the scaling of solidification problems, the ratiobetween the non-linear and linear drag terms is proportional to


=ð1� �Þ2: provided the Darcy number isvery small (which is usually the case in solidification), non-linear terms could only play a role around the li-quid–mush interface � = 1, where all drag terms rapidly disappear, the flow being controlled by the standardfluid advective and viscous terms. That is why the non-linear drag is not included in the present simulation (seealso for instance [18,32,7]).

5.3. Thermal convection in a mixed fluid–porous medium

Following [6,7], we also studied thermal convection in a square cavity with a fixed but spatially variableporosity, linearly varying from 0.4 at the walls to 1 at a dimensionless distance larger than 0.3 (Fig. 5(a)).Our purpose here is to test the ability of the numerics to describe simultaneous motions through a porousmedium and a pure liquid. Computations are pursued until a steady-state is reached, and streamlines arepresented in Fig. 5. As expected, the main motions correspond to a convective cell mostly focused into thefluid part of the system. Besides, for left/right imposed boundary temperatures h = 2.0/1.0, we observe a twin

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Fig. 5. Thermal convection in a fixed porous medium with a spatially variable porosity (no solidification process takes place here). (a)Variations of the liquid fraction �, which changes linearly from 0.4 at the sides to 1 at a dimensionless distance greater than 0.3. (b–d)Computed streamlines in the case RaT = 106, k = 1, cp = 1, Pr = 1, Da = 6.665 · 10�7. Streamlines are equally spaced from �6.1 to �0.1with a spacing 0.5 and from 0.02 to 0.22 with a spacing 0.05. Imposed temperatures on the left/right sides are: (b) h = 2.0/1.0, (c) h = �1.0/�2.0, and (d) h = 0.5/�0.5.

258 M. Le Bars, M.G. Worster / Journal of Computational Physics 216 (2006) 247–263

counter-rotating vortex in the porous medium near the hot wall (Fig. 5(b)): this agrees with results of Nithi-arasu et al. [6] and Zabaras and Samanta [7].

However, one may wonder why the original symmetry of the system is broken in the steady-state solution.Indeed, the only source of symmetry breaking comes from the imposed boundary conditions h = 2.0/1.0. Tofurther investigate this problem, we thus performed the same study with imposed boundary temperaturesh = �1.0/�2.0 and for fully symmetrical boundary conditions h = 0.5/�0.5. The first configuration then leadsto a counter-rotating vortex near the cold wall (Fig. 5(c)), whereas in the second configuration, the twin vor-tices totally disappear (Fig. 5(d)). All these results remain identical when starting from a linear temperatureprofile, from an isothermal fluid with a sharp change at the hot wall or from an isothermal fluid with a sharpchange at the cold wall.

From a physical point of view, such changes in boundary temperatures alone cannot be responsiblefor changes in steady-state patterns. One may thus wonder whether these three flows actually derive from aphysical symmetry-breaking bifurcation. However, starting from a steady-state obtained from the boundaryconditions h = 2.0/1.0 and suddenly changing them by h = �1.0/�2.0, it turns out to be impossible to main-tain the counter-rotating vortex near the hot wall: instead, it rapidly disappears and a new vortex forms nearthe cold wall, demonstrating that each of the three states is linked with particular boundary conditions. Hence,we conclude that the surprising double-vortex pattern is likely to be due to numerical rather than physicaleffects.

Explaining the precise numerical origin of this phenomenon is beyond the scope of this paper. We expectthat it is due to the initial determination of the hydrostatic pressure, which strongly depends on the effectivevalues of the imposed temperatures. In the configuration studied here (i.e., horizontal convection), the system

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is always unstable and the hydrostatic pressure is not physically relevant; nevertheless, to deal with the initialconditions (i.e., u = 0 whereas the temperature profile is already imposed), it is always computed numericallyand has a long-term influence on the convective patterns.

Regarding the present work, we just want to highlight here that the double-vortex pattern should not beconsidered as a relevant validation test for simultaneous flows through a porous medium and a pure liquid.Instead, we define in the following new benchmarks based on analytical solutions of corner flows [8].

6. Corner flow tests

In order to test our code for simultaneous flow through porous and fluid domains as well as for convectivesolidification processes, we have developed a series of benchmark solutions with various configurations in acorner-flow geometry. To the best of our knowledge, the following tests correspond to the first simple andreliable analytical tests for numerical simulations of binary alloy solidification.

6.1. Corner flow in a fluid overlying a porous layer with an imposed porosity

We consider a corner flow in a domain 0 6 y 6 1, 0 6 x 6 w/h, with pure fluid in the upper half and a por-ous matrix saturated with the same fluid in the lower half (see Fig. 6). At y = 1, a purely vertical input velocityu = (0,�Vimp) is imposed, whereas no vertical velocity v = 0 and no horizontal shear ou/oy = 0 are imposed atthe lower wall. Boundary conditions at the left wall are u(x = 0,y) = 0 and ov/ox(x = 0,y) = 0. We furthersuppose that the porosity depends on the vertical position y only and that the flow is sufficiently slow toneglect inertial effects.

As shown in [8], similarity solutions for the steady-state velocity vector in the limit w/h!1 can be foundin the form

Fig. 6.w/h =stream


V imp

¼ ½�xf 0ðyÞ; f ðyÞ�; ð31Þ

where f is a function of the depth y only. Our purpose here is to use these similarity solutions for variousporosity profiles as benchmark tests for our numerics. To do so, we choose in our code a large aspect ratiow/h = 10 and impose a purely horizontal constant velocity at the right wall u = (+Vimp · w/h, 0), which en-sures overall mass conservation in the domain. These downstream boundary conditions of course disagreewith the similarity solution (31) obtained for an infinite domain. Nevertheless, as shown in Fig. 6, their influ-ence on the global solution is only felt over a limited distance from the right wall, typically comparable to theheight of the domain.

Corner flow in a fluid overlying a porous layer with a constant porosity: geometry, boundary conditions and streamlines for10, �0 = 0.2, Da = 0.08, Vimp = 10. Continuous streamlines are equally spaced from 0 to 100 with a spacing 10 and dottedlines are equally spaced from 0 to 10 with a spacing 1.

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Two configurations presented in [8] are tested here: (i) with a porosity changing linearly from 1 at the inter-face y = 1/2 to a fixed value �0 at y = 0 and (ii) with a constant porosity �0 through the whole lower halfdomain. In both cases, starting from u = 0 everywhere except at the top and right boundaries, a steady-stateis rapidly reached that exhibits good agreement with the similarity profiles (Fig. 7). The maximum relativeerror defined by

Fig. 7.a cornporosinumerx = 9.2similar

maxjtheoretical value� numerical valuej

maxðjtheoretical valuejÞ

� �ð32Þ

is equal to 0.8% and is obtained in the second case, where the code has to deal with the sharp jump of porosityand permeability at the interface. These configurations thus provide rigorous tests for flows through mixedporous–fluid domains.

6.2. Directional solidification into a corner flow

We now consider a binary alloy in the corner-flow geometry with the boundary conditions introduced in theprevious section, and we further suppose that the incoming fluid at y = 1 has a fixed temperature Ti and a fixedconcentration Ci, while the temperature of the lower boundary at y = 0 is fixed just above the eutectic tem-perature Te. A mushy layer then grows from this lower boundary, leading to a time-evolving porosity field.Following classical studies in solidification, we suppose that the whole system is pulled vertically downwardat a constant rate Vpull and we look for a stationary solution in the moving frame of reference. This means that

0 0.5 1 1.5 2u/x/Vimp








0 0.5 1 1.5 2








-1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0v/Vimp















-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0v/Vimp

-1a b

c d

(a, c) Vertical velocity and (b, d) horizontal velocity divided by the horizontal position (see (31)) at various horizontal locations forer flow in a fluid overlying a porous layer with (a, b) a linear porosity (w/h = 10, �0 = 0.5 and Da = 10�4) and (c, d) a constantty (w/h = 10, �0 = 0.2 and Da = 0.08). The continuous line is the similarity solution from Le Bars and Worster [8], stars represent theical solution measured at x = 0.01, x = 2.5, x = 5.0, and x = 7.5, whereas circles represent the numerical solution measured at5. The effects of boundary conditions are felt in the domain 9 6 x 6 10 typically; all the other vertical profiles agree with theity solution.

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additional terms �VpulloH/oy and �VpulloC/oy must be introduced on the left side of Eqs. (4) and (7),respectively.

In the limiting case w/h!1 and Le!1, Le Bars and Worster [8] found a steady-state similarity solu-tion, where the velocity field has the form (31) and all other fields (i.e., temperature, bulk concentration, liquidfraction, enthalpy) depend on the depth y only. In order to test our numerical simulation, we thus attempt toreproduce these results in choosing a large aspect ratio w/h = 10 and a large Lewis number Le = 1000. Bound-ary conditions for the enthalpy and bulk concentration are oH/ox = 0 and oC/ox = 0 on the left and rightwalls, and oC/oy = 0 at the bottom. Results are shown in Fig. 8. As previously, because of the finite aspectratio, the situation is not exactly identical to the similarity solution, but the effects remain mostly limitedto the right-most part of the domain (typically 9 6 x 6 10). All the other results agree with the similarity solu-tion. The relative error for all field remains within 1%, even for the bulk concentration where one could expectthe finite Lewis number and the artificial boundary conditions on the right wall to play an important role. We

Fig. 8. Steady-state vertical profiles for the solidification of a binary alloy in a corner flow (Vpull = 1, Vimp = 10, L = 10, Da = 10�4, Ce/(C1 � Ce) = �7, m = 0.8, Le = 1000, pc = 0, cp = 1, k = 1): (a) vertical velocity, (b) horizontal velocity divided by the horizontal position(see (31)), (c) temperature, (d) bulk concentration, and (e) liquid fraction. The continuous line is the similarity solution from Le Bars andWorster [8], stars represent the numerical solution measured at x = 0.01, x = 2.5, x = 5.0, and x = 7.5, whereas circles represent thenumerical solution measured at x = 9.25. The effect of boundary conditions is only felt in the domain 9 < x < 10 typically.

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thus conclude that this corner-flow configuration is particularly adapted to test solidification codes, which aimat determining realistic macrosegregation patterns of binary alloy solidification in industrial or naturalsettings.

7. Conclusion

In this paper, a finite-element simulation of binary alloy solidification based on a single-domain physicalapproach is presented. The ability of the code to correctly simulate both fluid dynamical and thermodynamicalprocesses is carefully checked with previous works. In particular, we present comparisons between analyticaland numerical results for purely diffusive solidication, for simultaneous flow through both fluid and porousdomains in a corner flow, and for convective solidification into a corner flow, based on similarity solutionsdetermined by Worster [1] and Le Bars and Worster [8]. These various configurations allow us to test specif-ically and independently the different processes underlying binary alloy solidification, and could now beconsidered as standard and simple benchmark solutions for the validation of numerical simulations.

As far as our numerical tool is concerned, good agreement is found for all tests, hence validating the phys-ical and numerical approaches. We now plan to use this code to study the various convective regimes withinthe mushy layer during binary alloy solidification. In particular, we will systematically describe the character-istics of dissolution channels (chimneys) that appear in various natural (sea ice, Earth’s core, etc.) and indus-trial (casting industry) systems (see for instance [10]). In addition to experimental results, our numericalapproach will help to define general scaling laws and to understand the large-scale consequences of thesesmall-scale processes.


The authors acknowledge support from the Leverhulme Trust and from the European Community (MarieCurie Intra European Fellowship FP6-501040). We are also grateful to L. Duchemin for several helpfuldiscussions and for examining an earlier draft of this manuscript.


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