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Universidade de São Paulo Prefeitura do Campus USP "Fernando Costa" - Pirassununga

Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Produção Animal - Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal


Socioeconomia & Ciência Animal

Boletim Eletrônico do LAE/FMVZ/USP Edição 114, de 30 de setembro de 2017


A 114ª edição do boletim eletrônico “Socioeconomia & Ciência Animal” traz em destaque duas pesquisas apresentadas na 68ª Reunião Anual da Federação Europeia de Ciência Animal (EAAP). Em um dos estudos observou-se maior margem econômica (R$/ha) nos sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária do que nos sistemas de monocultivo. No outro estudo, foram estimadas as quantidades de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio utilizadas pelo sistema agroindustrial brasileiro da produção animal entre 1992 e 2013. Os resultados apontam crescimento expressivo do consumo brasileiro e aumento significativo da dependência do país em relação ao mercado internacional, especialmente de fertilizantes. Em nosso monitoramento permanente de artigos científicos publicados na literatura nacional e internacional, podemos selecionar resumos dos seguintes periódicos: Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira. Ciência Rural, Energia na Agricultura, Veterinaria Italiana, Livestock Research for Rural Development, Poultry Science, Animal Welfare, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Animal Production Science, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Journal of Agricultural Science, Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology, Journal of Dairy Science, Agronomy Journal, Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, Animal, Acta Scientiarum Animal Sciences, Carbon Balance and Management, Livestock Science, Meat Science, Aquaculture Economics & Management, Water, Appetite, Agricultura and Human Values e Anthrozoös. Chamou-nos a atenção, no monitoramento de setembro, o significativo número de artigos sobre bem-estar animal para as diferentes espécies. Notamos 4 artigos em produção de cabras, três em produção de suínos, dois artigos nas produções de

1 Texto traduzido, originalmente publicado nos Anais da 68th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Tallinn, Estonia. Agosto 28 a setembro 01 de 2017.

galinha de postura, leite bovino, equinos, ovinos e bovinos de corte. Ainda identificamos artigos de bem-estar em frangos de corte e peixes. No projeto do Índice de Custos de Bovinos Confinados (ICBC), desenvolvido pelo LAE/FMVZ/USP, identificou-se aumento dos custos de produção em setembro para todas as regiões pesquisadas, quando comparados aos custos de agosto. Comportamento também de elevação foi observado no Índice de Custo de Produção do Cordeiro Paulista (ICPC). Os detalhes sobre essas movimentações de mercado constam nas respectivas seções desta edição. No próximo dia 10 de outubro o programa de extensão “Diálogos no LAE” receberá a Médica Veterinária Coordenadora de Produção– Multiplicadoras – Agroceres PIC, Juliana Cristina Rego Ribas. Juliana abordará o tema “O que a produção está fazendo em prol do bem-estar dos suínos?”. Novos livros, cursos, eventos e oportunidades de trabalho são divulgados na edição. No final desta edição fazemos uma chamada para artigos de divulgação a serem publicados no Boletim. Verifique as condições, elabore seu texto e contribua para a informação dos nossos leitores. Esperamos que desfrutem da leitura. Os editores





Gabriela Geraldi Mendonça 2

Jeferson Garcia Augusto 3 Pedro Mielli Bonacim 3

Leonardo S. Mengatto 3 Flávia Fernanda Simili 3

Augusto Hauber Gameiro 2

2 Programa de Nutrição e Produção Animal, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo. E-mail: [email protected] 3 APTA/SAA, Instituto de Zootecnia, Centro de pesquisa em Bovino de Corte.

Page 2: Socioeconomia & Ciência Animal -… · o mês de novembro de 2016, utilizando o Índice Nacional de Preços ao

Universidade de São Paulo Prefeitura do Campus USP "Fernando Costa" - Pirassununga

Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Produção Animal - Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal


A Integração Lavoura-Pecuária (ILP), em um contexto de escassez de recursos não renováveis versus eficiência na produção agropecuária, pode representar um tipo de delineamento promissor para sistemas produtivos, assegurando a produtividade de culturas vegetais e animais e otimizando o uso de áreas agricultáveis. Contudo, é necessário que a eficiência econômica desse tipo de sistema seja estudada, para que sistemas ILP possam representar uma ferramenta produtiva também em escala comercial. O objetivo do trabalho foi calcular o retorno econômico da produção de milho grão e pecuária de corte em sistemas de monocultivo e sistemas de Integração Lavoura Pecuária. O experimento foi desenvolvido no Instituto de Zootecnia/APTA/SAA, Sertãozinho, São Paulo, Brasil. Os tratamentos experimentais foram: 1) monocultivo de milho; 2) monocultivo de capim-marandu; 3) milho integrado com capim-marandu, semeados simultaneamente; 4) milho integrado com capim-marandu, semeado na adubação de cobertura do milho. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados, sendo cada tratamento repetido três vezes, no espaço experimental, totalizando 3 hectares por tratamento. Todas as parcelas experimentais foram implantadas em dezembro de 2015 e os resultados do presente trabalho se referem aos resultados obtidos no primeiro ano do estudo. Os custos variáveis considerados foram sementes, herbicidas, inseticidas e adubos, enquanto os custos fixos foram depreciação de máquinas e equipamentos, além da mão de obra. As receitas foram calculadas a partir da produtividade do milho (12 toneladas/ha no T1 e 11 toneladas/ha no T3 e T4, sendo que tais números não diferiram estatisticamente) e da produção de carne (350 @/ciclo no T2 e 190@/ciclo nos tratamentos integrados, T3 e T4). Planilhas eletrônicas do Microsoft Excel® foram utilizadas para a elaboração do fluxo de caixa. Os preços foram corrigidos do efeito da inflação para o mês de novembro de 2016, utilizando o Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor (INPC/IBGE). Os custos totais (R$/ha) para os tratamentos de monocultivo T1 e T2 foram, respectivamente, R$ 6.371,50 e R$ 11.321,80, enquanto nos sistemas

integrados, T3 e T4, os custos totais (R$/ha) foram, respectivamente, R$ 6.843,16 e R$ 6.889,90. O item que mais impactou os custos foi a compra de animais para engorda. No T2 a produção de capim mais precoce, se comparada aos sistemas integrados, permitiu maior taxa de lotação (animais/ha), o que explica o maior custo total desse sistema, quando comparado aos demais. As receitas (R$/ha) para os sistemas T1 e T2, foram, respectivamente, R$ 5.849,80 e R$ 15.820,00, enquanto que para o T3 e T4, foram de R$ 15.026,80 e R$ 15.465,70, respectivamente. Nos tratamentos integrados, a receita com a venda de animais, ao final do ciclo produtivo superou a receita da venda do milho grão. Os retornos econômicos (R$/ha) para os tratamentos de 1 a 4 foram, respectivamente: R$ -521,60; R$ 4.498,21; R$ 8.183,50 e R$ 8.575,80. A produtividade da cultura do milho e da pastagem não foi prejudicada nos sistemas integrados, o que pode ser evidenciado pelos retornos econômicos superiores, se comparados aos tratamentos de monocultivo. Embora a receita com a venda de animais no T2 tenha sido superior, quando comparada com os tratamentos integrados, os custos do T2 também foram mais elevados, por motivos supracitados, resultando em um menor retorno econômico, em relação aos sistemas de integração lavoura pecuária experimentais. Embora a sazonalidade de preços de insumos e produtos finais deva ser considerada em um período de avaliação mais longo, os resultados podem indicar vantagens econômicas de sistemas integrados. Os cenários propostos para sistemas integrados apresentaram resultados semelhantes, contudo, sugere-se que demais configurações desse tipo de sistema sejam avaliadas, do ponto de vista produtivo e econômico.


Page 3: Socioeconomia & Ciência Animal -… · o mês de novembro de 2016, utilizando o Índice Nacional de Preços ao

Universidade de São Paulo Prefeitura do Campus USP "Fernando Costa" - Pirassununga

Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Produção Animal - Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal





Augusto Hauber Gameiro5 Thierry Bonaudo6

Muriel Tichit6

Nas últimas duas décadas o Brasil tornou-se um dos maiores players na indústria da produção animal mundial. Este crescimento provavelmente está relacionado com o aumento no uso de recursos, tais como nitrogênio (N), fósforo (P) e potássio (K). Neste resumo, estimamos a evolução do fluxo, assim como a evolução das trocas de N, P e K entre o Brasil e o resto do mundo. A tendência do N, P e K na indústria pecuária Brasileira foi analisada por meio de uma abordagem de contabilidade de fluxo de material, com base na concepção do metabolismo socioecológico. A contabilidade considerou vários tipos de alimentação animal para bovinos (corte e leite), aves (corte e poedeiras) e suínos. As contas anuais foram estimadas por um período de 22 anos (1992 a 2013). Os principais fluxos da indústria animal brasileira considerados foram aqueles que ligaram a extração ou importação de recursos naturais, produção e processamento de culturas, alimentação animal, produtos pecuários para consumidores finais ou exportações; material desperdiçado e emissões ambientais. Os resultados demonstraram que a massa total de entrada de N em 1992 foi de 8,51 Tg (Tg = teragrama, equivalente a 1012 gramas ou 1 milhão de toneladas), aumentando até 21,02 Tg em 2013, uma variação acumulada de 147%; a média da taxa de crescimento anual composto (CAGR) foi estimada em 4,5%. No caso do P, a entrada total foi de 1,57 Tg (1992) subindo para 3,11 Tg (2013), uma variação de 98% e CAGR de 3,77% ao ano. Para o K, a entrada total foi de 4.43 Tg (1992), subindo para 10,87 Tg (2013), uma variação de 145% e CAGR de 4,3% ao ano.

4 Texto traduzido, originalmente publicado nos Anais da 68th

Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Tallinn, Estonia. Agosto 28 a setembro 01 de 2017. 5 Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, da

Universidade de São Paulo. E-mail: [email protected]

A título de referência, a população Brasileira no mesmo período teve uma variação de 33% e uma CAGR de 1,36% ao ano. Em termos de intercâmbio internacional, a participação das importações de N sobre o total de entrada de N foi entre 6% e 7% no começo da década de 90, subindo para 16,6% em 2013; as exportações estiveram entre 12% e 13%, aumentando para 22,2% (2013). No caso do fósforo, a participação das importações esteve em torno de 25% em 1992, alcançando 45,7% em 2013; as exportações estiveram entre 6% e 9% (1993) aumentando para 17% (2013). Para o K, a participação das importações esteve ao redor de 25%, subindo para 37% (2013); exportações representaram em torno de 6% dos resultados e aumentaram para mais 11% (2013). Esses resultados mostram a relevância da concepção do metabolismo socioecológico para avaliar a dinâmica da indústria animal na escala de um país.



POULTRY PRODUCTION IN MUKONO DISTRICT, CENTRAL UGANDA The misuse of antimicrobial agents in food producing animals is a single most factor undermining the safety and quality of food of animal origin, particularly in the developing countries, including Uganda. This malpractice is aggravated by low level of education, self-medication and unrestrictive access to antimicrobial agents. A cross-sectional survey was used to determine the level of farmer’s awareness and application of guidelines on prudent use of

6 UMR SADAPT, AgroParisTech/INRA, Universidade Paris-

Saclay, Paris, França.

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Universidade de São Paulo Prefeitura do Campus USP "Fernando Costa" - Pirassununga

Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Produção Animal - Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal


veterinary antibiotics in commercial layer poultry production. A total of 49 poultry farmers, seven drug dealers and three veterinary officers were interviewed using structured questionnaires. Most of the respondents engaged in commercial poultry production were male 59.2%, particularly the youth 44.8%. Majority of the respondents were moderately knowledgeable 65.2% about guideline on use of veterinary antibiotics. A relatively a smaller percentage of respondents 15.6% could correctly apply the guidelines at 80% level of application. A part from the veterinary antibiotics, traditional indigenous knowledge was practiced as alternative remedy for poultry diseases representing 22.5%. The results showed that the determinants of farmer’ decision to apply guidelines include; level of education, experience and sensitization. Inadequate trainings on prudent use of antimicrobial agents 36.7% and lack of publicity about available sources of knowledge 16.3% were identified as major challenges to farmer’ application of guideline. The paper concludes that given the existing moderate level of farmers’ knowledge about the guidelines on use of veterinary antibiotics, the most important way to improve application of guidelines and food safety management in farming systems is raising farmers’ awareness and understanding of instructions on use of veterinary antibiotics. In addition, promote research and innovations for alternative remedies that replace antibiotics while strengthening the regulation and supervision of supply and use of veterinary antibiotics by the stakeholders. Kigozi, M. M.; Higenyi, J. Evaluation of farmer`s knowledge and application of guidelines on use of veterinary antibiotics in layer poultry production in Mukono district, central Uganda. Livestock Research for Rural Development, v. 29, n. 09, 2017.

PERCH USE BY BROILER BREEDERS AND ITS IMPLICATION ON HEALTH AND PRODUCTION Broiler breeders are commonly kept without perches, although perching has been shown to be a high-priority behavior in laying hens. We studied whether broiler breeders used elevated perches of different lengths during the night and how access to perches affected health and production. Using the Ross 308 hybrid, pens offering 4 different perch spaces per bird (5, 10, 14, and 20 cm) in a cross-over design were compared with pens without

perches. The number of birds on perches at midnight were recorded 7 times during production. Prevalence of keel bone fractures, breast blisters, pododermatitis, and plumage quality of hens was assessed at 45 wk, and production was monitored daily. To determine subsequent effects on offspring, chicks from hens with and without perches were reared and their growth rate was assessed. Analysis found more broiler breeders perched at night when 14 cm perch length per bird was provided than with less available perch length (P = 0.0005), but there was no difference between 14 and 20 cm per bird. Perch use declined with age from about 50 to 20% (P < 0.0001). The number of eggs and hatchability were not affected by treatment. During a period of high temperatures, mortality was lower in pens with perches (P = 0.001). Keel bone fractures were present in 1/4 of hens and were not affected by the presence of perches. The growth of chicks was not affected by the parent treatment. In conclusion, our results suggest that perches were chosen for roosting by broiler breeders depending on their age and did not impair production Gebhardt-Henrich, S. G.; Toscano, M. J.; Würbel, H. Perch use by broiler breeders and its implication on health and production. Poultry Science, v. 96, n. 10, p. 3539-3549, 2017.

BEHAVIOUR OF FREE-RANGE LAYING HENS IN DISTINCT OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENTS The outdoor range in free-range, egg-production systems contains features that aim to promote the performance of natural behaviours. It is unclear what features of the range laying hens prefer and how these influence hen behaviour. We hypothesised that hens would demonstrate a preference for features of the environment in which their ancestor evolved, such as relatively dense vegetation, within the outdoor range and that the behavioural time budget of hens will differ between distinct environments. Characteristics of the outdoor range in one free-range commercial egg farm were mapped and four distinct environments ('locations') were identified based on ground substrate and cover (Wattle Tree, Gum Tree, Bare Earth and Sapling). The number of hens accessing each location and behavioural time budget of these hens was recorded over a three-week period during the southern hemisphere summer (January–February). Hens showed a clear preference for the Wattle Tree and Gum Tree

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Universidade de São Paulo Prefeitura do Campus USP "Fernando Costa" - Pirassununga

Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Produção Animal - Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal


locations; however, a significant interaction between location and time of day suggested that the hens' preference for different locations changed throughout the day. The most common behaviours displayed by hens were foraging, preening, locomotion, resting and vigilance, and most behaviours were influenced by the interaction between location and time of day. Overall, a wider variety of behaviours were performed in the highly preferred environments, but not all behaviours were performed equally within each environment throughout the day. Understanding what features hens prefer in the outdoor range and how this influences the performance of natural behaviours is important in promoting the welfare of hens in free-range production. Larsen, H.; Cronin, G.; Smith, C. L.; Hemsworth, P.; Rault, J. L. Behaviour of free-range laying hens in distinct outdoor environments. Animal Welfare, v. 26, n. 3, p. 255-264. 2017.

EFFECT OF ELECTRICAL STUNNING FREQUENCY AND CURRENT WAVEFORM IN POULTRY WELFARE AND MEAT QUALITY This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different stunning frequencies and electrical current waveforms on chicken welfare and meat quality. Two-hundred-thirty-two Cobb broilers, 48 d of age and 2.76 ± 0.47 live-weight, were randomly assigned into 4 stunning treatments — 2 frequencies (300 Hz and 650 Hz) and 2 current waveforms (direct current [DC] and alternating current [AC]). Broilers were electrically stunned in a water bath in a commercial slaughterhouse (70 V, 100 mA). The electronarcosis and stunning efficiency were confirmed by assessment of visual parameters (absence of rhythmic breathing, ocular reflex, and coordinated wing flapping) and blood parameters (lactate, glucose, creatine kinase, sodium, and potassium), which were measured after bleeding. The incidence of traumas and injuries was assessed after plucking. Meat quality analysis was performed in Pectoralis major (PM), with determinations of pH, breast yield (PMY), water holding capacity (WHC), water absorption capacity (WAC), thawing loss (DL), cooking loss (CL), shear force (SF), and instrumental color (a*, b*, L*, C*, and h). The interaction between waveform and frequency was significant (P < 0.05) only for lactate, sodium, and lightness (L*). Lactate and sodium levels decreased at 300 Hz-DC. Meat lightness increased at 300 Hz-DC. The individual

effect of frequency was significant for glucose, creatine kinase, potassium, WHC, PMY, b*, C*, and h. Regarding waveform, AC decreased plasma glucose and DC decreased creatine kinase and WAC. In general, stunning frequency exerts greater influence than waveform on the welfare and meat quality parameters of broilers. The use of frequency at 650 Hz proved to render animals efficiently unconscious and to promote greater meat quality. Siqueira, T. S.; Borges, T. D.; Rocha, R. M. M.; Figueira, P. T.; Luciano, F. B.; Macedo, R. E. F. Effect of electrical stunning frequency and current waveform in poultry welfare and meat quality. Poultry Science, v. 96, n. 8, p. 2956–2964, 2017

PERCEPÇÃO DOS PRODUTORES DE OVOS DE BASTOS/SP SOBRE AMBIÊNCIA, BEM-ESTAR ANIMAL E LEGISLAÇÃO NA POSTURA COMERCIAL O principal enfoque da avicultura de postura é a produtividade. Questões relacionadas ao bem-estar das aves nos diferentes sistemas de produção tem se levantado em todo o mundo. O Brasil produz trimestralmente cerca de 700 milhões de dúzias de ovos de galinhas, com a maior concentração na região sudeste do país. Existem protocolos nacionais e internacionais que tratam sobre especificações técnicas para atender as boas práticas e bem-estar das aves. Neste sentido, este artigo tem o condão de identificar como se encontra a o setor de produção de ovos em relação ao bem-estar animal na região de Bastos/SP. Para isso, foi aplicada uma entrevista estruturada com dezoito produtores de ovos, visando captar suas opiniões sobre o tema e identificar também como ocorre a intervenção estatal no setor. Pode-se concluir que os produtores já cumprem vários pontos técnicos da produção que são fornecidos pelos protocolos de boas práticas e bem-estar. No entanto, alguns pontos não possuem padronização, o que seria extremamente viável para atender um elevado nível de bem-estar. É necessário incentivar a implementação de boas práticas por parte dos produtores. Sousa, G. P.; Pereira, D. F.; Ramos, D. D.; Catanea, P. F.; Watanabe, K. Percepção dos produtores de ovos de Bastos/SP sobre ambiência, bem-estar animal e legislação na

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Universidade de São Paulo Prefeitura do Campus USP "Fernando Costa" - Pirassununga

Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Produção Animal - Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal


postura comercial. Energia na Agricultura, v. 32, n. 1, p. 40-47, 2017


PERFORMANCE OF GROWING PIGS Pigs reared in barren conditions are exposed to many different stressors, compromising their welfare and producing physiological and behavioural changes. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of environmental enrichment (EE) consisting of natural hemp ropes, sawdust, rubber balls, and a herbal compound (HC) of Valeriana officinalis and Passiflora incarnata on the behaviour and performance of growing pigs. Fifty-six pigs were used to assess four different treatments divided in two pens of seven animals per treatment (14 pigs/treatment). The treatments tested were: (a) pigs reared with EE, (b) pigs supplemented with HC, (c) pigs provided with both EE and HC, and (d) control group (CG, neither EE nor HC). Body weight and lesions were measured before starting the experiments (week 15) and at 18, 20, 22 and 24 weeks of age. Weekly instantaneous scan and continuous focal sampling were used to record behavioural patterns of activity, social interactions and abnormal behaviours. Three novel tests were carried out at 16, 19 and 23 weeks of age. Body weight at the end of the experiment was found to be significantly lower for the pigs reared in the control group compared to the other treatments (p = 0.0009). Furthermore, pigs reared with EE presented less stereotypies (p = 0.016) and redirected behaviour (0.0188), but more exploratory behaviour (p = 0.008). However, pigs supplemented with HC presented less social interactions (p = 0.048), a trend to present less negative social behaviour (p = 0.09) and less skin lesions (P = 0.0433) than pigs not supplemented. Finally, no remarkable differences were reported in any of the three novel tests. Thus, both EE and HC positively influenced some animal welfare indicators and performance of growing pigs in the present experiment. Casal-Plana, N.; Manteca, X.; Dalmau, A.; Fàbrega, E. Influence of enrichment material and herbal compouds in the behaviour and performance of growing pigs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, v. 195, p. 38-43, 2017.

ASSESSMENT OF THE MULTI-CRITERIA EVALUATION SYSTEM OF THE WELFARE QUALITY®PROTOCOL FOR GROWING PIGS Animal welfare has become an important subject of public and political debate, leading to the necessity of an objective evaluation system for on-farm use. As welfare is a multi-dimensional concept, it makes sense to use a multi-criteria aggregation system to obtain an overall welfare score. Such an aggregation system is provided by the Welfare Quality® Network. The present paper focusses on the assessment of the multi-criteria evaluation model included in the Welfare Quality® protocol for growing pigs in order to aggregate the animal-based indicators first to criteria, then to principles and finally to an overall welfare score. Specifically, the importance of the indicators on the overall assessment of growing pig farms is analysed in a given population which consisted of a total of 198 protocol assessments carried out on a sample of 24 farms in Germany. By means of partial least squares modelling, the influence of measures in the calculation procedure is estimated by calculation and interpretation of Variable Importance for Projection (VIP) scores. Variable Importance for Projection scores revealed some meaningful, unexpected influences as the multi-criteria evaluation model of Welfare Quality® aimed at avoiding interferences and double-counting. Some of these influences led to the assumption that some measures might have potential as iceberg indicators, whereas others showed lesser importance. Thus, feasibility can be gained by the deletion and special weighting of indicators according to their importance. Altogether, the study is an essential contribution to the further development of the Welfare Quality® protocols as well as the application of multi-criteria decision systems in the field of animal welfare science in general. Czycholl, I.; Kniese, C.; Schrader, L.; Krieter, J. Assessment of the multi-criteria evaluation system of the Welfare Quality®protocol for growing pigs. Animal. v. 11, n. 09, p. 1573-1580, 2017.

EVALUATION OF PRE-SLAUGHTER LOSSES OF ITALIAN HEAVY PIGS A retrospective observational study evaluated the risk factors for pre-slaughter losses (i.e. animal deaths occurring during transport and lairage) and their economic impact in Italian heavy pigs (~160

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Universidade de São Paulo Prefeitura do Campus USP "Fernando Costa" - Pirassununga

Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Produção Animal - Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal


kg bodyweight). Of the 3 344 730 pigs transported, 1780 (0.053%) died before slaughter, with most losses occurring during transport (56.6%). The estimated economic impact was of 424 000 €. The percentage of batches with at least one animal lost pre-slaughter increased during summer (P < 0.001). The proportion of pre-slaughter losses was higher when journey lasted more than 90 min (P < 0.001) and was positively correlated with transport duration (P < 0.01). Losses were higher (P < 0.01) in batches transported at low stocking densities (i.e. when heavier pigs were transported). Batches with lower slaughtering order (i.e. longer lairage time) had higher proportions of losses (P < 0.001). Logistic regression analysis showed that the odds of a given batch to have at least one animal lost pre-slaughter were 1.32 times higher for batches slaughtered in summer, 1.54 times higher if journey durations exceeded 90 min, 1.25 times higher for batches with low slaughtering order, and not significantly influenced by stocking density during transport. Nannoni, E.; Liuzzo, G.; Serraino, A.; Giacometti, F.; Martelli, G.; Sardi, L.; Vitali, M.; Romagnoli, L.; Moscardini, E.; Ostanello, F. Evaluation of pre-slaughter losses of italian heavy pigs. Animal Production Science, v. 57, n. 10, p. 2072-2081, 2017.

GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES AND COORDINATION MECHANISMS IN THE BRAZILIAN PORK CHAIN – DIVERSITY OF ARRANGEMENTS TO SUPPORT THE SUPPLY OF PIGLETS This paper depicts the main coordination mechanisms (CMs) included in governance structures used to support the supply of piglets in the Brazilian Pork Chain (BPC). Furthermore, it analyses how and why actors use plural forms of coordination to support similar transactions. Based on the literature and an exploratory study carried out in the BPC, we propose a framework to analyse how price, volume, quality and resource allocation are coordinated in a transaction. This paper builds on transaction cost economics in two ways. First, it shows that to arrange a transaction, a buyer may set CMs in distinct positions within the market-hierarchy continuum. Second, it shows that actors use plural CMs with different counterparties in similar transactions. We found four explanations for plural governance: market fluctuations, bargaining

power of suppliers, stricter coordination and quality, and the exchange context. Martins, F. M.; Trienekens, J.; Omta, O. Governance structures and coordination mechanisms in the Brazilian pork chain – Diversity of arrangements to support the supply of piglet. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, v. 20, n. 4, p. 511-531, 2017.


OF THE SMALLHOLDER DAIRY VALUE CHAIN IN ZIMBABWE At the attainment of Zimbabwe’s independence, government of Zimbabwe established the smallholder dairy development programme to encourage smallholder farmers to participate in formal milk markets. Although now more than three decades since the government established this programme, smallholder contribution to the national formal market remains low at 5%. This study was undertaken to determine factors affecting milk market participation and volume of sales to milk collection centres of the smallholder dairy value chain. Four smallholder dairy schemes were purposively selected on the basis of whether the scheme participated in the semi-formal or formal dairy value chain. A total of 185 farmers were then selected through simple random sampling and interviewed using a pretested structured questionnaire. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and Heckman two-stage selection econometric models. Results show that resources (represented by dairy cows, household size), knowledge (educational level, access to information and extension), experience (household head age) and agro-ecological region significantly determined farmers’ participation in milk markets. The study also shows the determinants of milk sales volumes to be resources (number of dairy cows and landholding size); market access (distance to milk collection centre); ambition of the farmer (age); and natural climatic conditions (agro-ecological region). Government policy interventions therefore need to be targeted at increasing the number of dairy cows, taking into account landholding and market access, targeting educated, young farmers located in agro-ecological regions I and II, providing them with

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adequate, appropriate information and extension packages in order to enhance milk market participation and volume of sales. Chamboko, T.; Mwakiwa, E.; Mugabe, P.H.; Determinants of Milk Market Participation and Volume of Sales to Milk Collection Centres of the Smallholder Dairy Value Chain in Zimbabwe. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 09, n. 10, p. 156-167, 2017

EXPANDING A DAIRY BUSINESS AFFECTS BUDINESS AND FINANCIAL RISK Australia’s dairy farmers have expanded the size of their businesses in response to rising costs and falling prices. Dairy farmers pursuing increases in wealth encounter a greater risk associated with increased size, complexity and output. It is the consequences of risk that matter. Risk in a farm business can be partitioned into either business risk or financial risk. Previous research on changes to farm systems has primarily focussed on the impact of business risk, with less regard for financial risk. Our analysis has shown that expanding a farm business is likely to increase financial risk more than business risk. Before committing to the decision to expand their businesses, dairy farmers have control over the amount they borrow and, thus, some control over the exposure of their businesses to additional financial risk. Knowing the extra risk associated with extra debt is additional information that contributes to more informed decisions. In this research, an approach to assessing the change in business and financial risk associated with different expansion options is demonstrated. Sinnett, A.; Ho, C. K. M.; Malcolm, B. Expanding a dairy business affects business and financial risk. Animal Production Science, v. 57, n. 10, p. 2167-2174, 2017 TRAINED-USER OPINION ABOUT WELFARE QUALITY MEASURES AND INTEGRATED SCORING OF DAIRY CATTLE WELFARE The Welfare Quality (WQ) protocol for on-farm dairy cattle welfare assessment describes 27 measures and a stepwise method for integrating values for these measures into 11 criteria scores,

grouped further into 4 principle scores and finally into an overall welfare categorization with 4 levels. We conducted an online survey to examine whether trained users' opinions of the WQ protocol for dairy cattle correspond with the integrated scores (criteria, principles, and overall categorization) calculated according to the WQ protocol. First, the trained users' scores (n = 8–15) for reliability and validity and their ranking of the importance of all measures for herd welfare were compared with the degree of actual effect of these measures on the WQ integrated scores. Logistic regression was applied to identify the measures that affected the WQ overall welfare categorization into the “not classified” or “enhanced” categories for a database of 491 European herds. The smallest multivariate model maintaining the highest percentage of both sensitivity and specificity for the “enhanced” category contained 6 measures, whereas the model for “not classified” contained 4 measures. Some of the measures that were ranked as least important by trained users (e.g., measures relating to drinkers) had the highest influence on the WQ overall welfare categorization. Conversely, measures rated as most important by the trained users (e.g., lameness and mortality) had a lower effect on the WQ overall category. In addition, trained users were asked to allocate criterion and overall welfare scores to 7 focal herds selected from the database (n = 491 herds). Data on all WQ measures for these focal herds relative to all other herds in the database were provided. The degree to which expert scores corresponded to each other, the systematic difference, and the correspondence between median trained-user opinion and the WQ criterion scores were then tested. The level of correspondence between expert scoring and WQ scoring for 6 of the 12 criteria and for the overall welfare score was low. The WQ scores of the protocol for dairy cattle thus lacked correspondence with trained users on the importance of several welfare measures. De Graaf, S.; Ampe, B.; Winckler, C.; Radeski, M.; Mounier, L.; Kirchner, M. K.; Haskell, M. J.; van Ferdenburf, F. J. C. M.; de Boyerdes, A. Trained-user opinion about Welfare Quality measures and integrated scoring of dairy cattle welfare. Journal of Dairy Science, v. 100, n. 8, p. 6376-6388, 2017


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Most developing countries are situated in non-extreme climates; this characteristic facilitates outdoor farming the whole year around and animals are kept at pasture most of the day. This characteristic may influence the feasibility of some animal welfare assessment protocols developed for intensive systems. With the objective of testing the Welfare Quality® protocol for dairy cattle in Costa Rica, 60 farms in three different farming systems were assessed. The farms were visited only once to assess the observational part and workers were interviewed to obtain the information related to the management and health of the animals. Descriptive statistics for continuous variables was performed; a one-way Anova and a multiple Student’s t-test were applied for a comparison between groups of farms, in general and by each aspect. The farms were grouped according to the management system: Intensive, semi-intensive and extensive. None of the groups reached an excellent welfare state in all three principles of the protocol (good feeding, good health and appropriate behaviour), and only the extensive group achieved an excellent welfare state in good housing. The principle of good health was the lower for the three systems and on average all farms were placed below a neutral welfare state. The protocol underlines differences between the farms studied. There might be a need for modifications of the assessment protocol directed towards specific features in extensive and semi-intensive farms. Indicators of well-being for this type of enterprises are in demand. Hernández, A.; König, S. E.; Zúñiga, J. J. R.; Galina, C. S.; Berg, C.; Gonzales, M. R.; Villalobos, A. D. Implementation of the Welfare Quality® protocol in dairy farms raised on extensive, semi-intensive and intensive systems in Costa Rica. Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology, v. 5, n. 4, p. 132-138, 2017


fertilizer to agricultural fields can be reduced through better understanding of N supplied by organic amendments (OA). Field and simulation experiments were performed to quantify the effect of N released from OA application on crop production and selected soil properties in an intensively managed vegetable crop rotation. The SALUS crop model was used to simulate yield, soil

N, and soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics under different combinations of composted or raw OA and synthetic N fertilizer application rates. SALUS accurately simulated aboveground crop biomass production (r2 = 0.91, RMSE = 1.7 t ha–1) and crop N uptake (r2 = 0.96, RMSE = 15 kg N ha–1) under different N management strategies as well as SOC level (r2 = 0.51, RMSE = 1 t C ha–1) and soil mineral N (r2 = 0.58, RMSE = 56 kg N ha–1). No difference in crop biomass production was found with N fertilizer reductions up to 27% of the conventional N fertilizer rate when combined with OA application. A 12-yr scenario analysis using SALUS indicated that conventional N fertilizer can be further reduced by up to 50% while sustaining crop biomass production, thereby potentially reducing N losses to the environment. Data gathered from the field study and simulation scenarios highlighted the positive effect of composted OA to maintain soil C levels. This contrasts with average annual SOC losses of 3.7% observed in long-term simulation scenarios in systems with only N fertilizer or raw OA applications. Rosa, D.D.; Basso, B.; Rowlings, D.W.; Scheer, C.; Biala, J.; Grace, P.R. Can Organic Amendments Support Sustainable Vegetable Production? Agronomy Journal, v. 109, n. 5, p. 1856-1869, 2017


The study objective was to determine if there was a relationship between behavioral and physiological stress measures in sport horses and their performance. Nineteen horses competed in show jumping events (6 housed at the center and 13 transported), while 5 horses at home training served as controls. The competition horses were assigned to “light” (obstacles ≤100 cm) and “difficult” class (obstacles >100 cm). The conflict behaviors (CBs/min) in two rounds were calculated. Total faults were classified as “less faults” (≤one fault) or “more faults” (>one fault). Salivary cortisol concentration (SCC) before the first round (SCC-SP1), 20 minutes (SCC-SP2), and 60 minutes after the second round (SCC-SP3) was measured. The increase (SCC-in) and decrease (SCC-dec) in SCC were calculated. No effect of competition was found. Horses that waited longer for the second round had greater CB (P < .05). Conflict behavior was more frequent in horses from

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the “more faults” (P = .05) and “difficult” (a tendency; P = .06) classes. No correlation of CB with SCC was found. SCC-SP2 was greater in “more faults” (P < .01) and “transported” (P < .01) horses. Competition increased the SCC (P < .05), whereas SCC-SP2 was greater in less successful horses (P < .05). Transported horses and horses with more faults had the greatest SCC-SP2 and SCC-dec (P < .05). Our results suggest that horses which presented stress response were also less successful in competition. The adoption of effective methods to reduce transport and competition stress could enhance welfare and performance of sport horses during competition. Jastrzebska, E.; Wolska, A.; Minero, M.; Ogluszka, M.; Earley, B.; Wejer, J.; Górecka-Bruzda, A. Conflict Behavior in Show Jumping Horses: A Field Study. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, v. 57, p. 116-121, 2017

DOES DISCIPLINE MATTER? AN ANALYSIS OF EQUINE WELFARE PERCEPTIONS AND BELIEFS IN THE CONTEXT OF HORSE SHOW PARTICIPATION The equine industry is heterogeneous with a vast spectrum of participants. Previous research has focused on the categorization of horse enthusiasts into subgroups based on information regarding equine welfare and their characteristics, further working under the assumption that the equine industry is heterogeneous. The purposes of this study were to 1.Identify differences in how participants in certain horse show disciplines perceive equine welfare in general 2.Identify differences in how participants in horse show disciplines perceive equine welfare issues within the context of other disciplines. Lofgren, E. A.; Tucker, M. A.; Rice, B.; Voigt, M. A.; Brady, C. M. Does discipline matter? An analysis of equine welfare perceptions and beliefs in the context of horse show participation. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, v. 52, p. 115, 2017

DEVELOPING A HORSE WELFARE ASSESSMENT PROTOCOL This paper describes the development and pilot-testing of a horse welfare assessment protocol (HWAP). The HWAP consists of the collective

measurement of numerous factors considered likely to affect a horse's welfare and is thereby designed to provide a holistic score of its welfare status and to identify potential risk factors. The draft protocol contains 47 measures: 15 animal-based, 24 resource-based and eight management-based. It was tested in the autumn at two Swedish riding schools using a total of 37 horses of varying breed, gender and age. Each assessment was repeated after 16–25 days. The results showed that 66% (31/47) of the measures had over 85% repeatability between assessments. Results indicated occurrence of behavioural issues, eg aggression and avoidance, and potential risk factors, such as inadequate management routines and feeding regimes. Using the HWAP, the assessment of up to 22 horses could be carried out in one day. Changes were proposed to the draft protocol which included incorporating an ethogram to assess the human-animal relationship and assessing bit-related injuries. We propose that the protocol might: i) provide a firm basis for the welfare monitoring of horses; ii) identify important potential risk factors; iii) guide welfare improvement and management practices for horse owners and stable managers; and iv) contribute to the development of certification schemes for horse facilities. Viksten, S. M.; Visser, E. K.; Nyman, S.; Blokhuis, H. J. Developing a horse welfare assessment protocol. Animal Welfare, v. 26, n. 1, p. 59-65, 2017


In 2015, AWIN Goat Protocol was published in Europe, with indicators that identify welfare level of lactating dairy goats; however, there are no welfare protocols for meat goat. Therefore, the objective of this study was to select animal and resource-based indicators to assess welfare in meat goat in different types of grazing systems in Brazilian semiarid Northeast. Eighteen indicators were selected to evaluate the welfare of meat goat. The knowledge of the welfare degree of these animals is the best way to make improvements and promote a better quality of life to meat goat. Leite, L. P.; Stamm, F. P.; Garcia, R. C. M. Indicators to assess goat welfare on-farm in the

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semiarid region of Brazilian northeast. Ciência Rural, v. 47, n. 9, 2017

BEHAVIOURAL RESPONSE OF DAIRY GOAT KIDS TO CAUTERY DISBUDDING Behavioural changes associated with cautery disbudding of female Saanen dairy goat kids were assessed. At 4 ± 2 days of age, kids were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups: (i) disbudded with a cautery iron (CAUT, n = 5) and (ii) sham handled and not disbudded (SHAM, n = 5). Animals were video recorded 12 h pre- and post-treatment in the home pen. One trained observer recorded the frequency of 11 behaviours: allogrooming, body shaking, ear biting, feeding, head butting, head rubbing, head scratching, head shaking, jumping, running and self-grooming. In addition, total lying duration and number of lying bouts were measured using accelerometers. The mean post-treatment frequencies (corrected for the frequencies pre-treatment) were compared between treatment groups. CAUT and SHAM kids performed the same behaviours before and after treatment, however the frequency of certain behaviours changed in response to disbudding. Behaviours (mean ± SEM) that were significantly different between CAUT and SHAM kids were: head shaking (31.2 ± 3.11 vs. 17.5 ± 1.79; P = 0.03), head scratching (15.8 ± 5.90 vs. 2.2 ± 1.11; P = 0.04), head rubbing (4.2 ± 0.77 vs. 0.8 ± 0.27; P = 0.02) and body shaking (6.1 ± 0.36 vs. 8.8 ± 0.49; P = 0.02). Self-grooming was performed at much higher frequencies in CAUT than SHAM kids, however due to a large variation between individuals, this was not significantly different between treatments. There was no evidence of a difference in lying duration or number of lying bouts between treatments (P ≥ 0.75). Allogrooming, ear biting, feeding, head butting, jumping, running, and self-grooming did not vary significantly across treatments (P ≥ 0.06). Changes in the frequency of head shaking, head scratching, head rubbing and body shaking may reflect pain associated with cautery disbudding in goat kids and could be used to assess pain mitigation strategies in future studies. Hempstead, M. N.; Waas, J. R.; Stewart, M.; Cave, V. M.; Sutherland, A. M. Behavioural response of dairy goat kids to cautery disbudding. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, v. 194, p. 42-47

EFFECTS OF FARM MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND TRANSPORT DURATION ON STRESS RESPONSE AND MEAT QUALITY TRAITS OF SUCKLING GOAT KIDS Studies aimed to assess up to what extent farming and transport previous to slaughtering might affect physiology and meat quality in young goat kids are needed, with the ultimate purpose of promoting practices that minimize stress in these animals. In this regard the effects of on-farm management and transport duration on some physiological responses and meat quality parameters in goat kids were assessed. Two farms representing ‘high’ and ‘low’ welfare-friendly management practices were selected. In total, 32 suckling kids were withdrawn from each farm, transported by road for 2 or 6 h, and then slaughtered. Blood samples were collected both on-farm and in the slaughterhouse, and biochemistry, cell counts and haematocrit were determined. After slaughtering, carcass quality parameters were measured. Longissimus dorsi muscle was dissected and pH, colour parameters, water holding capacity and shear force were measured throughout 8-day ageing period. Results indicate that, regardless its duration, transport caused significant effects on some blood parameters suggesting stress in live animals, like glucose, cortisol or creatine kinase. Despite the marked stress status in animals, this condition was not decisively reflected on L. dorsi quality parameters, but some effects were observed regarding fat cover in carcasses and colour parameters. The results suggest that postmortem changes throughout ageing were more decisive in terms of meat quality than stressful management either on-farm or during transport. Alcalde, M. J.; Suárez, M. D.; Rodero, E.; Álvarez, R. Effects of farm management practices and transport duration on stress response and meat quality traits of suckling goat kids. Animal, v. 11, n. 9, p. 1626-1635, 2017

ASSESSMENT OF WELFARE ISSUES DURING TRADITIONAL SLAUGHTER OF GOATS IN PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA Goats are traditionally slaughtered to celebrate marriages and births, venerate ancestors, address personal problems, or perform a ritual during funerals. The objective of this study was to assess nonhuman animal welfare issues associated with the traditional slaughter of goats in and around

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Pretoria, South Africa. Participatory research methods were used to interview 105 respondents. Four of those interviewed were visited to observe the slaughter process. The most common method of transport was a vehicle (47%), followed by transport on foot (30%). The distance traveled (68%) was usually less than 10 km, and in all cases, it was less than 50 km. The most common (57%) method of restraining goats during transport was tying all 4 legs together. During slaughter, assistants held the head and legs of the goat (55%). Prior to slaughter, the majority of goats were tied under a tree (66%). In total, 97% of the goats were slaughtered within 24 hr, and no stunning was performed. In this study, animal welfare problems were widespread. Research should be undertaken to find practical ways to address animal welfare issues during traditional slaughter. Qekwana, D. N.; McCrindle, C. M. E.; Oguttu, J. W.; Grace, D.; Cenci-Goga, B. T. Assessment of Welfare Issues During Traditional Slaughter of Goats in Pretoria, South Africa. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, v. 20, n. 1, p. 34-41, 2017


This study aimed to assess the level of welfare in lambs by road transport and their carcasses and meat. Thus, we assessed behavioral parameters during transport, physiological parameters after landing and before slaughter and carcass and meat characteristics of lambs. Four road transports were achieved with increasing durations (1h45min, 3h52min, 7h30min and 10h30min), there were twenty lambs in each transport. Animals body weight was 36.64±2.13 kg before transport. The lambs were slaughtered 15 hours after landing. The lambs lie down (median equal to zero every 20min) for a short time in journeys shorter than 3h52min. The number of potentially traumatic events is low (median near zero every 20min) for any transport duration. The adrenaline and cortisol concentrations, as well as metabolites that are controlled by them, did not testify that longer transport. However, the carcasses mass decreased and creatine kinase concentrations increased linearly with longer transports, which may reveal decrease in welfare. The meat quality

of lambs was not influenced by the transport duration. Silva, F. V. Welfare of lambs subjected to road transport and assessment of carcasses and meat. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, v. 37, n. 6, p. 630-336, 2017

EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT REST-STOP DURATIONS AT CONTROL POSTS DURING A LONG JOURNEY ON THE WELFARE OF SHEEP All livestock transport within the European Union must comply with the EC Regulation 1/2005. For sheep, this law prescribes a maximum journey of 29 hours after which animals must rest in control posts (CP) for 24 hours before further transportation. However, there is no scientific evidence defining the effects of different stop duration on sheep recovery during long journeys. The aim of this study was to assess if a shorter stop could be provided without impairing ewes’ welfare. Ninety six adult ewes were divided into 4 homogenous groups. One group stayed at the farm (control) and the other 3 were transported for 29 hours (long transport, LT), stopped at CP for different times (8 hours (S8 group); 16 hours (S16 group); 24 hours (S24 group)) and were re transported for 6 hours (short transport, ST). Blood and saliva were collected to assess dehydration, muscular damage, and adrenocortical stress before departure, after LT, after the stop, and after ST. The LT affected the hydration of all transported groups (i.e. higher BUN/creatinine levels than controls, p < 0.001), but basal values were restored after the ST, regardless of the stop duration. After the ST, S8 group had higher muscular damage than the other groups (p < 0.05). No differences in stress level were observed. These results suggest that, in this trial, ewe’s welfare was not impaired by a stop reduction from 24 hours to 16 hours. Messori, S.; Pedernera-Romano, C.; Rodriguez, P.; Barnard, S.; Giansante, D.; Magnani, D.; Dalmau, A.; Velarde, A.; Villa, P. D. Effects of different rest-stop durations at control posts during a long journey on the welfare of sheep. Veterinaria Italiana, v. 53, n. 2, p. 121-129, 2017

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evaluate the production and economic viability of finished beef cattle in feedlot in the Cerrado biome of Piauí State, Brazil. One hundred and fifty cattle -50 bulls (B) with an body weight of 283.0 ± 20.82 kg, at 30 months of age; and 100 cull cows (CC) with an body weight of 296.1 ± 17.80 kg, at 100 months of age- were used in a completely randomized design. The animal performance indicators for the evaluation of economic viability were initial age (months), slaughter age (months), was initial body weight (kg), final body weight (kg), daily feed intake (kg animal-1; kg kg-1 BW), diet cost (R$ kg-1 of diet), cost of kg produced (R$ kg-1 produced), and average price of the kg of meat for finishing (R$). The CC consumed more sorghum silage and concentrate than B (p < 0.05).There was a difference between the categories (p < 0.05) for gross revenue, balance, opportunity cost, and net revenue per animal, with higher values found for the steer category. The animal category did not affect the profitability of the system, although the bulls provided lower revenues than cull cows. Santos, P. B.; Júnior, H. A. S.; Araújo, M. J.; Oliveira, A. P.; Freitas, T. B.; Viana, P. T. Production and economic viability of feedlot beef cattle categories. Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, v. 39, n. 2, 2017

REVISED METHANE EMISSIONS FACTORS AND SPATIALLY DISTRIBUTED ANNUAL CARBON FLUXES FOR GLOBAL LIVESTOCK Background: Livestock play an important role in carbon cycling through consumption of biomass and emissions of methane. Recent research suggests that existing bottom-up inventories of livestock methane emissions in the US, such as those made using 2006 IPCC Tier 1 livestock emissions factors, are too low. This may be due to outdated information used to develop these emissions factors. In this study, we update information for cattle and swine by region, based on reported recent changes in animal body mass, feed quality and quantity, milk productivity, and management of animals and manure. We then use this updated information to calculate new livestock methane emissions factors for enteric fermentation

in cattle, and for manure management in cattle and swine. Results: Using the new emissions factors, we estimate global livestock emissions of 119.1 ± 18.2 Tg methane in 2011; this quantity is 11% greater than that obtained using the IPCC 2006 emissions factors, encompassing an 8.4% increase in enteric fermentation methane, a 36.7% increase in manure management methane, and notable variability among regions and sources. For example, revised manure management methane emissions for 2011 in the US increased by 71.8%. For years through 2013, we present (a) annual livestock methane emissions, (b) complete annual livestock carbon budgets, including carbon dioxide emissions, and (c) spatial distributions of livestock methane and other carbon fluxes, downscaled to 0.05 × 0.05 degree resolution. Conclusions: Our revised bottom-up estimates of global livestock methane emissions are comparable to recently reported top-down global estimates for recent years, and account for a signifcant part of the increase in annual methane emissions since 2007. Our results suggest that livestock methane emissions, while not the dominant overall source of global methane emissions, may be a major contributor to the observed annual emissions increases over the 2000s to 2010s. Diferences at regional and local scales may help distinguish livestock methane emissions from those of other sectors in future top-down studies. The revised estimates allow improved reconciliation of top-down and bottom-up estimates of methane emissions, will facilitate the development and evaluation of Earth system models, and provide consistent regional and global Tier 1 estimates for environmental assessments. Wolf, J.; Asrar, G.R. and West, T.O. Revised methane emissions factors and spatially distributed annual carbon fluxes for global livestock. Carbon Balance and Management, v. 12, p. 2 – 24, 2017 DOI 10.1186/s13021-017-0084-y

THE EFFECTS OF WELFARE-RELATED MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON CARCASS CHARACTERISTICS FOR BEEF CATTLE The improvement of farm animal welfare through management practices has become important despite the fact that there is a conflict between animal welfare and production efficiency. It may be possible to find associations between production and management practices related to animal welfare, such as management strategies to enhance both production and animal welfare. The

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objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of different fattening management practices with respect to animal welfare on the carcass characteristics in Japanese beef cattle fattening systems at the farm level. The face-to-face interview survey on welfare-related management practices was conducted with 30 beef fattening farmers who sold more than 5 animals from July 2014 to March 2015 in the carcass market in Shiga Prefecture. The best linear unbiased predictors of each farm (the so-called farm BLUP) for carcass traits (carcass weight, CWT; marbling score, BMS; longissimusmuscle area, LMA; rib thickness, RT; and subcutaneous fat thickness, SFT) and carcass unit price (CUP) were estimated from the data collected at the carcass market. The effect of management practices on farm BLUPs for carcass traits and CUP were tested using one-way ANOVA. For management practices, there were significant effects of routine claw trimming on farm BLUP for SFT (P<0.05), dehorning for CUP (P<0.05), and nose ring for BMS (P<0.05) and CUP (P<0.01). In Japan, some farmers who purchased stock calves at the calf markets maintain them in isolated pens before grouping them at the start of fattening, and this management had a significant effect on farm BLUPs for RT (P<0.05), CWT, and LMA (P<0.01). Likewise, the equipment of additional identification tags had a significant effect on farm BLUP for CWT (P<0.05). For housing management, the floor type significantly affected the farm BLUP for LMA (P<0.05). These results suggest that the consideration of animal welfare at the farm level in beef fattening systems might improve the quantity and quality of the beef produced. Sonoda, Y.; Oishi, K.; Kumagai, H.; Aoki, Y.; Hirooka, H. The effects of welfare-related management practices on carcass characteristics for beef cattle. Livestock Science, v. 197, p. 112-116, 2017

CONVENTIONAL VERSUS MODERN ABATTOIRS IN COLOMBIA: IMPACTS ON WELFARE INDICATORS AND RISK FACTORS FOR HIGH MUSCLE PH IN COMMERCIAL ZEBU YOUNG BULLS The aim of the study was to determine the effects of abattoir type (conventional abattoir -CA- versus modern abattoir –MA-) on stress parameters and risk factors for high muscle pH in Colombia. A total of 522 Zebu young bulls were studied in two groups: 285 at CA, and 237 at MA. Blood samples

were taken to measure cortisol, glucose, lactate, creatine kinase, β-hydroxybutyrate, total protein, albumin, creatinine, urea, haematocrit, leukocytes and N/L ratio. Cattle were monitored during the unloading, lairage, handling and stunning. The logistic regression model showed that stocking density, transport time, abattoir type, and inefficient stunning were variables associated with the prevalence of dark cutting carcasses. This study demonstrated that modern improvements at abattoir level, proper infrastructure, and stunning equipment, do not always guarantee quality in terms of animal welfare. As a first attempt in the Colombian beef industry, this research suggested how handling practices could affect cattle welfare and the prevalence of high muscle pH even at MA. Romero, M. H.; Uribe-Velásquez, L. F.; Sánchez, J. A.; Rayas-Amor, A.A.; Lama, G. C. M. Conventional versus modern abattoirs in Colombia: Impacts on welfare indicators and risk factors for high muscle pH in commercial Zebu young bulls. Meat Science, v. 123, p. 173-181, 2017


Increased understanding of trends in supermarket sales of seafood and fish has potential to assist the U.S. aquaculture industry to refine marketing strategies and target markets. This article focuses on understanding the marketing of seafood products in grocery retail stores with special emphasis on four major southern aquaculture products (catfish, shrimp, clams and crawfish). The study used store-based as well as household-based scanner data from the Nielsen Company. Results show that frozen/chilled finfish sales (in value) are increasing faster than total frozen seafood sales. Shrimp is the major type of frozen seafood sold in the United States. Among unbreaded finfish, tilapia, whiting, salmon, catfish and flounder occupied the top five ranks in terms of cumulative 5-year sales from 2005–06 to 2009–10. The share of tilapia in retail markets has risen consistently and steeply over the years. Sales performance of products in a market is correlated positively with the degree of promotional pricing given to that product. The study found that the U.S. aquaculture industry needs to develop market-specific strategies to gain further market share in

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retail stores. Several aquaculture farmers/processors have used the study results to design or redesign their marketing plans and strategies. Dey, M. M.; Surathkal, P.; Chen, O. L.; Engle, C. R. Market trends for seafood products in the USA: Implication for Southern aquaculture products. Aquaculture Economics & Management, v. 21, n. 1, p. 25-43

FISH WELFARE IN AQUAPONIC SYSTEMS: ITS RELATION TO WATER QUALITY WITH AN EMPHASIS ON FEED AND FAECES – A REVIEW Aquaponics is the combination of aquaculture (fish) and hydroponic cultivation of plants. This review examines fish welfare in relation to rearing water quality, fish feed and fish waste and faeces to develop a sustainable aquaponic system where the co-cultured organisms, fish, bacteria in biofilters and plants, should be considered holistically in all aquaponics operations. Water quality parameters are the primary environmental consideration for optimizing aquaponic production and for directly impacting fish welfare/health issues and plant needs. In aquaponic systems, the uptake of nutrients should be maximised for the healthy production of the plant biomass but without neglecting the best welfare conditions for the fish in terms of water quality. Measures to reduce the risks of the introduction or spread of diseases or infection and to increase biosecurity in aquaponics are also important. In addition, the possible impacts of allelochemicals, i.e., chemicals released by the plants, should be taken into account. Moreover, the effect of diet digestibility, faeces particle size and settling ratio on water quality should be carefully considered. As available information is very limited, research should be undertaken to better elucidate the relationship between appropriate levels of minerals needed by plants, and fish metabolism, health and welfare. It remains to be investigated whether and to what extent the concentrations of suspended solids that can be found in aquaponic systems can compromise the health of fish. Water quality, which directly affects fish health and well-being, is the key factor to be considered in all aquaponic systems. Yildiz, H. Y.; Robaina, L.; Pirhonen, J.; Mente, E.; Domínguez, D.; Parisi, G. Fish Welfare in Aaquaponic Systems: Its Relation to Water Quality

with an Emphasis on Feed and Faeces – A Review. Water, v. 9, n. 1, 2017 CONSUMER PREFERENCES FOR SUSTAINABLE AQUACULTURE PRODUCTS: EVIDENCE FROM IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS, THINK ALOUD PROTOCOLS AND CHOICE EXPERIMENTS Fish from aquaculture is becoming more important for human consumption. Sustainable aquaculture procedures were developed as an alternative to overcome the negative environmental impacts of conventional aquaculture procedures and wild fisheries. The objective of this contribution is to determine what consumers expect from sustainable aquaculture and whether they prefer sustainable aquaculture products. A combination of qualitative research methods, with think aloud protocols and in-depth interviews, as well as quantitative methods, using choice experiments and face-to-face interviews, was applied. Data was collected in three different cities of Germany. Results revealed that sustainable aquaculture was associated with natural, traditional, local, and small scale production systems with high animal welfare standards. Overall, participants paid a lot of attention to the declaration of origin; in particular fish products from Germany and Denmark were preferred along with local products. Frequently used sustainability claims for aquaculture products were mostly criticized as being imprecise by the participants of the qualitative study; even though two claims tested in the choice experiments had a significant positive impact on the choice of purchase. Similarly, existing aquaculture-specific labels for certified sustainable aquaculture had an impact on the buying decision, but were not well recognized and even less trusted. Overall, consumers had a positive attitude towards sustainable aquaculture. However, communication measures and labelling schemes should be improved to increase consumer acceptance and make a decisive impact on consumers' buying behavior. Risius, A.; Jansenn, M.; Hamm, U. Consumer preferences for sustainable aquaculture products: Evidence from in-depth interviews, think aloud protocols and choice experiments. Appetite, v. 113, p. 246-254, 2017

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THE DEVELOPMENT OF GM CROPS Being more than mere passive objects used at human will, technologies co-determine the values and structures that shape the EU agricultural system. Technologies (in use) actively shape human interpretation, human action and co-shape our moral standards and routines. It is therefore important to account for the moral significance of agricultural technologies when characterising the structures in place within EU agriculture as well as when trying to understand why a particular agricultural technology is favoured or strongly opposed. From this perspective on technology, an interesting question to pose, is how, within their current use context, genetically modified (GM) crops mediate human interpretation and human practice? This technology is of particular interest, because after more than 30 years, the debate on GM crops is still profound and highly polarised within EU society. Yet, too often, this debate is devalued as being irrational or irrelevant, while we show in this article, based on a technological mediation analysis, how ethical concerns about agricultural practices have co-evolved with the technological development of GM crops. This qualifies public debate on GM crops in the EU as both legitimate and relevant, as, from this perspective on technology, it can be seen as an important way to both characterise and discuss how EU agriculture is and should be organised. Analysing technology in terms of the myriad ways in which it mediates the relationship between humans and their world, further allows us to make some suggestions about how to broaden the ongoing EU discussion beyond the current dichotomous Yes/No framing. Inghelbrecht, L.; Goeminne, G.; Huylenbroeck, G.V.; Dessein, J. When technology is more than instrumental: how ethical concerns in EU agriculture co-evolve with the development of GM crops. Agriculture and Human Values, v. 34, n. 3, p. 543-557, 2017.


The slaughterhouse, whether it is seen as an institution, as an industry, or as a unique technological system, is arguably right at the heart of modernism. Human–animal relationships and more generally human–nature relationships bring about issues of rationalization, alienation, and commodity fetishism, while raising philosophical concerns of the human worldview. Current practices of animal slaughter in Iran challenge the core values of Islamic teachings. Slaughterhouses are hidden from the public, segregated into various sections, and follow the exact same models of industrial production as in other parts of the world. Since they must abide by Islamic ways of slaughter and therefore become Halal, these slaughterhouses are slightly modified accordingly. When meat, or what is recently referred to as protein, shows up in the market, it conceals any sign of its true origin—it is neatly packaged with layers of plastic and modern colorful labels showing animals happily grazing on open, green pasture. The findings of this research point to the subtle imbalance and alienation created between humans and animals in Iran. Doostdar, H. M.; Shah, M.H.; Sattari, M. H.; Ahmadreza, M. D.; Mamat, M. Z. A Clean Kill: Tracking the Socio-technological Aspects of Slaughtering Animals in Iran. Anthrozoös, v. 30, n. 3, p. 373-386, 2017


O Índice de Custo de Produção de Bovinos Confinados é um projeto desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal, sediado no Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo. Na quarta edição do Informativo de Custos de Bovinos Confinados (ICBC) se identificou aumento dos custos de produção em setembro para todas as regiões pesquisadas. Os custos das diárias-boi (CDB) aumentaram 3,26%, 2,95% e 2,98% para os confinamentos de São Paulo médio (CSPm), grande (CSPg) e de Goiás (CGO), respectivamente. Para o estado de Goiás, a propriedade representativa registrou, pelo segundo mês consecutivo, aumento dos custos de

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produção, comportamento diferente ao apresentado pelas propriedades localizadas em São Paulo, que tiveram elevação somente neste mês de setembro. Contribuindo para o aumento dos custos em São Paulo, as tarifas de energia elétrica subiram 11%. Nos dois estados o preço do milho grão subiu novamente, registrando aumento médio de 11%. Consequentemente, os preços dos subprodutos do milho também se elevaram, aumentando os custos das dietas para todas as propriedades estudadas. Embora no presente mês tenha sido identificado aumento dos custos de produção, esse aumento

ainda foi inferior ao divulgado no mês de abril deste ano. Nossa análise para setembro indicou que os custos totais (CT) por arroba para os confinamentos de São Paulo médio (CSPm), grande (CSPg) e de Goiás (CGO), foram de R$ 134,44, R$ 132,45 e R$ 128,94, respectivamente, conforme demonstrado na Tabela 2. Portanto, valores superiores ao custo total de produção garantem o lucro econômico aos confinadores. Assim, concluímos que o minucioso e regular controle dos custos das operações pecuárias possibilita aos gestores um processo de tomada de decisão mais assertivo a favor de resultados econômicos positivos.

Tabela 1. Comparativo de custos da diária-boi (CDB) entre os meses de agosto e setembro de 2017 Agosto /2017 Setembro /2017 Variação

Confinamento São Paulo médio – CSPm¹ R$ 7,68 R$ 7,93 3,26%

Confinamento São Paulo grande – CSPg² R$ 7,45 R$ 7,67 2,95%

Confinamento Goiás – CGO³ R$ 6,71 R$ 6,91 2,98% 1 Dias de confinamento igual a 95; 2 103 dias; e 3 99 dias;

Considerações da análise de custos: O método de alocação dos custos contempla quatro categorias: i) custos variáveis (aquisição de animais e despesas relacionadas); ii) custos semifixos (energia elétrica, telefonia e combustíveis); iii) custos fixos (mão de obra, depreciações e manutenções); e iv) renda dos fatores (juros sobre o capital de giro e sobre o capital próprio). Desta

forma todos os itens de custos foram inclusos conforme a Teoria Econômica. A análise de todos os custos se faz necessário para evitar a descapitalização do produtor na atividade. Entretanto, é comum analisar os resultados por meio de outros indicadores. A Tabela 2 demonstra os custos resumidos com os principais indicadores da atividade.

Tabela 2. Custos de produção no mês de setembro de 2017, em R$/@

Itens do custo CSPm¹ CSPg² CGO³

Custos Variáveis - CV 122,48 121,45 118,06

Custos Semifixos - CSF 0,80 0,95 1,02

Custos Fixos - CF 5,65 5,07 4,99

Renda dos Fatores - CO 5,50 4,98 4,87

Custo Operacional Efetivo - COE 123,85 123,92 120,45

Custo Operacional Total - COT 128,94 125,46 124,07

Custo Total - CT 134,44 132,45 128,94

Custo Operacional - COPd4 1,91 1,62 1,63 1 Confinamento em São Paulo de tamanho médio; 2 Confinamento em São Paulo grande; 3 Confinamento em Goiás; e 4 Custo Operacional por dia em reais. Esse indicador considera todos os itens de custos, exceto: aquisição de animais, alimentação, os impostos variáveis e os custos de oportunidade relacionados (R$.animal.dia-1).

Cadastre-se para ser nosso informante mensal de preços de insumos, e/ou para receber gratuitamente a planilha de cálculo de custo de produção de bovinos confinados! Para mais detalhes sobre o estudo e dúvidas, envie e-mail para: [email protected]


O Índice de Custo de Produção do Cordeiro Paulista é um projeto desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal, sediado no Departamento de

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Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Produção Animal - Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal


Nutrição e Produção Animal da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo. Registramos alta no índice do custo agregado para o estado após uma sequência de quatro meses em redução. No levantamento deste mês, setembro, a variação foi de 6,35% em relação a agosto. Destacam-se os aumentos nas regiões de Bauru e

Campinas, que apresentaram variação superior a 10%. A variação de custo nas regiões de Araçatuba e São José do Rio Preto foram mais modestas. Entretanto, em Piracicaba verificou-se variação negativa devido à queda nos valores dos reprodutores, equipamentos e arrendamento da terra. Em todas as regiões pesquisadas houve redução no custo do arrendamento da terra. A taxa Selic foi cotada a 11,83% ao ano em setembro.

Tabela 1. Custo de produção do cordeiro nos meses de agosto e setembro de 2017.


Custo do cordeiro em


Custo do cordeiro em

setembro /2017 Variação

do custo % R$/kg vivo R$/kg carcaça R$/kg vivo R$/kg carcaça

Araçatuba1 22,17 52,78 22,86 54,42 3,11

Bauru1 17,88 44,70 19,80 49,50 10,74

Campinas1 29,76 69,20 33,59 78,13 12,87

Piracicaba2 30,30 70,48 29,77 69,24 -1,75

São José do Rio Preto1 7,13 14,86 7,22 15,04 1,26

Custo agregado para o

estado3 17,76 41,69 18,88 44,39 6,35

1 Nas regiões de Araçatuba, Bauru, Campinas e São José do Rio Preto os custos se referem ao kg do cordeiro terminado. 2 Na região de Piracicaba os custos se referem ao kg do cordeiro desmamado, não terminado. 3 Ponderação dos índices regionais baseada nos efetivos de rebanho de cada região, segundo a Pesquisa Pecuária Municipal (IBGE, 2011).

Recebemos com certa frequência mensagens com dúvidas em relação à forma com que os custos são calculados neste estudo. Assim, procuramos apresentar a seguir algumas informações para melhorar a compreensão sobre o ICPC. Itens de custo: no método adotado, os itens de custo são agrupados em três categorias. São elas: i) custos variáveis (alimentação e despesas veterinárias); ii) custos fixos operacionais (mão de obra, energia e combustíveis, depreciações de

instalações, equipamentos e reprodutores e manutenção de instalações, equipamentos e pastagens); e iii) renda dos fatores (juros sobre o capital de giro e imobilizado e custo de oportunidade da terra). Assim, são incluídos todos os itens recomendados pela Teoria Econômica. É importante que se incluam todos estes itens, para evitar a descapitalização do produtor. No entanto, é comum que vários destes itens não entrem nas contas dos produtores, por diversos motivos. A Tabela 2 demonstra o impacto disso no custo de produção do mês atual.

Tabela 2. Custos de produção no mês de setembro de 2017, em R$/kg vivo, descontando-se alguns itens.

São José do

Rio Preto Campinas Bauru Piracicaba Araçatuba

Custo total (CT) 7,22 33,59 19,80 29,77 22,86

CT menos custo do pasto 5,32 32,19 14,89 17,22 12,65

CT menos renda dos fatores 5,96 25,61 16,54 23,66 19,07

CT menos depreciações 6,63 32,19 19,30 28,96 22,37

CT menos custo do pasto,

renda dos fatores e depreciações 3,47 22,80 11,13 10,30 8,37

Se desejar, cadastre-se para ser um informante mensal de preços de insumos, e/ou para receber gratuitamente a planilha de cálculo de custo de produção de cordeiros. Para mais detalhes sobre

a caracterização dos sistemas de produção considerados no estudo ou sobre a ponderação do índice estadual, envie e-mail para [email protected].

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Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Produção Animal - Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal



Ebooks Wiley O SIBi disponibilizou acesso ao pacote total de e-books e as obras de referência “Comprehensive Physiology, eLS-Encyclopedia of Life Sciences e Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry” da editora WILEY Com um total de 19.755 títulos de diversas áreas o pacote total de e-books ficará disponível para usuários da USP até 24 de abril de 2018 pelo link:

Os livros de Medicina Veterinária estão disponíveis no link:

Destacamos alguns títulos:


Paulo Freire, uma história de vida Ana Maria Araújo Freire Editora Paz & Terra

Veterinary Studies: For Agricultural Students (Classic Reprint) M. H. Reynolds Editora Forgotten Books

Interspecies Interactions: Animals and Humans between the Middle Ages and Modernity 1st Edition Sarah Cockram & Andrew Wells Editora Routledge

Reaching Your Veterinary Career Success Vadim Chelom Editora CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Animals and Human Society – 1st Edition Colin Scanes & Samia Toukhsati Editora Academic Press

The Farmer’s Veterinary Advisor: A Guide to the Prevention and Treatment of Disease in Domestic Animals (Classic Reprint)

James Law Editora Forgotten Books

Insects as food and feed: from production to consumption Edited by: Arnold van Huis and Jeffery K. Tomberlin

Towards a new regulatory framework for GM crops in the European Union Leire Escajedo San-Epifanio

Consumer trends and new product opportunities in the food sector Edited by Klaus G. Grunert

Book of Abstracts of the 68th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science Edited by: EAAP scientific committee


Karen Regina Nogueira

O programa de Cultura e Extensão “Diálogos no LAE” recebeu a Médica Veterinária, PhD, Evelise Fonseca, para versar sobre “A inserção do pós-graduando no mercado de trabalho relacionado à ciência e à produção animal”. Devido à necessidade do pós-graduando entrar no mercado de trabalho, muitas dúvidas aparecem antes desse processo. Na terça, dia 19, ocorreu um diálogo bem descontraído que abordou diversos fatores, para que um pós-graduando consiga lidar com esses conflitos.

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Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Produção Animal - Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal


A palestra teve um público bastante bom, sendo 47 pessoas ao todo, sendo que 68,1% eram pós-graduandos. Existem alguns fatores que são extremamente essenciais para todo pós-graduando, sendo eles: ser fluente na língua inglesa; ter uma boa comunicação; estar sempre atualizado na sua área; estar também atualizado com o que ocorre no mundo; ter firmeza para escolher entre o mercado acadêmico e mercado industrial / empresarial; saber lidar em entrevistas de emprego, se possível participar de cursos específicos para isso. O Diálogos no LAE foi muito esclarecedor, mostrando que para um pós-graduando ter uma inserção promissora ao mercado de trabalho, só depende de suas próprias escolhas. “O que leva um pós-graduando ser bem reconhecido no mercado de trabalho são suas habilidades.... mas ter um inglês fluente colabora muito!”, afirmou a palestrante. No próximo dia 10 de outubro o programa de extensão “Diálogos no LAE” receberá a Médica Veterinária Coordenadora de Produção – Multiplicadoras – Agroceres PIC, Juliana Cristina Rego Ribas. Juliana abordará o tema “O que a produção está fazendo em prol do bem-estar dos suínos?”. Faça sua inscrição pelo site:

Diálogos de novembro, agende-se....

Diálogos de dezembro, agende-se....

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Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Produção Animal - Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal




PRODUTOS DE ORIGEM ANIMAL Uma pergunta que começa a ser feita pela sociedade e por aqueles que têm como missão gerenciar os recursos hídricos é: quanto de água se consome para produzir um quilograma de carne, leite, ovo, milho, soja, etc.? Nos últimos anos, estudos com o objetivo de responder a essa pergunta começaram a ser feitos. Existem vários métodos que podem ser utilizados nesses estudos. Um dos que tem tido maior aceitação pela comunidade científica, governos e destaque na mídia é o método da pegada hídrica. O cálculo da pegada hídrica pode auxiliar na geração de conhecimento a fim de manejar os recursos hídricos nas atividades agropecuárias e agroindustriais. A pegada hídrica é definida como o volume de água consumido, direta e indiretamente para produzir o produto. O cálculo e avaliação da pegada se propõe a ser uma ferramenta analítica, auxiliando no entendimento de como o produto se relaciona com a demanda e a escassez hídrica.


Curso: Manejo reprodutivo de quelônios de água doce em cativeiro Macapá, Amapá, 27 a 28 de outubro de 2017

Curso: Adequação ambiental da propriedade rural – A aplicação do Programa de Regularização Ambiental (PRA) Palmas, Tocantins, 09 a 11 de outubro de 2017

Curso: Serviços ecossistêmicos na paisagem rural Colombo, Paraná, 10 de ourubto de 2017

Curso de Projetos de Sistemas de Irrigação 25 a 27 de outubro de 2017

Curso de Manejo de Sistemas de Irrigação 23 a 25 de outubro de 2017

Curso de Administração Técnica e Econômica da Bovinocultura de Corte 20 a 22 de outubro de 2017

Curso de Formulação de Dietas e Rações para Bovinos 17 a 19 de outubro de 2017

Curso Avançado de Ecocardiografia em Cães e Gatos 25 a 29 de outubro de 2017


Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS): abre concurso público de provas para provimento de vagas para cargos Técnico-Administrativos em Educação para o quadro permanente da UFMS, na área de Medicina Veterinária. As inscrições serão realizadas exclusivamente pela internet, entre 21 de setembro e 03 de novembro de 2017, através do site da UFMS e da FAPEC. Mais informações:

Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA): A UFBA faz saber da abertura de Concurso Público, aberto

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Universidade de São Paulo Prefeitura do Campus USP "Fernando Costa" - Pirassununga

Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Produção Animal - Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal


pelo edital 001/2017, oferecendo mais de 60 vagas, entre elas a de professor adjunto na área de Fisiologia de Órgãos e Sistemas com perfil desejado de Graduação em Ciências da Saúde ou Ciências Biológicas ou Medicina Veterinária e Doutorado stricto sensu em Ciências Biológicas ou Ciências da Saúde ou Multidisciplinar (Saúde e Biologia). Inscrições até 16/11. Mais informações:

Prefeitura de Calçado (PE): A Prefeitura de Calçado, Estado de Pernambuco, promove a retificação do Concurso Público que objetiva o preenchimento de 113 vagas em todos os níveis de escolaridade, entre elas uma vaga para Médico Veterinário. Inscrições até dia 31 de outubro de 2017. Mais informações pelo edital:

Prefeitura de Lages (SC): A Prefeitura de Lages abre, por meio do edital 007/2017, Concurso Público para Cadastro Reserva na área de Médico Veterinário. Inscrições de 12 de setembro a 13 de outubro de 2017, pela Internet, através do site Mais informações:

Grupo Neovia By In Vivo Nutrição e Saúde Animal abre oportunidade para supervisor de vendas técnicas – leite. Perfil profissional: medicina veterinária ou zootecnia. Envio de currículos até dia 23 de Outubro de 2017. Mais informações: JBS: Abre oportunidade para Médico Veterinário, na área de Avicultura, em São José (SC), em contrato CLT, para Responsável técnico substituto do laboratório de sanidade. Envio de currículos até dia 14 de Outubro de 2017. Mais informações:


III Encontro de Endocrinologia em Pequenos Animais Jaboticabal, SP, 20 a 22 de outubro de 2017

I SINBECOBEA 2017 – Simpósio Nordestino de Bioética, Comportamento e Bem-Estar Animal Aracaju, SE, 09 a 11 de outubro de 2017

XX CONBEP – Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia de Pesca Florianópolis, SC, 08 a 11 de outubro de 2017

III Jornada Científica da Embrapa Meio-Norte Teresina, Piauí, 25 a 26 de outubro de 2017

XI Congresso Brasileiro de Agroinformática – SBIAgro 2017 Campinas, São Paulo, 02 a 06 de outubro de 2017

Simpósio One Health: Medicina Veterinária do Coletivo e Saúde Pública Botucatu, São Paulo, 28 a 29 de outubro de 2017!/eventos/

I Simpósio de Etologia e Bem-Estar Equino Botucatu, São Paulo, 21 a 22 de outubro de 2017!/eventos/


O Boletim Eletrônico “Socioeconomia & Ciência Animal” é um dos projetos de extensão do Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal (LAE) vinculado ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Produção Animal da FMVZ/USP. O Boletim Eletrônico tem o objetivo de divulgar os resultados de pesquisas desenvolvidas e publicadas nacionalmente e internacionalmente, e que tenham como campo de investigação as Ciências Humanas aplicadas diretamente ou conjuntamente à Ciência Animal. Portanto, este projeto de extensão procura contribuir para o desenvolvimento científico baseado na multidisciplinaridade. Gostaríamos de convidar nossos leitores a participarem ativamente deste projeto de extensão por meio da publicação de artigos de divulgação decorrentes das suas pesquisas e que estejam

Page 23: Socioeconomia & Ciência Animal -… · o mês de novembro de 2016, utilizando o Índice Nacional de Preços ao

Universidade de São Paulo Prefeitura do Campus USP "Fernando Costa" - Pirassununga

Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Produção Animal - Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal


relacionados com a socioeconomia e com a agropecuária / ciência animal. Os artigos de divulgação devem ser de no máximo 4 páginas, com fonte tipo Arial, tamanho 10 e espaçamento simples. Pode ser uma análise, uma crítica, uma revisão ou uma parte de algum trabalho desenvolvido previamente. Relembramos que é condição necessária para o aceite, que o artigo de divulgação tenha relação direta com assuntos relevantes para a sociedade de uma forma geral (não apenas à comunidade científica) ou que envolva multidisciplinaridade (ciência natural + ciências humanas). Submeta o artigo para o e-mail: [email protected]


Augusto Hauber Gameiro [email protected] Professor da FMVZ/USP Alejandro Ojeda Rojas [email protected] Doutorando na FMVZ/USP Gustavo Lineu Sartorello [email protected] Doutorando na FMVZ/USP Gabriela Geraldi Mendonça [email protected] Mestranda na FMVZ/USP Larissa Carvalho dos Santos [email protected] Aluna do Curso de Medicina Veterinária da FMVZ/USP, Bolsista do Programa Unificado de Bolsas da USP 2017/2018 Viviane Olivia de Lima [email protected] Aluna do Curso de Zootecnia da FZEA/USP, Bolsista do Programa Unificado de Bolsas da USP 2017/2018 Dayse Dias de Souza [email protected] Aluna do Curso de Zootecnia da FZEA/USP, Bolsista do Programa Unificado de Bolsas da USP 2017/2018

Karen Regina Nogueira [email protected] Aluna do Curso de Engenharia de Biossistemas da FZEA/USP, Bolsista do Programa Unificado de Bolsas da USP 2016/2017 Rubens Nunes [email protected] Professor da FZEA/USP Nota: as imagens foram elaboradas gentilmente pelo designer Francisco Eduardo Alberto de Siqueira Garcia.


USP / FMVZ / VNP / LAE Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal Av. Duque de Caxias Norte, 225 - Campus USP CEP 13.635-900, Pirassununga - SP Telefone: (19) 3565 4224 Fax: (19) 3565 4295



Trata-se de um projeto de extensão vinculado ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Produção Animal da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FMVZ/USP). O projeto conta com a participação da Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos (FZEA/USP). O boletim eletrônico tem o objetivo de divulgar os resultados de pesquisas desenvolvidas e publicadas nacionalmente e internacionalmente, e que tenham como campo de investigação, as Ciências Humanas aplicadas diretamente ou conjuntamente à Ciência Animal. Portanto, este projeto de extensão procura contribuir para o desenvolvimento científico baseado na multidisciplinaridade. O boletim é de livre acesso a todos que tenham interesse, bastando enviar uma mensagem solicitando a inclusão do e-mail destinatário para o seu recebimento. Críticas, ideias e sugestões sempre serão bem-vindas.

Para solicitar cadastramento na lista de destinatários ou cancelamento do recebimento, favor escrever para: [email protected]

Clique no link abaixo para ter acesso às edições anteriores:

Page 24: Socioeconomia & Ciência Animal -… · o mês de novembro de 2016, utilizando o Índice Nacional de Preços ao

Universidade de São Paulo Prefeitura do Campus USP "Fernando Costa" - Pirassununga

Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia - Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Animal Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição e Produção Animal - Laboratório de Análises Socioeconômicas e Ciência Animal

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