Download - Social Media Day

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#BRBanterLeagueLet’s keep it sweet!

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The Idea• Leveraging IPL which will be the most talked about event

• Flavor association with IPL teams

• Using banter which forms an integral part of sports and associate Baskin Robbins with the IPL

• Create a Banter League micro site which is linked to FB and Twitter

• Encourage users to post “Sweet Banters” and cheer their team

• Use #BRBanterLeague along with your designated team name

• Number of interactions on Social media is tracked on the micro site, the more you tweet or post on FB the more you help your team

• Users score runs on the microsite based on the number of RT’s and shares of their post

• The sweetest banter of the day wins a ticket to their teams next home game

• Users can redeem their scores on the Banter League micro site as discounts

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Banter League Micro Site• This site will ask users to sign up via FB or Twitter and link their

social media accounts to the micro site

• Users score runs based on the shares and RTs they get for their post

• User generated pics to feature on the Banter Wall section of the micro site

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Flavor Association with IPL teams

#KKRBlackCurrant #CSKMango


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Brand Tweets

Its #MISplishSplash vs #CSKMango. Post your banters with #BRBanterLeague and watch your teams next home game.

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Brand Tweets

Check out the winner of todays #BRBanterLeague. Check out her sweet swipe at #MISplishSplash:

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Brand Post on FB

The teams are battling on the field, How are you helping them off the field? Post your banter below.


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Topical Brand Post on FB

That was a sweet cover drive from Rohit Sharma almost as sweet as our Three Cheers Chocoalte.

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Other posts• A great punch from captain cool #MSD mimicking

our Rum Punch flavor #BRBanterLeague• #KKRBlackCurrant wins over #MISplishSplash,

victory has never tasted sweeter or has it? #BRBanterLeague (A post with a photo of one of the BR flavours)

• How have you done on the #BRBanterLeague? Check out your score on :

• Redeem your #BRBanterLeague runs at the nearest Baskin Robins shop. Use our store locator :

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#AliveIsOffline - Cinthol

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Summary• The idea was great as it connects with the current state of

affairs of the TG• The universal truth is that the TG spends an exorbitant

amount of time “online”• The brand is positioned as ‘Alive is Awesome’ • The idea ‘Alive is Offline’ was very strong and something

that the TG would connect to, after all the Universal truth is that we do spend an awful amount of time glued on to some screen

• To deliver a message that ‘Life is waiting out there’ was the challenge

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Pros• Great central idea with the #AliveIsOffline• The creative and the brand tweets were apt as

they showed the ‘Offline’ world and how much the TG is engrossed in online hastles

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Cons• Low interactions• The contest was lame• No scope for UGC

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How I would have done it• A contest asking the TG to post their dream destination• Interactions with the TG asking how they plan to go

offline and feel Alive• Sharing holiday destinations and how it will help them

feel alive• A blog or vlog with a key influencer showcasing how

offline is alive• Videos or vines of the cuts where the Brand ad was


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