  • Social CRMTowards enhanced Customer Relationship Management


    ial C


  • Social CRM 55

  • Foreword 4Executive summary 5Introduction 6

    B Social CRM: a reality today, an imperative for tomorrow 81.1 A fundamental trend 81.2 A necessity 101.3 A threat? 11

    C Social CRM: an opportunity for companies 122.1 Companies must play an active role in the debate,

    not just be a part of the ecosystem 122.2 The virality principle affects every department within a company 13

    D Revolutions sparked by Social CRM 183.1 Augmented customer knowledge 18 3.1.1 Information ownership policies 18 3.1.2 An endless flow of information – using it will be complex

    but not impossible! 193.2 Social influence as a factor in listening to the customer 203.3 Social influence as a factor in augmented customer segmentation 22 3.3.1 Participation: a social influence criterion 22 3.3.2 Social influence: a new segmentation criterion 23

    E Getting to grips with Social CRM 284.1 Understanding the change in Customer Relationship

    Management processes 284.2 In-depth modeling of the organization of your company 294.3 Evaluating the effectiveness of Social CRM 34 4.3.1 Who still talks about ROI? 34 4.3.2 Delivering the right information to different audiences 35 4.3.3 Return on objective (ROO) and key performance indicators (KPI)

    as tools to measure “Social ROI” 36

    F Social CRM technologies are mature 405.1 The challenge: intelligent integration of Social CRM and traditional CRM 405.2 Overview of existing technologies 42

    G Essential elements of a Social CRM strategy 446.1 The 5 fundamentals of Social CRM 44 6.1.1 Reciprocity 44 6.1.2 Reactivity 44 6.1.3 Consistency 45 6.1.4 Transparency 45 6.1.5 Engagement in a true corporate approach 456.2 The truth about a few Social CRM myths 466.3 Some strategic advice to get you started 47

    H Social CRM tomorrow 487.1 The challenge of identifying customers 487.2 “Your products are social” 487.3 “Your staff is social” 49

    Conclusion 50 About 51 Acknowledgements 52

    Table of contents

  • “Markets are conversations” was the prophecy of the Cluetrain manifesto1 at the end of the last century. In this forward-looking book on marketing, published when the Internet was in its infancy, the authors were already highlighting the inexorable move towards a rebalancing of the power struggle between a company and its customers.

    Ten years later Paul Greenberg, regarded as one of the pioneers of CRM, defined the emer-gence of Social CRM as “the company’s response to customers seizing power and domina-ting the conversation”. We have come full circle: consumers have taken control. Brands are the subject of thousands of simultaneous conversations and must fight to make themselves heard.

    In the extremely fluid and unstable world of social media, Social CRM is not the latest marke-ting “trend” or simply an elevation of traditional CRM, kitted out with a fashionable adjective. It is the adaption of companies’ organization and brands’ communication to a new Customer Relationship Management landscape. E-reputation and community management – still very new and evolving disciplines – are generally perceived as communication-related functions and activities. Social CRM goes further: it has made its way into the heart of current thinking in Commercial Management, Customer Services, Communications, IT, etc.

    Social CRM is changing the scale and perspective of brand involvement in social media. What was once a Communications department issue is now becoming an organizational challenge for any company that claims to be “customer-centric”. Social CRM is the connec-tion between social media and a company’s internal and external communication systems. The question for companies is no longer whether to engage with social media, but rather how to engage with it. Companies that have already started implementing Social CRM strategies rapidly see the impact on their internal processes.

    Social CRM aims to solve the fundamental dilemma of how to make human-scale marketing “scalable”.The combined expertise of Atos Consulting and MSLGroup in Communications and Manage-ment Consultancy sheds a new light on Social CRM strategy implementation and its impacts.

    Stanislas Magniant, Head of Digital, EMEA, MSLGroupEric Lévy Bencheton, Partner, Practice Sales & Marketing / Customer Relation Management, Atos Consulting

    White paper translated from the French “Social CRM : vers la Relation Client augmentée”, published Nov. 2011.


    Stanislas Magniant, Head of Digital, EMEAMSLGroup

    Twitter account @ msl_group

    Mail [email protected]



    Social CRM aims to solve the fundamental dilemma of how to make human-scale marketing “scalable

    Social CRM4

    “Once a company designs how it will engage with customers, it needs the organizational capabilities to deliver: adding staff, building a social-media network infrastructure, retooling customer care operations, or altering reporting structures” (McKinsey Quarterly




    Eric Lévy-Bencheton, Partner, Sale & Marketing / Customer Relationship Management practice, Atos Consulting

    Compte Twitter @scrm_elb

    Mail [email protected]


  • The recent explosion in social media usage, combined with the transformation of the consumer into a “consum’activist”, has permanently changed the relationship between a company and its customers.

    These days, the customer experience is often made public: “consum’activists” no longer hesitate to use social media to voice their views. Their views have a major impact on the purchasing decisions of others within their social circle and companies are unable to control them.

    This loss of control means that companies must change in order to stay in touch with their customers – the question is not whether they should change, but how.

    Following the example set by customers, companies have positioned themselves on the social media landscape. This is creating a large number of access points for consumers, who do not hesitate to make themselves heard.

    There is a very small window to adapt: we are facing a tidal wave that is moving much faster than previous Customer Relationship Management evolutions during the 1990s or the more recent emergence of the Web. You only have two to three years to act.

    We are facing a huge new phenomenon, but also new opportunities: when the social media virality principle is utilized to its full extent, what you lose in terms of control, you gain in terms of quality and frequency of the relationship.

    Who has not dreamt of obtaining better information, improving customer segmentation according to personal influence, and working on the effectiveness of Communications strategies?Who has not dreamt of continuously securing business opportunities, and more qualified ones? Who has not dreamt of improving their customer service handling by capitalizing on new social channels?

    In order to survive the rapid upheavals created by social media and to capitalize on these opportunities, companies must ask themselves serious questions and update their technology accordingly to ensure they are ready for this new revolution - Social CRM.

    Executive summary

    Social CRM 5


    More and more companies are taking a stand on Social CRM. There is a proliferation of press articles and blog postings on the subject1. But it is still difficult to find a definition of Social CRM that everybody can agree on. This is no doubt the nature of great changes: we experiment before we theorize.

    The document you are now reading is intended to be practical rather than academic. To delineate the subject more clearly, we offer a frequently-used definition of Social CRM to make it easier to understand the initiatives in this area and how to get the most of it. It is Paul Greenberg’s2 definition, a recognized authority, speaker and experienced practitioner in the field of CRM3:

    “Social CRM is a philosophy and a business strategy supported by a technology platform, business rules, workflow, processes and social characteristics, designed to engage the customer in a collaborative conversation in order to pro-vide mutually beneficial value in a trusted and transparent business environment. It’s the company’s response to the customer’s ownership of the conversation.”4

    No trace of the words “Web”, “social network”, “blog” or “2.0” in this definition. But Social CRM is unequivocally linked to the explosion in content production by Internet users and to the relationships established between them via social media. It has merely detonated an inevitable phenomenon: markets have become conversations and, in the future, conducting a relationship with customers will mean entering this realm in order to engage in a dialogue with them.

    Beyond the “communication” dimension, Social CRM revitalizes the entire relationship between companies and their customers. This is based on a deep-seated change in brand attitude (highlighting transparency, sincerity and even a certain form of modesty) and on new types of relationship that place particular emphasis on this idea of a conversation.

    A company that wants its engagement with Social CRM to succeed must first ask itself some searching questions about processes, organization, technology, and financial and human resources. This is the “philosophy and strategy” element of Paul Greenberg’s definition. There is no room for improvisation: just as there are firmly established methods and processes for managing telephone calls or incoming e-mails, there must be methods and processes for Social CRM. Augmented Customer Relationship Management does not mean having a Facebook page or Twitter account purely for one-way communication, or to imitate competitors.

    This document uses analyses of flagship initiatives to highlight the innovative nature of Social CRM by demonstrating how it can transform or complement other CRM channels.

    First we will see that Social CRM is already a reality, done by some companies on a daily basis. We will explore the reasons that motivate companies to enter into these new conversations with their customers. This will enable us, as a second step, to understand what Social CRM is changing in terms of the practice of Customer Relationship Manage-ment. Finally, we will discuss the various best practices that are beginning to emerge in this field and the traps to avoid.

    In the course of our analysis, we will strengthen this overview of Social CRM by including the views of SCRM experts and practitioners, companies, tool editors, consultants, academics, etc. Together they will provide, if not the keys to the door, then at least the tools for reflection so that your organization too can successfully engage in fruitful conversations with customers.

    Social CRM6

    The term “Social CRM” has been identified as a trend in searches carried out on Google since April 2010: Author of “CRM at the speed of light, Social CRM 2.0 Strategies, Tools, and Techniques for Engaging Your Customers”, McGraw-Hill, 2009 (4th edition).

    «CRM is a philosophy & a business strategy, supported by a technology platform, business rules, workflow, processes & social characteristics, designed to engage the customer in a collaborative conversation in order to provide mutually beneficial value in a trusted & transparent business environment. It’s the company’s response to the customer’s ownership of the conversation.»





  • Before discussing Social CRM in more details, it is important to point out the difference between social media and social networks.

    Social media are tools which facilitate interactions, collaboration and sharing of content between Internet users. Social networks focus in particular on relationships between an indivi-dual and his or her contacts.They are a sub-component of the large toolkit represented by social media.

    What is the difference between social media and social networks?

    Social CRM 7


    Blogs ForumsMultimedia

    sharing platforms

    Collaboration tools











    Quora, Yahoo Answers,Wiki-Answers,



    Social networks


  • Social CRM8

    there are plenty indicators that quantify a company’s use of social CRM. According to a survey conducted by IBM in October 2010*, nearly 80 % of companies have a social

    media presence and most use social media for Customer Relationship Management purposes.

    1.1/ A fundamental trend

    Social CRM a reality today, an imperative for tomorrow


    * Survey questioned 351 executives from 8 large industrialized and emerging countries (USA, UK, France, Germany, India, China, Brazil, Australia).

    ** Note : n-351. Not shown in figure. “I don’t know” - 9 percent and “Others” - 2 percent. Source : IBM Institute for Business Value analysis. CRM Study 2011

    This survey of 351 business leaders from the major deve-loped and emerging countries also gives some idea of how working with social media is perceived. Nearly 70% of the executives who took part said that their company

    would be perceived as “disconnected” if it did not engage with social media, while half of respondents said that their organization reaches customers better thanks to social media.

















    Communicate with customers

    Respond to customer questions

    Promote events

    Generate sales leads

    Sell products / services

    Solicit customer reviews

    Capture customer data

    Brand monitoring

    Customer research

    Recruit employees

    Employee-to-employee interactions

    Solicit customer ideas

    Provide support

    Expert insights/thought leadership


    Customer-to-customer interactions

    Vendor or partner communications


    Social media usage by companies

  • Social CRM 9

    Nevertheless, social media presence and activity do not mean true integration with the overall company’s CRM process. Many studies demonstrate this, including the study by the Brand Science Institute (European study, 2010) which reveals that only 7% of companies have really understood the value of social media for

    CRM. So there is real scope for improvement … The SugarCRM1 study conducted in January 2011 goes even further, pointing out that only 26% of companies integrate information retrieved from social media with their existing CRM data. They are aware of this gap as 72% said that they plan to do this within the next year.

    * Note : Numbers rounded to equal 100 percent. Source : IBM Institute for Business Value analysis. CRM Study 2011

    Have a profile/presence Do not have a profile/presence Don’t know



    Social networking sites

    Media sharing sites

    Microblogging sites

    Social review sites

    Social bookmarking sites

    Blogging sites


    Penetration of social media usage in companies

    79% 18% 3%

    55% 37% 8%

    52% 41% 7%

    48% 45% 7%

    45% 45% 10%

    36% 52% 12%

    31% 55% 14%

    “The first CRM evolution centered on the widespread use of call centers and sales force automation (SFA) lasted 10 years. The second evolution, based on the Internet and more globally, on multichannel marketing, took 5 years. We believe that the current Social CRM revolution will take a maximum of 2 to 3 years to become a practice used by the majority of companies.”

    Eric Lévy-Bencheton – Partner, Practice Sales & Marketing / Customer Relationship Management, Atos Consulting

    The professional view: accelerating CRM trends


  • Social CRM10

    * Source : emarketer 2009

    ** Source : Médiamétrie 2009

    “Forums are not dead – in fact, they are much more effective. Conversations in social networks are light, but are much longer and go into far more depth in forums. There, you ask questions and get answers. This doesn’t happen in social media, where people express themselves without necessarily expecting a reaction.”

    Frédéric Cavazza,

    The expert view: don’t forget good old discussion forums


    Social media, a mass phenomenon for customers

    Facebook has 750 million active members worldwide 80% of French Internet users use at least one social network (uniform distribution across socio-professional categories and age profiles) 80% of consumers want a dialogue with brands on the Internet 78% of Internet users trust recommendations posted on social media by their peers (compared with just 14% for advertisements) 74% of Internet users have a more positive image of brands that engage in conversations on social media

    Sources : and “The Comscore 2010 Europe Digital Year” and Médiamétrie

    Companies are faced with the challenge of adapting and evolving to meet the needs and demands of these new “social” customers.

    It is not only social networks that influence purchasing decisions: for example, 21% of Internet users decide to buy a product after reading a blog.* If we know that 33% of French people consult blogs at least once a month**, we can measure the commercial impact of this social medium.

    It is easy to explain a company’s keen interest in social media, whether this is expressed through true integration with CRM or, as is most commonly the case to date, by a desire to achieve this. Whether they like it or not, it is in the interest of all companies to engage in Social CRM

    processes without delay, simply because they need to be where their customers are. This universal catchment area is increasingly located in social media. The figures below are highly persuasive:

    1.2/ A necessity

  • Social CRM 11

    When companies start to take an interest in Social CRM they often wonder how they can use social media to open up a new channel of communication and exchange about their brand. They do not realize that customers have not waited for them: they have already started the conversa-tion on the new open forum - social media. If companies and brands do not answer, there is a danger that they will simply be excluded from discussions that affect them more than anything else.

    The most important thing is to listen actively and to res-pond: companies must abandon the fantasy of controlling conversations about their brand. Nowadays, consumers themselves decide which platforms they want to use to voice their comments. These platforms come in various forms, as the diagram below shows.

    1.3/ A threat?

    Several striking facts emerge from this breakdown of social media into 7 families:

    Facebook and Google are present on all the usage fields listed and dominate the social media ecosystem Platforms which are extremely popular one day may quickly disappoint if they do not meet the expectations of the social customer, while new players are constantly appearing* The social medium itself is not important – the important thing is the usage potential (i.e. the opportunities) it offers.

    Companies can no longer channel discussion and must implement tools and processes that enable them to be in direct contact with consumers so they can react accordin-gly. The rules of the game have changed: where Customer Relationship Management is concerned, companies offer their products, customers call the shots.

    At one time, people would first approach a company’s custo-mer services department if they had a problem or question. Today, this behavior has changed. When customers expe-rience a product for the first time or make their first purchase, their instinct is increasingly to approach community platforms on the Internet to share that experience and ask for help or advice. Customers are gradually becoming accustomed to using Facebook or Twitter to get support or register a complaint. Not taking this into account could be fatal for companies1.

    Want Customer Service? Complain on Twitter :

    * For example, Rupert Murdoch bought MySpace for nearly 600 million dollars in 2005 but it was sold for barely 35 million in June 2011. Facebook tops the social networks these days, but will Google + change the landscape?

    Overview of social media by field of use, 2011 (by Frédéric Cavazza)



  • Social CRM12

    Social CRM is a response to the behavior of “consum’ac-tivists”. It puts the customer back at the heart of corporate strategy, using social media as the vector to this new approach. It goes much further than Social Marketing. It no longer encourages loyalty purely through transactions or marketing, but also through relationships and conversa-tions. This new approach rests on four pillars: engagement, conversation, participation and content distribution.

    The challenge for companies is to reconstruct relationships within the ecosystem created by consumers, and to become a proactive player in the conversational network of social media.

    2.1/ Companies must play an active role in the debate, not just be a part of the ecosystem

    Social CRM:an opportunity for companies



    Brand ... to relational and conversational• Quality of Customer Relationship Management

    measured throughout the life cycle• Continuous contact• Increase in the number of relationships

    maintained by the brand

    From transactional...• Quality of Customer Relationship

    Management often measured as the operational quality of the transaction

    • Intermittent contact with customers

    Personalized marketing


    Collaborative & interactivePush


  • Social CRM 13

    We should not believe that controversy originates in social media: they are more likely to be the sounding board. The most damaging, sensitive or simply amusing pieces of information will experience the most consistent virality.

    This revolution in conventional customer interaction chan-nels must be seen as a real opportunity to reinforce the customer/company relationship. The information made available through these new channels is far richer and more immediate, due, without doubt, to the inherent vira-lity effect of social media. It represents an enormous pool of opportunities for all functions within a company.

    Whatever the business process, from effective handling of customer dissatisfaction to increasing customer loyalty, content distribution or sales strategies ef fectiveness

    improvement, this viral propagation principle is just one of several fantastic opportunities that can be exploited through Social CRM.

    • Effective handling of customer dissatisfaction

    A dissatisfied customer who is not dealt with by a com-pany will stimulate churn within the community.

    By contrast, a dissatisfied customer who is helped by the company as part of an effective conversational rela-tionship will produce the opposite effect by talking about his or her experience. This may therefore prompt some dissatisfied customers to return as satisfied or even loyal customers.

    The intrinsic characteristics of social media, such as participation, freedom of expression and accessibility, mean that customers are free to voice their opinions inde-pendently of the sales pitch.

    The figures* below illustrate the power of the link between customers created by this new channel:

    78% of Internet users say that they trust recommenda-tions from consumers that are published on social media (compared with 14% for conventional advertisements)

    74% of Internet users say they are influenced by the opinion of a peer in a forum or on-line discussion, more than by a straightforward promotion in the form of top-down communication

    38% of consumers say they have changed their mind after reading a negative opinion on social media

    Customers no longer hesitate to use social media before any other channel in order to obtain information, express and disseminate their opinions, both positive and nega-tive, to the entire community.

    2.2/ The virality principle affects every department within a company

    * Sources: Nielsen Trust and Advertising Global Report and Médiamétrie Fevad

    ** Satisfied Customers Tell Three Friends, Angry Customers Tell 3,000, Crown Business, 2008

    Satisfied customers tell three friends, angry customers tell 3,000

    Pete Blackshaw, author of the book of the same name**

    Churn rate (%)

    Satisfaction index

    Social customer

    Traditional customer


  • Social CRM14

    In addition to dealing with dissatisfaction, listening to social media means companies do not just pick up on irritated or disappointed customers but also any positive comments that would normally never reach customer services. In other words, Social CRM is the ideal way of creating a win-win discussion between the two par-

    ties: customers achieve an optimum level of satisfaction because their expectations have been heard and acted upon, while the company gains a better understanding of its customers and strengthens its links with them. Now more than ever, customer service is developing into the spearhead of marketing via social media1.

    • Enriching your loyalty programs If we focus on customer loyalty, we find two approaches: traditional loyalty programs based on discount vouchers, loyalty points and special promotions, and engagement programs focused on building a history between the cus-tomer and the brand. The key to Social CRM is to combine these approaches by increasing transactional value through conversations. This will help building long-term relationships with customers and increase their engagement with the pro-mise of tangible benefits.

    A very interesting example is Tasti D-Lite, which stands out because of the particularly innovative nature of its loyalty pro-gram. This American manufacturer of frozen desserts is the first to propose changing its traditional PAP (points-based loyalty program) to a system based on the SNAP platform (Social Network Appreciation Platform).

    Its new loyalty program rewards consumers who link their Facebook, Twitter and/or Foursquare accounts to their loyal-ty card. The company’s customers can continue to use their normal loyalty card to gain points for each dollar spent and at the same time collect additional points on each transaction if they have linked their “social” accounts (+1 point/account).

    * Source : Harris Interactive for Rightnow

    USA - Holiday period (from 31 October 2010 to 1 January 2011)The Retail Consumer Report 2011 - RightNow

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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