

Hero OR Traitor

Who is Edward Snowden Edward Joseph Snowden, June 21, 1983 (age 30),

Wilmington, North Carolina Residence: Russia (temporary asylum) Nationality: American Occupation: System administrator Known for :Revealing details of classified United

States government surveillance programs Criminal charge :Theft of government property,

unauthorized communication of national defence information, and wilful communication of classified intelligence to an unauthorized person (June 2013).

Awards :Sam Adams Award

How NSA Works? The NSA plays "three degrees of Kevin Bacon." e.g. With a phone with 260 contacts , 4,569,760,000 other people can be monitored Real Time Access to Phone and Internet Traffic The NSA asks for information companies

already have The NSA sifts through everything that crosses

the border. The NSA assumes you're foreign until proven



Guardian started publishing a series of exposes revealing NSA operated a major web of spying programs in May 2013.

Snowden identity was revealed on 9th June.

Correctness of his actions NSA Claims wiretapping was not

intrusion to US citizens Privacy but legitimate way to intercept terrorist activities or communications

“ he wasn’t blowing the whistle on anything illegal; he was exposing something that failed to meet his own standards of propriety. The question, of course, is whether the government can function when all of its employees (and contractors) can take it upon themselves to sabotage the programs they don’t like. That’s what Snowden has done.”

Correctness of his actions Snowden contends that he simply

wanted the public to know that government was watching and recording people who were doing no wrong.

“to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them”

What People Think

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The NSA view of Americans

Polls between June and August 2013

Legal Implications




1.What is the NSA mission?How deep is the involvement of corporate America in this whole scheme?Is Security of country is more important than Privacy?

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