Page 1: XXIV.—NO. 17. "THK WATKRFOKD NKWS." EKTAM.IRIIT.I>—1W. (Alrlr-ruian Itowisn, Proprietor.) IIAKCKST

VOL. XXIV.—NO. 17." T H K W A T K R F O K D NKWS. "

EKTAM .IRI IT.I>—1W.(Alrlr-ruian Itowisn, Proprietor.)

IIAKC KST Cnxn.vriON IN THE Sonit or IRELAND .tx itUsh ^i trery 1'rMa y Evening, at No. 49 King Street

¦ ¦ri-K-11 K TU F PR KVI NC M 1. IJSR.]

P»!. • T ii i i i K I ' EX PK ; Y EARLY ( IS A DVASCE ) 13S.;H I I'nM, Y EAIUA . I;-*., IN A DVANCE .

Agents for Sale of THE NEWS:TTATKIt VOUP—Mr. W. Kv .l.L V , Little Gmrp i- 't-s i rcH.T U A M ( ; I !K—Mi-a CLAM v , Ki-frvshmciil llooms, in


PAS SA liV. EAST—The Mis.-is l.ovt , Hutol , Square.CARHI CK-OX - SUIR—Mr.J .M.MrRi ' i iv . NowBAfj cnt.LONDON — (Kor Ailvt s> .) Mr. W JI . CAKROIL , 123,

liiiu^liboro'-mail (North), lirixton.1HJUL1X—AnvEUTisiN G A GI .STS : Messrs. W. B.

SMITH & Sox , Abbey street.DUXCiAKVAX —Mr. 'EDWAi ? BRF.NNAN , Stationer,

&c, Tost uud Telegraph Oflice, Tho Square.KILKENNY—Mr. Joiix U U K I I I Y , Kose Jnu.Btreet.CASTLECOil Elt—Mr. J. UotoHiM, Haiti-street.


^JD*fcx Liverpool to Philadelphia

V M . K\T-:i.Y \VEl>XKM>AY.¦JEmSeB CiUine at Qm-rostcwn e*crj TI I C K J U A T .Kmt'clin Kull-poivrrnl Iron Slmnisuins »tc ni>nointi -il to

n.Mxo!s .iiu/ai" V KXXSVLVAXIA K,-b. 21•LOIMJ CL1VE... K.I . . 7 •CiTVof i .I .Ufci i lK „ SSOHIO Fi b. 11 I N D I A N A Mar. 7No inlrrrm-iliate I'/ i i n rnR. l Hi irrn - d mi tovsjes marked thus *

Tht onl y Train-Athu.lic Liuf miliii it onder the UnitpilSt»ic« KI« B, and curry ing the American Ksfla for »a»imjlifr , uriiilei the utunl i-cmplrinmr of Lilrbo alu , »nd tnc iiri inumber of Life l'ri-ervirk. The accouiuiodation lor nil flasksf>f pM.wngrm ie to any ol the European Steamshi pLinn. Evrrt Sti-Mnrr carries a Surgeon ami Stewardess .

l'«»t'n;er» and EuorU aie liuided nt 1'biladelp hia nn theWharf ol th? rfi in -yivflri i f l Knilroad Company, which hnsIbi nhot tivt and u'oslilinct route to all place* in the West-•rn Slate* .

r»<ei 'UKiT t» l«y tlii- !.)'¦ c - t i pas< <lir<xt i t i l o tlm K.iifrMidt'».-« wi ihimt IV B V I H K tl,i- Landing Wb.trf , ami under tht•im- rtM.f , there are U. lr i ->hin i-nt linmi. United Slatr> L i t .Irr ism , Teircr.i'lt Orl'm-, Kj ihan m- UlSci-, Hnd HaliteEii-ri'!,- OHicr .

CA BIS 1'A A O K , In to 18 i;uiiiM« . Ki 'luru Tickets atrruueed r»tt's.

^T »> K A G K l'A s f A n t ti 1- J< i« .la l-y :«li> filli rr List iu,i> ,ini'lmliux an Hinp lt- fupp t y nf gnr-tl >' • ovi > -i <i ti> . Mi' . r;ij : rra'-fiigt'th are forwarded 10 New Yoik or lto.ton cliHr ^f .

I l T KIOtXlHAlK l'A-S AGr., i 111'lll'lIII (: IJl-ds , lirddilip, Olidill necessary l'lf t i "i l > :inJ •i-paiate T;»blr , i.*S 8>.

Apply iti I'lnUMt, hia ti. J>TKn \\ EIGni & Si.xs ,6<unnl Asm'.-, 3(7 , Wulhut - ft icet ; in Qurcnstown , to N.t J . l'u»»l j l & H I ,M h.r- ; ni i i in Liverpool , to

l i )CHAl i l) >OX . Sl'EXCK & Co.,I t ' 17 uiid 19 Wstir- .-tri-rt ;


CaKtoin-houBU Quay Wnterford.


LAKCSKST 1'ASSEMJER STEIISHII'S.SAi 'ju. roiil ¦ Mip» . Tr.tit.

ERYfT, lirotran .V»iJ ¦ K MS LASH , Tliompton I'.HHJSPAIN , Cr»ci 4l"J" T l lKV CKKN , HnivB WlITALY , W I-IH-UT... l::n2 I((iI.I.A.NI >, Simpson :t-S!7yiUNCK.AHrif :tf71 ¦ KU1N , SpcnciT 'i'MCANADA ,¦•i ii nuiiT "**l ¦ UK1.VCT1A , Thouifon.. M 7iUHKl '-CK , Auitrtw. :»•>> . D K N M A I t K .Willianii...... :«:¦

} 'r"Ut } , i \y i : t t> '>y tn N> 'W YOKK nvry HVt// ic.*;Jay.Froir. y uK kNMn w x , TIIUUSDAY ; from LUM > U.\ to

Xm Y OU K every SATURDAY.S.i'.oiin K«" » , 1". 1'J. l."> (.!uinr:i », ai-cnidinit to ncnitn -

Dli J«t:i . l l . Kfl l i rn T rki l> , -J l iilld i2 |iuille<> .Mtera R c to Xftv Y*r!> , l;^luii , uml l'bilailel pbia "t il

Bailio,i,r.- , 1.0.Sujn 'i i ' •, iiri-iMinr.i 'diiti '-ii aii'l .ihunibncc of ¥t^\\ l'ruviMuD n .

A; i'v> l i . lliv Xa '. i i .nal sri- .nn-lii p L'oii' (I- 'iiutiilj,•IS , \\ ;lt« l«tlri 'l , l.ivi'ipool.

-oi l, A'. K > r >"!: WAIM1FOI !1> :J K K K M 1 A H MU H I' l lV , liarruustrnml Street.

.1. M. M l 'K l 11Y , L'. i : i ; ik - i i t i - Suir ; l'. ic i iAl i t i l .uNrv ,M.iii.-«!rri :. iii:. ; lilciiAitii I'H K I.AN , Urunn— HIM, I'i,rt-l iw ; \\ M . t"t ;](i-iji.. ( i r i ' i i - i , Xi» lin*-- ; 1'A T K . L A > QA .V ,iJol i i n fah . 1J ; .loM-.l'll -M K A N V , (VtcCi -r , I^ll tilfiil VAI1 ; nr 10

X. al.ii J. L'f M J I I > » iili ' l l!Ki '> ., (JUl inMoxn.

K X C i l A X D A X l ' S t i U l ll WALKS , AMI T H K SOUTH<;K I K K l . A N I ' . SK U V K - K >.y CJ I:KAT W ESTKIIN RAILWAY ,V« il Mll.l- 'JL!) 1LAVKS.

lu cuiiisvctiuD with the 'VAriiuoxu A N D LI J I K R K K and'iVA T KH f OKD AND Cl .MKAL l l tKLAXU Linen.

SHORTEST ROUTE and REDUCED FARES*, «"JS Y.jyrcss rroins ati'J SVw >'as! Hail Jp jsteiB'rtil , , S' 'Mk'iMtmV ,st«aincrs. ¦HHi'lTM{Conviiiur; J'a.«.<:i1r*';<v5 rtiirf C«r;;c> c?i?y) trt-n/ netk tiny.No CATTLK , SHKEI 1, or PICI S, Currif-i hy these Uoats.

DOWN.—I.KAvr. J. C XI.ON (I'lul'lingioii) nt 5.15 p.m.,ai.'t A K K I V K AT \VATKH »-ORI> (weatlier andcircuaiMUKeiis piTUiiuiiii,') uhout eleven a.m., intime lor tin- Truiiih on the Woterford andLimerick ami Central Ireland LincB.

UP.—Ltnvc WATEI -.VOUD at -J.30 p.m., on Arrival ofll .'Ju a.m Train from Limerick , and. 10.3.r> a.m.Train from Maryhoronfrh, ARBITINO in LONDONHveatheranil eircumBUUitCBpcrniiUing) at l'J.IOuoou, following d:i.y.

No Carpo can he rfceivod on hoard after 4 15 p.m.,when the -tupr-* w ill he rrmovtd , to enable tho StcamerHto (iil 'Urt l'l 'y'1 '1 T'A J.LY at the appointed time.J^" .Spociiil Hoat* will (weather and circumstances

prrinittiiiK) pail with Liii: Stnt-k from \Yaterfor<l to NewMUfor:l on hueh ilaj> as may iie reijuircd. for hours'¦' Saiiii.ifp , «'•., pec. stit^:ial Bi;!s

V A J: K S-II'.I T Kf J ij V.D A M) LOXVOS .S' .s i i i i \n ' iiilahif f 'ir.1 I»ay>i l .-t < .'la>s and Salnon , -ICs dd

•Jmit'las-'mid Saloon , Ids HI'. ,, Hril C'lai- !. aiiri Koro (.'nliin , -Us »i\

Ji t-.uis* fiiva -.lahlefor l month) l.-t Clays A: Hulonii . T'w'Jn< ! i las.- A: Sal(,(in . ijti.- .

'' ..' fir. 1 01u-s uti.l Fun1 Ohm, X is lid.riir::.rrii::'.ru;atiwi eaii ht ohtuiii«-d frtim Mr. J . W.

iJ . ^wM T Y . ICuii w t iy 'IVn:-.:iia.-, IJu.-ri ' k : M r lVD HCSA-

M A I ..' , A'!e!|!.'. Wharf ,< rtord : the lirnuctD K AI :J>bet H ecu other iim-.-«ru.ut SUitiomi, the Time Tahles , andThr- .u ii l(nt<v . U.r (J IKX I S, 4C, can le'ihtuined of Mr.V. J. lius-sKi.!., tin- Creut Wtetcrr. Railway Con:pan) 'silit-trit t Agent , Ariel; hi Wharf , AVnt "rfor<I.

T!:ero will I.e no Sailing frum Wutnrf(.rd on ChriKtmusDny, nor from Xnw Milfcird to Wnterf"i d either onChriHinM bay, or TIJKSUA Y , DK. ^litli.

J. UUIKU SOX , Geaeral ManaKnr.I 'twMinirton Teruiinnii. j '.tf



B ,OI ,<J Tunf liurtl.iii. S,Oi >lJ il»i!>i—|.fiwr r a

J&3pJ^^fcS.i Liverpool for New


Vam-LF crr to nil pa rts '•( •!"¦ l'n-t"l *'» ¦•- i'mN .'aukJa ,

Ketn i i . t i ik .- f rom N > » - V<-i V I VM J Sj t u n l . i ) .

T1.I- «t lMno« it (..-! Hal l f r .r«ii "T* ¦¦• t l 'i* I'", hi! ro il.

vu iut ii ; 'i> JIKTJ. lU nt A . M. * \ \ < I P I , ^I li 'l .v- i, '»li!

I l - i - v l t i .u< i- , r<coli: ictiii l i .! l.J I.-i i' . M » l'«l, '¦'¦ li u 'ut JUt W .l!- i ht . t l l l l i l l l * VN n l d 1' rfl". «r f » v . 1 !- • > - '^

I. II' '*.':

From Livm:rf'/i , : —U l i l ' I A X N l C . Tl.ur-tl:iv , ... IV!.. N t hC K I . T I C . . . T!iur-c!:i\ . ... I ' - ii- --':<i!f ; K l : . M A X I O ••• Tbisr.-iliiy, . . -M ;ir. 1 H :.It A l.'l I i ; •• T[iur f day, . . . Mar, li.'.lliM I K I A T I C . Tlniradav , . . . M ir. 1,'ith

IB nM M.» »"l;h :C'KI.TK.' ••• Saturday, ... F>h. Hid

li .tst ii i -vv >•' .¦! .-p Jn-di' ! »"••'•!- >¦ • J«'t '!•'¦ | >.i|ji- '•! I' .c

lli - r t i - l j - ;--il ''J tin. "-, """I at lu t i l !'» l',i--ni;irs tho liig litH

J .,',.,,,1 iMi .lnr ! l.i ' l i i - i i i i a l i i ' i i i - ' l - l i - Bl «-a.

A^ ra, . r'.»»?- ,

¦"¦ *¦»¦»-> > *' ''¦»' ¦ W i"««.9i d'>-«'

EAI U W»-. I I- till. -!! U( ll •¦' I" " ""K -I-l 'K l 'l l"U:p»flllie«t».

Tlir StKfi "> f'':' •'"¦ u"u"":''1-v >->'.'>:" u-- »«« V«|.\.lwl

THltil»IMf Hl .il «»irm-il , ami l'-i-Hi liits (.1 \Ul, t..v(,< UCi'AU

lUi. t iuiu.t civi l i lj iii.t i at t . i . t tot i . An iinlmntui ,,,p,,l j ,,l

„>. il.. Company. 37, Ilroa.l»» .v . N.« V -k ; •« ^""»"uwu , lo J A M LS Scon ti « . o. ; nr

I s M A T , J . V J M K A ("<- ., 1", W . V . 1 - -H - ", l.iv«p..o!

hi..i 3-J, Lr»rVnl..-.l!- .- l ' M i , J- . Mim , r.' • .I'"-"¦l. S. II A U VKY . I..>::< ( j - . r ^. 1— ' ¦. • •• , ami

. IAMi; S U K N N l - .SSY . Ii < ;• ¦« . -M , r t a i . i l . rd.

.). M. ML 'l'. r H Y , 4:t , N. »•!..!.. , CI I P I l -t n Su r.

J O I I X WALL, Jim. , l*uii |C»i'*.i.JOHN HOL^HAN, C»«tlfcoDii r.J A M K S WAITS. Hnmoabuii.

Woridxig Men's COFFEE STALL.

ACOFFFE .STALL ft;r Supplying tl>e AVork-inc Cli^s of this* City with C t i K K K K at Id. I*r

CUP and liKKAD at h\. per Koll , i< nuw Leinc t"n-

Mruo'ted. It is Hinilar to tlio^ at

l.r. -ent in

full work-

inir oiiuratitm i« I"'1 1 "1' and lik e them hmlt of wood.

¦°m,.ri,es a kit. I,-:, , with Stove, Holler^ *c., and an , where the Men can «t at a Talle to take

their CoiW, *-• I ' i> iiifiided to touon the stall at

fir>t i.t.cvc. th. - i larkit.hi .UM- , oiijioflte the .Ship,,,n^.

'lVe .-o-t of the Swll . yiMU' . ^ amount


over XT:, an.l it "ill U: neccfsiry to have a HDU m

hlmlt -'arrv on tin- uml-rtnkin;: tmtlllt bccomen self.

nm.iiorti.iL- " It j, therefore con.idi red desirable to nute

not ""

lmn III "'. Hoiiationi. to thei amount of XW

have already Wn ,,rou .,l. Further donaU.m.H will b.

thankfully rweivcl h.v Hie ulMiermcitioried .—

Mcvr, H K S K V K , Harbor % lew ; bAM t.KW H I T F . Ki.m-.street : G K ....'. : W A U O.X , Quay ; fcw. .J M OII , u; , ij ,my ; MUs K. 0i ;vKM.SH, ^e»town liill

L. 1'k.LV , Kwk VUk. db




•LTki VT0T1CE.—TheWaterfordSteamsbipUWIrTy ll Companvreceive Goods for Shipmeut^g^Hj

fty^. nn the following

Terms only:—They reserro

ff™SSS » tl.e ri ji lit to carry Jy any, not by particularVessels, wild lilcrty 10 Tow Sbips and call at otherl'ortanai! will not be acrounlM<le for injuries orlosnea ariting fromdeby, .-.uidents of the Seas, Kivcrs , Fire, the Queen'i Ene-iniM , defective Navigations accidents from any other c^usenot formiv loss wbich inigbl have been covered by Insurance ,nor for Leakage, ltrenknge,Condition ,Qu>lit}', or contents otmi) l'aneln url'ackri|(eiit unlessspicially entered and adva-artm Frt iglit paid . Good 6 not removed to be 8tored nt tbe

ri»k and cipeuse of the Consignees.W A T K H F O H l ) AK1) B R I S T O L .

Kroiii Waterford to liriMol ; ttotn llri»t"l to Waterfofd.bIRECT D1BXCT.

Tiiffdar, Jan. iiTuesday, „ 9Tuiwloj-, „ 16Tuesday, ,, 23Tucxila/, „ 3u

From WatrrforiI line!.


Jan. 5

Feb. 2 ... 11 Voru'Tutsday, „ JOOn early Mornuii; .Sailings, tbe Ctbiu ol

tr* u*i) l be Open to receive i'abseu^ersjirriviug from Londonbv tin- Xig bt MailTmin.

Cabin Fare, 16s Ot). j Servants (Travelling with Fami-licj and Cbildrm, l(Ji. od.; Itelurn do., (available for twomonths) , 26i. ; iCbildren under twelve , 16«), or with Ubcrtyto return from Dublin, Cork , or Weiford , 36»., (Childrenuudrr twelve , 20i.) Steward's fee included ; l>eck 7a. Ad ,Females atlrnd tbe Ladifi * Cabin.Kite usion of timo ftniatod on all return ticket* on the follow-

.ing terms :For a fortnight—3B. 6d. ; and for every aubBOquont

week, 2e.W A T E R F O R D A X D L I V E R P O O L .

»K0M WAIKEfOED. fRO» LiM.KKj OL !Monday, Jan. 1Friday, „ SMotul:ir , „ bFriilay' „ VJMuuduy, „ 15Kridiiy, „ 19Monday, „ LMFrid-.iv „ ;GMuliduy ,, 1 1

Monday, „ li — 1 Afl'u Batunlay, „ 6— 12 ilidn'lltFridny „ VJ — 8 Morn Wednesday „ 10 — 7 MornMuuduy, „ li — 11 iloru Friday, „ 13—lO KightFriday, „ 19 — 11 Moru Wcdntsday, „ 17 —13 >"oonMonday, „ L-J — 2 Aft" a Saturday, „ 21)—12 Midu'htFnd.iv „ -m — H Muru Wednesday, „ .24 — 5 MornMonday „ -il — H Horn Saturday, ,, 27 — 9 XiRbt

iVcdutbday, „ 30 —12 KoonCilnii Fare, 17« . 01 ; Servants (Traveling wi i l i laniilies)

B I I I I Children , 1LN j I^ck , 10». ; CbiUreu , 6». Ft-niiileK at-t fiid tne LadieB * Cubtn

Guodb received at Clarence Dock, Liverpcoi.WATEliFOHD AND BUNGAKVAN.

FROM VAT£K>'01II>. 1-KOM UUNCARYAN.Wedtietduy.Jan 3,Kridiiy, ,, 5,Wodneaday , „ 10,Friday, „ VI , 10 morn Saturday, „ 13, 3 aft cMonday, „ 15, ll^iuoro Tuesday, „ 16, 3 nft 'nWednesday, „ 17, 12 noon Thursday, „ 18, 7 morrFriaay , „ 10, 1 aft'n Saturday, „ 20, 8 mornWedueBday, „ 24, 1 ult'n Thureday, „ 23, 10 mornFridtiy, „ '2ii, 'J mom Saturday, „ -7, 1 aft'uWeUtiL'silny, „ 31, 1 aft'n Thursday , Feb. 1, 7 morn

\V A T E R F O R l l A X U N K \V R O S S .K KOSI \VAU.B I O U H — iJaily, Sundajs eicepted, i\t 3.15 p.uiF U O M N BW 1( OBI>— l'ail y , fc.ui::U}!. iice]ited , m b 40

W A 1 E li F 0 li li AM; 1) U N C A X N 0 N.Fm. .M \\ A i K k f u b i i — luiil j , .--uiidaj h tjcepted, at 3.20 p.m.FKOU ^r;^Ci^^o^- l),nl j, t-ut .d.i .M- cxci- i'tid , iit

lli- rtlih fi-Ltm-d and k- \ f t y in I L> I in;.tu-ii givin by s^euis atH BU TOL — 1'be Genual Mrnnipi ickit Olhce , 32 I'rinci-sl.;II I ' N OAKTA.I— Mr. T. I 'liwur} , M.illl ->tlvi t ; LlVtBPOOL—Wan ilunl bte.tuit.liip Cumpany, 2;i I l iun sn tik.stri-ii .Wafh-illgtotl liuil^llig.- , and Ht tile l. i.U;J.;illj 'a Ullict-S Hit -' MALI ,\\ AIKKPOK11.


J Uy vlar ST£.4M C O i lM l X J C A l) 0 N IctmcnW A T E R F O R D and L O M D O B ,\"KI > iii itl i i i i ipcoii , and l.i'iiihni ami .Snutli\Ve>trrn jUilua; ,I'LYMOUTll and KOUTllAllJ'TON, and SOUTH of

ENGLAND , COJiK , DUBLIN, BELFAST, andGLASGOW.- *V -* flTHK new nnd powerlul Screw Steamer


areintended te Sail as undtr (wcatbrr permitting, unlchS pre-vrntt;d by any unforekireti circuin^tani 'tiiJt With liberty lu luwVi-irlt-, and to call at any Purl or l'otls in any order, in uiout ol tl i« customary course, b. receive and ditcburga Cargoor Inr Btiy other purpose whatever.f £j' Plymouth , Soutbarnpton and London, increased

Suiliugs.FKOM WA TEKrOKi ; TO GLA>-CO\V,

W(- iliic '>da\ , 3rd Jau. 1 p.m. via l)uuhu.TliinsdHy,S.iturdii ) ,Wcduetdiiy,Widiifi 'dny,Friilay,Saiqrday,Sntur<lny,W»dne*dny,\Vc.tnehdHy,Fri 'lay ,Saiuiday,Siiuiiiay,VV' e»liiei>di*y,Wii lm-hda) ,Fr- iidV ,>;iturduy,U Vjn.j l;iv ,\\ fril/jp* ay,


I- HI DAY , at 1 p.m. ; Kail to Greenock , 6 p.m.Noin.—Tbe Sleauii r on Tuesday ar:d Friday*' gte< via Cork.

HiOM V\ A 'lEHFOIdj '10 HELtAbT.Kvtri \VKl>XEbl ) AY, via Cork, - . at 1 p.iu .En-ij > ATUlt l ) AY , durct , - - at tl p.m.

KELFAS1 TO WATKRFORD , direct.t :v> ry 1 HUKbl/AV and uu ilOMMl'S, 8ib asd 22ud

Fiom WATEI irORlV TO* DUBLIN , direct.Ev,,iy WEUN bM l AY , ... >. all p.m7

DUHL1N to WA 1KKFOKIJ , Via Cork.Krrry WEiJNKSDA Y atid S A J U H D A V .

FHOM V\ ATEllFOHl) TO COKK.Kvc ry WEDNESDAY , • • at 1 p.m.Every FRIDAY , - - at 1 p.m.


WATEKi'OKU '10 LONDON ,Sleamer to tauuibamptoii , tbtnee by London and South

W i-Mi-ni l'.s'Usy to Nine Elu^ Siatiuu , at TliruuKh I I H I I F ,Kv. rv SATURDAY and WEDNESDAYS, 10iU and

24ib January, »( 4p.ui.LI J NI JOX TO WATEKFOUD-Every TUESDAY ,

(... ..d- U i i t t v t d a t any ul tLc Kunium IIouk» ul tinL'lt iduti itbd ^oiuli \\ i bitru Uailway Coiiit-uuv , and itlNt it t l*j!nu .^lutioh up tu C.30 p.m.

WATKll K ORD 'JO I'LYMOUTll , direct ,Every SATURDAY »¦»! WEDNESDAYS , loilt ai.d

'Jllli January, at 1 ,1-LY.MUn iJ '10 WATEi i KO K I l , diu't-t ,

Ev i iy F R I D A Y , at 2 p.m.WATKI IFOK D i>, .SM UlHAi l l ' lON, via l' '.. ,l. v i ) SA 'lURI lAY and WED XKnDAYS , l 'J t h a i d

U7tb J. it i i ia iy, nt 4 p.m.SOL I I I A . M I ' I ON 'I I I W A l E I C f u l i D , via l'ijn.outb ,

Every \\ EI'.\E>l iAY , at K MIII .Tliesi; St^atnor ^ lt :ive i i t ;» - l l tt i t accnrntiiodation

lor {/.i^ieo-

ia ,. I 'A ^AUE-MOXEY.Cabin. Iteturu. Docl

W .iuili.f! !'¦ i ihuci>» >-r liell .i i. 1 l l > . W. 25> 10-.Ci.rk " ... Us H» otDul/Jin , ... 1O« . 15s. 6J

1'l yil 11. »ud Snutlmniptuli -Os. 30 *. Ins .Liiliilon , ... 26 M. — IS- .

f l i t XOTK.— I L f Cl yde Shipping I'oujpauy liiMiri : allfionl- hlii(inrd by tln.-c Lin" ol Menoierii .at 3» id. pur cent10 Ti . ili r> hat nip yi-nriy a^rrtmtnlh, »uil 5i* y i t cvi.v tu ut-r« i»l >hi pper»—values to be utt\»teil tl l\U.e uf lthiv*u. 'i i t . FulUij and all tntoruia'ion to be bad at tbe Offices.

ru r liMrh ol FruBlit , Ac, apply tu — J. 0. I'l K K B K -•I O .V , llell^t ; HK.IMT J. W i K i s o , I'lyujuutb j 11. W .W i L L t A J i f c , Li.udoii tnd Jioulli-Wmlern liailway Company,Kj ^it r 1'iiiililiujjv Ailbui-siuii , Wr»t , and tlitir I t ' i 'iv iugliiumi-a tbiuu^tbout Lin,dun ; Cl yde Shipping Co., 40, UpperC«-il-»lreel , Limt'iuk; Si.ulbaii.ptun ; 27,Ed«n yuay. lil'B-li:> , i'U(! l'uliirlMjiia) ('O H g .

CLYI)h sililTJM; COMPANY,Ci. II ' ,us.- Oiiav , Wa ttrluid.

^]>t (. ial r i, inSl"|'p-iig C-.n-i



2 to eligible App licants. ASSISTED PA8SAGE8Granted to CANADA. Particulars of which can bohnd on nppvilivutioti to J. M. iti'n <iY , Agent.

Steamer* to Xt-w York twice » wae k, from Queens-town , Liverpool , Derry, Wubliu , Wut-gotv, and LondoD.First-clam Sltipa from Liverpool nml London to AUB-tralia utiii Queensland once a month.

Emi gration Office—M NEW LANE , CAERICK-ON-SUIR. D»y-tf

Clerk, Cashier, or Assistant Book-keeper.

WN'l'Kl) ii situation on above by a Yonog Mnnjust di.-i-iiK-'igt'i) i baa bad nearly four je;ira

experience ; c;iu prodncfl first-claSB Testimoniul ns toeln.raciei snd abilities. Address, " X. L.," Officti ofthib Papor. cl2'J.0t



101bHull12: !i13ib13tb17th17tb19ihliuitiM nh¦J 4 < h-.Milt





¦2 ... S MornThnrtday, Jan. 4 ... 9 Morn9 ... 1! Aft'n Thursday, „ 11 ... 4 . Mom

16 ... 8 Mornmmwday. -„ 18 ... 8 ' Morn23 ... 12 NoonPrhuraday,.. ••< lku, 1 { AtVa3u ... 8 Mornjliiunoay. Feb. I ... 8 Morn

APOLLO or CLIO.ord to Hrulo) , Fn-m Xinttol to Waterford ,•cl . calling at Pcmbrolie Dock.

12 NooniTucsday, Jan7 Morn|Iue«dny, „

11 Morn Tuesday, „M Aft 'n Tuesday, ..

7i Horn... 1| Affn... 7 Morn,.. 11 Affn.. CJ Nornthertteam -

12 Koon Satarday, Dec. 30 —10 Kight11 Moni !WcdnaKlay, Jan. 3 —12 Koon

1 aft 'n Tbur«day, Jan. 4, B morn1' aft 'n Satunluj-, „ 6, 9 morn9 morn Thursday, „ 11, 1 »ft'n0 morn Saturday, „ 13, 3 aft'nl!uiorrj |Tue8day, „ 16, 3 aft 'n

B H 1 1 T 1N G G 0 M P A ^ iJAXUAKY , 1S77.

1 p.m. , via Cuikund bt'lfdftt6 p.m., via lkltaBt1 p.ui., vta lJublin.1 p.ui., via lock aud lielfaat1 p.m., via Coik.1 p.m., Direct.0 p.m., via Belfast.1 p.m., via Dublin.1 p.ui ., via Cork and UeUait1 p.m., via Cork.1 p.m., Direct.0 p.m., via iitlt»st.1 p.m., via llubhu.1 p.m., via Cult uud tStHimt1 p.ui .t * la Curk.C p.m., Direct.1 p.m., via Dublin.1 II .in., viu Cork uud Belfast

, i ! I l i l U u t l...dimf r.quur.l ly the Clyde'i > , !<-. l,i. I...J I I I I I I the Av in t l .

UX . S V l l l KX l U l t A T l UN OFFI CE

:nircia! rarcB are ctuiged lo Fiiai stul Kecoorl I.!BIS Fni-iieo.Sen. tMukniR to Haul by the Exprene Mail Traiui onoieatooiibero and vv«klern Lio«.

Tickeui Unned lor SiD Ble Juurnej ore available only tor thol lk io bj vlilcblhej areittued.

Market TickeU tu Uai oi f . id aod back will be iiBuel atMiirjrtiorou iib , Abboyieii , AtUnagli , aod l)allyrag»et , by tLe«.<0 a.m. down Tiain, atajlablo lor return by tbe 4.Up, in. uptrj iiD nn daie of ii»ue. Farm—hint Cla», Vis., Sccouo. Clabs

»>., aud Third Clais, ei.Ruloro 'lJuUeu ate i«bUed betwt- en auy tw o Stations availab) '*

for iht: date ol ihsueand <\uy fulluwiog ; iliuge isduvil lor any•Imtalice ocecdiog 20 nilleo , uil l bo afulabie for felurn OD theJ»j ol in-uo UDI I me tun l(jllu\tu:K na)s i rend tor dinanitacx-Ording itliniil irs , lbe> »ic av.-tinbm fur teluru on llir <U> uliMue atul the tlu«e K-llowiu t ; uB)&--:M!P ti<t}b nui rt-ckinic-d.Ut-uua litktlit ilaueil uu ij^turday kte retutnuble ou Saturday ,So ut i i ty , ot Monday.

W. WiLi . l iM B , fcicicury.

WATLKFOliD AKD L11IE1UCK RAILWAY.Up (roiivs /r m Waterf ord.

WsicrK rd.. . dep. « 15 i 8 50 ;11 40 2 iiCatnck^in tiuir. 5 an ! » 4u 1J 17 a ajUluDmei 7 6 ill ) -0 1- <5 4 4l ipperar) S 14 I I 2J , 1 5i. ] 5 U

Junction... ar/iv l » XI '11 40 i 2 10 I 4 2UUtal-ln. urntfl! 1 15 j » IS : S 411 II.i 0Coal __itrrl« l 1 3U ¦ il " ! 4 :15 j b ItDubiiD ...dep. ... , U 0 . 10 30 j l IICork „ ... I 6 0 ; ... I 45Junction— I 8 30 'VI to i S 25 i 6 45Llmeric k.. .arrlTl) 9 S! 11 52 J 3 15 i 0 So

r'.«*<»- hlr.i Cl»>» hiny le llckrl , 14> tu ; .-eioi,.l do, lip. j1'tnrd >) o,,0i. 5d. haluro^-Kirtl Clnik . 'J lt Bd ; Second clo., 16fl .><l. Join KOB IRTJ , Traffic Jtamjcr.


¦i 3 : 4»»<»» •; B m s m : p ru j p_m ; p m ' p n. : p n, I p ml pm' h r u t k u i l i m ' h m : b m t h m l r 7 t n | D m i b m

WTod'«e o 111 t) la is •! u ! 4 o '¦ 5 311 7 15 9 01 -Tm're; U 15 j'll 3U, I 16 i 3 u , 4 3o ;•« o|_7_4i| 9_3Uj —

Sunday Traint. ' " ~ ~

2 3 4 5• a m ' p m . p m , p in

^PJII p r n j p m - p n i a mFi in . ri m i li ra i ti m It m ti m j h m ' b'rr> h m

Wlord , 0 0 j 8 15» l i IS I 1 311 ; 2 30 -I 10 0 0 \ 0 I 9 (ITmore: 0 0 | !) 15 12 46 | II 0 ' 4 li *li Of i Cl . I. 0 0 SH

*Mailtraict ti. N. BA K K K , Secretary





ULSTKlt COATS. 2«s'M - . UhSTEU COATS. 20s.

UI.S 1 Eli COATS, 38*. ULSTEU COATS;i8- . ULhTElt COA1S. 3H J .


In a lar^i: \ a r i i t v ot Chrek uudNat.r. Xtc

ritOIlf tKKS 10<. 0.1I KOUsl-.1'K tM .

TUOUhEKA11!.. U.I.


13.. Uli i;oi;siU:

1K0USKHMI II Kiouli anil I i i - b Twrul .-,

N"ein»l l'liturn-,

S V 1 1 6 . 3U-.3ti. . SUITS

SUl lS . 40-.4u>. suns

SUMS. f i :b'l-.. SUlTsi. C2t.

In lstwctt r»ltttti«i Material * , C'lKctn, .Slrinep, l) rt»f <xlClotb», Dui&kini., &v.



COATS. 26..L'll-. COATS. 2fl,

For lluaiuxa, thr I'mimnade, Hiul;, &c.In Diaiiiiiiitli', Twe'.il» , l'iloi> , ami Flam ClulU

II. HVAM'ti Stwk ol KEADY .MADE CLOTHINGlor (Jputltuieii and Hoy s it the lamol , tin ni'.nt vnrird auilcomplete iu tbe Unit i d K I U KJ U Q I . It contains G<uiiiriit>mitable for every clatia ol buciely, Irmti tlir buioblcst tutbe hi |;bti>t. The l'rict. »t l l be found to be eiircmelymodrratr, Hbilst ll<s ijuolib1 of tbe >eveiil MaHriuIs uunutbe HUrpBKsed.

An Illustrated Price l.i-it with I'I KII for Sell-mr«ftircn f»trill be tent Poit Free ou kppHcnliuii.

1'nicels of the value of £;! J t it l upwards will bo forwrdrd ,Carriagt Free, to any Kmlwav Butinn in Irelituil.



FRIDAY EVENING, JASftpg*¦ i '<-.:'ii;rT li . 'lu:/

2 45 8 JO ._ 8 III'¦i - ij 9 15 ... U 114 4 III! n ... io C

] 5 !/ ll 35 _ , I :«I 4 2V 11 65 ... 11 .'3II " 0 4 0 ... 1 5i 8 l» 2 5 ... i 'I

1 " 7 45 ... 7 45I 45 10 0 ... IU 6

I & 45 U VJ t ... i t -ai 0 50 I I 30 I ... t iO

3 6 , 7 . 8 , 1 )

l 7 • 8 II


1 lain Twecd a , Krun-s ,

TKOUSEKS10-. (id.



Dui-hVinb , Augul.iH , &rWi ll Cut.

suns3> .'s.suns•10,.suns


COA 'IS•20:




Thu rbortesl toote from Walerlord and Kilkenny to DnbllD ,Alblcne , I1' rtdlnoa , Parionbtown.or Nenagb , ii viaM ary boro'.. t?- laprore<i qu/cl: sad ihtougb Out) ? commuoicuilon he-ween Narr lorough »ou olber statiook to Wat etl <- rd , tbenc«viaNiw Milford to I^Ddoo ond all btatiouton the Great Wost.crn r i i l«Hyo( Eoulsed.

Tbu 8.30 a.m. Down nnd 0.50 p.m. Up Eicursiou Trains dis-contiuui*]


| TB *ist on wna DA V H ,aTAxioMi I i s a m"5"ri«i 3'rje'iiSTATIOKI . ci«i»01aii. Clasi.lOlaai

J.M . I r .H.H m h in

Wai.r|iird_<J>j>ar<iir 7 16 1 0KiIoncow ...._-._ 7 25 1 HiMuUioava.1 ..._....„... 7 35 —Unlly hale ....- > SI I DThoriastown M....HH. S id 1 6UUecictabridge .-....., 8 25 a tKllionny .... arrival 8 4(1 2 21'

Do (fiparlun 8 66 i 30D»l) l'I«K8fl_ ..._ .__ t IS i 60Attanag h .._.«._ ._.„ | ji 3 gAbH.yleix „, t id 3 16Mvj boro' n_arr4c«J 10 10 3 SSMa ]1»orbU|h ««jj_tij> 10 61 « 1Portarlisitoo JiuMt'n 11 U. 4 1?DubltD orrlroj 1 16 5 <0Aihlone JnDcllos arrl 4 44 6 30M»rvboro'_rfi^ down 10 30 —Ball.brophj_ 10 56 —Ko»i:rea _ ll 34 —1'arionslown , 12 4 —l'ortimiia «. 12 44 —Nermijli 13 23 —Templrmore . — —•Thurlea arrltal 1 30 —


TO WATHFOIDI Ki i n i'l l nt 1 > > ' . anilcavi

* Clns. 0lua.Claia .lClMi . I i k 3 l i«!_*•*• A.M . A.M . r.M . Clan. CU M

i b rn h m h m n m Ti~ n"i ; i< m: i~. .dt f arl*ri _ T 10 .- 1 65 — 2 2trnore _ ! _ 7 51, _ m — 910iopbj,__ ..__ [ _ 7 69 _ a 43 _ j «j»~ I - « SO _ 1 0 — I —

' , I b rn h mThnrlei — .i/^w/art ' _ T 10Tenipleroore »••••. .! _ 7 31B»lljbiopbj,__ ..__l _ 7 59Neiagh_ j — j jororlumna .«.«.—._...j _ 6 1)fanomtown _ I _ e 40R0.««a I _ 7 13ruBryboro* ., , 8 38All lone JuDCtion ..._ ¦ — .Dulllin _...d«>jnrlur« — 6 0l'<.|lariloc.lon iuooi 'n, 8 3Marylioro '..arrJ».tfirn ' 8 26

UO*H TaA INf i . 1 —. IMaryburo '...<i«^ar(ur<' — 8 40Abj eyleu ,.. ._ ; ? : » 0Atlaua fili _ 1 » islla lyraKlccl _ tl nKllkctmy . . . .arriral — ' U 45

I'u «cl»;,urliir. 1 3.1 IU IHinuetebnd^e .,..;-. 7 40 '10 12ThuruuRtown b .*> '10 V5U>ll)lialc 8 25 '111 411Mll lmavat b 60 J . 1 0Kiuacov V 6 il l 10Wuterlord .....arriral 9 30 11 3n

I __ _ TB/ _IM^ OH

W r.L K HAYS. bd>! 1 Mill 1 Mail .MailW .T^KFOKl. , 1 ,1 j'j 4:i 1 4i ( 4!| , .i 4j li;! , ._, 3

10 Li H BhluK. |C|», S uiun. . Cla» ; Clans Cli... Clasi. Ulanj A- .it I A M ; r.M. P.M. r.M. F.H . r u

Down Traint from Limerick: T A A I X A ov H I I K DATA . Sdy'1

i.i»i » l i l tK :i !i4 3 l v i 3 1 4 2T o »*T »K»OKl.ciu«i . :Cla>i . : Class

. _ . ' A .M. . A.M. I A.M.

Lin i t r i cb ...~.drj > ' f> !> ' J H - J l 20Junction arrival: 7 10 | 8 25 12 30Curk._._ I ,. ! I II 1 IUubliu ,, ... , 1 15 6 16UOUK _mp! — ! ... 9 11COB * -... ,, I ... ! _ 0 0Junction. ..... „ ! 7 50 9 M l i 3DTipperaiy -.. ' 7 30 !) 10 ;12 4iiClulnlirl 6 55 : ... ; I 40Cunicl I V 4U H 5Wateilurd ...<irivl Hi 2J i ... 1 * 45


B, H Y A MBegs to direct uttcntion to liis celebrated


OVK (COATS. 28-ill!-. OVKUCOAT.S. •id.


In nil Iliu ivruo-t >Sl ;les and Ma ttr iuls uf tbe branuiiH ,Well Made , Waruily Lined.

(JrnllHiim'a UUirr Coats(irntlemcn'K Over Coat*.(ietitleit .t -n's Walkiu ; CuatiCentleuifii 'ii Truu-eiiUentlrrn iu's Troutera and VestsBoys' Ulster CoatsRoy s' Over CuntsChildren's Over CoattC'ji ldren't SuiU,Bou and Youlba' Suits

fiu^PAl;af 2"juii I V±3

CU..'.' mii in

Clounoi nr.M

b m4 04 lo4 -JO4 404 55& 65 2(1i -Mi in6 0« IS



*J: 117 4tl8 39 09 40i 208 It8 33

b mU tli lili -ii.

10 5411 13

— I 20 — . -— 1 56 - I —— 3 19 — 3 24

8 16 - - : -9 0 1 0 — 9 3(1

II' 13 J 45 — II 1310 31, 3 9 — 11 blMall l 'J 4 3 — i

10 35 I) 30 „ . t UIt) 56 3 50 ... i 4 vo

— * i ... I < 3511 15 1 IS ... j 4 4511 10 4 38 ... 5 1011 411 I 4 5u ... I S 20

— A 3 ... I 5 3*12 6 5 20 ... 1 S 441^ 16 5 3'J ... ' t i n

— r , 0 ... ! 6 2512 46 6 K ... i 6 35

1 0 8 30 ... ' 7 0

I Mall .tun1213;l * 2 1 1 2 1 2 3Clan. Clsti Class Clan

I'.K . p.m. r.M . r.M.4 ll' "Jo"40 "... 10 40I 15 11 55 ... II 558 16 2 0 ... '2 U10 0 4 6 ... 4 S1 0 7 452 « ._ ... 10 65 35 12 -a ... 12 235 45 I 12 SU ... 12 6(10 5j I 9 30 ... i 207 35 3 1. ... 3 08 16 3 45 ... 3 45

2G* to BosIrk to Ui1O.i lo if nMi 0.1 lo 21.lo. to ao<10. Oil to ass10) 0d to 36«5. to 20a0. ed to :m-

la. 0.1 to ;)/>.

O-liEj L T 1: . !'i'- -i '.' ..; OF


HAVE much pleasnro in informing their Customers and the Puhlio generally, that they will bo;. prepared ti show . . . •


if r .'i CONSISTIKO Of : ,


- ' ¦¦ JCt^Q anrl :.«AP8.Ti. P. 4 B. respectfully iofiW partidSlar altentioti to soVoral LOTS whioh haTO been ' pftrtbased

from a retiring Manchester Firm , for Cash,AT LARGE DISCOUNTS OFF COST PRICES .'

2 and 3, BROAD



The COMPANY beg to nnnonnce thnt they haTO appointed W . A . R A V their AGENT fortho SALE of tho above GUANO in the UNITED KINGDOM.

THE GUANO will bo SOLD ON CHEMICAL ANALYSIS by Somp lo to bo DRAWN BY THEDOCK COMPANY OR WHARFINGER from each Cargo, in the prosenco of tho PERUVIAN

CONSUL and of tho CONSIGNEES. Thus, tho Prices will correspond with tho real valuo of tbeGuuno aa a Fertilizer.


DELIVERIES will ho mode, by tho various Sub-Agencies in the Uuited Kingdom.For furtiior particulars app ly to

•W. .A. . H^TT ,Agent of the Consignees for the United Kingdom.

57, Old Broad-street. London.<U.13t SUB-AGENTS—MESSRS. G. 1IEYN & SONS, BELFAST.


SA Y E K ' t i C E L E B R A T E D B 1I A N D 1 E S ,BOTTLKI) AT Co(!NAC. FULL SIZED ONLT. Purity and Quality pre-eminent.

SA Y E R ' S C E L E B R A T E D B R A N D I E S ,LABELLED ACCORDING TO A OE . " Vine Old ," " Choice Old ,' Very Old .'

SA Y E ii ' S C 10 L E 1! K A 'J' E D II 11 A N D ! E S ,A VOID INFKKIOK QUAMTIKS . NOW largely Imported.

SA Y E R ' S C E L E U R A T E D B R A N D I E S ,Trade ijhii'piiitr Order* for Ginks or CIIKCS , to f y-t-lj


^ TO E3Sr <SaTTi:R:B:R.S !



«ST And PRICES so Moderate; as at



¦P O R T R A IT STAKEN DAILY by WINTER , nnd Finiahed in

tho best sty lo of ART, at his opprovodPHOTOQRArnic STUDIO :



* * T Hare Anal yzed a Specimen of Messrs. ALLMANX A Co.'s WHISKEY , forwarded to me for

that purpose by Mr. CimsiopnKK Woous. It is ogood old Whiskey, froo from Fusol Oil and other im-parities, and poaseBBCtl of un excellent fluror and good

' " CHARLES A. CAMERON , M.D., Professor

ill tho JCoynl College or Surgeon*; MedicalOfficer of Moulin , and Anal yst for Dublin.

"To Mr. CiiKurroiiiiim WOODS,Wine Morchaut , 3, Cook-Btreet , Cork." ml2

The Poor's Cough Drops,FOR Couglis, Colds, Oiid iitlcj otions ot tlic

Cheat, accompanied with difficulty of Ureathiiiff,Hoarnen';hiH or Wheo ii'fc'.

A tea-spoonfnl taken oeeusioually is found to ulliiy themost troubk'fiomo Cough ; it promotcB Kxpeetoration ,removes difficulty of Breathing, and rclicvcH the sorenessand opprcBHion of tho Chent , which umially accompanyPulmonary complaintB. From its may be givento Children witli perfect safety. Sold in bottles, 1B.each.


At the MccKcal Ks taMisl wiaU , i , The M A L L ,WATEItf ORD. «•«¦



MANUFACTORY,41) & 50 KINO STREET (opposite Provincial Jiank).


In a milliner that will not, wo luel cunliduii t, fuil togive satisfaction,


All the KOKMS used iu WOUKHOUSKS mill lilSPKNSAH1KS , nt Prices in The News PriutcJ Lint , which urnlie had on .;;'ulicutiou.

D U B L I N .Commercial and Private Lodging House,

49 M A R L B O R O U G l l S T R E E T .PARTIES VutitiDg Oublin can bo 8ccommrxliited,

with or without Bourd, and all tho comforts ofk home, on Modurute Torms. [o25-tfj

9SS~ Situation centra), eloso to Snckville-strect.

HtALTH LOST AND REGAINED.—AGuide to the Unmn Tiwitnienl ot UNKl l '.AlIHEa

ol YOU I'll *»<1 MAN HOOD, either Hereditary or Acquired.Bv HtaHT SuiTB, M.l)., ol the Uuiv ir- i lyot Jena , Authorof' The VnluHitfr 'ii Mimoal ," " Wonuiii ,"Ac. IIKAL'I HLOST AND itEU A l N K D f i v t t Dr. SMITH 'S J reatmeut(the rrvutt ot rwen*y*inx jearH* ppeciol practice) for tbftCDre oftll l))3t«ar» cl tht Nervous NyeU'03,Nrrtouii Debility,Mfntal nod Physical Drpre»ion, ''nl pitaiion of the Henri,Noiara in lU Hr»d nnd Knr» , l n.lfCBiuii , Imnaired Sightaud Memory, Irjdigcution, L<i» ot Knrrgj. Tainii in the litct ,Coilalirialinii, li\o»hinp, ll )»t<vn:i, 'I inidity, KelMK«*, Luve 61 Sotiludu, G rouodleM i*(6arr . M Hctl l&tKelaJ>tiuO , Ae., malting froia Bibnuatios of Nint t'ower .ttiH effect ot Otrr-Iaied Kuert;:ii'>, Eocr»«tuig llnbiti , auaother Rhu»» of the »y»(cai.

UiVKS INSTKUCTIONS INI) PRKSCKH 'TIONRilinttr>ted with TettlreauiaU (r <m emUlul p»tirhl» ; withme»u»ot Curr nted in tack om»«. Sent (rve .by I'oit on re-ceipt ol Two Penny 3tiiau«.

' Allo liy thaman Autliyr, polt frep in uu eoreli'pp, tor 13 .Stam|iv, WOMAN 1 her Dull.-.., llclsli""", «ud l'osilion pSnlJKi»trn.ted!—Uirlhoo<L , MM^drnlMXxl , Oourulnp, War . !riai:e, Motlitiliood, Feianln KtluuUnii, Fi-runle Health , Ee- 1mule l lyx iw, ltomeMie Mnliume , 4c. ic. This « a work011 «ulj«-<i[* ol rilnl iM'rro.1 «u l inmHilu 'ly Il lun . ¦traird br K/iur»»ii in' °" WtHj.l . iJr. ll. SMITH. 8, BurtonCri.c-nl, U.iidon , W.C, [iil3-tt l J

I V P O B T A M T U C O U K T U S PA TIKK H . — Dr. H. hktlTlI, ths ¦eoiint 'iit.->{nM:iHl^t , whi < iu»y U. cououltrd with tbe greateit.cut iM- 'eiiCK I* T ihi: L'uti* ot u)| lV'bilihintiii iitid coniu)[icjU8DiS '-Hrrit , will , tor llni hrurfit pt t-oiiiitr\' patientB who can*. ;tioi ciii .riilt l i im |iersoimhy, 1.11 m-emu* u ueticriptiiiii ulUi- ;r c.i-c , fem-l tiiHi.|tintii U , u l C i . i d t IT Mild diuctlnlis foi *!1I1 " moM fuccoilnl t.M»,.tM, I., Ii MII I I vi , ui . A.u- 'dross Ol. n.hMlIJl , r> Uuitou Cifsf-'ul , Luudtu , W.C. ]\

'¦ '26 , 1877



1802—AcKiiowletigcu the Finest


NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY,Establishedin 183G ; /ncoryorafed by Act of Parliamen


HEAD OFFICES •London : I, iloorijato-strect ; Aberdeen : 3, King.Rtroot

DUBLIN U UANCH OKMCK :32, College-Green.—J. T. GIDDT , Secretary.

FINANCIAL POSITION (31ST DKCEMBEK , 1875 .Snbficribcd Capital, ... X3>S 1!!20Accumulated Funds. ... Xl ,918,000

Annual Income /or 1875.YUv .£351,000. I Life, Xlll .OOO. | Interest , .£91,0001 Totul ... .£583,000.

FIRE DEPAJITMKNT.A Hpccial feature of this Veimrtincnt i.f t>ic Jiliemljjj

with which claims urc Bottled. As a consequence , theCompany has received a lurge aharo of public support ,in proof of which it may be Htiitnd that the Fire Pre-mnims have increa^eil from i;l ,r.UH in the second year ofworking to j CSu l .'.ioH :it the proncri t time , and is .Hillyeiirly inereaniti(,'. Moru than Two Million Pound havebeen p:iid for Fire Looses.

L1FK DKl'ARTMKXT.There are a few points which nhould bo attended tr

before deciding on an olfico. The firnt and must imi>or-tiint is tho Securi ty afforded, and in tliix tho N OHTIIKUS

ciinnot bo outbid. The sums assured nre guaranteedby the Capital of TICREK MILLIONS Sterling, nnd thoFunds of moro than One Million and threo-quiirters.

Tho next point of importanco is Economy in Manage-ment , and that the NORTHERN cxcoln in thin respect isproved by tho fact that tho expenses arcs nndor 7i percent of the income.

Tho Kate * 0/ Premium and thoifoies 0/ Honus shouldalso bo considered ; and bearing in mind the very lowPromium« charged by tho NO K T H K K N , it will bo founc1

that tho Company has divided large Hums in tho way olProfits. Prospectuses, Keports, &c , can bo obtainedof tho Company' n Agent at Waterford,

CORNELIUS KKDMOND (Alderman),,i;U tf '9i Kiiiff-atrcct.



Coiis(i(«(cc2 l)« Special Ac ts of rorltamcnt.-T> EVKNUE : UPWARDS of THHKE QUARTERSS\) of aSHl-LION POUNDS per Anuutn.

AssK-rs : Upward s of P1VK MILLIONS Sterling.Dining its wholo cKistunco of orer half 0 century,

tho bosinoHs of tho STAXDA R II has been ono of unin-terrupted progreBH, Hud for tho last ton years thoCumpany lias each year added over a Million of NewAssurances to its Huts , tho amount acquired duringtho lust, iiTe years alouo beiug iiO.018,301; whileduring thu saino poristl of fivo yours tho Compauypuid 111 Death Claims no leas n sum than £1,001,710,oiclusivo of BOIIUH Additions.

llemt Office —3 & 5 George's street , Edinburgh.Vuolin— W ILLIAM U KSIIIA M, Resident Seorotury

for Ireland, 66 Uppor Snckvillo street.Tubles ol Rates nnd othor infonnatiou may bo had

OD application toKDWARD S. KENNEY, 49 King etroet

Agcut for Waterford .

To Wine Merchants, Claret, Ale, and Porter,and Family Bottlers.

I BEG to intimote that I am now in a positiouto turn out, in tho highest Btj lo of workman«hip,

Foun and Six SYI-UONBU DBAWINO-OVIC JIACHINKS ,npceially dosiened for tho Trado by myself.

Also, my justly-celebrated and largoly-patronisedE l C X L S l O H CoBKlNO MACHINE ,

whioh is now, beyond doubt, noltnowlodgca to bo thoonly perfect Corking Macbino in existence. Hundredsof Te»timonialB from tho largost BottUii?Firms through,out tho tliroo Kin(fdom8 can bo had on application otmy WorkB, 49, GRXAT PATBICK-STKEKT, BELV AST.Aly* J. FIEL.UING SMYTH


col Work , showing unffcrers how they may becured without the aid of QuaokK. Free on receipt ofpostogo RUrnp. AddroHS. SECUKTAKT , Insbtnto o Ana-tomy Birmingham. mylO-3m»


t'iiint Meat .flavour ing Slock for Srmp« , umile^ml Siiiici-s. Cauliuri—Uruu iiiH onl y with l .i rviinil««Ili i iini l.iehig '« Muimiuri' Hrr ,.K« Inlwl. nlO.t

BOTTLE LABELSOV nil kinds, executed wi'.h neiitncss nml on

U10 fihortos-t notice, at Prices astonishingly low.•W, Kiug-iiiroot , Waterford .


HOTEL. *.¦ : .\•»• •' -Hi . - t: ^ <-t_ »Io . ' i l l . .a

*BH GRBAT\ PL |j\\a5pTEL;DUBLIN (EstabUBhed ^'.rears,, - .

4, 5, 0, and 7, LOWER BBlBfiiOTHEET, 'RICHARD COIFEY.ftopriekHV' ' —!— 'V < - I J1

npHE above FmsT-Ciisg HrJrjLhi^beor} newlyJL Paintod, Paperod, and re-Doborated, aireial addi-tional Rooms addod, and fitted up with, all .podetn im-provements in a superior style of ooirifort oiw Elegance,and coptinnos to receivo tho - Undivided personalattention ;Of- Mr. .and Mrs. Conner. . Frdm its.cen-tral position it 'will be found sngak (OjaiTcnlent. for thovisitor,' being in tho immematw-'iricnlity it the LawCourts) fivo to tdn minutes' unr^irom any CScy HailwayTcrminhfe; and afow dooi^ftrMnjKng'* Bridge TramwayLine. J Supplies pf. first-cIas8§[ni«tT. Notwithstandingliresent hiyh rates, tho terms wfil M f oan,d tK/»t raod^rate.' tircaifasfs from Is. 3d. Table d'Hote, 2s. ; onweek days at thioo o'cloet: <BH SnodaryB -nt'fi ye o'olock.Beds. ls (xl. each. *r W^ - ""

Ocn^toj 'j Co^g yia 849^( 0*; I


B'Coffee and Fnrate^iBiBgHOOBIB.

Accommodation for 180 persons. A NffiliT~FortcT inattendance, and aH.Senranti JWtfbJ' ft1*1 J>r4tiri8tDi. ¦

¦*,i • , . v - f26!y

Thi ^ Evii jU ^ei:, ! ."T77SITEHS to DUBLIN" will find at tbe EUXOPEA.S-;. y B0LT0N-STREET, flrel-claas aooommodation,with modornte charges and assiduous attention.

Largo and elegantly-oppointed LADIES' COFFEEROOM.

tST Grand BANQU ST HALL for Public Dinners,Wedding Breakfasts, Balls, Suppers, &c.

Restaurants—Billiards. Bed's,' 2s. &)., 2s., and Is.6d. [m31-tf]

J . M O L 0 N Y , Propriotor.


UNDER now management, thoroughly renovated ,central and conrenient, combining Cleanliness

vud Comfort with Cheapness.Beds, Is. to Is. 6d. per night ; Breakfast, Is. to Is. Cd.;

Dinner from la. 6d.; Tea, lOd. Jameson's fivo yenrold Halt , guaranteed, 4d. per glass. Table d'Uotc at4.30, 1B. 8d.

W.C. and Bath-rooms recentl y added on eachlanding. Night Porter in attendance.

%jff Within fivo minutes walk of King's BridgeTerminus. ja.S-ly.




]l^^^is ;i (Joinnil an<l Comlorialjlo


inwhich cvcrythiiij,' can be had on the must modi-rate

terms.Itijst Dublin nnd Wexforcl Spirit's ; nl.-o , liramlios,

Wiups, Porter, George Younger aiul Hon 's culclirale<lAlloa Ales, &c. ' (auli-U)

Cars on Hire at the shortest notice.


I beg to inform my numerous Friends and thoPublic that, thronsh elision of time, I have becomeProprietor of the above old-cntiil>li*hcd Hotil.

I nave completely and most nonifortubly rc-fiirnisliodit , and have consideraVjly enlarged it, littiii f f it upthrougcont in best modern style.

I trust by carefnl und tonst:int iittvntion to the wantsand comfortrf of my visitors to merit the I111tro1r.11;*> solibnnill }* brst'cuvfi on my late father, and re^j iuelluil ysolici t an curly triiJ.

JllCHAJ-X CoFFKY , Proprietor.Kon of late M AITI EW K CIFKIIY .

PkiiBC n»tc Address—3D LdWKK JJHIDUK STI.'KCT-DUBLIN. dll-l im

1'aiim in llic Hack , Giave l , Lnuib;i«o, Ulii - uiiKitL im, Gout ,l)« .*i*anis ot the Kuln»->> , ainl liludiior , Stvicturt -, Sir.

DR. DE KOOS1 COMPOUND lilSXAL1'ILL^ are cell united »!1 ovn- tin- iv<-n'J , n« ilie "»»t

.i l t-utu l;Jy remedy t ¦*> the »\iuVe dj iiiimitl - cr*inp la:iils ,Di-cliiiiT-'i's nl any kind , Slum1 in ll": UI HI I I IT , :nnl I> IS .- I .M »ot 111.' kultl *-yH aud Urinary Orufins (:>""l'rit i lj . 1'USM"X :II >:tniuc propt-rlici', they nur^t; witli (li e mo.*; il licuK- S{CJ (II;H - II

strcuillii'ii tin: JiiMtivn orijan*, iiicriM«i' t in -upp e t i l i ', II I I -piovf tlm gt' tierul he.ilth , mid in tlneo d;i\B wi l> t'll.-r: acun', when cunuiun , cuhflu , nml all i ls> i> kt - t< .n- 11 ul r i i . i » otthat clau have ollcrly failed. I'CCB IK. lid. . 2-, 'J.I, it. lid.,lla. und 33s. per boi.

TI ICMJ celebrated fills ure mi iufalliUi.- rrniedy in Ilit!most ol>sliiiiite ca>c< . Hy their u»o nkmc many lliousaiidnhnm turn nnnuall y reslorcd to licnllli , whi n every cithermedicine has Inilt-d. Their vast fcupvriur i iy over even til in gelse in the cuie of the above cuuip hiintH is universall yacknowMgf ', slid III " rilraordiiinry ileiuand lur them evrraioce their Bri>t intiuductioii i*i without precrdent, lu noinstance Lave they evir IICI - II knnn-11 to fail , or |> II .I) UCI .those, (lnuxeruu^ symptoms so oftfii resulting from copmha ,cubebs, turpc&tiue , nud other turdiciues usually resorted to.They require neither confinement nor cli inns of diet, nndmay justly be considered the only xi'e, efficacious remedyfor all stages of those disorders for which they aru recom-mended.THE MOST WONDEUFUL PILLS in the WOULD.DR. DE ROOS' PILULE VIT/E, or VEGE-

TABLS L IJB P ILLS.— All «urTerer» Irom gemmlnerTODsnes] «nd morbid feelins«, low sp irits or liaraviinKdreRuis, unueceitsary learn , mental irritability, failure o( themental nnd bodily powers, Mrtakness of the nervtf , head-iclie, noises in the head , x iddinesd, indi gestion , aud othersymptoms ol chronicdiaeaae , will huil with joy the discoveryof l.'r. I)e Kooa' Lile 1'illf. , xbicli Bpe edii y and aim mil oi.i-gicully remove p*iu and disease, whut'-ver iintu'c, resiorecbeerlulucts to the spirits ,vi gour to ihi - body, and otr-t iRtb-eu'all the organs on which life aud death depend. They douo't ciiitaiii a particle ol mercury , hut arc purely vegetable,and lor afTectionn ot tbe liver, flatulency, bile, sick h iid*cht» ,dUzin".«8, lo«» ol appetite , luwuea* "I spirit* , fcCinatio iia otfulness s> the pit u1 the otouiacU , pain between llio slu.uld-ers , noil the dinlresi arUinK doiu iuii i'i{tstion u-i.l pei.iraldrbil ity, luey will he lound ot uuexampled elficucy j ami itis no v.i.uH aJraiiliij,'a l l iut Ihey can bo taken nt any liin*without danger eilher from wet or cold , or necessity furre,; fioui boMno'3 or pleasure. Tln-y act mildl y on 1 liebou!¦ •-, oi l lmut pain or e, tipiux , ii»I«it stiru it ih 10 Hi*sluuiacli , inoride.i liraltliy nction of llie liver , thus prevent-iiu', "r "'den prPkwi ', cunnir ibu jnuiidicu and diup*\ ,c)t 'iiii- :iiil t i le hkm , P I M O V I O ; ihe salluMiiess m.d p-iupli :- ,j .uri lunK the Uhiuil , hiaciliR "•« !»¦¦ v», .uul 111.11 vt llnu-lylnviRi .r. .tl l l K the wliui 1' fjstm' . Keiiulrs i.l nil dK> '> U'l ilfind them inv.ilualile , and should u<:v<-r be witl-oat :!irm.Pni-i! 1-. lid., -'- . I'd., it. UJ-, ll> , .iui:)3-. per box,

Z* U~ NiM at TIIK N EW S I I F F I C K , Wati -nuril .

The most n>toainliii(( C'urw ire daily fe.Ujf Dlfecled 111 cus. -:of Nfivou» Debility, Iiopunty ol the Blood , DelrctivtCirculuiion , Laniiour, l.n<situde , Deprcs>iou ol Su:ril>ludi gebtiou , l'oiii and PalpiUIion lu the Sidr, iTara^singDreams, SK ., by means ot

DH BE KOOS' worM-fa rr.ed OUTTJC VIT^B, nr Ve.getubie LIKE DROPS , wlius- effeets lire reiili y mil-

ical in lehtorinK los' tone lo Ihe syMem (arising from

whatever caunp), re-inv i)t"raiing and rulivminir tliu wliuiicorporeal finine , and itraduull y, hut ellectivel y, building upthe roost sliKttured coiMilunun.

Althoug h this truly wondei ful recuucrative ionic is ui>tput loiwiiul as iuipalt.lii! llmiH.rtahty, it i> mil ti 0 muclitu tnr lliat I')' ''" «'""* A'''w 'Jlli: '*' Us '' "'"''


to tU- iii- tvous und dcbilnatiil , who were evidently sinkinjinto in c-.irly li rnrc; whiW to those ot ni.ituri-r years ilwi l l gentl y aud serenely protract ttie close ol lite. Tliou-B,iliJ< ot apuarciilly hopeless c.a»us , a iv in uj, hy tlnl Incultl ,are. now ill ilia mjoyiiieut ol Ir.-altli ( l i fe s c ie . i l isthle sMi iK),a living ti'ttuuuuy to the un^-peA^U: value ol turn re-mark,able iiu.iln.-iiu1. i iundrnl * ut le«linionwl« , too liumelolls tcipublish , 111.iv be men by any ui,< -. 'Ih- preparation is n-treniely pleasant to take , anil none need mller whil ut sucha nnr.iculou* medicaojeur. is 111 eiiniwitv. IVI M M H ol¦.ludious liabit , debilitated felonies , nnd tliusf on whom theui .. ir»i id l eu ol Me is be^imoug tu tell , should persevere

i> l rn.lily with ll i is lile-revivmi; tonic lur nun month , amillu y will Iw asloiiinluV. at us re»ult». Ali ih..,e who havetried otbrr meaui. , IM I VM NK ' and • Jcuti n- ,i|.|i hani-i s, A. i:.,« i t l iom any n-uii , an1 e.irne»uv ircnii i i i i minito iiuki! lair trial oi lins, which , Uii,g co.aoeieuon the hig hlit •cicnlilic princip lts, mv.inalil) siuoe.U.Tlie Kir ut Micceni utti 'iidaul on llns vv'onderlul discovery hasleil 'o a liuBt o( liuuiuo.iiiil tvoitlileM ) iinitaiiun s. I'urtlls aud .13" per bottle. The large sizo contains BUllicunllor lour weeks. _ _

Important SMce to the Pub lic— i.very package of Dr.l)f KoO»' preparatioos bears tho Uuveriumul SUiup, « i lhxV».wotds , " WKI IIT OB Jlooa ", Lonilon," in While Lettersou a Ktil Grouild, by order uf Her »»jesy'» llonoutabitCoiumissionen , wi'.houl which nuno c»» pohsiMy be RCU U -in... Dr. 1)« Hooa' world.lamed Medicine* arr «old hy Mr.Ktoncy, Tht tt 'aterf ori Sevis OlBcu ; Mr. \Vl|Ue, ObnrotrOffice Hall yiurna ; «ud tiiey iu»y bo obtained ol every

1'meniMeditiiiB Vendor in the world ,and ol most Chemitis jor should the least difficulty MCcur , will be lorwardcd tcxiiyparl ot the United Kingdom (carrune (ree ', per K turu, onrecoipl el ibe aaiouut, by Ur. De K«os, 13, tlollord Spuiro'

Unbililate l ami nervous mirTerers should read the " M edi-cal Adviser ," by Dr. lit Rw , on the «ee.ret cauies ol Her-vous dfbilily, onbiypy «¦"! unfruitlul marri»gfi , iwpofeucy,deproinion 01 Kp intJ , and coutlruicd melancholy, loo Iff.quuiitly tracMblo to ivrlaiii |iernitioui habils ncqoiretl ineatly h'*' rieut poat Irt e 00 rrcuipt ol iW L-Wt a ntAmps ,by .Mr. Lawes, medical publish r, 14, llatid-euiirl, llolborn ,Loiidou, W.'J. A small edition may be hail post Irco lortwo stmuipj .

CI K IKKAPKION , the new French remeity /or Nervous-X new, Debi i'y, and ull thuM disenst-s tor which luer-

cuiy, narsaparilla , 4c, nro (ienfcially preM-ribed. Devoid ofall appearance ot medicine , il may be carried in the pocket ,or Ictt anywhere, without excuing «u«picioo. •' Prices 2i. Od.,4s. 6J., lls anil 33s., of alt Patent Meoi inc Veudors, orpost Irfe Irom Mr. H.Tbrjniai.liueiBist . fh i . M.rti»'*.la»e ,Lonilon , W .C, or Mr. Davits, Chemist , Commercial Koad ,Loiidou , E. ,

T11KKAPEION i» prepared in three different forou,No*. 1 , 2, mid 3, according to I h« purpose for which it ini i i t rmlnl—lor full pailicuUrsuf which read tbe descriptiveuaiiip hii't sent Inc lor three, stamp', by Mr. Johuslon ,Ikok-.- llm , 27 VeiuUiii-strwt , Lcnrlan, K.C. _ ap7

qff ir por PKIN VI .VG , of every description, oheBp andgood, gite your ordem ut TUK Ni:wa oilJco, King St.








UAX 'l l i ,1 A>)>

PRICKS ASToklSIUNGLY LOW,, -, : l . (Tkf (Jua/ity of the Work ConsidtredJ,

ATThe News Book and Job Printing,



EYELET LABELS Jfanufactared and Printed toany sizo and pattern.

F R I E N D O K A L L !A'tioton tn all Parts 0/ (he U'orM. Jlerc 's our Remedy

H O L L O WAY ' S P I L L SIMPURITIES oy THE BLOOD.—Those wonderful

I'lll.i art- valni:il at lh<- liou,Ur.-t IIIMIIILS U> veil no 111 I hohom.ea of comfort and wi-alth. They woik a ihorou^hpur fication through tbe wtole syst'in , without uifcoidt-ru tcthe natural action of auv or^Hti , nnd L-nidica ie tbu6i* K?rimof complsiuttt wlucli cou>igu tens ul thousands ro an e<tri ygrave

H B O H C I I I T II , DIPTIIEI I I *, COUCH.', AM > COLDS .— V«ditenses uii- more lii( |iiei:l , ami li w inure ilinnrious limn.illeclious ot the lesuiratiirv organs ; :m ronili i iiin mvt-srlje lo inure laUil u.ul.uli>-! > I l iau a "' -Snnplf Culil ." '[] , . ¦firs t .-yiiiptouis u/iiy .ilivjy, br rmiov idby tl iesvrei iowiiei l1'ilU , as they quickly u-inrit y th> ; >ia ^imtiun ..1 bin, :,moilfr *tc t he burilei l , :>ml lUab l i - I he wiud - |, ipi .and lunn ^ t -j 11.-.lorl l l iht -u iu iic li ' -ll "' w i l d <-a-e ai.d i'j ;i:-ianty. 1 h i y ;,;> !, l.y U. t i i p u l l l j ll:.- p i i .p .r '.ii > , i::can» .: : l M;I'loi 'il (com itll nut n r K l i vn.i] Iho i l i n l l ly l i l t - M ^ l i in a ^ . t i j i -LCou>llinplion , A*Uiin.i, .nui olln-i puUooiia:y .

I'KllILITt , l.O>> UF AW-TITK , l l K A U A C i m , AS I,I.OWNK^ . P SlMBITS. —T I I.M: l ' l l l- Will , in .1 Inv 1I.1J- ,• iK-cl a in iU wouderlul ihauu e m \>< bil. tatid Cnnst i luuJ hnino in..:i|.| thr -n i s i i i .n^ c.iu>e), ;>¦> ihi-y crt-ato .» h«ilt i,y;il 'p -l i l i -, nmn-l ^ i - ^i'.iKi , it ioove i-xtre s^ of bile , over-C" mi - K id ^ i i : < ' >> , c>:ll!U 3tun , s:L*k ht-adiichi-. and all ttio»oi '.uiHii^ loiebodiu^s arislli >; f ruln a bad stomach or disorderedli^e-.i..n.

111 tc M KDICI .NE ron K I.JIALK S , Y OUXG A >U OLD.—For O VV I C U U J I U ^

ull uo - t i u i'lrj ht t , aud 1x :01 n:« susi<riM!t-dsic tL- t io ii s, t h e r e i« no inx l i c tn^ 10 be r i .tnpat ed to ilicseI' I IU. 1' i . i vc ir a l l y .1 •¦!¦:.¦ lh ' - uu- lemeily lorKeui-ili- C.u.i .ia.n.^ , t i u- e r . is t.-i.... t a l i ' l .< y ^l i cng tlj i - nthe K.VI I I- I I I , ni:i l a . u . i \ M . ... ..b in « i:sit :- r. qu i r t i l . 'JoiiMKak -s v i i iv i n:jr i n t o « , "r .1 th u iu r n of h i t,l l u y a t e u. i..'.u.i '..«. . - in,,; ;, JH J . . , ! 'iz 'irtnl against¦ ll"|'\V , li.- ..i l : . rh'< , p ;«;pi l;. r : . i l l t t l f l u In .ir t t .It iiJ ail ij f lV 'oU S.ilkcl uii- u:' . 11 ii .-n.» n_. ul I I .II -I.- )> . |i ' . n - .

l.O .D l H A l Ma i .NCI I 'KN I A i lu L l l l l . b l . I N . — Wb O'Jpil; ,;I:.IU _ I ., an..>.!¦- , -¦... ..1 .1,.. , l. v . i - , ;t. tl .1,1 ^l:St:*t* L-r, ui t ! , uu} -i- ni . i iM -i l -t i-; _* . u t « : k > > i , ...i-i ^o.-u tuu-il , !t) t l i . -0^ i u r i U ! . . _ i n ^ . J\ . nn 1 Mi .d. 'i be VM ; l;o>il 'ij( .'iii . Vimtwo , or t u n e [u-ilueril I . , p.nil. rj, may U- s'i"u I'ShllyW i t h It.e v t - l l .M l i t ) ol i lu l, .^ - i.ui!*

^l .uvofb 1/I3OUUK.:> .— A ny d t i a n^ v t i u il l of the nervesallecls d isr t>t tou- ly bolli l t i > : r.o.l} ;itul t h r uc t t i l . *lu t l ienervous iuva l l .J l l i I'm.-, .-(ic ul vj l .n /U-C-M IJ , HS t hrymipHTt t o n e and t u o u r tw t h e ih: . -m;«l < , ;^ i u.i , ami ctui-t-y u i -n t l y to tlie he ivoi la s^ * 1.. ;;, iv:in.h l . ir tv.ul . a anil umutc lntlieln . lli-uce Ihi- l r u:.uv. ii .11- mm ul i . ) >t i : i i - i , l<.w .-pi t u? ,rlj asuib, lil., m*rroui l .M U IJ 1. . ^ , .»lul u l l n i A . IUI IL .1 ' U - U <plsiut ^.llvlloway'a I 'ill .f are thv U-->t rcmtdt/ AUNICM UI the u;,rtd

Jar thvj t 'i luuing*;Akiue Kevti a ol .ili Sctoluia , or Knm 'i hvi lAs'.liUia rtlhds S lie 'J blu -t t.HIJlllious com- Ooul >jtone (ind

plnluts llcad-acha Ur.nolttli 'trlirs on lndicoiiun S:coudary SyuiiJtoui B

the Skin l.m-t com- Tic lloult-uituiBowel Com |il.niu> Ulcers

plKil l l ^ Luil.b yij Vcorreilt Ad rCli 'lHUebiluy Piio \\ ¦ mis ol .il. kiuJ ftDropsy Uiiru to atiMii WIM I> I ,I-. J , i i i . n,t'einale Irregu* Ui-u-otiuo ol wli . il iv .1 CIU-L1 ,

larilus L'l i n- .- Ac, ic.'I'lio IMI. -* and Oinlui- tit urt'^j ldal I'rolca^oi H OLLO W A V 'J

establishment , it 'Sii (Jxl o ld -ht i t e l , LoiiUon ; alio Irj- nearlyevery respftlable Vendor ot -Medicines iliiou/uoul tf IK

civilized wot Id , 111 boXi'i at, "1 I'otsat ta. ljil., i». Od., Is. Cd.

11*., 22s., and 33s. each. The surliest lios of l'l lUcntaiujtourdozeti ; ani the smallcat Pol ot Uiutuient O U C O U I I C L- .

Full |iriuted dui'ctiuus are utlixed to each I'm and ]t., x»lid can be h»d in any language , evi-u in Turkisb , Ar«tn cArineiuan , IVrsinn , ot Chinese.

K.U.—Adiicr can be obtained , free of charge^)- app ly ingat the aboFe addri's>, daily, bu'iwu-n ihe hours or 11 MI J -itor by letter.


IP , NASSAU STKEET, DUBLIN,( \\ ho IM.I brel) t>] yt- ars plot, :,^iouall jr estfibii>hed in Dublin)

EEGS to cuuticm the Public c'ie u.-^ool the common, impi i>p i .-i , and hailly-umiiti' sctur'd

GI HSV CS and i'ehlites ^euriiill y sold , Khich are ?o huhlvdelnmental to Vision , thai numbers bate M rioll-l } sullrli - .lfrom Iht-CD , uuO Irosls Hint 11 i- iiuw uiiiu-ci-sary tc i l » t i lat Irnulb on Ibi! I'SM-llrniv ol iiiO|>ic!ach»( - .i> i l i.hiei . . troinpebble or >miih» r >uh»tain c., w lm-!i he n^itht -r construct- * ,rt(» |irovc fc. ii ' 1 r ih^pi:^t-> o- , ( am! 011 tin- a i lv- iti ta ^t-' ilt . rl tah .eIr. -m his .icrur-ili ; uiiilnl u: .nia;i:in.. («.,•>« 10 D. t. c:iv.-S:j;ht (a luu l l i ' l OI I J i l l i h i l . i I . i l I I I SJ I 'M t . i l i t p [h.m 1 ||,.q u r h l l y su;i |io>edj, :l-. - l l rh a i r . . i l i nnah .) 1 .i.i -i.UU-il In j . , , .serve the eyts i i i i i i opa i r i - i l lo i x ti c u .e n-i rt ^e . l :i. \ t ; .¦ v 0I.eel) U>ed by t h e .i.t.>t il i>tin< 4Ui:>(. t .d p> *t.*ot.^ ahU .Wt r t l iOi 1 3ot tin: 1' i c i i l i y ol 'he Knuilom

Oli .SKliVK.—IVl «ul i» can lie >h i t l d ht ¦•ni- 'n.J illi a |i..irol N liectHc lt '>, or one ol the li l . ir Si-^ , »n il I r l lcr , st . i t l l -.»; Ihe'li>tance (toiii the ryethry can it-.ul ^ui ill i-rih* ui '.ti i; , HIUI*.tior.e uho have nut einpluyeil s | ie«t ai ' : i - . hy loi-uliounu th- i ra^e uhd descriliiti ^ M f ;ht . C' .ni inulnr^i i ioj H hum W i i ^ i -lord i,wd Hit Ymuiiy to i.e l i i iet tnl lo M R . . ULUMUiS .-'Kslabl.shuienl , No. 19, X AsSAL'oTKKr.T, [Entrance L IJH u l l Doori , with iu one Door of UAW s uN - bl 'KKh. L

L>U1ILK\.t&f^" Krju irs of all *&ii:ii * nrn:nti lS\ at t t i.ilrd to.

NK W1.Y L W K N T K i J 1 hl.K-lMI'ES ,C.imbinin^ port ;>b :lity wuh ex lraord mirv rower and clrai-we* til Vision , which >upi -r^tde every otnet kind lor the\Vni *tcoat l'ucket , ljc t-r Ma.'l.iO(r , Mi l i tary , >l.-a , alltj alpur|iri»e> , both hy day and m^lit , and mithr- from 4 incih-dwill -how ilistilul'ly .I li inlei 'i J.» l 'llile.-, A;.-. Hnce—Kh. IjJ1-Js.Bil., 15s., 21»., 30"., 4c.

N K W D A Y A.N1) A.VI K O NOMICAI. TELKsiCOl'K ,PIUCE io COM 1'l.f I K — W i l l i >ui>f n,,rS inch n c}, Kla ns , twu llllpiov.d (-ye piect> , ^Ull Kl-IM ^ , portablemetal joiuU'd stand. This e.Urannliuarj lastruia^ut wil lclearly show ibw must imponaut heaTenly raidic*, and exhibitwith ilii-linciiu -M. the lace of an indiTtdual , or ol a clock ,sliei-n , cattle , Ac, at niMiiy miles ' distance , equalling in thatno>l es>euli.t l points tlio^e ^rlj ^sc^ usually supplied al£60 oi £70.

IMPllOV- ') DOL'BLK Ol'KHA , HACK , <t KlKLi.'G L A^K S — I'riCe It's. 6\)., IBs., !!1~ . j -uoie ~i tuioulu insi/e lln*t u. :y sli p into it Wittc li Toi-bet, let nral in i-iteclol puwir mriuy ul tht linger made ; aj -e , Microscobt^ ufHied! powrr , lioui 3s. U.I., inf isible IMiolu ^riip hs.

M A U I i ; I .ANlKl i .V> A N D OI ^ULVI . V l i VIKW 's —Cle«r , brilliant , -mnile, lln.uul. unsurpassed |..r ellt-ci .—blutes m grrat raro ty — Comic, .Scenu-, Kthieahoiifil , lllu>ir.i <m.ii lales , wurs , t iavrl s , iu: A supeimr 1,.intern anu I'.slides Ivoiu TfM. A ('ulaluiiur ou appliiatuni.

A D M I U A L KITZIU IY ' S I M P K U V K I J f iAUOMETEl i— Acctu Hiuly loreielliiit; the \\ cathi-r , liiiiidsoinely mountediu .Mahogany, n i tb TlierirjoDjelcr, puce onlv li>*.

SOLOXUlS'S MiW MODEL l lAKOMEl 'EU , Juicel'J« tid. Cur.ect Thermoaielers, at Is. uptvnnls.

Ul l'KuVED AC'OL'STIC lA STKL'M t .N i .Sfor i-itreineaurl every deKrev or iluituens.

CA U VIOS '.— I n conawioeiici o/ iiuini-rms attemp' . r\ tia 'pui 'tioti , it 18 nrce.*n.tiy lo not e *} n i: l) y nan>e»n>i ... ¦... ¦. ..^¦ lid to obuerre —Onl y to bu nail Irom M ; . V . .- oU,no» ,Optician (nrofoMulinliy • - '."'.li l.v.;... UnunuOl f M s ) ,

Number MMi i r.l'..i , NA ^SAU- ^TKKKT , DLUL1.NEnlratict* b) Hall- l)«ior), wulnu o*e door ol Dausuu-ntterlD U B L I N ; ht dotl nut visit tht l 'rucimcti ; Au, nl>

connexion KI'M a«/ otier home or p erivn a/ ' tame, similaror other name , and that ke Emp loy * KO A U K N I'D U C



On Sale at The A't-utj* Clrfice,•With tho Eccommcndation of the Uishop of Wat

and Lisruore, the Kig-lit Rev. Ur. POWKBA Cathecliism for the Instruction of Children


biahop of Cashel and Emly.UECOMMKNUATION :

" lapprovu ot of this Edition of tho Eight Rov. DiJAMES U I;TLKK 'S Catechism, autl rccoinincnd it to thFaithful of thoau Dioceses.

* " JOUN POWEH, K.C.U" Waterford , Sept. ICth, 1875."Printed on Uood Paper, and in large clear Typo.ORDEKS from any part of tho Diocese, sent in and

directed to C. KEDMOND , Printer and PublisherIKofer /br< ( News Office , W Kins-street, promptly at-tended io. The Triulc supp lieil on modurate terms.

Muy be had littuil from every Culholic Bookseller intho Diocese.

Page 2: XXIV.—NO. 17. "THK WATKRFOKD NKWS." EKTAM.IRIIT.I>—1W. (Alrlr-ruian Itowisn, Proprietor.) IIAKCKST

a n v. A T

ROBERT LOCKE & CO.,Beg to imtimato that they havo purchaaod BOTOral LOTS of



O F F E R T H E M F O R S A L E ,At a Tremendous Reduction in Price,


G ltTTT B A R G A I N S .THE nnnns nnirsiST OF


si l .KM I A U I.S .I-W.WV Dli V.l : i ! i l » i .\S :imlL A C K S ,I '. i 'N N K T S .


IV.'Othcr with n large Quantity of HOUSEUULD FUUNISHING( 'AllPETS. IRON BEDSTEADS,

Sale oach Day from Ton to Four o Clock.

63 & 64, QUAYr WATERFOBDWaterford and Central Ireland Railway..

J .- .M. - .„• ,\W Central Ireland Railway Mock , withn( . ,] . ls secured to jiay/rom date of issue * idviocnui,i :> »er Cent vcr annum.I' l I K lHKK OroHS of the Watorford and Central

Ir. ::vu,l Railway Company arc propared to usne NowiViurul Irfluntl Kuilway Stock , upon which will be paid.-. OiviuVud of :i PIT \\-nl. l>cr miuuni from receipts HO -rur.- .l for that purpose under ugreements sanctioned byParliament l-elwccn the Great Western Hallway Com-p.uiy of Knsliuid ,und tho Watorford and Control Irelandand Kilkenny Junction Kailway Companies, tho full par-ticuUrr; of irliidi can bo obtained on ajipUcation to tlio


m U E D I R K C T O K S also, for tho pur-X pose ot icKi'LACI.VU thoiNSTALJI KNTS of tho

O U V K K . N M K N T LOAN and UUNDS falling due, , until further Notice , to accept LOANS UNM-j UTOAiiK liUNiJS ut I per Cent, payablo upon UiieY.-ar 's notice , or for such term of Years as muy bolix. a ¦ ai' ii lor tin- Dclienlurc Stock , having equall. i - i 'iniv tt i '.h the Mortjrw Bonds, lieariiiK lnturc»t ut

1 :¦¦ :'I '. :,:. ;n I'lTpclllitV. . . . . . .V - 1 -\ »i!: .- il-u uc-i'pi LOANS on JJEl'OSir , bearing

l - v v '-i i t ¦'> ', l'l- ;ii L'KNT., paynlile on Six Months 'roli'v ami at :: i.i- r i

¦• •l it , i-n.jal.iu on •"* .Month's notice.

r'..v ' tin- vi-ar ciL.iiiij; -J:uh Sept. , 1S70, the liatlioKc.vii .t- nvrc Xl 'i .lM' H"- I'd.—the WorkingunU otherKxp. -ii^.- lii-iu :; jfJ-J,i rJl ltis. Od.—leiivinif ii balmiee ofjll^ I., ,- 1 1 - . il., hcinjf more than doutilo the auiuunlrcii ii'ired !',r


'lnUTc^-l on Loans, niter tho paymentut win. ii tin-re is , then-tort , a consi.lerablu surplus lor(l ivi i iv i . 'U lo .-liaivliolilrrs. _

J 'hi-v wiil cv.rv Jluil-year , send to caeh Creditor uj Siaicmi'iu .-luminl; the lull purtieulnrs unit Amount olthe .-i- vi 'i-iil Luaiin iiiU' by the Company.

Ap|ili '-iilious t» l.i- :i.|,lre».i'il to the undcrMgned , ulthe Coii.i .aiij 's v. .lHiv.- , N Merloni Terminus .

lliy "nl. -ri ,V, l U . I A . U W I L L I A M S , .Scerelury.

WaiiTi ' .n- .i. .l-.iinuirv H'lli , 1&T7. iniliS-l-il)


1 IN \ N . LAI. POSITION , I67ti.MiMH ii - i .rc- i . - M ,M > ,UW.\ . - . - | l l l i l . i ;i l . - . i l- Ulhl s ¦ X l f i . y ,\XXJ.X M M U a l I.,.-.....' , " J?lto,W>

,-g W i l l s ul- 'HC'l-.' Jj . -intr purely ili rtAl, , tho whole_l l 'i . ;i: - i . i r i o i i f ; lo t in- .\lemuern (I'ulicy-holdcrsj ,

:f. ! l.. - i:: -.- < -:i:. - :i!:i:( - <l :;"t ""ly on the Uri fiiiiil Sums],- ¦ i in - . i . "i.ti . ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ on nil previousl y declared and existingI! . . : , i , - . - . : ! • ¦ i- . i i . - lur iho l:i>t .V) ye;irs has NfcVfcK IIKK.N1 ; -- than i i :.i-:i!: - i- :i- liaif ptr Cent, per Annum.

l ' i. " .", ¦¦ • 1 1 - 1 1 A M U - A U I . K oftcrs a i-pecuil attractiont,. ;:.:¦ i. h:.i.' . \- - i in i- - in its popular aysioiu of " .MI N I -M I M 1 • 1 :1. -T11 M- . lir.-l :uloiileil in the your lbo l , and1., . . . v. -.i 1.. !•• il:r iiiu^i economical plun ol. Llie A5s.u-,¦¦ ¦ . - v . ¦ : ,! , v i - i - i i .

' l . X . V JI l 'US O F HA 1 K b .liuixn ' I' tcminm i>er JB1U0.

\ . I ;,> N L S . " aiiNiat-M."i. A-.* >: ."- ill la 0::.. -1 \^ 'J - - -„. ... a Hi :J a IS 6

;¦ ;» 1 -i °' :*i' .- . , . ; ui-e.-, I'rvpu.-ulx , and every information on

,1 ..;., -.aion to L. A. J i YA N , Kaq,,,11 A^cnt at Wuterford.

Bishop & Sons' Quinine Wine

f jp i l l . S ]> 'VIfJUHAT1 2sG WINE, so strong lyJL .-,-"iiiiimeuded by tho highest .Medieul aulhorilies

It , .- i i - Ionic ami Kestoralive yuiJitioH , is prepiued withth.: 1111-1 careful allcntioii to tho purity ot ita inxre-t i if i i l- , and uunuius Unv tiraiu of Quinine , each CH UBH .

SoI.I> KVKKTWH KKK.y;.,;.;,, 1_\S'ho!esaleby B,.> iLKAU i liOYi) , M'M ASTKU ,

}| .-DN A Co. ; l iuou .MUUIIE . Co. ; A L K X A N U K K

K I N I II .AI U U 4 Co. ; FAWCKTT & Co. j CASTKKU. andC»> I I U A N K . Uetuil by H ESUV Touts, J AJIKS K UASA-U AN , JmiSHTOS utul ULUUASI , and ulhcm.

ii'ttickruck— .1. IC I C H A H D SOK .Curk —TOMKINS and SON , WUODFOUU, BOUUNK , i

Co. ; 11. Mouuis , J. .dOttuAS SMITH .. lk i jn.- i—W ILLIAM UOUUIN it Co. ; CI.AKK & .M'M UL<1.AN -. J ufnl .1. ifAKi.rrr, Huo-ii WHITE, ^Y. H AMS ACo., auo Lt .Ai i iAM , CoULTKK , and H O W A R D, and AV.(J l l . M ' . K K. .« Co.

Lu,ul ; tn l tr ry— UsboKNK & 1'ATTKM , JAMLS lllOSII 1-auN antl SON.

anufactured anil liottlcd by Mc-ssrrf. UlS l l U P antlSUNS. FI N S U U U T 1MM.II .LEUY , LONlXJ.V aii7.7in




MJ{ K K M J Y t- iills attention to tUe followingil- "lii maiiv 'l' ,-^ ;i'.noliiiiU :—

'• KiirlM-alh , Oct. 1-, lS7(i." 1'F.M: SJ I : — I Jiav i ' tri i .l vour Sii|.er]i'iusj>liate both

(, :: i • ¦:;.. I' Mlal 'n-- , an,I Or.-.-n Crops , und havo touud it•.- . iia: lu '.i,' .- i»i ->l 1 l-v ,-r u.-i .-l.

"¦ Failhiully vour.-," J 'JIIN CAKKOLL. "

•• i .'iii - ri ^kloii i ,', Tnimore, Oct. 1, ]S7'»." I H A I : S I I :--'1I I ,: ln.- .-t tt-stimony that 1 can (five of

ynr.r 1;.. - ,..- . ii|.. rj .)i(i .-|,li:uc i> , that 1 have UHJ it foriii.- .- ir:i ::" \> - ar> ; I hut it ha* invariably (riven Mo goodl >'•;•- , a:; "l i- -i -iii.- iui -i , l l y iii,|T.jvi: .l my lun.l.,c: ¦' 1UV1D PKKKY. "

i:< l A l i l . l r t l l K I ) M YKAKS.

The GEULRAL PR1N1IWG OFFICE,- l . A N l . V I' l .ACK , KNNlSCOKTli y,

^:,. .\' •f. 'j. (- yv'-t i.<iiia-j.i ; i - : i i H i . K C l i l K K I T J I . S . riioriUETOIt.

J^V 1- .I^' ¦!, - ( i i | i t i ( i i i DI J t f .'port i', l- ii'culars

Ii M > ::. • ¦ :.. ! • ! i . : i : - , Ciitui"pif.-, Invf iircH , Law Forfns ,!• : . . I . ; - - . I - . - - : . .• - . I I ; . I . 'i Kill * , l(i .C- i|itM , Uoni i'ickl-ti.,I . .. , . - . .•, . . , \ . . . i i i i - l » i i) i iM alin - M * und ik'spalcli , andi . ; .

¦ ¦; , - :. . . - -: !:. '- .;¦ r:.N. t i rm.- .

; / / / . i l l / ' I I M A S i lO-t i ibl iOii . l 18.-,7). 1'L I I I .I S H I )),.s . SA T l - KU A Y . S .

. -•. . . ¦. , . :. . .- ¦:..- ; : ; . : i - u , -Is. M. ; by 1'ost , I *. 111. Kpfis-* ¦ : : . I . . ; - . i i . ;- - i "i i abroa.]. A H mi rrtiMM j f,;. . . i . n < 1 1 . , ' . ¦ I , , , 1 ,i .-aiiimt be HorjNi f Htnl ,

\ . . : _¦¦ .. - ¦'- : ' !:. , i.V << f l'lain uml Fancy Suitioncryi . . !:. .¦. .. - a. . -! .-.r li...,, I Ki-'iuisiles ; Mourning J'upcrei.- . .". . ..! ¦... :;. » . d£lx


t l;':.-p- :i:lii iii'ii » < j L i - N i i MAr\ in now opun for nXJL ^iLuniion ; tihderBtanda tho Gnxjory buBicettsi r i :..! ii n iii-iiiiciicii ; cm giro good references. ApplyM n.i: UlliCi: <>f Ul i s I'upor.

DWELLING HOUSE TO LETf I M I |!K J.KT— A Spaoiuns and Cornfortablo Dwoll-X . "¦ 'A Hooeo hituat« in ono of tbo moat respeclable

p'.rn'ii.i of tho city. Rent moderate AdUcaa "A.V, " utlica of th * Waterford chronicle.

AiAitr . io .MOTHBUS !— Arc you Urokcnin yourrr« ' Iiy i nick clnM »ullenn» with the pn.u nl cutting unh rIi . , nt once to » clietuist *nH K* 1 " lailtle ol Mn.VVixai.ow '>SWTI I I M I KtBor . J t will r^li'vc llie |«(ir «urfer«i imrot-dm. y. Ii i . ucr 'Mt l ) Imriul.-s . «uJ (¦ln.»»ut to ta.t«. ]tprii.luivsnulor nl ¦|"'>i

'xlfp hy rehcTint th. cliil.l froiu puiii ,»u<t Hi.- ii i i l iM - l iri i i l i ii*iik , ii» " a- kii n l't •» i> hullon.Its uothta lW il l l'i , i> n-'lrlif tlic |iUii» , n l l n \ » «M |iaill . Tt-lirvr i »:iiul , rivulai" tin' Imn'N , •"»! f > tl»' ¦>'»' itiow n nMPil y for ilj«niKry .mil dwrrlma , whether nrming trotnteething orotu. - i CUM-H. Mr- . W UM I, H»- '>- Soothing Syrupit »tiltl ky M.-Jiriu r drah-n e\>r) «i.err , »i la ljtl per bottle.Manufactuicl iu New Vork , and at 193 Oilotd Slrpet , U».di.ii. IVp.t in l)uliliu : Ilatniltou , Lnntr, Co., Lower¦V .rV rMi— »re. -t : I'm!;. W . A; II. 51.tiouidiDtf ; !lell««t ,

J . Najii', ¦¦ l'"i"-««l'-'quare . (uau-ly)HoLLOWAT'sOiNTMr- STAsnl 'iLus.—Sore Throats-

IJ iptl ici m. nn- l MroucliU u—llirtb tnetlicuTiiruli. liuldly laootlie i-vi.V Ii".' piuf»»» to tnutil). Lw:.i l ieli-1 mid geiwrnlpurifit -Mfion |tN>*"-*^ tdtfeibtr ; dise^»K i* uuit-ti , while tluwtmle ->-¦ ( , >n IK clp*n*''d. l lol loMHy 's ()mluient iutilie.1 onthe tl.rjf.i mil cliert ei<rcii.e« llie mom briirticiul influenceover sore t l i i n a ' p , .lip ll.una , mid COUK II , n-lirllitr roultiiiKfnj'o ciU i rl i , rt«, ". lnuui:liiti> . TLii unguent «lsDiiiai-ul 'iuil y in . .n.-ni iK f t - nttiivoi-,, .,1 voiev , healingulwationt , CDI :II < > k > » d:n-in.» , and runiDli-trl) »tupp iii|{^11 Jf,iru< - ' i ».- ii.l!imii"' l "jiJ , iiri-|.iTir.-B i,l iu tunii)/CH U SI ' chinar.ti- r, »i\uii <i "U , »!<«¦»»"« , ut ^-.riitj. ll.illo-« H V '» Onii iii .-ui. iii-l i-'l '¦>' I"H "ill", K"«m»l iinnicdiali:ami ino.t uinili i-ii le '.'el t" iln'-i-' iirilalu.n ilchin^ and paij.ful swrl li iM * ul llie »!.!"» occ-jmoiitd by mercury or Intent

cyuL ilitic »iru«





the .duation Mart , 27, Uarronstrand-scrcot, onTUESDAY, 30th JANUARY, 1877, by direc-UOD of tao Judge, in tho Landed Eatato'a Court,tbo Eonao and Dcmesuo of GHEENVALK ,with Mills aod Building thereon, aitontu in thoBarony of Ida and County of Kilkoany, heldunder Lquse duivd ^5th Docombor, 1818, forTwo Lives, or the term of II!) joarB, from tho25th Murchj 1819, ot tho Yearly Kent of £200luto Irish Cnr-rency. There are 45 Aores and13 Perches ef Piime Land, woH fenced, witho»cr 1,200 Poreet 'x'roos, from 30 to 60 years'growth, which will become tho property of thoPurohiaor.

Salo at 12 o'Clock.

Immediately after tho abovo Sale will bo Bold thoInterest iu the Lcaso of Dnolling llouso, Shop,uud Premises, 7!l Custom-house Quay , Water-lord, which has G2 yeurs of Louao uuexpirod ,at thu very low Kent of £25 a yeiir. Thisllouso in situnlcd in tho best business localityiu Watorford.

Aleo the Interest in the Lease of Dwelling llouses,Slubllng, Photog raphic Slutliu, &.C., eituuto inKing's Terracu and Meeting-House Luuo, Wa-in fold, lii'M by Luaso for (il yeard, from Iho25lh Mureh, lbOi) , at tho Yearly Kent of £'>,producing a l'rufit Kout of £'M lls. Od. perAni j u in.

\t tho Ilorhe , Carriage , aud r urnitnro Uopoiitoryiilorguu-street , on MONDAY, 5th I'EBHU-A K V , 1K77 , n Lurgo aDd varied Assortmont ofliouaehold Furniture , Piano, &c, romovodfor convenience of Stile. Also Horaos, Jaunt-iny Cars, Cruy dcn?, l'litotooe, BroughamB, Ac.

Sale lit 12 o'Olpdk.JOHN PKNDEB , Anctioneor.


60 yUAY , aud Corner of CONDUIT LANK,WATKHFOUl) .

W I L L I A M P O W EliBe^a respectlully to itititnatu to his Friends and the

Public generally, tlmt ho hasVI OW Ol'KN , tho abovo^TORES, where ho hopes,iAI by strict atteHtion to busine.-*n, and kecpiugthe very BEST WINES and SPI1UTS merit ashurc of putronuge.

HotSLKKti 'EKS will lind it their interest to patron-isu tho ubovu utablishmont.

%i£T Pleas* observe the addrueg:No. «o THE ^UAY ,

( Comer of Conduit Lane) ,fl'.S WA TEHh 'Oltl) .


JOSKi'ii CLA.Mi'ETT,Auctionee r and 1'olnulor , House and Land Agent.

HAVING enlarged my I'rcmUus in Henrietta-street , my Alart ix now remly to receive

FUKNITUKE of EVEUY DESClilKl'lUN for imuio-diate or deferred SALES.

All Auctions entrusted to my care, in Town orCountry , will have my prompt und careful attention ,and will he Kettled for on the day kuccediiif,' Sale.

In connection with my .Mart, I have large STOKEUUOMS for the convenience, of Parties who may denireto havo their Furnituro stored. 1 also hold a uoutiiiyPolicy of Insurance to cover all goodn ucnt in for Suloot Storage.

Z<6~ A large Stock of Furniture always on hands forSnln. a'JtJ.

GREAT SALE OF PIANOFORTES.IMl'OKTED direct from tho Manufacturers, Jledsis

COLLAKII i COLLAR ]), K II K M A N , UA L M A I .SK , B K I N S -M K A D , 4c, ic, at

C. A. JONES 1 MUSIC DEPOT.12 0 , i i ; j r, it' A T K it F o u b .

11 A R M U N I U il S iu great variety, English audFrench make ; Violins , Cometn , Concertinas, Drunm ,Flutos, Uuujoes, Music UOX OH , \C. itc,


2U .0UU NKW SUNli S and PIECES , at U NK TI I I I U Jtho Murkud 1'rice lor Cash, the entire STUCK now


C . A . J 0 X E S ,HU'OKTMt oJl ' lAHOFOUTK H, U A H M O N l V i l S , i'c


Bi-ga to call special attention to his czteusiroT U N l S C i und KEL'AUUNG buuiueua . Uis TuouraV131L all the Southern and Midluud Counties o:' Iro-luud Quarterly.

5i5" l'iunofortes aud IJurmuniums hired by thoMouth or Year, with' option to purchase, uud on theIhreo Years' system.

C. A. JUNKS 1 MUSJ.U WAREHOUSE.Crickettiug, Archery, Croquet , uud other Gamos,

at uuusuall; Low Prices. [inyl-ll l


Comfortable Winter Residence will be Let,At <t lii 'tnll Una, tid ihn 1st Jfuy A'ut.

AFL 'L LY FLI l .Ntbl lKU HOUSE, with fivugood

iJi .-d-looms. Parlour nud Druwing-roocia ; well,lighted Kitchen iiud Kutgo with Lock.up Pautriea ,Gas. W. C.; Garden , aud Pump of bedt wuter inspaciuus Yaril.

Alno , un UNFURNISHED UOL'SE about samo KI'»O.Apply to Mr. ED M A K D WALL Summer Hill.

Who has lor Salo a Uaudfloiue small LONDONPHOTON. n9A


(j #"AC». lb, l iKX UlKTLA STUKK T.Turmri, on application. rdl-3iii]

VAN MAN WANTEDWANTED a VAN MAN , or uctiro Boy, nccus.

tomed to City Work. Apply at THE N EWSOffirn.

BOY WANTEDWAN 1 ED an intelli gent BOY, who can bo recom

jrfended, to serro ))Ja tirno iu tbis O/Bce.—Waecs Iroin the begiuniug.

TRAMORE.HOUSES, fully Farnisherl , TO UK i'EX, |,y tho

llontb, lor tho beuson or by tho yea r, -it Si.LtoKk TKUKACK , Tramore. A ppl

to Mr. T. Povi KK , utNo. 2 , ou the Promises. u

TO BE LErl1,ON or after tho lst FEURUA HY , tbo PremiBes in

GJOigu's.Htreet , now iu occupation of theBank of Irclund. For particulars apply to thu Agent.Jauuury, ifS77. . >12


CUOYDEN TAX, nearly new, by a first-clusibuildor. Addi-en* " Croydon," "N icvrs oflioo.

HOUSE WANTEDWANTED, it modiuin-sizcd Dwelling HOUSE,

iu or close to this City . Apply at THE N KWSOlUco. tf

HALFPENNY POSTAGE CARDS.All descriptions of Printing on such Cards

tST Vzecvtcd at Tut WATKR /OHD News Of ici.

A. M. D. G


Lord Bishop of Waterford aud Lismore.

THIS SCHOOL is affiliated to tho CATHOLICUNIVERSITY , and in iuimeuiato oonneotiou

with the DIOCESAN COLLEGE.StudontB are propared also for tho othor Ecolcsias-

tical Collegos, for tho Professions, Civil Servioe,Banks and Commercial lifo.

FBENCD , LATIS, and GKEEK (if reqnirod) form partof tbo ordinary course of studies.

Special attention is paid to tho English and Cora-morcial Classes.

There is a Preparatory (Infant) School , under a8pccial Teacher, for boys irom fivo to oight yearsold.

School REOPENED for ensuing Tr;rra on Monday,January 8tb.

N.B. It is most doairablo that Pupils should retarn or onter as early as possiblo in tho Torm.

Further information on application.JOSEPH A. PHELAN.

Stephen St., Jan. I, 1877. Prinoipal.


THE MISSION NO ENAIN booor of tbo Immaculato Heart of M AET , for tbo

Conversion of Sinuors, to be condactod by tboOblate Fathers, from Dublin , will commence in St.Jobu^ Church, on FRIDAY EVENING, 19th inat., atSovcn o'Clock.

First Mass will commonco each day during thoNovcnafc at Seven o'Clock. Second Mans at Eigbto'Clock, nml third Mass, followed by aa Instruction,at Ten o'clock.

Tho Devotiooa, with Sormon and Bcnedition , wilcommence each ovoniug at Sovon o'Clock. J12




FEBRUARY 1st—In Bankruptcy— Re Jia. DOHEETT ,at our Salu-roomt>, Auctiou of tbo Interestiu tho Letiso of tho Salt and Limo Works,eitnato in William-stroot , Watorford. Salont Ono unlock.

FEB. 6th—Auction of Horses, io., »t CLKIKT 'S: (late Dobbyn's) Livory Stablog, Boresford*

* street, at prccisoly two o'Cloofc precisely.

TO BE LET or tho INTEREST SOLD in tboExtensiTe- PHOTOGRAHIC STUDIO Bituato on theMALI, WATEBKOJID, with Plant, Ao.'Lnoir in fullworking order.

i For Particulars see PoBtors.THOilAS WALSH & SON, Anotionoors.

. .Tho Mall , Waterford, January 11, 1877.



In tho Matter of J AMKS DOHEKT Y, of Williain-slroot,iu the City of Waterfoid , Limo Mouufiicturur audliiirm Brewer , ... A Bankrup t.To be Sold bv Public Auction,

At tho Public SALEROOMS of ileaars. Tiios. WALSH&. Sos, Auctioneers, tho Mall , Watorlord,

On THURSDAY , the 1st FEBKUAR Y, 1877,At tho hour of Ooo o'Cluck , altcrnoon,

ALL tho ESTATE aod INTEREST of tho Uauk-rapt , uueJ of his Alortgugcod ami Assigneoa ia

und toLOT 1.—All that Pioco of Ground upon which ore

several Dwelling Housed, Butter und Corn Stores,Salt and Limu works , with Two Lime Kilns and Yardaud Concerns, uituutoin Williain-Btreoi , iu tho Parishof iSt. John's, Without , and City of Watertord , heldunder Leaso, dated iHh June , 17U3, for ISO years, from25th March, 17U3, ut tho yeurly Rent of £25 IrishCurrcucy, equivalent lo £Ti Is. Gjd., preBent cur-rency.

LOT 2—All that tho Houses, Yards, and PremiseB,known as the Salt Works and bitnato iu (Jaahouso-Uuc, iu iho Parish ul Si. John's, Without , and Cityof Waterford, held under Leuuo, dated 31st Aug.,1857, fur :il yearn from ii'Jth Soptoinbor, 1857, at thoyearly Ruuiof .£1 j.

Tho Biddings taken by tho Auctioneer will be sub-mitted to the Court ut iho Four Courts , Dubliu , onFRIDAY , ihe iud day of FEBRUARY , 1877, whon,if approved of, tin: Puruhasur will bo doulurud.

A Stalcmenl of Title , Particulars uml Cjudiliona ofSalo (uud of tho leuaucies aubjocl to which Lot 1will bu Sold), aro lodged iu tho Uttlco of thu Court ,acd may bo seen also in the OtHcc ol tho undornauiedSolicitors huviug Curriagu of the Salo.

THOMAS FARKELL , Cnief Clerk.Datod this Uth day f i t January, 1877.

DKSCR1PTIVE PARTICULARS.LOT 1—Tbis Lot comprises jtho Kilus, Sttlt Works,

Corn and Buttor Stores, &c, in which tho Bankrupthits carried on business, aud .\'o9. 1, la, sod 3, Wil-liutu-siruet , in tho occupation of TouurH.i, uX routsatuounting to JJ5G per Auuuiu.

LOT i;—This Lot couiprihes tho eiloiibivo Yurd iuwhich tbu Bankrupt hua abu herctoforo carried oabudiness. With a inoderatu ezpeiulituro tho Premisescould bu made of considerable value.

Proposals fur Put-chase by Privuio Coutraot will burecoivud by the OUicial Aeeiguuu up to Iho hour of l'iu'Cluck, Noon, on the -1th Uuy ol January, 1S77. Ifau oiler be tuudo which can bo recooiuiended by will bonubmitted to tho Court for approvalwithout farther notice

Fol farther information apply toJL.UC1CS 11. DUBK1NG , Esq., Official As.

sigucu, 33 , Upper Ornioud-quay , Dubliu ;P1EKSE KELL T and K1CUD. DAV0REN ,

Solicitors lor Mortgagees , baring curriuguol Sale, Watortord , aud No. 13 , Dunio-sl.,Dubliu , where uiay bu soen >Siaiumeui otTiilo, Particulars and conditions ot Sulc,arid of tbo teuancius subject to which LotNo. 1 will bo sold.

THOMAS WALSH 4; SON , Auctioneers ,jll.l it The Mull , Watorford.

Sl'l-XIAMTK .Superior I i O S t C L O T Hi« . II Sunn s, with four-luld Uouts

Shirts and Hosiery, and Cull's of pure Linen , 3Us.pur linlf.dozeij . Fitwaiiautod

./-. ; • • - Our CuBhraoro FLANM i.u; Jr

¦• Sunn s are very wunn and:. ' . . i pieasuut to the l'eol. Wu

, jS> '- uiako them with nou-ahriuk.

^"rf Ji X\-- ' '"f 'N'tc''-uaul'8' They will. JT I j ;. \ j V ' . . bo found u great improve-

I /'I |_ j I V niontou iho ordinary Flunnel/ t * / ' ¦ V sn'rt|!'

•il W^.- \L/i(A (ci-! Our Soft Twill N I G H T¦¦•"JR i ^ t'iiTR* w^ s "1 K T S aro now reu<|y ¦"• V \ It filirH »ltt I M • t'le w'"tcr "a we" U3 l'lu

> ; '\ A(| f^ j" > j if ordinary substance.UU K' I , Wj Wo have a Buperb Sloel: oftjf 'T * Knitted Jackets and wunn

H o B i o r y, Haodknit Gloves,THE IJ RI.TKD Socks, and Stockings.

RIDI .NO D IIAWOS . Patterns and instructionsto Meafturo, freo ou appticu-

d8 tion toJ\ TOIJ1N & SOiNS,



GAS-FITTEll , and LEAD MERCHANT.(L» TK or Ln-rLK Gtoi ioK 's SratKr),

Ojjiccs and Show-Il nom : No. 10 L/ll;y LANE.GR E K N-H O USES , CONSERVATORIES , and

PUBLIC BUILDINGS HEATKI ) by Hot Wn-tcr , on tho incut approved princi ple.

Testimonials , too numerous for insertion , from Iholeoding Gentry of Watorford and surrounding Conn,ties, whoso placcn 1 havo heated , may bo noon at myoffit-i'8.

P.S.—Having purchased at tho Salo at LittloGeorge's street tint entire Stuck of Hraan, Wood, nndLind Piitti'rus connected with tho Foundry, for BnisnCastings, I am ennbltd to eiocuto all orders for Cast-ing nt tho ehorleHl notice , and on reasonable terms.

J3$" Enlrnnce to Works from Petor street. [nihlU

New Railway Restaurant,(OppoBito the RAILWAY STATION, KILKENNY )

T. J. W00DL0CK ,AGENT for KINAUAN' B Colobratod Old " L.L."

WHISK EY , bogs lo inform his friends and thoPublic that bo has just OPENED tho above Establish-ment, whioli , will bo constantly supplied with Refresh-ments, Winos, aud Brandies, of tho rory bost descrip.lion.



n'EXKORIl-EVJ 'AIIMsllEI ) JAN UARY , 1853.Tin? " W U X F O K I P l i iABMAi i " wn) ii.corporiitud with

"Tui. I'Kuri.v ," Jai iu a iy, 1857.r pilh 1'Kdl'LK i. .i t'i.imiiirii. , 1 , Ai{iicultur i>l nnd Lite-J. I > M ./., ui , .i« «.- !!«» n .%'.„-( ,. pi r> »nd cuminandi

• n ci iun> i> c i:iu:iil4imii ill lb« I'liuniie. ..I \Vo/lord, Orlow ,KiH.f i .nj , W .,,r .1 , « i. kl. ,w , I>,, |,|,,, , i|10 Unit.-J St.ici ,(JHliaila .ttiil A II .-.'I H I I ..

I t . ive ^ iiul n-p.i l .. ul 'I K - piuiv,. li, , ^ ? l ,i nlf |iul>lie boili«sin il.i- t.'uumj ..: U , ,i.. ,,l . «• !.<:: :,,.,„ KIK I IF I I , iribli ,and Kuiri K ii juco, to ^ii l i t - i win, ii,uu«pi.uil. i.ri- suJ Imlnij ftrliclc. upuii .ill uj .ititri ol loc i I m,,i ^ nl mleit'st.

il is a W'rekl y Neitvpiper, |/lll.),»l,, ,J ot, S,, lu,J»y. , prJM HAs iin mlvi- iii > iiiK mrilium it L M I I I I OI be i-qniillrd in tbe

Cuunty, »• it is taken b> llie nubility , Kf Ot? }-, clergy, n,fr-caulut: clnngtn , Hlld Inriii pis ol evi- iy ijmio. iiiiirttlun

PUOPlU KTOn_K. WALSH.Onics-ai , boom M A ig.8iHir, WSUORO.



V*"ENTLEMEN :Owing to the lamented demise of pur highly

rogarded follow-citiaen, P. CoMMim, ; Esq., aVacancy has taken place in the Town Councilfor your Ward, which must according to Act ofParliament be filled urVin a fow days.

Having beon favored with tho solicitations oftnany~

vr the Burgesses to offer raysolf as a Can-

didrto for tho vacancy, I now have the honor tosolicit your Votes und Interest for that Office,and if chosen by you, my beat efforts shall bofaithfully devotod to the advancement W yourinterests and those of my fellow-citizens gene-rally.

I beg to remain, Gentlemon,Sincerely yours,

HENRY LEE.u 5, Michacl-st., AVaterford, Jan. 23, 1877.


BEFORE commonoiug tbo above, we pnrposoClearing remains or WINTER STOCK ia un-

dermentioned artiolos (only) at Prices bolow FIBSTCOST :—


Tbo Reductions offered arc G ENUI .NK , nnd tbo de-parture from legitimate Prices iuducud solely by thonecessity for speody olouranco, to mako room forAltetations.

Somo /a»hionabJo " UL TBRS ," for Ladioi audOentlomhn on similar terms.



jl9 Quay, Waterford.


W I N T E R G O O D S !

M R S . K E L L Y~T)EG to inform her numeroun castomera

that, having juit

BETURNED from tbe LEADINO MARKETS,abo is new propared to offer n NKV and VAKIED

STOCK of tboChoicest GOODS of the SEASON,

COMI'Hr sING :NEV» JACKETS und PALETOTS, in Seal aud Mato

lasso Cloth ;.„ MILLINERY , HATS, and BONNETS ;„ KURS , including a varioty of Fur Trimmings ;„ DRESSES iu Cashmeres, Poplins , and Serges.

Latest Designs iu Costumes.S I L K S , Black aud Colored ;Plain and Fancy HOSIERY ;



BABY LINENS and UNDERCLOTHING jNovelties in Fringes, Braids and Faucy TRIMMINGS

Mrs. KKLLY rcijUL'Sls uu ourly iuspectiua of above,and fools confident that tho oxeoutiou of all ordersintrusted to her oannot fail to givo uuiisfaoion.



Doo. let, Ib7b". m24.

THE FISH STORES,Watorford , January 17, 1877.

\\l E beg to udviso tbo Arrirul of ibo " CHRIST -IT ABEL ," from Saint John's, Newfoundland

tvith -1,500 (Quintals i'rimo large NEWFOUNDLANDCOD FISH. This . Cargo, originally iutonded forOporto, IB of tbe very iiuest quality.

Tbu ia.ti. " MUTA" is »t tbo (iuay to our Address,with u coosignracut of very superior LING.il9 JAMKS KJ3KT & SON.

W A T E R F O R DnnO UB SOLD, by private Contract, tho Stock-in.

JL Trade of and tbo Iutcr«sC in iho woll-kuoirnEslublisbmunt of ibo lato Mrs. DALT0N, at Miubael-street, in tl.o City of Waterford , hold for 31 yoara,from 29th SEITEMRER, I87G, nt tbo vory mudoratoRout ol £35. Apply to

PE1RSE KEELY , So'icitor ,J19.2t 1!, Litilo Goorgo'a-struet, Watorford.


MEKCHAN T, &c,Having purohased tboIntcroBt and Plnnt of tho late

Firm ofM c L K A N ANU Me; I N T O S H ,

I bog leavo to stato that I am now curry ing on tbobuHiuess as usual of I'LCjifBER, BRASS i'OUNDEK,and GAS.F1TT1NG in all its brunches, and all ordersentrusted to mo shall havo tbu same care and atten-tion as were hitherto given to them.

Soliciting for myself a continuance of tbs kindpublic partronage aud Bupport so long extended tothe late Firm, I beg to remain, reapeotfolly,

HUGH McLEAN,3, Litllc Gcorj e 's-strcet , Watcrfwd .

N.B.—Grccn-houaea, Conservatories, aud PublicBuildings heated ou the most improved princi plebv iho circulation, ot hot water. (inhlO*if





Q1NGLE BOTTLES, or any quantity, SuppliedO from upwards of

liUO VA UIETIKS Of TI1K Wl .NKH AM) Sl-IRITSOf every producing couutry, at preciaoly the sumePrices and (Quality us fro m the Hi-ad Establishment.

Guiiincss's Doubio Stout , Guarauteod Puro XX.Bass & Co'a Hurton Palo Alo ;

S. AllBopp & SODS' Burton Palo Alo ; andCudo A SODS' Mineral lYators.

Prico Lists forwarded ou application. dH.Gm


roa THE ,D I O C E S E OF F E R N S .

NOW I 'U V L I S J I K D ,Iti'vised imd Corrected, with the Approval of tbe

Host Rov. Dr. FU U L O N O , Biehop of Fernu,r |M LE CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN 1JOCTR1NEJL * you TUH van op

PASTORS AND CATECH1STS,In onlur to Instruct Children and lllitornto Perrons

By tho REV. F. W. DEVEREUX ,I' .l' . >tf l 'icrcestown, who died Anno bvtnini , 1771.

To which are added Acts of Faith, Hope, aud Churityand Instruotioae for Serving ilass.

Revised and Improved under th>> dirootion ofThe Right HOT. Dr. FIIKLONO , Biahop of Ferns.

%d£T Orders lo be Beat to THE N EWS OrricK , Kiogstreet , Wuttrford, where tbo C'orrecti-d and Author-ised Edition cai. now bo bad ; cr of tho Booksellers intho Diocese. Ask for Dr FURLO NG 'S Corrected Edi.tiou, printed only al 4U Kiug streot, Waterford.

Improved White Soft Soap,FREE froro smell, for tho Laundry and House-

hold purposes. It rauders linen beautifully whitocleanses bettor, and is elioapor tliau any othor Soap. ItponitcsHcs detergent qualities , and itc a uitjUifcct&nt whenused for cloaiming and purifying Walln, Floors, Bedding,Ac, and is reuomeudea as a Vermin Killer. Tho Sudsdisinfect Dmina, Ac. Manufacturer a and Bo!eP»tent«e8.PIKE and CO., bv appointment to the Military &ndNaval Luundrie«, C»rlton Works. Peckh»m,London,S.E.

Agent for Waterford—Mr. THOMAS PUKCLLL, UU-ronstmnd-atroat. m28

EPILEl'SY or FITS.—-A Hure cure f or thisdistressing complaint is now made known in a

Treatiso (of 48 ootnvo pages) on Foreign »nd NativeHerbal Preparations, pabUehed by PROF. O. PHELPSBROWN. The prescription wan discovered by him in»uoh a providential manner that he cannot oonaoien-tiounly refnse to mako it known, as it has cured thon-Hands who have usod it for Fita. The ingredients marbo obtained from any Chomist, or Samplo Bottlcn of theMedioino will be sent free to any address on applicationto O. P. BROWN , 2 Kiiitf Street, Coveiit Garden, London. [inySW-jm *

WiTKuroKD ABTILLIST.—Captain- aud honoraryMajor J. RUBBB II Muloaby bos boon recommended forthe majority in tbis regiment vaoant by tho promo-tion of Major Keane to Lieutenant-Colonel comnan*dant.


Tbe Public are hereby informed thatTHE WORLD-FAMED ACTOE,



Tbe FirBt Appoaranoo of tbiB very distinguishedArtisto in Waterford.

Mr. 8DLIiIVAN'S recent groat success at DruryLane Tbeatro, London, was unprecedented in theAnnals of Art.

Mr. SULLIVAN will be aocompanied by tboAccomplished young Actress,

M i s s A D E L I N E S T A N H O P E -The favorite Aotor

IK, J. P. C A T H C A R T ,AND' M R. J. F. W A R D E N ' S

(Proprietor and Manager of New Tbeatro Royal"Belfast)


MONDAY, Feb. 5, ~



" M A O B E T H . "

PRICES o* ADMISSION during Mr. SULLIVAN 'BEngagement. :—

DNBI Circle,... 4a. I Pit, ... It. 6d.Orchestra Stalls, 3s. | Gallery, ... Is. Od.

Private Boxes, Gs. a Cbsir.Scots for Boxes, Stalls, and Private Boxes, may be

secured at WALSH & POWKR'S (next Post-Offioo) Quay.DoorB open oaoh evening at Sovon, Curtain will

rise at 7.30. i26


GRAND WILHELMI CONGERT |Under the direction of


ARTISTKS :HERR WILHELMI , tho ominont Violinist jH£RR NIEMANN , tbe oelebraUd PianistME. FREDERIC- WOOD, the favorite Tenor ;

MDLLE . FRIEDLANDKR (Soprano) ;M DLLK . REDEKER (Contralto) i

[From the Monday Popular Concerts).

A DMISSION :Dress Circle (Bonnets Optional), 5s. ; Orchestra Stalin ,

3s. Od. ; Pit. Is Od ; Gallery , Is ; Private HOICK , £210n. Doors open at 7.30 ; Curtain riBos at 8 punc-tually. Carriages at 10.30.

Places may bo secured at Mr, JoNK'sJPianoforte andJIusio Warehouse, tho Onav , Waterford . i'J6.




N. A. POWER , Esq. R. POWER , Esq., M.P.Sir R. J. PAUL , Hart., EDWARD ROMERTS , E«<|.N. P. O'SHEB, Esq., (i. GOOLD, Esq., R.M.J. O'N IILL POWKII , Esq. Captain ARMSTKOXI ;.

Tho following Stewards act as a Committee :P. Barron Newell , Esq., Raymond de la Poer, Esq.,

Nogent Uaroblo, Esq., William Pool, Esq., WilliamAndersoD, Esq., Captain Stuart Monteith, 2nd Queen'sBays ; J. M. Hanson , Esq., SKith Regt. ; Capt. G.Gandy, W. G. D. Coft\

Gentleman's Tickot, ... ... 15B.LaJy'a Tick-at, ... ... 10s.To |bo obtained from Mesare. N. H A R V K V & Co.

Watcrlord, and; Miss SMITH , tho Main Guard , Cloumel.

Tho Ball Committco, tho Connty Club, Waterford.An enrly application for Tickots is rcqueated , in

order to enable the Committeo to estimate tho prob.ablo nnmbor. j-u.


NOTWITHSTANDING tho recent considerableadvanco in tho abovo GOODS, we aro still

SELLING our wclUnoivn MAKES ,

Of which we hold a very largo Stock,


£jg5" Comparison before purobaeo invited.

Patterns Iroo by Poat.

Best French Glovo. i at Reduced scale of Prices.

P. TOBIN & SONS,58 and 59, QUAT , WATKKJ - OBD .

Statutory K Notice to Creditors.In tbe Goods of EDJJOND PVNK , lato of Killea , in tho

County of Watorford, Teacher and Land Survoyor,Dooeased.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all PersonsClaiming to be Creditors of , or otherwise to h»vo

arjy Claim or Demand against tho Eetato of tbe saidEUMOM D PINE , DeoeaBod, who died ou tho 1th duy ofDecember, 1876, ut Killea , aforesaid, aro hereby re-quired to Bend in to tbo undersigned, J. W. HOWARD ,Solicitor for tho Kxecntor.i, tho full particulars of allsuch DobtH. Claims , and Demands, on or befbio tho13th dny of MARCH , 1*77. Probate of tho Will oftbo said Deceased was granted forth of tho Districtllegistry nt Wuterford ot tho Court of Probate, on tliol l lh day of January , 1S77 , to tlio Rev. J O H N M CCA N-V,Rouiau Catholic Clergymau , and J OHN WAHH ,Farmer and Publican , both of Dunmoro East, in thoConnty of Waterford, tho Executors named in saidWill wbo will , immediately after tbo said 15th dayof Murcti 1377, proceed to dispoxo of tho assets oftho fluid EUMONDK PJN K , deceased, amougit tharper.aoiiB entitled thereto, haviog regurd only to tha claimsof which they or their Solicitor aball havo badnotice.

Dated this 25th day of January, 1877. cjJOSEPH W. HOWARD , Solicitor for eaid

Executors , 37, North Great Georgo's-streetDublin , nnd 3D King-street, Waterford.

''JJ6.3t .


ARE respectfull y informed thst, in order to savetbo DISCOUNT for tbe present Quarter, Hills

must be paid not later thnn WEDN E SDAY , 31st inBt.Accountu enn bo paid at tho Office, G«s Works, on

uny day, (Sunday excuptod) from 10 a.m., to 0, 1877 (11)


YOUNG MAN in the prime of life wishes for aSITUATION as above; has no iticumb.-rnaco

bul wifo j undoi8taiids tho mauagomcut of Farm btisi-ness wull , tho Buy ing and S-lling of Stock, and thoHearing of them also ; has satisfactory discharges from)a»t Employer. AddresB, " Stowurd ," enro ul SA K A H

UYA S, 10, Sonth-st., Now ROBS, CO. Wexford. j^li.Bt1

iJort 8.cto *—yiuizatt.A R R I V E D .

•Jlth—Arklow, i, Belfiut, Wntorfonl , K o; Watdriord, B, Mil'forJ, Wat*rfonl , g c ; Krin, »¦ UwiKHrvan , Watertord , f o iApoli". a, Uriitol, Waterfonl , R c; rikorrjrorc, a, Glasgow.-Wat^rforil. a c.

S A I L E DSlid—Dublin , •, Newport, ballast; Zfpl.jr, «, Ilri«tol , f o |

Watcrforil, i, Mllfoni , s c ; AlnUlcoB, », Milford, cuttle.•Mh— Wicklo<» , e, Ulan|(uvr , K o; Miilonl, •, M.llonl , g o;

Arklow, «. Glnigow, g c.

HUNTING APPOINTMENTS.OuKEK 'a Hits' HiBRiEBS— Jist'iKt.— ltohill , MumUj,

29Ui.-At 11..HI o'clock.FilTin; lUiutiK KM .—jAKUiBt.—B«llo Lake, Monday,

aith i l'ii»«nk-c Hill , ThuriMln)- , F«b. l»t. At o'otoek.TII 'I'B HAIIT II UMT .—Ji.ilAiir.—O'afhel , Saturday, 'i7th,—

At 11 o'clock.

LOCAL RAILWAY TRAFFIC , !For the Week ending Friday, Jan. 19, 1877. •

W&torlonl Atuenrj . Wat«rf'rt ' Kllkcunjand and and Kil- . Joaction

Limerick, Kuuii . VCUDT (;U IUIIKIUlUliiniliK :>0 uiilei mihs Six) mile

' oixml. olnu. (inuii . opon.

L > . d. £ '¦ n- i-' »¦ a. t «. d.PMieniren, > !Pnrocll, 4o. \) !f > W 0 8-> " '\ 171 W 7 109 I) 9

Oood>. Cattle l:IUH 0 4 17(5 >'• ± . 455 11 4 197 14 S

Tutftl ... 22.S 111 4 Si 0 'Ji ; ti;« 4 11 3W 15 2corn-*l> '(li i i Hw«k lx-l y'r. 22U8 10 8 i lb 4 1 . («7 IS 10 Mi 2 1

Colonel Sluble, Ibe lato Mayor of Liverpool, lmaoffered to proaeot to the town a fountain of tbu valueol £1,000 lo be placed opposite tbe new Art Gulleryand tbe Piotou Beading Boom.

MRatcrforfc iRatftetsWaterford , January 26th , 1877-

Weather rnooh finer thU week.NATIVE WHEAT-Parmon an now bringing prime loU

to market. No changs In oar quotation'.OATS—A' (ood deal sold thu wteic' at 13J .FOREIGN WHEAT—No ehange.MAIZE—Dnll , at • decline of 3d, barrel.FLOUR—Unaltered.

J. & 8. PHELAN.

P R I C E S C U R R E N T .IKISH. I Xe». O'.d-..^

WnF.AT, per barrel of 2801b.. «. d ». d. B. d. J. d_ Whita . • - . |2 8 0to 28 0 0 0 n t o 0 0 0- Red - - - - ! 26 6 27 300 0 00 0- Shipping do - -I 23 8 H 000 0 00 o

BARLEY, nor barrel of 2241b«.

i fein/ : : :U2 IS SSS S SS - 80AT3, Per l

of X«H-. -j

o IJ OM O M Q- Whito - - - 0 0 - 0 00 000 0 cO 0_ ore* - - •] » 0 14 600 0 00 0

FLOOR per tack, of 28011K. I- 8upcrfue» • - • 11 0 42 000 (I 00 0- Sferiors . -\ 36 0 37 000 0 fw 0

OATMEAL per Sack .' 3d 0 37 000 n 00 0DRAX , pe/ fcwt. - 6 6 7 6 0 0 0 UPOI.r.i»n An . ! 7 » 7 6 0 0 0 0

FOHEION. Hir.x.WH^T.pcr bnrrclof 2301h». »'.' ' a ». n

— American, Sprint and Winter - - 'J9 6 to 23 6— Muriiinoiilo W 0 (» 0— Nicuoliof} - - - -20 0 » 6— Oliirka, Taganrog, and Odrsw - - 0) 0 «• .0— Ihrail I"' 0 00, E

INDIAN COKN , Yellow, 0ilc6.<a and GnlaU - 00 II O0 0— — Ibmil anil Ko»oni«n (old)- - 00 0 00 0— — AtncriTOii, - - - . tfi II 16 0— — French and Americnn Whito . n0 0 U0 0— — D.-tnubian - ¦ -'IS 0 IS »— — Dama(to<I - - • • '«¦> 0 '» 0

rLOCR, American, per barrol of IWII IB . . .00 0 00 0— Froucb, per jack, of 2S0!hs. - - - '»> ') W 0

INDIAN MKAL, American, per asck KM 0 00 0t Home Manufocturo, por ) ,? . i o n- } «ack. of KSOIhs. I F ° 18 °

(Corrected this day for The IVotei/ord Ni>cs.)PROVISIONS.

Bicox rias, perewt. — — 52«. 01. to 53t. 0.1.STJ-.MCS do. — — 6»». Cd. 64*. Od.F«sr do. — — l«s. Od. 10.1. Oil.H EIBS do. — — 33). Oil. 35<. Od.SCBAPS do. — — 44*. 0.1. 11<. o. l.LIED (chandleri") — — 40«. Od. 4i< . (»i.

BUTCHERS' MEATBRET, por lb., 7(1 Od to 8d . Litrn, per or., Oi Oi Ui ft. OJ

Do. roast, W to lid VEIL, per lb. d to od.Morroir, p«r)b 8i to 1<W I Po*r, perlk. 6d to (XI

POTATOES.Old 7id. to 9td. 1 Xew Od to On Od per «tono

BREAD.V/U-III, per 41b — 61.1. to 6W | UOCI UOLB, per 4lb 0.1 to 0<l

WHI8KEY.Dumm, por (rollon, 30«. Od. j OLD COKIC , gallon, 18H . OdCocit , puncbeon, 1U». 3d. |

U S B .N riDLHO , pr cwt, 20s. to 27>. PslLUinKiita;!, per brl, 21<. to 25a, SOLK ,8»LKon, per lb. 0a Od to Ob. Od TURBOT,

0I Od. to <h M0s CM. to Oi OdCi Ol. to 0* Od

FOWL AND KftlW.FOWL ¥ P1"1". *» Od .to tt 3d I fxms.per 120,11? 6d to 12.- 0dTuilKEVS 16.1 to liU pcf coujill;. I (iBKSK , 10a to 1 '< pi-r nAir

hOAl' AND CANDLES.W H I T K , per cwt. 2U.-I. to 2M. | .MoeLii, per dozlb.'5^0.1 to OdU liowx , do. 2O.<. U<1 toiJs. | DllT, ilo. 5«. 4il . to 4s IM.

WOOL A N D HIDES.Ho.;u>:r WOOL ,Is. W to 0.< . 0.1 lliui.s , ltin. SI to OO.1. pur rvtW E IH K K i K w K .lS .id to 0<. 0.1 KlRi , M . tO O.I. plT 111.SK I X Wool., Us Oil to Is O.I U«Lt- , 3u.i Ud to »*. IH. T ilui

T 1 .M H K B .B. I'INE jier toil, !W* Od 00< Od I Srivi:s, per IO00, l*JY ULLUW 1'isii , .lo!Wi.0 d to OOs I LiTUM . jxir do ii * . Io IBH Cd

C O A L S .Com.3, per ton, 17.'. Oil to 18a Od. I COKK , |H.T ton,16<. 10 CC« Od

FUDDEIl AND OilKEN UKOl'S.Uii . ptT ton 10u» to 11*- 1 TuBsira , per too, 111 Ui 1!)»

1H». (Hc\r) Wi to 00S. I Ml.vDOU.l .lxir ton, 18» in L'iiSTIU W, wbu.Mcn. 90 . toSiJ. Hi I Uiuuots.pcr ton, Wa to 15< Ud¦ Do. imlca. 9u< to 95). U. 1

Unports ,Y Exports for Week ending Thursimj, th.'J Hl.Ml'UUT& K.XPOKTS.

Ii'i 'ian Corn Quarter!". Indian Corn — QuarternWilt-Hi «16 do. jW'hcat — lUrri-U.O.iU — ia . lOnU - - J<S do.Barloj - liC I Sack*. iBarloj - — <i".Vl.,1- i ''Jt do- U'lour- - -.'71 tocU"" j Biirrola. Oatiuettl • 47 do.Mi<al . — SuckH. llntlian moal 3*2 do.

WATBKFOB1) BUTl'EK MAUKKT.Number of Firkins weiy hed at the Public HutUr Market

for week ending Friday (thin day j , and prices .Saturday, — 17 — l:JOa. Oil. to 14i.,.Monday, — U — 0-JOs. Oil. urit.Tueiday , — 0 — Onl». 0.1. <H ».Wodmnday — I — IS*, od. UJs.TUursila/, — 24 — 14Ua. W. 115J.Friday, — u — otos. ud, CWM» .

So. of tirkiua corresponding week lw» 7»« — 21Price per c»L — 130J. in), to I M J . 0.1

IStrths, ittamajjc!*, A: ScatusAhn t unctment i i f Births ,S t i rr ia ge t Q Dtalh t , muj( bt p r t . y a

B 1 H T H S .January £Jtli , ut Park View, Ncwtowo, the wifo of James J

Pliuluu, of a dou.Ou tbu l'jlh instant, tho »ile uf J . W. Shaw, Esq., Bridfju-

itreut, Dungarvan , uf a uoti.Jauuar/ J<JtU, at Caslccomur, ths wifo of Jareuiiah H. Kully,

V 'l., Nu\r itoiM, uf a lUuitutur.Jau , 1M, at D'.CruathiTiiitu-pdrk , Kiugstown , tho wifcof Jaui.-ti

J. R luiund, uf u sun.10th itiAl., at Purtman-squarp, London, Lady Lucy Uicks-

Bco.:U, of a tiuu,iJco. 12, nt Capetown, Capd of Good Hope, the wifeot Colonel

O. K. PcAtion, tho U UITJ . of adattcrhter. pttllbom.

M A H R 1 A O E S .At tho Catholic Chnrch, Ingeitro, by tho Riijht RUT. tho

Lord liidhop uf LicliBeld, lusistui bj tbo Unn!. itud Bern. A. '.'.and W. Talbot, great uncles of the bride. Colonel EdwardChitpliu , M.I'., latt Colditream Oaords, to thu Lady (iwmiJa-line Thcreta Talbot, eeoond daughter of the Earl «nd UouuUsiiof Shrewsbury.

Uu the ltitli in»t., at Holy Trinity Church, Sydenham, H, W .lloyde biaakay, KSIJ ., L.L.B., Barri»t»r-nt-Laiv, of Kilur, toKlizabeth, only aurriTing daunhUr of the late K. i*»li« Arctic-son, Esq., Limerlek , and niece of the late Richard T. Tracy ,Kiq,., M.D., Melbourne.

2Jrd init., at the Cabbedral, Killarnej, Patk . Francis Barrr ,to Bridget Thereja, seooad daughter cf Mn. Prourferfftwit,Kntbojally, coauty Tipperary, aad niooj of tho R«r. T. 1).Proudi-rgajtt. Clunmul.

At the Priory Church, Oreat .Malrern, WiUinifton A. SUoltan ,lito o"2nd ltegimeut, eldutt son of LicuKJolootl .theltoa, RoyalLimerick County Fiuileon, Bruree HOUK , county Limeriok , toMary Bridget, only daughter of Henry C. Qoolako, Esq., ofBunuaus , Ureat Malvern , Worclinstershire.

J»u. 23, at the Catholio Church, Wicklow, by tbe ROT. O.Harold, P.P., assisted by the R»v. 1) . Doyle, C.C., JohnCarroll, Inland Revenue, Brighton, to Jaaio, ddtit danghterof Thomas Orerorr. Maiu-struct. Wicklow.

D E A T H S .On TaeBday lost, at his re-ud.-uce , " Cimmcrcial lintel ,"

Quay, ia tbis oity, agud W yuur.i, Patrick K. Comuiins, K«.|,T.C.,to the inezpre«iiil>le tfrief of liU family, uud siucuru sarro"ufhis mzuj friendB.— R.I.I' .

At his residence, Maryborough , George Webb, late Captain10th Royal Hmsars.

Katu, wifo of Michael Molom-y, Kaq., In.'pvctnr uf NationalSchools, Uunaban.

Jan. 15, at Nowborougb, couutj Liniorlck , of hroochittl^ ,Ciilhcrioe , wife of George 7"eskoy, .iv- pil 7Syture.

Jan. 27, at 9, MnUrare-terrace, Iviugttown , Fauny, wifc ofSamuel Bradihaw, solicitor.

Jan. 21, at Bridgetown, county Wexford, John Browne, aged7a ye&n.

Jaa . 17, at Shepherd's Bush, London , Anno Huare, widowof Edward .Tyrrell Hoars, and of John T. Cnrroll of Cork, a edWyears/'. Jan. 19, at his renideuce, Kilnuh, county Claris, IdxanlKonnr. Kaq., lolioitor, aged 71 years

MOON'S CHANGES.I oat Qtuurter... Saturday-, Jan. 6th 'J. 17 p.m.Now Moon Sunday,./ Uth 128 p.m.First Quarter... Honda?,. 22nd 'i .V2 ji.m.yull Moon Monday, 29th 8 3D a.m.

TO CORRESPONDENTS.Sj g" Advertfeeraenta, alterations, and noticcR of with

drawal, flhonld roach this office as early an poHsiblo onIJiurbday, to onsura attention samo vrock. If eorrcn-pondontH will continuo to dolay nntil FridnyH coniniu-nicationH which might bo in sovoral days provionsly,Ii oy mnKtnot bo disaiipoiutcd at their omission.


Throo per Cent. Consoln — U51 —Now 3 par Cant Stock.- — 9iJ —Danlc of Irelaml 313 — —National Bank — 75 —Mum tor Bank , Limited — 'J —Hibernian bank — M —Provincial Hank — 82 —National of Liverpool (limited) — 1!' —City of Dublin Stoam Company...I'Hl l l 'JJ —

RA1LWAYB.Great Southern tt Western -filOO paid... 1:50 130iWatcrfor.1 anil Limcriek , 'X, —Dublin, Wicklow. and Wexford — —Wntflrforil nml Triunoru — — '

%,\\z Mn Urtozb gz\x&" 1IE JPST , AND VEAR NOT."



Ni'bly did our bistoric County, on tho 19th.of January, 1877, sustain the proud position itachieved in 1826 in the cuuso of the people; un-rniatakeablo in its strength has its toico gonojforth through tho length and breadth of thoHand, proclaiming that tho roll of popular repre-sentation ia not in future to be called over in'this land of ours without tho name of Waterfordbeing found upon its page, and as an earnest ofthat firm resolve onr grand old Comity sendsforward as her uncompromising champion, thetealons, energetic, unpurohaaeablo Irishman,J AMES U EI.A H U N T Y , Esq., our ranch respected foUlow citizen. This glorious triumph of thepeople is made still the more valuable by their so-lection of the man whom they Heiid forward tojoin ia the straggle, for tlio material prosperityof their country, for they now posses* as theirrepresentatives one who has been for years pro-minently engaged in the furtherance of measures

laving that vital object in view, who in '•}life worked with the Great EMAKCIPAIOR fo hiattainment of those measures with which. JSname of that illustrious Irishman is inaepai >Uconnected ; who when in Parliament was ch ielterised by an earnest zeal, and a perspioui' oijudgement which rendered him of the ut »¦value to the Irish party, and who, amongst »home, is noted for an energy and an unt r?industry in the developement of our locasources, qualities which havo proved of inc , e"table benefit) to the large and important di' '

U'through which-Mr. DELAHUSTT'B !d&1~5rifli i'

C'so deservedly,^ so : potently extends. tye 3not now to go in detail through the many clof Mr. DELAHUNTY to the high position to » \twe are sincerely rejoiced to see him raised i nnecessity—if there was ever any such ncces<to do so has passed away, and we now rr- jbriefly refer to them for the purpose of roco' ;our-decided conviction that a man with j ?political and business antecedents as Mr. ' ,IIUNTY constitutes in himself a candidate fi . *"Irish liberal constituency beyond whom (>*"could not bo any just choice ; that he is 1 ^who, as ho has ever been, will be true to wl ¦ J"says, and that he will not any anything to \ j uhe feels he cannot safely pledge himself, bu h«once so pledged he nails his colors to tho Z/It is not long since thin city had the advoi >»of Mr. DELAHUNT O'S Bervicen as a represenl jr,?nnd during that period many proof s wero rmby him of tho deep, abiding concern ho tc ; ;the.public interests of bis constituents. Ho i \rlIshall we say promoted .") he is tronsferre- iolrepjesentative seat for a great county, Q- ¦ :„that position—in ono senso involving iu >,..ed reponaibility—ho will be found disp" 'iZtho self same qualities of head and heart !,;Jhavo so justly earned for him his prese 1markable success, and we are likewise COQ < IQJthat the hon. gontleman, while ever open I bearfrom his new constituents in what way iq,best advance the people's cause in thoir r raAwill not be forgetful of those for whom h. fimwent into Parliament ; in fact, that while t tin»as membor for tho County ho will bo ,„„„equally alivo to the interests of the Ci • intruth, that his attention and his servioes tf ''notbe confined within auy narrowed «phere,b- tha'he will over bo fouud available for tho wol.' ein»of tho country ot large. Tho triumphant »3nf.of the poll on Friday incontestibly provt ."thatsuch is the firm conviction of the inden denelectors of this important County.

The issue of this contest , which has thn- nad,Mr. DjJLAii uxir member for our County, r '.rfer.this election of 1877 tho most romarkabl J>haps, in tho records of Irish Elections-onf Seniiiled. to bo placed on a par with the el<v"*nrl26, although fought and won under far d ventcircumstanceH—ono which teaches a lesso' '•> thVpoliticul enemies of our country which tb willnot forget—we would hope they would ret Tiberit to their own future, and better guidanc 1 th»dischurgo o( their publio obli gations. , thefirst place, and above all , the result of tlu Ventcontest fully shows 10 the world that tb iri=hpeople- onl y waited to have the power co >mdupon them of asserting their just rights ) mithat power into operation, lie iD never fo 5>tenthut the contests of 1826" and of 1S77 difl >d inone essential—vitally essential partica '-anessential feature, too, rendering the resuli cfor,us tho more remarkable, in 18:26 tlie s i?elewas boLwoen Torie3 and Liberals upon - onebroud «|uastion of whether or not the Call ics ofIreland were to obtain a concession of tb - insipolitical rights,and in that .struggle the op essedwere sustained by the loading Liberal la lordsof the County, but now the first great V tle ofthe JJallo l was fought in this County by 1 1 peo-ple on the one sido agaihst an unholy all ice ofWhig and Tory landlords , who combi- I, notpolitically—such a fusion as thai can net be-but who, fired with an insane desiro to •, andretain their old domination , put asido tl r ownparty difl crencca for the nonce, and bat d to-gether to maintain the .spirit of deL'radat ., aadstate of slavery, so Jong the diagraoe f oarcountry. They oven went further in thei inaneattempt. It is an undoubted fact that Santswore warned to mind how they would v i, thatiho record would bo ascertained by tho 1 llord,and of course, that tho usual resuit woub allow.Hud this tiirisit tho desired effect ? Can J givoa more potent answer than to point to I ' 1799votes for DKi..uiu.\TY ,and the .W4 for LEII S'S onlast Friday ? !No, no. Conscious of tL ; ownrecitudo, and safe under tbe palltdiun: f thoballot from any influence, whatever , the trioticelectors of Waterford stood true to theii :olora,and 011 that day struck snch a blow on th '.ydra-headed landlord ascendency, as to .shatf it forever in this country. Wo care not to be 1 > hardon ibo vanquished ; we can respect, a f: an foewhen that foe has a claim to respect; f thosewho got overcome in on unholy combat 1 mastentertain u strong feeling of contempt, >r theempty hcadedness which would prompt t qnar<rel, aud for the pei-rersity of feeling whic maliincito tho actual blows , and that, we I ak, iitaking a charitable view of affairs. Tl standtaken by the Liberal landlords in allyii them-selves with their Tory foes, and making mmoacause agaiust tho tenantry, was one of \& un«holiest of positions for them, and if tb • liavobeen beaten, it was a punishment they r ily da.served. The tenant voter of Ireland is n a freeagent, and if.other Irish Con»tir,uencies, iikrlvsituated hereafter, but follow the glo us ex-ample of Waterford.Bot them in one of tl grand-est elections on record, we then may fa. y hopefor somo good for our country at no dial it day,for ttcn the people will be in a position, troughrepresentatives such as Mr. DBLAHU .NI to en-force attention to, and concession of t: ir ju tdemands. In fine, Waterfordi County ?• the re-suit of this contest has done incalcnlab: scrric0to the country at large, and is eminuntl; ntitledto the warmest gratitude of every true orer ofTrolftml.


It will be remembered thai, at last immerAssizes, certain presentments were ob. ;ted toby Mr. J OSKPH FisiiKa.ou mere technical- -onnd!,and their passing was delayed for soi ; time,in consequence of the hurry of Baron J :AST toleavo tewn. The presentments objected f arcre—For painting and deCbrating tue Com house,City proportion, £120 4s. 9d, ; repairs 0 -oof ofCourt-house, and payment to carpenb 3 andplumbers, I'lM K!s. 10d. ; and £344 7s.'fc main-tenance ot Uaol. As these presontmo" 1 wereimperative .aud thou gh delayod, should a ;natelypass, it became necessary for the,City Or d Jury(the County having passed their propc 'on) toemploy Counsel bofore the Judge of A.- ze andin Dublin , where the presentments wei ' passednnd fin ted bv tho Judge. This obstrnct^ policy,which could not possibly eventuate in >onefi t,1ms, we regret to observe, entailed a ec on th6ratepayers of the city, for law costs, 0 20 7s<which sum was passed at the Present! at Ses-sions on the i:ith inst. This fact speaks plainlyfor itself that comment is unnecessary ;urtherthan to point to it as an illustration of .e man-ner in which our great " financial reforn ¦s" sos*ceed in " reducing tho rates."

OUB MARKETS THIS WEEKB ITTTEU—The Happly small nnd quality in lor, »M

soiling at all jiricos from UU-. to l.V)3.W HEAT —The eupply dmall. Primo Wli 28'i *•288. Ud. ; prime Ked 2(is. M. to 27s.; inferic 4s., and

i'orei;;u 28». to 20s. M. Weather vory wet.OA.TS--Thc aupply thin week mw good ; P: 10 Bl»«

Oat« 12s. lOd. to 13B. ; Grey Mi.LUAKLEY — Malting 18a. Od. to 20s. ; Grind: • 15s Si.

n;«. od.I NDIAN COHN —American ICa to His. 3d. j and 16a-

tid. Demand dull.i'ODDEit—Tho continued wet -weathor kt 1 (oiis

of all kinds at vory high prices ; oven HO "*inM Ubrisk. Primo Hay this weok wont as high 1 Ire p*iv ton , second qualitioa rating at 95a. per oltt Wie»'-en Straw brought 95s , and Oaten 85. and90i er ditto.Carrots wont up to 45s. a ton from 40».; Ma) ildl**1*at r9s., «nd Tnrnipn 17s. and 18». per ditto.

POTATOES—Supply to markot small, and 1 tlity bwmiddling. Wholesale prico on Wednesday 1 i 7o.anil71d., and rttail 9d. and lOd. por stone. &>n W« •*¦ing to tho wenthor markot has been empty.

CITY TAXATION. ,., .Mr. T. >. Strango, law adviiicr, at themec g of »•Corporntion , on 'J'nosdny, gave it »» hiti c lion W«tho action of tho Water Committeo was righ ana"*1tho taking ot (throo) connaela' opinion!, on « .V ition of law , would only cause nselena oxpen trithWdoing any good. Wo shall aeo who waa rig

THE MUNSTER BANK. .At a meetinir of the proprietors in Cork on Wne*W

a dividend of 12 per cont, and a boon* 0 pW <*»'woro ]>a*8od.

TJ I R DAVIDOE TEITIMO^IAI..—Th« sple d teitt- ^to Mr. D. W. Davidpe, Mnnagor of tbe Nati ^ ~jf '

Clonakilty, lato in tbo NntionnI ite*JiJ !conBujting of a beautiful tea and coffee U ^, T ^massive salvor , and all of «olid silver, »«HWlJjornamonted, eoal 'maea an object o( moo) *'''i?i!w i-tortest in tho show window. of Mr. B.Dil lo b'gt>7»5attractive jowellfiry eBtabliflhtoo ot, O» "¦•HSjKQuay . As a work of jeweller 's art it J dMW*oredit to that eatablkhmoat. ' 1 -f

Page 3: XXIV.—NO. 17. "THK WATKRFOKD NKWS." EKTAM.IRIIT.I>—1W. (Alrlr-ruian Itowisn, Proprietor.) IIAKCKST

SUSHif BSSlESZST'Z!*-^ 1IH-.'ATH A.VH Kl' .V K I f A I . OK I'ATlik iC K .

I 'O .MMINS . !•:< ,(.. T.C.It is with sincere reu'ret wohavethis i- vt -ni i ivr tt> ' . ¦••¦;•¦!

•he death of a wsmnly esteemed fellow-citizen. l'aT;.-l;K. Cummin- . I-*-.,.. T.i\ . whii-li sad event t"i.k ;.|a •• ¦ ¦•¦¦

Tuesday in his residence. " Ciunmereial Hotel." .il . - i -ihant x ' l,> n:iy , ill llie JSihyear of liisai*.' . Mr. I '.Miiminshiul Ueon for stum- t ime ill delie-.ite health, lmt it wasthe cherished hope of hi> f;unilv aud many friends , upto a recent, tint it. wim'lil pleu-e l'ivinc l' rnvi.deuee he should re-aiii h.'s fnriiK ' i- vi-or. It wa".. ln.iv .ever , mini nilirrwiso . an.l on Titcsdav uftiTii onii . ¦wr-rotimh-d by hi-- .vnuui,-, vrief-strieken family ,and '...-.itiedl.y the riti> > ..i l ie- Cii:holie n-livri.m , of whiel i f:iiili ,n:w:i* a simvr.'ly ardent member . >mr re-.peet.-d fellow,riiizon hroat l'i 'il hit la-t. Yesterdsiy moruiii;; l' e.|uiemUuic>> , liitrli Ma*s , comiiieneiii ;.' a t t < - n .r.-l.'i-k . wereoffered up in the Cathedral , llarron Strand street, inthe pro.*i;i)iv of a l.-irj .v .'i.|i!.'.-e-.-it i i >n. tin' most l.'ov. l>r.Power, Lord I 'd-hopm' the l>i .n proidiiar. Tin' l.Yv.liol.ert Power , i '.(.'., Trini tv Within . was II it'll l'rie-t:K.v. .1. A. l'he 'an , i\i\ . .I.-a.-...,. and lVv. W. I'lirlan.Mlb-deaoon. There iv, re al-o present : — Uev. l>r . l.'van.Adm , i'rinil y W i t h i n : V.n Itrv. 1!. l ' i t? ..-i i 'al, l.V.1V . V.t;. . I 'arrii 'k-im.Siiir: l.'e'vs. 1". N .ilan . IM' .. a;i.l.1. Mct 'nith .OVs. Trinity W i t h i n ;|l;,v. K. O' l i oum- l l .IM' .. l 'rno!;e .-i ::.| h 'illra : I' i 'V. I i . Cummins C'.l '.. Si.l'ar r i ' -li> ; .1. (iiv;:i:;i!i , I ;, l i iawilcrs anil .1. Mo '-Klrr :l' .- v.-. Mi •-.-!•-. > ' .M' .ir.i. Ainh .my. HeflVrnau , Shi'i-ha t i .av.-l Csidou , » '.(.'.. Tr in i ty Wi i i i in : Y. -rv lii-v . I 1. T..\li; "iiis . i. i.l ' .. l iuapha . ,; I .V-i-. V. I 5.....1. O.I' ., and A.U !:..- '.r . ci . |'.. I ' ...-:. i ::•• •.. n i. -..t ;i , ¦¦::. CnM-,- s l M i :1,', \>. 1'. K. I 'i iaiul - :- . n . S . l' .. :.i, , 't f a the r s ..1 :h.. l- '.-.- in-.-s' -. 'a!. t 'm-.n- !:t. l.:i-: _v l.a:. .- : !;.-. -. M. >|....n. -y, CC.fsih. r : l;. rt-r.i!.. I' .K. I l : t t lvI . . . .1 .v : ;!„• .¦!,'ivvni.-i .'1Si. Si. 'h ll '.-I - ' I 1!,!-!-!:. I ':. !•!¦. . -k- i .!,. .< !•';•.¦: I I' V. I' .llll I' . it t i -r .l.'.i '.. Trh-.hy W i t h i n . A '- . i n - ..V :'.'i .•'..:¦_-> a ian. uu ih-Itl .x 'li stim! bavin;.- l.. -< :i u iivn l'.v i.l - l. i' i -' l - i i ip , th. > l,i . -hi t|..tin- remains , .- I .-'.OM -.I in a -nit, - of enrVn:-. were I .HHH 'Irwn the csiA;tt'-.\lqHv U ',.e.v \\W lli;h Altar. to the w. - '.l-n|ilK>inti <d hcarsp i>nt > ;..l.' j.r>>\ ;.li-.l l.\ Mr. Uichar.l Til/.-ucraUi , Manor , i\\v \iu\ lrft ;v l ;«.-f. l-v \ v!i « ' in t l i ' arratici*-nionts KpriMtiost I'llii'i.' rarri. d out , and haviat; In'cn•l.'i'oitiil tl ipri 'in , til. ' fiiK. ral j .m.i^ .-i..n «.- I. TIU .-.I.x * follow s for St. .Vary '* KiKH -klM .y. wln-rc th o doocuscdwas to In- intorrrd : the hi 'ar>p drawn I»y four IKU 'M'S ;HIP clin-f m .'urniis i-onsi<tiii[; ..f Masters John andPatrick Cummins , Hie yiimiR, and iiitereftinj ; font ofdccoacL'd ; Alderman W. K. Cointuint and Vr. I) . K .Commins, nnuniKer of thp National Hank , (Jarrirk ,brothers of divpnspil : .Vev>rs.. W Cummins . 1'ark ; <> .Carroll , Watrrford ; U. llayi--* av.d J. I1. Condon , dit to ;and 1.. C'arolan , 1'u liliii. Next camp the Uoroni;liCoiwtaliU 't two and two , in full uniform, under Mr.Mahony, City l l i_"!i » 'iMi > t nld i< , a!».i in full dr.f .-. tinlftte iMr.'Coniniins havinir died a meml-t r of tlie Corpora -tion. .Wit cairn' )>r> . Jiiini *.- Cnvei and J. J. Kedmond ,the attcndi'iiR phy-ician^ , the third , Dr. W. Carrolloeenjiviii^ another pot ition in the prwosj -ion

in his

carriage. Then eamo the Mayor of Waierford , th"Kifht Worshipful Thomas l'nrrell , with his secretary,Mr. K. S. Kenncy . and the following jncml'prs of thoCorporation , the entire body hnvinj; lieen invited livcircular from his worship toat tend :—Aldermen I'atriekA. Power , .1 .1'., City Hiu'h i-hcrift " ; Aid. Si. (.ii-n rKiKrocnmn , J.P., ei-lliu-h Sheriff : Captain AV , .lohnson ,J.I' ., C ICiilmond. ].. A. l>yan , au.l U. Power. Coun-cillor.—.Inmes T. Kyun , es-Mayor : Thunias I'hclan , ,1.o'Kcill y, J. Clainpett . 15. Morri> .-. y. W. White. K . I .'.KivMit i f . John M C K IMTV . X. M. Allen . .1. Jli.ra n . W.Kelly, .1. H. M- 'liratl:, W. < 'hcrry ..l . l lent :i—y..l . llvan ..1 . l-Vhrr : M. --r - . .1. W. ll '.v.a:-! . -"'.i' -ir . ir . TownCli'rfc ; '1'. V. S:r:i!:i.'i' . law ::¦•> '.:: In :!ir Cur: nni t i i . i i . ai;'lJi. )) • li'ynii, city ¦¦.•u:ii:ri-r. 'V'nen ).. !lo»"d a lai^-c con.cour-. - of citiV eiis . ompn-ii.;.' .l .-i n . > I '.''ah i i iMy. M.I' ..County of W.-u. -rford ; l>r . S.-..'t . .1 .1'.. M. S'.ar .i-y . .I .I 1..1'. K. Hanrahan . city .>i io- .-l:c.-i:l .- .1. Siati.-ry. .I.I 1...1. S. O'Klu.'iau'aii. St; ; .-r i ' -r . i l : : ;-: ;an lirother.-. MountSinn : K. J. liarro:i , .-oi i.-i t or : i 'ti.. *.ain J. Pou.-r . li a l-l inakil l lli.ii.-e. V.C.. a!n! .1 . l...aui v. D.V .C.. Hoard ofOuardian- ' Watcrford ; W. Hai l y. P.L.ii . , .1. l i . v . r . u.t,P.l..ii. , P. K. l.'ci.l. J.I 1.. John A.Tul i in and .1. Tuhin.Januv Kent , W. Wiiiianis , Secretary . Watcrfurd andCcn:nil Irehiud l.'n i l wav t 'oni t -aiiv ; II. Har inv . l \ i l -lottoran Jloui-e: Thoiuus Pmvrr , ijuay : N. IIally , I> .Kent and II. While . llarLclir C()minis>ionur. - : the mustof tho clcrtry a t t i n - i i i m the rc.piiciu scrvii cs : .lame*K.-.'ly. manalvr of t in - Nati onal l !:u.k. Watcrfor.l ; JohnKcily, Hafcehou- " Lain ' ; 'I'hoi.'ia.- Timer , I'.irriL'j .lnri.-)/ ;\Vi:u Kell y, IJitay ; Michucl Kedmond . W.\ 1 K K H H .TN KWS ; Kdmttn ; : l » . .^ney . '.v'uay ; ,1. K". l " t irt : > . Mai! ;A. P. Maln r , I' . J. Sisl:i\:i: = . ».;nav : l'helan. I l i ^ l i -Urcet ; l!.c Mc-r- . Ward. ri,',..,... !e ; . I . M. Melville.T.-amorc ; Win. l' . .«:n-y , l,'uay : J. W11W1 ifirin olWai-h and S:>r. \ Mail : j . "''o'.on.y, S.jnarc : K. Locke-W l.ei-.ihan , yuay ; l'suri' -k l .yaa , K. DdWFon , J.O Nuili , do.; Ci . Milw.ird. — Oiv. t , jnnr., J. Koll y,llailoy's New-street ; lii' -!iar l I' arrcl , vice-consul ; JI .Lee, " J. I'endc-r , l 'avid Slaiity. Win. AValnh , Jol .iMuilallv , ii.-~i.-'.aiit to the Town Clerk : I), lloldc'.i .U.-oad-Mr. -i-: ; Thoma.- Kyai :, ma-lcr. AYdrkhmi-e;K. -I . Kyan , i.;^ .' 1 !:ap:i:a' i. Midiai ¦ ! I inwi.vy . Mil -fon ! Stc:iu:-h:p ¦'••mp:i::v : O. I'o -.vcr. X. Leiilnv , liar-ro:..-ira;:d-':- c.-t ; .li- !.:i S!affi.:- .l. H. raid Kell y. Ac.,Ac . Ac -.v.t li :: i":._ I!' ..-of -arria^.- , f-ri 'tnn-i ol thelatter;:-- i:;a '. ..f ;!..- U i-' i. .; . . hi- l .or-Miip 1..-i si trnat '-d thcri ' i:.. a .i-i .mi an i . .'. l-y the l.''-v. V:. r-<I'I .K .-.-. 1' :-.^-!. :.:. .V. .!¦ .:. i: '- '

¦.- : : . •-•.-. I n t i n". <.r . !.-r

t i n- r. -'.r.- w a - sal.- :. a!' !.-' :!e- ¦i

-— i:- - . '. '::• ¦ -li:j .|.::.i.' at

the S e l l ha:e ! -A :!!: t : .i -:v ' ¦•¦'.< • : - h a l t ::. . .-!.a:: ! •!.• • hov.- e-

of l' l i - i iic - - :f. t !.c r i^Lt - ii ' « ;:. -. t ! . .- n - -i.-t -.- ¦!

iroi : ri . i : i- . w- .il-: ;¦:.--:— - . . l ii i ! I:. ^.¦V.-V - T.- i-.v-. a' .-i

sb.-t ii : -.- t h e M a1::. !:.:-. ) .¦ -: i . i . - . v !- • : .. • • . •!:.¦ - . :-i 'i . r : f .

liu.- - . l:.-.- .i::i i. l -. i!.\.i 1 ::y I I .'.:. w . :• ¦ ¦!-. --v .-d -I:".' ; -I

A r r : : v.-d a' S:. > i a :-y ' - ( - .-"•' v ¦¦ !, .,; ¦- l .v :r .i. l l ...- .- 'l i l'.:

wa- 1..-, !. -.• • !> ::.!¦¦ • ! . - "• •ii . f- ! . « h- '-" ; :, • >-

:<;r.:u - . - r v i . -c

v.a11 r«-'-l;c'l 1-v 1. ;- l . < -'!-':. i:- . ¦-.!:¦¦ \M ;- ::i .y v .- - .. - f -.r

t>..» ••ol..i..,!i ].n':-|. .-. . ,i:. . ' a' 1 !:. • - : - a\ ¦ - . s i . i - 1 ray - :.•• •

t!:" . ; .a l «•-.•.¦ s- . -a- i i -y ' • ;¦ K ' ^ . I ; I "• - •" ¦ : - l -'n > .- iw . -

I'cUii: d e vi .t f . '.y i >' t ! . i - i i:. i-y !!. .• l a : .- :. r .::;!¦.¦: - \ 1 :.r.

When t l i i - J-r . iy-r - <¦ • :.-l i i' !i- ' l a !! '.'.a ' A - I - I I :'. .-|:I ! •.! :;

lriv i i i ' h i i '-l-a i :'d . a l"::d f:i:l."r . ai: i i p v iir h t e i t i / <- i : , a n d a

goo-1 t r i . l:'1. «civ eo: i.i i :u-:n-'. l. < t l .. ::• l a - t re.- t is ii.' pluei'

on earth , U.I . P- l> ccea»t-d .-sit in our city couil '-il folkuviTO.1 ywir.f as a representative i.f the Centre ward.

Mil. .1. A. 1U.AKK , J.P.,•In our issue of the 2Uih '.f S.-ptemU r :. ph

appeared cooimeiitiui; 01. 11 statement whirh i.ppcatcdin till 1 I r i .'h 7'iM ' o rrfrrriiic til tin: iicciiieiit whi phhappened I" Mr. Juhn A. liiakc l.isi nutuum at. Spa.The parnprapli wl .icii was print' ii in the U'A I C K I O I :;.N EWS was in.'erted in tl»> nbM.'i:ce of tin: pruprielorand without Ili a ki.owlwl uc or :i--ei.l. Wo havealread y in our columns expressed our regrcil to Mr.Biota for the insertion of this paragra ph. Mr. UlukohoweriT, beiiik', an we gather from a letter of his iu the/n.- 'c Timrf , dated 1 lih NoTeniljcr , of opinion thai theapolopv W3S not rufltcicnt , has commenced proceedings»caini-i the proprietor of t l . i s . journa l. We liaBtenagain to eipiess our sinew smd he:irtfelt sorrow tbatthe paragrap h has appeared , anil withdr iv w everychargfi nhieli ii viiinmiis or can he MJ|iji">ed In con-tnit: aeainst -Mr. Ul i ike , und tu leiniti to ihi il ffiil lf-mau our moril ?inci -re sn'l ln .-artle lt npolosy. U'e see-by Mr . l i luk '.'s l i i ' i.r t o t i n - l r < - l 7'i.-t.• •> l i . av he

complains tl .a: t l . e p ai n i> i a p h •• .¦.m ounti-d !•¦ ti" 1

neriouj charge" nf M r Uiak.- 'n " l.avl : .^ f i i b i i c a t e d for

ulecti'jii pur) ...-:-" an ai;c,.u:.t . : :.. - ..cci.Ui.: :.; Spa.

We hiivc o.'i!v :- i S - i y t 'na l r t n -h a cha rp- i*, in o u r

&|.;i.i' t. , ii: •:"¦ >'.- '. - > Kre i- f.- .l-c ;,i,d ; . l>»uid , mid t h a t,

if our ji i ira-' i i . p i: l.- a.- - l i . i - ii . . . :j > r : .si- .:: , »v e xt i r e - .-

our deep ai. -i f j rL - i a : : • • _•!' ¦ • . '.V • ¦'.< • t:io- - ¦!¦ ¦•[• : y

rt-re: :.:.v ;..::. ;1.- ;a : a -i; .) . i . u, > :.av, . ^

i v. 1. 1 , M i .

Blake, sar i \u •"¦'>: '¦¦¦¦>¦ ' ii - i . : : - i m . u .u

in ccj.: i .u i

apology hU«l our lutru ::.•!¦'•> . ul any ci.arL'i ! wl . if h t l ."parauraph may lh" 1 xpre-s.u:: ui otn oinvic-

tiou tha t Mr. Make 's :o t;our is ».- j mre und H i i i n l e .--R8 ttat of any man i iviny . ni . il i u r profoui.d r-^ri't

which we again l e i a rf tt e , il.-ai !),<¦ |.ar:. i;rai»h sl.ouid

have sippearnl.

1 desire , in Muiv .M. I D H . l o tcyu inp , :- , t -xpn : - ."

mv thtil.ks to Mr. l for l.avmi.- , in c. t i .p l ian. 'with tl .e .'¦.iu(s: .,! t r i m d - »i.o it.t.'r| .o«i.-<i !..:• me,

(fivrii up t h o :u:liiiii lor .il;el w i . l ch lit .1 Conn:. 1 11c .1

ttgaiiisl mo- 1 '••¦:»•¦• '" I i:i :-" l K " ¦' -•' ; ' '' - '¦- w: ' iu " '"'has incurred , ai. 'l , :L, :o pay !» -unl ol ',:,< ¦ l . u n -

dred j K,:iiid s: to be disp'/sed 1,1 11. i.i:y was ::.;,¦ M i

lliake may dttm !:t.(rt i giivd) , Ci .usi 1.11s III :•«•. .- :• .

An publi sher ol' ll.c WalerforJ N. ;w> , I il. - .-im t .<mat ii my entire coi.cuirciiei ; in the linei,"j ini,' sipol'C'yand to en.reiiS toy reirre1 tl.iil ll.e unlou nd.d .-laf:m-nts un i':istl y irfli -i .- i ij i i -oi i Mr. li .akn which app-.u- .-d

in U.O. Sews i,f 'Si Septenii, i r la?: , should I w 1 11riub liii liL-i) .1 (Sli :,.-.!;. !.:^:> S. K , -. v .-. , > .

1. A iv 1 '/ (.' /; 1 ¦- •

r i ) l " l ; 'l f i l ' i ,d .' i : i ; .V ¦- i t K N ' i .' i l .]!, <¦ .,. \ !, Ji. -< :<¦<¦ I C l i i t . 1. .v. l M i . . I' i - ' ic " I . • ¦ -•' l a id ,

j ... I', , . . . .- .V.. ' . , '-. • . -. ».: , , i t*, .- ' • < ¦ ¦¦ ¦

, ¦

„.., - . . . • y, -- :. / • - ¦¦• • . ¦ '- i - ;. ; : '-¦ ¦ ¦: -


|> : ,v,.i l oi -e i- it . v ! -.;- ! j , v M . - r -.. N . i : !. :.H

U e, , i. . l r -'

a;.p . .. i '¦• i ' V -: '¦¦:. -¦¦

¦¦ ¦¦:¦ '¦ o ld"'" ' ' :i

; i rT; ,,l.,. t" a '- ::. ' - <:.- : : . IM . .i. i .r :,. • 1.- . .vs. n -

,,,.,., . ,,f wl . . .n. p :: . i l .' .H w a - a' .j v ./ : . .-.". < ¦ ¦ : ¦' ,

U)- I 'l" 'l l l - l l iU ' 1'-

.Mi ( > ' i : i i i r d .- -. i ., i i . - ! rue tp . | h _v M r . -I . .1 . I"- y.

K, ,,'.,, red -.„ h. na.! ot d .-fe , . .!:,,.: v. i - i- ' '1..'. i :"' ,' .

» , .l M.ow cviH- »;«'¦'»¦-« !,l.-.'.U - « th .- .- .. ..l . -

t .onal orde r , ..,. ' h - »ri ..,,...l- t l . at tl:-., wcr - pv-r

Tr^";:1: ;:./ ;::: ^ --:;-1-,:';:* .:::-" . -K"" "¦« «¦**¦-'•¦" •— 'grameU cewts ". d. l .- i-dain.

C<il ". P.T <) Y COM MON l 'I .hA> .Hefore M r. .Induce K- .-onh and Mr. J» --MT on'. , iVv V.. i-i- .-- l i . tin- ea- :he ad'"" w:' l'r""- 1'1

in ,'i.cunent. hy t in ; p l ', an t r u s fn - ol t h - m a i -

'"J, ' ..f d-f-nd ,nt ', ,.,.;. .- "cover ,.-.«-

1M,, "f a '•¦«<" » < '>¦•»'* < '¦';i"1 Wi"!eU"' '""!"

r- ." ICilk. 'Ui 'l iviiich , uu.lei ¦ t int m-trui i i 'Mit . 1'i ,. ,il to .unender in 1,71. but tho -lofonduia

ZT,JM u» ui»" •'" I'""-*""" on lli.) plKii thu ' tho,o ,l ,> H . wn> ilK -uiil , there b«ini{ a clause 1.1

T""l"ife utid'T which he I.i-M n»nm-l ali. imlioN' ¦',". ',

'.'' tbe landlord 's com-ent , which had not be"n1 1 vnd the plaint. "" wan non.?uii"d in an action*X !tton^

,.<>T«<^ «<> ^ . T'.o

nlainliir now brotiL-hi »¦¦ action on ih« covenant for

dimaL't", »»J ""¦• *""': ' l" r' "Ul "l> '" dcr<!"cl>

'7i o 1,1-i 'i.Mtl' d.'"iur.-.l t., i t . 'l i.o ease now came on

for Lr'eunieut ot , th " d'- murr i- r. Th. .. curt reserved

judgment. , , c , „. | 1 ru inrJ un , instructed by

M f] V I ' V.' .

't - r f , , .- .:. app' n-l in Mipport ofMr. J . •!• 1< - ' '-• • ._ . ,- /; , , , - .„,,) j, VJ ,c|, ;„.

.. ' \., 1, , . : 1 , : ji! 11— Tl.e NovenaT,,v. N.^;

N A U M .'¦ •;.:. ,iv ,,., OWM ,,

at. SI J . . i .n > < ¦. >;"

;.';¦; ,;

'; , , . . ,„;. . A ,„ „.,„ is

ConJMsiuma* M ^J t-hroutfea with I*uil»ut8.

i 'l l i ; Ct l l lN T V W A T K U I ' O l i l ) Kl iKCTIDN« .M K); viu:i) nr ' r. uii K 10 I I I K in:.\ni '3 COKK —T H V

fc .Vii l . IMI AI .VK .V I I K I . il " COM l.s," "SCO," AM' 'S" I ONy i Kl l f l ."— lilir.IT JOI 'LLM! Tli ir i i r i l—H'l .KN P.nMAMKKsTATIO N tir CONBTITLTHl NAr. II Uil lT—AN 'N -rKKl 'Kl iK N TKl . MAJO H ITY PITS JAMKS PKI .Allt:XTV ,.'«l).i INTO PAU I.l .VMFST AS ol.U KKMOK UKI ' t tKSKN-I A 1 1 \ K — rol'I I.AK Co.Nr.KAri ' l .A .ION S.On Kriday tho liberal oloctorg of this great,

historic couuty achieved a splendid triumph liyrctarniiiK James l i elnhunty, Esq., an their Ei*nicrmenihei , ]ierh:ips ihp first si j;mil triuiup h of thp kindunder tlw Kalloi Aft in the three kingdoms, certainl yt i e lirp t in Jrehin. 1 , and one well worthy to be placedupon the one rrpord with the imperishable election of'-<V I.nmediatol y after I he nomination on the 13thinst., Mr . Delaluinty, with that rmirpy which lmsmarkVd this eventful", nnd hi-ihly mccessfn l , patrioticpublic career, lo«t no timo in putting his catidiilntnrcin person beforo tho electors of tin ; county. On thel . i th , a.- reported iu our la>t , lift addressed a lar;,'euieet iui ; in Traninrp wher" l-o met an cn .lniRia Biic> .'cep:ion. On Tiitwluv he addressed a st i l l larRi' rniet 'tin.!? at Lisinor. 1. when 1 lie waa tiniiiislakiinblyh.u'led :is I In ' peop le's cli 'iii-e, and on Wi '<luefdity howas enual lv wa in i l y rein-iceil in Dungnrvan , theuleoldi 's ev..rywlien' testif y iti!.' t lii 'ir full cddfi ili 'tifn inlii s I mi l l ii. 'ii carne.-it i i My , iinil l l i f i r determination 10s¦¦•inl h im in Pirl i . inient as the i r representalivp , ami 11 sone more to Hi; In lor ii." consti tut ional ri ghts oflivi.ind. (In the other hand it was iiiadn <' i]!iall y p lainthai Mr. r.edmck Lehniunn , his opponent , stood nopo^.,il, ;L' chance ill trVir hands of anything but 'Ic.eiit ;th " ep iiVi ' t s used toward s him as a. public man wornthe reverse of complimentary , and it was clearl y evi-dent i,i the commonest perception that the- .'.1.1s woreh.'.ivilv aL'ainst that gent Ionian 's pretensions.

Ti n: I' i 'U.iNCi.lYii lny was Iho . day lixril on by Iho lliyh SherilV ,

•I . II . llii i .' t1, K.-.j. , Ardmore, for the polling, ami it,w:..- one of k'rent i.iicrest throiiifh the countv, not nnto ri'sult—f..r f.!.ni l-hf lirst. I her:.-seemed to be l i t t le ,if any, doubt 11p.n1 that point—hut at to the actualmajority by which the popular candidate wonltl beatIns opponent , and it is fair to sny that assured a* thoLiberal electors were of victory, ihe immense na.nborby uhich Mr. Uelahunty threshed his oppot ent ex-ceeded Iheir most hauj ruine expectations , particularlvcon.-iilerin ^; the petcnt influences ajraiust which theyfought. It was 0110, which , whilst it gavo comfortand rouse for congratulation to the trnc friends ofIreland , was of a nature fairly to astonish the poli-tica l world.

.So fnr as in l.iui lay tho Hiyh Sheriff, with hisI'fJeient, eiperionccd dopuy, K. G. Hudson , Ksq. ,appear." io have nuulo all nvailnblo nrraujjoments forlliu duo carry ing on of tho conies'), and as rulates tothat duty we hnvo not been made awaro of any com-plaint. The booths wcro as follow :—

At the County Court House, Wnterford , for Iho St.Patrick's Hall division of the barony of Middlethird ,the number of voters on the registry beiug 31. Thoproceedings here, were divested of any excitement ,and were over at an early hour.

t - Al . t .Ai i i iA N V :.— At tin- petty se>' l.oiuo ofC'allalmn " for that division of th;> barony, .he numbero( Vi. :i'rs nil the rCL'ist.'}' l>''in^ 2s:i . TIH ' volin ^ herev.a- of a no! ven" aniinuted character , although ii«as evideni lh.i l; I'ffurts weie mado f.11 "

Tl i .iMoH K . —The polling booth here was in theCourt House. From an early Inmr in t in' day it, wasplain to be seen I h:\t a Mroii ", pu>h wsis making forMr. Lehmunn. One individual , holding :i certainollieial position in connection with tho town , wasregarded tia making himself consp icuous interferingwith the fteedom of votin g granted by tho consti-tution to the people, anil when lie would not takoseveral hints to refrain he !.rot beaten, though farfrom seriously, with tho efl'ifry of his favorite , Mr.I/' limann ; hi: was pushed about , and linallv sue-cec.led in escaping into the police barracks . Thonumber of vo'ois here was HO.").

PoHiL.wv .—Tlu .» polling b .o'h was iu Iho sessions'house. There was noth in g in the proceedings to callfor par t icu lar note. The number of roiiisteredvo:.'is was -""i.

Kn.MAcnioMAS .—Tho piliit. fj here was in tho court-house. Mr. 1) . A. U .wsluy, n livel y l iu lu solicitortrtj iu ( 'lonmel appean il as a^cnt for Mr. Lehman , butthere was nothing a l t r ac l ive iu tiie proceedings. Thetot id re^i-tered Voters is RW.

iJi M . A I I T A N . — Hi - i - . ' the pvocerdln^s, as our corn's-j wii. - l i .11 t»'l!s u- j n another coin nil , wore i,f a l ive lvII .'IMII I 1, but uolhi .ii : uiore t h a n to show i ln- sternih t ' T in ina t i . . . . of the . liberal el.ctors to retnrn theman of lh"ir choice , in desp i'e of .'ill in-rtueuces. Niinili! .' of eleci.j .a :j.V».

l..s .\tos.K. — I n Li .-uioie I 1' pol 'ini^ wiia ciirrii -d onin a ij i i io: manner , the p i- clnrs showing their re-olvi ' ,1' iwevr r . to 'r e t u r n the man ro whom on 'J' u - s ih tytie y I ad "liven «., ei i i l .u -ia-i ic ;i reception , and lot^vl 1 in ti ' -n ;u :nt. In-ill [y ciii ' " 1 a were given din ing thetie.' .lav. T.I 'al v .iti .'ri I''!I.

> n:.\x.A f . i . i . -Tii ..' ri.'iHint f here was pr t ' l f c it iU '.'h ofih " ' sain' 4 c i iaracfr , the l *t c li> i< _' bein^ evidt u t l v inf . ivcurof t .1"- peop le 's ci.oic" . \uni!''.:r ol <•!"<.¦ -'!".

I «I.I. >i\ t.--Till' l illluli 'T of V'i 'er-. l l i 'le is l |l l i .V I M I H I K H U V N —I N- i i i ly eliei vs were heanl l:.'iv too

(r. r " D el ' i hu i i ty " " Ireland. " The number ofi- .i .'tin's wi.s 1 D2.

(.'A I I O I J : IS .— Kven hmc, supposed to bo ono of thel.o-t i le posiiious convincing pioof was f;ivou of theHi-nse eDLortitined of iho strong claims of the papularciiudidsiU1, whom! uumo was warml y cheered. Thenumber ol e'eetoiH here was liiX

Aii OMo nr..—The pollini; heio rcprcseme.l little olnote throughout tho day. Xnnber of electors l.VI.

Cl.Asn.Moii t .—The sain.) chiracler ad plied to thepr.iei'.dit:gs here. Number of electors 1-l'J.

(ILu HlUD '.iK , C LO NMK ...—IIt"-e thn proceedin^ashoivcJ clearl y that the clecrora l feulint ; was mainl ywith Mr . Delahuuty. Hia name was ovorywherunit'Dtionod with enthuBiasm in connection with Ire-lai.ii 'R prospeiity. Nnmlic r of voters 101.

liALU'kucAKUF.iiKT.—Hero thn majority v?ns clearl y111 favour of " Oelabunty and Ireland," and dariog thoday the effigy of tho SaoseDach Lehman was wellcud gelled , and made tho subject of an auio-dc-fc. ThoClonme! Chnonide , a journal in tbo political interest ofMr. Lol.m&n, so fur as being strongly opposed to Mr.Llulabunty 's eaudidiUnro thus roports— " A short timobefore fivo o'clock, thu bour for closing tbe poll, Mr,rower's carringc was brought to 1)10 door, that gnn-tloman intendin g to leuvo immediatel y with Mr.llonnor , jun., and Mr. Vowell , iu atl'-mlance to watchtin.' proceedings on behalf of Mr. Lttlimanu. Wli t-nMr. \'owcl! wit-, staii 'lim* ht the dour awaiting thearrival of the cariia'/o, a Btone w.ts flung at him,wi . icl : , fortuna '.'- !v lor him , c t a l l events , 11 missed itsmission , " and Lit a bystander, knocking him down.."-St.nes iu the meantime were heini,' flung at Mr.Power's carnai^". Tli«: i»ulice , whose forbearance can*re.. ' be loo inm .-li I:,u<l .-< 1 , usetl every elTort to preventa rii,. , l,nt ill. ; stone shruwiug went on. Scarcelyhad Mr . I'owcr placed his fool in the carriage , whentho driver , scfiu^ llic position of affairs , whi p-jed hia)MI S."H nipidl y lhrougu the opening of tho crowd ,winch had been effected by the joint chargo of thuconstabulary, joined by a number of Mr. Tower'srustic friends , who aided the police. Indeed , beforoMr. Tower had taken his seat in tho vehicle an at-ti'inpt was made to take iho wheels from oil' thevehicle and upwt it ; bu*. this proposition only iutun-si lii -d the disorder, as a Isnyo section of ihe crowdwin- determine"! that no injury should bo " M r .l'.iB.T nr his carriage. Thu cuilifulliuy at this parti-cular t ime was hut und heavy in the extreme , everyd "- -rt i p'ion of weapon or missile available beimjbioii L- h: into free piny. Mr. Vowell , after tho depar-tu:. .' i 'i!' Mr. Power'* carriage, was hu.illed i;boul ; hinhi,, was knocked off, and it wns onl y becuuso thocro»il around liim wen, so thick that ho escapedbi-ii.L' l.nockeil down ai.d trampled on. After cunsi-i l " . i i i i , i i ; (i. - !av nl the police barrack.0, Mr. VOIVB I! andM r . llon "- r were enablefl to tak.) thoir departure fromJSaHviiiacHi - bi 'i 'V. " TJi" .1 number ol voters here is lil^i.

I .'A I I I M . K . I . I'. . . . --T WO p'j llii.i/ places , iu the s.:«.-ions 'I. MI-I - , wi. i.' her.! in rc'i 'ii-i .i'iii. Thi) proceedings atot,i! tine- i. ii l i t i lo lively, but nothing beyondv.i .!- nii gii! Us expected at HUC I I 11 contest. Tl.e re-.. i. '.-ic l h.-ri; are 1112.

1 I \ l IMI. I I M t V A l l D N S .¦, ! . .• |-.i i)iiil.n i 'y of Hr . Dels -hunty , and ihe cn-iit

Ct llS- r : i." r .-pM ^'-l i l^ , could I. i,t, be. bolter leK:ili"d t ot i . !. t ' . .- rcsi' lii .ij-."! w i l l , wh ich Hi": Jclvrgy and elee-11,1 , aii imii ' ct l by :> ri .ong love l"ir coun t ry , ba.."ledf .-."-i .li-:', (.-.n - t i i i i i i x ' .s .il y, wiih.,,1 1. any sclli-l i con-sw-i.1 * i . j n \\ h i i ' .-v. r t « , rcn. |.-i tha t . catls.j i r i uu i [ dianl ,ai . 'i hxw well lli 'j y succeeded will bo an cpcich in the1,.5 ' i i .v iif our eoumy, im'l a p owerlul incentive to. . invr r:oii.-iiiuen, .'.es to " go atid do likewise. " Ihealiov- .-in..l ysis ,-I KIIV S the total of our cimMiluency 10be .',-77 , ol ivl.icfi (inmbi.T an aggregate of -,3i)'.itii n .'j iu tho b .i lot box.

mi: s. R1 • 11 > V A M I IlCCI.ARAT i ' l .S.Tiei scrutiny > ,f il,e vot"S (jom.neueed on Monday

moi'ai. leu o'clock , in iho c. unty Cirand .luryK-i " in , i.nd ciii iiiiueil up Io half-past (our. Longbufiire ihiil hour Mr. Lelimano'-i agents, .Me.ssrH. 'J'.Slmtery, Rolicifir (l,i»mon-), and J. Wall , solicitor(Wi . tcrlordj—Mr . l.ehmaiiii himself Imu left Wuler-ford 011 I" ii.lay—showed eloarly they were beaten bymiring, ami thun the Bole engrossin); topic of interestvi a.- b y hovr niiiny hundrci) was Mr. Ucluliuiily theviui. ,r , tint , g^ntleniiiii 's numbers being checked byAle—rs. T. !•'. i'uwvr , i.nil K. C. Fielding T.C., Mr. K..1. lii.rroii , solr., iigent to Mr. Uelahunty , with Mr.U. Tower , M.P. , nn<l Aid. Ityan being also present ouhis behalf. At fiv« o'cluck the Hig h Shuriff anuoano-od ill" iiuniLura an follows :—

Uf LAllf .NT V 179UL K M M A N'K 53-1

Maj'irity for D KI .AI M .M I l-'iSThe Biinouncemeiit wus received with vociferous

ontliu siai .ic app 'auso , ag .iti and ngain i tnewi .d.Mr. J. UeWiui. -y, M.I' ., county Wuterfunl , who

met wi th a p-ifcl ova.ion , then addressed a larguiLss.-mbi iigi! l i ' iu i the court lious., .-tcpi. K.vpre.-Hinghi- n. i . in M .i-e ol the hi gh honour c' .nferie .l II |K ,Uhim !.y ll." m i p n . '.l. iseab.e , tlit ; patrio lio cleclor.s >.ftl,. ! e.'.un .y ..I Uater lon l , tl:.l lion, ^enllcili i in nil .pliaiicil l y Vud th ' .i ihcy s i-ol . aioin ) '.I .l butt:." .'yc»..r ( i i . a l Hi i ta i i i been upon them thatd.iv . and now .he elecloiK of Wa.erfonl , thn lib-raloloe.or..., had tbe pioud Hiitin liiciioti of knowing thatthey bad achieved a victory grout than bad beou

von m Is^ii (u,r,.,it eheeting). His enemies had said. 1 h-.ui 1 Mr. D.) thnt ho was too old, bnt. if ho wna• ...I > ¦• •! hail tins work in him (cheers) , anil ho could"I! '¦';'." '"""oueni-lbnieu ho would tako particular careof himself iu the coming years, and ho would showt iem wlmt ho would do for tho iutoresta of bis con-stituents ilm| of ,|,OK(, of Irelnnd io general (oheersand cries of " bravo.") If ho was old ho had hadt •;« tiigo of working for Iroltiud with tho great(-' c" e" (imnienso cheoring), ami ho did not thinksjch a fact would do him (Mr. D.) nny hurra with thot-uo- licmted Irish people (cheers). Ho would tolltlinin wlmt ho wniil.l ,!„ (|1Cnr, hear) . Ko would votofur keeping the t iller of tho soil iu his holding in por.petuity so loug a* ho paid hia fair rout (bear, hear,ami cheers). Ho would voto for denominational0 Jncatio n , for wlmt was a man with oducation withoutrjliuiou (reuewed cbeorin K). Ho would try to startindustrial employment in tbo country (honr . hear) , anindustry which would koep tho people til home, andprevent thorn running away from it, as they werodoing too long (renewed cheering). Ho would notdetain them lougcr.ainl would now go to work for thornwho had eonfidod their trust in him (hearty ohoering,amMst which thp honourable gentleman retired).

-Mr. If. I'dK-KH , M.P., Waterford City, tlicu elo-rj uen t l y addrosat-.l tho nssombly, and warmlv conptra .tj luieil tho electoi-R on having triumphimtl/retunietltae man of the ir choice in despito of whig mid torylandlord; , thereby uttoring au all powerful protectagainst landlord intimidation and landlord oppression111 tins country (vehement cheering). Thoy hadflung back ihe nominee of Lord Harting ton (cheers),and had , that day, inflicted a blow on tho enemies oft ieir country which would bo more keenly felt thanwas even that of tho great victory of '26 (enthusiasticcliecriii "). Tho ponplo then po.iceably dispersed, ai.dt iu nu'inorablo proceedi Hgs terminated.

I'Ol'lil.AR IIK.IOICINT.S.As soon as tho return of 55 c Dolahunty wn-. annnnnccdm tbe city, preparations wero nt onco mado to the event, by bonfires, and other demonstrationsof joy. About eight o'olock a monster bonfire waslighted near tbo Graving Btink Quay. It completelyilluminitr. 1 that part of tho city, nr also tho adjacenthouses, wuh tho shi pping in tho rivor. A Inrgo crowdof persons as38mblod around it , cheering &r Dolabanty .Tbe police, utider Head Constablo O'Brien, wore pre-Hi;ut , but flaw nothing at to warrant their inter-feronce. Anotbor bonfire blnzod forth on tho highhill at tho oppoaito aido of tbo river.

In Iho ovonin/; the "Thomas Frnnois Moaghur"firo nnd drum band paraded tho oity, accompanied byincreasing crowds, who conducted thomsoirca withtio utmost deoorum. In fact, tho constabulary ad-mittod to us thnt thoy noror witnossed a moro ordorlya<8eniblago. Whon tho band nnd tho prooessionr.!aohed Jlr. Dolahunty'a roBidonoo in llary-stroot ,t ie hon. gontloraan waa impcrativnly collod for. Thopopular member raised ono of tho front windows,from whioh hodolivored a stirring-address, in a dear,nudiblo voico, distinctly hoard by every porsonpresent . Ho thanked tho electors nnd non-oloctora ,both of county and city, for tho great victory, whichwas one not only for Wntorford, bnt for all Ireland(•:lieeis) . He reviewed what ho hod dono in tho past,ami Ktsitod what he would do in the futuro for Ireland,( some person in the crowd imid un unfavorable wordof the .Mayor). Jlr. Delahtinty at onco called him toorder, and stated that tho Mayor (Aid. Turcell) hadvoted for him like a man (warm cheoring). The.lion, member concluded amid warm applause, whont in large ii.saeruli.agu .piietl y separated.KKJOXIMi S IX K I I .K K X .VV. TriOMASTOWN , IIAM .YII.UifiKT .

MAUY1I0R0ISII , Ice.Wo umlerHtsind that whrn tho rcRtilt of tho electionv.-as mado known all along tho lino of tho Central

Ireland Railway, of which tho worthy member ischairman , bonfires, with other demonstrations of joy ,were at onco got up in the city of Kilkenny, and thotawns , villages, and stations nil along tho line. Thofour p.m. ong ino from Waturford to Mary borogh wandecorated with green flags, Ac. As ihe joyoua tidingsv.-ere announced at tbe different stations bv tho pass-ing tiiiiiis .loud cheers wero raised by tho crowds whovcro anxiousl y wailing to hear the news. Jn fact itv.-as looki'd upon as niiulh cr victory of '26—not as aHero local matter , but as 11 question , and n princi ple,which deeply effected the wholo nation.

AT CLOXMKI.The rejoicings comprised a hugo bonfiro at tho Main

(iuanl , around which assembled a largo number olpersons who gave full legitimato vent to their en-thusiasm. I.'ndur the H I UK IOW of a largo green ll.ig anexcellent file and drum band discoursed severa l na-tional airs . The proceedings wero of iho most orderl ycharacter.

llo .M'l l l l : OX T I . K I I1I .L IH liAl . I .V . l . t l l. K KX .On Wednesday evening a mouHter bonliro was

ig hie.l mi llii : fiimous Hil l of Hall ybrickon in honor ol.he relurn of our worthy member, and over honestellow-ciiizen , .lames Uelahunty, Ksq., M.I' ., and thusla.* ended one nl ' lh« Amst remarkable, and for thopeople one of tin; most glorious political contests lobeliiiiinJ in th" records of Ireland.

III l> VoTIN Ii .Thn following is the return of tho number voting at

;he 1ece.1i I'h'L'tion :—Hunimmj, 122 ; Dall ymacu bory ,1.11 ; Cullalia nc, 21S ; Ciippoijuin , llil ; Carrickbeg,Jill ; Ciashmoro , 1 1:1 ; Old ltrid ge, 75 ; Uuogarvaii ,i:/.l ; Kilinacilionias , K> ; Lismora, Ib7 j i'ortlaw , 119 jSiradbiill y, IU L'; Tallow , lux ; Trnmore, 1JJ7 , , 7S ; Waierford, 20 ; total , 2,:iG'J.

llo» T 1IK XKWS WA8 HKCKIVKU AT TALLOW .TALLOW J A N U A R Y 23rd~A» was anticpnted by iho

]>eop lo ol Tullaw and tbo surrounding district, Mr.Delahuuty, tho popular candidate tor tho countyWaterlurd .htts headed tho poll by upsweeping majority .So confident woro thoy of bin triumphant return ,desp ite the coalition of lundlordd in favour of Mr.Lehmuuu , that extensivo preparations wero madeduring ihe (Jay for holding u grand popular demon-stration in tbo evening, when tho reBult of tho pollwould be made known through their much cateemedsmd palriotc parish briest (tho soggarth arooo of thotruo type) , who, from tho beginning of this contest,waged between lindloid influenco aud tho promplinguof tli o Irish nourt , orinced a keen interest as to thereenlt. So intooeo was tbo feeling that permeatod allclasses of tho pooplo here aa the result of tbo pollingthat any stranger comiDg into Tallow could at uncodetect that aomo thiug special wail aboat to ooanr iuour nBunlly rjui?t lmlo town. Children were to be »eonsca'.tcred hero and tbero through tbe atreots. It beingmarket day numbers of tbo country pcoplo whupartici pated iu tho goucral fcoling remained iu townafl-jr filiiabiug their business. Fresh iirivals droppedin occasionall y aa iho oppuiuted hour approached forthe receipt of the uutvs from Waterford about 4 p.m.For the great or part of tho day tho vicinit y of thepriests house was beset by anxious crowd ,which grad-uall y increased towards evening, aud ubout l> p.m.,it is compntod there could not bo less than COO per.sons present. Whon tho glorious aunounccmout wasmade il was received with ouo loud ring ing cheerthat was re-echoed buck i'rom tho far-famed hills ofTalloW , uliaost ail quick ns the eloclric flash that con-veyed tho glad tiding j of victory lor faith andfiithorlaiid tho town was a blazo with illuminations ,lighted tar barrels . Tho bauds turned out, and inthe cetitre of a row of tar-barrels carried on mon'ushoulders on n ladder wus un effigy of Mr Lohmannwith his (now famous) carpet bag under his arm ;and atieu to advuulago by tbo blast of tho trw-barrel:, certainl y ho wan capitall y caricatured ,looking so woo-bogono and orest-lallen in hiselevated position. Tbo imraeiifio concourso paradedihu streets several timw s , giving vent, to their longper.l up fcelingH in cheers and shouts. After thisthey i|uioll y dispersed, and at ten o'clock you couldscarcel y iniug ine that. 1)10 town a Bhort timo beforopresented a (scene that will long bo remembered andcherished in the hearts of its inhabitants.


D R A I I S IK —Often nri'l often havo 1 been deli ghtedwith 1 1) - .' contents of iho poets corner iu tho X KW .S ,wheihi r original or Bolecled .and with infinite ploasurosome lew yi'ars ago havo I pondeicd over ami overagain the productions of thu talented "Lizzie," butwhat become of this Nolil-Htirring beiug, I knownot; this 1 do know , lliat (or some timo I have look.i:d in Vain in tin ; N KWS Iur the poems of ihi.s giltedfair one , \vh",4n b.;;iiltifu l imagory of tho Suir amiI ln.-ir '.nbj.'ets- were paint.:d by h .r with tho geniusof a t in . - poei.'ss. Til.' .-.: feelings liavi: been xvokutlof iea > l i i ig tl.e .stanzas of '¦ L. G. C." eulilled " TJ10(111., " aud which for pathos, pure nature , and wo-ma 1 y iovo and originality, could not bo surpassed.Tin- unalloyed , and truo Irish affection supfxised tobe li i . aihi .'il by Kr.n 'tf fair daug hter to her lover ,prcviuuii to his departure for America , are, indeed ,Minp lr, beautiful , and natural. I/ ' tho author shouldwii..i Io sol them to music , tho air of Duvnl' s song" Th.; grain «horos of Kriu 11 would suit iidmirablywell. Hoping to soo moro of "L. G. CV 1 pro.ductio .ib in tno, your 's.

A N A D U I H IB.[The writer of the nbovc willl bo iilutsctl und

s,ur|irised to learn that , "Jii/.zic," ami "L. G. C."lire, one and the name person. Kli. W. N.I


IJ EAH SIR — Tho lam oloction , it will be admitted,huB cleurly shown tho untiou that tho day of land-lord and, intimidation (or anything olso youlike to call it), is over now and for over. In fact thetenants und electors regularly humbugged both land-lords und agouti lust woelc iu this county, by makingpromise! which they had no intention of perform-ing. With tho ballot , it is only a waste of time tabo try ing to put ou tho screw. More than one Totertold me that they took Konta on Mr. Lchmnnn'a ours,and aftorwirda voted for Mr. Uoluhunty, and to carrytho delusion still further , thuy cheorod for Lehmuuunear thu booths. They laughed and joked with oachother al the idi .'si of being asked to voto for a muuwhom they never saw or heard of before.

L'oinru gli .Mountains, Jun. 21. h'LWTOK.

TI I K ( .VX H K U V A T I V K 1'AiiT V .—Sir Station! Nmtheoteha- 'forwarded a letter to the supporters of the l.overn-iiD-nt in the lloiihc of CommoiiH , hUiting that on the<ij l i iiini; of Parliament , on February 8;h, interestiiiKdebutes may 1/e expected , aud request* their attendanceon that date.

BOARD OF ( I UAKUIANS- W EDNESDAY . Dr> Scorr saiU whilst boiug iu lavor of stoppiug anysiltooi. .M COMMO i ' .vnoN—A. NARKOW AttE A, A N U now i unncOBMiiry expou dituro r..r extras ho would like to

IT is 10 KN1.AI11JKU—sci 'KHAN. sVAT ios—A EECKNT ' know Irom tho master would snch removal , and if so1IKAT11 AXI) A COMIXU 1NO_U1BT—FINANCIAL—THKHOUSE SKnVANTS— NO LEAV E H)R HEAT—CLOS E OtTHE COLLECTION.

Aid. T. W. JACOD , J.P. , Chairman of tho Union, in thooh&ir. prcsont—Cap t. Power, V.C., Sfoasrs. J. Loamr,D.V.C., Hon. D. F. yortescue, D.L., C. Rotors, J.P.,P. Vealo, 61. O'Shca, K. Bronnan, Aid. Manning, P.Sheehy, M. Barry, J. L. Conn, P. Barron Newell , J.P.,J. Clamiiett , .). Connolly, W. Hally, J . Uevcreux, J.Fitz.gonild, W. Kolly, J'. F. Scott, J.P., Aid. Kedmoud,1'. 0. liloomfield, J.P.

THE 6CII00L8.The Local Govornmonc Board wrote, calling tho

attention of tbo guardians to a roport from tho mas-tor, founded on a complaint mode to him by Air.Hamilton , L.G.I., of tho crowded state of tbo boys'sohool, showing a necessity for an increased area fortheir accommodation. Tho Bubjoct was roferred to acommittoo consisting of Hon. Mr. Fortescne, D.L.,Messrs. P. Barron Nowoll , J.P., J. L. Conn, J. Clam-pott , aud Capi. Powor , V.C.

Mr. D EV KUF.VX urged, with tho full approbation oftho board, that a great means of roducing tho numberof tho boys would bo to havo a trainiug Bhip for \Ya-terford, aDd moved a momorial to Lord CharlesBoresford, M.P. , to present to Govornmont for suchn grant. Mr, CONN soconded tho motion, whichpassed unanimously.

SUPERANNUATION.Tho same board euut a sealod order, sanctioning

superannuation of £10 a year to lira. Sloauo, latomatron of tho worthouso hospital.

1'AYStENT TO MEDICAL OFFICERS.The following was noxt road :—

" Local Government Board , Jan. 23, 1877.Sin—With refcronco to n resolution of tho board of

tho 17th inst., tho Local Government Board desiro tooipreHS their approval of tho proposed payment of £33a. to Dr. J. J . Kedmond for discharging, for one week ,the duties of Dr. Cano, M.O., Kilmackevoguo disponsarydistrict, during tho illness of tho latter.—By ordor,

"B. BANKS." Clork , Waterford Union."

AN INO.UIUV. 'The noxt lottor from tho Local Government Board

was the following :—" Local Government Board, Jan. 23, 1877.

" Sin—With reforonco to tho minuto of tho guardiansof the 17th inst., relating to tho verdict of tho coroners'jury at tho inquest on tho body of a child named JamesRyan, who diod shortly aftor addmission to tho work-house, tho Local Government Board dosiro to informthe guardians that they hare instructed their inapoctor,Mr. Hamilton , to inqmro into tho matter.—By ordor,

"B. BANKS." Clerk, Waterford Union."Mr. H AMILTON wroto to say that ha would hold tbo

inquiry on Saturday (to-morrow), eommonoing nt11.30 a.m.

Mr. CONN* objeotod to suoh an investigation , tbomatter having beon inquired into by thu guardians,tbo rcnult boing a fall exoneration of their officers.It was a blow to tho dignity of tho board .

Jlr. CLAMI 'ETT eiiid it wus a conBuro on tho coronerand his jury . If tho Local Government Board wishedau inquiry, lot. them hold it outside tho board room.

CLKHK : Who wiil keep out, tho inspector.Mr IS UK.N A X — Tho clerk .C I- KIIK —I will not do anything of the kinU. (hear,

hear , and laug hter) .The Hon. Mr. FOIITESCUB said if tho inspector nut

ordered by his superiors to hold an inquiry , ho wouldhold it, and tho board would bo onl y making iUolfridiculous in trying to provent its taking place in thathoord room. If thero was neglect in tho (loath of thoceild , ho thoug ht tbo Local Govornmont Board wouldneglect their duty if thoy did not bold this investiga-tion.

Capt. 1'owEii—Wo acquitted our officers, nnd whatmoro have we to say to it?

Mr. L EA MY —But wo may havo boon wrong in th»tdecision . Can wo prevout tho Looal GovornmontHoard holding this inquiry p

Mr. CLAMTETT objected strong ly to a sworn inquiry,observing that , in most, cases, such inquiries oudedin perjury (no, no).

Dr. SCOTT said it seomod to him that , in thoproposed course, the Local Government Board showedtboy wero actuated by a feeling of humanity. It theydid uot approve of this inquiry, it might bo K.idborealtur , il waa not desirabln or necessary bucauso ilwas a poor child who had died (no, no) . It appearedto him that .Mr. Luamy hod oomo to thn pith of thumatter in what ho bud said, and ho (Dr. S.) would bosorry, indeed, to impute ouytbiug liko perjury to auchinquiries (hear, hear) .

Tho CH A I R M A N said ho wad gratified at ono thing inthis matter , and that waa , they woro shown thnt thelife of oven the poorest child waa a subject of concernto iho Local Ciovernment Board (bear , hear) .

Mr. K KWEI .L—1 thiuk , aa wo are Bcathluss in theenso, wo .should court tho fulles t inquiry .

Mr. FOKTKSCVE —Why does not a guardian opposingthis inquiry movo that it shall not be held ?

Mr . CONN — Then 1 will move that, BB tho board hadfull y inqnired into tho matter, nnt' found that theirofficers hnri dono their duty , they do not think aucban inquiry was uecoBnary. Mr. Clampett seconded thomotion .

Mr. BUENA .N—And aro wo to quarrol with thoverdict of twolvo men on thoir oaths, and they saythere was neglect in tho admission of tho otyld intotho nouso (hear, hear) ?

The verdict to this effect was road by tho lion. Mr.Fortescuo, and Mr. Conu BO id it was cloar that thoneglect was tho act of tho father.

Dr. SCOTT—If you pass this motion, yon will raisethe impression thero is something iu it whio h youdesiro to conceal.

Tho motion woa allowed to drop.VISITI.VO O U l X D l i X S .

The following wero appointed visiting guardians forourront month , doing duty in the order named—Mr.P. Barron Newell , J.P., Hon. Mr. ForteBOue, D.L., Mr.Cann, and Mr. Unlly.

KILMAKEVO QUE DISfENSABT.The Committee of this Dispensary (Mr. P. Sheehy

in tbe ohair) , reported that, from Dr. Cane's con-tinued absencu from duty, owing too illness, they hadappointed Dr. J. Kedmond, M.O., Ullid, to do dntyfor him at £3, for ono week.

Mr. CONN—Has Dr. C&ne jet roBumed duty tMr. CAKROLL, E.O.—Not until noxt Saturday. Mr.

Conn : Thau ho will havo beon a fortnight absent ?Mr. Carroll : Yes, sir. Capt. Powor: Ho has a goodman (Dr. Kodmond) iu his place.—Approvod.

THE SCHOOL ACCOMMODATION COMMITTEE.On Aid. Kodmond onioriugtho room he was told by

Mr. Conu that, tho meeting hud beeu discussing tbomeans of reducing tho number of boys iu tho school ,ono course being Aldormau Uedmoud'u motion to sondohildron out 10 uurae. Ho ,.(Mr. C.) would nskAlJermau Itodmond if ho iutouded to bring forwardthai proposition.

Aid . H EDMOND saifl he would do no as noon as theseason waB a liltlo more advanced to suit tho sendingout of tlioso childron. Ho found that iu othor nnionsit proved a great saving to tho rates, nnd a blossingto the little , oniii.

Ou the motion of tho Hon. Mr. FORTEKCUE , Aid.Redmond was placed on tho committee, which wasfixed to moot ou Monday next, nt tivo o'clock.

CONriiACTS,The following tonders wero accepted—White bread ,

at l!d. per J lbs., Mr. J. Jaequon, Lady Lanu, andbrown nt 4Jd. , Mr. Hotherington , Mayor's Walk,Tho other bread tenders wero , wliito at 6}d. and Gj d ,and brown at 5J d. and 5J per 1 lb ; boef at 53 perIb., and oxheads at is. oach , Mr. Michafd Flynn j porkstcuks at 7i., and scraps nt 5Jd per lb., Mr. N. Power ,A tender for eggs nt Is. per dozon was rolused , theMabtcr stating that the prico thid timo twolvomontliHwas lid per doz. Blankets—Thoro wero tbo followingtenders for 50 pair of blankots— 'Ja. lOd. ; lls. -Id.lls. 10a. and 10s. 3d. por pair. Tho tondor of Mr.Dr. Holdcu , iirood-Mtreot , nt 9a. lOd. per pair, wasaccepted. The tender of Messrs. Coouan Brothers,Littlo Georgo's-street, at 9s. lOd. uud 103. 9d., ac-cording to size, for ohildran 's cot*.

I .0S1MTAL VAN.It wiw decided to advertise for flu hospital van ao-

curding to roport brou g ht up from tho ttpecial com-mitten by tho lion. Mr, ForlcBCue , tho othor memberswho mot him wero Dr. Dcott , and Mr. ii. MorriBBoy.

Til l IKllSE SKUVANTB—NO LEAVE POR MEAT.Mr . CLAMi ' KT r, pursrnt to notice , moved that nouo

in th'j house, but those authorisod under tbo poor lawact , receive extra food, in othor words , that tho pau-per fervnnts of the institution shall not , iu future ,recoivo the Bmall duily allowancn of meat allowed (orthe past thirteen years. Mr. Clampetl , who oxcoptedthe patients under thoenro of the doctors, condemnedthe practico as ono leading to idlunos.t on tbo part ofthoso femilo.s, stating it to bo ridiculous to givo meatto strapping voting women for making up an officer'sbed, or doing »omo such li ght work. Quoting thocompendium in support of this contention Mr. Clam-pett concluded by proposing his motion, whioh wasBoconded by

Capt. POWER in nearly similar torma, he charac-terising tho aystom as unjust towards tho ratepayers.Mr. CONN followed on tbo same sido, whilst

Mr. LIAMY advised tho board to allow matters togo on as they had gono on for so many year;, aBy Btsen which would nevor havo been established ifthero woa not good reason for so doing.

Mr. CLAJIMTT obinrvod that the system wan os-tablishod by the late Mr. Hassard for those attendingon tho sick , bat ainoa thon tho oircumstances hadmanh ohangod.

Mr. LKAKT —Tho system was sanotionod by theLocal Government Board. In answer to tho board,tbe CLERK laid be found tbo rnlo exraiting when hoentered office, and the auditor had nevor said any-thing about it.

Mr. W. KILLI strong ly opposed tho motion, obsorv-ing tho that thoy could never bops to rednco thorates by suoh a paltry saving, ilo would wish toknow how much moat was allowed to thoBO aorvantsindividuall y ?

-Mr. CV.A jrrrrr was understood to answer that thoHllonanco was three ounces nnd a half daily.

Mr. K KLI .Y—And you propose to tako that Bmnllallownnco from pcoplo doing extremely bard work iithu hniiso. 1 caunot see any reaBon for Bucb a course,and neither can I «eo what earing you will ell'uct byt (hear. h«#r).

how far, elfeoulic disci pline of tho house.Mr. CDAMPETT, C.ip\ POWER and others, strongly

opposed any appeal boin^ made to tho Master, whilstMr. LEAMY forcibly advocated such a course. Theproposition was beaten on a division. Then came themain question, to do away with tho oxtras, and thofollowing division was bad on tbo motion:—

For—Messrs Clampott, Vcalo, Power, V.C, Dovorenx ,Conn, Bronnan, Slanoy, Fitzgorald, Barry, Newoll ,und Bloomfiold-H.

Against—Messrs Loamy, Scott and Kolly—3.The motion was declared carriod.Mr. Rogers &ni Aid. Redmond had loft tho room

previous tu this diBcnsgion.Tho M ASTER said that tbo resolution would provent

him carrying on the work of tho houso.Mr. CLAMPETT—You have only to carry out tho law.At a subsequent stago tho M ASTER asked for n com-

mittco to assist him iu carry ing out tho now rule.Tho CH A I R M A N asked the clork il Jthoy would be in

ordor in uppointing a committee ?Tho CLERK replied that tho Master was bound to

seo, under tho directions of tho board of guardians,that iho inmates did tbo work of tho house. He(olork) would uot. liko to any moro.

Tho CHAIRMAN then said ho would not liko to putsuoh a motion after what was stated by tho clerk.At tho eamo time ho was bound to say he folt greatdoubt as to tho working of tho resolution.

CLOStNC S COLLECTION*.Messrs. Fitzgerald , Burrou , and Powor , collectors ,

brought up their nrroar sheets on closo of collection.Mr. Fitzgerald's arrear shoot showed £15G 15s.

3d., whioh snm included £65 lGs. struck on Market.Houso, declared irrecoverable on caso statod tosuperior courts, through onr Chairman o( QuarterScuaionB on appeal, tbo wholo amount to bo struck offboing £147 -Is. lOd. Tho total of Mr. Filzgorald'i)warrant, issued on Uth of last Soptomber, was £t,67114s. Od.

Mr. SI. Barren's arrear shoets showed £3 19s. lid.outstanding, of whioh sum £1 lls. 4d. was to becarried forward . Mr. Barren's warrant, issued on thesame date, was £3009 10s. lid.

Mr. Power's arrear sheet showed £12 6s. outstand-ing, all of which amount was declared irrccovorable.Mr. Power's watrantwa s for £1,876 lOd. id.

Cheques for poundage, were passed to those col-lectors, with tho usual warm eulogium ou the ex-cellent manner in whioh they had discharged thoirduties, and so ended tho collection of the rate. Theboard Ibon ro.10.

THE CITY IKLIEVINO OH'ICER.!Tho efficient oity relieving officer, Mr. O'Shea,

rosumed duty boforo tho board to-day aftor his rooentsovoro illnosa.

STATE OK THE HODBE— In houBO Jan. 13, 1029 ; ad-mitted, 76 ; born, 2 ; discharged, 55 ; died. 3 ; in houfiOJanuary 20, 1049 ; over thiH day twelvemonths, 30; ablomales.lO; fomalcs,18|; infirmary, tlG; fever hospital ,29;provisions received, X15C 12s. 3d. ; consumed, -£1M 3s.lOd. s avorugo cost, 3n, Id. ; in6rm, 3s. kl. ; fovcr hospi-tal . OH. ; dining hall , 2R. ; No. on out relief; 1,142 ; coat ,£tt 10s. ; last year, 1, 1)2 j cost, .£47 15H 2<1.

COl.t.lXTF.D. UNXOLLECTEn .FitlKCrnl.1, JLIil I 8 il.Vi IS 2i'owcr, IIS 11 1 12 IS IHurrcm. 77 2 '' '1 VJ 11

Mil. BAUHY SULLIVAN.This world famed tragedian , who is just now mak-

ing a short tour iu Irelsid , will pay his first visit toWatorfnrd on Monday wcok next , sind preseut fuiii ofhis great impersonations in tho Now Theatre, wherebe will be sustained by tin admirablo company, andwill , wo nro mire, receive from tho U'atcrford publicdun npprecotion of his unsurpassed capabilities as afaithful delineator of tho immortal plays of the grail.Shakespeare. Mr. .Sullivan is now appearing in hisnativo city of Coik , to crowded and enthusiasticaudiences, which nightl y receive him with an ovation.His arrival in that city was tho occasion of a greatpopular demonstration , of which the examiner givestho following account :—

Monday ovoninff, pnrstmnt io amionnccmcnt , Mr.Sullivan arrived in tho city nt 8.15 p.m. from Dublin.Ho WIIR made the recipient of *iioh ti demonstration sishas never before been accorded to any actor by theCork public- Hitherto people have been content to jjreethim with full houses upon each occasion of his uppjar-anee, but his advent last ni ^ht was availed of to ivehim a great popular ovation. J-V.r at least au liour l.c-fovo the train arrived the gatliering of the multitudescommenced in the vicinity of the railway terminus , andfor some minutes before eight o'clock tho crush 011 theplatform became so jjreat that it was found necessaryto close tho doors. The people continued to crongrcjjaUioutside and the numbers Hivelled to several thousands alittle after eight o'clock when the liarrack-»trvet andBlackpool bands arrived , interspersed :-i tho crowdbeing half a dozen flaming tar barrells and considerablenumber of torches. The train arrived punctually totimo, and thu moment that .Mr. Sullivan mudo his ap-pcaraneo ho WOK cheered loudly. EnthuHiastic admirerscrowded round him, whook his hands , putted him on thebuck , and a disposition was even evinced to "chair"him ont of tbo terminns, hut tho gTeat tragedian pre-ferred to walk. Uu all lnndn he received the mostcordial congratulation*, which he endeavoured to aek-nuwludjfo as fur u» hu could. Having reached the- ont-sido of tho tcrmiuuN he took his place in the ImperialHotel omnibus, which the crowd permitted to puss ouafter they had a good f»';tnpHO of tho " >opu!ar actor.The tar-barrolB, tho torch-bearers , and bandH wereformed in procession boforo and about tho omnibus, andMr. Sullivan was driven at a very Blow rate to the Im-porial, the crowds of people following, and ou tho routecheoring most enthusiastically for him. He arrived attho hotel in due course, and on tho steps tho multitudoagain shook him by tho hands. A domand was madothat ho should say somothing, and Mr Sullivan havingmorally torn himsolf away from hiR admirers, got intoa room on tho Becond storey , from ono of tho v, indowsof which he in very frracoful language acknowledged thoflattering reception he had rooeived.

THE NATIONAL BANK.Tho propriutory of this bank hold their forty-se-

cond annual general meeting yostorday, at tho headoffice , old Hroad-Btreet , London, The Right Hon.TV. N. Masnoy, M.P., chairman of tho board, in tbochtir. In tho courao of his spoech Mr. Masscy spokeohoering intelli gence in the following words. " Ithink it is impossible to advert to any circumstancebetter calculated to impress people with confidunce intho mode in whioh tbo business of the bank is conductedihan that in all tbo adverse circumstances which aur-rounds us wo havo been enabled to carry on our busi-ness in Bnch a way as to show no dimiuution of ourresources or receipts (hoar , hoar). A series ofquestions by Mr. L'sborno originatod a livel y nnd , attimes, warm discussion , but nil onded iu the passingof tbo report , and tho customary voles of thanks.

A DISAPPOINTM ENT .—For somo lime previousl y, agrand Italian concert had beeu announced in thecity for Wednesday ni ght last , and yreat expectationhad been aroused of a rich and novel mnsiesil treat,but on Tuesday a telegrap h messago was receivedbore from Cork , from the manager, stating thai ihucompany bad broken up and roturncd to London, sothat Limo'iok and Waturford—the two last cities ontho Irish tour—wuro doomed to disappoiutmeut.Immediate stops woro takon by tho secretary to lottho puoplo know that thero would bo no porformanco,but Htill a largo number proceeded to tho Hall , audthero found a bla'uk . It is much to bo regrotted thattho company did not fulfill thoir engagomnnt, an thoWatcrford public lost iho opnortuuity of hearing avory high class musical outortainment. Of thoir ap-pearance in Cork , a local paper writes :—" It is uoleasy to writ.o in what may scorn unewgoralcl termsof tho concert givon last, evoning in thn Opera House.The concert party consisted of a quintette of voices,two at least of which nro in tho very first rank ofEuropean vocalists, and two of the other threo are farabove the average of leading singers, also a harpistof extremo «bility, n juvenile pianist of great promiso,and, last not least, a conductor amongst tho clevorostand most judicious wo havo seen perform . Un-doubtedl y, tho chief attraction of tbo atoning wasMdle. do Muosen'B siug ing. It was wondrouslybeautiful. A voico unitiug ihe flexibility and brilliancyoftono of Bettini with much of lliu capacity of TitiuiiH ,enabled hor to delivur various difficult pioceu with uBweeiueas and splendour of execution very rarolysurpassed. Worthy to bo heard iu concert with DoMaoBon'a exquisite soprano, waa thu splendid mezzosoprano of Mdle. Fornando/. Bentami. Ilish , powerful ,anil capablo of brilliant execution , it flooded thu housewith melody. Wo had almost been so uugnllnni- ns togive precedence to tho name of Signor Urio, ii-hososiugnlarl y beautiful tenor charraod tho audionce as aCork audience haB seldom beou churmed. Of extra-ordinary compass, his voieo is singularly equable intono, and cnpable of tbo Gnest shades of expression.Tho conoer.t left tho most delightful iinprossiou uponall who wore prosent."

A CORKECTIO N.— In our roport of tho meeting heldat Tramoro !aBt week to suBtain Mr. Delahuuty'acandidature for the county , it was accidentally omittedto state that Major 0'Gorman, M.P., waa proseut,and took tlio most earnest interest in the proceedings,which wero so villainousl y misrepresented. ThoMajor was a worm and enthnsiaatio supporter of thecauso which ended in Bucb a glorious and unmistak-able triumph.

SOLICITOU 'S A KPRENTICP.S—At the rooont Preli-tninary Examioationa for Solicitors in Dublin , amongsttho 29 aucoonaful candidates, Mr. Edward M. "Foely,son of Mr. James Feoly, manager, National Bank,Waterford, roooivod second place. Mr. E. if. Foolyadds one moro to the yearly increasing number ol thoaucooBsful and distinguished pupils of tho Col logoSohool, Stephen st.

AN ArrniNTMKNT. —Wo understand that Mr. P. W.Clanoy, joweller , Quay, has boon appointod by theBoard of Works to tako chargo of tho clocks in thenow government buildings , ouatom housoB , post oflieo ,and telegraph otHcea, custom house, Quay , in thisCity.

OUR BACON Cum N.I KSTAIII .IKAMENTS .—We note anexceedingly interesting account in the Freeman ol AI OJJ -duy, by 0110 of tho representatives of that journal of aninspection ho made on Saturday of our great baconcuring establishments. The great features of thoseconceriiH lire OcLiiled with a htriet aecnraey, and everytribute is puid to Ihe uiifixilintf enterprise of our buconmorohaate.

I.I U X U A l l I' .-l .V 1 ' U l i l i K S l ' U S l i H S C r


DECAPITATION OF THE KOROUOH MEMUEK—FESTIVITI ESAT C A R U I G L K A ,Friday, 19th iust., being tho day of polling for tho

couuty election. A large number assembled for thopurpose of exhibiting " Master Lehmann," tho fanciedgrnyhouad of a neighbouring gentleman. Tbo animalwas placed in a box representing a coffin : it had ona sou'-weBtor old hat and a papor frill handsomelyplacod under his juivs, whiskers, neatl y shaped-coat ,with trowsor?, protty loosely fitted , and out of hismouth one of " Lehman's placards " vote for mo, thoGerman Jew and up with Bismarck ; I won't disturbyour priests or hunt your nuns ! !'1 As soon as theimmense, crowd mado its appoarancn in tho Mainstreet, tho placo becomo almost impassible—theroaring, shouting, and cheering being tremendous.In tho rero was placed a firm-class Cor opeunplayer who gavo tho " Doad Mnrch in S:.ul."As tho procession moved along through tli o severalstreots tho numbers increased rapidly, and at th>: timethey arrived in tho Squaro thero woro about twothousand persons present. A man with n stontorianvoico asked what thoy intended to do with Lohmanntho alien grey hound ? Tho crowd cried out, " cou-sign him to a watery grave." Tha Judge then asked—" What has he done that deserves such cruel punish-ment at this inclement season of the year ? Rcsponso :He is opposed to us inasmuch as he does uot go forHomo Kule, Fixity of Tenure, or release of the Politi-cal Priaonors. Is ho not a successfu l dog in winninga prize ? Crowd : No, ho lost his gamo twico iuEngland, and will lose horo now. Let tho carpetbagger go homo to London and toll hia friends hecould not pervert tho Irish." Jndgo : I am in yourhauds, and only war.t to clearl y understand your un-animous opinion, what is bust to bo dona with thismillioaaro Jew, the follower of perfidious Bismark ?Crowd : Givo Iscariot what ho deserves , a cold bathin tho Colligan (roars of laughter) . Judge : Do you.think he will be a successful dog at tho Waterfordracos ? Crowd : Certainly not, vynero is tho spirit of'2G gone to (choors) ? Kemembor that tho samospirit still burns as brightly . iu irallant Waterford nsat that period, to crush for over the proud, and domi-nant spirit of aristocratic- influenco in tho greatcounty of Waterford. All my logic and all my roa-soning powors fall at your feet in attempting to dis-suade you from ;he courso yoabavo in view to adopt.Crowd ; Away with him, away with him, to his doom,a watery grave, away with tho carpet baggar (re-newed oheering and langhter). Horo moved on, theband continuing the Dead Maroh in Saul. Whon thoword waB givon, " hearo on," Master Lehmanu wasconsigned to n. watery gravo amidst tho cheers ofhundreds on both sidos of t"ho quay. Tho cornopianplayer rattled up in gallant atyle " Paddy's Land," intho midst of shooting and cheering through the streetof a deafening character.

Same ovoning a figuro-hoad was detached from onoof the vossola in port, and mado up in 11 rcprcprcson-tation of tho borough momber, *vas decorated nsfollows :—Ari old straw hat surmounted iho cranium ;block horso moustachins and beard adorned tho face ,underneath being a paper collar , with frills of samematerial , and on the breast an auction bill , ".vitli astatement not unknown to thn public. The figurewaH placed in a recumbent position in a box, mado Inlook as if asleep, with n brittle of brandy fixed b.'-livcen the- legs and a drii iki i i > » glass at, lrunl , w l.icliwas filled at intervals by an attendant (.lauymed. ',and tho contents administered to the patient to rousehim from his slumbers in an alien I'.irliaiu . nl. Atthe head of tho procession marched a hui^ lar, p!ay in^'tho (1 Rogue 's Marc h," and itnmeus': was the lu'i^htcr ,foliovvod by cheering, when the Il ium's attendantcalled out , " Stop, stop, unti l 1 give si rosiner to t in-sleepy member, Iho nominal Home Ruler ," inereasim:the hilarity as he suited the action to thn wonlmuch heightened by another shouting 'Hit , " II "'.-110', a supporter of Master McOrnth , ill ": winnin gdog ; lid backs Lehmaun ; down wi ih h im; " tieclimax b.'ing n'.uih.'d by a sioa 1. f.-rn:il " ylliui; out" the minor si-ems drowsy, }rive him a dri l l ." IS >the times the procession reacl.e.1 the Squad 1 i: c. i:il 'lnot havo nuuio - 'iod le-s than two I h 't u - .iii ' !, im-n.women , atsd cii i ldren. Aft '-r a .-le .r i .-:;e,- w..r I .-. .-given "move ou to the cl:i-sic pump .vhere m:nijdashing speech 1:* wen: made fur 1-j ve '..f nui i .T n i i d."Here a t hun . l . - t i n ^ vu:»:e p, .re l .ell wl.a' ,- li :i!l Ii-:dime with Of : fi r f i iru uf tin: dumb /-.•[«.- . -< -/i t . < I i v< j ?Another Voice : Decap i'at 1' it (^reat laug hter) , l ieis not lit to represent Uii in the London I'ar l i . m.Mi t(¦¦rout laughter). Another Void; : What about thereclamation of the western bog ID make si kitchengarden for the inhabitants thsit tho dumb represen-tative promised. Mr. fcixecullouer : Those primusc*were mado , like custard piee, to he broken. A-iotheiVoico : Give him n glass of binudy beli're he depart*this lifo (roars of laughter). A ("me .stalwart lelhnvhero steps up und hauds iho pntieut a i$lus» , ti ppinghia chiu, palling his inoustuchio.-l, and exclaiming:with thuuduritiK voico, " Be.Jd d, but the be^iihas no lifo in him" (renewed luag htur) . Mr. Kxicu-tioucr : What am I to do ? la tho law to be carriedinto effect? A Voico : Xot for a few seconds. Thoman ia aftor coming from Franco, where he had aniu:orview with the friend* ot -Master Lehmann(laughter). Executioner: What am I to understandfrom your sileDco ? A Voico: Carry into effect thesuutenco of decapitation ," and iu the twinkle of aueyo tho hcud of tho figuro wus separated from ihubody, tho musician pity ing tho " Dead March ,"and away moves tho crowd, with'three hearty cheersfor Mr. Dolahunty, tho popular candidate , and threegroans for Master LebnisDn , tbe carpet-bagger. Intbo evening tar barrols wore lil through town , thepeoplo cheering lnstily for tbe popular candidate ,Home Rule, and thus ended tho proceedings of theday.

THE RESULT 01 THE CONTEST.Tho rosult of tho polling, placing Mr. Dolanuhty

so triumphantl y at the head, as tho popular repre-sentative of this great country, caaBOd unbouudeddelight hero whon made known by telegraph onMonday night, at six o'clock that ovoniog tar barrollswere aet ablazing, and tho town band turned out ,playing national airs amid tho cnthuaiastia chcoringof hundrods for " Doluhuoty, our membor, and thegallant roon of Watcrford ; with IUBHOS aud groaus for" Waster Lohmann." Tbo vessels in harbour hadtheir topmasts decorated with crimson , blue andgold.colorod lights, and ovon Abboyuido was uot be-hind taking part, in tho genera! rejoicing. Not, asingle ovent occurred calling for tho intcrfereuco oftho police.

FKSrmTIK S AT CA11R1CKLKA.On Friday evening a most hospitable reception

awaited tho tenantry of Edward O'Dell , Ksq, J.I' .,and il is quite unnecessary for m. 'to say thut il wasavailed of largely, as sit esich of the many entertain-ments given by that gentleman t« his tenantry, everything was studiously sirran^ed to amuse , und makemerry, ami all passed oil* in the. happ iest manner.Such an event iu Cnrricklea is not. a mutter of sur-prise as generosity, affability aud good wishes towardsthoir tenantry have always been Iho leading chi.rac-torinticB of Mr. O'Doll' s predecessors , qualities whichthu present popular proprietor has not only inheritedbut, if possible, enlarged. Hia kindness shows bylooking with delight and admiratiou nl tho respecta-ble appeacanco ol his tenantry, and their enjoymentof tho good things set before them , wan onl y equalledby his lady 's urbanity, who took a livel y iutercst andequal pleasing in the proceedings.

ACL'M IE N TAL D EATH .—On Wednesday night last asMr. William Kyun , farmer , Scrahan , was going homefrom Duugarvan , tho night boin^ pitch y dark, thowheel of iho cart , ou which Lu sat , came in contactwith a heap of Blones, aud was upset , throwing himunderneath. Ho was nol found uilil next morning,and was thon u corpso. Mr. Kyan was a most excell-ent man in oveiy relation of life, aud his untimelydeuth ia much deplored.

BOAUD OF GUARH IANS.Mr. M. Haokott iu tho chair ; also prssont Messrs.

James M'Torry, and Thomas Power.N'KW M ILK .—Mr. Terry aaid ho saw by tho nows-

papers that tho cample of milk ordered by the boardto bo forwarded to Dublin , for analysing purposes, wasgood. The Master : It wa spnrenew milk. Mr. Terry :How is tho quality supplied this day ? The Mastersaid it was good. Mr. Terry : That is very satis-factory, indeed.

EXTENSION OP COUNTV COOTS' JI R I S U I C T I O.V.—LordEmly's resolution to OBk govornmont to expend thojurisdiction of our Conuty Courts, boforo thu boardlast day, and theu postpouod owing to tbo smallattondanco of guardians, waa now brought, and readby tbo clork fortthat.raoetiug. Chairman : I approvoof ovory word iu that resolution , if carried into laiv, itwill bo iho means of saving poor liti gants a groat dealof raonoy, Mr. Terry : I coincido in your view of theresolution . Mr. Chairman : Tho rosolatiou was unani-mously adopted.

Su.voAr CLOSING.—Tho following was rood from tho" Irish Association for closing publio houBOS on Sun-days , 35 Capol-street , Dublin."

" DEAR SIB—WO, the Exocntivo Committeo aredirected to forward horowith A form of petition to Par-liament in favour of tho Bill for dosing publio houBcson Sundays, and to request that you will havo tho good-ness to bring it beforo your board, at your carliost pos-niblo convenience. In tlio ovent of it being adopted,wo bog to BuggOHt that it should bp.nijjnpd officially bytho Chairman and clerk, and forwarded direct to a mem-ber ot Parliament for prosontation.—Yours faithfully,

"HENnr WlOHAM , ) ffftn o ,a" ABCHIBALD J. N-CUOLW i

Hon* Socs*

'' J. P. Boylo, Ksq., Town Clerk, Dungarvan.Chairman—It would be a great blessing if all pub-

Ho houses, both in town and rural distriotB, wereclosed on the Sabbath day. It is in such houses tbatbadly disposed persons meet with the view of concoct-ing ovory sort of misohief whilo nndor tbo influenceof daink , nnd exocuting thoir wicked aud mischievousintentions.

Mr. Terry—I concur iu your remarks, Mr. Chair-mnn. It would bo a blessing conferred on mechanicsand Agricultural labourers, and other classes 08 .veil,if such homos wuro closed on Sundays , for ono-hulfof tho mischief dono would noror be thought of, weroit nol for thoso public traps. AH an individual tnom-bor of tho board , I urn foe adopting the petitiou. Car-ried unanimously.

V A CCIN A I I O .W — U, . U e n . r . l t i l . . *- - , i;I).S|i(-tisary, uucce.i.- i fu l i v vaeei" .ai""l 7'! |i". o• :- >'•I ho above district rmn th- lsr . J mu-in , 1 *•/•) , '" ''""l i lat . December, 1676. -The board then rose.


Also present.—Messrs. M. A. Anthony, ThomasWilliams, Thomas Armstrong, James J. Ifannign.",Thomas O'Connor, Capt. K. Fitjf.'ernld, and CharlesMcCarthy. Mr. M. lioiry. n.S., in a1-end ." • •• .

liiiR .irisii S.'kvKvoi: 's IJ - .i i — \|. . Ii . ,rv , r¦•-port. M I tha t his n tt . ' l l ' iou w s i- . i ' - d i . i n >" ()recently opored i I,J- ..II _'I I M I -- C . i n . i"S ¦ u... t i Main-street. The m ii'i s. uvr is I'u - . u " dupossi , andwould ref( ;iiro to be> l out , m (.."l .-r f , av., .1water rc ll i twinir into Miss Curran's pr.%i > . i- < " < :i"d il"'DI her yards, as the main one HM - ?-., ei- .r nue -d ih- i .the flow from thu house was p - . ' i .Mi. . -d . U ¦ foundthe sewer ia fpiesri.,11 j t , a v. i v l i t I •> ' . . - • . ^j . ' i alargo (piant i ty of p u t r i d oru' .i i" ' n. ¦' ¦ i ot :ivery impuns n a t u r e , wh .ch . 'l r i| m- ¦ r .-ii ¦• .;as soon as pi iJ sible. l ie als . re|i.n-' .-.| i. . - . ' M . . .1 .in.--.Koloy, Kair-lan- , dfsl. .y .->l llio w.irk us .,p- :iii.i{ :l. "'sewer, w h i u h iuund at t .'d tl. .: ii.,u^"s u( n i - t . -u a i r saomo timo ago, and w l i irn In: wsis IM I I I K I U open '"«ivo free scope to ihe llow >f isr lino-.i .'.h. Ilnha3 caused groat locoi .vuuiu'.ico bolli l... his tenantsaud tho publio , by m>t couip iutiug ibu work within.he specified time. And Im further reported th it tin:breaches of Duckspool , occasioned by the action uf thotido iu that locality, nro in progress of repair-

Mr. Anthony asked how was the work in pro^resn ,was it by contract or by the day's work Mr. liearysaid by the day's work. Mr. Anthony uoked bywhom it was executed.

Mr. Uoary—By Foley, in whom I eonlide t'iexecute tho work substantially. Mr. O'Connor—Could you not yet tlio work done by cmira.'t , t ie-days nro now short and tins wanes larije., 1 duu 'o S- CJnny economy in t'lo course y,,u have a.h,pt.:il. .Mr.lieary—I could not, get the work done by '.-outranbecauso I could not depend on the pars its, Theymay got drnnk and leave the work which would buinjurious, as tho breaches should Im buiii. up as s-.i >aas possible. Thoy will bo about 128s' or 30s.

Chairman—Has Mies Curran conetucted the newerthrough her own house at her own expense ? Mr.IiearyYes. It wsis merely tho opening of tho ono throug hher houso and the flow of water from thu rere throughtho sowor will bo retarded by tho liquid maiiuro inthe main ono. tho opening of the main sewer ivnapostponed until the weather cleared up, s--o ">to have it properly done.

Mr. O'Connor— Did you ever, Mr. Deary serveFoloy with a uoticu to havo tho sower opened ? Mr.Beary—Vcs , I gave him a verbal notice. .Mr.Anthony it should bo a wrir.ton one to lmvo tho H'wrcompleted within a, certain time. To serve him withduo writton notieo that if tho work was not com-pleted by Wednesday week it. should he. dono by tlioCommissioners and th* ennt charged to l'oluy, wouldbo the proper course. Agreed to.

St 'N DAV Cl.osiN.i or Prm.i.: l!,,i;sY.s.—A peliiiuii wasread from UKI Irish Association for closing pub'ic-lioqses on Sundays ivhiuli was unanimously adoptedb_v . the b' .-ir.l.

. S c i- I K I .V.s A U u 'K I' oli l i m n [' . u s - . ,<i : i . —Tie- ( .'lei- : :brough t u n d e r noi ic i : of i ho hoard t i n - . ; - - i r :.I K. :;y ..Ist r i k i ng a rate of a sl i i l l i n t: i:- t h " t Iur f .-e l p ^ . r-piis"s for i h r y t a r 1S77. A!t.-r S - > I I M - ¦ 11~<: 11-.-: ¦>i: ,

Mr. O'Connor p-up - .v .1 (~e.:.,u.|. -.| by M i I I .¦ . _• u ;t h a t I - , in t i n - L' b- > : r u e k |.,r ma.I pi , :p .— , ;-. :¦ • " .¦

-nsu it i . ; year. — l' :i-s.-.l u i i a n im .u-ly. Ti. ¦ Ij .-. • ¦I ' :¦ -:iro-.'

\ l i i : if ' i i .< )S . s '-:i!: ¦ • ' i i i i : i ; .<r > \ / I AVV . •;

i:i i A i : i) OF i ; r . \ i : i )i . \ x s.— ~ .i i i I : : . ! -,- .Mr W. l ! ii iv , - .. i : , .1 p . ;„ , i ,.. ..:..,, , ..

A N o ptesem : — M . . i | ! j i s ni W'a:." |..M I . K . ' ! - .

H'-sHlion.n^'h, Ci n i r . i i l l. i., |'i,.. |., l ) . l.. . , | . . i in l ; i . i . - k - •

I . I '., Tl iun i a s W i ls ,n , .1 . 1 * , W. l l . - i l . - r- , .1.1'.. I .'. >. - i .

I .I 1., C'l -m.-ri ' S a dl . -i r , .1.1' .. i !.-• :. ..-. . ,- , '. !, ., ¦; :,1 , J |'

luh ij K : .-wan , l '..t T -i . :!; I I , - .. ..- -. , I1 , : ¦ ; . -;. {•¦.. .,

Ia i n - -- l l : .-k ;. . -I u n — IV ,I .,.-- , .! , . - . r .¦ .. !' , - . . ,

D.. i n i .' l l , -I ' ' - . 11 . I' - . w .-r . Il i . -'l, , . . 1 .: . : ,¦ - . , l-'r , , . - .

l l . i .:an , 'I'.'i - i ' .. i n . . : ; •.- . ( ; -.¦ \ ; . . .. p . - •„ •

W . il -h , I! "h I ' d C i - e v , i l . .u i i s H i * . - .1 : - i • - . • : ,I.¦ I l l , l'. a : i i . I ! ' : - . . I i. S f' - .n . M \ V . - - i M i ;, - W .i . .

I'. Hn.pi.y, T-e .Mi i- I! .-- > . ¦ .. .,.; . ^ i .*.,.. . . .C l I N T K I I -.l 'l 111 ie: \ -.,r . - l i t- M. V.' , .. . ;,..r.:| i - . ' i . .

.l- .' ic" 1, I I I ' . ve i l :!.al l li- I .' : !¦'- . - . :i - - - . , . . - . .j r . : : . i ;' o rvw i t ! . i n f l u 1 ni' -n ;:.:; i.:" r ., - \'.-i ; ; H , , '1. —: ..- r- ' A . - ' .at:.| in t i n - e. . i ;r— .,: j. : . ¦• ..,.,- k- :—!- • ; . •• J ... t - . .:.- .- .«en i i h't i e i i -u l h a r v .' .- *. , i ,.l p . ,i u: ...i ;:: - .!- r i . -i . -m vof farmers' prodt i i— , ;",.! -

¦ ,i . . | i l i - i ; :!i- > , '.... i v . i --enerally lu i ind i t i|:i!i -u! 1. :¦, m ik- i.-i - l-f in i-e i .

'ai . I

chat they went '• ( ¦ t i l .1. . I :u V I M i- i-ca- . . i ia! , i>j "!..-(]ti..- .tiou of t axa t ioi: un i r t l . .j e s s e i i a i M M n e -s.

Mr. Ho im , U. V .C., seco:.d-d the niutior. , an -lcharacterised lliis cn-.i:r:buioi v expen'li;un? from t i i> )rates aa quite unpopular. He ihou^'!u :h.: !encl:"iHshould bo dul y provided for out of th- L'.,n-d:dai"dF-jnd.

Mr . Sadicir , V.C , expressed his deep ivi'ri:*. ti.a: .imperative dut y in tin; intei - ..'.?: of the ri- -;) iy.;: -s oft.bu Union Hfcssit.-itoi ] him to sta!'.- b.- u i lh - - i n )publicl y tlio grounds ivliicii -.vuiild inrtui - i.c.- him insu;) i.- ; Mr . Waleli '.-i motion , ami in i|.,:n; .-». iuwas very sorry to be obli ged io r. fer to top ics which ,upou ordinary o.-casiom, he would r.uiier avoid , thuproceedings of the board having b.-en invariabl ycharacterised by remarkable unanimity, except up mthe few occasions thnl ihu provisions of tins ridiculousand ill-advised measure have been under <liscusM°uu ,and necessaril y tended to tho introduction of tin? gious element. Ho ondorsed to tbo letter all Mr .Walshlii well-timed and sensible romarks. Tho Aethad now beon on its trial for a period of nearly threuyears, nnd ho confinenlly appealed to public opiuionto pronouueo upon its aucocss or othtrwiso. Ho b>;-lievod he waa perfoctl y justified in denouncing it. asan nnmistukoablo failuro in the fnllest aenao of theword. Ho referred to their chairman , who had solong and so worthil y presided at their mooting.; :usay whothor or not thoy sphere of their operationsunder their poor law just ;lied them in placinc uponout-door relief the teachers of the uniou. If .inchbo declared to bo tho simple issue to bo decided !>vtheir votes , wo should (he said) be just boforo we a:.:(•onerous, and ns mon of sound senso and practicalorporienco, nro ivo {,'oiug to outrngo our reason !o«uch a degree as to lend oar-solves to the adoption ofsuch a monstrous ami untenable proposition. He sym-pathised in the grievance* of the teachers as much asmost men, bat no spirit of false pliil.iu lrophy shou '.dfiver i?o far ou twei^'h his common sense as to t e m p ',h im in j ustice to the ratepayers to i-M -r Invim:., ip ' ir ty to ri^p-iy iug the sweat of their ln- uws bv t a . v i -lion so unjust and u n w a r r a n t e d . M: -. Walsh • :; Iju s t ly remarked that, t he country is un i y ju s : ,- ; ..»f tnii ;.,'l im,' io raise itself from si. - ea: iui i . .n l - .;, ,.ters t h a t lias u n f o r t u n a t e l y be l a i l - i i i: l i i i i . a - : . ¦:.¦excptional v i - i i f a t i - n Lh ir f . irm -i-s :,t -r .-rv e i i - -have had In eiu-oiintrr , and are onl y j - i - ; noiv e:n - i - .ing from. Such a propnsitiu.:. under v inn lar c irou- n.stance.*, were it bruu-ht ut:d.-i- t:.e nui:. -e ..f Kn _'l i -hmon, would bu laughed sit >. .¦> scandal",us ; and , howis it , in tho uarno o.1' cofrimuu s.-nse, :l i . it H--, I .-J - .'I -men, aro expected to he fooled into the adoption ..:overy chimerical proposition that can he u t i ized un-der the exigencies of (lovcrnmeut di j ilomacy. Tie.action of the c.iunly U'.itei l'ord at the p . l i in K- I KD *::-on ye fc'i-day, lhr.iuu'h lli- -in^ C' .ali'.ion o{' t h - ,grt 'at Wi l l- a t l' l Tory in '.i- i ' - - - i n ' a: .- ¦• l l l i' y , i : i ::.-

s u s t a ii i miM i t ol M r . I..-I ; a f .h . w h. . -- • > . : ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦e . . iuui. - i , .

da l i o u was il i a , h r < : . i r- | . " l »n In I! .L' ¦••: ..!' '.h- . i y ..:11 n.'u i iu i i n a l i. 'i i t u K n iii M -i - i i i ,'' h i s i t . i u 'iir..:.-d a u -w

era in the reli-ious education movement , and In- ial l y con^ratulali 'd t .'ie h-adi - is of b.i:h j iaitie -i inbavin s' at leii ' 't l i taken a s.-p iu th" rii ibt . i .The romarka*ulo iiction of the S.MII II Dublin L'ni.^u la-t.week—a hotl y of no insi-nili i .-iu; a u t h i u itv , i-.iul whurepresent the wealth siud iuiellnj e.nee uf a consider,ablo portion of the city — iu nlisolj l-l y snoutingtlio proposition of haviui; l iw ir efc-huols pl.-iceu lUaJei 1tho Kduoiktion Btm'd , is reiutirkalj ly signitic 'iut , audwho was the leader of this movement. ? Mr. A. Hyrnowho has mado himself remarkable for his stronfr andstaunch Protestant and Couservativo princi ples. Ilodeclared for rtdiijioua education , and if thu countryia to prosper anil to free ita.'lf from the disgrace ofintemperance aud crime, all efforts at SuwU y closingaro in vain if religion is not mud.; a necessary elementin the futuro education of the youth of the country.He conclued by asking tho ._'u irdians were they goini;in tho teeth of such remarkable facts, to prop np, bytheir votes that day, this godless insti lu t iun , to the.prejudice and ii jury of ratepayers of the union , audexpressed his intention of voting with Mr. Walsh

Mr. Mansfiold also him.-elf iu favour ofthe motion, antl acknowled ged the. grit-vanui u of thoteachorp, but tho act did nol meet the diliicultie - i "Iof tho case

Lord Watorford took I'.'uvo to :- . ¦•:•, :¦ :•'; liiat hushould voto against, the m ,i , , L i ) iiu. i \ ; . .e 5''d him-self in favour "I .' ll ; .ui.iumdonol Kducntiou , " andhopod thai oro long it wonld be granted. Ho did notapprovo of tho prosout educational Bystom , butthongbt tho tosicherd ontitled to thuir just rotnuuern-tion.

The board then devided, and thero voted .-—For ihe resolution—Coaat do la I'wr J.P., and D

L. Octavian Mansfield , J.P., Clumom Sadlinr , J.I'.,V.C, James Wallace , John Connoll , John U. I'oivur,Miehl. D. Morris, Francis , D.V .C., PatrickWalsh, Thomas Bowen, John Shesi , Mathias Walsh ,Maurice Walih, and D. Coglan—17.

Ayainsi— Tbo Marquis of Wniorford , Earl of liess.borongb, John Blsckett , J.J'., Thomas IVilsou, J.f.W. Herbert , J.P., II. W. Briscoe, J.I'., John Kinvnn,Patrick Hahossy, Patrick Donnoll , Thomas Connolly,Geo. Moore, Michl. C.-isoy, Thomas Butler , J. Biohard-son, J. Pim, P. Brophy—10.

The motioo W»i carried, and the board roso.

On tho lSth instant tho friends of Mr. K. Kill , oftho Proviciul Hank , Carrick-on-Suir , entertained himat tho !5eHsborou>!h Arms Hotel , C.irriek on-~iuir , outlio occasion of his removal to the K i l r . s h br.nch ottho binfc. Tiio ha.-ika of die Kii . 'st r.t th- evenin ;was piop-i.-ifil by Mr. G. II. I ' ui i l .u , ant] aupporto lby Mr. James It. Co I'1.: C. K , a . I very feoltug ' yrcspouili/d to by Mi 1. Hid. Alr er s.,mo funh .Vspoeches tho party broke up, wishing Mr, Hill opleasant journey.

Page 4: XXIV.—NO. 17. "THK WATKRFOKD NKWS." EKTAM.IRIIT.I>—1W. (Alrlr-ruian Itowisn, Proprietor.) IIAKCKST

3/H'tj JtUill 2J 0;tV».n i .-: i > i . i ) Y K.virs U K Y I K V .

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My I id- i'. w.i * van.'I! . . ..-,-..:,.

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. • ¦ ,. :!,I -; "!:i . 'i r t U- lM.ll. W;ilir> .->U Mim.U£,:, . :; • - . ...i :i.f -i:u:u:! tb a ' .-uml iu tk air ,

. ¦ . : i:..! ..:: »:: iMMi 1 I IK* .-U:ui««:r iUiii pi-usaht.i ., ¦. . • t i i .\:. " l r- -:i:i! lhr"u: l i soiu tKuut i tu l Ouwi-rs,

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i» ,; : .-H U M .-ui-ii j > ; > in four im timi} *liil l iu^tr V1 SiH.iw tVu in iniin* tin-? ph;i11 never he iii -atl.

uii 1 » ;v,-i:i' vn-.n- urr:im*ils, yiuru<» liL'i , Aiuly« »ur monnMin^,V .. i- i iui i ¦>- ¦ ¦- , ''.a.ri- !*, itii -i vlu.ul.-i s*» >wwt ,

\ M .I : iv- in-- :i vi < u* ui v i t i i r rn>l .il-l!»»w*n t . M i n l . -i in s ,V» !••

' i>- t t t t - f l < >*»tutl »"» r !: i'"'ls in tlic inul.-nuiiu-j r beut .

\ \ i ' il • ¦ In* l i i i - r-' -i -i wln -r i in c I i iMl in iHl wr ratniilnl.U * Ki ;<- > i » , »:i:lv.i:ivul . an>l i l- .wn by <a >- i i ln .wi -r ,

\\ i- *il w.ii *, -i li i t - * Tt \.*v v :li.; i _li-*-aro |w we t ra iuplcl ,\\\ :) :¦ iL.^.-n -.i. .-: « J< I' * *'" «' i'Jc'Aol n njJ i i iiovtvT.

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: *. . V l J' - l i : iV i r.-t.'.]. W i . if l l« . . - : N . - w i , , n n H. a.| u

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Ii ( ¦ ..t 1 ; ; I J :< i u- ' - ' ^r t -a l - - - i n li .ut , t h i * only—'J ra w-

LJ .. . ;. . ..- I w:.r:' . T:.-.i i i- i : c I a V n » u r i —ih u L i t atl'or tld uu; , . . ¦ . , ¦ pi - 'j t - .r 'iM i a^ ...i . .iL ' : i i w i t t t l > ; a:.d unk'ssj ..¦ i L X l l" ii! •'» ' l L ' I l l ' liiri:, ]|t ; l \ » \ LT Ll . i l t I I I i l l^ i l l

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J . I ,, K C :* I 1 by i..:^o » . f

l.i-i: huU

:» -ui?, >t tbo north-u, -: w i i . i l . i : ai i - 1 itiul lh «- M: h i i l& sn rj) L iu the form of;i vr- rCL-m rouiit i i l i i- i .o iLb t i 'U* uf tl. i- buy, uveiytbiti ^rtu - i i i .at:uu uuui'i i iavc tiunr l.atl heuiui-j'.ic lorTra tuurc.An , ij i '» \ fvi:r , mig'ii make nj i in ymiic iK'^rci* Inr the(h i - r l ". j - a lu r- 1, :-¦• I w\i;il, in 1 uijuirui l to bu liunu i.i—lu c>:t ::'iiu * l a ^U'li ami carria^f-tli i vj CIOM * to tin*c!.r:ii ;il , ai il !» • w n i ' l t/H Lh i* IH - I th ui i i i l d by u Wallt ;;!licn-u!iv 1> ' -'1 J ; ¦*" l ; ':il uu i"r ''» '" I when taking(-x,.u- ,H! if.:_-l.t i - < > ; bf < x ; . u > ( ( ] .tu i l i - . ir chi l l ing in.Uii ' lie. A i mi . tin uf i l i e ni;v\ in ai tcatJ y nmile.

iJ u: "•') ;* i i i . '1 wini '.'1' .s c.iy, with a Imx-zi: tVom thet - l t t i : , I t 1-. l o - . i v ' i f M^ h l t

'li! lO .-ti l l l l l lT W i t h K t U V t i l * t w o

I ; .' . , - . - ... • . -A •¦•'¦ J J i » i i t : r . i l i ': W a l k ui t to Ladv'h CwVt* ,

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to ti j li i- v i -s * . '1" -'Uvii'l , I .'Mi , m l l iu buily i i l i i i i i .- , In

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» H P I I»--- I 1 "> ;'"".v tu ¦ll cL >:s Wl ilri iru , H tu du rjl iir

Lull ll." w o i k , tt iul i l i : it ma tin: un.!.| ii i i|«jr( init . Tliat

iibll" t-nt i iv, ll"' miii'l . w l i i u h IL II IUJIICS t,l,|. lunctioi i

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r i ih n.\ ri ;i ( i "ui ; i) I I A C I I .N Ti i . vu s-

Tlio fiimi! of lliu su-arv Liuirrick liii\us lms nonoLin; worlil aiouiul ; Messrs. Ltiti lmm :nul Stoki-r'rt

ri'nt concerns in Turk li;ive tlioir own wiilo circk-3 ofbeliovurs abnuil anil nt huino ; ami lliiTO is :it Irasloiiii rast curing.luniso in tin: inoii' iipuliB forininniltlistribution—M'Ve igli's, wliic li nrud fuar no com-parison with any l ival. liut in puini of prico thoWatcrfonl siilus Imvc itivarial j i y b.'i'n al)lo to licailtli o markets by 2s. par cvvr . aborc1 hi .'no^it.'k, bj 4s.tir moru orer Cork , and bv IO J . abovo nil licrniauimports , whi lut lm iivcrau-o c.\|iort prieu of Irlsb pijts,live or (lead , last, jcar WHS barel y liOs. per cwt., lessby 7s. than e i e n l l i o piosciit ilrpresaed niaiket pricoofWateifor il best. ?izt-ables, wliicli are 10a. per cwt. lessllian at, t 'jis linio twclvcnioiith. And for extent ,think of this : —Last ycur 's phi pmiMiis of live piysIrom ail tin- Irish puits togi 'thct wwo -IG3 ,lilS , valuedat, .tl , .'l!)Ci ,V i t • tt-hilo in \\'ai i>rl(ii' tl ilm dciul-mrattrade alone (exclusive ol ;i l ire stock export , lou^-hlyeritiin.iinl ;u a qiiar:.'!' of a milli on of money imnnall y)iuvolveil lliu massacre, of L'-7,ol!l , Porki.M ^, fcirUini: ,ai tln> moili.nito average of .f 1 a carcaH^, ,i ;:ll<) , l'Jl> .Ui 'incniberin<; that, ilieru ari i this year ITO .OiKJ morepi;;-, in the country , it is reckoned tlmt the kil l in gwiil naoli inU.OtKl, and that, a roiliiil rnill ioM sterlingwill bi! levied oil' Kng laiid—not , as iu tho case of thef,'uizi.M\s' .'i.uvi'st t> i b" fritturt'd in (cooniimicallytipeukin^;) bnrrcn luxutii - , or laid up in u stoukiuir ,but to (,1'iduco and Icrtil i . -u inaiiufacluri 1 . Tlio Wti-i.TlopI liacim ir.idi: is shared by live );rcat exportlioiise> , l,,ui,ded and lendi.d by .'men of the. class , allton rare in our coinmeice, wl.o wit l i their wholehearts mind tlie:r own business , anil desi.TVu success1K:1. I |'O they truinpeC it. Theso aro tliu names oftlieir lirms, utiii , as sam^'lv^s, tlio miiHljcrs of p i^they killed a. pieco last year :—MussrH. Abra timuDenny and Company, (i^ .SSC pi a j JlcssiB.llichuidsiin and Co., GU j Giis ; Messrs. Slalterylirothers , ) l , !i ! lt; .Messrs. Matteismi and Cn.(Liini lei i J , ;U ,U!)U ; and Mr. Simon l'ro.»sor, lG .Oi.'S.'1 heir buyers iiveep t he fairs of iho wholo southei nhalf of Ireland , and would peuuliate deep into thewest il l l iev wero no: deterred by ilio noted iuferiorilyui the Coiinaug lil breeds, tvnicli ,'iro toft , f u l l y , flabby,lind cl(i3c-l) iet«l.

Ono word upon authority to tho Irish farmers onthis head. Their detertniiiutiou to have, wei ght andfat is, to thu last degree , tnischievious . The, Lnglishtaste- for fat is ^on.: by ami they ivill havu loanbacon at any price, or none at all. 1 am assuredthat Irish baeou out of auimals of tho right uortshould command 10a. a cwt abovo its prcsont li gure.AT. OUO receut lair iu Atldoae tbo buyers wero pre-pared to offer 5s u cnt. mom than tlio actual selliuyprieo for beasts of less futty devolopmentj and know,ing thero were 2,5UO BWIDO bought, at that sing lefair, tho farmers may cast up tho dny 'a losses. Theprime, fault, is m tbo breeding, and a little , perliupti,in thu fi cdin^ to fatte.u. The general bleed throug hMuiiK ter and Leiustur is a Yorkshire or iiei kahiro alraiuin tho Irish breedx , and in Kilkenny, Tipperary,Lunenck ut,d tho eurroundiug couuties u ciip itulwhite j,'ei)erutioii is reared. .Messrs. MatterDon havemany times imported Herk.shiie and Cambridgenhirebn.iis to iinpioVL- tbe more. JJef;e.nemLe., itndJlr. 1'ei.iiy sea '. '.ered throug h the. country scionsol t! :L > I'ainous Ho 'iard !<rei:d , bui . without much i- ll- cton t h e b w i n i > l i m nl l i i ndi! u r t l i i ' i r i t w n. 'i'^ I I I - I I I I M U

u, - is M m ;\ ..|;,::ai rcpruach , and leed-rs wi l t notli-am t i ia l in the lull- run mnrc movie\" may be had'..,1 a .-hort and s;umpv lierk-l. irc .hull bir a ,<weil i r-iiii; e.- rpuii -i iL '.lii.j i i-uial. Jiut ii is lime I shoual cut.t:.e leciuiini; si.uri and ,-ive M I I I I I . g lnnp.Mi ilii" t he.< . .• ¦:,• i, - , i wherein the mighty trade had its b ir t l i andlias i t > bi- in- . 1: w i l l be Convenient lo follow the pro-cess 1. 1 ni. inulac ui e in ai i us stages Ihioug l i a sing lee. l l i i i i . -ii!:;-:;! , pi | . |Ui~ i i i - thai , having taken good careIn v i - i i t in- inree gieiiieii. uf the factories, and byli ie C L , u . t i s \ ol in, . |, riipi ; , to ransack tin.* se-en.: s ol . n o ol i . i...n .'ruin top to bottom , I am able!., S i \ * idu *\>leiii in nil o( them is l l ie satii-, andt.j ia l . Fna). .'n ' al iowai ic i ' lor dinereucu of hi/.c, tlif onell.i: rat iVe ih>ci i b - > t i i '* wliole.

rln: ','iuen 's Jiacun l''. , c t u i y , ill U pper .Morgan-s' n et , U a hugii a.->-. nib,a-'* ut bmaiings , pcrchi'd onan a.ry ln .i g ht , n i i e i c eabuagus grew unt i l two en-lerpn.-ini; nu i t iu i :.:—the late .Messr.v. Kichardi-on—c.>vi red k ( levi n yi .ar. < ayo with their k i l l ing amiL-' i i i : . - ln . rVaii.-t-n '-i u!' ihu J i i le iwo« l . :, . |. s .des i.i the v r i id s Me bijU: , iKd by ll: . i i . -. - ol l« e : : iy -leal in-ns <ir .styes, wailedi . ih- ; back nti 't C jmt '..r '.i.l>iy hlated , liuto; i :i al t in- I n i l i L iilld sides above Inn l.:Vel lil il Hi't.Cw . i l i I '.vu t'e c t biijl i . H L M I . tw o tiiuusand »wiue , lnix"dii]i v, i i l ioui. fi v i -r .j i i i ^ in j ii -ii ii of Irom lorty lo l i f ly ,n...y ii" -. - ' ing li i t- ir lir.-t. fa:.,I ta.-io „•: Lho coiniurt. 'o: l . iLtory l i l 'e. '1 1.eir iasv inoiiii-nls are at all rv.-nis.-u li ii ' : :•;,¦ a .->iK >o/ -.. i,early a loot deep in luxuriousii . . |s , l 'oriin- .i in i In- di.-useii sawdust, w i i i eu w eiu-|i i n \ . i i in the factory lo protect the ko Mured in tin!IL- I 'I I '- UM ' lVum Ilm heal ol tin: slates. This bedding isa1, i . l i e- ai i. i.iv ciii -il ' , rii' .i i i , and ci i lnl '.i l table, 't he.- a i \ i . u * : .,b- i r l»s t.. I* n u . i V lu i -, an i^ i iuuiinises T i n . 's .i . i .i . .1; r h e i i . i l . " ol tl .e |ilc.i:-;:l vi..|t tho bedlir:g;¦ •! I. . I l.i . li Ivii . i jVui li-r t l : i i - . l lu , i . l i iS , yel i h e le\va M , 1; i ; i , exei-j ,i in oiie sr i i : wiii-re pics w i l e IMI,-gi- .-ja 1..,! in h u t , , l i i-i i- : he l i . i . . h lau^ lin-r , and 1 have.- ' i n l.-jn i l . icutei.a.'i l j i ice w i n M > smells at fashion-ai--.. ca l l- ' slum.-. 'l\i': e.\ iL t h i s range ol rhedsJ - l.y a lt»i:g a:.d gloi^ny arched p.i.-.-a- i.', al tin ; .'lidn: « i. i ci i , 1I !;I . another Man .ci t i ne ^al iery , i t—den th .1 he M'H-nce of massacre ln-re exei cis-u i^ well worth

Koine s t u dy , if i,:,l y l'..r tin: bi .-l i i - H: i.i ' ll.i.sij to w h o m'* a t A , t l t , , r ' is a wi . rd of i ln a ; i . 0;.e by ol.o at th i ' (.-l,d1)1 the (C. 'i. '-TV :i J i i i,' i> ailumud tu a lit l ie. Jicn al theh'.ad ol ihe kii l .ng house, mid lias scarcely lime lor ab.-wiJdered grunt when a man Jus pimuni-i] it roundtin: lelt hind leg in a little iron collar , nliucLcu towhich is n chain. Ai the iaine mumc-ui a lerercatches the other eii.l of the elia.u i. ,, .si» the hewil -•lend lug head iu the air, ami lautii hima- the cud of a high sloping iron bur, where th ^ic- isu man to hook bim OL. IU tho twinkling of all uyeIbe pitf slides duwu the bar lo thu tpol of eieculioii ,where the (new- a ci- iy /rtoics (or may bo UL one andsix per diem) stands wilh unuheallied knifa andplunges it iulo a spol belween tho ueeli mid shuuldur.iu ninety-nine. caKi'd out of a hundred tho blabt.iuehen the heait , and brings the blow tlowiug freely.Tlii* operiition is the lea>l ii -oniaing conceivable. Tbopig has nut time for half a dozen squeals , ami is olleiitoj dazed lor thai fame when nil is over. Iu hall amiiiiite the pig is d.-itil uieal , and the blood has beouallowed in fall tbtuug h mi iron giaiiug under thehead into a tank below , ivhere il is collem d dail y forMe.-srs. (louldi ng ai:d I.'"., and cai '.ci away lo lel l l l l t i i it Ko c u l l li l ry l ! i ,., u - i j t h e i r Ja iu, ,a.> b luud m n i i l l i i b .'I iie i y h eo'i:i - oi ic i- don", a i it i l i.^ mhioved, ni.i. t :i - !

r.- i i i M .-c .- i i ile.s un r ap i d iy i.'u ivn t l . u bar I'u i- l it'ly !¦ ¦¦ ,

w i n n it is d , . [M , . i n - , ( on a la lj i e i , ave ; i .- , l .^o iis l u tu..

.. e t , a ny c a ny i,:l a . i _v r. i i i . i i . n .- U , I I I !. AV . ll . -u , I ¦¦••!:,¦ I. i i i . i n - a '. i i i e h i i l iy i l .e h i i i . l l i - s n , a i i n l .i n . ,u

i n i iy in ,ii" i n i u n upon w h e i .s i.i, a i i i u i i i ; u : n e in . e

o*. t a i l s l a id w :, i , i n t l . - l i a u n \\ u i k n! a - - i ir a L l , ,u i -

:.nii, .1 r>:vi, ivu,g i i a i n i ' , an arm -A which i» nu .-O'IM -I

ui i 'eet i d Ij n a i . l s t l .c d. or n| the Inn,ace l inin t in -|..rry iuhs lorw anl . l ia-- in- the caic.ije into lh- j iws,,: l .- .- l i m e .-. I In.- lurnac is rlrong iy buii i ol wni leKl ,t - l . .-li iui.- l«.!/.:> :- , au-J i.H lit by I *, ., )\, us, iiom U..MM Ii, l.e.- .i tli . ' i :i liali ' a itj iiiuu: in :l,i; J].iiin.' cot/ipiu[cot.*,- |iroi:c-s uf .-- in^;..,g, aial lii u carcase ruil.s out , andw i l l . ui. i, l ) :ur r i - \ i> i u l i o n o f l i t ' : t i u m t : i.i i i t i c t i on lo aiieiv iron bar running along Inwards tin: bang ing,liuu>e. In the h a l l - m i l ,u l u meantime, anuthcr hugha- g :vi-u oar his l ieai i 's bluu-l above , and is sai l in-d..w ii I,, be i . it c l . e l to t i l l ; n, \t arm of tin: levo.ver ,ai. 'l m i i i r i i | i . i i i , -_-i-d inn, llu: IV ii - uaci . (Jur ."i ;i _-edJ ra nd , w l . ii !:.,> come out M-elinng ly ch.nie i; a: , .Ibl . iek. n i - l , is f ;i,]i |,. .1 at ;l ,n |ir.-,l chcJ. Oil I!.'- l/al loI..- - : - c i j i i .-i an.l d. .iii:l.i -d |,|i ut i .'u l ly w i t h lair » ..ier ,t i ! . : . . ' i . e sl. II i' .- 1 1 j v . . u ! .i t . • . ' t is j ,a.s-ed aluii;; tot i . . . ;i.- i . i t i . i w i l l i i , -^ ,-V a-i , w l . i . i i - ;\ i leli bai.t i al a- .!- '..¦ s - i . ; ..- l, i , i - , l l ..: i i , -, i . , i ; .- l., in i , l i i ,g o u t a n d. i , , \ \ n a • !¦ », I !i,:, . l , ,w , r i-.g : . ,us \ \ h , ; i o w ,.. M i l l |-l .:-

. - i.: y I.I :.. .-.I . : , I , , - i n . S :, l , a i , i , l h, .r .- h u l l j . , ii i l . i-ya ..i - I I . I.- I .- , i , .- i M I i i .': e an a h e a lnVen a', t h e v. i i ^h n ig

'.!'...: ¦ , a l . .I , v. I I !, l i . ,- n g:..i.iy '<: l i iu H eig ht , t - l i' l t h e!. I I . . ' ¦ • ¦: 1 i i > - sl a u ,h l . i I , .a ,- | .

I . U! ! .a i .i |r .-l s w .n - v . e l . - t h u s ||.,s>e'l •. i . l ou - 'j 1 l lOi • pj .y • !• -; a i i. < .n S., u : .|.iy l i i i.r n i i .g , at ii . , : i ,i . - ol•.I . , ,.. I a I u n . i n •! :,|..i I w - l . ty per l i u l i r , l ! :e In I J I .'!J

I. ! i i '- e i i . - l i i - M i i .u - ei i i l , n . i .- l i i is d i l l' i t e i . i .- i n/.i-s.

N . ,t a - i : y e i . IN l. - .l- i- I r . i - i - i-l t h i s w ho le.-..:. . .- n e i , .':cei i a - v. - .l. . . , j : e | i |j . |- .-i : ' ) ! , 5M I-1), tml s i . i ji . d . l l.e¦ ¦' I ..:I " is \\< .\ ;I , I , II , - L7 i i |. l i ,' i» ll.-.,' v e h a .-. I , a i d

:! - > -1 ni a -.¦ t ; < • .- ,, .( 1, w I L I , l ! a/ - , v . h.c h a i- i.-ve iyiii , ! i, i i i r; d iv i i- .- .i i l m i l , » ,- i l > r a l , i| ( . fi v e oil I i.i: - e o l l i-i : ,;- -. .. In .-i -w i- i s . I ' I - I I I . I . : l . , i , u - lo h a ng ing I " in |u l -

• . i . i - |a I. i , .,r.y ' I . .. :. .-u p. 'I l.i- I. i i .gu .g hi .u.-,. i - an

i iniu . -i ..- lli;:,"d ai,d w hm -wa l.ed chi- mbi -r , -_ :i !"«.« il . i .V.;, i ! , v . .:- .! ;M ,, \... n |,ay., i, t l. i.ol.n in doub:.: line ,w , ¦ ,. inoid | trv s I. I - I H I .| II . l ien- an: th-_- cai ianes,. ; |.i i hap- !"l 'l v . i - i i i ns ni'-t .'.i: luul 'l.ilig 'K y i . iu glit ' - i-:rni.j{ I I J I , i: i - i - a].:iiili d, t:j )iaii;; bv the heels umilla x; inuM.i: '/ , wln - n a.i ll . 'j ,'iiiinii il thall J iavu, v:.|.. ,ia:ed ; a:;d , a'- tin: far end, great ."I elves of^

NM . I I C !.i i.ds .il . i .. tl.e ir.,|il,ies ot a porcine St. Uar-i l. - ih.iin \v. 'I l,e backbone in here also cut out within, : :,i.;,li. e-K ij f a bit of ^uig ic.'il I'.g'-rdi.-niaiii and tlioei.i ea>s cliiv I. II , :o t w o fillies.

Ni- s 1. n.i.riling the c.rcari-rt aro wl.eeled iu Iroug liBinto i l .e adjoining cutting house, wheie tho lion and1.1 bui:cn, blei.ks, crubeens , und other toothnoinoui i ,iM - !n , rh.nuelwiy mionamed uUUI , aro bepaiaiedl i i . m the hitleH. w h ich aro at !nt>L fiiu-yi-.d into *

Theneu the heads uro iniDsferrcd to nlheir on.i , to bo uon ted iu hug'j vat8 olseasoned lor tradu throug h tho iulund

the offa l becomes tho ]ifey of hungryt aks at (jd. a pouuil , and tbo luscious

limn*, while the offal becomes tho ]ifey of hungryWater ord—steaks at O'd. a pouud, and tbo luscioushiiiicks ciilled bti ippingH us cheap as 3d. Tho Hidesarc paiM-d next into thu scDii-subterruneau chain oflofty vaults , ^10 leel by 50, called thu cooling bouso.They uie hcio 8tufl *t'd with Halt and whutever otherinyHti-rioud ingredieuls may go to make the flavour.They me built lour or sii pigs high, iu parallel rows,diviiied UIII - Irom the otbor by wooden Htarca, and HOlaid Unit tin: pickle jf euch aide, collects iu tl icv uviiyt,C lli -.- Mian.icli atid m pc-reolute s throug h the CI.ICUHH .

On a lull OUT I II ad, fluoied with iinij , nro heapedup n'v i'ii Iniii 'lii il tons of Norway blnck ice, prolvc-t '-d by i-awilui i I H I I I I the heat i,l tl.e !- ,aies , and dif-fusing through ihe cooling-bouse U'nicrneath an eventeiiipei.i;;ni; i/l abuiit -Hi degrees . The remains of1'iur t!.oii-and pi;;- w e i c / u l . d up about me on myvi^ii , uad iLeic IUV not ti;u laiiitctsl sug-ustiuu of im-

purity ur taint m tho air. Alter cooling and picklingthere fr-in ten to twent y days, iincording to the tem-perature, uf tin * seusim, tho Rides como out into tholi ^lil bacuii , leady- iii i idu and lit lor the market.Tlieir lnsl vieissltmlo is through lho packing-room—one of enormous size and height , 150 by 110—where,twenty men are busy packing tho baeou in canvassenvelopes or lending it for thu Great Western Com-pauy-V steamships to Milford , or tho Watcrfonl Com-pany's Liverpool boat3.

The manufacture- of lord has a chamber of its own.It is melted dowu in great inolal p.ius (munulacturedto his credit, by Graham, of iVaterford), and tholiquid poured into bladders, which are first plnugodinto cold-water cisterns , then put away on shelvesfor a lew days' cooling, nud packed finally intoAmerican ilour-baskeis. Thoy are beard of next inEng lish cakes and sw-enttneats—if, happily, not inhnglish butler. Kvcu lho refuse i< utilised. ]!y anew process, excellent candle lard is extracted fromIhe better parts, and the res; is exported wholcsah)lor ling-feeding. (Jul y once iu lho neighbourhood—or, iudee.l , all throug h lho great fac tory—was I ro-minded of tin: function of nostrils, it was in tin!gruesome den wlu-ro a uuiuber of women nru at workanal ysing tho eij lrails, which uiv shot down in abow-erj from overhead. The imineusu cauldrons arc KUO th-ing and simmering before them, full to the brim withtripes, bellies, and other sivcolsuioiliuK oondimonts ;and tho air is not lliu air of Aruby. But quc vnuUzfi lls ?—onu does not cleanse- guts with rosewatur.Those samo purified fillets find their way to Mr.ISouichier, who prepares them lor the Kug lishBiiusage-makers, and iu good lime—who knows f—foryour breaklast table. l'erhaps we hava followed fareiniugh the wiudiugs of this vast hive ol trade.

I havo only to add my own hearty acknowled ge-ments of tliu clear uuJ practical elucidation to mo ofits intricacies by Mr. Michael 1'ower , tlio manager,whoso position of hi gh trust in lho establishmentsince its opening lifts him much abovo the need ofvul gar praise, were it obtainable, or called for. Itwould be unpardonable iteration tu go through thonetcs of ii similar tour throng;. Messrs. SlatteryBrothers' factory , o! which Mr. John Slatlery, J'.P.,is thn activo head ; it would bo tho sumo pleasantbut monotonous record of cleanliness, system, andbustling Irndo. Nor should the story be varied u jot,if it fchouhl not bo rather iutensitic-d, iu tbo descrip-tion of Mr. Abraham Douuy 's vast concuiu , now halfa century nourishing, autl iu which, 1 boliovo, thoslaughter-system above described originated. Mr.Denny has such another barn-curing factory iuLimerick , wi.h some seventy-rive bauds attached toboth ; and Messrs. JlatterBon uud Co.'s bead-quartersnrfi in Limnrf^L-.


D KAR SIK ,—Is there any good reason why, althoughour railway guards, aro comfortably boxed up fromthe weather whilo travelling, tho eng ine driver andstoker should bo in most casna exposed to thu windand lo the merciless pelting of ruin , hail , and suow ,driven ngaiufit their faces ut the ratu ol from twentyto forty miles an hour, with no shelter but thai of auptig ht hcrccu iu Ironi ? Sometimes, it is truethey have iu addition a roof over t hem , and on theOiibiin , Wickl 'iw , and Wexlord l iai lwn y 1 havu seen atew ul the locomotive* with ooth roof and partial sidepioiecliuu lor the driver , but in nu case in ihc. icuunlries have 1 ^cvii Ihe driver and stoker fio wellprotected as tlni guard. To any olio who has visitedIhe L'nili d .States *jr Canada and ftccu how completel ylho engine driver , iud sioker ure protected Iro m lliuwe.ilher in their comlorlablc " cab," as it is called ,.vi'.h rool and sides and thick curtain at the back,and iu addition a cushioned sola or scat to rest on ,it must seem cuinHy cxlr;iurdinajy thai our railwaydirectors khuu,d persist iu their present arrange-ment , and thai men can be found E:Utislicd lu cnduie-o much unnecessary exposure. It seems lo me no-thing reiiiiiikable lhai men su exposed should take,tu drink to keep themselves wurtll iu winter ; aliJ 1uul y woiid . -T mure accidents ilo not iiapp- :n iioindrunkenness so bruugnt about , as wen as l.'um Hi. *blinding ellects ot -MU I .V , hail , .kc, being .irivell a '.il nHtthe- men 's laces , It Is qllilc p.iiufu l 111 bad wuatllel*to see the grimy luce*, and reddened eyes of dtiverand stoker , and the sullen expre.-hiot i on their coun-ten.iiicc.-", ii|) j >ar i *iitl y consequent on their continualexpu.siir, : to ihu eleini.iits , whilst every unj else intho saino l i a in wilh them Is Cuinluriabiy houso'l in. 1should be y linl tu think iheru was some |)ios|iecl ofMUr rj i i lway d,rcL-toi.s s-oou following thu excellentex.'ii uj de t>i their American brethren iu this maUcr ;iiu.l J shall leel much obli ged by your giving thi slul'.ei ' puulici iy , in the hope that a inuv dniw a i i tLlu<jf public ali^iiiion to tnosubject — Yours respectfully.

Kn.ui ' M) I1 A I I V >:V, of Waterlord.i> , Alexandra , Weyinouth , l^t-ll Jiiu. IS 77

COITKT Ul- KXCnL QClAl—.SA iUiL.wThe l l u n i t u f JJ II II ,', , v. Uiv W'a U i J uf d a i u l Limer iil;

K-.ti iicui / { v t t i p u i t 'j —'Ibis tase Ciinie beloro the Court,on application ot lho Oi-ieoiinl lu sol uuitli.- as duubie¦¦u:d embai assilig, lin : Jirs:. and secuuil counts ul' tho*uiiimolis anil ] it a!nl . The action wus bruug hl lolucuvur X 'ii- i> iind .L'l^Uun lout i»J two con-sii/uniemnote.s ol ii liich the plain ; ills wclc. endornees andL "MO on money coiiuiti. Tin: plaint comprised fourcount* ibe firat two ciiiiuiiug iu re.-pect ol a '* receptnole," or " bill of Jading, " endorsed tu them uud tjeingCunver.siiiit with -SO lirkins iu,d -IIJ lit kino of butterdeiivered al Tippeary .sliilion for conveyance to .Man-chester anil Kueliiliili: re>neclively ; aiKl tliu llunluiulfouiih claiming .CISU money paul to llu.* party whoreceived the nod;, and tliu dul 'cdutits ' alleged fraudu-lent represeiilalioa Ihiit the butler referred tu badbeen delivered to Iheiu and W ;H iu their possession ,\\ herciis it was not. Tho cose, now cume befon: tbt*court on defendaiiu, motion tu net,abide thu lirst amiHt coud counts as double auibigioub*, and enibiirriussiug.The uvuruient an to the bill of ladiug could be pleadedto, but that as to the receipt note, which was notassignable, could riot, heucu tho cmburassment. Afterconsiderable argument the pluiu ( iU'j elected to amendby siriking out the words " or receipt note " iuboth tLo lirst and Hecond counts , the defendauts COB ISto be couta iu lho cause uml they to have fouradditional (I UVK lo plead.

Counsel lor pkiiutiua—Mr. Maedonog h, Q.C., andMr. lilood Smyth. For lho ilcfeiidautH —Mr. l'ieraWhile Q.C., and .Mr. David Kitzgerald.

MONTHLY FA IKS I S lIUNSTK ll.¦i .niih iii 1-: Wi- .ln , f i lay. i D u n n s [h i toCni i i - l . l i .j- }l.iMii in i- ...-ii.| Wo! M . -.I.,; , ! :),,! Wt i lu . - ih i i ..¦.!...¦¦- ii;:;.. " v." ..- , i i .,i . i-u- .\"i i.iy."i.

1 ,.! ... ...J- . 1 : v . l.iii '.ni.. -'ml .Men.iiy.V -. .

¦. • .. 1 - r .-.: . .. - .- . ' | i i i i ,-.-i r v . . i i . . .:j i ,l v\-r . .},, . .

I .: .:. : .¦!.. . 1 - 1 :.: I il.,y.

i ; . . . I I , ., I I - 'J . . V, ¦ i... ¦ I..1. I L i i n r llr l i f l t v . . . l - E i ;..1 . , , , . . -. .-.|., . - l a - .- , . . ' ,b,y... „. ... , - ..,. . \ . . .:, .-. i.. . . Tl ,.|i.i ..i-J - ... >.'ll.| Tu. - i..lK . . M ,. .l. ai...- -i.,,^l Tu,.>,bif ' I:;OI .I I I .- : ...1- I \V,.I.. . . . , •

I • "i-oiiTA.s 'i K ot A M K I I I I -.IX D K K K -America n b.-. l wasl- . - ui - sold in Shetlieid y. hterday k.- the lir.-i t. ,m:.

'I hen.' «¦]< I'tioi'liiuus delllalid lur it , mid at urn- >bupill), in Inur tuns wuighl, were ili spuscd of. Th"prn.-i s arranged from 4d lu l)d per 1b, th« lattia- j/r ;i - i;li-injf fur lh<! finest portions. The shops in whseli ilwas tin sale were crowded during tin: most of tin: dav.>u gc-ai was ihe dcinaiitl that butchers having l.'i.g-lis l i meat were compelled tu lower their price.-, iusum- ciiM-s its much .id per pouud.

They have invented in Bel gium a now mode of \oles by bdlot and the machinery is well ppokenol, The Aruei ieans , howcvuie an: nut yet ootduiie iuli. i - ir machinery lur tho abri gemeut ul labuur iiK isshi'iv n by the lui luwin i i i lvf - rtiseni unt which I Iran,i-alal , : In ,in a I'nrisuti pi.j ier :—l- 'ur Mile liy an Ameril:an iliv.-ulur nuw in I'a i i s n Whi pp ing Machine . Theinstrument is in guud working order and is so disputedthiil twenty buys umi reeeiin the toil al I he sametune. I t is lor Mile becausu the suven sons of iheim'ii 'M have got over the ago lur ct.i Teclion of Ihi.s kindW u r l h t h e mince ol s-ehoi ilrnasters. "

Vii I . H K I . I I . Visi r to I I I K (i . \ i i . i r — On Saturdayni-hl Ihe j ieriurinniieu ul lho Sim • IJ hf n u n WH .I hoi:-oiiivd by Hi' .' aiK.-ii. lanei! ¦-¦! !ii< (iracu thu IJ uko uf.M. i rl bj iough, tlio iJneh . s , of Miirlboiou gh , auve.-aluieiiibi: !- . ut his lirace ' family, and a largo Viceregal), -. .riy . Tim Unsure wa *ca. ,\vi , i| on ihe nrrivnl of bisllrae " in, .1 tliu «M III warinlv lueeived , ilm t<ainl play-tl ;e N'ui ;u!,ai ai:l hem.

.- I . I . i l . i: ut A M K I I I U M S T M I M S I KK — John fiiibuiii s ,l .n. t . - d .\lehi,. . . l i > i l-'r< |. Chinch minister fur two yearsM aia/i. . d nt Si. i- |lii.|i | , tvlii 'i-n ), ( i was cuiisiileri . il ayoung inaii ol unusual promiKu cuininilled suicide on.-. l i nnl i .v :.L li^i lll l lu . Hiivin g exhibiled suicidal lelel-t i . c.i- - , Us was I'-inuv d to Coi nivii l l lui iiitic asy him\\ .. i ri- Wiis he speciall y watched. Ill; miiliiii; |.|| lu pur.l inn an iitu-ndai.ce 's l;iulu which hi: com-eiileil in hisIi"- -. , a-...I .ai S.-iuuluy in,, iniug cnv, lu» Unuiil causingiti ^ t.k1.1 dea: h. "mtm pruviouti evening bo remarkedlu the .iitenilnul lie was much better having got ove-ione ileliisi i iii namel y — that it was Ids dewtiny tu eatthe. world.

Acci D K.v r IN T I I K lIi: .\iiM; 1.'I K U >. —Whilst hunt-ing with ihu Ktlki 'nnii 'H at Wind gap, ,,u Satuiday,Mr. Lalur , ol Uri^g, recuived a KIM ions6hock Irom hishorno lalliiu; over a lingo bank. Ho wan insensiblewhen briiiig ht to tho nearest house, where bo re.inained until bis carriage caniu for him. Wu hope tuton Mr. Lalor soou in thu hunting fielu wilh bin fellow-flporiinnn.— t. 'iimmunicatcd .

SALVA CJ K .SAI .K -S .—Meems ilasrh and Son huld anauction ut ihu Clydu aliippiuK Coinpany 'a atoroB of »quantity of properly tavud from the wreck of tiiuO-rnf irml. Tho iiLtiiudaiicu waa imruemo, und thoprices leiili s i- d lor lliu dilfenj nt Iolu wero Tory aatiH-lacloiy. A largo quantity ul 1S7S whiskey , undarbund lu Coik , Hold III lium O H tu (>* pur gallun.

Capt. Kiu ^- lliinniiu has been olected unopposed usluuinhi r ol l-'arJiiimeut lor tho coiiuiy of fSli go.

Where nas ihe hi hi nail h l iu ck :- On lliu bend.Why a:i:j .,ke- hko nuts? I'.i .cnuso tliu dryor thoy

arc thu beiiui* th*.-v cr.,ek.l iM -hl'll-tmt l'Vli OK i'\u.LI.\U UlLX M Et lB .—

A CITI.I .- II nun, .,,! ,,l L'ui t - IIII S I M-I I I i l i-u i imil liir Ihi .i du-Iro.oni^ c . t i .j . lHK i l l.y n ri,J>li: ,iil , in,,) Is de.,uiiuii Ilillt n i ltulfer-is i n ,j I L- M I II H u m l in, i,...wj,.,,u.,[ di-cu»i;ry ; il uucver knu. i i , iu , ..I..

H- I I in,,- u,,. ,,i'ist lii.prkM tutu l l e r « J l ..i' ..i II .-.:. - i,.,>^ hn-ii in.-,). Kull {,im,:ul«rs wil lhe »rnl I. , .mi |, i - . li l i , , ,,l .:l..,|. , . AJll l eA-i —All . Wll ..LliM3, liJ .U i lu l J I v l i a i i , l l t J i : l'a i k , LullUvD. UulS.Uul

WATEKFORD BLJ5CT10S(rrnm Ihe Frcoman,)

Uclaliu nty, 1700 ; Lohmnnu , 534 ; such 13 thoglorious result of the Waterford Election—amemorable triump h at which all Ireland willrniso a pasiin of victory. Waterford has boon ap-pealed to ; Waterford lias answered ! What Wa-terford was in 1641, when as the chronicle ofthose days hath it, " all the IOWDCS in Water-" fordo vrero for the Irish cause"—what Water-ford was in 18-20, when by casting her voto forVillicrs Stuart she hastened Kmanici pation by adecade—tliab Wnterford is to-day. The i;rnnd oldcounty, with its stirring memories and its his-toric sites—the grand eld county, whose valesarc traversed by the pleasant waters of the IrishRhino—the grand old county, whose people have,even in faithful Munster , been famous for tlieirfidelity to Faith and Fatherland—the grand oldcounty lias, wo say, taken up the glove whichthe English ndventurer threw dowu and Hung inhis face. Fifty years ago, when Ireland stilltoiled iu the chains of Ascendency, when she wasstill " in brazen letters doomed to grind with her" heaven-gifted strength ," it was from Waterfordthat tho first notes of triump h and of victorycame—it was by Waterford that tho joy ful cryof Sursiiin corda was first raised'. 1c would , in-deed , have boon a sad catastrophe if at this greatcrisis in Irish history Waterford dropped out ofthe Irish line and abandoned the Irish Wehave been spared such a catastrophe as this ; andwith no uncertain roice, by no wavering majorityhas Waterford declared hor alleg iance to the goodcause of Irish Uatiouality. The significance- oftho triumph is increased a hundredfold by thefact that nnvni- bt 'lore was tho battle of HomoRnle fought under such circumstances of dis-advantage. One of the wise but homel y sawswith which Abraham Lincoln —the great cham-pion aud martyr of New World Freedom—waswont to illustrate the science of politics was this— "it is ill to swop horses when you'ro crossinga stream." oS'ow, circumstances compelled thepopular party to FCt at, naught this wise axiom.They swopped horses in "tho middle of the" stream." They came to the conclusion thatthe charges made against Mr. Esmondo im-perilled his erection , and hence, at theeleventh hour—at tho very moment of thonomination—they exchange their catididatofor Mr. Delahunly. Again, against tho popularranks wcro arrayed the wholo strength ofWatorlord landocracy. For the first timo in thehistory of Waterford , Whig and Tory landlordmarched together; for the firs t timo on the samesido were disp layed the banners under wliicli therival parties gatbored in 1820—the flags ofUurraghmoro and Dromana.thc flags of Bercsfordand Stuart do Decics. Tho landlords of Water-ford supported Lchmann almost to a man , andin so doing they courted a well-merited de-feat,. In thus exercising their influence thelandlords of Wulerford have imitated Iho ex-iimp lo I.I io often set by their elms in this country—they liavu wilfull y frittered iiwny their justand legii.itnaio iiilluuiico. We can quilo tin-duxstund wh y it was that in 1.S71 Lord Clmrlcs Bcrcsford as .me ofher members. That claim was unj ustifiableon political grounds ; it was perfectl y intelligible ,as a comp liment/ to a noble house, which , what-ever its faults and errors , lias always treatedthusc dependent upon it iu a way which thegrateful and generous Irish heart can neverlot-get. But , let us ask, what infatuation was itthat induced the Waterford gentry to uudory c thecuiulidature o!' ;i man whoso i'.ppp.arsutcG in tl.ecomity was a pm-e. iniperiiui .-ni:—of an Ang lo-('(.Tiiiuu Jew trader, who iiad nu more connectionwith the county of Waiorlurd than he hud withthe princi pally of Moni.unegro—si man wh>> .-:cSecularism in .\ and DciiominalionnlUmin Waterlord was a striking commentary on thefamous stanza of thu Yankee humorist—

¦\ iiii>r/>iT i i! fruviih'tmr ' fashioned us hollotl -On purpose that, wu might i ur princip les swallow

Never yet did aristocracy court a defeat by noblind a loll y as have the water lbrd gentry, andno one. can pity them in their humiliation anddisaster. The men of Wiiterl 'ord have behavedri ght i:obl y. They deserve tin: congratulationsof the wholo nation. In sp ite of every draw-back , in spite of every- difficulty, in spile of thecandidates changed ju.~t nl the eleventh hour , in.spite ol' the vast influences of the landocracy, thepeop le of Watcrliird Mood true to Ireland , andby an overwhelming vote declared for J;ho goodcause of Iluino J(u!i.\ The Waierfurd landlordsexercised nut alone all lei^ ii.imate but all illegiti-niiito iuiluence.-i uix m their tenants. We havebefore us specimens of their " whip s, " invita -tions ," "exhortations ," by which it was soughtlo win vote.s for Lehmann , to terrorise the sup-porters of Delahunty ; but all wero in vnin , andWiiterl'ord has answered in trumpet tones thatshe is for Homo Rule , fur Denominational Edu-cation , for Fixity of Tenure, for Amnesty, furtlie popular programme, for the nation 's politicalcreed. When the day comes, and it is nowdrawing very near, that the nation at liirgo willbe appealed to in its comitia , it will re-echo thevoice of Waterford ; and when the nation hasagain reiterated the verdict of lS7i, the be-ginning of tho end bas arrived , and thoglorious vista, of National Independence openabefore our eyes.

• (f r om the Frerman Corf espnntUnt.)I have never known an Irmh election exei to no

much intorosC as tho couteai which has closed sooloquently at Wiiturfor tl. Your London office IVUHthroug hout yesterday oyoninj,' reaorteil to bjr mm-suugcrN from nearly emrj rjuurter of tho metropolis,nud owing to tho dehty in tho noirn renchin^ theU'cst-cml , Roveru l of thu Liberal cluhs anxiouslyinquired if your Rlalf horu hull becu informed of thoresult. Mauy Waierford mou weru ardent inquirers,you may roly on it, • tho grsnt viotory has imdu uprofound iniproasion in thu political world. It in thumust emphatic declaration Irolaml hau yet gircn ofher invincible determination to Bccure Home ltule.sioun niter tho arrival uf thu nowe of tho victory thei:xi cuiivu of thu Home. Kulo .Confederation of (ireatItril .tin met und JKI SSI -I ! a heiirly vole of con^rutuhi-lion tu ilm jieup lu uf U'ulerfoiU nml thu Homo Unit:I,en^iiu u:i triump hant return of .Mr. Delahumy.


1 r is rather intercHting tu uuto in connexion with thein~talii i l ioii ol Ahlurniiiii Tluimaa l'urcell , our worthyMayor , that ho is mil thu first of his name, who hashi .-nl hi jjh position's anil dune gouil aervicu in NYater-liinl . In lho year 1 lh(> Thomas Puree.ll obtaiueil lhoSee, and wan duly cun.--ecratnl Lunl lli.sliop of Water-liir i l ntnl LiaiiLTc. Kruin " Culiou 'a l'asli " ae aluoIr.jin " Warn " we lc.nii tlnit Thuinati l'urcell w:u a|i! _.|:ite ui Kfcat leiuiiin ^' sinil reseiireh. He distin-IMII - III .M I hiuihelf , Inking earn to have tho iintientcn:irteis ul Liotnuri) wilh ihu other rccunli ilinl i tni i i i -tt':.s ul Liumuru Calnetlral iranHcribcd into n rt-gisterliy his uinauauiisis, ./ohn HuKuell , (canonist of ihiscii . i ich). This curious and vahialjlo document called thu " Mack ]Juuk " coiilainuJ nUo n runti, , ! l ot till tho riusse.-isiuiis uf ihe fieu umuuutinc, tuC1 ,.') 1U hesides Jt l 'J" in unnnat chief rent . In thei;.iir, .nileii mauuicri pis, (r,5), in thu Iiritiah MuBeuini:.u ;u:;u«injj copy IH reeurded uf the comtuenciioientul " ThuniiKi I'm cell' s lilack liuok of Lisiuoru "—

" In Dei nomine , Amen."" .\.| fii turain rei nicmoriam I m i pit KegNtriim

">iu J.ismoronsis , Tlioiatis 1'nreell , I.ismme"' I'er l\i>veretidtiin in t 'li ri>to jmtreni ,"el Waierfurd , Kiiist 'npnm extnietum I .-I Uotuli.i" Ij it ierin , et iMuiiimeiilis et Arehivis puhlicis" ejusdein Keclesiii Lismureiihis ct neri ptes alii-et" Lihris ituthenli i .'is .Seriplnui^uo (/i .-r John lius.-ell ," Jiurtfuiisi 'iii I'jii.S 'lbiii vi lli ; du Li.-uion.'uu ejusile/ii"" i-i .-i .-le/-i lonouiuin l'liblieum vutnriinu iloamc" Uuiuiiiu ," muecel xx.v. vii. (1 W7).

When Juhii Lancaster was bishop this buok n-as i»aidUi in; " h/nt " in Hi l " , hut Archbishop L'ssher, .ipp. nrs{/. inivi 'Kiri j itsaljt < .( |ui-iitl y, (-ii'u Xici;lso:i 's]. In-i ir y , tivti 172 t, pajj i: lllj , Joshua lluy k-, Uej{iHtrar.,: ihe Uiuees u and lo the IJ. MUI aiidChiipler in 1HIJ3—-t.itea that it « as " hurneil during the hitu warn ." Iti. nut now to bo found ,uud Tliuiimj I'urcell's lahoura inii i is respect wum ui vain. Ilo died in 1317 afterl'icni,liu(5 over Uiu fee of Wiucifurd uml Lisinoretor ;tl veiii -rf .

U KI 'U TY LiKLiKNA N Tcr . -—Jjord A'iscount L«-ruiti^luti have huen appointed hy tho Lords Justices, ontin: reeuiniiiuudatiuii of tho Itight Hon. Lord CureW ,K.I' ., a. Ij i.puty Lieutenant for tho cruuty o£ Woiford,vii .'e Sir John Ksinondu , Xiart-, M.I'. , deceaaod.

\Vh:,i clat-a of men aro always open tu oouriotiou ?'1'lmHc who haru violated the low.

TIIKOAT ]itniTATioN. —Tho tbfoat and windpipen.rn «-p f/ i i i.ill y lr«l ,Je to jutl IUIIDII 'IH I I , rwiinutf wmie, * nudit .-yii.ti -, ucwliti ii mul iiriiiitiun , miiucmii cuugh ami tftM.t-l - m iti. - v.iici- . Km .iini: >ytii pti.ins ai*e K( >uv riuti in thefniin ul liijnlio. l. lj i u i i i e , in thi- e a<rte. <l>le toulnucnm,ti. tiii ,; in \ i i i , kii . , i t .y i,. ll.e ^I IIIII ]/. at Ihe inulurql Ibcy i»reexcited bj Ibu HU ul riieMi:^, liccuiui-ti dcttvi'ly l i inlin K. Oiliami Is. loio* (by pust h or 15 K I I.II {< ¦ •) , mul tinn , 1« . Oil .,,labelled. J i M k a Errs & "n , Him nj.. (,»ilnc Chemi-u, iij ,Thicadiiv idle Stiort mid 17u, l'lrcnililly, l/nuHon. >ell-in« ngrnt , W . MERLI U '., K.,M . |i.Mri.»tn .tt . Kilke nn. .

THK HAIR .—1'or 4U yearn Mrs. H. A. AlLli.v'aWvuLv 't H A I R K H.T O I I R K lux reemti'il Ilm roiiiuieudaiiuiiaud (UTUT ul 111*, pabhe. Il hu4 acquired llie tii|(lii:st plncetlint can be ublmlinl lur miy mudi- iulu enleiuri. t , mul con-tiilmlvtl tw llie Hiliirumeul ut l. n> ul Ilii u-auilk ,-l \>«;Tt)imn ,wh.i III IVH tlit: piuuf ul lU b. i9icubli. L-harai 'ti-r. It mil posi-tively rrin- iv mul rtinturc llie o i - f i l ia l mill U U U I I H I culuur ulgruy, while , mul fudi-il btiir. It wi l l -irt-iutli .-u nu.l invi ^u-r.ite llie II.IM , snip ill 'ailing , nml imlu ien I IVH I I I I ) amiluitiri rf i i i icrnutli . No utlitr prfpiimtiuii (Mil puiiluci-t il e««inu bun-ficwl cmolt. .Sold by all cl.iotix* mul I'cilnu.eioiu h i K u hollltn , OH . lh-pol , 111 aim J l l i, .Boui l i i .-i,|,loi)ttuw , Luuduu. ut),ly


TO THE EDITOR OP THE NEWB.DKAR SIK —Will you kindl y publish the enclosed

copy of i\ letter which I have addressed to tho Mar-quis of Uartington.—Beliavs me, Tory trnly yours,

PURCELL 0'GORMAS , M.P."Major 0'Gorman prosonts his compliments to tho

Marquis of Hartington , and bops leave to acknowledg-otho roceipt of his lcttorof tho 18th inst.,informiDg_MttJorO'Gorman that tho address in answor to hor Majesty'sSpeech, will bo moved in tho House of Commons onThursday, tho 8tli of i'ebuary, and trusting that MajorO'Gormau may find it convenient to his placo onthat day.

" Major 0'Gorman is mnch obliged for tho abovointolligoncc, but hopes that he may venturo to nuggeatthat tho leader of the party to which Major 0'Gormanbelouga sliould bo tho solo channel through which suchnotico should reach him. Major 0'Gorman acknow-ledges, in tho House of (Jommons, excopting Mr. Butt's,and if tho noblo Marquis 's letter iinplias or imagines acertain degreo of Rubordiimtion on Major O'Ciormau'spart to the leader of the Whigs, ho considers it. just aswell to advise tho noblo Marqnis to abstain in futnrofrom trespaBsinp; on tho undoubted rights and privo-leges attaching themselves to tho unaniraonsly electedchief of tho Irish Home Kulo Party.

" Springfield , Watorford , Jan. 20.

FASUrONA llLE NEWS.Tho West Cork Eagle announces tho serious iliness

of the Earl of Uantlon. For Komo time it states, hislordship has not enjoyed tho best health and for tholaHt few days his illness has asumed a more soriouaspect.

ilr Osborno of Nowtown-Aunor has been stay ingfor tho past week at C'urraghmoro

Mr AKustur Hill Grubb has relumed to Catnbridgofrom Ciuiidwcll House, Suffolk.

A IiuiVE FRKNCII GI R L .—Accordiug to tho ParisGaulois, Nov. 10lb , thirty-eight years ago, o terriblefire broke out iu o convent for young ladies in thotown of Limoges. At tho last moment it vrns por-oeived that one of tho pensianxiirs had beeu left iu herroom. There appoared to bo no hops of Hiring her,wben a fino youug girl with dishevelled locks and withher eight, drees floating round her, piorced tho crowdcry ing, " Let mo do it." And she rushed iuto thomidst of tho flames, aud shortly afterwards appearedcarrying tho unfortunate infant ia her arms. A fuwdays aflorwards Louis Philippe sent th6 boroiuo agold medal , a c&ptuiu in the French army who hadwitnessed her courage nuked, to be presonted to her.That captain is now President of lho French Kopnblio,aud lho beroiua is tho Duoheea da Magenta.

A Pious KOW.—An Amennan papor inys : ' Therewas n doublo service ia a Methodist Churoh at No-tiDgham, Manitoba,! oa a roooDt SuuJay . A foudbad runt asunder the oongrogatioa , unil each factioncalled a mew minister One of thorn took possessionof thu pulpit, and iho other eat bohind tho cbancolrail. Tbo man ia tbo pul pit gnvo out ono by mn andtho man behind thu mil aoothor, and both wero sung"imultaucously by the rivul factious. Tho man be-hind tbo railing gave out his toxt, aud tlio man iu thopul pit hc(,'uu to reud a cbnpter from the Bible-. Tboohaptor camo to an eud before thu eormoujuud a hymnwas iuturjected ; but tbo preacher wont on frompoint to point without being worrried in tlm least.At the uf the service a deacon explained that ithad unacted " under legal advice, and to furtherlliu Ciitiso of Christ."

A publican obtaiui .'d verdict on Wednesday nt thoIpswich County Court for X'l I ou\l for supp ly ing aluncheon , winiiB , ami oii;.ire to twenty.oue voters forMr. Chastoti , lliu suocussful candidato at thu electionuf coroner for .Sulfolk lust November twelve months.In addition to luncheon , a score of veri :- » iv::<!i. them-¦elvos rcspousiblo fur 21 bottles of port , 17| buttlo*uf sherry , 2 buttles uf chain pugnc , and 1U5 cigars.

Suggestions for il r. J. Uyron—Write a burlesque,entitled Pipes and PIIIIR , or tho Silly Shepherd ofSicily ; cull lho principal character JDapbnis, nuddross him absurdly for tho aako of introducing theb-uyiug, " Ha ! lin ! mj pretty, so 7our enme isJJaphnis —1 thoug ht so by your Chloes!"— Yo r ick.

Greatl y to ihu cuufusion of poets aud lovers , thomoon had beou discovered to be no better than an oldburnt out cinder. Aud yet the " moon " cnugbt firo nttho (Jreeuwicb Theatre tho other ni ght. At theAberdeen Opera Housu on tho sumo evening uuelephant, went up iu naerilicial .lmoke. " Elephants"timl " uiooib" nro fair game but how would it hnvuboeti il thu flames irol at a Star ?— Yorick.

A Mmruukiu lady, in taking her inorninj; gnpe,latel y put her jaw uat of joiut ,iunij it was two daysbuforo ihu doctor cuul'l get it in plncu ag/iin. Uorhusbfin* Bays hu hasu't had such a racatiou einco hiamarried life began.

Decoit and falsehood, whatovor conveniences theymay f or n timo promise or produce, are, in tho sum oflifu , obstacles to bappiucss. Thoso who prolit by thecheat distrust tho decoiver; aud tho aet by whichkindness was sought puts ,'iti end to coufidenco.

In Virg iui.1, ilr. Allen llannuli has married Jlissilauoah Allan , autl now Miss Hunuah Alton is .Mrs.Hiiunau liana.ih, and is, perhaps, the only womau iuthu world whose whole name ran be spelled back-ward thu sauiu as forward. That' a^whai' s tho matterwith Hanunli.

Thu other day in an np-town Js'ew York residencea ring nt tho door waa hoard , and tho forrant »irl ,calling to her mistress, Baid , " Please, muui ,yo totho door, an' ef it's any body lor mo, tell 'em l'nraengaged.

Thu most bitter pieco of satire on a man generall yaffuula him least. It is written auil composed ofierhis death, uud coinmouly known as " nu obitaury

A liltlo girl was askod tho meaning of boing" happy ." Sho gavo a pretty answer, eny ing, " I tis to fool aa if you wanted to givu nil your things toyuur sister."

Tho sleep of tho puro is sweat . This accounts forsleeping in church surrounded by tho pew-rest iu-fluoncus.

Tho oldest kind of fire-escape , and ono on whichthere is no putout, is tho fond husband who lioa abedmornings.

You can get to Iloaven by railroad now. Tt is nBlatioD on an Arkansas railroad , but you might lookthe wbolu pluco ovor and not find un nngol.

An attractive young lody says tho reason sho dou 'tmarry is because sbo has loo ranch respect for hermother to wish her to ( as a motfior-in-law.

If you aru dotermined to get tho bnam out of yourown eye befuru you put your lingers into yuurbruther 's eyes tu got his motu out , you will probablybo very buny fur tho nox t few year.".

Time is n »p-ciu< of wealth which it is inipu.^s^blofur us tu huartl , hut which wo m.iv spend to guudadvautti^n.

Running tlir\j ui(li a furtunii is rattier i- x pcnHivupede^lriauiMii .iiinl nMiiil l y ends iu wulkiug in d espair

it wiiH S.iid uf a great culumninlor , ntul a Ire-i|iienier uf other persun«' tables , tlml he neveropened his mouth but at somebody 's expense.

A Wisconsin uditor having written of a deccnneil^uniloman that ,, niclcties.s Imil impaired his health , "a rival rujoineil , " Yt-s il oftun has ibat effect. "

WonU of a dy inj; c.uinifml :—" Writu m<; ilown ;nonu who loves bin fullow mpn'"

A roc- nt advertisement roails i " A respoctaln ujoaii n person naiits cliMiuing. Apply." etc.

Wh y is a prosy preacher l ike , tho middlo of awheel '< ilec;ui»u ihu fe l low s nrouit I him aro tired

The wi«ouf palntii prefer tho collurml head to thoc.imliixl tongiiu. — Yorick.

Marriage is described by a French cynic as a lire,sumo buok with a very fino pefaco.

Wh y is tho worl.l l iko a piano ? Becauso it is full ofsharps and flats.

I I I J U O W A Y 'S 1'H.LS— Punt' JJi.001)—When thoI !nM.l is pure , I t * rin l l la l ln i i jur 'ri:! , nml l l i u m r v r > inK-. . il unh i , "i .nr i : w e l l . TU- >e I 'ilU J ,, I .>^-.A u i i i . i rve l l i iUS|i..wt.| i n — r i i r i l i .' lli i-M- Krea t b i-ciets nt h e a l t h , hy j u r i l y,in .- , r i - ^ t i l . t l l n ^ , .iml > t i i . | i u t h t i i i n^ llii'ds iiiul su luU . H u l -lo.v i; '» I' l l l - l . i l i hi- Ciil i l i . l l ' li l l } r iTi .u i i i l i t i i l i - i l I. A \I pi -rsuns-I l l l . -1 «IJ _T l l - M I I i l lx l l i l r i e i l l l l^e>lU . | l , Or I V . / l l l i J hy I IL' IV I ,!!-,I nun.-, i-r n ^u i H l ^ i c piinw. "fl:.y rnm-cl M c n i i l y -uul III-H I I -Im i n , .ii! .|i-l Mik l i .H .l . i i l i l -, i|ii :L-).rii t int .ictiou in' t i ic hve r ,^ n 1 ii. -: ;i» ir . leri i liv i- !. :i'"l (."-n:li- . i p i'i l en l*. Tin- «- .- .ik ,u ulJ.:l icii i. w.iy t i k e t l i . -m i v i t l m u i I I-.I I . r lo l l i i tvayt ' 1'i lK nu-i l l l l l l . 'Ul 'iy M- I V I C I M '-Ii- t • l l .v.ih.l - , ul u ; : :- i l i l e c n l l - M i iK I a- !li.-j l i i -¦• ( I K- III -.I IM II "I eve:}- m^M i i t.. i t s t i t t t i l l .it ^M n I-. inl , .uul i i i u v i 'i.- .illt ' e.vii--!f ii I'li hun iy iiu.l M-, |in: ; ivi . u.llu-I'llt'.-. ll . l> -1

l-'l.oiill.l.NK '. —For tliu lEKTii nud Bii KATll. —Aten .imp- i/l I In- liqinil Flor i 'l i) ! , , -pi 'mi!, il uu a wet tuutbb l i l - h , pru.lliCiS a |/ l t : i - i i l i l 'll I" r , i l . :. l i r h . , n ug l i l y cIcbUH l'Dtl.e IV-lli I/ ¦ •in .ill |i.r.i»H« / / r u i / | i : i . i ;, > , l;;ir,)i i,, t l< e«uiu ip:rv'. n l f i ' uiiir , »ti pi ilee.iy, < ••»¦ >- u, tl.c Teeth a peculiarl,.-,ir,> » : i i i< i i n .> , iiii i II >! • - « i i i i " " i ;v .iji^oc: l o t h e b rea th .[L I .¦moves all IHI|> '.>M M I I > I iJmir ;iriMii |{ limn ilecaj -ed tbeleor tu t iiciu Miiukv. Ti.e rV'tyriiii i ty

orilinc being euinpoheuu ' pnr l ill liininy .iml •»>' lir i l 's , is di'licinua to llie I;i>le,U..I the _Ti-.i li-.l loi l l't ie- i i />el j ol the :il!f. I' rlCl " 2« . BJ.

ill :\\\ Cli.' ini fl - . ,imi I' , i i i -.miu. i'l i' iuurd by I I , (j . OlLiop330 tlxi ' .v.i . t,i,nilin,. '

TllltOAT Al fKCTIOXb ASM U OA KSENESS.—All sill-feruiK tr itoi unt i .t i i ,n ul lho nnd hu,uin..||,>H t H I IIbu a^ i ' i h l y MiiptM - il nt I h r a l i > n » t i i i iniri l lut i- n-lii-l ;ilhird«l'•y the ll».- ill " llruwu ' Hliiiu -hi a l TiDclun." Tlirm. In l l luU B'• li'7..;ni i i > " iir.. mi* s»-111 liy must n>> ;iei-iibli ' cheiiu,i s intli ^ c . i i u t iy nt l« ]> ,l p,.. I .MJ. I' .i.p li; i toi ihl , .,! w i th «' I r i i kn iK ci .iiuh ," H •' K I IIJ I I I tul.l ," ,ir I . i i inch .n l :ill 'u<:lions

C.I I I I I t t ry IW.-U! tii .i I.UIHI , "r. h i i iuUr iniuhli-n , il alliiwdrd lour..j ;ri-", I. I .UH in »i»n. I'l i lmun'ri iind A sthmat i c nffrc-tioiii.. -*-er I I IH I t he> " Mt .mn 'n l lronchinl TrochcH"are on tin- Uuvmnuenl Main .i aniuml ,nrh lioi.—Sin nufac -tun-d I'J Jiili n J. lirii oii- A tiuns, l!o>!im , Unite d Statei .UVIHI I. 4U3 (Jjl./i(J.Mn -/.l l.umli 'n.

V AUJAMU; DIMCOVEUV ion TUB JI AIK I—I f yourbair in lurt ini f i KI ») ur ubilt*, or IK II HI K < U, ui>e " The Alex-cm lU ir U. u. iv.r ," —lor it will j iotilwe .'etlurt in evtr *:att Urry ii r ll / iK e Aoirli i l l e uHKiini! «uUur , will mutleav -iii ft ih.- i lisa tf r i- 1-u .i fosi ii .. llal uiii^l " ll-.i.ini, ." |i makemlie'fattir c liHiin i .Kij li iMiititul , ut iri I. i.-. pruuiDtin g the ifruwt bOt the .lisil on hputH , whrie t in- Khmdr are out d«.«yed.Ank ynur i 'l-u.i«t lur ' I UK H B X i C A y H A I U UrniEwtii "prrpa'rril h> l lm i KT I.'. l iALLL' r, MS Oiinrd sirci't , hun.iloti , m,' ¦I 'I'J t/y ClKUi^t-i HuJ piTtuiuv iH everywhere at 3aJ,J p»r iK.llle.

He ' i-i .n-i.l. r it urn- 'luly to Cnuliuu the 1'm.lir ai^iu*l^uiluu> lu it it IOII H ul the Ulehliciil hlalcb , at pie^in inllie liisnki! i . V iincir * »«'l trtlii 'is ni'llm* ibe siuie,»ilv . k to (i-nnU y ul £1II ,UUU. Any cunli l.-i .tiH l lulur-million which will trail lucoimaion will be unudiiomtly rewardi -t l.

WOTHKUS l'OON 41 0., Kmn 'iiK I'-rli , <!l,,s^,m-.t$j T For K VKIKT I..uiKL.< , of every dcseriplion and

eixe, printed 10 'order, cume to TH E N EW * OfUCK , H)King Htruel.




Netherlands International Exhibition , 1869.OHN BRLNSMEAD and SONS' Patent

Perfect Oln-ct Uepenter Aciiou PIANOS ,IMented 1862, 1863, 1871 , mid 187t, in


GILBEKT L. "BAUER'S Organ-voiced Eng-li>li I IAKMONIUMS.

On the Tliri-i! Yfars " mut.m.


Wilh the l'ntciii I'crdct 'Jlu-clc liepeater Action.( '* Tins moil iiirfeuiou* anil vuln-

ir .luliuH llcucilict ... i ahlu invention ennnot hiil to(. inpet wi th -IICCI ¦»<."


With the Pntenl IVrfret Check Kepeater Action.On the Three years' Bjstein.

Syilni-y Smith— " Tl"! lunch is nlnuhltt pprfectinn .


With Ihe l'.iteul l'erlect Check KepciU't Action.Un llie Three Years' system.

( " A very cli-v or mid usefu l invention ,Hrinlcy Richards \ ond likely CD be citi.'nii»<!ly mloptiJ. '


With tb« Patent I*, rffct Cbeck Repealer Action." Tbc nearest approach to perfectiuu uf ' iminnul expres-

nioii 1 T'-t f t f f j n»«l . "—Examiner.


Six feet fix iui-lien in li*ti^th , with ibu Patent Perfectl.'liecV Kepealer Action. P.icc , Ninty tu One HuudieJ(iuineas .

" Tile tone of tbe Gtr,nil now refcrTeil to P«,I.M:II6HJ nil lliequnliiU d llml » no'i.l pi.Mio OURII '. to Imvi1, mid iu luucli amiiictiiin wa^ perlfct. The sweet nud silrtrr quahtj oi Hieonner octaves ivim worthy of specinl ailinir. ition."—'I he Era.


MEDAL I RON G K A N D T1ANOS ,With the 1'atfiit Putfsct Clieck Iffpenter Action.

" Sir Julio t ll'iirJict pl»ycd ln» iffU-kuown comp.»ition' Whetc tin- Hee Suck« ,' en one of Me»r«. J0I111 /lnn<iuc<ilmul Aotis * kTaiid Piauoa , wilh the recently puttntru iin-Iir.iVDiiient wliicli enalileil him to piotlucn lho no-lainedtorn.'* vr it Ii prest tariety of ffffct in the lig ht and fhinle olCumrls especially I..1 llhen rxtrcilic delicacy ol loueli ¦< re-qnired ."—Cnurl Journal.



.Six teet >' .x incliei in length , with the Patent PerfectCluik livpcater Action. Price , Ninciy t» One lloiidieijGuitiuas.

" Aiiuiir.ibl... rcpi 'tilion . pir'rct sri-.ti.noto , Hud lusciou*torn- nt tin- ii i s- truiue i it lu llr ju « liHfil 111- perlunner 's choice."— S-Mlll IV 'I Ulll '^ .


l l . t J N G K A N D PIANO - * ,With 1 hi! P 'ltent lVidci Ciifck Itrpemer Action.

" Mii jfli.ficr lX , litnwl , llie airl e ltmiE u"t «i»li alm"»t tucnlcli-nri.e-s ;IUII sweelm -s-Hi tli« ne!l-liiee "rrlili . «rpr|{gi.< BCcmn-t>Hiiiini - iit ,wliivli cuilriiili 'il i-Xcelluutl y with theeitrai ltduiarynow. -r proiinix'.l in the lorti:^ngi -s."—Iliminitc f i ypoit-ln^aiul Dr»in.itic New . _^ JOHN URINSMKAD and SONS' SHORT

IKON U ltAND PIANOS , 1V.nli - In: I'Hi t - iit Ported Clink It peairr Aci imi.

" A n ;,,.iiieii »e improvement in iirpe ^frtn« . '1 be rapidpll> ":ll!e» in« upper remitter , tbe h^nutllul flutP-li|l i ' tour ,J/.-HI quick xrni p - r f i c l r cpi-miun, were ver/ ellct -livr. " —Kl -llr. ..

I OHN ilKI-V SML 'AD and bON S' .SflOKT• / IK U.N l i K A X D PIANOS , '

With ibe Patent IVricci Cluck l.Vpi-iiler Acliuu." Tin: tnoi. i^ ndi ami puie , R ' .«inj ruiR * effect likmc tho

r»-ult nl the inKi -muiis Hcliuu M I I -1 r lu li T.itc >rurkinuh - . lnp."—Cniir: Cin-n .ni . !

I OHN BHLN 'S.MKAD and &0N8' CONCERT?/ I K O N l i l tA .VII PiA.SOS,

u-itli ll. 1: Pn 'ont IVil i - Lt Check Kepeater Acti»u."^i r . l «j j i u > ll .-i .^-hft , i:nu- -el.lom II CHMI .U a nuloi -t , il e-

linliti'il the pa jlic once in i, ' Iir liis ,-irrrfiuemrnt of ' H htietin: Hec Sinks.' 11s p luiod iipim n new Potrnt (Jr.uid liyliriiMiui:ml , pn ^se. ^Mll(c ;i mimrkahl y loud nud clear Utue."—Kchu.


Wiili l'.it-nt K-i n-ct Check Ucpniting Action." The upritflit I iuw (n- .inJ PK I I I D , t t i th ^o^letn)nto siinnd-

itit: limird , U I D U UCCS tho ubvums lesult of a fuller uml richert-iui'."— .ilni ui i i ir A<J cert HIT.


With the Talent IVrdcl Cheek Itrpvuter Attic ,n.• ' A itrent liunn lo "ndiiinij pl.irer> , and iiival ualile tu pro-

cHsiii 'i. .! m^ i i i > t » ."—I' ll- Sun.


Wilh the I' nieni Pridct Check Itrpeattr Action.41 Every means lire ailopUil to ensure ihr: prmloctiun ofperfect uisl.tu tiieli If . "—The Orchestra.


With tliB l' ltrni Perfect Clieik llcpfatcr Actiuu.*' Wlien- all th e pMniH go st-fni:. ^ of ft mj.-tery

for a li 'iil ly gooi I itlslruiiic -hl ivill la^t A lilctttnr. ; .mil yrtevery ye;i r tl iriu tn l ills urp math: by each ul tin; great Lonilutimanufacturers , m lilc ihe nuuiber made by the 200 or inureiu..ilUr Hi ins uiu t repre-entau euurmovs uumhi-r in thecuiirii K ol e&cli ye. tr. 'l'hi! improvement 1 node in Cug liKhPiauoi havi- cnuseil thin trade to rapidly incietnr, until onep hiiip forte - mmiulaet-iry alter iniiilier Ims beenbnilt lo nopp lythi: grun ing deruu.-vi'. Olio of Ibe lorutsl ol tkeir , Ulelrerected liy M=mrs. J0U 11 Urin»inead and SOBI , of Winnote-?tioet , co»ers nearly »ti »crc of (tronnd iu »Le OMftoti-r ,Ki-iitish- tuwii , anil ii intetiiltd t" acfoi»modatc 3<XJ wotk-uien. wurk i i.lone cau nfp ly 3,000 I'm.MI nuunail;,ind there are nt le uKi three naaifaetiirtei it Londnn cupa-uh: ut milking un equal number."—Illustrated ),ondon


Wilh the Paien I Ptrleel fibwk Repealer Acliuu."A Klein/ brid ge 01 a lurra is nsrd In pro^luru

llie 'reble, HIII I a in orll flnrr tone m produced 1I11111 ilwiii.den tirnl^e nere u ») il . ' — .MnrllillK P.isl ,


Wirh fin .. Ki fent Verieri I'hrck U f fca t c r Acti "ii."A per ci:t check , y Teat p »ve r, J '"I ipiick rrpetnimi. "

— Tu I In.h i .

j'oilX ""


With th.! P.utn: 1 'eilect Check Kepeater Adieu." Proilmys 11 lii-tior ¦ Juahly '.' lone , (t i ratrr dur a bility ,

perlict n peliiiun , win 1 a check (nvTrr be'nrp a 'tainrd),with Ihe ceitaitity uf the if.-struit.e rf t m'Tsr bluckin K."—l- an.ianil W:itii|.


Jl ft OAL PIANOS .Wilh 1 In; P.itciit J 'trl tet Clink Hi -pealrr Aciimi.

u Vrry in^i- iiiou* Miee luiiisin , by nlitch the iepelit i i ,u ofl l i . . mile i- |.-r l.-'l ."— rin" ll.'iir.


JIKi ) i\\. PIANOS ,With t i e P»ten l l'e ,tei: t Cluck ltepearer Adi,,11.

" IJea t tlifi l i , hi:l)t , an,) eluitic touch , Htid all tl t- trtnfr|iet niiii i . "- The Globe.T O I I N i t l t lNSMKAD uoil SONS' (JOLD ilEDA^

t) f'lA.VO-S,Will) tbe l'Hleiil IVi ucl t'liccli Hipeal nr Aclioll.

"TI IL- i.ilt«.-)t touch i> Aiitruit - iii to secure a repiy ; thet i>ui: l i mul tbt: l i icih/y of j i -pe t t t io l i are really perlect."—l!-.'irraviiL.


WitJi the Patent PIT I'UCI C heek Ki-pentpr Action." I h e ndTautaif ^& tull; jn-Ony the term * Perfect ' Check

KepiMU'l Allli 'll ." — Juli l l fiull.


Wilh 111" i'atfnl Tcilrcl V-'htcu Hepriter Artinn,"Tlii! t.ioetl 1- ».:r> Mire , li jjl il , aiyl i lastic."— M usical



With III e Patent I'erlect Clink Kfpealer Acli.,11 ."Tins invn Hum i, Min u ^icitj it» ell. ''—The Cj iiern.

~[UIIX Bill' XSJTKAU" und


0 P1ANUS,» -nh the I'J I . - I I I Perfect Chr-ck Krpenter Aciimi.Tue Ul.i t du,l ^-re.iL eri t improvement in the PIHIIO-

I I . IP . "— (\ri . ! V.-<»


WiiU th n Patent l'erh tt L'herk Rppe.iter Action.On tl, e Hirer Youis' System.

"' l>ec ive. the t r« rtUsl«ppi ot>Ht«ineTerynbere of cnuiiciansami iii.mi 'ncturrtir,"—X'lie S 'jinilarrl.

1O11X HUIN SJIKA"irn^u' SONS' GOLD MEDAL0 PIANOS , wit h the P»ti <n( Ptrfect Check ltepealerAction. Ou t*e Tlire e Years ' :

" Oieattir volume mul ricltn ea* ol tone ate produceditli iucipnted durabr |ity."—Th< Uniliiieef .

T 0H K B K IN S 1 IE A D and SO N S' PATENTU " I'Elt K BuT CHCKK KM KATKIt ACTION "I'lANOKUUTK -S, u| e»erj ile»c» i r ti«ri, manufactured « y lot I'uli« H; ,,,| estteme Cliiuate*.

JOHN I5R1KS. MEAD and SONS' GOLD MEDALPIANOS, wi .h ti,. Patent I'ertec: K'pcatrr Artn.11 ,

.May be utimjneil ot e»er< Mu«i> Seller.

JOHN BHINS: MEAD and SONS' GOLD MEDAL0 PIANOS .nuh ihe Patent !'erl(wt Cbfck Kepeiter Actiun .

1 'V0111 31 "> 260 Gninesi.


',* Illui 1 Price Lists anil De-cri ptimi , wilhOpin oii« ef tbe Lniniou JVe-s and Musical Prni#s»ion ,forwarder! Pi «l Kl ee ii|ion Hpp hc«<ioii . (lell-l y


GKAn .'ON-El )AD, KKNT13U T0WX, N.W.

P iJ' -§ :-8 5i?|?'£ l r- -§ "5 -|§ J |100 l :!:ii£ l ;M 2 Il lJ -e l^^-" '-c ,< ,!- p if- j^ ««! ^ ^ * *2.5. ^ ^77 ... 1!

J 3! 4) sN July. 1 * 3 4 5 6 7

14 15 :1617 i8;i9>2o ; iSio ^to rQiojn

21 321^24 *5:1637 »> 23 J4 »516 17 18

jg 'ig^olji ! 193°|3« ...'...;...r.. 1 2 3 * » 3 4

Febv. A si 6 7 » 9 10 Aug. 5 6 7 8 o lO nr t y u: i2 i3UiS '6'7 "I3 '4i5 i6i 7 i818 in2o '2i |2a.23 34' 192021 31 13 J41 5

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Mar. 4! s. 6: 1 «; ? IO Sept. *A * t{ 6 ? «¦uu i .VH ;i5 16 . 17 . 9 10U I U13 14 1J

: ||S 11) 2021 22 2.V24' 1617 18193021 33; '.2 5^6 27J 28 '29:3o:3i 33 »4 »S 26 37 28 39

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' 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 4 25 2ft' ; 1 in ,2°J "l33 H' 2 :2s 2« 10 li1... 1 ...:' 25 262 7 282 30 ..

June. -' 4 sr6' i 8 •) Dec. ' 3 4 5 6 7 8to 11 12 13 14 1: 16' 9;io;ii |t« 13 14 ts1 ; iS 10 20 2 1 22 21 . • i6 j i 7J I8 i9,lc«3J M

I 34 2; 2fi 2; 2S 2.; 101 |*3i»4|aS tin 28 P)'... . ' . '¦ ¦... •'I bo .5i I


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The Nobility and Gentry, tho Acricnltnral and Commeroial ClaaBcs of tho soveral Counties thtongh which i-eircnlatoa , bestow upon the Wixford iTKlmei»cI«n{al»rgimoasnro of patronage. An a well-eBtaoUshed Famil;Nowspaper, and for the fullness and accuracy of it* reports of all local occurrence!*, itcajoyiahighrepnUtioi

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£10. Apply, without delay , for fnll prospectuses UEtc EXE TILLOT, General Merchant , GUEESNIT -


tor the Jilo od is the I.tjc. — See Deuteronomy, CMJn't , verse 23.

Clarke's World Famed Blood Mixture-l?0K CLKANS 1NG nml C L E A R I N G tlic HLOUD frotJ? A L L IM I 'U R I T l E b , wliellier arisiun Iroio yontbfiiniliscietiuii or any otl'i/r cuutie , cannot he tco lii glil j rreotcmeniied. - It t-ures Old Soreft ; currs USa-mlt-d S OCM ia til\¦¦<-!< UIcer»ted Sori> Lets ; lilacthtadfi or I'implei oo illFece ; Scurvy ijr,n-fl ; Cmiceruu.. UI LTI.*; 1II O<K1 and SkioPiien-cs , Glmiilnlft r bwell i i i K» , mid clears the Blood Jrotn i!Impure Matter , Irom nluteter ciunr irisiuft.

As tliin oniture i- rjli -avant tn tbe Unle , and wBiranlcd fnfrom rnerrury— w Inch all pi l l * ami mo>t meditiucB sold l(the .ihove di>p>M~. — i h r Proprietur solicit! icfftreto \z\m it a trnil 10 t».-*l its »rtlue .

IllOCSA.M 'S O? IKSTIM05IA1S PB0H ALL PARTS.Slid 111 Knltli - i. 2- . 61I. cai-U , nud in Cast*, contaraio?

llii ttlf!> , lls. e^cli , suft'iL- ii-iit In i-tVict a pernimiiint cn(j :l.iu>:->,trtuituiii Ciibf*, by »lt Cln-mi-,ls rmd 1'atent MediciiVeudois; or >out tu any addrehtt en rccui pt of 30 or 1£stutnp- , liy

f . j. C L A R K E , Chemist , Higli-stnel , Lincoln.WHOLESALE AOBJU :

Barcluv & Sn:i>.- . i.onilnti. nml all th*! Wholesale IIoasM.


AFKKSH AbSOKTJIENT of the followirl'rrp:iMtiuu > li;i»e ju-i I'cen recriveil ,nt Tai N*'

Ortic>., KniK-street , Watrriiini , from CovrBLLB , }) M KOi Cu., l.umliiii:—Outl:c Vit ic , or Vegetable Li .'s Dropi, tgri-dl ri'im-dy lor N ITVUIH IU- SS , &C.

lJr. 1) K HOUS' I' .^inpouod Renal VilU, for Pdirja in tbacli , gruvel , ilu .umutiaui , "pout , ic. Price Is. lid. to3pt*r bux. Sfi- mlverti denient eUtuliere for particulars.

Dr. DR Kuos ' Vc-L'tabli.' Lils Pill n , lor rfgulatinjf tutoinarh nml rlt-ansiu f; the hloutl.

Mad.uuc COI,I'ELI.B 'S Haii-K c- storin ,; Fluid , which iburn loiiml «(iiidrrful/v I'rtic.-iciuu.i in briii^in^- tlie Lair

uriirmul ciilur: ahii.Coc pisLLil 's Hair Uvr.

ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLSw,irri *i ,teil tn curt: ;i)l discliiir^c^ Itom tbu

UriDIOiffi< u!S m eitht r svi , ncipiirt-d ur ronhtitutio oal , GrtTel ,Piiins in the Mack. -Suld in boie^, ii. tid. each , hjChemists ant! Putent .Medicine Veullurs ; or sent to titddrcs s for (JO stninps by llie Miller , f . J. CLARKE , 0halting Cbrn,i«t , Hi^h'Slreel , Lincoln. A"hi,les:.le AgelB.\RCLAr & SO.VB , London , »n<J all tlm AVIiuletale floun<

PEHi'Ell'-i QU^'INK and IRON TONIC ; puri:aud onricbi -s the Ulood ; strcnijtlieiiH tlie Nerves i

Alubcu nr System ; piomotpa A ppetite , and iraprovet Dilinn ; nniinatr a the bpirit s aud Mental Fnculties ; Iboronjrecruiin lu u miii"i'. bodily lieultli, nnd induces n probcallliy cnndilion of t\\ p Nenou* anil Vbyjical Forces.

liottles contaiuin fc 32 measured do«e» , i%. tlie preparation of Il iin 'Ionic the gredteal care ia el

cifeii. it is n faitlilul cooipiind of Quininr, tbe retire fciple ot Vellmv Cincliun a , or PeruTiau Bark , bleodnl willretiued tiu &t uortbj preparntioo ol Iron , produced in a lowhicb the experience of many t ears bu proied tlie biTins Tonic oders » reedy menus ol gniuiog the atreofreb <atlirr benefiti. afforded hy Quinine and Iroo , w 'uboot ifear of ill cointqnence» , as its composition is thai approiof by the great majority of medical men throughout Ieonntrr.

TJKPPEU'S QUININE »Dd IRON TONIC.-BoUX coutaiuing 32 uieahsred doles, 4B. 81. Tonic tiement will remoTc indujiesiioii , Flatulence, Cooltant Ketburn , Weatnriu of tbe Stoioicb , Sinking S«n»tioD< in tlOrgan , Nauwa , &c. The whole di gtitiie foocliooinowerlully amu-trd hy Quiuine. anil Irou.

PEPPER'S Q U I N I N E und IRO N TOXIC-Qoinaud Irou lurin the musteffecti tetreatment iu alien

lil.iiliti aiding tr.mi di-raugeiui'iil of tbe Neitou* Sjitllu I he most neHkeni-d Ht a te of the Nerves, n courseQuinine ami I run is surt) to 'j enrfit. A gue , Sciatica , VieIP -IH "I the Limb' , I'rosiratiuii , Incipieut Par.ilyiii ,V"u-.' I)Hnce . VV TITI. , &r.

JDfPhKli 'a- QLW.V1NK and IltO.V TOXIC, j tron(ccuuiirjL'uJed Ht a <lt.M ri.b.'e, tafV *, eculiurii ici l, tod -

vaiitri ^puiie Hindi ' »l takin g nireu utlieiiiu ^ medicine. 1¦1-. 01 . Hotll.: c. ,ntiiii« Si inwi-ureJ d.,>e» , which , if t»'dillr , la.ti- 111 ilayii . Tlic urlt MIC buttle 19 lla., sufficito la-t -12 day. . 'l'|,, . sj(,, i lu J,,r<, v.ld at 22i. each , coiltI..-. I I I V ^11 III l h i - 4« .lt.l . l tn tLl ^M.

'j TAItA X ACU.M it l'OI 'Ol'UVLLIN , a StiuiuUolJt t:e Liver .— A ilu-i ul ilm cmnbiuatiun ia reiummcn

In ..IIJ- oiw L-iiinp laiiiiii ^ ot Liver Otrangernent, more '¦ticuli it lj ivl i i-n aii i i i 'K Iruin slig ht cuiiitHtiOD. By aeit,t'uiu\.\uiw lli e LWn MI -1 ^'.i ^ii Uy uiuving tbe Bowels ,heavy llro« ^y fi-rlm; i,nd H.»i '..4cU-, wiih , generall y, Pin ib.' Clie- t iind U.,ck , .sp,ri.,!l y uiu-r taiing, it diui paTi ii iX ACUM A » D i'urj ofi i YLLis u much safer in im ncUMII Calumet OI Lilue P ill , ,-in.l certainly quite equa'po^vr iu removing the olteu dintrfflAiug iuconveDieticdpain ittten.lanl ,,n l)y- ,p»ii.iu. Buttles, 2«. OJ. each.

PEPl'ER'S W I U T E COUGH .MIXTURE.—A (improvement on Cough .Medicine*. It possesses *culiarly sootliing c ftict upon tbe irritated tnetnbraues V

BTU the 8t-Hl of cnuiehin^r, dt-tBtcliin ^ the Phlegm aud »UIU I H I IOIIS , witbout CIUKIO any feeling of siclcuess. Tiqualities male it of service iu liruucbilis aud AstboAtTvclions, while fur ordinary vou^bui,; it \a a specific c-A .lose ol ll.e U' IUTB C'ocr.u M I X T U R K will enaaneulferer ftom tlirae comp laiuts a ccttam niglil 'a test. Pli. ljd. aud 2s. UJ. eacu.

SULPHOUNE LOTIOX. -An eitirnal remedy 'Skin Uisriwe. bhould be Applied every night be

going to be.! ; when its u5e is lolluwed by woDderlnl r(The must mveteiute iiU^linate lviuplioiia are inMuK

Sul |>holuip, and .i cl«ir, licaltli y skin ensured. Ladies 'sutler Ir.uu lnii!ii ,ieilil . i i , , l , irritable St , n> will derive !C'lluluit uuJ helill 'il by UMn g StL PHOLlS H LoTIOB.It may M UU be ap|iliiil to the Skin ol Children , wrrf iumd, with atlvmiuur , >u\pbulii\e has poocilnUj'hcrvuiK ..ctmn cm lli.- sk\u Hnlll i« . ¦> .. SU R ;IC\>-

"I CELLAR'S l l f . N I O X PLA.STKH. S, for curing Boo-»-' and ri'ilm III K ihe uu ol enlarged loe joints. B1< . I ' ll. II II .I •!.. !l: . r . ch .

DELI J AU' S CORN l'LArsTblO. —Uoiei, Is. ljd.'.'•- O.I. 1 he Com Plu-ten. ure u cerlaiu cure lor 1

i,r s ill i-oriui , they completely dry up aud eradicate pal*curn. ; the H UM mil Plasters a provnl remedy lor DoDnnd .ulnmrd loe jo int*, twld by all Cbemists. He cal1) . ll.n '» P) H -I IT8 aie supplii-d.

C^UACKOFTS AitECA NUT TOOT H PASTE.-J usiUK ttiin delicious Aromatic Uentilrice, the en«

ot the mill white , sound, am] politbed like IT'It is exceedingly Imurant , mid specially ssclul lorreBing iucrustatiom ot lart.r un nnKlreted tertb. ?old bjClicinnii f. —i 'ota , 1«. nud 'J3. O.I. eacb. Kiel Cncreft't|>

DLA t NKbS , Nui,es in the Kar , &<•.-Dtllm'i ESSKfKOI! DEAFNES S has prnted tn Mlnordii y. it always relievis . grner.lly curw, »ud is »tro«rec-iinii .iiided by tliouta iids who have derived bruefit. )quite hanules>. -Sold iu boltles , Is. Ha. aud it. 9J. eby nit Cliemisttfl

LOCKYEiVS SULPaV H HAIR RES1ORKUdatken Urey Hair , a*d in a lew day. reftore WO

tcli the natu ral enhmr, \Vliile kevpliu the Hair il« IP'- t culuur u ii unoful lur reinoting >curf. Lockjer'l ->lurer ha«_ tu.wotlal clrini>ing pnrpeitien, nodrtini id.>iiaMe l l , i r flui d. - Lame Hotll es . h. 61.

LOCKYEK'3 S U L P H U R HAIR R ESTQKEU «daiLen , tu tbe loriuer kliadr, hair tbat li nbsolii'

«i i i ie in about Iin dayn; but wbeie jie;nrini i> tounwo*ul° tbe liout and temp lea, the ^uluhur Waab |irun>Piiilo uiK , remleriii f it uiidistiusuisli nble Horn Iliat wuiculuirt ct,Hii^«d. — Lvr xL- IfutlleH , I". Qd eacli. ¦-. J


WATEKVOUD : Printed and Pnbliuhed by EDWIRISTEPHKN KENNKS , ut T/w Waierford News Qtasr*p*rinting, llook-Uindiiif, und JIiichmc-Rnling ErtbKhrnent, ¦ 49 King Htreet , o tho Pariah ©(. TrinilJWithin, City of Waterford,

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