Page 1: Snake venoms and coagulopathy

Snake venoms and coagulopathy

Julian White*

Toxinology Dept, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide SA 5006, Australia

Available online 12 April 2005


Snakebite affects around 2.5 million humans annually, with greater than 100,000 deaths. Coagulopathy is a significant cause

of both morbidity and mortality in these patients, either directly, or indirectly. This paper reviews clinical aspects of snakebite

coagulopathy, including types of coagulopathy (procoagulant, fibrinogen clotting, fibrinolytic, platelet-active, anticoagulant,

thrombotic, haemorrhagic), diagnosis and treatment. Examples of clinical laboratory findings in selected types of snakebite

coagulopathy are presented. Where available, antivenom is the most effective treatment, while standard treatments for other

forms of coagulopathy, such as factor replacement therapy and heparin, are either ineffective or dangerous in snakebite

coagulopathy, except in specific situations.

q 2005 S. Yamamoto. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Snakebite; Coagulopathy; Antivenom; Thrombosis; Haemorrhage

1. Introduction

Interference with aspects of the human haemostatic system

is a common theme amongst snake venoms, encompassing all

four families of venomous snakes, to a greater or lesser degree

(Meier & Stocker 1995). This is reflected in the importance of

coagulopathy clinically, following snakebite in all continents

(except Antarctica, which has no snakes). However, while

coagulopathy may be important in humans envenomed by

snakes, it is not always the key venom effect responsible for

morbidity or mortality, yet may act synergistically with other

major venom effects, to the detriment of human health.

Similarly it should be remembered that humans are not a

natural prey species for any venomous snake and the effect of

any venom component in the intended prey may be rather

different to the effect in humans.

2. An overview of global snakebite

Globally venomous snakebite is estimated to affect

greater than 2.5 million humans annually, of whom more

0041-0101/$ - see front matter q 2005 S. Yamamoto. Published by Elsev


* Corresponding author. Fax: C61 8 81616049.

E-mail address: [email protected].

than 100,000 will die (Chippaux, 1998). The burden of

morbidity and mortality is greatest in the rural tropics

(Lalloo et al, 1995; Laing et al, 1995; Warrell et al, 1999),

but snakebite is not confined to poorer rural tropical areas.

There is evidence that some of the most dangerous

venomous snakes are invading urban areas, putting new

groups of humans at significant risk (Melgarejo & Aguiar,

1995; Revault, 1995). Even in temperate westernised

countries, snakebite from wild snakes still occurs, if

infrequently in some areas, but there is the added problem

of bites from exotic captive snakes. These latter may pose

special challenges to the health system, as few doctors in

Europe or North America are trained in how to manage such

envenoming. Information resources are available to assist in

such situations (Clinical Toxinology Resources Website;

There are many potential effects in humans following

envenoming by snakes, but just a few broad categories are of

major clinical significance (White, 2004a). They are; (1)

flaccid paralysis; (2) systemic myolysis; (3) coagulopathy

and haemorrhage; (4) renal damage and failure; (5)

cardiotoxicity; (6) local tissue injury at the bite site. Each

of these may cause a number of secondary effects, each with

potential morbidity and mortality. Any single species of

snake may show activity in one or more of these categories,

Toxicon 45 (2005) 951–967

ier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Page 2: Snake venoms and coagulopathy

Table 1

Snakes considered to cause medically significant effects on the haemostatic system

Scientific name Common name Effect


Dyspholidus typus Boomslang Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

Thelotornis spp. Vine snakes Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

Rhabdophis spp. Yamakagashi, red necked keelback Coagulopathy and haemorrhage


Hoplocephalus spp. Australian broad headed snakes Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

Micropechis ikaheka New Guinea small eyed snake Anticoagulant and haemorrhage

Notechis spp. Australian tiger snakes Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

Oxyuranus spp. Australian taipans Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

Pseudechis spp. Australian mulga snakes Anticoagulant and haemorrhage

Pseudonaja spp. Australian brown snakes Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

Tropidechis carinatus Rough scaled snake Coagulopathy and haemorrhage


Agkistrodon spp. American copperheads Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

Bitis spp. African puff adders, Gaboon vipers etc Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

Bothrops spp. Includes Bothriechis, Cerriphidion,

Ophryacus, Porthidium spp.

Central and South American pit vipers Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

Bothrops lanceolatus Martinique viper Coagulopathy; thrombosis with

DVT and pulmonary embolus

Calloselasma rhodostoma Malayan pit viper Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

Cerastes spp. North African horned vipers Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

Crotalus spp. (selected) North American rattlesnakes Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

Daboia russelii Russell’s viper Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

Echis spp. Saw scaled vipers Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

Lachesis spp. Bushmasters Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

Trimeresurus spp. Green pit vipers Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

Vipera spp. (selected) Includes Macrovipera spp. Selected European vipers Coagulopathy and haemorrhage

J. White / Toxicon 45 (2005) 951–967952

though rarely all six. In the past there has been an

assumption that a single snake species will generally

cause either local effects or systemic effects and that vipers

cause local and/or haemorrhagic effects, while elapids cause

purely systemic, non-haemorrhagic effects. This assumption

is entirely incorrect. Some of the worst cases of local tissue

injury are caused by elapid bites (selected Asian and African

cobras) (Warrell, 1995a; Warrell, 1995b) and some vipers

(eg South American rattlesnakes) cause minimal local

effects (Fan & Cardoso, 1995). Similarly, some vipers can

cause paralysis or myolysis, while some elapids cause

Table 2

Snakes considered to have medically significant haemorrhagins

Scientific name Common name


Agkistrodon spp. American copperheads

Bitis spp. African puff adders, Gab

Bothrops spp. Central and South Amer

Calloselasma rhodostoma Malayan pit viper

Crotalus spp. (selected) North American rattlesna

Daboia russelii Russell’s viper

Echis spp. Saw scaled vipers

Trimeresurus spp. Green pit vipers

Vipera spp. (selected) Selected European viper

severe coagulopathy (White, 2004a; White, 2004b; White,

2004c; Warrell, 1995a; Warrell, 1995b; White, 1995a).

3. An overview of coagulopathy induced by snakebite

A brief summary of major snake groups causing coagulo-

pathy and/or haemorrhage is presented in Tables 1 and 2.

The diverse array of venom components affecting human

haemostasis is mirrored only partially in a diversity of clinical

effects. An outline of the broad effects is presented in Fig. 1.


Disintegrins and haemorrhagins

oon vipers etc Disintegrins and haemorrhagins

ican pit vipers Disintegrins and haemorrhagins


kes Disintegrins and haemorrhagins


Disintegrins and haemorrhagins

Disintegrins and haemorrhagins

s Disintegrins and haemorrhagins

Page 3: Snake venoms and coagulopathy

Fig. 1. Diagrammatic representation of principle ways snake venom interacts with human haemostasis. (Illustration copyright q Dr. Julian


J. White / Toxicon 45 (2005) 951–967 953

Indeed, in practical clinical terms, the range of clinical

problems presented by this venom diversity is limited. The

principal problems encountered are listed in Table 3.

Essentially these can be further reduced to the following; (1)

reduced coagulability of blood, resulting in an increased

tendency to bleed; (2) frank bleeding due to damage of the

blood vessels; (3) secondary effects of increased bleeding,

ranging from hypovolaemic shock to secondary organ

damage, such as intracerebral haemorrhage, anterior pituitary

haemorrhage or renal damage; (4) direct pathologic thrombo-

sis and its sequelae, particularly pulmonary embolism (seen

only with envenoming by Martinique vipers and related

species from the West Indies; Thomas et al 1995; Numeric

et al, 2002). Each one of these effects can cause morbidity and

even mortality. Between them they may represent as much as

half of all snakebite morbidity and mortality worldwide.

Page 4: Snake venoms and coagulopathy

Table 3

Principal types of toxin effects on the haemostatic system (after

Markland, 1998)

Toxin type Effect

Procoagulants Factor V activating

Factor X activating

Factor IX activating

Prothrombin activating

Fibrinogen clotting

Anticoagulant Protein C activating

Factor IX/X activating protein

Thrombin inhibitor

Phospholipase A2

Fibrinolytic Fibrin(ogen) degradation

Plasminogen activation

Vessel wall interactive Haemorrhagins

Platelet activity Platelet aggregation inducers

Platelet aggregation inhibitors

Plasma protein activators SERPIN inhibitors

J. White / Toxicon 45 (2005) 951–967954

However, it should be remembered that while snakebite-

induced coagulopathy can appear severe, providing some truly

horrifying clinical laboratory results, this does not always

equate with actual major morbidity in individual patients.

Further, it should be emphasised that snakebite coagulopathy

is not entirely like other forms of coagulopathy, so that

standard treatments used for common coagulopathies are often

entirely ineffective or even dangerous if applied to snakebite

coagulopathy (White, 2004a; Warrell et al, 1976; Warrell

et al., 1977). As in most areas of medicine, a principal part of

treating the patient should be elimination of the cause of

disease, in this case neutralisation of venom using antivenom.

4. The procoagulants and coagulopathy

A wide variety of venom components can act as

procoagulants, causing in-vivo activation of the coagulation

system, but in most cases, this does not result in massive

thrombosis and consequent embolic disease, but rather

causes consumption of coagulation factors, resulting in

clinical anticoagulation (White, 2004a; Markland, 1998).

This may cause profound abnormalities of clinical labora-

tory tests, but unless there is some bleeding point, may not

result in clinically significant bleeding (White, 2004a;

Warrell et al, 1977). However, this should not be

misinterpreted as therefore of small clinical significance;

these patients are but a small step away from a catastrophic


The rapidity of development and resolution of procoa-

gulant coagulopathy is quite variable. Time from bite to

complete defibrination can be as little as 15 min for some

Australian elapid snakes, where complete resolution, with-

out antivenom treatment, may take at least many hours and

for some species, days (White, 1995a). The spontaneous

resolution of procoagulant coagulopathy is an important

phenomenon clinically, as it may muddy the diagnostic and

treatment process, if not understood.

Some of the earliest reported procoagulant actions of

snake venoms were reported for Russell’s viper, Daboia

russelii, which contains Factor V and Factor X activator.

Envenoming by these snakes is associated with marked

coagulopathy and haemorrhage, though the precise mix of

systemic effects varies markedly within this single species,

dependant on the geographic population. Thus snakes from

Sri Lanka, while causing coagulopathy and renal damage,

also cause flaccid paralysis and myolysis, clinical effects

less common in other parts of the range of this snake

(Warrell, 1989). The incidence of non-clotting blood in

Daboia bites is high; 62% in Pranchinburi (Thailand), 44%

in Tharawaddy (Burma), 59% in Anuradhapura (Sri Lanka)

(Warrell, 1989). Coagulopathy can develop rapidly, but not

always, with some cases having initially normal coagulation

at 1–2 h post bite, but severe coagulopathy with defibrina-

tion by 4–8 h post bite (Than-Than et al, 1987). In addition

to local bleeding from the bite site, venepuncture sites and

from the gums, there may be gastrointestinal bleeding, with

haematemesis and melaena, bleeding into the skin, causing

ecchymoses and discoid haemorrhages, haematuria (72% of

Burmese cases), and less commonly, bleeding into the

respiratory tract (haemoptysis), menorrhagia and intracra-

nial bleeding. The latter is likely to be fatal, although very

localised bleeding involving the anterior pituitary can occur,

in association with shock. This can result in acute and

chronic hypopituitarism, though in some cases, as with

cerebral injury, early thrombosis may be a factor (see later

comments) (Tun-Pe et al, 1987).

Australian elapids are amongst the most potent in

causing procoagulant coagulopathy, though not all species

cause this effect (Schapel et al, 1971; Herrmann et al, 1972;

White, 1987a–d, 1995a; Williams & White, 1997; Brima-

combe & Murray, 1995; Nocera et al., 1998; Sutherland &

Tibballs, 2001). The typical clinical laboratory findings are

shown in results from actual cases (Tables 4–6) (White,

1981; White, 1987c; White et al, 1983; White et al, 1983-4;

White, 1989; White et al., 1992). Spontaneous bleeding is

uncommon to rare following bites by these snakes, but any

point of vascular damage, even a needle prick, can cause

major bleeding (White, 1995b). As blood vessels develop

small areas of damage frequently, normally undergoing

repair without major adverse sequelae, patients with

procoagulant coagulopathy may develop unexpected mas-

sive haemorrhage at any time, especially intracranial, where

such uncontrolled bleeds are usually fatal, even with

antivenom treatment (White, 2004a; Warrell, 1995a;

Warrell, 1995b; Warrell et al, 1977; Sprivulis & Jelinek,

1995; Tibballs et al, 1991a; Sutherland, 1992; Sutherland &

Leonard, 1995). At least with the Australian elapids, there is

a further twist to the procoagulant coagulopathy story.

Experiments in dogs have shown that for brown snake

(Pseudonaja) envenoming, there can be a brief period of

true coagulation, with thrombus formation, as the venom

Page 5: Snake venoms and coagulopathy

Table 4

Coagulation results for 10 cases of brown snake (Pseudonaja spp.) bite; results selected as earliest full set indicative of coagulopathy, in most

cases prior to antivenom therapy



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


AGE 15 3 2 42 15 7 27 69 21 16

WBCT O30 O30 O30 – – 20 – O30 – –

PR/INR O12 O12 O12 4.9 1.76 – O12 O12 1.7 O12

APTT O150 O150 O150 O94 60 74 O150 O150 32 O150

TCT – – O150 – – – O150 O150 27 O150

Fibrinogen !0.1 0.2 !0.1 – 0.27 – !0.1 !0.1 0.6 !0.1

FDP 500 16000 O5000 O1380 620 2000 – – – –

D-Dimer – O64 – – – – O16 O16 O16 O16

Factor II 0.59 0.56 0.54 – – – – – – –

Factor V 0.11 0.08 0.15 – – – – – – –

Factor VII – – 0.44 – – – – – – –

Factor VIII 0.14 0.03 0.08 – – – – – – –

Factor IX – – 1.0 – – – – – – –

Factor X – – 0.5 – – – – – – –

Protein C 36% 11% – – – – – – – –

Plasminogen 46% 43% – – – – – – – –

Platelets 171 242 250 272 305 265 175 201 301 214

Notes: Case 9 results are 4 h post antivenom therapy, on arrival in Adelaide post retreival from a country town. Case 5 was clinically a very mild

case of envenomation and these results by themselves, though indicative of a very mild coagulopathy and envenoming, would not necessarily

have justified antivenom therapy, however the patient also developed evidence of renal impairment and therefore was treated with antivenom.

There was also evidence of impaired renal function in cases 7 and 9.

J. White / Toxicon 45 (2005) 951–967 955

first reaches the circulation and before fibrinolysis is

activated (Tibballs et al, 1991b; Tibballs et al., 1992).

The resultant thrombi can occlude critical vessels, notably

coronary vessels, resulting in cardiac arrythmias and arrest.

Table 5

Coagulation results for 6 cases of tiger snake (Notechis spp.) bite; results s

prior to antivenom therapy

PATIENT No. 1 2 3


AGE 33 66 73

WBCT – O30 –

PR/INR O12 O12 1.6

APTT O150 O150 30

TCT O150 – 35.5

Fibrinogen !0.04 – 0.48

FDP – 10000 O80

D-Dimer 32–64 – –

Factor II 0.79 – –

Factor V 0.10 – –

Factor VII – – –

Factor VIII 0.46 (0.29) – –

Factor IX – – –

Factor X – – –

Protein C 10% – –

Plasminogen 52% – –

Platelets 317 200 179

Notes: All cases were bites by N. scutatus except case 5 which was a bite fr

was given prior to full coagulation studies, the results given being 4 h afte

Case 5 also occurred in a country area and results were from a sample taken

These thrombi are quickly destroyed once fibrinolysis

activates, but even a few minutes of such thrombotic

complications can be devastating for the victim. It is likely

that this brief thrombotic window is the cause of the well

elected as earliest full set indicative of coagulopathy, in most cases

4 5 6


2 10 59

O30 – –

O12 1.2 O12

O150 39 O150

– – O150

!0.1 0.69 !0.1

5000 – –

– 16–32 O16

0.37 – –

0.06 – –

0.95 – –

!0.01 – –

0.35 – –

0.55 – –

– – –

– – –

288 463 308

om N. ater. Case 3 occurred in a country area and antivenom therapy

r therapy indicating residual evidence of a corrected coagulopathy.

18 h after envenoming, again indicative of a resolved coagulopathy.

Page 6: Snake venoms and coagulopathy

Table 6

Coagulation results for 4 cases of taipan (Oxyuranus spp.) bite;

results selected as earliest full set indicative of coagulopathy, in

most cases prior to antivenom therapy.



1 2 3 4


AGE 29 72 10 65

PR/INR O12 2.5 7.5 O12

APTT O150 72 150 O150

TCT O150 – – O150

Fibrinogen !0.1 – – !0.01

FDP – – 1280 O1280

D-Dimer O16 O64 – O16

Factor II 0.87 – – 0.83

Factor V 0.01 – – 0.07

Factor VII – – – 0.73



(0.02) – – 0.03

Factor IX – – – 1.05

Factor X – – – 0.97

Factor XI – – – 1.19

Factor XII – – – 0.70

Protein C 8% – – !10%



17% – – 36%

Platelets 231 244 295 166

Notes: Cases 1,2,3 were bites by O. scutellatus and case 4 was a bite

by O. microlepidotus. Case 2 was unusual in that the coagulopathy

was mild and there was no evidence of neurotoxic paralysis or

myolysis as might be predicted for a significant taipan bite, but the

patient developed severe renal failure with renal cortical necrosis.

Case 4 is only the 3rd recorded envenoming of a human by the

inland taipan which has the most potent snake venom known and is

technically the worlds most dangerous snake. Case 3 was interstate

and little data is available.

Table 7

Serial coagulation results after a saw scaled viper, Echis ocellatus

bite (adapted from Ajzenberg et al, 1993)

Day after bite 5 9 10 42

Prothrombin time %


!10 80 98 99

aPTT (nZ35–42) O150 29 28 32

Fibrinogen (nZ0.2–0.4 g/

100 ml)

!0.05 0.12 0.18 0.38

D-dimer (nZ!0.4 mg/ml) 114 8 3 0.5

Factor II% (nZ80–120) 14 86 ND ND

Factor V% (nZ80–120) 37 86 ND ND

Platelets (nZ150–400!


305 ND 430 319

J. White / Toxicon 45 (2005) 951–967956

documented cases of early cardiac collapse following brown

snake bite, unhappily a cause of fatalities which no amount

of antivenom can prevent, because this is generally a pre-

hospital phenomenon (White, 2000). Potentially, of course,

if injected intravenously, most procoagulant venoms could

cause a cardiac catastrophe, as was shown many years ago

for tiger snake (Notechis) venom, with massive coagulation

of blood in the heart causing immediate and irremediable

cardiac standstill in animals as large as sheep (Fairley,


The procoagulants in certain viper venoms, notably

the carpet or saw scaled vipers (Echis spp.) produce a

more devastating clinical picture than the Australian

elapids, probably because of the presence of haemor-

rhagins in the venom as well, working synergistically

with the procoagulants (Markland FS, 1998; Warrell

et al, 1976; Warrell et al., 1977; Charak et al, 1988;

Yatziv et al, 1974;). These snakes, in addition to causing

local tissue injury, exert their principle systemic effects

through these two coagulopathic actions. In consequence,

clinical manifestations of bleeding are common, such as

bleeding gums and bite sites, but even here, catastrophic

bleeding into internal organs, particularly the brain,

though well documented, appears to be uncommon

(Warrell et al, 1977; Murthy et al, 1997). Spontaneous

bleeding was seen in 66 of 115 cases of Echis

(carinatus) ocellatus bites in Nigeria, of whom 40 had

bleeding gums, 29 blood stained sputum or saliva, 10 had

epistaxis, 6 developed haematomas, 3 had haematemesis,

3 had subarachnoid bleeds and 2 melaena (Warrell et al,

1977). In this series, 2 patients died following intracra-

nial bleeding and 3 died from haemorrhagic shock. In a

series of 68 cases of Echis coloratus bites in Israel, the

majority (40) did not show active bleeding, while in 19

bleeding was minor and in only 9 was there ‘major’

bleeding (Porath et al, 1992). In this series, average

duration of coagulopathy was 2.8 days, with a maximum

of 9 days. There were no fatalities. Similarly, amongst 7

children bitten by Echis coloratus in Saudi Arabia, only

3 developed hypofibrinogenaemia and there were no

deaths (Annobil, 1993). Without antivenom treatment, a

coagulopathy can persist for many days (Table 7), with

one case taking 30 days for return of normal fibrinogen

levels (Reid Ha, 1977). Similar coagulopathy with

depletion of fibrinogen has been reported for Echis

sochureki (Weis et al, 1991) and E. pyramidum (Gillissen

et al, 1994).

5. The fibrinogen clotting toxins, fibrinolytics

and coagulopathy

Fibrinogen clotting and fibrinolytic snake venom toxins

exert a direct effect on the actual thrombus-forming protein,

fibrinogen, but in varying ways (Markland, 1998). Fibrino-

gen may be split to fibrin and then degradation products, or

it may be only partially split, leaving an ineffective form of

fibrinogen circulating, the end result being an increased

bleeding tendency through either mechanism. As with the

procoagulants, this need not cause spontaneous bleeding,

but certainly increases the risk of a major bleed and can have

Page 7: Snake venoms and coagulopathy

Table 8

Snake species with venom components causing fibrinogen clotting action (after Markland, 1998)

Genus and species Fibrinopeptide A split

(venombin A group)

Fibrinopeptide B split

(venombin B group)

Split of both A and B

(venombin AB group)

Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix – Venzyme –

Bitis gabonica – – Gabonase

Bothrops atrox Batroxobin – –

Calloselasma rhodostoma Ancrod – –

Crotalus adamanteus Crotalase – –

Gloydius halys pallas – C –

Table 9

Snake species with fibrinolytic venom components (after Markland,

1998). This list is not complete, but rather is representative

Genus and species Fibrinolytic component


Naja nigricollis a-chain fibrinogenase


Agkistrodon contortrix



Agkistrodon contortrix


a-chain fibrinogenase

Bothrops moojeni Batroxobin—plasminogen activator

J. White / Toxicon 45 (2005) 951–967 957

severe effects, if working synergistically with a haemor-

rhagin. A number of snakes utilise these mechanisms

(Table 8). Clinically, at least some of these toxins have

major effects, a classic example being the Malayan pit viper,

Calloselasma rhodostoma. This snake causes major coagu-

lopathy and bite-site tissue damage (Reid et al, 1963a). It is a

very significant cause of snakebite morbidity within its

range, in SE Asia (Warrell, 1995b; Warrell et al, 1986).

Patients develop a profound haemorrhagic defibrination

coagulopathy, with both spontaneous bleeding and incoa-

gulable blood. The onset of coagulopathy can be rapid, with

incoagulable blood as soon as 30 min post-bite (Reid et al,

1963a), but full defibrination (and incoagulable blood) may

also be delayed up to 72 h post-bite even though venom and

fibrin(ogen) degradation products may be present at

presentation (Ho et al, 1986). The duration of coagulopathy

can be lengthy, from 6–26 days (incoagulable blood for up

to 8 days; reduced coagulability thereafter) in the absence of

antivenom therapy (Reid et al, 1963a,b).

The fibrinolytic toxins act on fibrin or fibrinogen to

initiate the breakdown process, normally caused by

plasmin(ogen). These are mostly a- or b-fibrinogenases,

but unlike plasmin, are not serine proteases, so are not

susceptible to SERPINS (Markland, 1998). Selected

examples are listed in Table 9. The contribution of these

toxins to coagulopathy and bleeding in humans remains

uncertain, as they generally exist in venoms with a variety of

other haematologically active toxins, however in two

species without such a diversity of other components

(Naja nigricollis, Crotalus basiliscus) haemorrhagic fea-

tures are not a significant part of the clinical profile of

envenoming. In those species with coagulopathic toxins, the

combination of fibrinogen activation and direct fibrinolysis

is likely to enhance haemorrhagic potential. Similarly, those

venoms possessing plasminogen activating toxins will also

enhance haemorrhagic potential.

Cerastes cerastes Cerastase—a, b, g-chain fibrinogenase

Crotalus adamanteus Plasminogen activator

Crotalus atrox Atroxase-a, b-chain fibrinogenase;

plasminogen activator

Crotalus basiliscus a, b-chain fibrinogenase



Habutoxin-plasminogen activator


Trimeresurus stejnegeri TSV-PA-direct plasminogen activator

Vipera lebetina l3batas3-a, b-chain fibrinogenase

6. Platelet active venoms and coagulopathy

Platelets form a vital part of the haemostatic process,

acting as the ‘front line’ in plugging any vascular defect, as

well as providing activating surfaces for the coagulation

cascade. They are metabolically active and subject to many

forms of attack. There are two principal effects likely; (1)

inhibition of platelet activity, thus reducing their effective-

ness in haemostasis; (2) promotion of platelet activity,

increasing their contribution to haemostasis, in this case

pathologic. To these must be added the possibility of

reducing availability of platelets, resulting in low circulating

numbers (thrombocytopenia), itself also a risk for increased


A number of snake venoms can induce one or more of

these effects, depending on concentration of venom

(Table 10). While inhibition of platelet activity can increase

the risk of bleeding, it is unclear if this is of great clinical

significance in envenomed humans. Thrombocytopenia,

however, is far more important and is a feature of

envenoming by a number of snakes, such as North American

rattlesnakes. The degree of linkage between thrombocyto-

penia and increased bleeding in snakebite is unclear.

7. Anticoagulant venoms and coagulopathy

Some snake venoms contain toxins that are direct or

indirect anticoagulants, that inhibit the clotting process, thus

Page 8: Snake venoms and coagulopathy

Table 10

Snakes with platelet-active venom components (after Markland, 1998); this is an incomplete list, as new inhibitors especially are being

constantly described

Genus and species Platelet inhibition Platelet aggregation


Austrelaps superba C (phospholipase A2)

Naja mossambica C (phospholipase A2)

Naja nigricollis C (a-fibrinogenases)

Ophiophagus hannah C (phospholipase A2)

Pseudechis papuanus C (phospholipase A2)


Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix C (disintegrin-contortostatin) C (phospholipase A2)

Bitis arietans C (disintegrin; bitistatin) C (bitiscetin)

Bitis gabonica C (disintegrin-gabonin)

Bothrops atrox C (serine protease-thrombocytin; botroce-


Bothrops jararaca C (disintegrin-like-jararhagin) C (GPIb binding protein-GPIb-BP)

Calloselasma rhodostoma C (a-fibrinogenases; disintegrins-kistrin,


C (aggretin)

Cerastes cerastes C (disintegrin-cersatatin) C (thrombin-like serine protease-cerasto-


Cerastes vipera C (thrombin-like serine protease-cerasto-


Crotalus atrox C (collagen-mediated inhibitor-catrocol-


Crotalus durissus terrificus C (non-enzymatic-convuluxin)

Crotalus horridus horridus C (serine protease-crotalocytin; GPIb

binding proteins-CHH-A, CHH-B)

Crotalus viridis C (collagen-mediated inhibitor-crovidisin)

Daboia russelii C (phospholipase A2)

Echis carinatus C (disintegrin-echistatin; VoWillebrand

binding inhibitor-echicetin)

Eristocophis macmahoni C (disintegrin-eristostatin)

Echis multisquamatus C (disintegrin-multisquamatin)

Lachesis muta C (lectins)

Sistrurus miliaris barbouri C (disintegrin-barbourin)

Trimeresurus albolabris C (disintegrin-albolabrin) C (alboaggregins)

Trimeresurus elegans C (disintegrin-elegantin)

Trimeresurus flavoviridis C (disintegrin-triflavin, flavoviridin) C (GPIb binding proteins-flavocetin-A &


Trimeresurus gramineus C (50-nucleotidase) C (aggregoserpentin)

Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus C (trimucytin)

Trimeresurus tokarensis C (GPIb binding protein-tokaracetin)

Tropidolaemus wagleri C (triwaglerin)

J. White / Toxicon 45 (2005) 951–967958

increasing the risk of bleeding. Clinically this may be little

different in effect than the consumptive route used by

procoagulants, although, in general, anticoagulant venoms

are associated with less severe pathologic bleeding than

consumptive venoms (procoagulants etc). There will,

however, be important differences in clinical laboratory

results that can be useful diagnostically. This is especially

true of Australian elapids, where one particular group

(mulga snakes; selected Pseudechis spp.), cause antic-

oagulant coagulopathy (Table 11). The key diagnostic

distinction is the absence of significant fibrinogen consump-

tion or elevation of degradation products in purely antic-

oagulant venoms such as Pseudechis (Table 12). In many of

the other species with anticoagulant toxins, they coexist

with coagulant and haemorrhagic toxins, thus producing a

far less clear or diagnostic clinical laboratory picture.

8. Thrombotic venoms and pathologic thrombosis

While a coagulant venom, by definition, induces some

degree of clotting, in most cases this is accompanied by

active fibrinolysis, resulting in a net loss of clotting capacity.

As discussed earlier, there may be a brief window of

thrombosis prior to activation of fibrinolysis. However, two

snakes, the Martinique viper (Bothrops lanceolatus) and

Page 9: Snake venoms and coagulopathy

Table 11

Snakes with anticoagulant action in their venom (after Markland,


Genus and species Activity


Pseudechis australis, colletti


Agkistrodon contortrix


Protein C activator

Bothrops jararaca Factor IX/X inhibitor; bothro-

jaracin-thrombin inhibitor

Deinagkistrodon acutus Factor IX/X inhibitor

Echis carinatus leucogaster Factor IX/X inhibitor

Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus Anticoagulant phospholipase

J. White / Toxicon 45 (2005) 951–967 959

the Saint Lucia viper (Bothrops caribbaeus) cause clinical

thrombosis and emboli routinely following envenoming

(Thomas et al 1995; Thomas et al 1998; Numeric et al

2002). Clinically this is manifest as deep vein thrombosis in

the legs (DVT) in most cases, with a significant incidence of

emboli, especially pulmonary emboli, which can prove

lethal, but also cerebral emboli and infarction. Despite this

distinctly different clinical problem, compared to all other

snakes affecting haemostasis, antivenom is even here, the

key treatment (Thomas et al 1995; Thomas et al., 1998).

While likely due to the brief thrombotic window that

may occur in the early stages of procoagulant envenoming,

as mentioned earlier, thrombotic events can occur in

association with procoagulant venoms. In addition to

concerns re early cardiac collapse seen with Australian

Pseudonaja bites (White, 2000; Johnston et al, 2002), there

are scattered cases for other species. Sri Lankan Russell’s

viper, Daboia russelii has been reported to cause cerebral

infarction secondary to thrombosis in key cerebral arteries,

resulting in permanent left hemiplegia (Ameratunga, 1972).

Especially Burmese and to a lesser extent Indian Daboia

russelii can cause anterior pituitary infarction, resulting in

acute and chronic pituitary failure, similar to Sheehan’s

syndrome (Tun-Pe et al, 1987).

Table 12

Illustrative case of anticoagulant coagulopathy (Collett’s snake,

Pseudechis colletti)

Time after


1.5 3.0 6.5 8.5 12.0

INR O12 O12 1.1 1.1 1.1

APTT (secs) 62 58 24 26 27



4.7 4.35 – – 4.4

XDP !0.25 !0.25 !0.25 !0.25 !0.25

Platelets 186 179 161 170 181



– 1 vial at

5 hrs pst


– – –

a CSL Black Snake Antivenom.

9. Venoms and vascular injury; the haemorrhagins

A number of viperid snakes have evolved toxins that act

to increase vascular permeability or damage the vascular

endothelium; the haemorrhagins. Many of these are zinc

metalloproteinases (Markland, 1998). In their own right

they can cause pathologic bleeding and cause more severe

local effects in the bitten limb than might otherwise develop.

However, when combined with toxins affecting haemo-

stasis, reducing clotting ability, such as procoagulants, the

effects can be severe indeed. The clinical effects are seen

locally in the bitten limb and throughout the body. There

may be bleeding spontaneously from tissues, observable

often as bleeding gums, but also as bleeding into

the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), with haematemesis and

melaena; bleeding into the lungs, with haemoptysis;

bleeding into the genito-urinary tract (GUT), with haema-

turia or menorrhagia. Each of these can vary from mild to

severe, capable of causing life-threatening shock. This in

turn will produce further adverse effects, accelerating the

victim’s march to doom.

There are specific organs that are at special risk.

Pathologic bleeding into the brain as a result of haemor-

rhagins and coagulopathy is generally catastrophic for the

patient. Injury will occur immediately and within a short

time is likely to become irremediable and lethal, usually

before any therapeutic interventions, even antivenom, can

take effect (Fig. 2). This is the most dreaded, though

fortunately uncommon, complication of this venom

combination. Also within the cranium, there may be far

more specific haemorrhagic targeting, with anterior pitu-

itary haemorrhage and infarction (Fig. 3). This is

particularly a feature of envenoming by Russell’s viper

from Burma (Myanmar) and, to a lesser extent, India.

While early fatality can occur, it can be survivable,

Fig. 2. CT Scan of the head of a snakebite victim, showing major

intracranial haemorrhage secondary to venom-induced coagulo-

pathy. (photo copyright q Prof. David Warrell).

Page 10: Snake venoms and coagulopathy

Fig. 3. Anterior pituitary haemorrhage and infarction at autopsy in a

victim of Burmese Russell’s viper bite. (photo copyright q Prof.

David Warrell).

Fig. 5. Bleeding gums in a victim of venom-induced coagulopathy.

(photo copyright q Prof. David Warrell).

Fig. 4. Persistent bleeding at the bite site in a victim of venom-

induced coagulopathy. (Illustration copyright q Dr. Julian White).

J. White / Toxicon 45 (2005) 951–967960

resulting in panhypopituitarism, essentially Sheehan’s

syndrome, otherwise seen in obstetric shock. The kidneys

are also particularly vulnerable. Renal failure, due either to

effects of haemorrhagins and/or coagulopathy, or second-

ary shock (or other venom-related causes) remains a

significant clinical problem globally. Even a ‘simple’

procoagulant coagulopathy can stress or critically injure

the kidneys, which must cope with reduced blood flow

coupled with the clearance of coagulopathy degradation

products. Renal damage varies from slight, temporary,

manifest as a rise in creatinine and urea, often with either

polyuria or mild oliguria, through acute renal failure,

usually anuric, to bilateral kidney destruction, generally

manifest as bilateral renal cortical necrosis. This latter is

not recoverable and the victim, if they survive, will be left

with either severely impaired renal function, or no

significant function, such that their survival depends on

chronic haemodialysis or renal transplantation. Even

reversible acute renal failure will prove lethal if adequate

support is unavailable; few developing tropical nations can

afford to support many patients with haemodialysis. Thus

renal failure remains a significant contributor to annual

snakebite fatalities.

In addition to renal failure as a specific complication of

envenoming, it can also be part of the triad, including

thrombocytopenia and haemolytic anaemia, designated as

‘haemolytic uraemic syndrome’ (HUS). This disease has a

variety of causes and can have a significant mortality rate.

HUS has been described in association with Russell’s viper

bite, Daboia russelii (Date et al, 1986), brown snake bite,

Pseudonaja spp. (Schapel et al, 1971; Harris et al, 1976)

and boomslang bite, Dispholidus typus (Lakier & Fritz,


10. Diagnosing venom induced coagulopathy

Venom-induced coagulopathy is often easy to diagnose,

either clinically, or by clinical laboratory testing. Clinically,

clues include spontaneous bleeding from the bite site

(Fig. 4), gums (Fig. 5) and any recent trauma, including

venepuncture sites (Figs. 6 and 7). Internal bleeding may be

hidden, or manifest as haematemesis, haemoptysis, haema-

turia etc. Bleeds into crucial organs will result, generally, in

signs, ranging from the very obvious (i.e. lapse into coma

with dilating pupils as a result of intracranial bleeding), to

the easily missed (in the early stages; i.e. oliguric renal


Clinical laboratory testing can reliably determine the

presence, often the nature of any venom-induced coagulo-

pathy, if it is still active. However, few rural tropical

hospitals can perform extended coagulation studies at all, let

alone urgently. Measuring whole blood clotting time,

though considered by many laboratories as an outdated

test, remains an invaluable tool in snakebite coagulopathy. It

is a simple test, easily performed without the need for

sophisticated equipment. All that is required, apart from

Page 11: Snake venoms and coagulopathy

Fig. 6. Persistent bleeding at an IV site in a victim of venom-

induced coagulopathy (inland taipan). (Photo copyright q Dr.

Julian White).

J. White / Toxicon 45 (2005) 951–967 961

the victim’s blood, is a glass container in which to place the

blood and measure time to clot. The time taken to clot (or

absence of a clot) is measured and, if possible, clot

consistency can be determined. A further refinement,

developed by Warrell, is the 20 min whole blood cloting

test (20minWBCT) (Warrell et al, 1977; Warrell et al.,

1986; Sano-Martins et al, 1994). This simple variant, based

on extensive clinical experience and control studies, simply

determines, if, after 20 min, a clot is present. If there is no

clot the test is strongly predictive of coagulopathy. A

simple, rapid test, it has become a standard globally for

snakebite coagulopathy. Even where a full laboratory is

available, the 20minWBCT can give a more rapid, if less

detailed answer.

If full laboratory facilities are available, then extended

coagulation studies are appropriate. These should include

Fig. 7. Extensive bleeding following failed IV insertion into the

right jugular vein in a case of severe defibrination coagulopathy

(taipan bite). The resultant haemorrhage threatened to occlude the

airway, extended to the abdomen, and resulted in a halving of

haemoglobin levels in 3 h. (Photo copyright q Dr. Julian White).

prothrombin time (PT; INR), activated partial thromboplas-

tin time (aPTT or PTTK), fibrinogen level, fibrin(ogen)

degradation products (FDP, XDP, d-dimer) and platelet

count (this latter usually as part of a whole blood count,

including red cells and white cells). As kidney damage is

common with coagulopathy, renal function should also be

tested (creatinine and urea) and urine output carefully


Whichever testing method is used, it is crucial that serial

tests be performed. Even if initial testing is normal, late

developing coagulopathy can occur, especially if effective

first aid has been used. In general, if the initial studies are

normal and the patient is otherwise well, first aid is removed

and coagulation is retested after 2–3 h and, if normal, a

further 2-3 h later. For some snakes, testing should be

extended even further.

If tests reveal a coagulopathy then antivenom treatment

should be instituted (if available), followed by further

testing to ensure an adequate response and guide the need

for more antivenom.

Apart from determining if there is a coagulopathy,

laboratory tests can illuminate the type of coagulopathy.

This can be diagnostically important, if the choice of

antivenoms are mostly ‘monovalent’, as in Australia, and if

venom detection or a dead snake are not available. In this

Australian example, there are two principle patterns of

coagulopathy; defibrination and anticoagulation. Defibrina-

tion coagulopathy will manifest as prolonged PT/INR and

aPTT, with low to absent fibrinogen and elevated degra-

dation products. This pattern is seen with envenoming by

brown snakes (Pseudonaja spp.), tiger snakes (Notechis

spp.), rough scaled snakes (Tropidechis carinatus), taipans

(Oxyuranus spp.) and broad headed snakes (Hoplocephalus

spp.). If the coagulopathy is of the anticoagulant variety,

while PT/INR and aPTT may be prolonged, fibrinogen

should be normal and degradation products undetectable.

This pattern indicates envenoming by mulga snakes and

their relatives (Pseudechis australis, P. butleri, P. collettii)

(Table 12). So important is this distinction, it is a prime

separator in Australian snakebite diagnostic algorithms

(Fig. 8). The presence of coagulopathy is also used in

diagnostic algorithms in other regions, such as South East

Asia (Fig. 9).

11. Treating venom induced coagulopathy

Coagulopathy is generally a direct effect of toxins in

venom. It follows that removal of those toxins, using

antivenom, should allow return to normal haemostasis. Of

course, antivenom cannot repair injuries caused by the

coagulopathy, such as critical organ damage, nor can it

‘switch off’ secondary phenomena activated during the

coagulopathy, such as hyperfibrinolysis. It is therefore

important to give the correct antivenom as early as possible,

once coagulopathy is detected, in sufficient amounts, and be

Page 12: Snake venoms and coagulopathy

Fig. 8. Diagnostic algorithm for determining the type of snake involved in Australian snakebite. (Illustration copyright q Dr. Julian White).

J. White / Toxicon 45 (2005) 951–967962

Page 13: Snake venoms and coagulopathy

Fig. 9. Diagnostic algorithm for determining the type of snake involved in South East Asian snakebite. (Modified from Warrell et al, 1999).

J. White / Toxicon 45 (2005) 951–967 963

prepared to give supplementary doses if required. Equally, it

is important to avoid giving other therapies that may

exacerbate the coagulopathic process. This is rather

different to management of most other causes of coagulo-

pathy, which generally represent derangement of normal

homeostatic mechanisms. Thus for disseminated intravas-

cular coagulation (DIC), which may resemble some types of

snakebite coagulopathy, it is common practice to ‘short

circuit’ the clotting process, by giving heparin, followed

later in selected cases by warfarin or similar. The patient

may also be given supplementary clotting factors, often as

fresh frozen plasma (FFP) or cryoprecipitate (cryo).

In snakebite coagulopathy, such treatments are generally

ineffective (Porath et al, 1992) and may be potentially

dangerous (Malik GM, 1995). Heparin will not ‘switch off’

the pathologic venom-induced coagulopathy, so will not

Page 14: Snake venoms and coagulopathy

J. White / Toxicon 45 (2005) 951–967964

help, yet may induce its own degree of pathologic changes

to clotting, thus making things worse (Warrell et al, 1976a).

Similarly, the addition of extra substrate in FFP or cryo may

only add fuel to the venom-stoked fire, especially with

procoagulants, unless all venom has been removed (White,

1987c). This, in turn, will increase levels of degradation

products that must be cleared by the kidneys and may also

accelerate the hyperfibrinolytic state which can occur. This

increases the risk of spontaneous bleeding. Further, the

degradation products are, themselves, partially anticoagu-

lant, thus potentially deepening the crisis. Conversely, if

extra clotting factors are not considered until after there is

evidence that all venom has been neutralised, then often

they will be superfluous anyway, as the liver rapidly

replenishes depleted clotting factors. Cases of defibrination

where fibrinogen has been given in the absence of

antivenom therapy have confirmed the deleterious effect

of such treatment (Reid et al, 1963b).

There is some controversy regarding rate of replenish-

ment of clotting factors. Australian experience indicates

fibrinogen can reach measurable levels following defibrina-

tion reversal with antivenom, in about 3 h (White, 1987c),

but standard teaching elsewhere is a wait of 6 h (Warrell,

1995a; Warrell, 1995b). Certainly the longer wait will give a

more definitive result, but if insufficient antivenom has been

given, it doubles the period at risk, before more antivenom is

administered. The greater delay will, at least theoretically,

reduce the likelihood of giving unnecessary extra anti-

venom, an important issue in countries where antivenom is

in short supply. Where antivenom is generally available, as

in Australia, such considerations are less important, though

giving more antivenom than is necessary will increase

treatment cost and increase the likelihood of serum sickness,

which is generally dose-related.

Repeat dosing with antivenom may be required, not just

to provide a sufficient dose to neutralise acute venom levels,

but to neutralise late release venom from bite site depots.

The late release phenomenon is well documented for some

vipers causing haemostatic disturbance. Examples include

the Malayan pit viper, Calloselasma rhodostoma, where late

release can extend coagulopathy for up to 2 weeks post-bite

(Reid et al, 1963b). Similarly, venom-induced thrombo-

cytopenia can occur late after North American rattlesnake

bite, presumed due to further venom release. These late

release phenomena have implications for designing anti-

venoms. The current US snake antivenom for viper bites is

ovine F(ab)’ based and in consequence, has a short half life.

Its rapid elimination puts the patient at risk of recurrent

envenoming, unless follow up doses are given, requiring

treatment regimes incorporating regular doses of antivenom

every few hours, or even by continuous infusion. In this

situation, it might be better to have an antivenom with at

least some F(ab)2 or even IgG component, with a much

longer half life. Of course, such an antivenom, particularly

with whole IgG, might pose greater risks of other adverse


At least in Australia, coagulopathy is used as a

convenient guide to ongoing antivenom dosing, ‘titrating’

antivenom doses against resolution of the coagulopathy.

This technique has been used for a number of years since

initially recommended, but though generally useful in an

‘antivenom rich’ environment, is not without problems.

Firstly, some doctors have given insufficient time after a

dose to see if it is effective, before launching into further

doses. This can result in overdosage. Secondly, the problem

of intra-generic venom variability is often a mystery to

doctors, who assume all species from a genus will cause

exactly the same degree of envenoming, be equally

responsive to antivenom raised against a single species,

thus similar doses should be used. A prime example is the

brown snake (Pseudonaja spp.), a wide-ranging genus,

represented across all mainland Australia and currently the

leading cause of snakebites on that continent. The quantity

of venom produced for a given-sized snake varies based on

geographic location, even within a single species, let alone

between species. Procoagulants in the venom, though

similar, appear to have different degrees of susceptibility

to the specific antivenom. Thus envenoming may require

anything from 3 vials to 20 vials to neutralise the

coagulopathy and for some specimens, antivenom appears

poorly effective, even at very high doses. This needs to be

understood in managing a case. The initial dose should be

evaluated, depending on the geographic location, experi-

ence suggesting (currently being evaluated in a trial) that

envenoming by Western Australian brown snakes (dugite,

P. affinis; gwardar, P. nuchalis) may require substantially

more vials of antivenom, possibly a starting dose of 10 vials,

compared to 5 vials in eastern Australia.

Where available, antivenom is the treatment of choice

for all snakebite coagulopathies, but not all antivenoms are

created equal. The choice of antivenom can be critical in

obtaining the best outcome. The variation in venom activity

profile within a single species, spread over a wide

geographic range, is typified by Russell’s viper, Daboia

russelii. Antivenom produced against the venom from

snakes in one geographic region can be near useless in

treating bites by the same species from a different region.

The comparative efficacy of a given antivenom, or in some

cases, lack of efficacy, will be important in judging dosage,

together with the degree of envenoming in each case. Thus,

as discussed for Australian snakebites, the initial and

subsequent doses of antivenom must be individualised for

each snake, from each region, for each antivenom,

dynamically modified by the peculiarities of each case of

envenoming. Listing appropriate antivenoms for each snake

species is beyond the scope of this paper, but some

information may be found on the internet (www.toxinol-

The issue of when to use antivenom for snakebite

coagulopathy is increasingly important, especially in those

regions where antivenom is scarce. The importance of

objectively establishing if coagulopathy is present, by

Page 15: Snake venoms and coagulopathy

J. White / Toxicon 45 (2005) 951–967 965

measuring clotting function, such as by the simple WBCT,

before deciding to give antivenom, has been known for

many years (Swinson C, 1976). Even in areas with poor

resources, the WBCT can usually be performed and will

give a rapid indication of the presence of coagulopathy in

association with envenoming, which is essentially always an

indication to give antivenom, presuming it is available.

Similarly, repeat WBCT after antivenom may guide the

need for further antivenom. Clearly the WBCT is not useful

in all forms of snakebite coagulopathy, most notably where

the problem is pathologic thrombosis and embolism, as seen

with Bothrops lanceolatus and B. caribbaeus. It may also

fail to indicate platelet abnormalities and will not be

diagnostic for haemorrhagic problems, but in these

situations, clinical examination is likely to detect the

abnormality and so point to the requirement for antivenom.

The method of determining need for further antivenom in

such cases is less clear and must generally rely on clinical

judgement rather than laboratory diagnostic parameters.

12. Medical uses for haemostatically-active venoms

A detailed account of medical uses of snake venoms is

beyond the scope of this paper. In particular, potential

therapeutic uses will not be discussed. From the perspective

of haemostatically active components, however, there is a

long-standing role in diagnostic tests, both for coagulation

abnormalities and related diseases. Amongst the most

venerable are toxins from Russell’s viper venom (Daboia

russelii) (Marsh, 1998), long used as reagents for specific

tests of clotting function. More recently, toxins from snake

venoms have been used to develop tests for other parts of the

haemostatic system, such as Protein C, and for related

disease, such as testing for lupus anticoagulant. It seems

likely that the list of clinical tests using haemostatically-

active venom components will lengthen.


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