
Editor: Elizabeth PerialeContributions to blog by approximately 20 staff

FEDLINK Membership Meeting 6/2/09

Smithsonian Institution Libraries Strategic Planning•Began 2/2008•Hired a Consultant•Involved other SI partners; SIL Board•Included Web 2.0 initiatives

Dr. G. Wayne Clough, 12th Secretary of the SmithsonianTechnology and new modes of communication based on the World Wide Web are dramatically altering the way people access, interact with and communicate knowledge.

Smithsonian Strategic Planning•Began Fall 2008 FEDLINK Membership Meeting


Smithsonian 2.0 (• A Gathering to Re-Imagine the Smithsonian in the Digital Age

•How does SI effectively serve its growing virtual visitors?• How does SI deliver to those visitors 137 million artifacts, works of art and scientific specimens in its collections?•How does SI do so in an engaging, educational manner?

• Smithsonian 2.0 Forum – Opening a dialog• All Access vs. Controlled Access • Strategize vs. Explore • Free vs. Charge a Fee

FEDLINK Membership Meeting 6/2/09

FEDLINK Membership Meeting 6/2/09

FEDLINK Membership Meeting 6/2/09

FEDLINK Membership Meeting 6/2/09

FEDLINK Membership Meeting 6/2/09


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Stats on May 4, 2009Page views: 26,874Average per day: 51In the last 7 days: 804Today: 46

Stats on May 27, 2009Page views: 30149Average per day: 55.83In the past 7 days: 920Today: 63

FEDLINK Membership Meeting 6/2/09

FEDLINK Membership Meeting 6/2/09

FEDLINK Membership Meeting 6/2/09


FEDLINK Membership Meeting 6/2/09

Creating the Digital Library

The soundtrack is the Smithsonian Polka.

FEDLINK Membership Meeting 6/2/09

Elizabeth Periale, SIL Blog Editor

Martin Kalfatovic, SIL Assistant Director Digital Services and creator of Creating the Digital Library

FEDLINK Membership Meeting 6/2/09

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