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SME Digital Transformation guide

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SME Digital Tranformation Guide


• Introduction...3• Benefits of digital transformation...4• Digital Presence...6• Unification of online and offline channels...9• Strategy Driving Tools...11

Page 3: SME Digital Transformation guide · 2019. 12. 17. · Don’t waste any more time. Start your digital transformation process today. iit rnortion uid no. 4 Benefits of digital transformation

SME Digital Tranformation Guide


Throughout this guide we will try to solve all the doubts related to the process of digitization of a company. In addition, we will guide you on the path to transformation, enabling you to take the first steps.

Even though digitizing your company will be a medium to long term process that will require the involvement of the entire team its beneficial effects will soon be verifiable and measurable.

Under this concept of digitization, there are an endless number of actions you can take and strategies you can deploy. So that you do not get lost in the process, we are going to suggest some that will make a more immediate impact. We will also recommend appropriate tools.

Don’t waste any more time. Start your digital transformation process today.

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SME Digital Tranformation Guide

Benefits of digital transformation

If you’ve come this far, it’s because you’ve recognized your company needs to renew its market presence through digitization. Even so, you probably don’t know all its benefits:

If you’re not on the Internet, you don’t exist: this phrase that you’ve heard countless times today has become even more relevant. The latest studies indicate that close to 80% of consumers search for information on the Internet before making a purchase decision.

Search engines and especially Google have become an essential tool. Nowadays when faced with any need, people turn to search engines such as Google, either on their computer or mobile and search not only information but also shops, restaurants, suppliers etc.. If you do not take this into account, you will be losing countless potential customers.

You will show a fresher and more modern image: the penetration of Internet in Spanish homes, together with the development of new devices has made the behavior of consumers and their relationship with companies change. For this reason, implementing solutions that allow agile and dynamic communication will have a very positive impact on your brand image.




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SME Digital Tranformation Guide

Improved measurement of the impact of your actions: Basing our recruitment and marketing strategies on traditional channels it is difficult to accurately measure the impact they have on our sales. However, in digital channels it is possible to have real time data on how many people are being impacted and how many read information related to your company, either on your website or in any of the other channels you implement.

You will reach your customers where and when they need it: the biggest problem with physical formats is their short duration. For example, if we have an insert in a newspaper, the next day almost no one will see our ad. However, an email, presence in social networks, a good positioning in Google search results, will always be available to our customers when they need it.


5Now that we know some of the benefits, let’s go from the most basic to the most complex to start the digitization process. To make it simpler, we have divided the content into 3 blocks:

Digital Presence

Unification of offline and online


Strategy Driving Tools1 2 3

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SME Digital Tranformation Guide

Digital Presence


Our digital strategy will depend on how easily users find us and how easy it is for them to access the information they need to make a purchase decision.


This means that it looks good on all devices and is easy to navigate. Many of your users will access from mobile devices, so if your website does not adapt to these devices and the different clickable elements do not work properly using a finger instead of a mouse, you will lose countless visits.

Tiempo de carga adecuado:

Refers to the time it takes your website to load after clicking a link to it. Keep in mind that many of the users, as we said before, will access from the mobile and from 4G networks where the loading time can be longer.

Our website will be the basis of our strategy as it will be the letter of introduction to which clients will turn for information. It is important we project an image appropriate to our company.

For the website to be effective, we must ensure that it meets the following minimum requirements:

Essential information:

Think about what your business purpose is and make it immediately clear on the page the user first lands on. It is common to find websites with landing pages that show you a lot of information about the company’s values, CSR actions and the like, but doesn’t explain what it actually does. This often translates into customer loss. You must also include a means of being contacted: a contact form , a phone number and an email.

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SME Digital Tranformation Guide

Access to our website


It deals with Google’s unpaid results. Each time a user searches Google, Google make a selection of the available pages it considers most relevant and displays them in the search results. This should be the main source of traffic to your site and to achieve this, you must ensure you meet Google’s requirements. You can get started on meeting these in this google’s own guide.

The two channels above are effective in the medium to long term and through digital advertising you can drive results quickly. The most common is to advertise on Google’s own search engine (SEM), advertising on Google’s advertiser network and advertising on social networks. With small investments you can profit significantly, as long as you manage to adequately segment your target audience.

The various social channels have become very powerful tools, both for users and companies, allowing fluid and instant communication. Also, keep in mind that not being on the networks means that their users can be talking about your business without you knowing it, with the possible negative effect on your business. It’s not about being in all of them, but about finding the ones most in tune with your business. For example, if you work in the B2B sector, LinkedIn may be the most interesting. If, on the other hand, your target audience is young, you may be more interested in Facebook or Instagram.

PRO tip: You can use this free Google tool to see how your page loads on different devices

The strategies you can implement to get users to access your site are varied and it would be impossible to describe them all in detail in this document, so let’s show you the 3 main ones:

Organic positioning

Online advertising

Social networks

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SME Digital Tranformation Guide

Email marketing

When sending an email you have just 3 seconds to capture the user’s attention and if you only use text you will probably lose it. You can give more dynamism to your emails incorporating HTML elements that make them more attractive. Tools such as Mailchimp will help you take the first steps.

Another common error is not including a signature with the contact details of the sender or including a signature in just plain text. You may use the end of our email to include various forms of contact and links that amplify the information you are providing.

PRO tip: You can do a short free SEO analysis at this website.

Most communications from any company are done via email. It is a channel that is often neglected and most of us use it as a mere tool to exchange information or to attach a commercial proposal.

However, email can be a great tool for presenting a digitized image: How do you do it?:

Don’t limit yourself to flat text

Digital signature

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SME Digital Tranformation Guide

Unification of online and offline channels

Something very common in the digitization process of companies is that they overlook the connection that must exist between what they do in the online environment and the offline environment. This translates into a lack of coherence and a failure to take full advantage of the efforts made in each channel.

So that this does not happen to you, we have compiled some ideas that will help you to work in a coordinated way:

Create an interactive brochure or catalog: Paper formats often end up in the trash or are lost, in addition to being expensive to print. That’s why it’s a good idea to have promotional material in digital format.

PRO tip: a good way to achieve a distinctive element in your emails is to integrate your digital signature with a virtual business card where you provide all the information the user needs. More information here.

Digital business cards: As in the previous point, it will allow you to

save money and also allow your customers to access all your contact information

whenever and wherever they need it.



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SME Digital Tranformation Guide

Virtual Cardholders:Like most people you will at some time have wasted valuable time and energy searching for contact details on an old business card or scrap of paper. This inconvenience is now avoidable with digital card holders that allow you to quickly store and access contact information in the cloud at any time...

PRO Tips:

• Don’t forget to at least include your web address in offline communications such as brochures, posters, business cards and even in the invoices you send to your customers.

• Take care of your corporate image in all media, maintaining the same creative line. A style guide will help you at this point.

Card scanning: When you go to see a customer, a supplier or you are at a

networking event, you usually come back with pockets full of cards. This means that when you arrive at the office you have to invest time in incorporating all the information in your CRM

or in physical card holders. Well, now it’s possible to have card scanners. This is an app (link Android, link iOs) that you install

in your mobile and just by swiping the business card across the cameraof your smartphone its contents are

automatically saved in digital form.



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SME Digital Tranformation Guide

Strategy Driving Tools

You now already know the first steps you need to take towards digitization. There are a lot of things you can do and I’m sure you’re thinking about how to implement all of them right now.

We’ve compiled some tools that will help you with the first impulse:

If you have a local business, you may have noticed that Google maps results are displayed when you search Google. Do you want your business to show up too? It may already be appearing, but you haven’t registered it and the information is incorrect. You can manage all this yourself. Login here.

is a very powerful tool to manage all your social networks within a single platform. Login here.

earlier we told you about the possibility of creating virtual cards, digital card holders, electronic signatures, scanners for cards, etc... Well, all those features and many more, you have in a single application. More information here.

With this program you will be able to check the positions of your web page in Google. Login here.


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