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REVOLUTIONIZING THE WORLDREVOLUTIONIZING THE WORLD: Disrupting the Status QuoDisruptive Innovations for Sustainable Development: From STUPID to SMART World a world population exceeding 7.2 bn people and an annual GDP of US$90 trillion, the total global wealth last year amounted to $240.8 trillion. Share of wealth for the bottom half of the population was 0.71 percent, while the richest one percent had 46 percent (amounting to $110 trillion). In 2014, the extreme economic inequality is only increasing. It is estimated that $18.5 trillion is held unrecorded and offshore. The present world is a dull world of “the elite”, by “the elite” and for “the elite”, in which the poor man subsidizes the rich man.

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WORLD X.0 :: Revolution X.0 > Global Community X.0 >

Human X.0 > Government X.0 > Society X.0 > Nation X.0 > City X.0 > Science X.0 > Technology X.0 > Infrastructure X.0 > Network X.0 > Telecom X.0 > Internet X.0 > Web X.0 > Service X.0 > Media X.0 > Industry X.0 > …Space X.0


Disruptive innovations are to revolutionize human life and business and the whole global economy in next decade, driving truly massive economic transformations, social, political and technological disruptions, thus radically changing our world.

Encyclopedic Intelligence, EI, is designed as an open innovation and disruptive technology platform.

EI is a universal intelligent environment for building Intelligent Governance Platforms for smart territories and intelligent communities (a world, nations, cities and local settlements of the future).

EI is a universal intelligent environment for building smart disruptive technologies, as Smart Mobile Internet, Automation of knowledge work, Intelligent Analytics, Internet of Things, Cloud technology, Advanced robotics, Autonomous vehicles, Next-generation genomics, Energy virtual storage, 3D printing, Advanced materials, Intelligent oil and gas fields, Renewable energy, Social Technologies, etc.



SMART REVOLUTION MANIFESTO, Azamat Abdoullaev, EIS Ltd, 2014

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We are slowly realizing that many life-critical things are at critical points when critical decisions must be made and crucial actions must be performed. We are slowly recognizing that many significant things are never will be the same. We slowly understand that there is no close end for the current global crisis.

We finally see that the world at large is lacking any good sense, intelligence and efficiency. But it is abundant of global imbalances, social disorder and exclusion, political disintegration and environmental neglect, injustice, dishonesties and corruption and many other immoralities. In all, it is abundant of dangerous situations and threats and risks, affecting individuals and persons, families and businesses, groups and communities, cities and regions, nations and countries, societies and international communities, what even the G20 Summit largely recognized.

On the top, that wild world is plagued by the poor global government, corrupted national leadership and incompetent local administration.

Nowadays, the chaotic, uncontrolled world is living through a crucial stage, when decisive changes are impending, when the whole planet is looking for a radical transformation in all the key spheres, sectors, parts and systems, no longer be kept and managed in the standard ways. The scope of global crisis, its threats and risks, is becoming overwhelming running from the global and local stock markets to safety and security to the school systems and family values, to the whole countries and international communities. Going across all aspects of human being, it continually infects all parts of human life, all kinds of economic schemes and political systems, all types of communities, all sectors of human activities. The signs of such a broadly unsustainable world are all around us, their markings as sweeping and multifarious as >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Economic Crisis (mass unemployment, recession, depression, bubbles, boom/bust patterns, economic globalization, harmful economic systems, world poverty)

Financial Crisis (the state budget crises, banking crisis, currency crisis, liquidity crises, mass insolvency, credit crunch, harmful financial systems)

Societal Crisis (social disunity, social unrest, low safety and security, social disorder)

Political Crisis (political disunity, political misgovernment, regional wars, political corruption, 1% rule, harmful political systems)

Cultural Crisis (cultural disunity, commercial culture expansion and human isolation, religious wars and social hatred, cultural imperialism)

Ecological Crisis (wholesale ecosystems destruction, environmental disaster, diseconomies of agglomerations, clusters, and cities, harmful eco systems)

Personal Crisis (personal situations, jobs, household finances, drug- and alcoholism addiction)

Information Crisis (information propaganda, digital divide, mass advertising)

S&T Crisis (knowledge fragmentation, disunity of science, arts and technology, education, research and innovation disunity, R&D neglect)

Ideological Crises (the crisis of basic values, the standard mindsets, mass consumerism, moral corruption, harmful ideological systems of imperialism and communism).

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ECONOMIC Fiscal crises in key economies Failure of a major financial mechanism or institution Liquidity crises Structurally high unemployment/underemployment Oil-price shock to the global economy Failure/shortfall of critical infrastructure Decline of importance of the US dollar as a major

currency Greater incidence of extreme weather events (e.g.

floods, storms, fires) ENVIRONMENTAL Greater incidence of natural catastrophes (e.g.

earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, geomagnetic storms)

Greater incidence of man-made environmental catastrophes (e.g. oil spills, nuclear accidents)

Major biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse (land and ocean)

Water crises Failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation (greenhouse gas emissions, nitrogen and phosphorus

loading, ozone depletion, chemical pollution, freshwater use, ocean acidification, land use change, aerosol loading)

GEOPOLITICAL Global governance failure Political collapse of a nation of geopolitical importance Increasing corruption Major escalation in organized crime and illicit trade Large-scale terrorist attacks Deployment of weapons of mass destruction Violent inter-state conflict with regional consequences Escalation of economic and resource nationalization SOCIETAL Food crises Pandemic outbreak Unmanageable burden of chronic disease Severe income disparity Antibiotic-resistant bacteria Mismanaged urbanization (e.g. planning failures,

inadequate infrastructure and supply chains) Profound political and social instability TECHNOLOGICAL Breakdown of critical information infrastructure and

networks Escalation in large-scale cyber attacks Massive incident of data fraud/theft Source: Global Risks 2014, World Economic Forum.

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The present world is a world of unsustainable growth, extreme inequality, overwhelming poverty, ill-gotten wealth. Its wealth is idiosyncratically distributed between the few richest haves and the poor have-nots, with almost half going to the richest one percent and the other half to the remaining 99 percent, creating huge disparities in wealth and income, power and rights.

In 2013, the total global wealth amounted to $240.8 trillion. Share of wealth for the bottom half of the population was 0.71 percent, while the richest one percent had 46 percent (amounting to $110 trillion).

The world's 85 wealthiest were worth a collective $1.7 trillion, while the same amount was owned by half of the world's poorest people, a total of roughly 3.5 billion.

Such extreme inequality has been ‘impacting social stability within countries and threatening security on a global scale’, according to the World Economic Forum.

It poses a major risk to human progress, to building inclusive political and economic systems increasing social tensions and the risk of social unrest and societal breakdown.

Political institutions become undermined and governments overwhelmingly serve the interests of economic elites to the harm and detriment of ordinary people.

Rapidly increasing in the majority of countries, the concentrations of income and wealth represent a global threat to stable, inclusive societies.

Extreme economic, political and social inequality can and must be reversed by building smart economies (sustainable and equitable economic growth, regulations, capital taxation, progressive taxation, no tax havens) and inclusive societies (open government, participatory democracy, citizen participation, accountability, social inclusion, equality of opportunity, gender equality, ethnicity equality, social mobility, tax revenues for universal healthcare, education and social protection).

WORKING FOR THE FEW : Political capture and economic inequality;

‘Global Wealth Report 2013’, Zurich: Credit Suisse.

The World’s Billionaires, ‘Outlook on the Global Agenda 2014’, 2013, the World Economic Forum

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The present world is a fundamentally immoral world of “the elite”, by “the elite” and for “the elite”, in which the poor man subsidizes the rich man.

The current world is failing to sustain the human life causing degradation of all sorts and kinds: mental, social, political, cultural, and environmental; for the existing world "meets the needs of the present … compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

The current world is a deeply Unsustainable World, the Inferior World liable to social threats and political risks, technological threats and ecological risks, economic risks and military threats, cultural risks and demographic threats.

The rich is richer, the poor is poorer, it is a permanent destructive “rule” of the global world system.

The total population has reached seven billion, while only 15% makes ends meet.

The climate is warming. Total pollution, of air, water, food, soil,… and our souls. Bio species are being systematically eliminated. Mass pandemics. Civil wars. Global and local terrorism, in all parts of the world. And all is accompanied, or rather caused, by ineffective global governance and weak political leadership, corrupted politics and outdated public administration, transnational and national, regional and local.

Last, there are billions existing without access to energy, water. Information, roads and dwellings, sanitation and health services, dying from diseases and starvation.

For civil society, promote innovation and train future leaders, organize smart communities and deliver quality services.

For business, develop and deliver new organization models, new technologies and management systems, relying on knowledge, innovation and intelligence, human, social and technological.

For the political leadership, exhibit the political will and show the political wisdom, launch the Smart Revolution Projects, successfully practiced on a smaller scale in the South Eastern Asian countries as the intelligent nation projects.

Thus we could start transforming the World as a Global Intelligent Eco Community of Smart Regions and Intelligent Cities, primarily investing in:

Sustainable World Ecology Intelligent World Infrastructure Smart World Transportation Smart World Energy Smart World Economy Smart World Finance Smart World Education Smart World Public Safety and Security Smart World Citizens Sustainable World Living and Wellbeing

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“The world has changed profoundly since 2000 when the Millennium Declaration and the MDGs were adopted. In particular, five shifts will make the coming fifteen--‐year period, 2015--‐2030, different from the MDG period ending in 2015: (i) the feasibility of ending extreme poverty in all its forms, (ii) a drastically higher human impact on the physical Earth, (iii) rapid technological change, (iv) increasing inequality, and (v) a growing diffusion and complexity of governance.

The Rio+20 vision of sustainable development as a holistic concept addressing four dimensions of society: economic development (including the end of extreme poverty), social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and good governance including peace and security.

Failures in one area, such as environmental sustainability or gender equality, can undermine progress in others, such as the eradication of poverty.

Poor governance and insecurity can all too easily undermine progress on economic, social, and environmental objectives. The public sector, business, and other stakeholders commit to good governance, including transparency, accountability, access to information, participation, an end to tax and secrecy havens, and efforts to stamp out corruption.

The international rules governing international finance, trade, corporate reporting, technology, and intellectual property are made consistent with achieving the SDGs.

Today’s problems will expand dangerously without an urgent and radical change of course. The world needs an operational Sustainable development framework that can mobilize all key actors (national and local governments, civil society, business, science, and academia) in every country to move away from the Business--‐as--‐Usual trajectory towards a Sustainable Development path.”

SOURCE: An Action Agenda for Sustainable Development. REPORT FOR THE UN SECRETARY-GENERAL. 23 October 2013. Sustainable Development Solutions Network. A Global Initiative for the United Nations.

To achieve all four dimensions, Good Governance should be completed and ultimately replaced by Smart Governance, by intelligent governance ecosystems, key element of Smart Revolution Global Strategy.THE FUTURE WE NEED.

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End extreme poverty including hunger (“poverty eradication is the greatest global challenge facing the world today…Chronic hunger continues to afflict some 870 million people”)

Achieve development within planetary boundaries Ensure Effective Learning for All Children and Youth for Life and Livelihood Achieve Gender Equality, Social Inclusion, and Human Rights for All Achieve Health and Wellbeing at All Ages Improve Agriculture Systems and Raise Rural Prosperity Empower Inclusive, Productive, and Resilient Cities Curb Human--‐Induced Climate Change and Ensure Clean Energy for All Secure Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity, Ensure Good Management of Water and

Other Natural Resources Transform Governance for Sustainable Development The 10 priority challenges demand entire, thorough, complete and total, revolutionary changes in

the world, its inefficient old systems of governance, social and economic and political order of things, denying compromising, conservative, half-way, incomplete, moderate, partial and superficial development policies, strategies, programs, actions, measures and solutions:

An Action Agenda for Sustainable Development. REPORT FOR THE UN SECRETARY-GENERAL. 23 October 2013. Sustainable Development Solutions Network. A Global Initiative for the United Nations.

SMART REVOLUTIO MANIFESTO, Azamat Abdoullaev, EIS Ltd, 2014

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Revolutions are disruptive forces aimed to change the system of government, the economic system, the cultural beliefs and values, or the whole social structure as the obsolete and inefficient social order.

Best human minds believed in the necessity of revolution as: “a cyclical alterations in the form of government” (Aristotle); “creating a new order reflecting the needs of the people” (Milton); “a force for the advancement of the mankind” (Kant); or “the fulfillment of human destiny” (Hegel)

There are several kinds and types of revolutions: Technological Revolutions (Agricultural Revolutions; Industrial Revolutions; Scientific

Revolutions; Information Revolutions) Socio-Political Revolutions (the English, French, American, Chinese, Russian, Arab, Eastern

European,…), forceful alterations in government, its related structures and associations. Smart Revolution is a radical and profound change in government, society, economy, science

and technology, culture and lifestyle, all types of social, political and economic relations, by means of disruptive innovations, social technologies and intelligent technologies.

Smart Global Revolution is to revolutionize the world, effecting a radical and entire change in the development the globe, its continents, countries, cities and communities.

Specifically, Smart Revolution means a replacement of traditional human governments by intelligent governance ecosystems worldwide.

The current global political order is the source of most global problems and challenges, economic, ecological, geopolitical, etc.,

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The world is at a historical critical point, with the following three scenarios. I.Lost World. The World will have suffered a permanent loss in wealth and capacity for growthII.Sluggish World. The World will have suffered a permanent loss in wealth and start slowly growing from the old basis.III.Smart and Sustainable World. The World is making a full recovery and raise its potential and capacity for Sustainable Future, covering economic, social, political, technological and environmental sustainabilityIV.The key goal of the Smart World Revolution Strategy is to stop the worst scenario of the world degradation, social, economic, cultural and environmental. Instead, to initiate the “Decade of Smart, Green, Healthy and Wealthy”, creating a strategic framework of sustainable world community development, as the Intelligent Stabilization and Growth Mechanism, while the ultimate aim, to create a world society composed entirely of sustainable communities of intelligent nations of eco regions and smart cities and communities.V.Smart World Revolution Strategy is the most viable solution for a Full Sustainable Recovery providing economic, social, political, technological and environmental sustainability Smart World Revolution Strategy is the platform for Intelligent Nations, Smart Cities and Green CommunitiesSmart World Revolution Strategy is advancing both poor nation states and world economies making obsolete the old world division into the core countries, semi-periphery countries and the periphery countriesSmart World Revolution Strategy sees the current world-economy, suffering a heavy crisis, as exhausted and detrimental to a large proportion of the world's population, to be transformed into a smart world-economy The Smart World Revolution Strategy requires a complete overhaul of the world system, its infrastructures both in the developed high-income countries, as Japan or USA, in the fast developing middle-income countries as BRIC, and in the underdeveloped low-income countries as Tajikistan or Rwanda. World StrategySmart World Strategy: http:

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We are living in the time of big challenges and opportunities. The world as the whole of human civilization, the socio-economic-political system of humanity, with its global ecological system, is rapidly changing. It’s becoming smaller, more unstable, and more endangered. Everything is fluid and fraught with volatility and uncertainty, the world population, world economy, world politics, world ecology, world religion, world network, world climate, thus the world future.

Comprising 195 independent sovereign states, 60 dependent areas and five disputed territories, the world is going through the lasting global crisis, when decisive changes are impending, when the whole world system is looking for a radical transformation in all the key spheres, sectors, parts and systems.

Intelligent technologies have burst into human lives with explosive force, spreading the shock waves in all domains and ways of life. The pace of technological change is at phenomenal speed, while the power structure and political systems are just changeless.

The Smart Revolution Concept is emerging in the quest for a fast sustainable growth and smart economic, technological and socio-cultural development and intelligent governance for international communities and states, regions and cities, as well as for enterprises, industries and economies, local, regional and global.

Smart World Revolution implies Smart Continents, Intelligent Nations and Smart Eco Cities, Smart People and Smart Life, Sustainable Land and Environment, Sustainable Infrastructure and Smart Industry, Smart Grids and Eco Buildings, Intelligent ICT and Eco Mobility, Big Science and Future Technology, Internet of Everything and Smart Web, Smart Financing and Intelligent Banking, Smart Health and Education, Smart Security and Safety, Smart Government, Regulations and Standards.

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The ultimate reason is to make our world radically different, intelligent, healthy, wealthy, livable, efficient, moral, fair, ecological, resilient, or sustainable, a.k.a., Smart World

The first reason is to reverse the world poverty and the extensive world hunger, which according to the most recent estimate of FAO is reached 925 million hungry people in 2010, with 1 billion slum dwellers worldwide, which now just increased by the global economic crisis, while the world has enough capacity to feed and to house everyone, as well as to provide work and quality jobs.

The world’s state of affairs, the world’s climate, the world’s resources, the world’s population, the world’s poverty with rapidly declining natural capital, knowledge capital and human capital, all urgently asks for radically innovative or innovatively radical solutions, as smarter planet solutions or intelligent urbanization, or integrated sustainable world strategy.

The close goal of the Smart World Revolution Strategy is to create a reference strategic framework of future development, while the ultimate aim is to develop a world society composed entirely of global communities of intelligent nations of eco regions and smart cities.

Going to the interconnected root causes, as eco world revolution, digital world revolution and intelligent world revolution, the Smart World is merging the digital environments, natural environments, built environments, and human spaces as globally unified innovation ecosystems.

In all, the Smart World Revolution means: I. Green Communities, Environmental infrastructure, Ecological security, Ecological sanitation, Natural resources

conservation and Environmental protection, Ecological landscape, Ecological awareness. II. Digital Communities, Smart Cyber Infrastructure, ICT, Information Security, Ubiquitous Computing, Internet,

Web X.0, Internet of Things, Virtual Spaces, and Digital Awareness. III. Intelligent/Creative/Knowledge Communities, Knowledge Infrastructure, Social Security, Social

Infrastructure, Innovation Systems, Social Spaces, Social Cohesion, Social Awareness and Intelligence. There is hardly any sensible alternative to investing in social cohesion, and socio-economic-political integration, smart people

or social and human capital, smart living or quality of life, smart governance, smart and innovative economy, smart infrastructure, smart utilities, smart eco estates, green buildings and energy networks, smart mobility, ICT networks, intelligent transport, and smart green environment/natural capital and resources: Smart World Strategy:.

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In essence, the Smart Revolution Strategy unifies three global disruptive innovations, involving Continents, Countries, Cities, and Communities:

Digital/ICT/Hi-Tech/Ubiquitous/Cyber/Mobile/ Revolutions (Universal Access to Digital Resources, Digital Freedom; Technological and Digital Sustainability)

Sustainable/Ecological/Green/Eco Revolutions (Universal Access to Natural Resources, Healthy Food, Clean Energy, Water, Air, Soil and Environment; Eco-Sustainability)

Social Revolutions (Universal Access to Power, Universe of Data, Knowledge and Information Networks, Basic Services, Resources, Social Rights and Freedom; Social, Economic and Political Sustainability)

Smart Revolution suggest radical, drastic, and constitutional, essential, fundamental, and organic, entire, thorough, complete and total changes in the world, its old systems of governance, social and economic and political order of things.

Smart Revolution denies compromising, conservative, half-way, incomplete, moderate, partial and superficial development policies, strategies, programs, actions, measures and solutions:

Objective and themes of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development; Report of the Secretary-General, UN, General Assembly (22 December 2010)

An Action Agenda for Sustainable Development. REPORT FOR THE UN SECRETARY-GENERAL. 23 October 2013.

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I-WORLD PLATFORM (Innovation and Growth; Social Innovations and Disruptive Technologies, Cloud, Mobile, Big and Open Data, Internet of Things, Social Technologies, and Crowdsourcing) > Global Intelligent Platform > i-Nation Mobile Cloud Platforms, i-Europe, i-America, i-Russia, i-China, i-Japan,…

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i-China (Smart China and i-Government)

i-Japan (Smart Japan Growth Strategy)

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0543049 (SMART


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i-America (Smart USA and i-Government)

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Page 19: Smart Revolution The fate of World is decided by the quality of its future cities. Globally, there are about 700 cities, each

with population exceeding 500,000. The infrastructure investment for these cities is forecasted to be $30 trillion to $40 trillion, cumulatively, over the next 20 years.

Here is the Human Smart Cities Manifesto Preamble, signed in Rome by cities from all over the world: We, the signatories of this Manifesto, come together to address the three main challenges facing the our

cities today: The devastating effects of the financial crisis undermining the European social model. This is leading to

severe limitations in cities’ abilities to invest in new infrastructures, and in some areas even for the provision of basic city services such as transportation and social services…

The demand for more effective representation set forth by our constituencies. The so-called democratic deficit is a cause for alarm for governance at any scale, but it also adds to the difficulty of building trust and engaging citizens in addressing common problems.

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